KENT BRANCH OF THE ONTARIO GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY 2013 ISSN 0831-5930 VOLUME 36, ISSUE 2 2013 Kent Branch Executive CHAIR - Judi Bouchard [email protected] LIBRARY - Diane French SOCIAL COMMITTEE - Donna Reinhardus VICE-CHAIR - Vacant WEBSITE - Jill Johns PAST-CHAIR - Marg Eberle COMPUTERS - Gordon Dickson TREASURER - Valerie Butterfield MEMBER-AT-LARGE - Vacant RECORDING SECRETARY - Donna Dickson [email protected] MEMBERSHIP CO-ORDINATOR - Fran Barko [email protected] NEWSLETTER COMMITTEE - Cindy Robichaud, Frank P. Vink, Carol Marcelle, Tom Mountain Janet Vanderiviere, Donna Colby [email protected] PROGRAM CO-ORDINATOR - Cindy Robichaud [email protected] REGION 1 DIRECTOR - Debra Honor [email protected] PUBLICATIONS [email protected] Inside this issue: Region 1 Meetings 14 Finding Kent County Cousins 15 Zone Township - Early Marriages 16 Bothwell Resources 20 Our Library Collection 21 Book Review 22 Items of Interest 24 Our regular monthly meetings are held on the second Friday of each month (except July and August) at 7 P.M. at St. Andrew’s Residence, 99 Park Street, Chatham, Ontario. Everyone is welcome! Our research room is located on the second floor of the Main Public Library, in downtown Chatham at the corner of Queen St. and Cross St. Staffed by our volunteers, Tuesday - Saturday, 1 P.M. - 5 P.M. Our mailing address is ~ Kent County Branch Ontario Genealogical Society P.O. Box 964 Chatham, Ontario CANADA N7M 5L3 Or email us at [email protected] Kn-14-2013 VOLUME 36, ISSUE 2 KENT BRANCH September 13, 2013 - DEALING WITH CONFLICTING INFORMATION - Vicki McKay will walk us through some of her own family research challenges. October 11, 2013 - 150 YEARS! THE HISTORY OF THE CHATHAM CURLING CLUB - presented by Reg Johnson. November 8, 2013 - MAJOR TELFORD STEELE IN WWII - Ted Steele will share his uncle’s adventures during WWII. December 13, 2013 - CHRISTMAS GATHERING - join us for some Christmas cheer, raffle and silent auction. All meetings will be held at St. Andrews Residence, 99 Park Ave., Chatham at 7:00 P.M. ESSEX BRANCH September 9, 2013 (6:00 PM) - COPYRIGHT AND GENEALOGY - Copyright do’s and don’ts and general practices for family historians. Presented by Myra Tawfik from University of Windsor Law Faculty. October 15, 2013 (TUESDAY) - GETTING STARTED IN GENEALOGY - Personal experiences from our branch members. November 12, 2013 (TUESDAY) - FOR HONOUR AND COUNTY - One family’s participation in Canada’s military history by Ted Steele from Kingsville, Ontario. December 2013 - NO MEETING - Enjoy the busy month with family and friends. See you in 2014! All meetings held at the Windsor Public Library, 850 Ouellette Ave., Windsor, lower level, at 7:00 P.M. Don’t forget our “Ask the Genealogist” sessions September 7, October 12 and November 9 (Saturdays) from 10:00 A.M. - 12:00 P.M. at the Windsor Public Library, second floor. Experienced members will be available to assist you with your research and questions. There will be NO session in December. LAMBTON BRANCH September 10, 2013 - ADVENTURES & CULTURES ON THE ST. CLAIR RIVER - shared by Sandra Carlton. October 8, 2013 - RESEARCH IN FRANCE - presented by Gordon Hillman. November 12, 2013 - WWI UNKNOWN SOLDIERS - Anne Hentschel will share the burials in Guillemont Road Cemetery, Somme. December 10, 2013 - GENEALOGICAL GOALS & PLANS FOR 2014 - by Alan Campbell. All meetings held at the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1400 Murphy Rd., Sarnia at 7:30 P.M. Kn-15-2013 VOLUME 36, ISSUE 2 In 2011, the intensive search for my ADKIN ancestors began. There was a family history written in 1970 before the availability of internet research that I used as a guide. England, specifically Cambridgeshire and Suffolk counties, was my target for expanding the family history and correcting some errors contained in the older family history. Using, the marriage of John ADKIN (born 1789) and Frances CORNELL (born 1786) in June of 1809 in Chippenham, Cambridgeshire, England, my 3rd great grandparents, revealed the maiden name of my 3rd great grandmother. This was my first significant find, with many more to follow. John and Frances raised seven children; John (born 1809), Mary (born about 1810-1812), Charles (born 1814), James (born 1817), William (born 1820), Hannah (born 1826), and Richard (born 1830). The first three children were born in Chippenham and the others born in Snailwell. America was calling and in 1854, the fourth child of John and Frances, James ADKIN, my 2 nd great grandfather, arrived in New York and settled in Ontario in the Niagara Peninsula area to begin farming. James’ wife, Mary HATLEY ADKIN (born 1819) followed in December 1855 with nine children in tow. Mary and her children sailed on the Bridgewater out of Liverpool, England. The children included; Robert (born1841), Edward (born1843), James (born 1845), Henry (born 1846), Jane (born 1849), Mary (born 1851), Ann (born 1851), Emma (born 1852), and Reuben (born 1855). Four more children were born in Ontario; David (born 1857), Joseph (born 1858), George (born 1860) and William (born 1861). James’ siblings also migrated to Ontario, along with their father, John, who came after his wife Frances was buried in Snailwell in 1860. James and Mary settled on Thirty Road, Grimsby, Ontario. In March of 1867, with the temperature at 10 below zero, the house caught fire and burned to the ground. A candle started the fire while the family was drying flax. Three sons were badly burned as they were in the loft of the old log house. William (5 years, 5 months), Reuben (11 years, 9 months, 25 days), and Joseph (8 years, 7 months, 2 days) all perished from the fire. Amazingly, the little graves of the three children, in the Thirty Road Cemetery in Grimsby, are visible on Google Maps under a large pine tree. Following the fire, the family relocated to Bothwell, Ontario. My great grandparents, Robert ADKIN and his wife Mary Ann BURROWS ADKIN left Lincoln County in the Niagara Peninsula prior to the fire to pursue growing fruit in Allegan County, Michigan upon the advice of Mary Ann’s brother, Herbert BURROWS. Knowing that not all the ADKINS moved to Michigan with my great grandparents, curiosity led me to the most exciting resource, the phone directory. Finding two ADKINS, I picked up the phone to inquire about their genealogy and learned I was speaking to my second cousin once removed. Their grandfather, David ADKIN is my great-great uncle, a brother to my great grandfather who immigrated to Michigan. I was fortunate to visit Kent County and meet two ADKIN cousins, followed by a journey to England where I scoured Snailwell, Fordham, Chippenham, and Haughley for parish churches, graves, and records. James and Mary ADKIN are buried in the Dresden Cemetery, Kent County and seeing their graves made them leap off “the tree” and come alive in my heart. My advice is to get off the internet, pick up the phone, get in the car, get on the plane and make your genealogy research personal and fun. Nothing from any website takes the place of hearing, meeting, and seeing a link to your past. Jane Schwendinger, Austin, Texas, USA Robert ADKIN and Mary Ann BURROWS abt. 1915 Kn-16-2013 VOLUME 36, ISSUE 2 Submitted to the Kent Branch collection by member Helen Reaume ANNET, George, of Zone married 7 January 1845 to Sarah HUMPRIES, of Zone. Witness: Robert ANNET and Thomas CAREY. CAMPBELL, Barbara, of Zone, married 26 May 1846, to Archibald McALPINE, of Zone Twp. Witness: Malcolm McALPINE and Robert BURCHESS. BARNET, William, married 15 June 1834, Zone Twp., to Mary DINGHAM, by Rev. John H. HUSTON, M.E. Minister, at Dawn. Witness: Allen DRINKWATER and Jonathan JOHNSON. CAMPBELL, Catherine, of Zone, married 24 March 1847, to Angus McGUGAN, of Zone. Witness: James WALKER. BENTLEY, Apalet (?) Gillett, Zone Twp., married 16 July 1843, to Harriett (?) MONTROSS, Yarmouth Tsp. Witness: David (?) MONTROSS and Levi MONTROSS. CAMPBELL Sarah, of Zone Twp., married 6 February 1840, Aldborod (sic) to Dugald SMITH, of Zone. Witness: Daniel SMITH and Donald HAGGART. BROWN, Elizabeth, of Zone, married 2 February 1850, by license, to Alfred CHASE, of Dorchester, London District. Witness: William WATTS and Emeline BROWN. CAREY, Susanna, of Zone, married 25 April 1844, to William MOORE, of Southwold, London District. Witness: David WELLS and George CAREY. BROWN, James (21), Zone Twp., born Zone (son of Daniel and Charlotte) married 24 April 1861, Middlesex Co., to (?) WATTS (17), Zone, born Zone Twp., (daughter of Edmund and Eliza). Witness: Ambrose and John WATTS, both of Zone Twp. BRUNGER, Joseph, married Zone Twp., 30 November 1834, by Rev. John H. HUSTON, M.E. Minister, at Dawn to Sarah Ann ROGERS. Witness: John TROTTER and Thomas BRUNGER. BULL, Benjamin, married 31 October 1842, in Zone, to Nancy C. HIBLER. Witness: George LAIRD and James RANDLE. BULL, John, of Zone, married 19 November 1844, to Ruth GIBB, of Mosa. Witness: Jacob SWISHER and Angus SMITH. BURD, William, married 11 May 1835, Zone Twp., by Rev. John HUSTON, M.E. Minister, at Dawn to Matilda VINCENT. Witness: John LANGFORD and William CLEMENTS. BURNHAM, James, of Zone, married 19 March 1845, to Rebecca BROWN, of Zone. Witness: Adin McINTYRE and Edmond PARKER. CAREY, Thomas, of Zone, married 3 September 1845, to Maria WRIGHT, of Zone. Witness: Alexander McALPAN (? McALPINE) and David SCOTT. CARLING, Isaac, of Zone Twp., married 5 September 1849, to Anne BALKWELL, of Zone. Witness: William CARLING and Mary BALKWELL. CLARKE, Margaret, of Zone, married 25 February 1845, to Albert LLOYD, of Zone. Witness: Charles LAIRD and James SCARLETT. CLEGG, THOMAS (24), of Bothwell, born London, Ontario (son of John and Letitia) married 22 January 1866, to Elizabeth DUNN, (21) of Westminster, born Halifax, Nova Scotia, (daughter of John and Jeannette). CRAM, Christina, of Zone Twp., married 3 April 1842, to Charles (?) HONEY of Zone. Witness: Ennis SCOTT and Caleb SUSON (SLESON). CRANDELL, Benjamin, of Zone, married 14 December 1845, by license, to Jane Elizabeth ROGERS, of Zone. Witness: James GIPSON and Joseph BURNGER. Kn-17-2013 CUNY, William, of Zone Twp., married 10 July 1837, Malihide (?), to Susannah MOSES, of Mosa. Witness: James McDONALD and Gedion PALMER. DEACON, Annabella, of Zone Twp., married 20 January 1849, by license, to Mahlon B. SMITH. Witness: George R. WOOD and Sarah Ann SMITH. DILLON, Sarah, married, Zone Twp., 12 September 1843, to George R. HUFF. Witness: William JOHNSTON and Charles LAIRD. DOBBYN, John, of Zone, married 10 February 1847, to Jane LAIRD, of Dawn. Witness: William DOBBYN and Ann DOLSON. ERVING, Margaret M., of Zone, married 8 January 1845, in Zone, to William HALL, of Dawn. Witness: James NELSON and William BURR. FARLAND, Margaret L., of Zone, married 1 January 1846, to John F. WOOD, of Dawn. Witness: Henry FARLAND and Mary DOBBIN. FINLASON, Jennet, of Zone, married 17 February 1846, to Duncan McTAVISH of Mosa. Witness: John McALPIN and Peter SUTHERLAND. FINLASON, John, of Zone, married 29 May 1845, to Louise FURGUSON, of Mosa. Witness: Duncan CAMPBELL and Daniel MAY. FRANCHER, David, Zone Twp., married 28 June 1836, by Rev. John H. HUSTON, M.E. Church, Dawn, to Hannah TERREL, of Zone. Witness: Arthur BOBIER and William LEEPER. FRANCHER, David, of Zone, married 17 October 1846, to Mariah Liza FARLAND, of Zone. Witness: Alexander BOBIER and Henry FARLAND. FRANCHER, Richard, of Zone, married 29 September 1846, to Scyntha (?) SCOTT, of Zone. Witness: William WALKER and John FRANCHER. GREEN, James, of Zone, married 26 August 1844, to Rebecca HUFF, of Zone. Witness: Jonathan KRAGGS and John PROCTOR. VOLUME 36, ISSUE 2 HAGGART, Lachlin, of Zone Twp., married 5 March 1835, to Catherine GRAHAM, of Mosa. Witness: Jas. FERGUSON and Angus GRAHAM. HERMAN, Edwin (29), Bothwell, born Ireland, (son of John and Mary) married 14 August 1860, Middlesex Co., to Ann McKAY (38), Bothwell, born Scotland, (daughter of Thomas and Jennet OLIVET). Witness: Jane SHEPHERD and (?) Thos. LUNA, both of Bothwell. HILLMAN, James, of Zone, married 21 December 1847, to Mary MAY, of Zone. Witness: Alexander MENZIES and James WALKER. HILLMAN, William, of Zone, married 7 July 1845, by license, in Dover, to Christina MAY, of Zone. Witness: Donald McGREGOR and Mary McCALL. HUFF, Elizabeth, of Zone Twp., married 18 April 1837, to William WILSON, of Zone. Witness: John McQUEEN, William LEEPER and John HUFF. HULL, Joseph, of Zone Twp., married 10 November 1835, by George KERBY, J.P. at Dawn, to Mary Jane LOSSE, of Zone. HUMPHRIES, Eliza, of Zone, married 20 July 1847, to Thomas RANDALL, of Delaware Twp. Witness: Jacob SWISHER and Joseph HUMPHERIES. HUNTER, Dolly, Zone Twp., married 30 April 1836, by Rev. John H. HUSTON, M.E. Church at Dawn, to William LAYMAN, of Zone. Witness: James GARDNER and John HAMES. JOHNSON, Levy, of Zone Twp., married 9 November 1835, by George KERBY, J.P. at Dawn, to May KILMAN, of Zone. Witness: Job HALL and Lewis BURGESS. JOHNSON, Rachel, of Zone, married 17 September 1845, to William WARD, of Sombra. Witness: James MOORE and Abraham DECOW. LURAX, David (?) (25), Zone Twp., born Prince Edward Island, (son of Thomas and Dina) married 28 April 1861, Middlesex Co., to (?) MARCUS (20), Zone Twp., born Ireland, (daughter of James Kn-18-2013 VOLUME 36, ISSUE 2 and Mary). Witness: Robert MARCUS and Mat ATNELL, both of Zone Twp. 1845, to Mary SHAW, of Camden. Witness: John SHAW and James SHAW. MAIN, Margaret, of Zone Twp., married 12 October 1835, by Rev. John H. HUSTON, M.E. Church at Dawn, to David ROGERS, of Zone. Witness: Wilson McDORMAN and Joseph BRUNGER. RALSTON, Elizabeth, married 2 September 1834, Zone Twp., by Rev. John H. HUSTON, M.E. Minister at Dawn, to (?) BILTAN (BILTON). Witness: William RALSTON and Joseph BRUNGER. MAYHEW, Mary Augusta, Thamesville, married 3 February 1857, to Alexander GORDON, of the Great West Railway. RICHARD, Mary Ann, Zone Twp., married 21 October 1835, Zone Twp., by George KERBY, J.P. at Dawn, to William CLEMENT, of Zone. Witness: Richard WILSON and George LANGFORD. McALLEY, James, married 4 November 1843, in Zone, to Mary Anne ALEXANDER. Witness: Henry ALEXANDER and Euphemia McLEAN. McCABE, Margaret, of Zone Twp., married 9 August 1836, by George KERBY, J.P. at Dawn, to Charles EACOT, of Zone. Witness: Job HALL and Benjamin BURR. RICHEY, John H. (21), Thamesville, born Canada, single, blacksmith, M.E. Meth., (son of John and Mary), married Camden, 1 July 1872, by D. BARKER, to Elizabeth E. MALICK (20), Camden, born same, single, M.E. Meth., (daughter of Gibson and Margaret). Witness: L. WILSON and Annie MALICK, both of Camden. McCABE, Maria, Zone Twp., married 11 July 1843, to William CLEMONS. Witness: Angus McCLAIN and Samuel GOWMURR. RICKARD, James, of Zone, married 14 January 1846, by license, to Ann FLOYD, of Dawn. Witness: Robert ANDERSON and Franklin McDONNEL. McCALLUM, Edward, of Zone Twp., married (?), of Aldboro (sic), 14 November 1839, to Mary McARTHUR, of Aldboro (sic). Witness: Duncan PATTERSON and Hector PATTERSON. ROBLIN, Nancy, of Zone, married 25 July 1848, to Ezra L. HICKS, of Dawn. Witness: Silas HICKS and Eustacia HICKS. McDORMAND, Margaret, of Zone, married 11 November 1841, to Roger ROLESTONE. Witness: George ROLESTONE and Wilson McDORMAND. McDORMAND, Susan, Zone Twp., married 18 September 1843, to George KERREY. Witness: Thomas KERREY and John WALKER. McINTOSH, Neil, Zone Twp., married 18 November 1835, by Rev. John H. HUSTON, M.E. Church at Dawn, to Susannah CRULMAN, of Zone. Witness: Cabel G. BENTLEY and Robert KNAGGS. RODGERS, Jared, Zone Twp., married 10 April 1842, to Julia Anne WEBSTER, Camden Twp. Witness: Jonathan RODGERS and Jane RODGERS. ROGERS, Mary, of Zone, married 17 November 1844, to James GIPSON, of Mosa, Middlesex Co. Witness: William ROGERS and Jonathan ROGERS. SCARLETT, Hannah, married Zone Twp., 13 July 1834, by Rev. John H. HUSTON, M. E. Minister in Dawn, to Arthur BOBIER. Witness: John MOORHOUSE and John BOBIER. MOORHOUSE, Jane, of Zone, married 7 April 1836, to Richard WILSON. Witness: John LANGFORD and Richard DOBBYN. SCOTT, Catherine, married Zone Twp., 9 July 1834, by Rev. John H. HUSTON, M.E. Min. at Dawn, to William WRIGHT. Witness: William CLEMENTS and James BROWN. PUMPHRY, Richard, of Zone, married 15 July SCOTT, David, of Zone, married 23 June 1846, to Kn-19-2013 VOLUME 36, ISSUE 2 Sarah RICKARD, also of Zone. Witness: RICKARD and John WALKER. James SCOTT, William, of Zone, married 5 August 1846, to Mary SUSSEX, also of Zone. Witness: Ardin McINTYRE and Robert BAILEY. SCORDIA, Daniel, of Zone Twp., married 30 October 1849, to Sarah Ann HARRIS, of Zone. Witness: Nathaniel HARRIS and William MILLS. TROTTER, Jane, of Zone, married 29 January 1846, in Zone, to Robert BLOOM, of Dawn. Witness: James TROTTER and Nancy REA. WRIGHT, Catherine, of Zone, married 3 August 1847, to James NELSON, of Dawn. Witness: Joseph MILLS and Emma MILLS. WILLMAN, Elizabeth, of Zone, married 19 November 1844, to Samuel CELLIER, of Mosa. Witness: James WALKER and John KELLEY. SIMPSON, Robert, of Edinburgh, Scotland, married 25 October 1847, Louisville, at residence of Richard ABBS, to Mary Isabella ROBSON, youngest daughter of the late William COLTISH of Hull, England. WICKHAM, Jane, of Zone, married 27 May 1845, to Benjamin MORRISON, of Mosa. Witness: John BOBIER and William LINBY. SINCLAIR, Sarah, of Zone Twp., married 25 July 1837, to Neil PATTERSON, of Kent County. Witness: John CAMPBELL and Archibald SINCLAIR. WELLS, David, of Zone, married 12 August 1845, to Esther HICKS, of Dawn. Witness: Solomon HICKS and Peter HICKS. SMITH, Catherine, of Zone, married 20 November 1849, to Isaac McLELLAN, of the London District. Witness: Archie McLELLAN and Angus SMITH. WALKER, John, Zone Twp., married 5 January 1847, to Eliza RICKARD, of Zone. Witness: Alonzo FARDILL and William WALKER. SMITH, William, of Bear Creek, Zone Twp., married 1 October 1834, to Miss SCOTT, of Bear Creek, Zone Twp. WALKER, Frederick, Zone Twp., married 16 September 1846, to Mary Ann FARLAND, of Howard. Witness: Charles SCARLETT and Jane DOBBYN. Submitted by Frank P. Vink Kn-20-2013 VOLUME 36, ISSUE 2 Member Fran Barko shares this school photo in hopes that someone can identify the people. On the back of the photo is written, “SS # 3 Zone school. The reunion was on June 29, 1957. The chairman of the Committee was Leonard HERBERT and the Sec-Treas. was Chris SMEDLEY.” A FEW BOTHWELL RESOURCES IN OUR BRANCH COLLECTION Life of a Boomtown - A Pictorial History of Bothwell 971.3339 Bothwell MATT Fairfield Museum & Moravian Diary 971.3339 FAIR The History of Bothwell United Church - Celebrating 140 Years 1866-2006 971.3339 BOT Black Gold Built Bothwell - 1983 971.3339 The Bothwell United Church - 1972 971.3339 Unwin & Dyas New Map of the Bothwell Oil District - 1866 971.3339 Map of the Oil Regions in the Vicinity of Bothwell 971.3339 Zone Township Early Marriages 971.3339 ZONE The Bothwell Times 1879-1880 971.3339 Zone Cemetery Transcriptions and Index 971.3339 ZONE CEM Cemetery Transcription of St. Ignatius Roman Catholic Cemetery 971.3339 Cemetery Transcription of West Bothwell Cemetery 971.3339 BOTHWELL CEM Census Records 1861 - 1901 for Bothwell Village, Bothwell Town, Township of Zone, etc. Kn-21-2013 VOLUME 36, ISSUE 2 These materials have been added to the Kent Branch OGS library since the last newsletter: Chatham Daily News Death Notices 2012, compiled by Donna & John Reinhardus. Births, Marriages and Obits 2012 from Ridgetown, Bothwell, Dresden, Blenheim and Thamesville, compiled by Margaret Eberle. Rev. S. Ernest Stevenson’s Minister’s Record Book 1928-1984: Marriages, Baptisms & Burials for South Buxton, Dawn Mills, Highgate, Dresden & other Ontario Communities, transcribed & indexed by Lynn Clark. From Unknown to Known: The Story of John Attridge’s Family, by John G. Attridge c2003. First Metis Families of Quebec 1622-1748: Volume 1: 56 Families, by Gail Morin c2012. For Home and Country: the Centennial History of the Women’s Institutes in Ontario, by Linda M. Ambrose c1996. Early Settlers in Niagara Including the First “Census” 1782, 1783, 1784,1786, 1787 & index. St-Joachim de la Riviera Ruscom: Baptisms 1882-1942, Marriages 1882-1987, Burials 1882-2012, R.P.F.O. c2013. 1837 Rebellion Losses of Upper Canada, (originally printed in 1849) c2013 CD. Canadians Fighting the Great War 1914-1916 volume 1: At the Sharp End, by Tim Cook c2007. Canadians Fighting the Great War 1914-1916 volume 2: Shock Troops, by Tim Cook c2008. Tracing Your Second World War Ancestors: A Guide For Family Historians, by Phil Tomaselli c2011. Second World War Lives: A Guide For Family Historians, by James Goulty c2012. Inheritance in Ontario: Wills & Other Records For Family Historians, by Jane E. MacNamara c2013. Part of the collection at our Kent Branch library Kn-22-2013 VOLUME 36, ISSUE 2 Inheritance in Ontario: Wills and Other Records for Family Historians, by Jane E. MacNamara. Toronto, Dundurn Press, c2013 ISBN 978-145970807 Available from OGS $19.99. This is a great little reference book! Dealing with wills, where and how to find them. This should be on every Ontario genealogist’s list. It gives a history of how wills and inheritance has changed in the last 250 years and also makes reference to early records that may be found in Michigan, USA. In Chapter One, under “ What’s in a will ?” reference is given to, A Brief View of the Laws of Upper Canada, by W. C. Keele written in 1841. This book can be found on Google Books. This book describes the type of documents, where to locate them and how to understand them. References are made to the Ontario Archives Descriptive Database as well. Appendix A lists Ontario Surrogate Court records by county and by RG # within each county. This book is definitely going to be on my personal reference shelf. Donna Dickson Submitted by Frank P. Vink from his personal collection. Kn-23-2013 VOLUME 36, ISSUE 2 S.S. #2 ZONE abt. 1887 Back Row: Geo. JACKMAN, Matthew KELLY, Harriet DOWSWELL, Jennie FEATHERSTONE, Bruce DOWSWELL, Mr. READER, Mrs. READER, Jennie CRUICKSHANK Second Back Row: Annie CRUICKSHANK, John BOAM, Will HUGH, Elsie WALLACE, Geo. SHUPE(?) Third Back Row: Ed BEDFORD, Bert SMITH, Lorenzo CRUICKSHANK, Letty KELLY, Bill CRUICKSHANK, James HAUGH, Mary DOWSWELL, Harry BOAM, Lizzie CRUICKSHANK, ? PELFRY, Charlie HALMER, Geo. SHUPE, Willie KENITNER(?), Jim GRAINGER, Miles McDONALD, Frank SHUPE, Joe GRAINGER, Geo. GRAINGER, Carrie WHITESELL, Bruce HELMER, Harry HELMER, Walter BEDFORD, Will BOAM Front Row: John HUGH, Eva LAMPORT, Flora HAUGH, Edith KELLY, Ella BOAM, Maud CHUICKSHANK, Maggie PELFRY, Ethel BEDFORD, Blanche SMITH, Ida PELFRY, Ida RICHARDSON Member Tom DENNISON graciously submitted the above photo which belonged to his grandmother, Mary DOWSWELL. Luckily, Mary wrote the names of her classmates on the back of the photo. Mary went on to marry William DENNISON (son of Robert DENNISON and Susannah DOWSWELL) and moved to Varna, Stanley Township, Huron County until 1920 when they moved to Thamesford, East Nissouri Township, Oxford County. William died in 1930 in a farm accident. Mary's brother, George, left Zone Township and went to live with his sister. Mary's sister, Hattie, also went to live with them after the death of her own husband, Roland BLACKWELL. Mary and William had one child, a son, Fred DOWSWELL. The photos from the previous page came from a group of items and papers Frank rescued from an antique shop in Morpeth. The first photo was taken by the photographer, Z.E. BEAUL in Bothwell, Ontario. The family photo, by the photographer Daniel G. DENISON, is a favourite of Frank’s. D.G. is listed in the Ontario Photographers List as being in Bothwell from1886 to 1889. Kn-24-2013 VOLUME 36, ISSUE 2 We are 35 years old!!! That’s right. The Kent Branch celebrates 35 years of operation in 2013. Here’s to 35 more!! For those with ties in New Brunswick, check out the updated Archives site at: The London Middlesex Branch shared these websites which might be of interest: You never know, one of your ancestors may have appeared in the gazette. is a Canadian blog covering Canadian genealogy, heritage, and history news and events. There have been over 900 posts since January 2008. The website contains over 30 newsletters dating from 2004 to 2007, again covering the same news as the blog. Also included is the Website of the Month, showcasing the best in Canadian genealogy. In the Okanagan Researcher - Volume 28, Number 3, March 2012, Marlene Crane lists a few websites she found helpful in organizing her research: Middlesex Branch OGS shared the following websites: Family Search policy change 1921 Canada Census release news Organizing digital photos Essex member, Barb Margerm, shared a website she found useful in researching her great uncle Ross BALTZER. He was a pilot who was killed in 1942 over Germany. index.html covers abandoned airfields in Europe, including England with history and pictures. Goldie Howes found this interesting website: Finally, the branch would like to thank Elberta CROW, Goldie and Merv HOWES, Christina Jean ZIMMER, Frances BARKO, Donna DICKSON, Diane FRENCH, Tom MOUNTAIN, Donna REINHARDUS, Marilyn WILD, Nola-Susan CREWE and Mary Anne RUMBLE for their donations to the branch! This spring we lost a friend and long-time member of the branch, Beatrice Foster. Bea was a tireless volunteer with the branch and her contributions were many. For the past several years, Bea was our Membership Co-ordinator even while dealing with many health issues. Bea will be sadly missed.
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