View Kingfisher (Okla.) Times & Free Press Wednesday, June 18, 2014 5A (Continued From Page 4A) socialism (Mark 10:17–27). Jesus didn’t use the example of the rich man strangled by his wealth to appeal to Rome to tax the rich so the poor will benefit. If that had been Jesus’ objective, then why didn’t He say the same thing to Joseph of Arimathea who is described as a ‘rich man’ (Matt. 27:57; Mark 15:43)? “Appeal cannot be made to Acts 2:44–45 and 4:32–37. These early Christians voluntarily sold their property and used the proceeds to help those in need. Neither the Empire nor the Church had any role in the sale of the property. John R. Richardson writes: “No one was forced into giving up his goods and possessions. It was not socialism legislated either by church or state. It does not resemble modern communism in any respect. . . . Ananais was free to keep or sell his property. When he sold it, he had the right to determine whether he would give all of it, or part of it, or none of it, into the treasury of the church for the alleviation of the needs of poor Christians. J. W. Lipscomb is certainly correct when he says, ‘The program was a voluntary expression of Christian concern for the needs of fellow Christians, and was not a program for compulsory collectivism such as we hear advocated all too often today.’” Paul takes up a collection for the Jerusalem church “from the saints” (1 Cor. 16:1–4; 2 Cor. 8:1–9:15; Rom 15:14–32). They gave “according to their ability, and beyond their ability, of their own accord” (2 Cor. 8:3). Paul writes in his first epistle to the Thessalonians: “But we urge you, brethren, to excel still more, and to make it your ambition to Williams (Continued From Page 4A) Pennsylvania, New York and Massachusetts. One of the most ignored facts about slavery’s tragic history — and it’s virtually a secret today — is that slavery was a worldwide institution for thousands of years. It did not become a moral issue until the 18th century. Plus, the moral crusade against slavery started in the West, most notably England. I think the call for slavery reparations is simply another hustle. Advocates are not demanding that government send checks to individual black people. They want taxpayer money to be put into some kind of reparations fund from which black leaders decide who receives how much and for what purpose. Walter E. Williams is a professor of economics at George Mason University. lead a quiet life and attend to your own business and work with your hands, just as we commanded you, so that you will behave properly toward outsiders and not be in any need” (1 Thess. 4:10-12). Then there’s Paul injunction, “ if anyone is not willing to work, then he is not to eat, either” (2 Thess. 3:10). Attempts at a socialistic economic system have been repeatedly tried with abject failure. The Pilgrims were initially organized as a collectivist society as mandated by contract by their sponsoring investors. No matter how much a person worked, everybody would get the same amount. It didn’t take long for the less industrious to realize that their diminished labor would net them the same result of the most industrious. William Bradford, the acting governor of Plymouth Colony, wrote the following in his first-hand history of events: “The experience that we had in this common course and condition, tried sundry years . . . that by taking away property, and bringing community into a common wealth, would make them happy and flourishing – as if they were wiser than God.” “For this community (so far as it was) was found to breed much confusion and discontent, and retard much employment that would have been to their benefit and comfort. For young men that were most able and fit for labor and service did repine that they should spend their time and strength to work for other men’s wives and children without [being paid] that was thought injustice.” “This [free enterprise] had very good success, for it made all hands industrious, so as much more corn was planted than otherwise would have been.” DeMar concludes: “Not only is Socialism immoral; it doesn’t work” State, local voice pivotal ineducation By U.S. Sen. Jim Inhofe For many years at Edison High School in Tulsa my wife, Kay, dedicated her life to teaching and mentoring young students, never knowing that in the years to come, two of our children would follow in their mother’s footsteps, building classrooms of their own and impacting the lives of so many young people. If passed, my legislation would rein in the Department of Education’s unchecked regulations by ensuring state and local school boards have a voice as to how these regulations are affecting their education goals. The legislation would also require the agency to provide Congress with an annual report on how its policies are impacting our local school districts, enforcing transparency in the federal government. Through my family’s unique educational experiences, I have learned that with teaching comes the great responsibility of not only working with students, but also parents, employers and many in the local community to ensure our As we have seen in children are well equipped years past, many of the for the road ahead. overarching education But in recent years, the policy changes declared by bureaucrats voice of local leaders is Washington being eroded through have resulted in negative inhibitive policies and re- effects on local school gulations established by large districts, particularly with federal agencies, like the the financial burden placed Department of Education, on the schools to enact the acting on their own. regulations. To address Education has historically the excessive cost, my requires the been a state and local issue, legislation and I cannot stand by as department to first verify local educational these agencies trample on with the rights of our local school agencies whether or not boards and communities to they have the financial set education policy for our resources and technical assistance needed before children as they see fit. issuing any regulations, With more than 660,000 rules, guidance materials children enrolled in public or grant conditions. My bill schools across Oklahoma, would also help to eliminate it is pivotal we ensure waste by requiring a that state and local school review of existing reporting boards continue to have requirements and identify the authority needed to and cancel those that are carry out education policy duplicative. decisions. This is why I It’s time to put an end to have recently introduced the Local School Board the federal government’s Governance and Flexibility “Washington knows best” Act. With this legislation, mentality. With the Local I aim to bring control of School Board Governance our education policy back and Flexibility Act, we can to where it belongs—with return education decisions our local communities— back to the parents, teachers, giving school boards the and local leaders who know necessary flexibility to our children’s needs first achieve their educational hand and are on the front lines of shaping their future. goals. Nationwide, 96 percent of local school board members are elected, making those members accountable to the many students, parents and taxpayers they represent. By strengthening the process for meaningful input by impacted stakeholders, FREE Weekly DRAWING –FOR COLLECTOR’S SCALE MODELS– at... our local communities can remain active in the decision-making process for education policy in Oklahoma. 1111 S. Main Kingfisher, OK 375-6555 Stop In & Put Your Name In Our Next Drawing For: •tool equipment clock/thermometer Previous Winner...Wayne @ ChamP rig COPYRIGHT 2014 CREATORS.COM MEET & GREET Tammy Mueggenborg Malkin (Continued From Page 4A) of tens of thousands of criminal illegal aliens; reckless inaction as scores of veterans died while his Veterans Affairs bureaucrats cooked the books; and callous dismissal of the bloodstained Fast and Furious and Benghazi scandals as “manufactured.” All of the GOP gubernatorial candidates in Colorado would be better than job-sabotaging, rights-infringing Democratic incumbent John Hickenlooper. But Tancredo is leading the pack in all of the polls. He has the strongest name recognition and grassroots following. And he’s got all the right enemies. What sets Tom apart is his lifelong independence and his proven record of bucking establishment politics. Nobody ever will accuse him of straddling the fence, sugarcoating his message or selling out. No wonder the powers that be in the bipartisan halls of power are scared. Michelle Malkin is the author of “Culture of Corruption: Obama and his Team of Tax Cheats, Crooks and Cronies” (Regnery 2010). Her e-mail address is [email protected]. Husband. Father. Church Leader. Rancher. Businessman. Conservative. VJUONET2E4 Republican Thursday, June 19th 5:00-7:30 p.m. at BancFirst Community Room Tammy is a candidate for Kingfisher City Commissioner and invites Kingfisher citizens to stop by and meet her in person and voice any concerns you may have about your city. ~Paid for by Tammy Mueggenborg, 909 Park Place, Kingfisher, OK 73750~ DARCY JECH for STATE SENATE Paid for by Friends of Darcy Jech • PO Box 14 • Kingfisher, OK 73750 6A Wednesday, June 18, 2014 Kingfisher (Okla.) Times & Free Press Cheyenne Merritt Redbird Swallow passed away at the age of 22 on 6-14-2014. Services will be held at 2 p.m. Thursday at the Dover elementary gym. Burial will be at Kingfisher Cemetery, under the direction of Sanders Funeral Service. He was born 9-13-1991 in Kingfisher to Billy Meade & Georgia Swallow. He graduated from Dover High School. In 2010. He went to work at Perimann in the oilfield, then went to work at Sonic Drive In of Kingfisher. He is survived by his parents, Billy Meade & Georgia Swallow of Dover; one sister, Heather, and husband Eddie McGehee of Waukomis; his grandparents, Jim & Naomi Meade of Dover, Anthony & Elouise Swallow of Kingfisher, numerous nieces, one nephew, cousins, uncles & aunts. Glen Richards 80, Glen Richards, longtime Kingfisher businessman, died Monday. Funeral services will be held at 10 a.m. Friday at Sanders Funeral Home Chapel. Richards was born July 24, 1933, to Willie and Irene Richards in Florence, Ala. He married Mary Ellen Miller June 30, 1956, in Iuka, Miss. He became a resident of Kingfisher in April of 1958 and opened his business, Glen’s Electric in December of 1975. Survivors include five children, Ronnie and Kerri Richards of Oklahoma City, Glen and Debbie Richards of Sallisaw, Marsha and Dennis Rempe of Kingfisher, David and Anita Richards of Dover and Steve and Myrna Richards of Kingfisher, 21 grandchildren, 46 greatgrandchildren and two great-great grandchildren. Death notices Fran Sanders, 72, longtime Kingfisher businesswoman, died early Tuesday after a brief illness. Funeral servicers are pending with Sanders Funeral Swervice in Kingfisher. Marjorie Lukasek of Kingfisher died this week. Funeral services are pending with Sanders Funeral Service. Additional details will follow. Where are you in your financial plan? Dear Dave, What things do you advise buying used versus buying brand new? Amy Dear Amy, I’m afraid there’s not one good, across-the-board answer, because it all depends on where you are in your financial plan. When it comes to cars, you should always buy good, used vehicles, unless you have a million dollars or more in the bank. New automobiles drop in value like a rock, so buy smart and let someone else take the hit in depreciation. You don’t become wealthy by investing in things that go the wrong way. If you’re talking about clothing, and you’re broke or trying to get out of debt, there’s absolutely nothing wrong with shopping consignment stores — especially for kids. They wear things three times, and then they’ve outgrown them. “Experienced” clothing is a great buy for adults, too. Of course there are other things, but here’s the deal. As your money situation improves, you’ll be able to buy more new things. The price of “new” will become a smaller and smaller percentage of your financial world. But when you’re broke, deep in debt or don’t have a big income, the money you spend on anything is a big percentage. At times like this, a decent $50 washer or dryer in the classifieds can be the best deal on the planet! —Dave Inhofe says Obama erss on captured terrorist again June 11 June 12 June 13 June 14 WASHINGTON, D.C. – June 15 U.S. Sen. Jim Inhofe (R-Ok- June 16 la.), ranking member of the June 17 Dave Ramsey huge decision. That’s why I think it’s smart to wait and get to know each other even better, and on a day-to-day basis, before moving in this direction. Take your time and don’t rush things, Tony. There will still be good deals on the market in a year or so. Plus, you’ll be able to save more money! —Dave * Dave Ramsey is America’s trusted voice on money and business. He has authored five New York Times best-selling books: Financial Peace, More Than Enough, The Total Money Makeover, EntreLeadership and Smart Money Smart Kids. His newest best-seller, Smart Money Smart Kids, was written with his daughter Rachel Cruze, and recently debuted at #1. The Dave Ramsey Show is heard by more than 8 million listeners each week on more than 500 radio stations. Follow Dave on Twitter at @ Is less than 20 per- DaveRamsey and on the web at cent okay? Dear Dave, I’m 24-years old, and just got married two months ago. We make $80,000 a year, and have our emergency fund in place with no debt. Plus, we’ve saved up for a 15 percent down payment on a house. I know you suggest 20 percent, but is 15 percent okay? Tony Dear Tony, I don’t have a big problem with 15 percent instead of 20 percent. Chances are you’ll end up having to pay private mortgage insurance, but it sounds like you guys are in good enough shape financially to handle things. I generally recommend, however, that couples wait until they’ve been married at least a year before buying a home. Buying a house is TWICE THE ICE NOW OPEN This new, self-serve facility is located at 1411 S. Main, Kingfisher Don’t Forget The Ice At... BARBECUES FAMILY & CLASS REUNIONS Don’t Forget The Ice When... Making Homemade Ice Cream Camping S BALLGAME Bags For Ice Provided WEATHER NEWS (As recorded by Local Weather 2013 rainfall 42.75 Observer Steve Loftis in Kingfisher) Average annual rainfall 35.23 Filling Your Wor k Cooler Must Provide Water Containers Senate Armed Services Committee (SASC), today released the following statement on the capture of Ahmed Abu Khatalla, reportedly a senior leader of the foreign terrorist organization Ansar al-Sharia. U.S. Special Forces captured Khatalla on account of his role in the attack on U.S. facilities in Benghazi on September 11, 2012. “Once again the President has made the wrong decision on how our nation should be handling terrorists that are a threat to Americans and our national security. Instead of holding Khattala at Guantanamo Bay, where he can be properly interrogated for intelligence, it appears Khattala will be transferred to civilian custody at which time he will receive the same Constitutional due process rights as any American citizen. The President is more focused on his legacy of closing Guantanamo Bay than preventing future terrorist attacks like what happened in Benghazi that took the lives of four American heroes.” Death notice Rosalie Mendell of Loyal died Monday. Funeral services are scheduled at 10 a.m. Thursday at the First Baptist Church in Kingfisher under direction of Sanders Funeral Service. 91 62 81 57 1.47 Local markets June 16 83 65 Wheat $6.83 3¢ from June 12 91 57 90 63 93 74 .01 94 75 Rainfall January 2014 rainfall 0.04 January 2013 rainfall 1.32 February 2013 rainfall 3.97 February 2014 precip 0.27 March 2014 rainfall 1.75 March 2013 rainfall 0.98 April 2013 rainfall 6.69 Need Lawn & Garden Supplies? April 2014 rainfall 1.83 Want to Mow Lawns? May 2014 rainfall 3.26 Advertise in the Classifieds! May 2013 rainfall 5.00 405-375-3220 June 2013 rainfall 2.87 June 1014 rainfall to date3.69 • GO JACKETS!! • July 2013 rainfall 11.96 August 2013 rainfall 3.36 GIVE US A September 2013 rainfall 2.99 October 2013 rainfall 1.16 T RY B E F O R E November 2013 rainfall 1.20 December 2013 rainfall 1.29 YOU BUY!!! 2014 rainfall to date 7.58 THE RUTLEDGE AGENCY 405-340-4860 AUTO - HOME - LIFE GO JACKETS!! • GO JACKETS!! AREA DEATHS DAVE SAYS CHEVROLET • BUICK • GMC 2600 FRONTAGE RD. • 375-3155 w w w. d o b r i n s k i . c o m • GO JACKETS!! • GO JACKETS!! • GO JACKETS!! Cheyenne Merritt Redbird Swallow ➔ OBITUARY VACATION TIME IS HERE! Quick Approval On Loans Up To $1400! 2014 Fast, Courteous & Confidential •Post Dated Checks •Signature Loans •Etc. $ Cash Standard Credit Corp. 121 North Main, Kingfisher 375-6121 $ Cash Kingfisher (Okla.) Times & Free Press Wednesday, June 18, 2014 7A Mercy announces layoffs; only one Kingfisher position RESPECTING OLD GLORY —Members of Kingfisher Boy Scout Troop 198 demonstrated the proper way to retire an American flag at a ceremony for Kingfisher County Republican Women. From left are: Heath Price, Jeremiah Hill, Jackson Leffingwell, Isaiah Black, Noah Banther and Tony Maschino. [Photo Provided] Election [Continued From Page 1] Vanhooser. Voters in precincts 101, 301 and 303 will decide the following race: State Senator District 26 – Darcy A. Jech and Dan Gambill. Voters in precincts 102, 103, 201, 204, 304, 305 and 306 will decide the following race: State Senator District 20 – Griffin and Ladd. Registered Republicans in Harvest all the above precincts will decide the following races as well: Governor – Mary Fallin, incumbent, Dax Ewbank and Chad Moody. Superintendent of public instruction – Joy Hofmeister, Brian S. Kelly and Janet Costello Barresi, incumbent. Insurance commissioner – John Doak and Bill Viner, incumbent. Corporation commissioner – Cliff Branan and Todd Hiett. U.S. Senator – Erick Paul Wyatt, Evelyn L. Rogers, Rob Moye, D. Jean McBride -Samuels and Jim Inhofe, incumbent. U.S. Senator (Tom Coburn’s unexpired term) – Kevin Crow, James Lankford, Jason Weger, Andy Craig, T.W. Shannon, Randy Brogdon, Eric C. McCray. For United States representative District 03 – Robert Hub- bard, Frank D. Lucas, incumbent, and Timothy Ray Murray. Voters in Kingfisher will also decide who will fill the unexpired term on the city commission. That ballot will read: For city commissioner (unexpired term) – Janet Clark, incumbent, and Tammy Mueggenborg. Precincts deciding this election are 101, 103, 301, 303 and 306. [Continued From Page 1] evator in Kingfisher, estimated Cashion Grain and Feed, said said it was difficult to deter- ular field the wheat came from was a little green when the June rains started. Minton estimated that yields area-wide would average a little below or above 20 bushels per acre. Mike Rosen, manager of the Wheeler Brothers Grain Co. el- Seismic [Continued From Page 1] “Farmers were also paid $10 per acre for ordinary damages of the trucks entering their property,” he added. McDonald Land Services has been subcontracted by Newfield to take charge of permitting, mineral work, legal paperwork, research and determining damages. It has established an office in Kingfisher until the project is completed. Farmers are asked to call Nick Chile at 580-922-5447, field agent for McDonald Land Services, when they finish harvesting so the receivers can be removed and will not be damaged when the field is cultivated. The project area also includes the city of Kingfisher, which has agreed to allow Newfield to do seismic surveys in the city. McDonald Land Services has run advertisements in the Times and Free Press announcing the harvest 75 percent complete with test weights mostly in the 57-58 pound range. He predicted that the harvest would be virtually over by the weekend. “It’s been a pretty disappointing harvest,” he said. John Schaefer, mangaer of its intentions. In the city, smaller vibrator trucks will be used. Called minivibes, they weigh only 15,000 pounds, compared to 60,000 for the envirovibes. Four minivibes will be used compared to three of the larger models used in the country. Three large envirovibes move together at a time in order to get enough energy into the ground so that the geophysicists can obtain the information they are looking for. Not as much energy is used in town, but it still allows for an overlap. “There will be no entry onto private property in the city and there will be a crew that travels with the minivibe using a probe close to houses to monitor what is going on,” Wright said. “They can shut everything down if they need to.” it was difficult to assess the progress of the harvest because of the acreage that had been put up in hay or “disastered out” due to drought. He said he had heard yields between 10 bushels to 32 bushels per acre with most of the wheat averaging about 58 pounds per bushel. Some fields were hardly worth cutting, he observed. A spokesperson at Plains Partners Elevator at Hennessey County [Continued From Page 1] Use tax – $24,073.45, (no comparison with preceding year provided, and, Tobacco tax – $2,894.53, up from $2,621 in May 2013 but down from $2,5238.99 in April. Pipeline road crossing permits were granted as follows: Crescent Services – two temporary water lines five and six miles south of Hennessey and one mile west (District 2); Mac Oil and Gas – water line five miles west and one and one-fourth mile south of Kingfisher (District 3), and, Hamilton Investment Group – water line three miles south and nine miles west of Hennessey )District 2). Kind Humble DAN mine how far along the harvest was because some producers were harvesting canola before getting into wheat and rye fields. Wheat weights were lower after rain, some coming in at 54 pounds but other wheat was still weighing in at 60 pounds (No. 1.) It (wheat weight) depended mainly on the stage of the wheat when the rains began, the spokesperson said. Fun! Join The ttle our li Sign up y ete mp one to co in the... In response to economic and environmental changes in health care, Mercy has implemented a workforce reduction across its seven-state region, limited to non-patient care support areas. One position has been eliminated in Kingfisher and a total of eight positions across Oklahoma have been eliminated as a result of the reduction. Throughout Mercy, a total of 220 positions have been eliminated, less than 1 percent of Mercy’s 40,000-member workforce, a spokesperson said. Co-workers whose positions have been eliminated are being treated with compassion, justice and respect, Mercy representatives said. Co-workers will receive outplacement services and a severance package, including compensation and benefits based on their position and length of service. “Every day, our co-workers are committed to delivering quality care in all of Mercy’s communities,” said Becky Payton, regional vice president of human resources in Oklahoma. “That commitment remains strong.” Most co-workers whose positions have been eliminated will be given the opportunity to leave Mercy immediately so that they can begin to plan their transition. In certain situations, co-workers may be asked to remain with Mercy for a short period of time to complete or transition their current work to others. “While not uncommon in today’s health care environment, these kinds of changes are nonetheless difficult,” said Lynn Britton, Mercy president and CEO. “As we realign to operate more efficiently, growth and expansion will continue across Mercy as community needs warrant.” We Do Commercial PRINTING ~ Since 1924 ~ Right Here At Home! • Quality • Professional • Fast Service • Reasonable Prices 405-375-3404 Sheila Morford (405) 640-2085 [email protected] An authorized producer for BlueCross/BlueShield “Give Me A Call For A FREE Quote For Your Group Or Individual Medical Insurance Needs.” As An Independent Agent, We Represent Many Trusted Insurance Companies For... • Professional Liability • Health Insurance • Business Office Protection • Life Insurance • Worker’s Compensation • Home & Auto • Business Overhead Expense • Long Term Care • Long Term Disability 10305 NORTH MAY AVE. • OKLAHOMA CTY, OK 73156 • (405) 751-8356 CONTEST TWO AGE GROUPS: •2 & 3 year olds •4 & 5 year olds Thursday, July 3rd • 6:30 p.m. in Memorial Hall, 123 W. Miles A talent is not required, but may be performed if you choose to do so. Contestants will be interviewed by the Kingfisher Co. Distinguished Young Woman of the Year on stage. FILL OUT AND RETURN THIS ENTRY FORM BY FRIDAY, JUNE 27 TO THE CHAMBER OFFICE: 123 W. MILES, KINGFISHER ~Applications Also Available At The Chamber Office~ Name Age Parent(s) Town Special Interests The Winners Will Ride In The July 4th AmericaFest Parade at 10 am Patient and Listens GAMBILL STATE SENATE PROVEN LEADERSHIP POSITIVE RESULTS Republican Ad paid for by Friends of Dan Gambill 2014, Utah Robinson, Treasurer, P.O. Box 1528, Elk City, OK 73648 8A Wednesday, June 18, 2014 Kingfisher (Okla.) Times & Free Press GREAT DEALS ARE GOING ON NOW! Why Buy Any Other Truck? 28 Miles Per Gallon! The industry’s first light-duty diesel engine boasts exceptional torque, reduced CO2 emmissions and the best fuel economy of any full-size pickup. There’s no wonder it’s already a legend. THE INDUSTRY-EXCLUSIVE 3.0L ECODIESEL V6 ENGINE SAY GOODBYE TO GASOLINE. FEWER FILL-UPS. MORE TORQUE. AND MORE SAVINGS PER MILE THAN ANY OTHER PICKUP. SAY GOODBYE TO GASOLINE, AND SAY HELLO TO THE 3.0L ECODIESEL V6 ENGINE. THERE’S NOT A DEALERSHIP OUT THERE THAT WILL MAKE YOU A BETTER DEAL. America’s Fastest Growing Automotive Brands! MANY OF OUR TOP-SELLING MODELS ARE NOW ON SALE! REBATES, FACTORY INCENTIVES AND 0% INTEREST AVAILABLE ON AMERICA’S MOST EXCITING AUTOMOTIVE BRANDS! 0 % A.P.R. INTEREST FOR MONTHS 60 KUBOTA– durable, versatile and trouble-free. FOR QUALIFIED BUYERS. SEE US FOR DETAILS FOR THE FARM...FOR THE RANCH...FOR THE ACREAGE...FOR THE LAWN Now Only... Come See Our Inventory Of The Versatile Kubota Tractor Line. $ New RTV400 Now Only... 4,499 $ New ZG124E-48 GREAT DEALS & FINANCE PACKAGES NOW AVAILABLE! You Will Be Amazed By What A Kubota Can Do! 8,792 WE ARE YOUR FULL-LINE KUBOTA DEALER FOR TRACTORS, MOWERS, IMPLEMENTS, PARTS AND SERVICE. YOU WON’T FIND A BETTER VALUE BRAND THAN KUBOTA! WHERE OUTSTANDING SERVICE TO OUR CUSTOMERS REMAINS OUR 1 # PRIORITY 1801 South Main • Kingfisher, OK • 375-5718 We Are A 5-Star Service Dealership, Which Means You Will Receive Excellence In Service Each And Every Time. It’s A Rating We Take Pride In And Work Diligently To Achieve! You Can See All We Have To Offer On The Internet At...
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