July 2013 Page Saint Sophia Greek Orthodox Cathedral HERALD JULY 2013 CELEBRATING 100 YEARS OF GREEK ORTHODOXY IN LOS ANGELES INSIDE THIS ISSUE Dean’s Message 2 President’s Message 3 Philoptohos News 4 Stewardship 6 Choir News 7 Philanthropia News 8 Philoptohos VIP 8 Graduations 9 Ministries List 10 Sacrament/Memorials 11 Greek Fest 2013 Needs 12 & 13 Orthodox Calendar 15 Deadline for August Herald Monday, July 15 2013 Submit to: [email protected] Saint Sophia Greek Orthodox Cathedral V. Rev. Fr. John S. Bakas, Dean Rev. Fr. Allan Boyd, Assistant Priest 1324 S. Normandie Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90006 Tel. 323-737-2424 Fax. 323-737-7029 www.stsophia.org Prophet elias icon, saint Catherine’ s monastery. Mount sinai Sunday of the Holy fathers July 14 July 2013 Page 2 DEAN’S MESSAGE The Idolatry of Hollywood Some months ago I celebrated the baptism of a little boy whose father is a major powerhouse in Hollywood and known worldwide in the industry. The one hundred or so guests in attendance included stars and celebrities recognized by all movie goers to one degree or another; from the big screen to the pews of Saint Sophia Cathedral. It is my custom for most baptisms to preach a very short sermon on the meaning of the sacraments and the importance of Christ in the formation of the spiritual life of the child and indeed the entire family, including the Godparents. At the elegant reception in West L.A., a few guests huddled around me asking questions about the baptism and the church in general. In the presence of all the quarterbacks in the huddle, a famous director proclaimed that as charming and ethnically flavored as the ceremony was, he was an atheist. He enjoyed the baptism in the context of a National Geographic or History Channel production. Some politely chuckled, acknowledging his status in the film industry. They then looked at me to see if I would respond. “Well” I said, “I have never met an atheist in all my life, and I don’t think you are an atheist. Oh, you many not bow down to God in the context of the Holy Trinity but you bow down to your own gods, worshipping and adoring them!!” All eyes were now on the director. “I think religion is a man-made superstition made up of mumbo jumbo retreats to keep people anesthetized to the realities of life” he stated politely but firmly. Smiles all around. “Actually”, I said, “next to Jerusalem, the Vatican and Salt Lake City, Hollywood is the most religious city on the planet!!” “Come on father, you must have been tipping the communion wine bottle to be making such a statement!” “No, no really,” I responded. “Everyone bows down to something or someone, a god of their own making. Some bow down to money and wealth. Others bow down before fleshly pleasures and lusts. Others bow down to power and control and others bow down before the icon. They see themselves in the mirror their gods are very demanding. Hollywood churches and temples are called studios. The high priests are called producers and directors, and the lower clergy are the actors and performers who kiss their rings in veneration. And those rings are often in their back pockets.” Stunned silence followed by nervous laughter. “Give me your card father, let’s do lunch. You’re a real character!!” Needless to say, I never heard from him and I wasn’t about to call him or “kiss his ring”. Listening to follow-up conversations in the banquet hall, I overheard conversations that revealed a thirst for something more than this world can provide that ultimately no wealth, no power, no contrived external beauty at the hands of a plastic surgeon or any last flexible pleasure can satisfy the thirst of the soul. “What does it profit a man to gain the whole world, and looses his own soul.” All of us humbled and then exalted wake up in the middle of the night from time to time staring at the ceiling and in the darkness contemplating our inner thirst for God, our emptiness, frustrations and true need for the love and security that only God our creator can meet. I sometimes wonder what St. Paul would think if he visited Hollywood today the world center of film entertainment, as he visited Athens, the proud and intellectual center of the world then. Paul looked around Athens and did not find too much good in the city, with its pantheon full of older gods and silver deities. His eyes fell on one grown image after another. Finally, he hit upon a common denominator with Christ. It was only an encryption carved at the base of an altar but enough to supply the inspiration for his ... as he began. “Men of Athens, I perceive that in all things you are very religious, for when I went about and observed the objects of your worship, I found among other things an altar upon which was the inscription: To an Unknown God. “That God whom you know not, is the God whom I preach to you” (Acts, 17:22) In this spirit St. Paul, the true lover of God may well say to our Hollywood friends, “I perceive you are a religious people, for walking down your avenues I find them called Avenue of the Stars. On Hollywood Avenue there are over 2,000 “golden stars” engraved with celebrity names. You call it The Hollywood Walk of Fame. I strolled by your Grauman’s Chinese Theater and observed dozens of your star struck fans…priests of the gods of Hollywood touching their footprints and placing your mortal hands over your hearts in seemingly ecstatic adoration!! If St. Paul came to Hollywood he might also tell the tinsel town pilgrims; “You know not. You are looking for gods that promise fairy dust and childish dreams never to be realized. I will show you a Savior God who can bring you peace of heart and mind and who can provide you with the love and assurance of purpose that can never be found in this world. I will show you the Known God, the Fatherhood of God and the redemption from Idolatry provided on the cross by our Lord Jesus Christ. In Christ, V. Rev. Fr. John S. Bakas, Dean July 2013 Page 3 PARISH COUNCIL MESSAGE Music and Worship "Speaking to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord." Ephesians (5:19). In discussing the planning of the 2013 Church Music Conference (which was held at Saint Sophia on June 27-30), Father Bakas, John Kopatsis and I engaged in a very proactive dialogue about the importance of music within the Church. From these discussions and some personal reflections and research, I would like to offer the following: Music is an integral part of worship in the church today and a great part of many lives. Music is like an unspoken and sometimes unnoticed force that touches emotions, influences moods and brings people together. It is because of these kinds of attributes that musical worship is important in the church. No words can properly set forth for the deep blessedness of genuine worship. When human beings sing with the Spirit and the understanding, heavenly musicians take up the strain, and join the song of thanksgiving. The ability to sing is the gift of God; let it be used to His glory. Music is of heavenly origin. There is great strength in music. Music should have beauty, pathos, and power. It is in music that our praises rise to Him who is the embodiment of purity and harmony. Music is made to serve a holy purpose, to lift the thoughts to that which is pure, noble, and elevating, and to awaken in the soul devotion and gratitude to God. Music is gospel centered, based on the word of Christ. Music is to teach and admonish. Music is to God, specifically in thankfulness to God. Originally singing was done by the entire congregation, however this rapidly became cumbersome and a select group of singers was selected to represent the congregation. Since then Orthodox church music has expanded and has become more elaborate. The Church uses eight 'tones' or 'modes,' which are broad categories of melodies. Within each of these tones are many small more precise melodies. All of these tones and their melodies rotate weekly so that during each week a particular tone is used for singing music. Singing naturally developed from chanting but, unlike in the west, Orthodox music developed from a Greek musical background. Even though Orthodoxy has spread and its music adapted to its various regions, still Orthodox music is distinctive from European music. Singing is used in place of chanting on important occasions thus some things which are chanted at minor services are sung at more important services. Singing is as varied and multi-faceted in its forms as chanting and vestments; it changes with the Church 'seasons' of commemoration thus singing during Great Lent is always somber and during Holy Week nearly becomes a sorrowful dirge while during Pascha (Easter) and the Paschal season the notes are high and quick and as joyful as they were sad during Lent. The power of music is not lost on the Orthodox and it is used to its full effect to bring about spiritual renewal in the listeners. (Wikipedia) What Our Hymns Can Teach Us by Vicki Pappas 1990 1. Hymns as Prayers- Sung instead of spoken, we use them to speak to God, to supplicate Him, to praise Him, to give thanks to Him, and to seek His mercy. 2. Hymns as Vehicles of Participation- In the Divine Services, the priest and the laity enter into a dialogue between themselves and God. Singing is not just for the priest and the psalti (chanter). The hymnody of the Greek Orthodox Church has been handed down through the ages in a complete form, consisting of thousands of texts that include Psalms, prayers, praises, poems, sermons, and histories. The language of these texts in their original Greek is of a very high literary quality containing much poetic description, imagery, and power. These carefully constructed texts are accompanied by a specifically-formulated musical system for their oral expression by appointed chanters and choirs of the Church who lead the congregation in hymn singing and responses. 3. Hymns as Instruction- They teach us about spiritual and historical events. The apolytikia teach us aspects about the Resurrection. “Ti Ipermakho” teaches us about the saving power of Theotokos in Constantinople. Words not chanted in Orthodox worship are sung by a choir. Continued on Page 4 4. Hymns as Carriers of Orthodoxy- They not only expose us to the sounds and phrases of Orthodoxy, but they tie the sounds and phrases together. Music is an excellent tool for memory. At Saint Sophia we are very fortunate to have our beloved July 2013 Page 4 PHILOPTOHOS NEWS As we are now in the ‘summer’ season, everyone starts to think of vacations and ‘time off’. Notice how empty church is in the summer once Sunday school ends? So many people stop attending church, as if it only runs from September through June and then think it’s ‘vacation time’. Well that’s not true, of course, and Philoptohos does not take vacations either. There is no vacation for the sick and the poor, no vacation for the victims of domestic abuse and no vacation for the unemployed who need work. We are always here if people need us. You may contact us by leaving a note at the church office. We always help our outreach cases throughout the year. We hope you will join us at our first meeting of the new ecclesiastical year after church. This has been designated National Philoptohos Day by the National Philoptohos. Our speaker, Tina Russek from the Los Angeles Mission is a very enthusiastic speaker who informs us of what has been going on at the Mission and what they do. We plan to hold another “Cheerios and Coffee Drive” for the Mission in the month of October. This has been very successful and the Mission is very grateful for the help. Mornings for breakfast and coffee are very busy times because of the people who have been out on the street all night long. They are adults and children who are very cold, tired and hungry. I would like to take this moment to thank all of the women on the Board of Directors, and everyone in the community, for your support these last two years. We’re on a path that involves new projects and there is something for everyone! We have some new ideas for this upcoming fall as well, so please be ready to join in. Philoptohos is work but it is also fun and very rewarding! There will be a new project for sick children this fall and of course, our Christmas gift project as well. Come to our meetings and hear what we are doing. If you are new to the church or to Philoptohos we would love to meet you. The Mission Statement of Philoptohos “ To aid the poor, the destitute, the hungry, the aged, the sick, the unemployed, the orphaned, the imprisoned, the widowed, the handicapped, the victims of disasters, to undertake the burial of impoverished persons and to offer assistance to anyone who may need the help of the church through fund raising efforts…” this is what we do and this is why we put on fundraisers throughout the years. “For the poor you always have with you, but you do not always have me” John 12:8. Operation Lace Up: Our Philoptohos chapter is spearheading a new project starting this month. We are joining with the FOCUS group to get a new pair of tennis shoes – twice a year – to every homeless student registered in the Los Angeles Unified School District. There are 60,000 students registered as ‘homeless’, in LAUSD, more than any other city in the United States. These children suffer from fatigue/lack of sleep, poor physical health and hunger. We are looking for volunteers who may wish to help sort the shoes at the warehouse, for distribution to the schools. Please see the flyer enclosed in this bulletin if you are interested in helping. You may contact Judie Christopoulos at 626-840-7508 for further information. We will be having other events and fundraisers for this project throughout this coming year. Virginia Noyes and the Philoptohos Board of Directors Fall Meeting Schedule for General Assembly meetings: mark your calendars Sunday, September 22nd – Speaker, Tina Russek Sunday, October 20 – Speaker on breast cancer Sunday, November 17 - Thanksgiving Luncheon. Be sure to look for the reservation flyer that will be in the September Herald and weekly church bulletins. Don’t miss out! With love in Christ’s service, Continued from Page 3 spiritual leaders, Father Bakas and Father Boyd leading us through the spiritual teachings of the Church. Through them, we celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus Christ, hear the Word of God and then we receive the Lord Himself in Holy Communion. With our chanters, Demetris and Michael, our choir director, Jim Kollias, organist and assistant director, Chris Yokas and our magnificent choir, we carry the prayer and praise and illuminate the proclamation of the Word. We illuminate the text that allows us to see Christ and the action of God in our lives. Music helps us to make common things holy, link our faith to the communal life of the assembly and moves us to embrace the Church at all times and in all places. May our voices always be lifted in songs of praise and devotion. “Make a joyful noise unto God, all ye lands: sing forth the honour of his name: make his praise glorious.” (Psalm 66: 1-2) Brent A. Noyes Parish Council President July 2013 Page 5 July 2013 Page 6 STEWARDSHIP Summer is Here and the Time Is Right When I was an elementary school student, I was often given, at the start of the school year, an assignment to write a paper entitled, “How I Spent My Summer Vacation.” I dreaded the thought of having to write that paper. As a kid, summers were long and for those of you who are parents, I don’t have to tell you, we were busy from the last day of school, ‘till they first day back the following semester. For me the term “Lazy Days of Summer” did not apply. I must confess, I was much lazier after I returned to school in the fall. During the summer though, I was a bundle of energy. With so much energy to burn, I needed every extra minute of those long summer days. I was up and at ‘em early in the morning and didn’t have to be home until after the street lights came on and was grateful that the days are longer in the summer. Busy, busy, busy, doing what? That was the problem, when it came time to write that paper. Are you kidding me. A whole summer has just gone by and I don’t have anything to write about. How did I spend my summer vacation? For me, summer was great. First of all, no school assignments; you just don’t know how happy that made me. I mean, think about it. There I was, back on the first day of school hating the very first assignment being handed out to me. My summer days, were easy to explain, up in the morning, on my bicycle and off to the park for a long day, playing baseball with my friends, exhaust myself, return home and repeat the following day. Why didn’t I just submit in the same paper I turned in last year? Sometimes the teacher would ask us to read our papers out loud before the class and I couldn’t believe the stories that some of the other students would share. Little children, gallivanting around the globe for weeks, sometimes even months at a time to far off places, some, where they didn’t even play baseball. What a way to spend your summer. Many of them would travel to visit family, quite often their grand parents. I would visit my grand parents as well, every day. My Yiayia and Papou lived right across the street from me and I had aunts, uncles and cousins that lived right down the block. I tell you they don’t make neighborhoods like that anymore, those were the days. I had everyone and everything I needed, a mere bike ride away from my door step. Still, I couldn’t possibly tell my simple summer vacation story after my classmates had shared their stories of visits to exotic, faraway places. Summer’s here again and the time is right to get out of town. Most kids are out of school and many parents plan their vacations from work during the summer months so that the whole family can travel together. Schools out and the kids couldn’t be happier, a break from work is just what the parents need. As we give ourselves, young and old, a much deserved break during these summer months, let us be mindful and remember that the good work of our Lord Jesus Christ, by our hands, the stewards of His church, St. Sophia Cathedral, through its ministries is ongoing and never rests. As the Apostles were selected by Christ we, too, were also selected to be “God’s fellow workers, you are God’s field, you are God’s building. (1st Corinthians 3:9). In God’s building the lights are always left on and His good work is always ongoing. No matter where we may be this summer, Christ is there and we can always remain connected to His church if we keep the good works of St. Sophia in our hearts and in our mind. We are blessed with many talents and gifts and the resources that connect us and permit us to contribute to this good work from anywhere in the world. Our great minds receive from you prophetic insights into your laws, and reveal to us the depth of your creative wisdom... Glory to you for the inventiveness of the human mind, Glory to you for the invigorating effort of work. (From An Akathist Hymn in Praise of God's Creation by Metropolitan Tryphon of Turkestanov.) Some of us will not travel at all this summer and may remain to carry on the good work of the many ministries of St. Sophia, while others may travel for a time but are sure to pick up and contribute upon their return. These days it seems like traveling itself requires a great deal of work. So, much preparation and effort are required that many of us say we need a vacation from our vacation. Before we break away, and while we plan and prepare let’s remember to add St. Sophia to our “to do list.” Let’s make sure that if we haven’t yet filled out our stewardship pledge card to do so and if we have already filled it out, let’s make sure that we are current with our pledge status. We can even remain current while we are away. Thanks to our beautiful, interactive website that permits us to make stewardship pledges and payments online, one time single payments as well as reoccurring payments. If you haven’t yet explored the St. Sophia website I strongly encourage you to do so. In addition to the interactive stewardship page, it will also keep you abreast of the many ministry activities that are ongoing throughout the coming dog days of summer. Christina and I would like to wish you all a blessed and joy filled summer. Thank you for your continued efforts and contributions to the many ministries of St. Sophia that permit us, guided by our spiritual fathers, Father John, Father Allan and Father Peter, to do the good work that Christ has called each of us to do. If any of you happen to be traveling this summer we look forward to seeing you upon your return. Let us wish you ‘Kalo Taxidi.’ Have a safe and wonderful trip and if I may, please permit me to quote from American humorist, author and radio personality, Tom Bodett, his most famous tag line, “We’ll leave the lights on for ya’.” I hope to have a chance to hear all about it when you return. You can tell me about your summer and I’ll tell you about mine. Who knows, I just might surprise you and have an interesting story to share. Thank you, Dean & Christina Peratsakis July 2013 Page 7 STEWARDSHIP Believe and Belong through Christian Stewardship STEWARDSHIP FAMILIES MAY 2013 $4,000 To $5,999 Perris, Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Dagres-Palomares, Mrs. Sophia+ Sarames, Ms. Karen Stathatos, Mr. & Mrs. S. Jerry Sehremelis, Mr. & Mrs. Andy Matheou, Mr. Georgios & Christodoulidou, Mrs. Andri Matinas, Mr. & Mrs. Stratton Mullins, Mr. & Mrs. Michael Waldron, Mr. & Mrs. William $2,000 To $3,999 Papavasiliou, Mr. & Mrs. Sotirios Zalavras, Dr. Charalampos Evangelis, Ms. Theane Mastor, Dr. & Mrs. Anthony* $500 To $999 Mellos, Mr. & Mrs. Anthony L.* Begakis, Mr. Nicholas Panagis, Ms. Ritsa Bougoukalos, Ms. Cynthia Pappas, Mr. & Mrs. George Bozonelis, Ms. Lia Anonymous (1) Caras, Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Chris W.* Stefanidis, Dr. Nikolaos Valaskantjis, Mr. & Mrs. Perry Veys, Mr. & Mrs. Pandelly Windisch-Graetz, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Anonymous (2) Other Chagares, Ms. Kiki $1,000 To $1,999 Bornstein, Dr. & Mrs. Robert Defterios, Mrs. Georgia* Beckley, Ms. Alexis Cook, Mr. & Mrs. Martin Kontes, Mr. & Mrs. Nickolas Evangelatos, Mr. & Mrs. James Loisides, Mr. & Mrs. Michael Gianoukakis, Dr. & Mrs. Andrew Gilman, Mr. & Mrs. Brian Mars, Mrs. Irene Kostas, Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Johnson, Mr. Noah Paziouros, Mrs. Petroula Kruger, Mr. & Mrs. Michael Kouros, Dr. & Mrs. Philip Ranger, Mr. & Mrs. Tony Kyriacou, Mr. & Mrs. Charalambos Lianos, Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Tassop, Mrs. Gus Maniatis, Mrs. Mary Manders, Ms. Constance Pappas, Mr. & Mrs. John T.* Topetzes, Ms. Joanna Mastor, Ms. Andriana * Life Members Endowment Fund +Blessed Memory CHOIR NEWS The Saint Sophia Cathedral Choir is proud to announce its latest CD, Come Receive the Light! which is now available for sale in the Saint Sophia Bookstore or Saint Sophia Narthex. Photo: Courtesy of George Themelis The CD features choral excerpts from Palm Sunday, Holy Week and Easter transcribed, composed and arranged by Dr. Frank Desby. During Holy Week some of the most beautiful pieces of Orthodox hymnology are chanted and sung. Included in this recording is a small portion of this vast hymnology that has been part of our music ministry at Saint Sophia for over 60 years. This recording would not have been possible without the sponsorship of our most generous benefactor, Constance Manders who dedicates this recording to her children, Alexandria and Nikolas, and to the memory of her parents, Gloria and William Manders. July 2013 Page 8 PHILANTHROPIA NEWS PHILOPTOHOS VIP Upcoming projects: “Thank you” to all of you for supporting Philanthropia’s projects year-round and on a consistent basis together with your prayers and well wishes. On behalf of the Philoptohos VIP I would like to wish you all a "Happy Summer" - "Καλο Καλοκαιρι" and for those that will be traveling to have a great and safe vacation. In October we sponsor: Nami Walks: The National Alliance on Mental Illness of Los Angeles County will hold its 10th Annual Nami Walks on Saturday, October 5th at the 3rd Street Promenade in Santa Monica. For more information, please contact our own Jean Harris, Vice-President at [email protected]. There will be no activities for the months of July and August. We'll resume in September with the one and only activity to be our St.Sophia Festival. In His Service, Mary Morrison, VIP President In November we sponsor: AIDS Walk Los Angeles (AWLA): Barbara Kappos is the Executive Director. Additional information will be forthcoming in the August Herald. City of Hope: Pediatric Booklet and Service: Dr. Randi McAllister is our liaison and will keep us abreast of date and times. Used Clothing and Canned Goods: Thank you for all the generous donation of used clothing during this year-long project. Please continue your donations as there are still many we need to reach. Please identify all clothing donations on the outside of the bags by indicating whether they are for men, women or children. The two new receptacles for "used clothing" and "canned goods" are working great. They are located side by side, in the general area of the nursery. Thank you! Get on the Bus: Statistics on the number of buses and children transported this past Mothers’ Day and Fathers’ Day will be relayed as soon as we receive them. Your responses to our request for donations to sponsor a bus were heartwarming! Thank you. The wall-Las Memorias Project: We continue to support Richard Zaldivar, Executive Director, in their quest to achieve the same goals we have for continued AIDS education, awareness and prevention. Street Outreach: Thank you to everyone who has donated so far. To date, more than $1,200.00 worth of items have been collected and distributed to the abandoned children in the outreach for the Children’s Hospital of Los Angeles. Dr. Nikos Stefanidis, Ph.D. a Staff Psychologist at Children’s Hospital, L.A., is the Clinical Director of this High Risk Program. Your continued help will assure that these children are cared for year round by purchasing new items such as the following: T-Shirts (M-L); Boxers (M-L); White Socks; Blankets; Sleeping Bags; Sweatshirts; Snacks; Water/ Juices; Bus Tokens; Sneakers; Hygiene Items (Travel Size); Tooth Brushes & Toothpaste; Shampoo; Deodorant; Sun Screen -- be sure to label them for Dr. Nikos Stefanidis and leave them by the clothing bins. We will make sure that he comes to pick them up. Thank you. Annual Appeal Letters: The response from the Annual Appeal letters mailed prior to Christmas is awesome! Thank you for your support and contributions thus far. Please send in your donation, if you have not already done so, in order that we may honor our commitments to our projects. Thank you so much! Philanthropia Website: The “Winter” issue of the Philanthripia Newsletter was mailed recently and will be on the website shortly at: www.philanthropiaministry.org. We thank Perry Lambert who is coordinating our website. (Note: We are in the midst of preparing a “Spring-Summer” combined issue of the newsletter this year while we get our office “back to normal” after the repairs. Thank you for your understanding.) God bless you! With love, Father Peter July 2013 Page 9 2013 GRADUATES Congratulations to all the graduates!!! Well done. We wish you great success. Stephanie Rose Ellis Daughter of loyelle and Tasos Ellis Beloved Niece of Helen Ellis Graduating from Bonita High School Joseph Michael Kremer Son of Tricia Ballas Kremer and Max Kremer Graduating with high honors as a Chancellor’s Scholar from the University of Santa Barbara Global and International Studies major Accepter a position with Oracle Corporation Photo: Courtesy of Jonathan Farrer Nicholas D. Haraden Son of Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Haraden Grandson of Mr. and Mrs. William Dres Graduating from California State University, Northridge Communications major Eleni Venetos Daughter of Tina and Paul Venetos Graduating with high honors as a member of the International Cum Laude Society from the Marymount High School Global and International Studies major Accepted to Boston College July 2013 Page 10 MINISTRIES Saint Sophia Greek Orthodox Cathedral Very Reverend Father John S. Bakas, Dean Reverend Father Allan (Gabriel) Boyd Jim Kollias, Choir Director Dimitris Liogris , Protopsaltis Michael Kontaxis, Assistant Psaltis Christopher Yokas, Organist James Karatsikis, Sexton FOUNDATION BOARD OF TRUSTEES Executive Officers George E. Preonas, President Andrew Evangelatos, Executive Vice President Dr. James A. Demetriou, Vice President & C.F.O. Constantine Boukidis, Secretary Tina Callas, Treasurer PARISH COUNCIL BOARD OF DIRECTORS Executive Officers Brent Noyes, President John Kopatsis, Vice President Irene Andreadis, Recording Secretary Karen Sarames, Corresponding Secretary Michael Kraios, Treasurer & C.F.O. Members V. Rev. Fr. John S. Bakas Nicholas Bissias Timi Loomos Freshman Alek Haidos Steve Hanna Michael Huffington Gig Kyriacou Brent Noyes John T. Pappas Jim Zaferis Presidential Appointments Anthony A. Demetriou, Presidential Assistant John G. Marakas III, Sr. Advisor to the Board PHILOPTOHOS SOCIETY Executive Officers Virginia Noyes, President Marianna Politis, 1st Vice President Helene Ballas, 2nd Vice President Mary Gallanis, Recording Secretary Lola Gialketsis, Corresponding Secretary Scarlett Billis, Treasurer Dina Oldknow, Advisor Honorary Life Members Jennie Doumak Christine Peratis Members Frances Bissias Judith Christopoulos Connie Cooper Pauline Evangelatos Olga Jordan Tricia Ballas Kremer Constance Manders Sophie Mastor Jan Pastras Christina Peratsakis Diane Pruett Sonia Stathes Mary Tassop Maria Toczek OFFICE STAFF Helen Ellis, Office Administrator Ann Pappas, Events Admin. Noah Johnson, Admin. Assist. Chris Halekakis, Facilities Director Leonard Hart CUSTODIAL STAFF Miguel Rosales Mauricio Mira Members Bertha Angels Eleni Constantine Manolelis Jeanine Hanna Glenn Lianos Loula Moschonas Kouji Nakata Alex Oxyzolou Peter Pallas Dean Peratsakis Dorothy Spirus Auditing Committee Anthony Demetriou ALTAR BOYS Chris Halekakis BASKETBALL Gig Kyriacou & Paul Cooper BIBLE STUDY Very Rev. Father John Bakas Rev. Father Allan Boyd BOOK STORE William Striglos CAMP ZOE Very Rev. Father John Bakas CHILD CARE Kathy & Marsha Zagorianos CHOIR Jim Kollias COFFEE HOUR Ann Pappas Georgia Vasila DOCENTS Faye Demetriou EASTER PICNIC Ted Pappas GREEK DANCE GROUPS Barbara Kappos GREEKS in HOLLYWOOD Dina Demetrius Tom Moore HELLENIC ACADEMY Andri Christodoulidou HOSPITALITY Niki Korbakis Maria Pelargos L.A. GREEK FEST John Boudouvas and Eleni Constantine Manolellis MR. & MRS. CLUB Dean & Christine Peratsakis ODOS “The Way” Helen Lambros PARENTING Nick Stefanidis Barbara Kappos PHILANTHROPIA Rev. Father Peter Lambert PHILOPTOHOS V.I.P. Mary Morrison, President SAINT SOPHIA CAMP Melanie O’Regan Jack Stumpus (Golf Event) Tony Mastor (Tennis Event) Mary-Kay Demetriou (Tennis Event) SUNDAY SCHOOL Eleni Yokas YOUTH Rev. Father Allan Boyd July 2013 Page 11 JULY SACRAMENTS & MEMORIALS BAPTISMS Sunday 7 Alexander Aeton Patrick Son of Julia Dadakaridis and Michael Connolly Godparent: Kay Maria Daskarolis Saturday 13 Niko Rocco Son of Tiffanie and Rodney Rinks Godparent: Nicole Arsenis Dimitrios Dominic Son of Sophia Rumanes and Gordon Kernes Godparent: Michael Helms BIRTHDAYS Sam Konugres Mr. James A. Demetriou Sophia Konugres Nick Alexopoulos Christine Peratis Michael Kyriacou Louis Choumas Dr. George Konugres Liza Pyle Scott Ayers Elizabeth Pouridis Mrs. Varta Schartz Ms. Bessie Gavrilis Mr. David Manpearl Mr. Peter Vasilion Mr. Vas Aronis Mr. Vikentios Korkos Nicholas Kyriacou Maria Kolovos Mrs. Mary Asteriou Ligar Leo Sirakides Bruce Chistolini Mr. Ted Spears Alexandra Chistolini Gig Kyriacou Ms. Charlean White Anthony Nicholas Brooks Helen Lambros Mrs. Georg Fenady Ms. Dinah Wellington Mr. Chris Stavaridis Mr. Georg Fenady Mrs. Dana Manpearl Donald J. Lapa WEDDINGS Saturday 6 Julia Ann Palenzuela and Cristos Kiuftis Koumbaros: George Trihas Friday 12 Georgyna Ortiz and Daniel S. Suarez, Jr. Sponsors: Kristina and Nicholas Cosfol Sunday 28 Sheri Gabra and Sherif Hanna MEMORIALS July 7 EPISTLE READERS July 7 July 14 July 21 July 28 John Kopatsis Bill Striglos Bertha Angels Allison Stavaridis Thomas Judge Peter Judge Maria Pappas Peter Pappas Lefteri Pappas Emmanuel Drakakis Hrisanthi Drakakis Irini Drakakis Elefterios Drakakis Kathy Morse George Morse Andrew Mitchell Catina Mitchell Lucas Mitchel Irene Drikas John Drikas Martha Robbins Mary Popoff July 14 Lulu Kappas July 21 Demetrios Limneos Euphrosyne Limneos Joseph Boltinghouse - 3 years July 28 Pattie Andrews - 6 months Page 12 July 2013 July 2013 Page 13 July 2013 Page 14 Prophet elias hagiography By John Kopatsis The prophet Elias is one of the Old Testament prophets who lived in 9th century BC, during the reign of the King Ahab, who had brought the worship of the Phoenician god Baal in Israel. Elias, Eliahu in Hebrew, means “God is My Lord” that expresses the main idea of prophet Elias’ mission to zealously advocate the worship of the one God and to prove His power with raising the dead, bringing fire down from the sky, and being taken up in a whirlwind riding in a chariot of horses and flames. Many references to Elias appear also in the New Testament, the Talmud, and the Qur’an. The depictions of the prophet Elias in hagiography are as popular as those of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, St. George the Dragon-Slayer and the Glorious St. Demetrios of Thessaloniki. The iconography of Elias combines the symbolic elements which reflect his importance as a participant of the major events in the history of the divine administration. In the Christian art not only his personal images are represented but various scenes of his hagiography have been painted due to their importance and these scenes became the source of other subject matters. Prophet Elias is often depicted with his tousled hair and a beard, clothed in a chiton and mantle. The representation of the prophet in the wilderness being fed by a crow is common in Byzantine icons, illustrating an episode in the prophet's life that is recounted in the Old Testament, as it also is the representation of being carried to heaven in a chariot of fire, seen on the magnificent mural in our Cathedral above the choir balcony. There are few one-image portrayals of the prophet Elias. A marvelous icon depiction from the St. Catherine’s Monastery of Mount Sinai was done in encaustic wax painting in the 13th century. The prophet is standing with his arms upraised in prayer and supplication while a raven, sent by God, is flying towards him carrying bread to feed the prophet in a cave in the wilderness of the wadi halfway from Jerusalem to Jericho. This cave is now a chapel in the Monastery of St. George the Chozebite, and the hole where the raven flew in is still visible. This icon shows a remarkable dynamic livelihood in the asymmetrical form which is still balanced in the position of the feet, hips, shoulders, hands and head. The prophet is looking intently upward toward God and is in a state of Divine vision and St. Cathenine’s Monastery icon detail understanding that transfigures his heart and mind. This is quite an unusual depiction, hard to show in visible form. God has sent a raven to feed him in the wilderness, but the prophet sees God’s Love and Providence even more than the raven. This is truly great Byzantine iconography. However, according to the explanatory texts of the Church Fathers, the bread, which is usually depicted as a round loaf, is "heavenly" bread, "of salvationary knowledge and word". Consequently, this episode is interpreted as a prefiguration of the Holy Communion. Another early icon of the late 12th century period is in the Byzantine Museum of Kastoria, Greece. According to N. H. Baynes in Byzantium, An Introduction to East Roman Civilization, such was the influence of Byzantine art in the 12th century, that Russia, Venice, Southern Italy and Sicily all virtually became provincial centers dedicated to its production. The prophet, who is also venerated in Kastoria as the protector of furriers, is depicted in the severe Komnenian style in a knee-length frontal portrayal against the blue background, attired in a red chiton with a blue belt and a mantle holding in his left hand a semi-unfolded scroll. New Testament depictions of the prophet Elias in hagiography have been in the Transfiguration of Christ on Mount Tabor. One of the great masterpieces is The Kastoria Museum icon Transfiguration, the last painting by the Italian Renaissance master Raphael that exemplifies his development as an artist and the culmination of his career. Raphael's painting depicts two consecutive, but distinct, biblical narratives from the Gospel of Matthew, also related in the Gospel of Mark. In the upper register, the Transfiguration of Christ itself, Moses and Elias appear before the transfigured Christ with Peter, James and John looking. In the lower register, the Apostles fail to cure a boy from demons and await the return of Christ. The upper register of the painting with the transfigured Christ is floating in front of illuminated clouds, between the prophets Moses, on the right representing the Law, and Elias, on the left representing the prophets, with Detail of The Transfiguration by Raphael whom Christ is conversing. God spoke from a cloud: "This is my son, listen to him." James, Peter and John, traditionally read as symbols of faith, hope and love; hence the symbolic colors of green, blue -yellow and red for their robes. July 2013 Page 15 JULY 2013 Sun Mon Tue 1 Wed Thu 2 Fri 3 Sat 4 5 6 12 13 Church Office Closed for Memorial Day 7:30pm OT Bible Study w/Fr. Allan 7:30pm Catechism w/Fr. Allan 7 8 9 10 11 2nd Sunday of Matthew 8:15am Orthros 9:15am FaithStudies 9:45am Memorials 7:30pm Cate10am Divine Liturgy chism w/Fr. Allan 14 7:30pm OT Bible Study w/Fr. Allan 16 15 17 18 19 Sunday of The Holy Fathers 8:15am Orthros 9:15am FaithStudies 7:30pm Cate9:45am Memorials 10am Divine Liturgy chism w/Fr. Allan 21 20 The Prophet Elias 7:30pm OT Bible Study w/Fr. Allan 23 22 24 25 8:30am Orthros 9:30am Liturgy 26 4th Sunday of Matthew 27 Saint Panteleimon 8:15am Orthros 9:15am FaithStudies 7:30pm Cate9:45am Memorials 10am Divine Liturgy chism w/Fr. Allan 28 7:30pm OT Bible Study w/Fr. Allan 29 30 8:30am Orthros 9:30am Liturgy 31 4th Sunday of Matthew 8:15am Orthros 9:15am FaithStudies 7:30pm Cate9:45am Memorials 10am Divine Liturgy chism w/Fr. Allan Strict Fast Fish Allowed Wine and Oil Allowed Dairy, Eggs, and Fish Allowed Fast Free July 2013 Page 16 Greek Cathedral Saint Sophia Greek Orthodox Community 1324 South Normandie Avenue Los Angeles, California 90006 VE NS E I IT SE M TI Place address label here Phone 323 737 2424 Fax 323 737 7029 E-mail [email protected] We’re on the Web! www.stsophia.org SAVE THE DATE FOR THIS YEAR’S BIGGEST BLOCKBUSTER LA’s world-famous Greek festival at Saint Sophia Cathedral is back this September with a fresh look and an incredible line up of food, beer, wine, live music, dancing and more. Mark your calendars for September 6, 7 & 8 and help us make it a year to remember. For donations or volunteer inquiries, email: [email protected]
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