iTORNADtt s. , i Jlormaa Mtlroy. itudwta, sad (Used t » dO Mk, promises Japan power confrontig *llllud*$ perkta. OnFebruft. dQdettaflc re1 two day* later torpedo' attack t lying at Port fleet attack tb« ess'two attacks>ort Arthur was commission. On auk a Japanese uftlaa squadron id War. in formally de* nts o f ' t i e war t of Vladivostok t of Port'Arthur of WIJtt at th« rex April 6. and r and the defeat •posing on Ma jrl. u now In Man- M Japanese navy ilia's aea power Japanese nrmy,_ ies. lald'Mege to 1 Japanese army rthwant In Man* tfed ~a~~cmahtnf irtntlon and sup,e dowTTand beuSea at the lionreveled In earand champagne eeded food and VM an orgy of •..valiant .defense Treaty. pan and Russia evacuate Manl Uao-toog petaken over by_ terred her lease in, a» well as the •ort Arthur with e to be~used"for~ 4 only. Russia land of Baghalln, shlng, north and irlan 'coast, and Ighta on all the v scurs. Bestir. * ? flas-lMaitedi j w atowtjr feeding ojts of'•torn papee rav whote-attttno* was thai of a M * ^performing "a solemn rib, and doing tt Esealy. albeit with aojne deem* «t dlsr piataii Jam g 'Ntftrtsa catt «f Pteatfc* nan pat* playing waa evident. She Had * t atst)Bt*Ag» written (be first pert of (h* tetttc lat the eeM m o d a s a UttiV leases tor Over T*a» " Carey: he had read soturtker. batte. rey.whythealrof grtefT bia quick, Imsvain wt> bad reasoned that ttelr tavruWaimTwer* over.. Xf atflroy's greeting. New Tort.—Prat B. U Gamer. aat>' ' Carey looked up with a quick glance, he had read on, ba would have found vrallat sad stadeat of mookeys. returnSand lUlroy's curiosity was further In- aU the tenderaeas a- chiTIUM* girl- ed recsattji wita f e w tons of spec*l«reai|ed by th* mingled light of regret heart, deeply In love, can have- for ameas for th* ttaUasoaian the on* betovd land anger la his friend's eyes. la WaaMaatsa and a dsacriptktr e* P Corey'continued to shuffle tht torn aOlroy 'aiood breathl«a« a* the aa aalmaW a cross between a t**Ua I bits of piper mto the Hre wnlen licked thowght came to him: t can Hep this aad «.TchWspansee. walra b* avers tbe fragments. Another glance letter, and Carey and she need nejcr Waa of such figs lateUIgeaca that It Bntas j*f IwlMitstbiiiMniga on CnUyi avebua, Vwga*1 Kails, aUnfa,- destroyed by a tornado tbat kUled several r told Mllroy that Carey was burning let- kndw. The next moment be cursed could talk, .to a Umlttd degree to aahimself for the thought turned, and ttvea ta thCJPreaeh Congo. • ters—letters written in a small, fernth r'Intne handwriting, and one tbat be to (he wonder of the passerby, hurried ' T h ^ t himself recognized with a start aa that at a rapid pace down the atreet , yeats and aeved mobtha in the Frenta HIS ONE AMBITION ' of the girl whom they had both met B s entered Carey's apartment, to O ^ y j W t the Btsltav - that summer. She bad seemed to fa- flad'hta morosely packing his bags. vor Carey, and Jtllroy had retired, as Carey lettked up wottdertngly, and n CalU* >lnfe*Hd. gracefully aa h* could after he .dls- Mllroy held out the tetter. a4 say travel* through the yeacovered thst her dark eyes had for In the familiar. If Impolite language gUB>i.^BaV*tMver ceue.acrMs soeh him no light that Is the most wonder- of tons triendihlp, he said shortly: sv^stnage animal as the talking goTmt blundering Idiot, when" you get rilla,", he -saUl "I first beard of the ful of all on earth. 'Shocked Into seriousness by what a love Utter, why dont you read all beasJ'fTbm natives In the Cong* who be had discovered, be said hesitating- of, HI Now take'that letter and— •*!<* that, a certain reglqaj was.Iafested Red § r m Caret for People out tens «f tbouianil* of American- { mad* Rnrnienta. They nent In doc- ' ly:, "But those bits look like tht rem- read It r Wlt» (he animals. wlUTwhlMf they'had tors. Hum's and medtrnl supplies, I Made Dwtitute by Buinants of letters. Something wrong?" And MUroy « « down t o enjoy Uw JeaWd to Ulk sftw a fashion." ' X h a j M d J Lk inK L,}kWz on>rwid-'taBde-of: tben muttered sharply: "foal's what to accompany him to the Aroerlenn flour. Thry tstabllshefl Wouldn't <Und tot I t I they are—letters. I'm. making a bqnhabitat «f th* animals, .He asM ha for -Iho 'hvtDvitHM wbmcu' aniJ By, way tit providing,* little exer-» found they had told the into and b* ; nre of the letters Mildred wrote nw>children. They rarml fur the tiordea 1 and that* lost what ti*y are good else for Its hundreds of girl employee*, Wouelf. set about to leam to tslk^to of bruken and dliplrtteil cirevk ar ! officers of the ordnance corps In the noakera. which. In the dark, could fsr. ^ w b e -Iwd—l»»en• Mllroy'a heart-Jumped. If some- Washington arranged last summer a be taken for natives. leased from vtlo prison camps In Bui- tlQng had come between-bt«-friend and aeries of dally military-drill* for the - ' Headquarter* of Amerlsaa OUand TeLures Mate Is Death. .-workers,—It--*a* -a. ~ Oae n1gnt"s«Ter« offfllt man apet liitsr—U~Op«naT»fUr Bui. 4hey-both-tovedi-tliere-iiil|bt-|-f«l< y g . ln~tlielr devotion to tbe task ot tut a"ctiancefor him, tOr tiext to Carry, great success until a girl, who hadn't approached tb* edge of the village ami ceupatlew « i * Awful rescuing the typhus-strlrken pop'ulaMllroy knew she had seemed very left her dignity behind when she went utter** a strange rail which wounded tlnn two of their nuinber tout their Picture of Wleery. dly-to-birar-f to the. cspltat-from-Peorlar-protosted- Itko-—**yaa-nuua." riufewwi—Oariker taedtbo™t "What , Is the trouble, old chap, to a group of her mates that she salO. This, bo declared, was- the call of dread disease. i Ravalla, Maceitonl*.—rei* Amarlsomething tbat can be straightened hadn't given all to the government caasi, excettt thoae In the tobacco Inoutr Mllroy asked. ' when It needed her, Just to bo Industry. beard of this If^tle HAVE NO ONE TO PUT IN JAIL - Carey shook his head'with a growl. sulted. , port o a t h * Aegean sea. Vet It baa Knowing the ways of bis good-hearted - " T n a lady." she paid, "and I don't many features and sctlvltlee to co«- Mayor ef• Canton Wants to Knew but quick-tempered friend, Mllroy said propose to stand In line out there and mtod ltto,,th«Ufil«mt,*f U l i-VVhat Uee tN.Pf.t»»a.,l*^ta.,;, •„,-: t f 1 notij^jme,*aM«;|;' - p--5 >2 4Bi16ak4~""'r i6 MT •"•"A 'moment* latw tbe"«rouchinir lit? and has a gold bar on his shoulder— Here tbe Baest tooaeco In the world nre banded up a small letter, and Mll- call me fresh names. Tm surprised —tbe bulk of. which Is costumed tn Canton, O.<—">Vhat good la a Jnll roy took It- Be recognised the fine thajt you girls stand It" America—Is grown, tlere the, great when there U.nn one to put In ItT "Why. what's the matter, Ethel r handwriting, the girlishly formed letAmerican tobacco Companies have es< 'Tlilk query tint sprung by Mayor ters, and the memory of them as he one ot her aurpriaed.friends demandport headqaarteraT. Here the t>(fge*t Poorman, and' when ho failed to get seen them lri brief notes to him ed. "I was with you all afternoon, oil company of tbe United State* and any answers from other officials be ane back- with a rush with memories and I didn't see a thing- oat of th* America's greatest relief organization, nounced • he. would recotnmtnd Hint her. way. Everything was perfectly love,, th* American Bed Cross, have dlstribi the old city jail In (he basement of tbe A' aallur ou. Kfc ft I" SAVEYANKCITY * IN MACEDONIA CITY LIRE REAL ISCsvaUa has "com*'To have' b<i repaired'and euuvorted IntiT oOlce him first Instead,e lov- Didn't you hear that lieutenant ttan<< torn* of the aspects of a real Ameri- rooms for*the city building commisng terms which a loved one might be there and yell 'Squib* right I* and can city. There are so many Amert- sion. • d b t Squabs lefTFeveryTewTriilhufesT'jrd*" lefTFeveryTewTrih ^Squabs that one feels himself only "TheJail Is of no use now,".said cold, formal: "My Dear Mr, Myron." body b 'can ' 'call ' l l me a squab b « n & f et a few hundred miles from home, In- Mayor J'oonnan. "It hns only been From that.eopl greeting,, hardly one away with Itl"-San Francisco Chron stead of In'the heart of a remote re- used for several years for drunks.and that a girl would send to her lover, tele. gion, whose beginnings antedate tbe stackers we have none of Mllroy** eyes run on to the body of birth of Christ. these, The new Jnll Is sufficiently targt the fetter. It began: M feel-that It Bulgaria'Wants Hsrber. Candid Wsathsr Forecasts^ to (uke care of. all prisoners," tbe mayIs time that you .and I came to an un- At but Is found a scientific weatherFor, years Bulgaria has looked upon or added. derstanding," and It went on to state forecaster who- candidly confesses Kavalla with a covetous eye. AlIn cold terms her Idea of his be- that he knows-no more about any though defeated, and subdued, she looked hopefully - to the peace conhavior. Undoubtedly It waa a let- .weather that Is to come, or Indeed that g r a s at Farts to give her Kavalla as ter tbat severed the relations between has passed, than the man In the moon. a port Yet Kavalla Is not a harbor. them. — This unprecedented winter, with tt Is merely a roadstead affording good Itlslng from., before the grate, almost no snow In the city, and bardanchorage for coastwise steamers. CoreyJooked jt^ him with mournful ly any cold. U In sharp contrast with HQIIdos~of dollars and enuieu d*. eyes. "There's tbe end, of a sum- last winter when the mercunTregts^ , CeuM Talk I * Native*. to.con 'mer's dream; aid why it should be'I ttfed. luf December., 18 below. This jlopmn woold be required q . l l r t ! B says, that extremes the male don't know. My confounded hot tern- only shows,"" he* vwtthedtylntoanrst-cliissport! Bat ttsmste. Interpreted, tt '•gjlsg. «Btlil_^tt"'T'J''|onieHmes." As m i B t which now has only, the mar; The sn^^^ngwlngTfuturiCSceatEer^^ „.,,, Bwrular^n I illfl: n*n; mten.. .rHh« .rWTwn ry of the Oulf of Enoa,' was and jprti H keep an engagement with me—went there aretwo ways to calculate; one Is asal*. Is "Ahooeiioo," meaning, as ProI* aasloas to get an outlet through • off' with an old beau and left me that tbe average will be, kept good; fssaor Garner' satd, "Here I am." Armies Needed Them. •In the lurch. I wrote a bit hotly about the other is that it will not be. "If Professor Oarner said be spent Macedonia'and the aea, for her large i- i t Tm .done—and I suppose' It Is tbe first hail baa been above the av» weeks perfecting himself in Imitating output of tobacco, wheat, live .stock, i.yonr chance. I know bow she re*eragc It U likely those same cono> the call of the female. Then on* night silk and attar of roses, and would be tions will continue for an Indefinite fee answered the call of a pale' ape;«tute ready to spend any sum la, de» -gards you." ' i b U i ; ew York, Initiating * very latervstod little pupil Into tbe mysteries of a ship's tiugls fnll». In this cool, cosv spot on tbe deck of one of Undo Barn's great fighting crafl, this little chap plays at "sailor" to hts heart's dellghf, and asks a million childish questions, all uf which are promptly and willingly answered by bis pal, the "gob." LACK MICE FOR STUDY OFCANCER UP RESEARCH WORK greas the results islon. _ hills for and purchasing ed,and. the navy le a" separate dedent was author; Igulnrs and 10,000 rry In the United d. i temporarily- sit-BasM Terre-on. , rionpe.« MJaptalnjmttalug* off.^fi Hvateers' ffo Captain Tjngey, t abd-Haytl* csptteV-Another Lauras.'off Havana. freer* were sunk. « Oth- of Teamtn {he. QonstallaSt. Kltfi lasting h * h W different time*. Different types of the 3fffiii Is often found lmp<Mslt(le to dlscrlraInkte between the different ctass»Bi'«f symptoms in men. When mice .were Inoculated with the germs, however, effects were produced which readily classified tbe disease. wrBTbytbeOi rbut'no man* wfin"any sense afe'reliabicuthe other." - Tnerr you population bad been seat to the war, Investigations In Disease .. Back from the seacoast la Tb* ape. he. said, was mot* than ;jDf,honor_can belittle himself by get- have the confession and repentance but that, a careful anal/llsjjf jybe_fl£_ flaath Bits JjumpSi — _, known in Mac*' tuir tnlltwmpleta. sttTfeeTiajr nnd'welgheir 200 poanda. ires showed 'that the changes were tlnr dowiTon his kh~eas~after-getting donla aa th* Pangaloa. ^nh^tepf that kind."' • '• f New Tort.—Study of cancer, during mainly due to dislocation of classes of Omratag through the valley, ~ Hoc Brakes -Froie" In June. not to any remarkable InMllroy started to say: "If a man TRIES MARK TWAIN'S ADVICE t>sngalon'a eastern slope. Is tbe pladd the war was Impeded, not only by tak- population, crease or decrease' In th* disease Itloves a girt enough, he will get on his , The -woman driver brought-her car AagjUsta rtvrr, which some historical ing physldans from research work self. Into tbe service station. "My brakes fknees—or-even;do more than that." •maMler Cesilss From, the "DoaM*- writefs betteve to be the stream where but because of the shortage of mice, Dsatn M i s Jumped. but knowing his friend be said noth- dont seem-to stop the car at all," she ;, " Barrel**- Detective," but M Peat baptised tydla. On all' sfdes of which were nsetf In large quantities said. "I wish you would sea if you As cancer la most prevalent In pering.. ' ' "'Doesn't Werit the- mountains In this region Is rich t^lth th* allied armies Tor the detec- sons over the military age, tbe pcoporcan tell me what Is the matter. I tion of gas aad tbe .diagnoses of c«rthe letter Into the flr* fcH M ! t M 1 *l** m.ttsburgh.—Jfark Twain's State- crowth of tobacco. Tbe best leaf In but the brakes don't wotk." it belongs," said Carey shortly., "TO ment in 'the "Donbie-Barrelejl Detec- the vorid Is grown her*; and so valu- report of-l)r«.jrranda Carter-Wood, alljrJutnjMd. where the proportion of be sorry-for the .whole affair before • Tbe servtca manager catted a man tive." that "the best way to throw a able are th* .fields fof tobacco culture director of tb* Oeotge Crocker special men of younger ages was, reduced. and had him look, st the brakes and -It is over,.but"that's the*way I" feel research fund of Columbia university. In-this country, likewise, thjsreconts he discovered a very common trouble detective off t i e track is to go sloog that very Ufa* else Is Cultivated. * _ BOW." ' • Thousands of nice which bad been were found to show that cancer __ ,wUh htmVr, was pot. into'practice Daring the -war tbe Bulgarians —the owner bad-been <rsi*«M<»r-*eaearcb work weteitumed most,jtfBvaJent tn .Vermont and^Jeait adopted hvS«*a*U^b*-a«BM~fnthlea» ltf~ifg"W *nM«MJ8*d enwggieraat otftwb small reds that act as a pivot pver to the •government, Tbe mice so In Utah ami jiontana, but 'this was letter to Carey, who took It in his for the brake mechanism. 'As a result tne Standard ©tt'tanker fcoyal Arrow. practice* tney followed l a all occu- breathe very rapidly tad are far jpore explained as -being due to tb* too* hand, and then, paused.' at, San sTrandsco from pied territory. They pillaged and dethey were'rusted « f "ftjqwnt together , He hSn-with musing eyes. solid, "four brakes are frozen, Mrs. stroyeoV-They made every effort to sensitive to gsses than bnman beings, that a Urge percentage at the youth • , -I have always thought yon were tne Jones," said the service manager. "If; .When''the custom* Inapecto/board- make tb* land uninhabitable.- They so that they wet* kept In exposed seo>. of Vermont bad migrated and tbat a _ tors and observed closely, because larger proportion of the,population In; 'Chap for her. I 'know yon. have been you will leave th* car la tbe shop we. ed the,tamer,to search, for contra- cot down the trees and carried off furt out ot touch with her since our.en- can fix It up for you In AD hour or s i " band, they followed thsjastom of go- nltare and everything mad* of wjodc tbelr behavior woold Indicate the com- the western suites wo* composed of The* nocked th* homes and drove ing of gas long before It could be de-nswcomers,i generally yonng men and [ gagement. Ton might as well start In "My brakes are *fmen .up!1* ex- Ing to a,vacant stateroptt to change tected by, human beings,, H wat also women. > where I left off. Take' the letter claimed the owner. •, 1 can;uaderstand their,uniforms for,searching "clothes. tbe Greek Inhabitants dot Among countries, cancer mortality , [along; her new-address Is on It, and how the radiator ean frees* la Decem- They nrst'aearcbed Una room and then As n result'of all this, when tbe announced that mice bad been sent ' ~ can write her. I km done. 'Tm Greek twiiniissHm tit tb* American out on board every submarine, for tb* was grtatsr In gwltyeriand, and" -was ' 1 am utterly a t a loss to un- started to Inspect th* vessel., highest generally .when, the, highest t trip In Maine, and Ins stateraom to Chang* back Into iunel" •, you. can, let me give yon a their uniforms' and wet* >WUB toed to rm'done wllh_ all this business - •" - " - - ' — roombsvbagbeen ' His rutttrs , , . ;man la love Is Ilk* an animal off lrtaba«n«f. A» ex' A widower, who was a minister and 'feed. And I have been off.,my th the teener* M father of a smatt aoo o f nine, married-, r trolley ever-since-last t t l . - r i n r f ^ t 4.1 ats froo. Th* tWo boy* f'Mllrdy' tacked the :le|t«/Into hla age a f trneweddmg. A*th* .oat. at the «ame « v » making an a t Vtheenurcbalsl* tempt to cheer uplhla_gloomy friend. Tsxai—WhU*. relarMes *f j«t, knowing ithaU'ttMu latden oppof .tonttjr lay befone mm.' ' i , , , , t j , here. •', rwoj the,apartment be hurried out. : after painty endeavoring to. l « a little' "'/ ^iifobtetriiMrsdTn •mall envelppe in,.hU,pock«t Kersv'a f e V _ tbetr npreeentatlves " foond' living conditions ' almost' uhsopportaW*. -- Flnt Red Cross Base. ' /ZavaOt was. the first dty tn Maoel l fnr-Hed-.Cfiies, , One ef the most common trouble* on submarine* has been, from chlorine, do* to ^ret batteries, Tb* mice react to tb* gas long before it Is dangerous, or even perceptible, to the crew, thus _ j . supposes this to be due, nottoany connection between cancer 'and a, high'' state of, civilisation, but to th* fact, that cancer Is less,often diagnosed and reported,as the cans* ot death'bi ' • T*e aattses speak with oobounded and repair i t before the atr become* gxatltod*of the help given, so tainted a* to be dangerous. In th* tn* Aasericans. Tftsy..»iy<tbe',1t6Ml British army hundreds of canaries" wereluMd, as well as mtc*> for the d*» tsctloD of gas,' In addlUon to supplyIng thousands' of mice to "ft* government.' tbe'Owge Crock*/ special re- %i£gn£ig: ft , * '. , * "r. .,.1 -•'
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