Page Six — Section i THE WAVE, ROCKAWAY BEACH, N. Y. THURSDAY, MARCH 1, 1962 OBITUARY NOTICES Arthur Brand World War II Veteran Mrs. Louis Bronstein 111 Six Months J o s e p h 11, C o h e n SCIENCE LEGTfJKK BY IOKM.tiJt BANKER Nicholas How hdjalth and individual use. fulness 0|n be restored through spiritual means, as illustrated in the Bible; will be brought out in a public lecture on Christian Sei- Kpiscopo BROAD CHANNEL Radio Club Elects Smith As President Mis. Ethel Demarest who un-day evening at a Rockville Cenderwent major surgery recently tre night spot. at Peninsula General Hospital, Congratulations are in order has been convalescing at her for Mr. and Mrs. Preston Colder O p e r a t i o n O f E m e r g e n c y home at West 14th road, since of 713 Cross Bay boulevard, who Network Is Diseiisseil February 19. became grandparents February Mr. and Mrs. William J Kass 21, when their daughter-in-law, Chapter Is K e p t O p e n of 17-15 Cross Bay boulevard, ac- Marylin, gave birth to a daughcompanied by trAnr daughter and ter at Jamaica Hospital. Officers were elected at the son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. George At the regular business meet- third organizational meeting of Stewart of 114 Noel road, return- ing of the Regular Women's the Rockaway Radio Club which ed last week following a vaca- Democratic Club tonight in the meets on the second Tuesday cf tion spent in Miami Beach, Fla., clubhouse, 707 Shad Creek road, each month at the American Lewhere they met Mr. and Mrs.plans will be discussed for a gion clubhouse, 301 Beach 92nd Charles Korpas and daughter, luncheon and white elephant sale street. Several new members Evelyn; Mr. and Mrs. John Stew- to be held March' 29 a t the club- will be received and the books art of Wavecrost, and the Har- house with Mrs. Edward Robin- are being kept open so that all old Meehans. members in good standing at the son in charge. Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Brown The committee in charge of April meeting will be considerof 29 West 13th road, were mar- the card party held recently by ed charter members. ried 29 years on Monday. the Regular Women's DemocratAlfred G. Smith WA2TAQ, was Louis W. Russo, jr., 13-year-old ic club, at the clubhouse, were chosen as president; Robert Shason of Mr, and Mrs. Louis W. the Mines. Edwatd Robinson, piro K2MYS, vice-president; Phil. Russo of 430 Cross Bay boulc chairman; William M. Sugden, lp Pumilia VVA2MLN, secretary; vard, is homo from school on Joseph Nicholson, Arthur Ma- Walla-e Shapiro WA20HN, treashealth suspension and will re- loney, president; Irene Gay nor, urer and Stanley Doben K2MQS, ceive private tutoring until Sep< Charles Phillips, Charles W. sergeantatarms. Also elected tember when he will be able to Curran and James Dunleavy. were four executive board memresume his studies at Junior High bers: John Grover K2UHD, ArSchool 180 DOCTOR, NURSE CLUBS thur Cholakis K2VIT, Ralph PinMr. and Mrs. Victor Chadwick, HOLD JOINT MEETING cu s WA2AWH and Charles FromMr. and Mrs. Martin Conneely A combined meeting of the Fu- check WA2JSK. and Mr. and Mrs. Louis GoeCommittee chairman appointmans dined and danced Satur- ture Doctors and the Future ed: Barry Forrest, WA2BIT, Rob. Nurses clubs will be h'ald at the ert Shapiro K2MYS, Stan Doben P e n i n s u l a General Hospital, K2MQS, Arron Nathanson WA2 TEENERS 150 STRONG at Edgemere, Saturday at 2 p.m. IXC, Dick Taaffe K2HQO and clubs are open to all inAT VALENTINE DANCE These Rick Small WA2AKT. terested high school seniors and Eighteen members were accepOne hundred and fifty teen- juniors, as well as college stuted Into the club a t this first agers were present Friday eve- dents. ning when St. Gertrude's High Dr. Harry Charrippor Of Ne-official meeting and the presiSchool Confraternity held its an- ponsit, head of the Department dent, Al Smith, felt that this nual St. Valentino's Dance in the of Biology, New York University, number will increase and that new auditorium, 327 Beach 37th will deliver a talk on the op- membership will no doubt doustreet, Arverne. portunities and what is avail- ble in a very short time. Discussion was held on future Tho "best twisting couple" of able through the National Sciclub activities and many projects the 25 couples who competed in ence Foundation this summer. wore suggested, most important a "let's twist contest" were June PUBLIC N O T I C t being for the future emergency Moylan and Mickey Cintron of PurjUatl to t h e l^ihlie SVrvlce 1/Jiw Edgemere. Blanche Cintron of and Rule 30 of Circular No. 116, tho network operation which will be Edgemere was judged the "best undersigned hereby Riven notice thui activated on the two-meter ama. it has nuiildd to tho Public Service teur band. girl twister" and Ri,cb'ard Sny- Commission, "Statement of Purchasder, the "best boy twister." The ed Gas Adjustment No. 19," effective The club will meet every secMarch 1, 1962, getting forth n purchas- ond Tuesday of the month at the contestants were judged by The ed gras adjustment, tor the month of Valiants and the master of cere- March and each month thoreaitor Legion clubhouse at 8:30 p.m. until changed, of o.ssoo cent per loo Membership is open to all licensed monies who is the group's mod- cubic foot applicable to hillings unorator, the Rev. Charles M. Sul- der Service Classifications NOB. ' find amateur raidio operators and al2 of p. s. G. No. i Gas, livan. so to any person avidly Interestof t h e s t a t e m e n t a r e on file ed in amateur radio, whose aim A St. Patrick's Dance is sched- in Copies t h e offices of t h e Company and a r e uled for the evening of March available for inspection, is to obtain an amateur radio Long Island Lighting Company TUOhy. President 16 in the now auditorium, accordoperator's license. John ing to the group's supervisor, February 81, i!»(i2. Mrs. Jo McGlynn of Arverne. Landscape Cai'tlcncr Had T h r e e Sisters Here Arthur Brand, of 4512 Norton Nicholas Episcopo, landscapi Mrs. Louis Bronstein, of 13-19 Joseph B. Cohen, wb'o had been avenue, Edgemere, died Friday Eggert place, F a r Rockaway, in the real estate business in gardener, who had lived fofollowing a short Illness at the died February 21 at the Long Is- New York and on Long Island, many years on Beach 84th street Peninsula General Hospital. An land Jewish Hospital, New Hyde died February 21 at his residence, and recently moved to 69-14 Fail employee of Allied Fleet Service P^ark, after a six months' illness. 76 Reyam road, Lynbrook, L. I., ing street, Arverne, died sudden a t International Airport, the de- The former Esther Simon, daugh- after an Illness of several months. ly while watching a jai alai gam. ceased was born in New York ter of Sidney and Ida Simon, she He was born in Russia 60 years February 21 in Miami Beact City on October 25, 1904. Hiswas born 66 years ago In Hunga- ago, the son of Max and Sarah Fla., where he was spending i parents were Charles and Her- ry. Sh'e had been t a resident of Cohen. winter vacation. tha Ehert Brand. Beach 77th street', Arverne, for Mr. Episcopo, son of Angeh The deceased was a board A resident of the Rockaways 40 years before moving to Far member of the Hebrew Institute and Antoinette Episcopo, wai the past eight years, Mr Brartd Rockaway two years ago. of Long Island at F a r Rocka- born 57 years ago in Salerno served in the Army during World Italy. He had lived She leaves her husband, a son, way. in the Rocka War II. Morris of Far Rockaway; a He is survived by his widow, ways for 40 years. He leaves l'.s widow, Marj He leaves his widow, Rose; a daughter, Mrs. Helen Rotkowita Myldrid (nee Berger); a son, Stuson, Arthur J. jr.; a daughter, of Long Beach; three brothers, art; a daughter, Sorita, both liv- (nee Coiro); also four brother; Christine; two brothers, Richard two in New York, the other in Ihg at home and three sisters, and a sister, in Italy. and George and two sisters, Mrs. Montevideo, Uruguay; a sister in Mrs. Max Black, Mrs. Max H. A solemn high mass was of Frances Holz and Mrs Berth'a Buenos Aires, Argentina, and Galfunt and Mrs. Leo Keller, all fercd Tuesday morning in St Chorlln. three grandchildren, Stuart and Of Neponsit. He was the brother Rose of Lima R. C. Church, the The Rev. Henry M. Childs, Jr., Perry Rotkowitz and Dori Bron- Of the late Nathan M. Cohen and Rev, Ralph J. Garvey, celebrant Henry H Cohen, both' of Nepon- the Rev James Burgess, deacor? pastor of the First Congrega- stein. sit. and the Rev. Samuel Winters tional Church, officated at the Rabbi Arthur H. Neulander of funeral services held Tuesday af- Congregation Darchay N a o m, Funeral services were hold Fri- the sub-deacon. Interment follow ternoon. Interment followed in Bayswater, officated at the fu- day morning at the Riverside Me- ed in the family plot in St Long Island National Cemetery, neral services held Friday noon morial Chapel, F a r Rockaway. Mary's Cemetery, Inwdod,. undei J o h n D. Pickett Pinelawn, under the direction of from the Riverside Memorial Rabbi Morris Friedman of Con- the direction of the Denis S the Denis S. O'Connor Funeral Chapel, F a r Rockaway, assisted gregation Beth David, Lynbrook. O'Connor E'uneral Home Inc., 91 ence to jpe given here on MonHome, Inc., 9105 Beach Channel by Cantor Sol Sadowsky. Inter- officated and assisted by Cantor 05 Beach Channel drive. day by John D. Pickett of Chidrive. ment followed in M.t. Ararat Cem- Shapiro of the Lynbrook congrecago, m l etery, Farmingdale. gation. Interment followed in the Louis Boxer Mr. PJ|kett will speak in the Alias Emma Becker family plot in Baron Hirsch CemRetired Plumber ,church [auditorium, 1835 Mott Mrs. Edwin Snyder etery, Staten Island. avenue, JFar Rockaway at 8:30 Dies In Brooklyn Following an illness of seven Active In Temple p.m., unler the auspices of First Louis Sontupe months, Louis Boxer, retired Miss Emma W. Becker, who Church jjbf Christ Scientist. His Mrs. Edwin Snyder, of 241 plumber, of 6 Williams Court, had been a resident of the RocksubjectJwill be "Christian SciFar Rockaway, died Monday at aways for 35 years, died Satur- Beach 130th street, Belle Harbor, Was Chief Architect ence: 'me Unfailing Power of day at th'e Cumberland Hospital, died after an illness at the PeninLouis Sontupe, architect, who the Oceanview nursing home in God Male Practical.'' The public Brooklyn. She had made her sula Hospital, on Saturday. The had resided in Belle Harbor Far Rockaway. A resident of the is invited to attend without horn© with her sister, Mrs. Lou- former Florence I Hoffman, she Since 1941, died after an illness Rockaways for 40 years, Mr ise Kuestner at 231 Beach 135th was born 43 years ago In New Saturday at his residence, 415 Boxer was born in Russia, May charge. A nat(ye of Ohio, Mr. Pickett street, Belle Harbor, for many York. Her parents, William and Beach 127th street. He Was bom 15, 1885. years before entering a nursing Minnie Hoffman reside in Rocka- in Philadelphia, Pa., 59 years was educated in Georgia and He had been a member of Con home in Brooklyn; 18 months way Park. and North Dakota. Formerly pros, ago, the son of Isaac and Ethel gregation Talmud Torah Knesetl:' ago. Israel, Far Rockaway for 35 ident of inis own investment bankA resident of the Rockaways Sontupe. ing firnji he liquidated his bust years. for 30 years, Mrs. Snyder was a Miss Becker was born in New Mr. Sontupe studied at the ness affairs in 1942 to enter the He leaves his widow, Anna member of Temple Beth-El, RockYork, February 2, 1872, and was Hebrew T e c h n i c a l Institute, full tinjB practice of Christian (nee Greonberg); a daughter, away Park and its Sisterhood; the daughter of George and Cooper Union and Columbia UniScience. He was a Christian Sci, Mrs. Kathryn B. Samel of Berthe Rockaway Park Chapter of versity. He had been with the Anna Miller Becker. Ionce Wartime Worker during She leaves her sister.; two Hadassah; and the Rockaway Robert L. Blen, architectural genfield, N. J.; a brother, Wolfe World War II. Prior to that he nephews, James Robertson of In- Park League for Cerebral Palsy. firm of New York, since 1949. At of Denver, Colo., and a sister, had sewed in active field servShe loaves her husband; two the time of his death, he was the Mrs. Esther Weinstein of Brookwood and Howard Lowande of ice on Ihe Illinois Flood Roliof sons, Steven, 12 and. Larry company's chief architect. He lyn. the Bronx and a niece, Mrs. RobC o m m l 11 e e s of The Mother Rabbi Ralph Pelcovitz of ConMichael, 4; her parents, and a was instrumental in designing ert Diffley of the Belle Harbor Church,! The First Church of gregation Talmud Torah Kneseth sister, Miss Lillian Hoffman of such buildings a s the Grade address. Christ, Scientist, in Boston, MassIsrael, Far Rockaway, officated Towers Apartments a t 180 East The Rev. Henry M. Childs, jr., Rockaway Park. achusetts. Since becoming a at the funeral services on TuesRabbi Manuel Goldsmith of End avenue and the luxury pastor of the B^irst Congregamember of Tho Christian Science day from the River-side Memotional Church of \0hich the de- Halifax, Canada, a friend of the apartment house at 900 Fifth rial Chapel, B1ar Rockaway. In- Board If lectureship, he has ceased was a member, officiated family, officiated a t the funeral avenue and 71st street, New terment followed in Both David traveled! throughout the United at the funeral services held this services Monday morning from York. States, pouth America and CanCemetery, Elmont, L. I, morning from the Edward P. the Riverside Memorial Chapel He is survived by his widow, ada of Far Rockaway. Interment folSAMUELS pittfQ SHORE Bennett and Son Funeral Home, Pauline (nee Hanft); a son, Ira; W a s h i n g t o n I, l l c g e n i a u lowed in Beth Moses Cemetery, 264 Beach 116th street, Rockaway and a daughter, Ethel, all of C AGE LIVINC StART NEW BUILDING Park, Interment followed in Lu- Pinelawn, L. I. Belle Harbor; a brother, Abra- Retired Local Pcliceiiian theran Cemetery, Middle Village. ham, of Brooklyn and three sisYMfllOSIUM TOPIC Excavation was started last Mrs. Harry Kosen Washington I. Hegeman, who ters, Mrs. Rose Maniscalco of week for the new Samuels drug was a .Rockaway resident for Mr«. J o s e p h Cassauo Brooklyn; Mrs. Matilda Barouch to live in the Atomic "How; store building on tho north sido Had Long Illness of Belle Harbor and Mrs. Doro- many years, died February 13 at Age" is fthe subject of a sympos- of Rockaway Beach1 boulevard, I Born In Georgia Memorial Hospital in West Hol- ium of pommunity religious leadMrs. Harry Rosen of Belle thy Schneider of Manhattan. at the corner of Beach 74th lywood, Fl&.» a t the age of 82 Harbor, the former Eva Kram, Mrs. Joseph Cassano died elite ;sponsored by the Five street. Rabbi Abraham Ohrenstein, asera bei Towns-lockaway s-Roc Chapter of the Tuesday evening at her homo, who was born 53 years ago in sociate rabbi of Temple Beth-El, years. It is to be completed by earNew York, died Thursday after He was a retired Now York Committee for a Sane Nuclear- ly summer and will be occu436 Beach 69th street, Arverne, Rockaway Park, officiated at after a long Illness. She was the a long illness at University Hos. services Monday afternoon in City policeman and for some Policy, to be hold next Thurs- pied immediately by the Samuels former Ruth Underwood, daugh- pital in New York. She had re- Far Rockaway, assisted by the years had served in the 100th day evAiing at, 8:45 p.m., at tho store now at tho corner of Beach ter of Ch'arles and Kate West sided at 260 Beach 137th street Rev. Irving Mirsky. Interment and later in the 101st Precincts. Hewlett*Woodmcro Public Libra- 84th street which is to be demolUnderwood and was born May and had been a local resident followed in Mt. Ararat Cemetery, For a number of years he drove ry, 1125 Broadway, Woodmere, it ished as it is on the site of the 11, 1904 at Cedar Town, Ga. She for the past 20 years. B'armirtgdale, under the direction the patrol wagon in the 101st was announced by Saul Behind* new Dayton Park houses. She is survived by her hus- of the Riverside Memorial Chap- Precinct and was on that assign- lor, chairman of the organzation. had lived here four years. The new building will be a one ment when he retired. band r a son, Richard of Barest el of Far Rockaway. Her husband survives. The meeting will feature the story structure. Besides the drug He is survived by two daugh- Rev. Hlhry W, Childs, jr., pas- store it will also contain several A requiem hlgn mass will be Hills; a daughter, Barbara, who lives at the Belle Harbor adters, Mrs. Valerie Seifort of tor of Ml* First Congregational professional offices, all fronting Mrs. iDavid I loci una it offered a t 10 a m , tomorrow in dress; a brother, Harry Kram of Pompano Beach, formerly of Church of Rocka way Beach; Rab- on the boulevard. A large parkSt. Rose of Lima, R. C. Church. the Bronx and a sister, Mrs. Ann Lived Here 4 3 Years Beach 88th street here and Mrs. bi My|"on Berman of Temple ing space for the occupants' use Beach 84th street. Interment will Kapp of Far Rockaway. Rose Nesselt of West Hollywood Beth-El; in Cedarhurst, and the will be maintained in back of tho follow in St. Mary's Cemetery, Mrs, David Hochman, of 182 1 Funeral services were conductand a brother, Remsen Hegeman, Rev. H i Oliver Scott, rector of building Lawrence, under the direction of Beach 74th street, Arverne, diec ed Friday in a Brooklyn funeral in Pennsylvania. He also leaves the Firft Baptist Church of Far the Denis S. O'Connor Funeral Friday after a brief illness a t Mehome. Interment followed in M t five grandchildren, Robert and Rockaway. The program Will inHome, Inc., 9105 Beach Channel morial Hospital, New York, She Ararat Cemetery, Farmingdale, was the former Jennie Hochman, William Nesselt, Mrs. Barbara clude questions from the floor. drive. Shoddy L. I. daughter of Berek and Gitla Reeves and Robert Seifort, all in This |s one of a series of comHochman and was born in Po- Florida and Fred Seifert, Jr., of munityivide meetings being planShoes? ned by i h e SANE Committee deland 65 years ago. Her husband Arverne, signed l o stimulate interest and died in 1950. She lived at 131 Bea,ch 83rd street for 42 years, Rabbi Rackman Speaker discussion of the issues posed by the Atomic ago. moving to the Arverne address At Friday Night Forum one year ago, Understanding beyound the ordinary Rabbi Emanuel Rackman, of People who miss tho freedom Shte is survived by two sons, , , . service beyond the expected Congregation Shaaray Tenia, will train ale those who live far beBenjamin of East Meadow and speak of the final session of the yond tJVoir station in life. Joseph, of the Beach 74th street RIVERSIDE MEMORIAL CHAPEL. INC. address; a brother David, who Far Rockaway Friday Night resides a t 2 Swan road, Arverne Forum scheduled . for Friday FUNERAL DIRECTOR and six grandchildren. A son, night, March 9. The event will For Rockaway: 1250 Central Ave. • FA 7-7100 Harry and a daughter, Goldie, take place at the Congregation Manhattan: 76th St. and Amsterdam Ave. • ENdlcott 2-6600| OUR QUALITY REPAIR Kneseth Israel, 11-06 Nameoke are deceased. Mt. V«rnon • Bronx • Brooklyn • Miami Rabbi Abraham Kaplinsky, Street in F a r Rockaway directors: Morton Rosenthal . Norman Shapiro will m a k e ' e m l o o k s o The Friday Night F a r Rocka- YOLANDAS Rabbi Aron Katz, both of ArMILDRED'S verne and Rabbi Gabriel Beer, way Forum series is a joint effort 273 B. [116th St. 707 Central Ave. g o o d , y o u c a n ' t tell ' e m of Temple of Israel, officated at of the two Congregations. Rabbi QR 4.4303 Far Rockaway JHAPiU IN ALL LONG ISLAND COMMUNITIES the funeral services held Sunday Rackman and Rabbi Ralph PelcoFA 7-9429 afternoon from the Riverside vitz of Conggregation Kneseth from N E W ! Memorial Chapel, F a r Rockaway. Israel are ex-officlo advisors to 7-POINT Interment followed in Old Monte- the committee in charge of arWhy buy new shoes when we fiore Cemetery, Springfield, L. I. rangements. Members of the ComRSET REPAIR can repair your old ones so mittee are: Jerry Alter, Rabbi I. SERVICE well? See us for lasting satis* B, Rose, Dr. Abba Walker and John Stratum 1. faction. All Seams repaired Rabbi Seymour Baumrind. Former Resident 2. Material Patched where torn We sell the famous John Stratton, a former resi3. Re«plushed where needed dent of Rockaway Beach, died in Eternal Light Shines Through 4. AU Bones replaced CHILD LIFE SHOES South Nassau Communities Hos9 5. AU Loops replaced The Shadows At Journey $ End pital, Oceanside, February 18. He for Growing Children lived 106 Hazel street, North BellThe faith that shines through the darkest 6. Bones patched when coming hours to solace and sustain Is expressed In more. He was a carpenter and thru the beauty of a funeral service that Is con\n<e\e ORTHOPEDIC was 58, ducted with dee* reverence and quiet dignity 1 Pair Garters replaced Mr. Stratton was born in HoiSHOE REBUILDERS BENNETT FUNERAL HOME CHOCOLATES lis and before moving to North Ohsxtrvant of Every Wish, Heedful of Every Need Rellmore 10 years ago, lived in Michael Berardino & Son AND Rockaway Beach, where he was /.ll other repalra alight 266 Beach 116th Street NEtrtoneM77t AIB CONDITIONED PASTR ifeS a member of Local 353, United Rockaway Park additional charge M4 Beadi 116th Street Rockaway Fuck, N. T. Brotherhood of Carpenters and Tel.: GRanite 4-9292 Jointers of America. now exclusively He* is survived by his widow, Jessica; a daughter, Mrs. Jessica Mary Redman of Syosset; four brothers, Charles of F a r Rockaway, George of Florida, and Wil. liam and Theodore, both of West- BEACH REXALL bury, and three grandchildren. FUNERAL DIRECTORS Services were conducted by the DRUG STORE Rev. George Stowell, rector of We Have The Largest Selection St, Mark's Episcopal Church of Beach 116th Si. & Boulevard North Bellmore, on Tuesday eve C tt i t* It' 1 W V tl V I C V ning, February 20 and interment Rockaway Park (NE 4-1133) was in Evergreen Cemetery, Brooklyn, on February 21. BEACH MUSIC STUDIOS PRESENTS Sylvia Resnlck, Dir. GUITAR WORKSHOP Separate Workshops For Adults & Teens Beginners, Advanced — Professional Instructors LIMITED ENROLLMENT — INDIVIDUALIZED ATTENTION 279 Beach 140th St. GRanite 4-5091 -•' ••.WW..™. ..•»—.I.IWW.-I. •!. •» »HWIMS» wm •n.iimm-piPK.wsii wmm—i fIWWHIII-WW.M.III. w ill ww •MHWKWIH RIVERSIDE... -*"•—"• "W1" ' •"-' " —•"-*•""•—••-••——-— • • • • ' • — • » • r BA RTjOJ $2.00 Need To Travel For Denis S. O'Connor, Inc. oys - Bicycles, Etc. I DISCOUNT PRICES 91*05 Beach Channel Drive NEptune 4-4011 If a tax was to be placed on ability many a man would find himself to be tax exempt. A pedestrian may be. in th'e wrong but he still doesn't doserve the death penalty. mm CANDIES A N D PASTRIES FOR ALL O C C A S I O N S (U) ROGOFFS TOY SHOP 212 Beach 116th St. Untitled Document Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 GR 4-8779 Improve your home ALL A R O U N D with a PROPERTY IMPROVEMENT Need to modernize, redecorate, make repairs? If $200 to $5,000 will do the job — come to this bank, the leader in lowcost loans for home improvements. Enjoy your fixed-up home now, and repay in convenient monthly installments arranged to fit your needs. NO OBLIGATION to get full details I Stop in today, or phone JAmaica 6-1500, Ext. 35 or 36 JAMAICA SAVINGS BANK MAIN OFFICE: 161-02 Jamaica Avenue SUTPHIN BOULEVARD OFFICEs JACKSON HEIGHTS OFFICEi 146-21 Jamaica Avenue 81-01 37th Avenue QUEENS VILLAGE OFFICE: FRESH MEADOWS OFFICEt 216-19 Jamaica Avenue 61-24 188th Street FAR ROCKAWAY OFFICE: 1525 Far Rockaway Boulevard ROCKAWAY PARK OFFICE: 211 Beach 116th Street • Member Federaf Deposit Inturanc* Corporation *jsm mk!'
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