Document 52696

tion. An unusually interesting pro- follows.—Mr. Wade, president, Mr. J.
gramme of exercises is to be presented. H. Hickman, vice-president, Miss Cora
Jackson, Secretary, Mr. Geo. James,
Published Weekly
The John A Logan, Second Ward Club assistant-secretary, Mrs. L. L. Davis,
Critic, Mr. Owen Davis, Chaplain, a combrtiiwestern PuWisMng Company. of Chicago, is to be congratulated for mittee of of three on programme, of
endorsing Dr. C. II. McCallister for re- which Mrs. Itusssll was elected chairman.
election to the position of South Town A very interesting programme is in proClerk of Chicago. "Mao" always was gress for next Monday evening. All
"good as gold" in everything he under- are cordially invited to attend.
took. We know him of old.
St. J a m e s C h u r c h N o t e s .
congregation that attended service
J. Q. ADAMS, Editor.
Grover the Great, is getting in his
last sabbath morning was larger than the
work, paying off old scores and healing
average evening congregation lastytar,
up old sores, l i e only has an even which fact speaks stronger than words
dozen days to do his doings, and he will of the constant and steady growth of St.
COMO BLOCK, 325 Dearborn St. have to hump himself to getthrough be- James church.
Bishop Borown, Rev. Knight the preRooms 13, 14 and 15.
fore he walks the plank.
Elder, Rev. Dr. T. W. HenderC. P. ADAMS, Manager.
To the Colored editors of the United son, of Chicago, Rev. Trevan ex-presiding Elder, Rev. D. P. Brown of EvansStates: Hear the address of welcome ton, and all other visiting ministers who
-4 •
* I
St. P a u l .
"School for Scandal" at the Peoples
all of next week.
Mr. Peter Conway left Thursday for
an extended trip to the Pacific coast.
Mr. F. ]), Parker leaves next week to
which Hon. John M. Langston will de- h a v e participated i n t h e eei vices have attend the Inauguration at Washington i
liver at the National Press Convention, pronounoed the congregation of St. The -t Paul bras-s band and the Farr
James church a model one.
They are the kind of people who listen
with interest and appreciation to the
profoundest sermon, and want the best
always. The fact that so many come
out to the morning service shows that
they are progressive, cultured people
who have gotten ovel the "old" wav"of
never going out except at night. Of
course there are many whose occupations
are such as to prevent them from coming before evening.
The pastor stated that Prof. John
Luca, the musical director of choir was
sick. Mrs. Clay sang in most pathetic
strains the solo, "Be Kind to One Another" and befoie she could finish the
song two hundred persons had come forward w ith their gifts the sum of which
was $15.55 which with tearful eyes
and tender hearts they had offered
as a testimony of the kind feeling they
enteitained for that sweet singer who
month after month so faithfully has rendered hisfcoiviceto the people of St. Paul.
There were many who said, "so long as
I have a dollar, I will divide it with
Prof. Luca, until he recovers," Mr.
Lucca certainly can number his friends
by the hundreds.
The pastor said, "Friends you have
given evidence of the reality of leligion
and human kindness in dollars and cents,
that is the kind of testimony that counts,
God will bless you." Theie never yet
has been a time when the people of St.
James refused to do a kind act or lend a
helping hand to the worthy.
The class-meeting cannot be described.
No grander, more glorious time can be
experienced on earth than the happy
moments in class Sunday morning last.
Bro. Hezikiah Parker, grey and bent
with years arose and told of the new
course of life he had resolved in God's
name to pursue, while his aged wife,
who had prayed foi this lor over forty
years, sat and wept for joy, while son,
daughter and niece joined her in tears
of thanks. So deep, so powerful was the
feeling of all that eveiy head was bowed
and sobs of j( y convulsed the strongest.
The funeral of Mrs. J. M. Smith occurEDGAR POE'S DEATH.
ed at St. Stepheus A. M. E. Church SatChe Vaot Drugged t o Death by Baltimore Where and How T h e ^ Ate Mad« mad t «
urday morning Rev. Hall officiating.
Hallot-Box Stuffier*.
Whom They Are Sold.
The deceased was a member of Goldon
A former Baltimorean, now living in
0 f boxing gloves," said
Gate Temple No2. Remains were San Francisco, gives what he claims to
a Hoboken manufacturer, "is a limited
intered at Waldheim Cemetery.
oe a true account of Poe's last days industry, and there are few in the busiThere is an important* letter at our ind death. This is his story: " I was ness. I know of but two makers beoffice for Mr. Geo. W. Madden former- intimately acquainted with Edgar Allan 'sides myself in this section of the coun<
ly of Philadelphia, Pa„ and Lancaster, Poe for years. Much that has been try. Most of our goods are sold diOhio. He cau secure the same by send- said and written in regard to his death rectly to the big sporting goods houses,
ing his address or applying in person to is false. His habitual resort in Balti- and by them are distributed all over
THE APPEAL office, 325 Dearborn street. more was the "Widow Meagher's place. the country, the bulk of them going
This was au oyster stand and liquor
The ladies of Household of Ruth No. bar on the city frout, corresponding West The ordinary big soft gloves,
44, will look their sweetest and will in some respects with the coffee houses or pillows as they are often facetiously
treat you nicely if you attend their re- of Sau Francisco. It was frequented called are made froui imitation chamois,
ception Monday evening at Washington much by printers and ranked as a or 'American flesher' as it is termed.
Hall, 70 Adams btieet. Absolutely the a respectable place, wL^re purties This is the split skin from the under
most elegant reception to be given this could enjoy a social g-arno of cards or side of a sheep, and is almost univer:;'ly used in makiug the cheap grada
engage in social conversation. Irot, of glove. Tne cheapest glove is the
The John. A. Logan 2nd Ward Club was a great favorite with the old boy's glove, which is made from this
will meet next Monday evening Febr- woman. The favorite seat of the poet skin, stuffed with hog's hair mixed
uary 25 at Central Hall Club room at was jubt behind the stand, and he was with a vegetable fiber to hold ii
which time all Colored voters of thp about as quiGt and sociable as an oystei- together, and costs about $1.50 a pair
second ward are cordially invited. The himself. He w e ^ by the name of at retail. The best gloves are made
club will indoise one Colored and one Bard, and when parties, came into the from what is called real chamois (alshop it was 'Bard, come up and take a though the leather merchants in the
white man for alderman of the ward.
nip,' or 'Bard, come and take a iiacfi swamp will tell you there is no sufii
G. W. Hilhard residing at No. 19 in the game.' Whenever Widow Meathing in the market) or kid, and arc
Green street, accidently fell off the gher met with any incident or idea filled with the best curled horse hair.
Randolph street car Thursday. Hilliard that tickled her fancy sho would ask The best skins are all imported. In my
was standing on the outside, and the the Bard to versify it. Poe always place I cut them myself, and the sewdriver gave a sudden start and Hilliard complied, writing many a witty coup- ing is done on machines.
not thinking, fell off which caused him let, and at times poems of some length.
••It is a curious fact that many of tb.€
to receive a severe injury on the head. These verses, quite as meritorious as
professional fighters are^not parw^iav
A PARTNER WANTED—An active some by which his name was immor- about their gloves. Tal$e Billy Dacy.
partner with from $1,500 to §2,000 cash, talized, were thus frittered into ob- for instance; he uses the cheapest kind
is wanted in a well established general scurity. It was in this little shop that of a boy's glove, which he buys at some
Poe's attention was called to an adverexpiessine, household goods moving,
small shop on the Bowery. But Sulli
tisement in a Philadelphia paper for a
and baggage check room business, in St] prize for the best story, and it was van and Dempsey are very particular
Paul, Minn. The business now has six there that he wrote his famous 'Gold and as much care has to be taken ir
wagons and teams, an uptown and a Bug,' which carried off the $100 prize. fitting their gloves as a fashionable
shoemaker has to exercise in fitting
down town office and Union depot check
"Poe had been shifting for many the shoes of a society belle.
room. The value of the business is now
"As I have said, m making the best
$5,000. Any one who means business years between Baltimore, Philadtlphia
and New York. He hud been away boxing gloves we use chamois skin,
from Baltimore for three or four
375 Selby Ave. St. Paul. months, when he turned up one even- kid, and sometimes lamb's: skin, aecord
ing to the fancy of tho»e ordering. Thf
ing-at the Widow Meagher's. 1 was softer skin is u^ed on the outer or strife,
" W a i t i n g for the Verdict "
there when he camo in. He pihately ing portion of the glove, and the hardei
Is the title of a popular novel, and told mo that he had been to Richmond on the palm. Professional boxers wil
may be interesting to read of, but is veiy and was on his way North to g-et ready not have the usual ventihition eyelet'
unpleasant in practice. The judge and for his wedding. It was drink ail in the palm, but instead we cutout ;
coui t officers got weary waiting for the around and repeat until the crowd was star-shaped hole in the leather, which
jury to come in, but the strain comes pretty full. It was the night before •-er\e!! tho .>.arae pu'-pci>e. Any metai
hardest on the prisoner at the bar, on election, and four of us, including Poe, you know, is apt to work loo-e and eul
tiial, itmav be, for his life. Whether started up. Wo had not gone half a the fekiu, and professional boxers dc
he shall be free, suffer a long term in dozen squares when wo were nabbed not care to have their faces cut oi
prison walls, or take a leap into the by a gang- of men who were on the scratched if they can uvoid it. A glove
great unknown, depends on the verdict, lookout for voters to 'coop.'1 i t was which is quite popular is an ordinary
and he waits for it in such alternate the practice in those days to seize kid glove, with a stuffed pad sewed or
hope and fear as cannot be det-cribed people whether drunk or sober, lock to the backs of the lingers. I cannot
"The Burlington" has long since passed them up until the polls were opened, see that it possesses any advantagethe point of waiting for the verdict— and then march them around to e\ ery over the ordinary gio\e, but some exthat has been rendered by the public, precinct, where they were made to perts say that, as the ringers are sepa
and ib to the effect that it has the vote the ticket of the psu-ly lhat con- rated more, the hand can be mort
smoothest track, the finest equipment trolled the 'coop.' Our coop was in tightly closed.
'•There are comparatively few glovemakes the best time, and of light is the the rear of an engine-house on Calvert
favorite rodte North, South, East and street. It was part of the game to sold in New York, the inajoritv of them
West. For maps, time tables, and any stupefy the prisoners with drugged as 1 have said, being shipped West
information call on local agents or ad- liquor. Well, the next day we were Of those sold hero, the best are taker
dress W. J. C. Kenyoii, Gen. Pass. voted at thirty-one different places, by the richer athletic and sporting
and over and over, it being as much as clubs, and the pocrer qualities by th<
Agent, C. B. & N. R. R., St. Paul, Minn.
a man's life was worth to rebel. Poe west side associations, tne members hi{
was so badly drugged that, after he of which is largely recruited from th<
The Black Phalanx.
was carried on t\\o or three different ranks of the butcher-,, ear driver?
Colored agents are wanted to sell the rounds, the gang said it wa a no use to truckmen and mechanic-. It is a quees
great woik. "The Black Phalanx." vote a dead man any lonirer, so they fact that more gloves are sold at retai
It was written by a Colored man and shoved him into a cab and sent him to by the pawnbrokers of the city that
gives a full account of the service of a hospital to get him out of the way.
oven by the sportin? goods houses
Negro soldiers in fighting for freedom
"The commonly accepted story that Every piwnbroker ke--ps them in stock,
and the Union, from the revolution to Poe died from the eifeets of dissipation and many people buy ^ c i n thiukin' '
the present time, Splendid pictures of is albbosh. It was nothing of the kind. they are getting a bargain, when tlifv
the Negro Troops. All say it is the He died from laudanum or some other are paying the same price as thej
grandest book e\er written. Piles of poison that was lorced upon him in t V wrould m a regular store. There is on<
money to be made selling it, for every- coop. He was in a dying condition pawnshop on the Bowery where t
body wants it. You can make money. when he v.-c*sbehi£ \oted around the dozen sets of gloves are sold even
One man has already made GOO dollars city. The story told by Grisw old of Saturday.
•'What do 1 think nbo'it the light
or. 500 books. Don't fail to send at once Poe's having been on a week's spree
for circulars and sec our liberal terms and being picked up on the street is weight gloves that ti_ht«-rs use? Well
to agents. Addn ss American Publish- false. I saw him shoved into the cab I can tell .> on that :. kid gi< \ e soaked ir
ing Co., Ilaitford, Ct., Boston, Cincin- myself, and he told JUG he hud just ar- water is the wicked CM ihi.ig to strke i
blow w ith there is. >meh a glove doer
nati or St. i ouis. bay you saw the ad- rived in the city."
Tho above narrative will form .in in- not bruise: it cuts like :i razor, andyoi
vertisement in THE APPEAL.
teresting chapter in the liie and death will find that pri/e fighters prefer t<
of the poet, whose life a romance battle w ith the bare fists every timt
Ijouisville, K y .
whose death was a tragedy. The rather thar use the apparently harmMrs. Alice Craig is visiting friends in
of Poe's last days agree*, in less kid."—X. Y. Sun.
several respects with the account which
Mh>s Carrie Green of Cedar Creek is the late Chief Judge Neilson Poe, of
in the city.
Baltimore, gave to the undersigned. It An Article 4bnn* Wlueh Mn<i iitine Vanitj
brass band of Minneapolis will give a
grand entertainment shortly.
The editor of THE APPEVL will be unThe Parlor Match will be the attraction at the Newmarket during next week.
able to be pi esent at the Press ConvenEvery body ought to see "Old Hoss
yt 312 W . Jefferson Street, Room 3, tion but. we will be represented by an
and Me.''
abler man, Rev. J. M. Henderson,
H. C. WEEDED. Manager.
- 5 ^ U I ^ ( , t l i e ^ c t ^ t h a t ^itjvyas aJegal
and the courts and public of
The Colored office-seeker is quite
fices suspended business, Washington's
Single copy, per year
$2.00 numerous, and the "Negro Problem" in
birthday, yesterday, was just like days
Six months
U 0 that diiection will trouble the incoming
that were just as cold.
Three months
QQ administration not a little.
The proposed benefit for Prof. Luca
MiDscnptious to be paid m a<i\ance. \Vhen subscriptions nre not paid fn adv ance or by any means
at the residence of Mrs. W. H. Clay
arc allowed to ;un without prepa>ment. the terms
Chicago is not in the soup, by any
Thursday night was not a blooming sucVlU be 60 cents for each U wet-ks and 5 cents for
each odd week
but will furnish the man to make
cess, owing doubtless to the sudden
Marriages end deaths to be announced at all must
come In season to be new3.
change in the weather.
the soup at the White House, for other
Marriage and death notices, fifty cents. Pay nent
•trlctly in advance.
Business at the Olympic was very good
Advertlslnc rates, fifty cents per square of eight
for the past week. For Feb. 25th and
lines solid agate each inseuion.
We do not hold ourselves responsible for the ^ lows
week, with Saturday matinee, at 2:30 p.
ffotn correspondents.
President Harrison will have four
Beading notices 15 cents per line.
m., they have the excellent attraction
Special rates for ad.eulseinents for a lor-fcr time moie states to contend with than any
"The Night Hawks Burlesque Combinathan a month.
A blue cross mark opposite your name denotes other piesident has yet had.
tion." The features are a beautiful first
that your subscription hap expiied. Toil w ill confer
• faTor by renewing the Rime.
pait during which will be introduced
Communications to rccehe attention must be T h e X i i t i o n a l P r e s s C o n v e n t i o n .
"The Dolls Quadrille" the specialties
newsy, apon Important subjects, plainly wil'tten only
•ponone side of thb rnper, must leacnus not later
are all new viz: Will. C. Morton & Josie
natthan Wednesdays, aud bear the signature of the
Hater, sketch duo; Chas. Peltier the
ional Colored Press Association will
author No manuscript returned
8peclal terms to agents who deblre to place the occur March 5-7 at Metropolitan Church
tunny comedians; the Boos La Van in
paper on sale.
their wonderful mid air feats; Billy Marr>
Washington 1), C. The executive couithe great impersonator of the Chinaman,
HTERED A T ? o S l C E T ^ E r o G ^ S A T S mitiee has prepared a program that bids
Mamie Goodrich, the beautiful skipping
fair to be extraordmarially interesting
rope dancer and change artiste; Chas.
and instructive, of which the following
Heuch, a good comedian, introducing his
is a sort of synopsis: The customary
trained (dummy) Giraffe, this is a very
opening exercics dail}', elect .on and
laughable specialty, and will make a big
The addres? piesented to Gen. ITairi- installment of officers, discussions ot
hit; there will be many other catchy
papeis read etc. The special assignsou, Thursday, the 14th inst., by delefeatures on the programme. Our show
ments are: Address of Welcome, Hon.
gates iiom the Southern States, was an John M. Langston; Respouse, P. H.
will conclude with a new and laughable
able paper and oppoitunely in the light Murry, St. Louis Advance; Paper, "The
musical burlesque in seven scenes, arranged by Billy Wells, and called "The
direction. Without doubt, so tar as we Colored News Bureau," J. Q. Adams.
Polished Eandit," introducing Billy
as ii race are concerned, the position, St. Paul, THE APPEAL; Paper, "RepWells in a funny character called Boxresentative Negroes,' Magnus L. Robinthat calls for utmost caie in the selec- son, Washington, National Leadei;
ing Glove, his first appearance on the
tion ot a worthy and efficient man to Report of special committee on ''The
Olympic boards in six months. There
will alsobeintioduced "A Lawn Tennis"
perform its duties, is the Attorney-Gen- Religious, Educational, Political Social
song and dance, by six ladies, a new
eralship. That the Negio's interests and Industiial condition of the Colored
and beautiful Amazon inarch, by 15
People of the South," John Mitchell,
should be so considered as to call the atpretty girls, costumed elegantly, and
Richmond Planet, chairman; Paper,
tention of the President-elect to this "How to make Colored newspapers pay
two pretty tableaux. New Scenic effects
member of his official family, and that, as Business Enterprises," R. Pelhem,
and properties, new music and catchy
ideas. This will no doubt be a very
emphasis, is a cause Jr Detroit, Plaindealei; Paper, " I s Negro
strong show and will do a big weeks
n. The gentlemen to
business. Take it in some evening.
Washington, Bee; Paper "Industrial
inison, on the mission Education,*' C. J. Periy, Philadelphia,
in interest and sizej Mr. T. H. Lyles the
weie lepieseutative in Tribune; Paper, "The Best Methods of
superintendant, backed up by the able
1-ooic O u t F o v I t .
perfoimed their duty Making our People a Reading People," corps of officers and teachers are deterOf
every body remembers the
themsehes and their R. R" Wiight, Augusta, Sentinel; Paper, mined to make the Sabbath school a beantiful crazy quilt which was awarded
"The Power of the Press, Hon. J. C. success. Perhaps no other Colored Sab^ourso, it now remains
to Mrs. William Alston at the Baptist
Dancy, the Star of Zion, Paper, "The
kind of a man we will New South," Hon. J. Willis Menard, bath school in the West can give each church fair. The quilt is valued at $i00
pupil a book from the library each Sabhave foi out next Attorney-General. The Southern Leader; Paper, "The bath and have still twice as many moie and is a beauty; so beautiful and so
valuable that the fortunate owner has
Howevei, at thi.s stage of the proceed- Claims of the Negro upon existing left.
never used it. She now desiies to disPolitical
Indianings, we aie bound to a^mit that om
The evening services were largely at- pose of it, and in order to do so, has, deapolis World; Paper. Rev. R. S. Laws.
friends, at Indianapolis, hit a luiid lick Paper, "What has the Negro to do with tended, Mesdames. Clay aud Duckett cided to do so by chance. She and her
friends have tickets to sell at 50 cents
—and that in the light direction. Give the Tariff," John Dunham, Philadelphia rendeied excellent musical service.
God bless the faithful workers who each which will entitle the holders to a
Paperus the piooer man for youi legal adviser,
when well are always at their post of chance on the quilt and also admission
Mr. Ilariison, and the Solid South is a " Women in Journalism-The Past," Mrs. duty. Several members of the choir on to Odd Fellows Hall wheie the raffle
A.N. McEwen, Baptist Leader; "The
thing of the past, that iorever. So
will be conducted. Due notice of the
Futuie," Miss Julia W. Mason, Our account of ill health were absent.
A large number of the gentlemen en- day and date will be given in these colmote it be.
Woman aud Children; symposium,
subjects and speakers to be selected by gaged at the hotels, as a token of their ap- umns. There will be music and refreshpreciation of the attention paid them by ments at the raffle and those who purThe "Windom boom seems to gain the Association.
changing the hour of service to 8 o'clock chase tickets will get the worth of their
Is \lti.iv» <Vu( -red.
Rev. W . H . C h a m b e r s h a s gone to is painful to t h i n k t h a t u n u n of P o e ' s
strength daily and it is generally eonmoney and also a chance to get a 8100
T h e subjects assigned a r e o p e n to a n y were present.
The hnl. CMTJ our will allow. In.
quiJt for 50 cents.
ceeded that Hon. William Windoin is member of the Association for discussion
Mr. Louis Schoefer after an illness o* of intolerable misery, die in the alwnm\f.been pre-emin-r.lly that portior
again to direct the financial policy of the those appointed arc simply to lead in a celebration of the one hundred and
wretched manner above described. But of male costume mound which oui
weeks is out again.
the discussion and time is allowed for
must be admitted that the author of social amenities have circled. Politicgovernment. Ifappointed—which seems
Allen's birth. Mr. Banks whose memRev. Ed. Jackson of East St. Louis, "The Raven"' was cooped and drugged and politeness have been bound ii/.
others to participate.
now to be a foregone conclusion—he will
111., was in the city this week.
The fact that the meeting is just after ory preserves the occurrences of over is in the city this week.
to death by political tough-, who used with it, until it has become almost at
be accordited to Minnesota, where he the inanaguration of President Harrison sixty years ago, spoke earnestly and
Prof. Carle of New York is in the city the hapless poet as a repeater at a local impossible for the followers of anv
belongs, though doing business in New will doubtiers draw many who, other- feelingly of his recollections of Bishop 70 Adams street, Monday evening.
organizing classes in elocution.
election. Others have A aguely stated cult to hold certain "views" without:
this before; and the detailed account hat to suit them, as to imagine an
York. His appointment will be very wise would not attend and it will be Allen. He said, " I heard Dr. Roberts,
Messrs. Wm Nelson and Wm Bond
surprising if the meeting is not the best who was an enemy of the new A. M. E.
now given b y one w h o w a s w i t h P o e a t aesthetic w i t h o u t a d a d o . T h e s e iWarley will a t t e n d t h e inauguration.
acceptable to Minnesotians generally.
church, preach a sermon from the text, spent last Sunday in Milwaukee, Wis,
the Cardinal's hat and the Bishop'*ever held by the Association.
Wm. Watson, the Undertaker, SKS the time confirms tho horrible story.— shovel, the student's trencher and the
His short career as Secretary of the
"Bethel shall come to naught," I have
Mr. S. S. Cabell leaves Monday for
Chicago Tribune.
Jived to see his error exposed, for in my Washington, Baltimoi e and Staunton, Va
curate's felt, the low church and tht
Treasuiy ga-se evidence of his sound
Pilgriin Baptist Clrarch.
his dealings.
life time the little band of 50 has become
high church hat. the Quaker's broad
views on the financial questions affecting
WashIn union there is strength. United a great connection with nearly 600,000
Go where you will, you will find peo- The Simple Process in I s e in the Leading brim and that peculiarly knowing tjpf
ington Hall, 70 E. Adams street Monday
the country, and he will have another op- with God and each other, nothing is imFactories of KDRIUIKI.
ple using Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup, and
of head covering which, according to
members, with over $3,000,000 worth of
portunity to give us the benefit of them. possible. Sunday morning services were church property, with 22 colleges and evening.
On the first floor of a factory the the County Court witness is th •« sign o
unaminous in its praise.
well attended: the services were more universities, her mantle stretching from
"Bennett" has adopted a new way of
Prof. J. T. Gilliard, teacher of dancing initial stage of the manufacture was "your perfect gentleman." Li Chauimpressive than common. All through farthest Canada to the gulf, from Cali- collecting room rent but he says it is
seen, in the mingling of the various cer's day the "Flaundrish bea\er hat'
instrumental music, may be found
The Snpieme Court of Tennessee has the audience could be seen cheeks bepapers for making the boards, i. e., as much marked the merchant as th«
fornia to Central Africa. That does not very expensive.
done the square thing, by a unanimous dewed with tears. The subject was from look like Bethel coming to naught, but
two sheets for the outer surface, then sou'-wester does the seafaring man ir
Mr. Rebert Nelson has been granted a
Wm. Porter Esq., of Memphis, C. C. the coarser paper for middles, in single our own times. When the Puritan;
decision tbat the governor cannot be re- the cry of our Saviour when He hung on does give prophecy of a membership to divorce from hi3 w ife Mattie E. on the
of K. of F. vvas tendered a reception sheets, to tho number required. The affected ample flaps and a steepk
the cross.
be numbered by %he millions before an- plea of desertion.
strained from issuing a certificate of
Wednesday at U. B. F. Hall.
pile thus formed, which is called a head, crow n, the Cavaliers adopted narrowei
The light hand of fellowship was other lifetime passes."
How long Gov. Fifer, oh how long
election to Mr.' .Evans, the Republican given to the sisters and brother who were
Mr. and Mrs. Richard McKay have was now passed to the left hand of the brims and a superstructure deckec
Rev. Alonze Brown rendered most
ngressman-elect in the Chattanooga+bapti?ed last Sunday evening. Our
taken up their residence at Middletown, paster, who. wiolding a large brush, with a resplendent feather. At a latei
efficient service in the protracted meet- that appointment?
like the head of a sweeping broom, in date, the. "Monmouth )cock" and tht
Ky., to spend the spring and summer.
^ ^ t r i c t e ^ T & i s assures a Kepublican
ings last week. Kev. C. H Thomas was
The Washington banquet under the
his right hand, took hold of a sheet of "llamilies cock" marked the macaioa
Rev. A, R. Scott's flock has purchased
^>rity ForNhe opening of the next spirit, infused into it by our energetic present one evening and greatly en- management of Mr. J. E . Bish will no
outside, which was duly coated with and the man of quality, and though
consecrated superintendent. At 3:30
a lot on Tenth street neer Broadway paste from a big tub at his side.
House, without somx unforeseen accouraged
hats and "hat honor" are for the maby invitatiqjS^bjrotber T. H . Eyles, of St.
and will soon begin erecting a church.
cident occurrs, . ^ .
His left hand meanwhile had seized ment not so much wrapped up witl
r ^ ~y
"''The ladies of Fidelity Court will reJames Church, and his school joined i words.
Bring your job printing to the Louis- a sheet of inside, which, placed on the punctilio as they were, yet it is stil
The deep interest already manifested ceive their iriends at Mrs. Ida Demcy's
with us to listen to Mr. T. P. Nesbitt,
ville office of THE APPEAL, 312 W. Jeffer- pasted sheet, similarly coated, as that portion of a gentlemen's atti*«
The recent experience of Mrs. Taylor State superintendent of Sunday School,
are encouraging.
\ The great amount of sickness among son St. Good work at reasonable rates. was another and yet another, until the employed to express courtesy or raat Memphis, should silence all scoffers There was a goodly number present.
required thickness was attained, when spect. A w hite hat is unquestionab j
Brother Neslritt gave us many helpful
the Colored people now is telling on the Mr. Nelson L. Neal representing Smith two sheets of outers were taken to- a more reasonable color for the taL
at the bustle. This lady has proved hints in regard to Sunday School work, held the first Sabbath in March. . ^
treasuries of the secret societies.
The readers are specially invited to
from a successful trip to Lawrenceburg. gether, so that no paste should lie be- "chimney pot"' than black. Yet it b
that it is a giand and glorious success as and how to interest the children: his
Jack the Bipper must have been in
tween two sheets of complete board.
uot every mas, even in summer, wht
Mrs. Pauline McAfee who has been
a life preserver. She fell down the salt and chalk talks were very instructthe city lately. We do not hear much
As soon as a pile of boards were thus has the courage t-o wear one. and, at
elevator shaft at the Clarendon Hotel a
of the Committfc'? of One Hundred nowmade they were placed in a screw any one who has attended a university
flamalary rheumatism for several weeks press to squeeze out superfluous water celebration is awate, it shares with t
of life can be turned to service for GodWithout any antagonistic feeling to- a-days,
distance of thirty feet and escaped with
is better.
At seven o'clock our young people's
from the paste, and then hung on lines red tie the especial animadversion o
Mr. Harris will soot; lead one of the
a slight sprain of the wrist, She landed meeting was held; it was conducted by wards Mr. Parker, I desire to correct
Visitors in Louisville cannot find a to dry; afterwards they were seperated, the sarcastic undergraduate. The h a
a statement made in the last issue of Dearborn street belles to the matrimoon her bustle and it saved her.
Brother Charlie Martin. The j'oung
your paper in regard to the organization nial altar. Can you guess which Mr. better place to get good board and room pas&ed through glazing rolls between of civilization is maligned, and ritii
people did well. The meeting was right
than at Mrs. Matilda Brown's No. 509 copper sheets, to give them a finish, euled, and cariactured, and oue of tn<
of the Odd Fellows in the Northwest.
^ - ^ :~ U
in line with the rett of the day's serWest Green street.
chief joys in getting beyond tho pre
and packed for sending home.
, I t is reported that a number of the
In the letter referring to F. D. Parker's
Mrs. D. MartinolT I M i&aie street is
vices. Two persons asked for prayers.
of London is to cast it aside. It
claim as being a leading spirit in the
leading men and ministers of the A. M.
Brother Kesbitt was with us again at organization of the Odd Fellows in the slowly recovering. She has' had an ex- special sermon to the Odd Fellows to- ameling both cards and paper was a pioneer settlement in America oi
tended period ofjsickness and her friends morrow evening at 7:30. Subject: "Odd in full swing; the enamel being com- Australia it is markedly absent. Brf
15. Church will call on President Harri- our regular evening services, and after a
Northwest. The Marrs Lodge No. 2202
son soon after his inauguration, and short talk to the children, he addressed was first organszed in Fort Kendall, will welcome the day of Tecovery.
Fellowship, its origin, object and future." posed of color and, size mixed into a one of the first signs of a frontiei
A surprise party was jgiven by the litpaste with mountain snow, to get the "city" errferging from its war with th«
speak in behalf of a proper recognition himself to the older persons. He made Dakota, by members of the 25th. I n tle iolks last Friday evening at Mrs. H . THE APPEAL is on sale every week at required tint, the work being' finished wilderness is the resumption by iti
fantry, and when leaving FortfRandall, Jones, 213 3rd avenue Master Fred these places: Bud. Malone's, 509 W.
of the race. This church claims to repmore self-respecting citizens of the disGreen street; C. Smith's 411 First street; off with brushes of badger hair. The carded "stovepipe. 1 ' General Grant
resent at least two millions of the race, Every heart was touched; he made the for Snelling, Minn., they returned all Jones acted his part of host nicely.^
sheets of enameled stuff require laying
way of Salvation so plain. Our prayer is lodge furniture, books and papers to the
Mr. Cosby of the Grand Pacific jnet
and can, no doubt, exert a powerful in- "Lord send us more men like Brother
out to dry separately. The tempera- indeed, loved it so dearly that he woald
J.H.Taylor's, 515 W.Broadway; J . H . ture was Up toeighty degrees, as quick often siton horseback, through some ft"
sub-committee of management at Philfluence for good.
Nesbitt." Elder Sheafe has visited many adelphia. I n 1883 Peter Conway, of with a serious accicdnt last week and Joran's Jackson and Caldwell streets.
the hottest fights, with this un warlike
drying fc essential to success.
homes in response to the slips that he Golden Fleece Lodge No. 1615, of Chicago narrowly enBM#tleath at the hands of
Milton Cox was brought in from the
The 4team for heating purposes and helmet on his head. Aud now we hoai
The Negro Press Convention meets in has received, and it is hoped much good 111, arrived in St. Paul, and finding theje u six inch knife. - W f
"*" interior of Kentucky by a Deputy U. 8. lor power, both for board making and of one of his countrymen trying tht
will be accomplished.
was no Odd Fellows Lodge here, set to
'•^hi''^ n city, March 5, at the
Mayor Ri
f Aid sometime ago that t marshal, last Saturday charged with other work for the premises, is derived CJstly uncertainties of the law all foi
from a Cornish boiler in the basement,
Monday evening a number of young work at once to organize an association, he would n
ifes&iblish another Colored, violating the internal revenue laws. driving a sixteen-horse power hori- the - r i g h t " of wearing it in tho th laTeh. We'are a power persons met to continue the organizatfor the purpose of organizing one. fire compa
There were seventeen white men h i i zontal engine of capital construction. ter, just as certain nobles have bef«irt
V, one of our papers ion of ^ Literary Society. Officers were Members Of the 25tfc. Infantry on learnmen. Has iie done so yet? Let the company witbvihim under the same The paste is boiled by steam and now bought, at a great price, thef>:-i*ivted in this conven- electedflwrla-period of three months, as ing of the association, communicated committee answer.
starch is used for finer work.-—British lege of standing covered in tli^ i»r*|^4^1
«noe of their King.— Lvudja £i<. i.:i-u-«
Z. W. MITCHELL, Manager.
with Pet&r Conway asking to allow them
to reopen the Marrs Lodge in St. Paul,
and initiate the members oft he Association, and ;it is due to Peter Conway the
honor of organizing Marrs Lodge in St.
Paul on April 23d. 1884. Thos. Jefferson and Wm Butt were the first of the
association to be initiated in the Odd
Fellows of the Northwest. Thomas
Jefferson was the first N . G . and the
first P. N. F. m the Northwett, an 1 at
present Daniel Roy is the acting P. N.
F. of Marrs Lodge No. 2202.
An Odd Fellow.
March 5.
-'' JUL,™!*
> ••»