New Child Custody Legislation Favors Co-parenting

When a marriage ends, it's common for parents to worry about the impacts
that a divorce can have on children. Children typically need both parents,
and their well-being may suffer when a parent is suddenly taken out of their
lives. Likewise, parents can have a great deal of anxiety when it comes to
post-divorce custody arrangements. However, child custody arrangements
in Arizona and across the country these days have shifted from a winnertake-all situation to shared 50/50 parenting.
One state recently passed legislation saying that both parents, if fit; will split
time equally with children. Traditionally, mothers were commonly awarded
sole custody of children. However, recent research has shown that children
fair much better post-divorce when both parents are present in their lives.
Advocates of the new law say that shared parenting will lead to less
arguments and less fighting between parents, since both parents are not
pitted against each other. According to the new law, parents with a history
of mental health problems, drug addictions or domestic violence would be
disqualified from co-parenting.
Supporters say the new legislation will ensure that children get equal access to
both parents, thus creating better outcomes for parents and children alike.
Although the new legislation has been passed in only one state so far, it is
likely that more states will soon follow suit, Arizona included. Parents that
have questions regarding current child custody laws could benefit from
consulting a knowledgeable attorney. A skilled litigator can help individuals
navigate through the confusion and stressful process of divorce and custody
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