Short Biography of Damon Whitaker

Short Biography of Damon Whitaker - Celebrity Born
Damon Whitaker 48 years, 9 months, 14 days old age Damon Whitaker will turn 49 on 21 October, 2019. Only 2 months, 16
days, 14 hours, 33 minutes has left for his next birthday.
Short Biography
Damon Whitaker was born on 21-10-1970 in Los Angeles in the state of California, United States. He is an
American Film Actor.
Damon Whitaker Family, Relatives and Other Relations
He was born to Forest Steven Jr. and Laura Francis Smith. He has two brothers named Kenn Whitaker &
Forest Whitaker and a sister named Deborah Whitaker. Actress Keisha Nash Whitaker is his sister-in-law.
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