1550 THE LONDON GAZETTE, MARCH 15, 1892. day of December, 1890. The said sum of £200 and interest thereon from the said 10th day of December, 1890, is still unpaid and is due and owing to the plaintiff Society. 3. The plaintiffs claim payment of the defendant the said sum of £200 and interest thereon from the said 10th day of December, 1890, till payment, and also the costs of this action on some day to be named by the Court, and in default that the equity of redemption in the said mortgaged premises may be foreclosed, or that the said premises may be sold and the proceeds applied in and towards payment of the said principal, interest, and costs, and the plaintiffs pray that for that purpose all proper directions may be given and accounts taken by the Court. And an Order has been made that (1) a publication of a notice of the entry of such plaint in the London Gazette and Times newspaper; (*) the servipe by post to you, t'ue said Evan Greenish Lewis, the defendant, at the address named in the said summons of a sealed copy of the said summons, together with a copy of the London Gazette and Times newspaper containing the notice abovementioned; and (3) the leaving a sealed copy of the said summons upon the premises the subject matter of this action shall be deemed to be service of the summons upon you. The summons will be heard on the 12th day of July, 1892, at the hour of half-past eleven in the forenoon, at the Court-house, Narberth aforesaid, on which day you are required to appear, and if you do not appear either in person, or by your "Solicitor, at the time and place abovementioned, such Order will be made' and proceedings taken as the Judge may think just and expedient. —Dated this 8th day of March, 1892. n the Matter of a Deed of Assignment for the Benefit of Creditors, dated the 29th day of February, 1892, and executed by Charles William Payne, residing and carrying on business at 20, Goldsmith-street, in the ,town of Nottingham, Baker and Confectioner, formerly residing at 70, Radford-road, Nottingham aforesaid, and carrying on business there as a Baker and Confectioner. OTICE is hereby given, that a First and Final Dividend is about to be declared in the above matter. Any person or persons having claims against the abovenamed debtor are required to send the particulars thereof, in writing,, to the undersigned Trustee, at 1, St. Peter's Church-walk, Nottingham, on or before the 5th day of April next, in default of which the estate will be distributed by me, having regard only to the claims of which I shall have then had notice.—Dated this llth day of March, 1892. THOS. LEMAN, Trustee. N In the Matter of a Deed of Assignment, executed on the 7th day of December, 1&91, by Ernest Robert Clayton and Jane Cobb, Widow, both of 63A. Christ.church-road, Bournemouth, in the county of Hants, trading together in copartnership under the style of Clayton and Stringer, as Hosiers. "RTfOTICE is hereby given, that the Trustees under the JA above deed will, on the 22nd day of March instant, or as soon thereafter as conveniently may be, make a Dividend under, the above deed of the estate of the said Ernest Robert Clayton and Jane Cobb amongst those creditors whose debts have been then admitted. All creditors who have not sent in particulars of their debts must, before the said 22nd day of March instant, send the same to Collison and Viney, of 99, Cheapside, in the city of London, Chartered Accountants, and be prepared to prove them, otherwise they will be excluded from the benefit of the Dividend.—Dated this 14th day of March, 1892. PHELPS, SIDGWICK, and BIDDLE, 18, Oresham-street, London, E.G., Solicitors for the Trustees. In the Matter of a Deed of Assignment for the Benefit of Creditors, executed on the' 18th day of January, 1892, by John Bamford, of Thornton Lodge-road, Huddersfield, in the county of York, John Mayall Bamford, of Ivy-street, Moldgreen, Huddersfield aforesaid, Albert Bamford, of Dam Side, Huddersfield aforesaid, carrying on business in partnership together, at Carr Pitt-road, Moldgreen aforesaid, under -the style or firm of John Bamford and Sons, as Waste Openers. HHHE creditors of the abovenamed John Bamford, John JL Mayall Bamford, and Albert Bamford', respectively, and of the firm of John Bamford and Sons, who have not already sent in their claims are required, on or before the 5th day of April, 1892, to send in their names and addresses, and the particulars of their debts or claims, to Alfred Revell, of 55, New-street, Huddersfield aforesaid, Accountant, the Trustee under the said deed, or in default thereof they will be excluded from the benefit of the Dividend proposed to be declared.—Dated this llth day of March, 1§92. ED. FOSTER BROOK, 19, John William-street, Huddersfield, Solicitor for the Trustee. In the Matter of a Deed of Assignment for Benefit of Creditors of James William Button, of Rishangles, Suffolk, Farmer, dated 12th January, 1892. /CREDITORS of James William Sutton who have not \_J already sent in their claims are required to send the same, before the 9th day of April, 1892, to us, the undersigned, or in default thereof they will be excluded from the benefit of the Dividend proposed to be declared. —Dated this 11th day of March, 1892. LAWTON, WARNES, and SONS, Eye, Suffolk, Solicitors. In the Matter of a Deed of Assignment for the Benefit of Creditors, executed on the 20th day of June, 1890, by Arthur Crowther, of Conisborough, in the county of York, Chemist and Druggist. .OTICE, is hereby given, that the Trustee under the abovenamed deed of assignment intends, on the 2nd dayof May next, to declare and distribute a First and Final Dividend to those creditors who shall, before the 9th day of April next, have executed or assented to the said deed and furnished particulars of their claims to us, the undersigned, the Solicitors for the said Trustee; and that all creditors who shall have neglected to so execute or assent and furnish particulars as aforesaid, before the said 9th day of April next, will be excluded from the benefit of the said Dividend.—Dated this llth day of March, 1892. J. W. and A. E. HATTERSLEY, Mexborough, Solicitors for the Trustee. N The Bankruptcy Act, 1869. In the High Court of Justice, in Bankruptcy. In the Matter of Augustus Brigstocke, a Bankrupt. HEREAS under a Bankruptcy Petition presented to this Court against the said Augustus Brigatocke, an Order of Adjudication was made on the 21st day of December, 1876. This is to give notice, that the said Adjudication was, by Order of this Court, annulled on the llth day of March, 1892.—Dated this llth day of March, 1892. W
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