Swedish Proverbs - Ordspråk Bättre en fågel i handen än tio i skogen. - Better a bird in hand then 10 in the forest. Borta bra men hemma bäst. - Away is good but home is best. (For some reason the är, or “is” is left out of the Swedish proverb). Kom och gå en mil i mina mockasiner innan du bedömer vem jag är. Come and go a Swedish mile in my moccasins before you criticize who I am. Allt är inte guld som glimmar. - All aren't gold that glimmers. Magra myggor biter värst. - Thin mosquitoes bite the worse. Bättre sent än aldrig. - Better late than never. Man ska inte köpa grisen i säcken. - One shouldn't buy a pig in a sack. Bra karl reder sig själv. - (A) good man will cope on his own. Bättre lyss till den sträng som brast än aldrig spänna en båge. - Better listen to a broken string than never having bent a bow. Bättre älskat och förlorat än att aldrig ha älskat. - Better [having] loved and lost than never [having] loved. Det man förlorar på gungorna tar man igen på karusellen. Visit SwedishFreak.com for more awesome Swedish stuff! The loss on the swings is won back on the merry-go-round. Det som inte dödar, härdar. - What doesn't kill, hardens. Eget beröm luktar illa. - Own praise has a bad smell. Ensam är stark. - Alone is strong. Finns det hjärterum så finns det stjärterum. -If there's room in your heart, there'll be room for an ass. (To make room for one more person in a crowded place) Har man tagit fan i båten får man ro honom i land. - Have you taken Old Nick in the boat, you row him ashore. (About taking responsibility for your actions) I mörkret är alla katter grå. - In darkness all cats are grey. (As an excuse for a mistake that wasn’t easily avoided) Kärt barn har många namn. - Dear child has many names. (Ironically about delusive names and descriptions) Lagom är bäst. - ”Lagom” is best. (..."lagom" describes an amount balanced by your judgment and discretion, sufficient for its purpose, a fair share, not encroaching on other's rights) Man ska inte skåda given häst i munnen. - Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth. (A horse's age can be judged by its teeth, but it's bad manners to criticize the quality of a gift, or to complain about a benefit that's free.) Visit SwedishFreak.com for more awesome Swedish stuff! Man ska inte sälja skinnet förrän björnen är skjuten. - Don’t sell the pelt until you've killed the bear. När fan blir gammal blir han religiös. - When the Devil grows old he'll become religious. När Gud kommer med döden kommer Fan med arvingarna. - When God brings death, the Devil brings the heirs. När man talar om trollen!... (så står de i farstun). - When you talk about trolls!... (they stand in the hall). (When the subject of a conversation unexpectedly shows up/ happens.) Sagt ord och kastad sten kan inte tas tillbaka. - A word that's been said and a stone that's been thrown can not be taken back. Små sår och fattiga vänner ska man inte förakta. - Small wounds and poor friends should not be despised. Tomma tunnor skramlar mest. - Empty barrels rattle most. (About braggers) Väck inte den björn som sover. - Don’t wake a sleeping bear. Vägen till helvetet är kantat med goda föresatser. - The road to hell is lined with good resolutions. Visit SwedishFreak.com for more awesome Swedish stuff!
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