12 THE BROOKLYN STANDARD UNION: SATURDAY, JANUARY 21, 1922. DEATH NOTICES. DEATH NOTICES BROOKLYN LODGE, HO. » , B. V. O. ELKS—Brother*: You are requested to attend the funeral service of our late brother, OTTO WALTZ, on Sunday evening, Jan. 92. I o'clock, »t Koemmele'a Funeral Church, 1230 luishwick ave., a e a r Hancock a t JOHN F. LANTRT, Exalted Ruler. J O S E P H H. BECKER, Secretary. DASSAU—On Wednesday, Jan. II, Cl\rlstiana Dassau, beloved mother of Frederick Dassau and Agnes Stawitz, in her 73d year. Relatives and friends and Ladles* Aid Society of Turn Verein, Brooklyn, B. D., and Ladles' Aid Society of the Wyckoff Hcurhls Hospital are Invited to attend funeraLservlees at her late residence, HOO Jefferson ave., on Saturday evening, Jan. 21, at 8 o'clock. BATTER—On Jan. 18, Paul, beloved husband of Emille Sauter, in his 67th year. Funeral from his late residence, 110 Floyd st,, on Monday. 9:80 A. M. Requiem mass at All Saints Church. Interment St. John's Cemetery. (N. Y. papers please copy). m Police and Soldiers Hold Back Crowds at Armory Bedford Avenue Densely Packed With Thousands Trying to Get Into Industrial Show—Doors Closed After 20,000 Had. Swarmed In—Patronage at Booths Heaviest of Week. STURMWALD—Irwin, son of Tillie Hess and the late Samuel Sturmwald. Funeral services at Goodwin's Mortuary Parlors^ 1144 DeKalb ave., on Sunday, Jan. »«>at I P. M. Interment at Mount Hope Cemetery. Auto cortege. IN MEM0RIAM Two companies of State Guard and Police Reserves from J Grand avenue station were called out last night to handle the BROTHERSON—In fond and loving memory of our beloved daughter, the crowd that stormed the outside of the Twenty-third RegiG E R B E R — O n Wednesday, Jan. Annie, who died Jan. 21, 1915. Gone, ment Armory to get into the Brooklyn Manufacturers' Exposi18, ,1922, George Frederick Gerber, but not forgotten. beloved husband of Louisa Gerber, in FATHER AND MOTHER. tion, which closes to-night after a successful week. his S8th year. Funeral from his late residence, 1257 Greene ave., on SunPeter J. Caasldy. FRAZEE—In sad and loving mem- The attendance a t the exposition last day, Jan. 22, at 2:30 P. M. Inter- ory of our dear mother and grand- n i g h t w a a D y for t h e largest of the Joseph P. Cassidy. ment at Lutheran Cemetery. Stephen E . Carney. mother, Loretta Frazee, who died five previous days. The doors were Jane A. Reid. Jan. 21, 1919. HENDERSON—On Jan. 20. 1939. closed at 8:30 P. M„ when the exposiAnna Mangan. Softly a t n i g h t t h e otara a r e ahlnlnc In his 86th year, James B. Hendertion officials estimated at least 20,000 i Mara Huffman. Upon t h y cold a n d silent Brave, son, beloved husband of the late Where t h o u Heat, deareat mother. Preston D. Lewis. had entered the building. When the H e l e n C. Henderson and father of W h o m w a loved, but could not eava. special officers and patrolmen from Clarence Wachamith. J a m e s W"., Archibald J. and Albert f r i e n d e m a y t h i n k t h a t w e ' v e forgotten Mary Vivian Martin. the Grand avenue station were unable A n d our w o u n d e d heart* a r e healed, H . Henderson. Funeral services at Grace Gallagher. L i t t l e d o t h e y k n o w t h e eorrow to handle the hundreds of persons h i s late residence, 1S2 .Hull St., Marlon McGee. T h a t ' s w i t h i n our hearta concealed. Brooklyn, on Monday evening, Jan. who stormed the door. Companies B James McCauley. IS, at I o'clock. Interment Ever- DAUGHTERS * GRANDCHILDREN and D, in charge of Capta. Brill and Edward Sandy. green Cemetery, Tuesday A. M. Francis J. Donahue. LYNCH—Elisabeth Lynch died Brenoan, were quickly mobilised In Margaret Butcher. the armory and sent Into the orowd. KEEGAN—Nora, widow of the Jan. 91, 1991. Thomas Butcher. l a t e Peter H. Keegen, on Thursday, The two companies of guardsmen Dark a n d l o n e l y Is oar d w e l l U s . Fred Groef. Lonely Is our h o m e to-day. Jan. 19, at her residence, 808 Sumpwere found too small a force to cope For t h e one w a l o v e d s o dearly Rubin Pippman. *er a t Solemn requiem mass at the with the situation, and an emergency Paaaed a w a y one year t o - d a y . Harry Klam. Church of Our Lady of Lourdes, call w a s - e e n t to the Grand avenue George Keavita Broadway and Aberdeen St., on Mon- NIECE AND NEPHEW, JAMES station for the reserves. The crowd AND ANNA POWERS. Robert Williamson. day, Jan. 23. at 1:30 A. M. Interwas held in check until about 9:46 William A. Speth. m e n t Holy Cross. MoOTJLLOTJGH—In sad and lov- P. M., when people began to leave the Rose Spero. KEMP—Henry J. Kemp, hi his ing memory of James B. McCul- building, and those outside were let Angelo Spero. 18th year, on Jan. 19, 1922. Funeral lough, who died Jan. 21, 1911. May In, two at a time. Frank Spero. Sunday, Jan. 22, at 2 P. M., from his seal rest in peace, Jack U p m a n , School children again Increased the his late residence, 8627 89th s t , Frederick Martlno. MOTHER AND CHILDREN. afternoon attendance yesterday, with Woodhaven, N. Y. Frank G. Dudley. a greater patronage than either MAUSER—In loving memory •« Thursday or FrldaV. Unable to get Harry McCoy. MNNINGER—George A., beloved Lillian Freisher. kusband of Catherine Lenninger, died my dearly beloved mother, who de- there until after t h e schools closed, Alice Carlson. the youngsters were reluctant about Thursday, Jan. 19, 1922, at his resi- parted this life Jan. 91, 1999. Virginia L. Whtttall. Tou are not forgotten, mother dear, leaving in a hurry, and again caused dence, 832 Hancock st„ in his (2d Helen Murray. Nor will you over be. a late afternoon attendance. It was year. Survived by three sons, Floyd, Dorothy Schindler. As loss aa Ufe and memory last long after 6 P. M. before the children Metvin a n ! Leonard, and two sisters, Julius Volckheusen. Wo will remember thee. Mrs. L. Dedrich and Mrs. J. EhlenDAUGHTER AND SON-IN-LAW. had left the building: Wilbur A. Eve. berger. Funeral Sunday, 12:30 P. M. Swarms Arrived Early. Ward Young* Interment Weehawken Cemetery. The evening crowd was on hand the MEDENBACH—In sad and lovDonald D. Loomls. earliest of any night during the week. Eugene F. Murphy. LEWIS—On Thursday, Jan. 19, ing memory of a dear son and At 7 P. M. there was a steady stream Anna M. Murphy. 1922. John Henry Lewis, husband of brother, William, who died Jan. 91. pouring into the building, and by 8 Joel Merchant the late Margaret Leahy Lewis. F u - 1919. Gone, but not forgotten. C. H. White. neral from his late residence, 40 FATHER, dd OTHER AND SISTERS. o'clock the large drill floor was filled. Part of the crowd w a s diverted upMary A. Brower. Clermont ave., on Monday, Jan. 23, MURPHY—In memory of our be- stairs. When they had filled thel Clark Bullock. at 3:30 A. M.; thence to the Sacred 1 a t R. c. Church. Interment at loved mother, Elisabeth Murphy room where the moving pictures are i Walter Mertoa Perry. Hose Dorn. (nee Burke), who died Jan. 91, 1920. shown and there was no more room lioiy Cross Cemetery. to move around downstairs the doors Stella E . Dorn. Heaven retalneth. my dear mother. were ordered closed. LYDE.Y—Elinor Lyden died sudMiss Selma Magld. Earth her lonely casket keepa; <7 uly at her residence, 1064 70th May the aunbeama always Unset-, Robert W . Martin. A large crowd w a s halted at the Where my darling mother eleepa. St., on Jan. 20. Funeral Monday, Charles C. Kronin. ! doors, and as it increased rapidly Ifcn. 28, at 9:30 A. M.; thence to the DAUGHTERS, ESTELLE G. MUR- t „ people formed an impregnable Elsie Kronin, Chares of Our Lady of Perpetual PHY, ELIZABETH F. OLIVER, wedge at the entrance. Members of Warren Foots. 1 " s 5.ith st. and 6th ave:, where Jeanette O'Donnell. MARY A. HARRIS. families were Separated at the door, ft s r imi requiem mass will be celeEdward J. O'Donnell. and others, who had gone early, were NEWMAN—in ever loving m e m - waiting Inside the door for their brated. Interment Holy Cross CemeEdward Reiff. tery. Auto cortege. ory of my dear mother. Margaret | relatives. Those inside, near the enHarry Linton. H. H. Duncan. Newman, who departed this life Jan- trance, soon learned of the situation, H'AIXY—Suddenly, on Thursday, 21, 1919. Gone, but not forgotten by Josephine M. Fullerton. but It was some minutes before the P e n r y , Jr., In his 26th year, beloved Charlotte R. Gregory. Spa of Henry and Adeleid Mally. F u - HER SON, J. EUGENE NEWMAN news of the "shut-out" had traveled Helen Rosen. through the Immense crowd Inside. r.r-rul service will be conducted SunThomas Rogers. Then there w a s a grand rush for s' •. 2 P. M., at funeral chapel of H. Mary Rogers. the telephones. Two booths on the EDUCATIONAL C. Andrews, 7703 6th ave. Interment Milton C. Bogert drill floor wers surrounded, and G;< nwood Cemetery. Auto cortege. Jack Ua. crowds jammed t o the booths in a Herbert Meyer. 5 > \ R S H A L L - O n Friday, Jan. 90, I A D E L P E t t A C A D E M Y {room adjacent to the entrance. The Alon % Jaedlker. i:>iJ. at the residence of Lieut. Benjamin Hauser, fptrt a subway rash to sbame. It was Q t A . Messing, *VSw*VBlt w 1SW Mary M. Meade •practically Impossible for a person to St., Brooklyn, Mary Marshall, widow «Wmsrl c ^ » n a c t « Rpjpma Lucille H. Miller. ?*-. to one of these telephone booths, of Hugh Marshall, In her 8«th year. »eCOM fcemeSU. ...«,...» Mrs. Carrie Yaeger. and whea one* there It was hopeless T-u-eral services will be held at the < January William V. Mason. I t s try to get o u t Find Presbyterian Church. Henry . rm — ~ ._ •» - • - i David Skoblow. Armory Entrance. Jammed, (St.; near Clark St., on Sunday, Jan. | "* * "•"»-•• «*" " Eugene Rodgers. T":» people were Jammed so tight 22. at 2 K M. New classes tewi te Ruth Craven, a t liae entrance t h a t not one could Ruth Hoffman. MARTIN—Robert Martin died H I S T * * ^ * * * * * * * people could not get In Joeeph Hart, Jr. Jan. 19, at his residence, 762 Quiney i ^uumi irm r . . •. of the bailding. The crowd *t., in his 81st year. Born in Scot- : r A w S w ^ S i almost; t o the middle of l a n d - a n d had been a resident of -------s a d wbea finally the Joseph Engelhart, Brooklyn for the past atxty years, i gaaadssaea and reservists Walter Freund. Survived by one son, Robert; one | epeolfig through the Louis Savanes. daughter, Alice; one brother, t w o ! out of the building, Harld V. Idaaslda, sisters and seven grandchildren. F u another mad dash of those Mary Codo. n e r a l services Saturday evening a t t ,.-_»-.;• to gat in. But they were let Adels Kaminski. o'clock. Interment 10 A. 51. Sunday. la *: • »*;y. t w * a t the time. Alice Custy, Evergreen Cemetery. Auto cortege, By K>;»t o'clock the crowd sutMinnie Probettors. p r t c t i r a . y disappeared, MtELKNHAUSEN — On WednesLouise Artls. had gotten Inside and day. Jan. 18, 1922, Louisa Ml»l*nMildred Lawlor. ethers returned home, having decided taausen, In her 87th year, beloved Ida Ravelll. net t o take a chance oa battling mother of Emma Hartlg, Charlotte Anna Oppedlnaaa througa the crowd. At this same Hartlg, William, Louis and Frederick Mrs. A. G. Norton. time the crowd Inside was rapidly Mtelenhausen. Relatives and friends Mrs J. Hart. redncmg, hut a t 11 o'clock, when • r e invited to attend funeral from Leah Davis. the lights were turned off there were h e r late residence, 157 Graham ave., Miriam Dank, at least 9,099 persons still Inside o n Sunday, Jan. 22, 2 P, M. InterPincus Engelberg. the building. ment Lutheran Cemetery. Harry Baakind. Patronage a t O M booths was toe Daniel FarneHi. POUCH—On Thursday, Jan. 19, beavtast at any time during the Lillian Stern. Francis Edward Pouch, 1B his 78th week, and for the fh-st tuns continued Harry Brill. year. Relatives and friends, also the to the last minute. Grace B a r n e t l Trustees, Elders and Members of the The Western TJnioa Telegraph Anna Cirst, Moravian Church, F* E.; Magnolia Company, co-exhlbitor with the SelfEmily Schroma, Lodge, No. 166, I. O. O. F.; The VetWinding Clock Company, has a fine Alice Crawford; eran Odd Fellows Association of the exhibit in booths 240 and 242. A Chester Kaminski. State of New York; Lexington Lodge, colored map of the United States Markaret NapoIL No. f l » , F. ft A. M.; Association of forms an effective background to the Edith Payne. Masters and Past Masters of the b o o t h . , This map set upon an angle, Jeannette H. Rosenblum. First and Third Masonic Districts of shows the time zones and a clock H. Braaten. K i n g s ; the Brooklyn Masonio Vetconnected directly above each Bone, Joseph De Leila. erans; The Brooklyn Volunteer Fireshows the time In various principal Mildred Falkowita men's Association. The Exempt Volcitie* The connections are shown Dorothy Gunts. unteer Firemen's Association, Brookwith colored electric lights, miniaDorothy McNIff. l y n / E . D.; Veteran Volunteer Fireture telegraph pole lines and colored Martha^Rbman. m e n of Brooklyn, W, D.; Board of ribbons, the whole making a very Mandina BurweH. Trustees of the Widows and Orpleasing effect. Eugene Mulligan. p h a n s Fund of the* Late Volunteer One of the most attractive booths Ethel Anketell. Fire Department, W. D., of the Forat the Exposition Is that of the MaxC F. O'Neill. wner City of Brooklyn; the Trustees well House Coffee, presided over by Lucy Armstrong. Miss Adah Cooke, and a wonderful f the Exempt Volunteer Firemen's Ruth Reed. display of the makings of "the cup lenevolent Fund of the late City of Edna Goldberg. that cheers** is displayed. % Brooklyn, N . Y.; The Board of ManPearl Neufeld. Miss Cooke, who Is one of the pretagers and Representatives and LaDorothy Valkens. tiest girls a t the show, Is from Virdies* Auxiliary Board of the Long IsF. H. Sehaeffeif ginia, and she and her assistants, l a n d L O. O, F. Home Association; Harry LeFrancots. with true Southern hospitality, reGeorge Washington Lodge, No. 209, ceive the visitors. Maxwell House K, of P., and the Society e f Old Thomas McCartin. Coffee is now a Brooklyn Industry, Broofcrynltes are Invited to attend the Harry O'Brien. 949, 944'and 946 Fulton Street, and the plent near the Bush Terminal funeral services at the Moravian Anthony Fanelll. OLFF" 1C by R S * Is the largest of the many Maxwell Church, Jay st,. near Myrtle ave., on J U L I A N D . F A i n c H I L D , PreeMent. Mrs. Haggerty. Rnnday evening, Jan. 22, 1922, at J U L I A N P . F A I H C N I L D J „ , „ _ „ . „ _ , . plants throughout the country. Angelina Fanelll. Yesterday's Visitors. «:80 o'clock. Interment at conven- WILLIAM J, WABON. JR. ( VK-i-FrssMSBtS Mr. Haggerty, THOMAS B L A K E , s e e y , ience of th# family. Max Petera Visitors at the exhtbff of the H O W A R D D . J O O i T , Aaet. g e e y . Hyman Bloomberg. ,T. N O R M A N O A R P E N T B R , T r u t t Offleor Standard Union yesterday were: T» S.TJKCHEH-—On Friday, Jaw, f t , Gilbert M:indery. Gordon. %%%%, after a lingering Illness, our Capital. .$ 500.090 CHord Isidore Leff, i'harle# A. Hummel. inr>1&vo 1 mother and grandmother, Dorothy Shanghns«91*. John E. Blank. !,'•;>«., M. R e w h e r <n#» Kilo), in A m r l i n MeSSincO, Mrs. Jnnn K. Blank. Mf 68th year. Relatives and l George Maley, TRUrrsBg; Irene M. Dooley. H e n r y A. Meyer Walter v.. B e d e l l frfends are respectfully invited te at- Bdward C. B l u m Philip Walter, Jr. Cliarlea A . O'Donohue Molly Friedman. tf n«l funeral services a t ' her late Arthur W, C l e m e n t Charles J5. Porklne Beatrice V. StgrensofL ^ Abraham Friedman. r*>*M«nce, 297 Weirfleld St.. Rrook- Robert A. 1 iryertale D i c k 8, R a m e a y Elisabeth Lausser. Benny Friedman. T h o m a a H. R o u l s t o a Julian D , F a l r c h l l d Elisabeth S. Petts. brv. Sunday, Jan 22, 1922, at 4 P. M, Gloria Bengulat, H. F . S i h a r m a n a P. Falrehlld William Coventry ErsVin*. interment Lutheran Cemetery, Mon- Julian Frederick S, F l e c h e r T.nurua E . S u t t o n LUliaa Dougherty. ; Philip Stabile day A. M. Oawald W. Dbl Kerwln H. Fulton Catherine Van Schalck. J o h n T. Underwood Joeeph Huber Hyman Llpton Freidmsn. Mrs. n. Folkee, • nUPPET/—On Thursday, Jan. 19, J o h n T . J e w e l l W i l l i a m J. W a a o a , J r . Teresa Forlano. I* Walters. at the homo of his parents, 1733 W h i t m a n W. K e n y o n Ltewelryn A. W r a y Dorothy Schutt. H, D. Strunck, Summerfield st,, Ridge wood, after a lAceoanta I n v i t e d . I n t e r e i t P a i d o n Daily Mrs. R. Smith. Balances John Mccormick. lingering illness, George, beloved John Parlssl. Charles Irvln? In .»band of Eleanors Ruppel, In his William Friedman. Welding R. Ward. $4ffi year, Relatives and friends, also Fred Blasch, Norman Baylor. m r m b t t i of Myrtle Lodge. No, 111, Stephen L. P. Duhams!, Shirley Snow. V A A. M., of Montour Falls, Nl Y,; Robert Terry. OF T U B Clinton Armstrong. Franklin Council, No. 18, Jr. O. U. John Gleason. HsroU Hogan. :,f. find Harmony Glee Club of Andrew J. Shlebler. City of New Ytrk • Alice Sommers. Brooklyn are invited to attend fuRita Gleason. Jeannle Wtsel. m raj up Sunday at I P . M. a t Tad. Lieut. K. Jensen. Bernard Riley. nirr Temple, N o , 144 Halleck aye.. ' Lotrfs W, Relnlseh, Teresa M India, f t>i ner Fresh Pond rd. Interment In D. O. Denvlll. Josephine Antonellt, I.< • tyreens Cemetery, 101 M O V T l f i l T , STREET D, C. O'Donnell. ( Ida Friedman, Ralph W. Watson. Harold Fredberg. Gustavs Hlbbeler. J. Phil Stair. F1HASC1AL. rur/AftciAh Arthur P. Dietrich, Angela Clements. William F. Somers. Anna Conserva. Lawrelt Bishop. Angelina UeJohn. X . Hammarston. METROPOLITAN FINANCE CORPORATION Fannie Crane. Charles O'Donnell, Concetta Galiane, Hilda Duke. FORMERLY Grace Saunders. John F. Morse, Catherine Trotte, John DeVine. METROPOLITAN CREDIT CORPORATION Philomena Cetta, I A. Richard Kohler, Ida d e m e n t s . STOCKHOLDERS Francis X. Flood, Rose Clements, Robert Green. •William Mengea , ,| |.... t. t f |y to romminilcBl* with the utMler«lgned fn? John C. fCrohn Ernest Beyes, Beatrice Jagoda. , j , , , ,,h -t the lllifffttlnit m>w prmllng agahiat the Edward Rollins. T h o m a s Manaele. Edmund S. Patton. »mtj<in and It* orrirrrs and directors. Bradbury C. Aldsr. Jacob Dubowsky. Frederlefc Tuttle. Thomas Dl Rosa. Lini«n Kuatts, t W P " " » fc fcmlCT. < liafrmen tJomnilttee, 141 v i t n h Hilda Wolff. FauMae rtonrta, lonk**rs, If, Y . Henry Webster Aeflirgto*. ft. W. R. ffolaerap. Domlrdck r a i l a d l n a Joatsnlag W e l t « KINGS COUNTY TRUST COMPANY Surplus and Profits $3,000,000 John Tuttle. Anne B. Tuttle. Hiram A. Tuttle. J. H. Magulre. Charles G. Brown. Henry G. A u g u s t I .aveiria Alder. John W. Alder. Eugene Calder. Helen C. Alder, Frank Hugueb. Marion D. Mets. Mildred R. Stegal. Harley Stegal. Abbot Aberconeble. Francis S i m m o n s Richard F. Grant Arthur J. Whltlock. Mies Barbara Reus. Frank Ficarra. Angelina Ficarra. R. F. Powers. Charles G. Brown. F. B e n n e t t Victor Revuelta. James E. Lardner. Caroline Fey. Adeline Fey. i A Freda Robinson. J. J. Mower. Gertrude B. Bennett. Peggy Revere. Jesse L. Haslett. Lucille M. Bedell. Arthur Frederlch. E. T. Burna A. J. Carry. George F. Lebonrveau. William J. Mahoney. Francis Palau, Becerra Palu. Jeannette Marcllls. Senfianda Orcea Thomas Fremand. Frank G. Malafronte. Gertrude Shea. Marjorle Denning. Vincent Palau. E. Schilling, Mrs. Jane F. Martin. Fred E. Schimmel. Norman M. Stearns. Mrs. R. J. MacKenna. Mra C. H. H o l t W. J. Kane. Rose V. Hamilton. Sadie F. Hamilton. Ethel Frederick. Irving Mapou. Ebba Stromgren. Jay L. B e n n e t t Thomas Hughes. Bernard Hughes. Earl Carlton Ekball. Lester Clary Hauck. John Wanamaker. Robert J. Hamilton. Hazel E. Busch. Mrs. H. A. Watrous. Frank J. Slavlnskl, Jr. James J. Hoefler. Lousitz Schou. William J.'Mcintosh. ' Daniel M. Harney. ^Arthur McMahon. , William Downey. George P. Moffat, Jr. Joseph G. King. Doninick Laino. Robert Marty, Ben Laufer. Wiluam Bilek. Edward Dugdale. Margaret Dugdale. Joseph Dugdale Gerard Martin. Janet Martin. Ethel Higgins. Jeannette Dugdale William B. Kluber. Mary E. Kluber. John Rside). Mrs. Wilffam Wise, M. Aschendorf. Mrs. Swanson. Kenneth N. Forreetal. Mrs. S. Fender. Mrs. M. Pender. Gerard M. Martin. Janet A. Martin, Edward CastelL Herman Olson, George W i r s t 8. Aschendorf. Maris E. Mar, William J. Lam*. Mary E. O'Leary. John Wilson. , Margie K a n e F. D. Baca's. Teresa Dillon, James K n i g h t Joseph F. Mulroy. Richard J. Mulhern. Ardell M. Holtham. Mrs. Edith Dillen. Janes Dillen. Edward Plllsa. James Roberta, William Kuhner. 8. Agnes Volckealag. Walter H. Volekanjat^. Julia F r o s t Joseph L. Bars. - ••• . * Charles F. Kromm. •Edward H. Emerson. ^. M. Schottenfeld * Son. Frank E . Leidemer, Mammis Leidemer. Marie Peterson, Dorothy R o s a « « s Goldberg. J. F. Davenport Philip Delker. J. F. Crowley. Alex. ZaheL William Slover. Margaret Johneon. Frederick* T, Schroeder. A, P. Steinmuller. Mae Ferguson. Eddie Egan. Bernard J. Glynn. Harry Moore. Harold Levy. Viola Kemble. Fred Martin.Oscar F« Nllson. John A. Crome. Miss M. Martin. Frank Hines. Rose R. Horowlts. Timothy Halpin. Edward C. Pfelfe». Warren Pfeifer. . Fred Martin. George Hoff. Bertha Horowlts. 'Gertrude Mahoney. H. Willeburgrr. Marjorle McCaffrey. Alexander Hesterberg. Ernest W. Wortman, M. K. Ethel Mooney. A. E. Mooney, Gladys Plrrung. Betty Zlmmer, Mr. and Mra. D. BerrymtB. Irene Carpenter. Mra Carpenter. Mr. and Mrs, Win. Ooldschmtdt Joseph Roe. Welter H. Volokenlng, William J. DilthW. Charles Shapiro. Samuel Shapiro. Francis Harrla Mr. and Mrs, V. Kries, Mrs. H. A. Falkerstem. a J. Aklna Edward Carroll. John H. Roethel. Dr, Samuel Kats. Edward J. Lynch, Arthur Lowery. Abe M. Boh warts. Harold Rogers. Raymond J. Caflera Elwln A. ChUd, W. J. Hayes. Anna M. Hayes. Thomas McMurray. W. Fortla. James Boyd. Edward Dlshmaa. Charles Piandlng. Charles Hayea, Robert Whittle. Rev, Richard B, MeHtfgh. Rev. James J. Griffin. Charles Donnelly. Miss Susls E Jonea THE CHASE NATIONAL BANK HAMILTON TRUST BRANCH ™Z Clara at. " Matty Stonitsoh. Austin L. Merrttt Alma J. Bernson. Tony Joseph Santella. Frank Calise. Alexander Bills. Samuel P. Reed. Peggy Christian. John Lynch. Vera Lynch. , « Chirle O'Brien. Katv Lj'nch. William Lynch. George Rosenblum. Robert Randall. Helen Randall. Euphemla Morse. Hyman Scheinbetm, Helen M. Murphy. Ralph Hngen. Daniel Eckhoff. Mra. Erqil Gauf William G. Murphy. Irving Mapou. John Kilian. ,. George Kilian. Joseph F. Bonn, Albert Kuhn. William T. Murphy. Mrs. W. T. Murphy. Anton Yohansson. Axel Nyborg. Dean Macdonald. George B. Hillard. Minnie ,Iillard. Mrs. Wbellema Hillard. Joseph Schecker. O. F. Anderson. Eugene F. Snyder. E. J. Hansen. William A. ToU. George Harknesa John .B Conlan. William Lowery. Edwin C. Orr. Mrs. ndwln C. Orr. Helen Harknesa Ernest Llndgrea, Philip Doherty. , O. W. Tale. Peter A. McCabe. Mra Peter A. McCabe. Peter A. McCabe, j r . May Martin. Amanda A. Orr. Gilbert H. Orr. Ida Hacker. Mrs. J. E. Llndgrea. Joseph Munnie. Rose Munnie. William G. Gerke, Fred Newson. James Gillespie James Carr. Ina Larsen. A. Ramano. Mrs. William E. Kummlll. Ernest N. McColi. F. C. Merkel, James Kilkern. William Soffi. fH. J. Heuschkel. Elizabeth Wilson. .Blanche Reuther. C. H. Madole, E. E . Bedell. Damian Fabinskl. Marlon Hanlan. William J. Hanlan. Thomas Fox. Harry L. Cohen. Philip Brande, Jr. Frank Martin. Austin Clark. R. Hunt. Morris D. Ttarter. R. J. Hammond. Carl O. Bernzan. Mrs. L, Quaffe. O. F. McLaughlin. Virginia Dilger David C. Corker. Mra, James H. Corker. Alexander Hesterberg. Katherine Martin. Jacob Gelb. Kenneth Tucker. William Seplowlts. Mrs. Carl O. Bernzon. John Shorten. S. Thomas Agnes. B. J. Pearl. Mrs. William Pierson, Miss M. B. Pierson. W J. Marston. C. E . Schaeffler, H . W. White. Sr. MarV Plus. Harold George Horowlts. Edward Byrnes. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. J. Smfth. Sydney S. Finn. Alex V. Finn. Elsie A. Vogel. Mrs. Christian Vogel. Vincent DiCarlo, William C. Whitney, Joseph O'Connor. John Hoostman. Janice Franks. Robert Randall. - , Helen Randall. — Julia Frost Volekenlng. S. Agnes Volekenlng. Walter H. Volkenlng. Frank Banting. H. B. R. Longyesr. Thresa Conlin. Louis Milltken. Anthony Schwarz. E, T. Otz. Philip H» Lyon. Wilmer I. McDowell. Edith Jonas. Grace Jonas. Robert Jonss. Ruth Jonap. William Boyd. Mabel BoVd. Edward Ormond. Frank Peterson. Janice Trumbe. Arthur Hagen. Mary Denspino, Jason St.Clalr Grevea David B. Winters. E m m a B. Winters. Ray Franglosa. Mrs. D. J ; Strong. James F. Leavy, John M. Crane. Sam Slsklnd. David Slskind, Charles Mets. A. D. Antonio. * Ralph Eckhoff. Frank G. LedlefBef, J. Anderson. William V. Adachl. William R, Turner, Sidney Morowttz, Bernard Dillon. Julius Gilsba^h, * Anna Gilsliarh, *< - T Yolanda Gllshaeli, William J. Schwtefceft John J. Beck. William Henn, J, Ternan. William Tasker, Anna Morowitx. J. F. Schlerenberg. Edward A. McCaffrey. Mr. Dalton. Nicholas Dalton, James J. Ward. Edward J. Nkldrle William C. Erskine. Donald H. Ramsey, Joseph Power. Laura Larsen. Lena Marglaraclna. Paul Burtls. , j James F. Sclmona Lnckley Mr.Entee, Thomas Rogers. George Marx, Jr. John F. Klippel. Mlherva Campbell. Irene Ramsey. Sophie Epstein. Mary Slotopolsky. Miss Bertha Harystman, Howard Koagtor. Frank Bauer. James Harrington, Andrew theehan, Edward 3. O'Brtta, Denial J. Brady, James Leonard, Herbert Wertman. Eric Chsrles Alfred Gmmm, Kingdon Tyler. Mery Catherine Ricker. * Brwln Kappaiif. Tobias Sydney. V. L Mulrehin. k._ *. * Untitled Document Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com Real Estate News Building Permits Beat Record. months of 1919 many contracts » Official returns from 192 cities canceled. show that 1921, of very slow recovery New York figures and comp in industry, set a record unsur- sons by boroughs for December passed in building permits, many of for the full year are as follow* which will become reality during the DECEMBER. present year unless especially untoX921 lit*-. Cost No. ward conditions develop. Permits ^Manhattan. N o . 371 t*.704,8It ( I t U were taken out at a time when con- Quuuna . . . 1,065 7.673, »3« 330 1 ditions for. building were not so good Richmond . 304 1,286,864 140 Brooklyn . .1.272 l l , 8 0 4 , 6 2 t bin; 1 as now. As reported to the American Bronx • 7S0 9,733.8X6 247 1 Contractor" the total of permits durT W E L V E MONTHS. ing 1921 is 62o.7S>5. In the idential 192 1»21 112 cities during 1920 there were 405,472. ,N°Coat No. 4,331 *i u,.,w„. i.,i 4.418 12 In 194 cities during 1919, there were yMan... u ' u a 16,6C3 83,133,933 1,838 only 418,987. ' Ulch'd 3.188 11.363,397 11.702 6 The total estimated valuation of B k n . .14,191 128.166,791 4,668 138 permits during 1921 Is $1,707,528,- Bronx, 7,837 78,667.894 8,758 >8 898. During 1920, In the same cities, the valuation was $1,459,862,023, East Fiatbusu, Waverly and -•end during 1919 in 194 cities $1,William E. Harmon & Compt 428,423,683. These figures show that Inc., report sales. East Flatbusa 1921 registers a gain of 17 per cent, tho Thirty-second Ward, to over 1920 and slightly more over Cassamessina, Josephine Migliore 1919. This idea of gain is strength- Hammerschleg, H. Winkler and ened when it is considered that the Gurian, V. Frasca, Joe Mazzoo cost of construction has been mate- Adolph Pardini, P. L Trogone, rially lower during the past year A. Lagrutta, to Joseph Zagaoie than in the latter part of 1919 and Canevari, to Joseph Coniglo, during 1920. During the early Fuardala, John G. Caruso, H. months of 19S0 and the latter lor and S. Gurian, Angelo Angelo Soriano, Alexander Adolph Lazzlo, Hans Kronowl Robert John Sohlosser. B. Arons, Adolph Klein, A J. J. Maccauley. Polllcino, Satyator* Pellettero, W. J. CromwelL beth A. Sutton, Stephen Lanigan, H. S. Cromwell. seph Laganie, Philip Geneva Vivian Youngs. John Boland; a t South Waver Marjorle Younga Lhe Thirty-secopd. Ward, to N James Horton. inello, L. B. Grillo, Mary Steing Edward Ashforth. BIningate. Fannie Purise, L, Henry Lang. A. B. Schwartz, N. E. Leltzowits, Fred Hamptmann. Pantalso and George Tltons, and Jane Lathrop. Rugby, in the Thirtieth Ward Louis H. Driber. Samuel Morris, Charles A. Adolf Anderson, Jr. John Klmbrel, G. Cape, George Walter A. W r i g h t i.ira and L. F . Landmesapr. Gilbert Widner. Lawrence E. Nelson. The Lewis H. May Co. has Mra Anna Brod. for Jennie R. Tannenbaum the Joseph Reilly. cor. Maple and Edgemer* Fred Hamptmaa. Edgemere, a 2%-story Ralph I. Sitkoff. * l welling, to Morris Posnesky Donald Reed. occupancy. Palmer Miller. Otillle Miller. Franklin J. Rau. Dr. Benjamin V, Battla, ef Morris Sitkoff. Vernon, formerly was professor John A. Behrens. . J number of universities, baa Clifford Folkes. chased an apartment at 144 T Emil Mogensen. first St., Jackson Heights, and J. P. Stair. Viola D. Lawless, a prominent Peter GastigeP ber of the United Daughters John Deuschle. Confederacy, o n e at 136 Ruth Nowka. rirst street ^ Sterling Nowka. Frances Nowka. Charles Partridge has sold Mra E. L. Grueb. two-story and basement brick Chester R. Grueb. family dwelling, 616 St. Johns Gil J. Ward. near Franklin a v e , for Role Anna Pidgeon. Wertheimer, for occupancy. Mrs. T. Dandreau. Genevieve Brennan. The Ronee Holding Corporation Peter Gastigr. Brooklyn will erect a one-story John A. Kehoe. payer, fourteen stores, at n. Robert I. Piesen. 169th st. and Lyman pi.,.the Edmund Piesen. August Stutzmann. PJiyllis Hocking. The N e w York Title and M Company is making a building Julius A. Rosenthal. oTf 1160,000 to the Kamtun Violet Edelstein. Company, Inc., I. Kamerman Phyllis Hocking. Tunik, on property, n. e. Elizabeth Oldridge. Nicholas ave. and 189th at Charles Sachmann. liattan. Elwood A. Louer. Arthur He ^Results of Joseph P . Day' William Erb. cial" in the Vesey St. Mrs. Mary Dalton. Thursday Included Plat St., Salvatore LaSalla. 59.1 ft. w. of Pearl st., 22.10x81 Aurora Modrenlck. story building, to the Water Harry A. Behrens. Corp. for 925,500; Pearl s t , Mrs. Mary Reilly. S., 35.9 ft. n. of Piatt St., 6 Eugene Powers. building, to Edwin E. Volha Thomas McMahon. $18,900, both the foregoing Thomas Waltcra Francis S. Bangs Estate, and Helen E. CaelL mouth s t , Manhattan Beach Lillian Barth. Oriental Boulevard, 60 by 100 Raymund Caell. story dwelling, t o Abraham Jeannette Donstein, Kramer for $10,900. Lillian Singer. Matilda Miller. The 166-75 West SeventyPansey Glotzer. Manhattan) Corporation, Edna Lances. Booth, president, has leased Betty Cohen. teen-story 300-room " Anna Ratner. Hotel, to be ready Oct. 1, h( Francis A. Lawless, J r . being completed at 164 to 1 E. Fortin. Seventy-fifth St., to L. W. Fortin. Thompson for a long ten Raymond A. Young. rental in excess of $3,000,000 Anita I. Siebert. John J. Young, M. Df •Charles Laue has leased the Eva Berkowits, story building a t 81 and $ Mary J. Wynne. st., adjoining tho northwest Charles Khorp. of Cliff s t , Manhattan, for Leo Devon. he lately traded a Blue Point Christopher T. Lawless. country place to Harry Wii Lillian Bird. The lease is for ten years at ranging from $6,500 to $7 Mrs. C. Stlcknoth. annum. Frances Dianond. F. L. Merritt The M. Morgenthau, Jr., D, Jansen, have contracted with the M. V. Cotton. Realty Company to develop a Mickey McDowell. St. Albans, half a mile from t Arthur Heckma%try Club district. Subdivision Chris T. Lawless! be known «J» Subdivision No. F. L. Wooherton. James J. Lawless. Max Simon has sold for lnv Nathan Green. the three-story brick store and Edward Joerg. ments at 4106 Fifth ave., pjot Irving I. Effrain. 100. Meyer Schwartx. Chester Grueb. A. Mlshkln, of 1402 Ave. J. "Edward Piesen. for M. MatliK'k Construction Bertha Silverman. pally, to Mrs. B. T,iirle two, Meyer Schwartz. t^o apartments above, held Celia Hotchner. _ n. s. Newkirk ave., b e t tii* Dollio Druhych, • express station and East F i ' Anna Bookman. Caroline J. Stupell, General Sales Siiperi.nte^.»V!Tt Albert S. Caril. ( win L. Bees, of the 'j*«?r;«*»\. Doris Ricker. % Service Corporation, it*."* ' Edgar E. Mapea en apartment at 14.1 T'fljfc£*e Jean Golden. JflCkson Heights nnc! I / **?Ksthc* Tietlbaum. WIlleo.T, mo'^or of 4v--*- £*(ioldle Bunch. a roMidcnt. o*\'>e Mei6?J*\ m Virginia Claire Martin. Twenty-third st. Francis Reilly. Lucille Trimble. The M<»re mnnsirtf, c?en Mary Uiling, block front on the a Si of Anna Adee. nve. frorp Twenty-firs* St. Anna Behan. fv-spcond st.. has JfeOa. tar* chased ay S. w>i»ch ^**p, *£? Anna Gaffney. Hugh Slevtrok, • •'* crfy'comprises a pi.**' 2rJ &J H;IS ptirrhased twttty-P"y% Francis GHn.aitin. ;!eo by W. F, MoorC, focn Kliae Ferguson. dent of the N e w Arrwfert George Eerguson. ualty Company and now o Jeannette Ferguson. surance rate maker for the George Fox. glass companies of this country Gertrude Fox. John E. Searles, sugar magnate William Wagner, the residence built at a cost Theresa Peek. than $50,000. The block was Lillian Kalinover. at $100,000 and the new owne Robert Lawler. template moving the houas Inez Pascual. Twenty-first street side and Madeline Pftscual, Ing the remainder with hlg Helen M. Harria apartment houses, A. J. Dodge. Helen F . Dunnlgan. William F. Kurs has sold Charles EnvatI, 173d St. Realty Company Frank McMurray. 1% by 100, on the southerly Charles Poenlcke. 150th St., about 74.20 feet w Peter B. Vermllya. Ann's ave,, to a client w h o Wesley King, mediately Improve the property Harry B. Fasanaeht a business building. H. Goldbert Frsd Wessner. sold to Edward Waldman Harry C. Fassnaeht 3r, famlty house containing Miss Elsie M. Scheurff. r o o m s Plot 29.$ by 100, w Andrew Anderson. gsraga, e. a of Twelfth st F, Connor, Avenues K and L, for $21, Eva Marriuardt. The Princeton Club will Emma McDonald. $860,000, all cash, for its Lottie Marquardt and SSth st.. Manhattan, M. Convlse. 73 feet en the ave. and W. Thomas Hill. s t and pays $475,000 for Frances Morowlta * ner of Park are. and f»th Irving Harvey, Jt. 000 cash and $100,009 en Joseph Keenlg. Amanuel Wetam, Ralph Lenmger naa war Harry Ostrefsky. a $160,000 exchange deal t Miss Jessie M. Jones on plot 17S by 100 on a a Florence G. Jones. s t , 200 w. of Havemeyer at DonAId Repeli*Walser and gave In part Elmer Rylance. nlnetesn lots on Hart, Huv Ted Bosehard. J r s a d Wyckoff aye., resold Tan Sl^klnd. broker, Georire Sasstsr, John Bedell. sold the dwelling, f t deerge Leidemer. and Tit Frank Letdemar,
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