PhD Oral Defence Session Date and time

PhD Oral Defence Session
cand.scient. Torben Hansen
"Udskolingen i bevægelse – et aktionsforskningsprojekt
med henblik på at udvikle next practice idrætsundervisning
i folkeskolens udskoling"
Date and time: 13-01-2017 at 14.00 hrs.
Venue: Lab for Leg og Innovation, Institut for Idræt og
Biomekanik, Bygning 39
Committee of Examiners:
Professor Mikael Quennerstedt, School of Health Sciences, Örebro University
Professor Lene Tanggaard Pedersen, Department of Communication and
Psychology, University of Aalborg
Associate Professor Mikkel Hansen, Department of Psychology, SDU
Principal Supervisor:
Associate Professor Lars Elbæk, Department of Sports Science and
Biomechanics, University of Southern Denmark