How Does Sleep Assist in Recovery

How Does Sleep Assist in Recovery?
People looking to improve their muscle strength believe that eating the right diet and doing regular exercise is
all they need. While they too are important, one must not forget that a good night’s sleep is just as crucial for
enhancing athletic performance. It assists in muscle recovery and ensures that the body gets time to heal and
repair the damage it has gone through during exercise.
Why Do We Sleep
We sleep after we get tired and the body signals that it needs time to rest. It is during this resting period when
the body performs vital activities which can’t be performed while waking, like tissue repair. Lack of sleep or
sleep deprivation can not only stop the body from recovering but also lead to the release of the stress hormone,
cortisol. You feel fatigued and don’t have the proper energy to exercise.
Benefits of Sleep
Sleep is associated with tissue repair. When we are sleeping our body start repairing the tissues which are
ripped apart when we exercise or do strenuous activity. This repair job is what makes the tissues and in turn our
muscles strong. So, one of the benefits of sleep is that it strengthens our muscles and accelerates their recovery.
Moreover, a good night’s sleep is also good for keeping the mind fresh and focused. A person who sleeps well
at night remains sharp and alert the next day.He can perform his duties in a much better manner than a person
who is sleep deprived.
Stages of Sleep
Every person goes through various stages of sleep. The first stage is of light sleep in which you can be woken
up easily. In the second stage, the brain waves slow down and the eye movements cease completely. The heart
rate drops in this second stage and the body prepares for deep sleep. This deep sleep is the third stage of sleep
which is also known as non-REM sleep. The fourth stage of sleep is merely a continuation of the deep sleep in
which the brain only produces delta waves. There is also a REM sleep in which we usually see dreams. In this
stage of sleep, the eye movements are rapid while the limb muscles become temporarily paralysed.
Time Frame for Adequate Sleep
Adult human beings need an average of seven to nine hours of sleep at night. If you are sleeping less than 4
hours a night then you will be considered sleep deprived.
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