
The iVote Audience App features a simple to use, elegant and intui ve layout. Polling slides appear on
the app in real- me during the live presenta on. Prompt messages and feedback will ensure your
audience members know when a poll is ac ve and when it has been stopped. At the end of the
presenta on, a responses report show the audience member how they responded to each polling slide.
Instant Feedback
During the live polling presenta on, results can be displayed in a variety of ways to suit your presen ng
style. Choose to embed the results directly into your polling slide for instant discussion. Alterna vely, use
the powerful in-presenta on repor ng tool "Instant Charts" to review all polling results at any me during
the live presenta on. With Instant Charts, you can access powerful analy cs such as individual
par cipant responses, response mes, scoreboards, word clouds and demographic analysis. You can also
view a leaderboard to view the top performers to add a compe ve edge. All these features are available
during your live presenta on giving you full control over how you want to discuss and review live polling
Historical Reports
A er the presenta on ends, all live polling data is stored in the built-in iVote Report Manager. The
Report Manager automa cally generates various excel style reports and charts that detail polling slide
response analy cs. You can track how each audience member responded and how the group performed
as a whole. You can also track individual par cipant progress over me if you teach a course. The iVote
Report Manager can also generate an a endee list and perform demographic analysis if selected during
the presenta on setup. All reports can be exported to Excel and PDF for further analysis and distribu on.
iVote-App Audience Response System
The iVote-App live audience polling system contains all the features you need to create exci ng,
engaging interac ve presenta ons. Audience members can respond via smartphones, tablets or
Windows 10 PC using beau fully designed, easy to use na ve apps. Use iVote-App for
anonymous polling or create advanced scoring polling slides. Sign-up to one of the affordable
iVote plans or download the PowerPoint add-in and create a free plan today.
Free plan signup
iVote-App Live Audience Polling West Midlands House, Gipsy Lane, Willenhall, West Midlands, WV13
[email protected]
+44 121 318 2433
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