case paper here - Prakruti Ayurveda Health Resort

Prakruti ayurvedic health resort, Satara
Date __/__ /____
Name………………………………………………………………………Date of birth __/__ /____Gender…..…… Age….. years
Pin code ______
Residential number_____- ________
Mobile number___________
email id……………………………………………………………………………………….
Educational qualifications…………………………………………………………………………….Weight…… kgs. Height ………..
Professional title………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
Detailed note on health issues of the patient………………………………………………Since when?...........................
Do you have a medical history any of the following?
Family’s medical history
Measles / chicken / small pox / typhoid/ jaundice……………………… blood pressure / diabetes/ vitiligo /
........................................................................................................eczema /heartdiseases /cancer/
Dysentery/ worms/ conjunctivitis/ otitis media/ herpes ................ respiratory diseases/asthama
pneumonia/ fracture/ skin diseases/ gastro ……………………………….Maternal family-mother /maternal
……………………………………………………………………………………………….…. uncle/ grandmother/ grandfather/aunt
heart diseases/ kidney stone/ urticarial
………………………………………………………………………………………………….. Paternal family– father/ paternal
…………………………………………………………………………………………………...uncle/grandmother /grandfather /aunt
Routine related:
Morning breakfast-.........................................ExerciseWork form- sitting/ intellectual/ stressful/ mental pressure
Food related: Good appetite/ poor appetite/ because it is timeVegetarian/ Non-veg…………………………………….Food preferences: Sweet/ spicy
Favorite food-
Toilet related- Daily: Yes/ No….State: Solid..Smooth..Inconsistent..Lose..Sticky
Other complaints–
Urine related- Frequency in a day………..
Urine color: Transparent..Yellowish..Reddish..Turbid
Burning sensation: Yes/ No
Other complaints–
Problems related to men's health–
Problems related to women's health–
Menstrual problems–
Sleep related- deep sleep/ insomnia/ startled awake/ disturbed sleep………….Sleep during the day–
Other complaints-
Addictions (if any)–
Nature related: Sensitive/ Aggressive/ Both.Other: Angry/ Heart palpitation/ Scared/ Lack of enthusiasm
Were you ever mentally disturbed? Yes/ No