8 STANDARD UNION TUESDAY, JANUARY 13, 1931. DEATH NOTICES DEATH NOTICES DEATH NOTICES BANNON—Thomas F., on Jan. 12, KAIN—On Jan. 12, 1931, Thomas SMITH—Mary (nee Powers), on at his residence, 102 Douglass St., be- F. Kain, lieutenant of New York Sunday, Jan. 11, at her residence, loved son of John J. and; Bridget M. Fire Department, Engine Company 70 Columbia street. Beloved wife of 212, beloved brother of Mrs. Mary Sydney Smith and loving mother of V Funeral notice hereafter. Bock. Funeral from the residence Eleanor, daughter of Mrs. Anna BAUMANN—Henry, Sr., in his of his niece, Mrs. Thomas Murphy, Powers and sister of Helen. Fusixty-ninth year, died Jan. 10, 1031. 159-20 Deer st., Howard Beach, on neral Wednesday from her late resiSurvived by three sons, Dave, George Thursday, at 9:30 A. M. Solemn dence, thence to St. Peter's R. C. and Henry, Jr.; one daughter, Anna, requiem mass at Church of Our Church, where a requiem mass will and five sisters and thirteen grand- Lady of Grace, Howard Beach, at be offered at 10 A. M. Interment children. Funeral from the home of 10 o'clock. Interment Calvary Calvary Cemetery. his son, Henry, 2015 Himrod st., Cemetery. STAPLETON—On Jan. 12. 1931, Ridgewood, Wednesday at 0:30 A. M. Relatives and friends are invited. KENNEDY—On Jan. 11th at her James W., beloved husband of ElizaInterment St. John's Cemetery. residence, 1339 Park place, Marga- beth Stapleton (nee Moore),; dear ret Kennedy (nee Fogarty), beloved father of Margaret and William, and BROOKLYN LODGE, NO. ZZ, B. mother of Mary A. James. M. and beloved brother of Mrs. Margaret P. O. ELKS—Brothers: You are re- Edward J. Kennedy. Funeral on Grice. Funeral from his late resquested to attend the funeral ser- Wednesday at 9:30 A. M., thence idence, 314 s 5th st., on Wednesday, vices of our brother, PETER J. to St. Matthew's R. O. Church January 14, at 9:30 A. M. Requiem FILAN, Tuesday evening, Jan. 13, at where a solemn mass of requiem mass at Transfiguration R. O. 7:45 o'clock, at his residence, 76 will be celebrated. Church, Marcy ave., cor. Hooper st. 3d pi. Interment Calvary Cemetery. SAMUEL C. DUBERSTEIN, LONG ISLAND COUNCIL, NO. STETZNER—On Jan. 11, Grace Exalted Ruler. 197, Knights of Columbus.—We an- Agnes, wife of Arthur Stetzner. at JOSEPH H. BECKER, Secy nounce with deep regret the death the residence of her mother, Mrs of Brother JOHN BROWN, 329 LinBECK—Hanna Malloy, beloved coln rd„ near Nostrand ave., Brook- Jane Rlckard, 113 Noble st., Brookwife of the late Thomas, on Jan. 11, Funeral Wednesday. Jan. 14. Members will assemble at the lyn. Solemn mass of requiem, Church of at her residence, 5415 5th ave. lyn. Columbian Club at 8:15 P. M., Solemn mass of requiem Wednes- on Jan. 14. Automobiles will convey St. Antony of Padua, 10 A. M. Inday. Jan. 14, at 0:30 A. M., at the you to the home of our late brother. terment St. John's Cemetery. Church of Our Lady of Perpetual STICKEVERS—Frederick F., in FRED G. TUTTLE, Help, 59th st. and 5th ave. Interhis 79th year, suddenly at his home, Grand Knight. ment Calvary Cemetery. 8741 114th St., Richmond Hill, N. Y., THOMAS J. GUILMARTIN, op Monday, Jan. 12, 1931. He is Recorder. BRENNAN—Joseph J., 5206 Juncsurvived by his sister, Mrs. Mary J. tion blvd., Elmhurst, L. I. Burial Solemn requiem mass will Thursday, 10 A. M. Mass St. BarLORENZ—Dorothea, on Jan. 11, Brown. be held in the Church of the Holy tholomew's R. C. Church. Inter- age 72. Funeral services at her late Child Jesus, 112th st. and 86th ave., ment St. John's Cemetery by Wil- home, 8905 87th st., Woodhaven, Richmond on Thursday, Jan. liam P. Murphy & Son, 87 Herbert L. I., Wednesday, 8 P. M. Inter- 15, at 10 A. Hill, M. st. ment Cypress Hills Cemetery. TENNIS—Anna (nee McCairn), BROWN—On Jan. 12, 1931. John McGUIRK—On Jan. 11th, Peter J., beloved husband of Mary Brown P., at his residence, 640 77th street, on Saturday, Jan. 10, wife of the (nee Flynn) and dear father of beloved husband of Anna S. Boy- late William Tennis. > Funeral John J., Jr., Mary A., Thomas J. Ian and father of Mrs. Edward A. Wednesday, Jan. 14, from the resiand Frank J. Brown. Funeral from Gorman, Edwin P., Paul F., Virginia dence of her daughter, Mrs. T. P. his residence, 329 Lincoln road, and Lawrence. Funeral from his Cunningham, 8522 124th St., RichThursday, Jan. 15, at 9:30 A. M. residence Wednesday morning. Sol- mond Hill, at 9:30 A. M.; thence to the Church of the Holy Child Jesus. Solemn requiem mass at R. C. emn requiem mass at St. Ephrem's Interment Calvary Cemetery. Church of St. Francis of Assisi, Church at 10 o'clock. Interment Nostrand ave. and Lincoln road. In- Holy Cross Cemetery. TREGASKIS—Emma H., suddenly terment St. John's Cemetery. on Sunday, Jan. 11, 1931, beloved MULLEN—On Sunday, Jan. 11, '* CUMMINGS—James J., died on 1931, Mary F. (nee Farrell), beloved wife of Frederick Tregaskis, mother Sunday, Jan. 11, 1931, at 250 Albany wife of John J. Mullen, also survived of Andrew Hyde. Funeral service ave. Funeral Wednesday 10 A. M. by five sons, two daughters and one Tuesday at 8 o'clock, at her residence, 380 McDonough ~st., Brooklyn. DERRING—On Monday, Jan. 12, brother. Funeral Wednesday, at 9 Interment Cypress Hills Cemetery, A. M. from 70-22 Ridge boulevard, 1931, Harry E., beloved husband of Wednesday morning. , Elizabeth Derring (nee Jardine), at with requiem mass in St. Thomas Aquinas Church. Interment St. TUTLLE—On Jan. 11, Clarence, his home, 196 Lawrence ave. Funeral beloved husband of Ethel Hoy and Thursday at 2 P. M. Interment John's Cemetery. father of Elaine and brother of EdHoly Cross Cemetery. O'BRIEN—Suddenly at his home, ward, at his residence, 7301 11th 369 Halsey st., John, beloved husDOLL—On Jan. 12, Mary, at her ave. Requiem mass Wednesday at residence, 459 Onderdonk ave., band of Margaret and brother of St. Patrick's Church, Kent and Ridgewood, in her 72nd year. Sur- Sister Martemo, of the- Sisters of Willoughby aves., at 9:30 A. M. Invived by one sister, one grandchild, Charity, 'and Margaret Seery. Re- terment Holy Cross Cemetery. a niece and a nephew. Funeral quiem mass Wednesday morning at VERNEOREY—On Saturday, Jan. services, Wednesday, at 8 P. M. 9:30 at Our Lady of Victory R. C. Funeral Thursday at 2 P. M. In- Church. Interment St. John's 10, Augusta Verneorey (nee Mertineit), beloved mother of Edward terment at Lutheran Cemetery. Cemetery. Verneorey, also mother-in-law, in FILAN—On Sunday, Jan. 11, 1931, RITZLER—Julia, on Monday, Jan. her 67th year. Funeral from her at 74 Third pi., Peter J. Filan, be- 12, 1931, devoted mother of Charles. late residence, 298 Grove st., on loved husband of Catherine F., Funeral from her late residence, 226 Wednesday, Jan. 14, at 2 P. M. Infather of Walter P. and Mrs. Mar- Stockton st., Brooklyn, New York. terment Evergreen Cemetery. tin Nelson and brother of Mrs. Mary Thursday, Jan. 15th, at 1:30 P. M. WILMOT—On Sunday, Jan. 11, Lucas, Mrs. Hugh Van Burden, Interment in Most Holy Trinity 1931, Joseph Wilmot, beloved stepMargaret and Andrew Filan. Fu- Cemetery under direction of Thomas father of James and Charles Shepneral Wednesday, 9:30 A. M. Sol- M. Quinn and Son. pard, Mrs. Arthur Williams and Mrs. emn mass of requiem at St. Mary Lester Small. Funeral services at ROHAN—On Jan. 10, 1931, R. C. Church. Interment Holy his residence, 873 60th st., Brooklyn, Howard Joseph, born injpld New Cross Cemetery. York thirty-seven years * ago, be- on Wednesday, Jan. 14, at 2 P. M. G A L L A G H E R — S u d d e n l y o n J a n . loved husband of Em&na and father Interment Greenwood Cemetery. ., 1931, Edward D., belpved son of of Howard Rohan, Jr.; son of the late Edward and Mary A. Gal- Thomas and Katherine Houlihan IN MEMORIAM lagher and devoted brother of Mrs. Rohan, brother of Robert E., BROWN—In loving memory of Agnes Guinn, Catherine, John and Thomas, Frank, John, Irene and Andrew. Funeral Wednesday morn- Mrs. J. C. Murphy. Funeral from our niece, Florence E., who died Jan. ing from his residence, 144 Fourth the Fairchild Chapel, 86 Lefferts 13, 1926. avenue, thence to St. Augustine's pi., near Grand ave., Wednesday, at ELIZABETH AND MARY SCHAAF. R. C. Church where a solemn re- 8:45 A. M., thence to St. Teresa's JOHANNESEN — In memory of quiem mass will be offered at 9:30 R. C, Church', Classon ave. and A. M. Interment at Holy Cross Sterling pi., where requiem mass Clarence Johannesen, died Jan. 13, J922. Gone, but not forgotten. Cemetery. will be offered at 9:30 A. M. SISTERS and BROTHERS. GLANCY *- Elizabeth, beloved SCHIEN—Marie Depezie (nee McKEON—In memory of John wife of the late James J., and mother of Margaret, James, John Walsh), on Jan. 11, at her residence, Francis McKeon, who died Jan. 13, 951 76th st., dearly beloved wife 1930. Anniversary mass Wednesday, and May Kleff on Monday, Jan. 12, 1931. Funeral from her late resi- of the late Henry Schien and de- Jan. 14, at 9 A. M., at the Church dence, 616 Halsey St., Brooklyn, on voted mother of Mrs. Joseph W. of the Visitation. Thursday. Requiem mass at Church Smith, Henry and the late He llttletljought when leaving horn* Tljj giwnlTTil return no more; of Our Lady of Good Counsel, Put- Amy, Agnes and Gertrude Schien he in death, so soon would sleep nam .and Brooklyn aves., Brooklyn, Solemn requiem mass Will be offered And leave us here to mourn. for the happy repose of her^_ at 10 A. M. Interment St. Mary's has passed since thitt sad day. Wednesday at 9:30 A. M. at St. One year Cemetery, Staten Island. one we loved was called away. Ephrem's R. C. Church, 75th st. The God took him home. It was His will. GORDON—On Jan. 11, 1931, and Fort Hamilton pkwy. Inter- But in our hearts he llveth still. James, beloved son of George G, ment Holy Cross Cemetery. FAMILY. and Julia Kinsella Gordon, and devoted brother of Mrs. Harry Johnson, Mrs. Fred Ahlers, Mrs. Cecil Bennett, Mrs. John Fiedler, Bruce and Peter Gordon. Services at residence of his sister, Mrs. John Fiedler, 375 Sixth st., Brooklyn, Tuesday at 8 P. M. Interment Greenwood Cemetery, Wednesday, 2 P. M. GRANEY —On Jan. 11, 1931, Catherine, daughter of the late Thomas Graney and Bridget Laffy Graney. Funeral from 242 Classon ave. on Wednesday, Jan. 14, at 9 A. M.; thence to St. Patrick's R. C. Church. Interment Holy Cross Cemetery. GROTHEEB—Louisa, on Jan. 11, after a lingering Illness, beloved wife of William H. Grotheer. Survived by a daughter and a son. Funeral services will be held at late m casATosr residence, 16 McKinley ave., Glendale, L. I., on Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. Funeral Thursday at 2 P. M. Interment Lutheran Cemetery. HARRIS—On Jan. 11, 1931, at her home, 450 Myrtle ave., Amelia Harris tnee Dreis), beloved mother of Richard and WllUam Harris, Mrs. Err ma Kessell, Mrs. Anna Walsh. Funeral services at her home Thursday, 2 P . M . Interment Greenwood Cemetery. HOBBINS—John, beloved father of Lillian Helms, and brother of Patrick, Frank, William and Charles, on Sunday at his home, 750 Macon st. Funeral on Wednesday. Requiem mass at Holy Rosary Believe it or not, taste is taste, whether Church at 10 A. M. Interment St. John's Cemetery. its owner sports a dinner coat or a JOHNSON—Mary, on Jan. 12, dinner pail. 1931, resident of 190 8th St., toeloved sister of Peter Smith, Jr. FuI covered Pittsburgh from the Mayor's neral from Walter B. Cooke's Funeral Home, 50 7th ave., Brooklyn office to the sootiest, hottest steel Thursday, 2 P. M. Interment Calvary Cemetery. mills. Gave every mother's son I met at her residence, 293 Clermont avenue, Wednesday, at 8 P, M. She was the WidoW Of William G. Thompson, and is survived by two sons, William G. and Harry J. Thompson; three daughters, Mrs. Leo Blum, Mrs. Peter Marino, Mrs. John H. Reb, wife of Dr. John H. Reb; several grandchildren, three sisters, Mrs. Elizabeth Farrell, Mrs. Laura Strade, Miss Ella V. Shannon, and one brother, Harry Shannon, of Huntington. Interment at Greenwood Cemetery under direction of William Dunlgan & Son, 201 Park avenue. OBITUARIES HARRY E. D K R R T N G died yesterday at hia home, 196 Lawrence avenue. He is survived by his widow, Elizabeth Jardine Derring. He was employed as a stationary engineer for eighteen seasons at the Rocky Road to Dublin Railway at Coney Island and for the same number of years at the Oayety Theatre in Brooklyn. He was a member of the Loyal Order of Moose and the Foresters of America. The funeral will be held at 2 P. M. Thursday. Interment will be at Holy Cross CemW I L L I A M CASPAR died Sunday etery under direction of James L. in his seventy-fifth year. He is surLynam's son, 503A Fourth avenue. vived by three sisters, Anna WarnGRACE AGNES SPETZNER died ken, Louise Wilmore and Henrietta Sunday at the home of her mother, Wagner, and a brother, Renatus P. Mrs. Jane Rickard, 113 Noble street. Caspar. The funeral services will She is survived by her husband, be held at 8:30 P. M., to-morrow, Arthur a daughter, seven sons, her at the funeral chapel of Kearns mother and a sister. Jeanette, and Sons, 1504 Bushwick avenue. Intera brother, John Richard. The fu- ment at 10:30 A. M. Thursday will neral will be held at 10 A. M. to- be at Evergreen Cemetery. morrow with requiem mass at the Church of St. Antony of Pauda. InCATHERINE O'BRIEN died yesterment will be at St. John's Ceme- terday at her home, 468 Fifty-ninth tery. street. She was a daughter of the late Bartholomew O'Brien and MABY GALLAGHER died Mon- Catherine McCarthy O'Brien. She day. She was born in Crolly, is survived by a sister, Barbara, and County Donegal. Ireland, and had two brothers, Jeremiah and Frank. been a resident of Brooklyn for the The funeral will be held at 9:30 past thirty years. She is survived A. M., Thursday, with requiem mass by one sister, Mrs, Rose Sweeney, in at the Church of Our Lady of PerIreland. Funeral Wednesday at 9:30 petual Help. Interment will be at from the home of Mrs. Nellie Hynes, Holy Cross Cemetery. 212 Garfield place; thence to St. Francis' Church. Interment at St. ROBERT MILTON CARLSON, John's Cemetery under direction of son of Frederick and Eleanor DahlJames A. Madden, 197 Franklin man Carlson, died Sunday at his ave. home, 773 Fifty-eighth street. He is survived, in addition to his parents, SARAH A. SEARS died Thursday. by one sister, one brother and his She was born at Clayville, N. Y.. the grandparents. The funeral services daughter of Isaac and Eliza Bradley, will be held at 2 P. M. to-day at the in September, 1848. In her-early in- funeral chapel of John H. Holmlin, fancy the family moved to New 521o Seventh avenue, the Rev. C. O. York City and lived at Avenue D Thumberg officiating. Interment at and Tenth street during the Civil Mount Olivet Cemetery. War. She remembered well the draft ELIZABETH SCHWEALER, of riots of that pediod and also heard Abraham Lincoln when he spoke at 7117 Sixty-seventh street, Glendale, Cooper Union before his electipn as died Friday in her fifty-second year President. She was the oldest of at Bushwick Hospital. She is sureleven children. She married James vived by her husband, Phillip; five E. Sears in New York in 1872 and sons, Henry, Adolph, Phillip J., Wilcame to the Greenpoint section of liam and Edwin; one sister, Brooklyn soon after. She had three Mathilda Lock, and one brother, children, Augusta Adzit, Seymour H. Charles Lock. She was a member Sears and Mabel Cleveland, the two of the Glendale Evangelical Church, latter surviving her. Her husband Hooker street, corner Central avedied about 18 years ago. She was nue, where funeral services will be one of the organizers of the held to-day at 2 P. M. The Rev. Christian Church in Greenpoint and George Schmidd officiating. Interwill follow at Lutheran Cemefor many years was a member of ment tery under the direction of William Radient Chapter, O. E. S. Besides Buss <& Son, 6708 Myrtle avenue, her two children she leaves two sisters. Elizabeth Corwith and Glendale. Hannah Brenner, and one brother, EMMA BOLJES died Saturday in Samuel Bradley. Funeral services were held at 2 P. M. yesterday at her forty-fourth year at her home, Sixty-seventh place, Glendale. her residence, 8719 164th street, Ja- 7211 She is survived by her husband, maica, with the Rev. "Lester Auman, Henry, one son, Walter Perkins; two pastor of the First Methodist daughters, Florence and Virginia, Church of Jamaica, officiating. In- and sister, Mamie. Funeral was terment was at Cypress Hills Cem- held one at 10 A. M., with reetery under the direction of the quiemto-day mass at St. Pancras's R. C. Boch Funeral Directors. Church. Interment followed at St. John's Cemetery under the direction of William Buss & Son, 6708 Myrtle MARY A. MAY died Sunday in avenue, Glendale. her eighty-sixth year at her home, 182 Richmond street. She was the MARGARET MICHEL died Satwidow of William I. May jrad was urday at her home, 7413 Slocum born in New York City. She is sur- street, Glendale, In her sixty-third vived by a daughter, Elizabeth E. year. She is survived by two daughWillets; one sister, Lucinda Willets, ters, Cecelia Werker and Margaret one grandson and one great-grand- Carlson, and two sons, William and son. The Rev. Dr. J. Fleming, of Ferdinand. Funeral will be held at Arlington Avenue Presbyterian the Buss Funeral Home, 6708 Myrtle Church, will conduct the funeral avenue, Glendale, Wednesday, at services at 8 o'clock to-night. In- 10:30 A. M. Interment at Evergreen terment at 10 A. M. to-morrow will Cemetery under the direction of be at Cypress Hills Cemetery under William Buss 6s Son, 6708 Myrtle direction of William Warneck, 374 avenue. Ridgewood avenue. AMELIA HARRIS died Sunday at SARAH R. SHANNON THOMP- her home, 450 Myrtle avenue. She SON, born in the old Twentieth was born in Germany sixty-nine Ward, Brooklyn, the daughter of years ago and had been a resident the late James Shannon and Sarah of Brooklyn for fifty years. She is Holmes Shannon, a pioneer family survived by two sens, Richard and in the old City of Brooklyn, died William Harris, and two daughters, yesterday. She was a member of Mrs. Emma Kessell and Mrs. Anna the Baptist Church, and had always Walsh; eight grandchildren and one been active in social and religious great grandchild. The funeral servwork. Funeral services will be held ices will be held at 2 P. M. Thurs- GOES OLD GOLD BY BIG PLURALITY Iftofr O.Gs. Smashing Vote in latest Ripley Taste-Test KANE—On Monday, Jan, 12, 1931, Thomas, beloved husband of Mary and dear father of Francis, Elmer and Raymond Kane. Funeral from hki late home, 111 Freeman St., on Friday, at 9:30 A. M. Solemn requiem mass at St. Columbklllc Church at 10 A. M. Interment Calvary Cemetery. P h o n e NEvins 8-3903-3904 Walter B.Cooke, Inc. 80 Seventh Avenue COMPLETE $ l C A AUTO FUNERAL i D U Home Office, 1 West 190th St. rHO.NK RArmnnd S-lBfln-lMI Tenth Av«nue at 43rd St. TfSI.KriiONK ME.lnlll.Hi 8-O4I0 H Lawyers HtlewGuaran Company by Day and Composure by Night BOB DAVIS says: the four leading cigarettes with brand names concealed, and said "Try 'em!" 20th CENTURY LIMITED . . . . . 2:45 p.m. At the steel mills, OLD GOLD won... by 34%. At the William Penn Hotel . . . O. G. won . . . by 32%. At Police Headquarters, O. G. by 49%. At the Westinghouse works . . . a high voltage victory. O. G. ahead by 36%! THE COMMODORE VANDEBBILT . . . 4:OOp.m. THE WOLVERINE (Michigan Central) 5 : 0 0 p. m . Blue bloods . . . red bloods . . . brain and brawn . . . they all tike OLD GOLD'S throat-ease and taste thrill. Can't OLD GOLD lose? It hasn't yet. f fj Jf MEN O* STEAL In Pittsburgh mills snapped In actionmaking test. Steeljacks picked O L D GOLD by over- whelming majority. OFFICIAL SOX-SCOIH A» «mlited fcyCtrtifad Public AeenunlMt "I certify that th« following la a traa audit of taat of four laadIntt eUarettaa, c o n d u c t e d by Rnbart Ripley. In Plttahurftli.'' OLDGOLD.SM Brand Y . . . 2 M Brand X . . . . J M Brand Z . . . 17* (»i«n.dl NOT A C O U G H . Sixteen trains every day to Chicago from Grand Central Terminal st convenient hours — and at varying fares depending upon time en route. They all follow the restful water level route. sQtftef IN mtakroavt WHO'S WHO NEW YORK TO CHICAGO 4 de luxe 20-hour train* 2:00 p. m. (Signed) i Invest Your Dividends ADVANCE 20th CENTURY LIMITED Bra fi<>h r « : t J M Flatbuth Arenue, Brooklyn •rm.KPIIONE MAnaflrld «-7B»n t t l WilHt A T I M . a t UOth St, TBMSPHOM* IHOif Harm t-Vrln and Edmond, and three sisters, came to this country fltty-sev Mrs. Clark. Mrs. Connors and Mrs. years ago and lived iu Brooklyn e Bannon. He was a retired parole since. He was a member of H< officer of the City of New York. Rosary Church where a requle The funeral will be held from the mass will be celebrated Wednesd funeral chapel, 187 South Oxford t 10 A. M. He is survived by o street, at 2 P. M. Thursday. In- Bughter, Lillian Helms; four brotl ANN LORETTA KELLY CEAIO terment will be at Evergreen Ceme- ers. T»itrick. Frank. William died yesterday at her home, 182-10 tery under direction of M. Mc- Charles Hobbins, and one gra daughter. Interment at St. Johr 141st avenue, Springfield Gardens, Mahon, 124 Summit street. Cemetery under the direction Queens. She is survived by her hue Frank Darmstadt Sons, Sixty-mjh band, Walter; a daughter, Dorothy; MARY GLACE GLEASON died three sons. William. Walter and Bid- Saturday at her home, 1827 East street corner Central avenue, CTle ward; a 6ister, Catherine, and two Thirty-third street She was- born dale. brothers, Richard and John Kelly. in Sweden seventy years ago and The funeral will be held at 9:30 was a resident of Brooklyn for the (Other Obituaries on Page 7) A. M., Thursday, with requiem mass past sixty years. She was the widow at tha Church of St. Mary Magda- of Peter Gleason. She formerly lene. . Interment will be at Calvary lived in the First Ward o: ManhatCemetery under direction of Fran- tan. She is survived by three sons, cis P. Murphy, 218-24 157th avenue, George, Charles and Theodore. Bhe was a parishioner of the Church of Springfield, Queens. the Good Shepherd, Batchelder street and Gerritson avenue. FuE M M A JOHNSON, born In neral to-day from her late residence. Brooklyn sixty years ago, the Interment St. John's, Cemetery. AVE you funds daughter of the late Douglas and January interest anr Ann Donlon Johnson, died yesterJOSEPHINE LOBOS died Saturday at the home of her sister, 68 dividends? Whether t Clermont avenue. She was for many day at her home, 181 Prospect Park gum is large or small i West. She was born in Allepo, years a member of the Sacred Heart will pay you to reinves Syria, fifty-seven years ago and was R. C. Church. The funeral will be held Wednesday at 2 P. M. She i3 a resident of Brooklyn for the past promptly—provided yo survived by three sisters, Mrs. twenty-one years, s h e is survived choose a really saf Catherine McGowan,, Mrs. Jennie by a brother, George, and a sister, security. Miller and Mrs. Mary Lackom. sev- Mary. Funeral to-day at 9:30 A. eral nieces and nephews. Interment M., thence to the R. C. Church of Our Guaranteed Firs at Calvary Cemetery under the di- St. Saviour, Eighth avenue and rection of William Dunlgan «Ss Son, Seventh street, where a solemn reMortgage Certificates ar quiem mass was celebrated. Inter201 Park avenue. written to cover an' ment was at St. John's Cemetery amount from $200 up war the direction of Jere J. JAMES JOSEPH CUMMINGS under There is no commissio died Sunday in his thirty-fourth Cronin, Inc. nor "odd lot" premium t year at his home, 250 Albany aveMARY POWERS SMITH died nue. He was born in Brooklyn and Sunday pay; nor any price advar at her home, 70 Columbia was a rigger by occupation, since street. She is survived by her hustage to be gained b his honorable discharge from the band, Sidney Smith; one daughter, waiting. Interest sta United States Navy, where- he Eleanor; her mother, Mrs. Anna immediately and you ar served two enlistments. During the and a sister, Helen Powers. World War he participated in the Powers, that much closer to you funeral will be held at 10 A. M. sinking of two German submarines. The financial goal. to-morrow, with requiem mass at He is survived by two sisters, Mrs. Church of St. Peter. Interment May Cinque and Helen Cummings, the be at Calvary Cemetery under Safe? These Certificates and four brothers, Patrick, John, will direction J. E. Dougherty Sons, Timothy and George Cummings. 296 Hicks ofstreet. like our Mortgages, ar The funeral will be held at 10 A. M. the most highly protect to-morrow with requiem mass at the JAMES W. STAPLETON. S O U Of type of private investmen Church of St. Gregory the Great, late William and Margaret security that has yet beer St. John's place and Brooklyn ave- the and brother of the late nue. Interment will be at Holy Cross Stapleton, devised. Back of them id William Stapleton, died yesterday Cemetery with naval honors under at his home, 314 South Fifth street. the solid value of prim direction of Hugh Gillespie, Sterling He was born in the Fourteenth New York City property place and Albany avenue. Ward of Brooklyn and graduated plus the Guarantee of thi from P. S. 17. He Joined the New Company with capita ROBERT JOHNSTON died Sun- York Fire Department thirty-seven day at his home, 258 Dean street. years ago, and served for twenty funds of over $28,000,000 He was a life resident of Brooklyn. years as driver of Truck 4, retiring He is survived by three daughters, about seventeen years ago. He is You are cordially invited to consult Mrs. Sarah Cope, Mrs. Kathleen survived by his widow, Elizabeth; Lambrechts and Elizabeth Johnston, a daughter, Margaret; a son, Willand two sons, James and Gerald. iam, and a sister, Mrs. Margaret He was formerly a parishioner of Brice, and several nieces and the Church of St. Agatha, where nephews. He was a cousin of the requiem mass will be celebrated at late Senator Daniel J. Carroll. The 9:30 A. M. Thursday. The funeral funeral will be held at 9:30 A. M. will be held from the funeral chapel to-morrow, with requiem mass at of James J. Sharp, 4617 Seventh the Church of the Transfiguration. Founded 1887 avenue. Interment will follow at Interment will be at Calvary CemHoly Cross Cemetery. etery under direction of J. J. Gal160 Broadway . . . New York IS East 41st Street . . New Yor lagher Sons, 215 North Eighth 361 East 149th Strttt . . . Bronx, J88 Montague Street . . Brooklyn EDMOND COMANS died yester- street. 16111 Jamaica At*.. Jamaica. N.Y. day at his home, 1801 East Fifty3S Hyatt Street . St. George, S.r second street. He was a life resiJOHN HOBBINS died Sunday at C*t>U*l,SHrpln,andProfitsoveT$28,0O0,00O dent of Brooklyn. He is survived his home, 760 Macon street. He was by three sons, Emmett, Brandon' torn in Ireland sixty years ago and rOR more than 100,000 miles I have traveled on the world's finest trains, and slept in every variety of sleeping car, that rolls the rails. On the water-level route of the Twentieth Century Limited I find the perfection of travel: Luxury by day and composure by night." Famous Steel City gives JOHNSTON—On Jan. 11, Robert. Funeral from the chapel of J. J Sharp, 4617 7th ave. Requiem mass «15, atr t9:30 Pi feA. ™?M.o n Thursday, Jan. day. The Rev. Dr. H. O. Offerman of St. Paul's Lutheran Church will officiate. Interment will be at Greenwood Cemetery under direction of Oeorge Setbold. 384 Van Brunt street. ' CARLOAD Untitled Document Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com M A I * COMPANY. GanHM rSroHa Aaaaaataat LIMITED ROBERT H. ("BOB") DAVIS ... Renowned editor and "most widely traveled newspaper correspondent," whose personality runs in a bright thread through the last quarter century of living America. Discoverer of scores of writers now famous. Fisherman, after-dinner speaker, inspiring friend to hundreds of celebrated people. The salty wit and mature philosophy of his column, "Bob Davis Recalls," on the editorial page of the New York Suit, is die delightful outcome of his assignment to cover die world. NEW YORK CENTRAL You Can S l e e p on tnit Water Level Route For reservations— VA nderbilt 8-3200
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