www.trinitypresbyterianchurchomagh.co.uk Issue 58 Inside this issue: Gillygooley 2nd Youth 2 Community Heroes 3 Church News in Brief 4 The Grace of Giving 5 Olympic Torch 6 Childrens Page 7 October 2012 Childrens Day At Trinity Childrens Day at Trinity was held on 10th June 2012 in a packed church. See inside pages 10 & 11 for full details and more photos. The Childrens Choir performing one of their pieces, accompanied by Wendy Irwin. 1st Omagh BB 8 Trinity umbrellas & Gillygooley Childrens Day 9 Trinity Childrens Day 10 Trinity Childrens Day 11 Queens Diamond Jubilee 12 Queens Diamond Jubilee 13 Gillygooley Sunday School BBQ 14 YCDA Highly Commended 15 Notices 16 Gillygooley Walking Club Gillygooley Walking Club have just completed another successful summer season with an enrolment of over 30 members. The club which is based in Gillygooley Orange Hall draws its membership from both an urban and rural base. Both leisurely and more challenging routes are designed to suit all abili es with the emphasis on improving ones fitness level. Another important aspect of the club is the social interac on as each walk concludes with a welcome cup of tea and fellowship. Pictured below are some members of the club pictured in their new walking jackets which were part sponsored by Omagh District Council. Page 2 TRINITY & G ILLYGOO LEY NEWS I ssu e 58 Gillygooley 2nd Youth (50+ Club) Although hall based ac vi es ceased for the season in May, members do not believe in le ng the grass grow under their feet as several out of centre ac vi es were organised for the summer months. In May members travelled to Garden Show Ireland at Hillsborough Castle Grounds and the following month par cipated in a good rela ons project jointly with Lifford & Clonleigh Club. Following lunch both clubs enjoyed a tour of the Titanic Exhibi on at the Ulster American Folk Park. On Saturday 30th June members travelled to Carrick-on-Shannon stopping on route at Le erbreen Methodist Church hall for coffee and fellowship. On arrival at Carrick-onShannon members visi ed St Georges Heritage & vistors centre which has been a Church of Ireland Church for almost 200 years and doubles as a place of worship and heritage centre. Before lunch they also visited the Costello Memorial Chapel where the earthly remains of Mary Costella and her husband are laid to rest. The chapel is the second smallest in the world only surpassed by one smaller in the Holy Land. It is a remarkable example of mans deep affec on for his wife who died in 1877 aged 46 years. The 16 long x 12 wide chapel was built by the former farmer as a las ng memorial to his wife’s memory. Following a leisurely cruise on the Shannon serenaded by local musicians members travelled to Corick House for an evening meal. The final trip of the summer season which was for less able members was to the “World of Owls” Randalstown which is a charitable sanctuary for owls, birds of prey and exo c animals in Northern Ireland. The party then enjoyed lunch in Truffles Restaurant before travelling to Antrim Gardens which have only recently re-opened following extensive landscaping. On the homeward journey members enjoyed an evening meal in the Braeside Restaurant, Cookstown. The Club re-opens on Monday 24th September and meets on the last Monday of each month in Gillygooley Orange Hall. New members always welcome. Is Edith Hemphill signing up to switch to Airtricity? At the Hillsborough Garden Show. Receiving a conducted tour of Carrick-on-Shannon Parish Church are L-R Alan Thompson, Sadie Clements and Beatrice Alexander with the Church Guide. L-R Sadie Clements, Pearl Megahey, Margaret and Edith Hemphill outside Hillsborough Castle. L-R Lily Nethery, Anne Turner and Eileen Boyd in Carrick-on-Shannon Church of Ireland Church. I ssu e 58 TRINITY & G ILLYGOO LEY NEWS Page 3 Admiring the owl at the sanctuary are L-R Emily Young, Mary Elkin, Lily Ewing and Audrey Clements. Relaxing at the Ulster American Folk Park L-R Emily Young, Jean Creery and Mary Elkin. Ellen McConnell, Meta McFarland, Jean Edgar and Marion Radford view the gardens at Corick House. Iris Moffit-Sco welcomes Susan & Benny from Lifford & Clonleigh Club to the Ulster Amercian Folk Park. Community Heroes Receive Recogni on Gillygooley 2nd Youth (50+ Club) has been honoured by being awarded the top accolade for being the best group for older people within the Omagh District Council area. This award for the Community Heroes was sponsored by Omagh District Council and Ulster Herald. 2nd Youth’s fabulous work in enriching the lives of older people physically and emo onally was recognised by those who nominated them. Iris Moffi -Sco chairperson in receiving the coveted trophy expressed her surprise and delight at the group being nominated and said that she was completely overwhelmed they had win. Con nuing she said the aim of the group was allevia ng loneliness and isola on and encouraging older people to keep mentally and physically ac ve. Office-bearers of Gillygooley 2nd Youth (50+ Club) with Frank Mitchell, U.T.V. who presented the prizes L-R Thelma Harkness, Violet Crosbie, John Hall, Iris Moffi -Sco , Marjorie Hall, Audrey Clements and Margaret Hemphill. Page 4 TRINITY & G ILLYGOO LEY NEWS I ssu e 58 Church News in Brief By Gillygooley Correspondent New Moderator Rev. Ray Pa on minister of Ballygilbert Church which is located on the Belfast – Bangor road was elected as the new Moderator at the General Assembly on the 18th May which was one week earlier than usual due to the Queens Diamond Jubilee Celebra ons. Rev. Pa on is a na ve of Co. Fermanagh and is from a farming background. Mr Pa on describes his ministry as one of encouraging congrega onal life and reaching out into the community believing that a church should be “a living caring community of Christ’s people reaching out to others.” His Ballygilbert Congrega on has about 400 families. Presbyterian Summer Outreach Seventeen teams from the Presbyterian Church in Ireland Youth & Childrens Ministry made up of 180 volunteers from over Ireland took part in Summer Outreach. The young Presbyetrians took their message to Romania, Ukraine, Italy and London. The London team par cipated in holiday Bible Clubs and street work reaching out to people from all around the world at the Olympic Games. They were based in the mul -cultural community of Stra ord in East London from July 28th to August 12th the home of the Olympic village and many of the events. PracƟcal Help for Students The Presbyterian Church in Ireland through its board of social witness has some volunteering opportuni es available for university interm students. The board offers one year opportuni es for people who would like to gain experience in social care/social work area before commi ng themselves to either a programme of study or career employment. The board are also looking for people with experience of hor culture, environmental management and conserva on. Further informa on is available from Linda Wray at Presbyterian Assembly buildings – tel 028 9041 7234. New Editor for Presbyterian Herald Sarah Henderson who has worked in publishing has for the last eight years worked in Presbyterian Communica ons department at Church House has taken over this posi on. Sarah is a member of Trinity Presbyterian Church in Bangor and the September issue of the Herald will be her first edi on. Sarah who is 34 says the church is doing exci ng things whether it is lobbying government on a range of issues, establishing an ac ve media presence, providing prac cal care through our homes for older people and carrying out ministry throughout Ireland. In the September issue she adopts the Moderators theme of ‘New Beginnings’ Moderator visits Indonesia Rev Pa on has spent a three week tour of Indonesia to meet with Presbyterian overseas personel, representa ves of partner churches and to see projects that Irish Presbyterians have been suppor ng. The Church has been suppor ng the projects for forty years in Indonesia the fourth largest country in the world with 246 million people spread over several islands and with a Protestant Church membership of approx. 15 million. Gossiping is a Sin I want to share with you something I recently read in a na onal newspaper. Canada’s largest Protestant denomina on “the United Church in Canada is urging congrega ons to stop gossiping, likening it to gambling and other evils of Society” Gossip can cause people to lose their jobs, create difficul es within rela onships, cause extreme hurt and destroy peoples reputa ons. Accordingly a mo on under considera on at the church’s 41st General Council held in O awa ins lled a lively debate. Wise sen ments and something many of us are guilty of from me to me. A rule of thumb should be if one hears something check out its source or authority before spreading it further or be er s ll “keep it to one self” and the truth will eventually emerge if the rumour has founda on. I ssu e 58 TRINITY & G ILLYGOO LEY NEWS Page 5 James Chapter 3 verse 5-11 “Likewise the tongue is a small part of the body, but it makes great boasts. Consider what a great forest is set on fire by a small spark. The tongue also is a fire, a world of evil among the parts of the body. It corrupts the whole person, sets the whole course of his life on fire, and itself set on fire by hell. All kinds of animals, birds, repƟles and creatures of the sea are being tamed and have been tamed by man, but no man can tame the tongue. It is a restless evil, full of deadly poison. With the tongue we can praise our Lord and Father, and with it we curse men, who have been made in God’s likeness. Out of the same mouth come praise and cursing. My brothers, which should not be. Can both fresh water and salt water flow from the same spring? My brothers, can a fig-tree bear olives, or a grapevine bear figs? Neither can a salt spring produce fresh water.” “The Grace of Giving” The General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in Ireland, meeƟng in June 2012, commends “The Grace of Giving” iniƟaƟve to the whole Church Two years ago the General Assembly passed the following resolu on: “That the General Assembly support a Church-wide policy to encourage Presbyterians to plan their Chris an generosity as a percentage of their income and appoint an ad-hoc Commi ee to plan how this policy may be encouraged throughout the Church” (General Assembly 2010). Since then a small commi ee has been looking at how our church members can be encouraged to give regularly, sacrificially and realis cally. This is a challenging task, not least because people are very sensi ve when it comes to money ma ers and also we have been living through a me of deep recession where some people are finding it hard to make ends meet and some are losing their jobs. Despite this the commi ee was convinced that the issue of giving among our general membership needs to be faced and a strategy undertaken to con nue to raise our people’s planned giving to the levels encouraged in the Bible and o en spoken of by our Lord. Those who have researched this issue es mate that 50% of churches are struggling to meet recurrent running costs and lack of finance is a major inhibitor for churches seeking to fulfil their mission goals. The commi ee believes that educa on is key in the process of encouraging giving and the church wide strategy, launched at the 2012 General Assembly, called ‘The Grace of Giving’ ini a ve aims to do a number of things: Encourage ministers to speak on this topic where before they may have been reluctant. Provide resources for churches to help teach on this important issue. Raise the level of our planned giving to more realis c levels especially among our communicant membership as a loving response to the generous grace of God shown to us. Give help and referral resources for ministers to assist the increasing number of people struggling with finance management and debt issues. (Chris ans Against Poverty) Keep the issue before our people over the next few years with on-going resources and informa on. The 2012 General Assembly passed the following resolu ons: 1. That the General Assembly commend the “Grace of Giving” ini a ve to the whole Church 2. That the General Assembly, conscious of the difficul es in which people may find themselves in the current recession, call congrega ons to be aware that there may be individuals and families with whose basic needs local congrega on may be able to assist. 3. That the General Assembly request ministers to preach and teach regularly about the importance of Chris an generosity as a percentage of what is received. Page 6 TRINITY & G ILLYGOO LEY NEWS I ssu e 58 Olympic Torch The community of Gillygooley gave a warm welcome to the Olympic Torch when it passed through Omagh on the 5th June. As always our cameraman was on hand to capture some of the ac on. Pictured above: Iris Moffi -Sco with Bob Lingwood, following the arrival of the Olympic Torch Flame in Omagh. Iris and Bob are members of Omagh Churches Forum, an organisa on which meets regularly to discuss pastoral and community issues of mutual benefit to the area. Bob will be the guest speaker at a mee ng of Gillygooley 2nd Youth in November. I ssu e 58 TRINITY & G ILLYGOO LEY NEWS Page 7 Children’s Page See if you can find the ten words connected with bap sm in the Presbyterian Church. K Z G D B A P T I S E D O P T B D W O E P V W K S L C K Z O L B O O G T P K A M C H Q P F E Q V E Y L W R S D V R P N P S R U A X G X H Y I E I R I B S W D I I Z H F P S D S O N C I T R M C S X O A C R T M F O N B W P G O E H R I M I I A S G V A O J X L M E P W A S N W P X T U H J M Z N L T N E T O E R E R M H H I T E J O S M I V I R E E X X O S S N T O I H G O C D C G A G Q R Q B D G W K H A J M E M B E R S H I P S G T J H U X L E R R X D Y O C PROMISES WATER BLESSING MEMBERSHIP DISCIPLES INFANT CHRISTIAN POURED PARENTS BAPTISE Use the words you have found to fill in the blank spaces in the following passages: In the Presbyterian church the service begins with a quota on from scripture which explains why Chris ans ________________ followers. Then the minister explains the Presbyterian belief in ________________ bap sm. The _______________ stand up and make their __________________________ to bring up the child as a __________________________. At this point we are reminded that the congrega on also has a role to play because they have to give good example. Now we have the act of bap sm where the _________________ is ________________ over the baby’s head and the congrega on reply Amen to the words of bap sm. Finally the Minister holds the baby and on behalf of the church he receives the child into __________________________ of the Chris an Family. We end with a ___________________. Please Note: We can only except Primary School Entrants Please forward entries to Andrew ScoƩ, Aughnamoyle House, 41 Gillygooley Road, Omagh BT78 5PP no later than 4 weeks aŌer publicaƟon. If more than one correct entry is received from either church a draw will be made. Last issues winners: [Trinity – Lewis Kerrigan] [Gillygooley – Jason King] TRINITY & G ILLYGOO LEY NEWS Page 8 I ssu e 58 ARE YOU BETWEEN 5 AND 15 YEARS OF AGE? ARE YOU INTERESTED IN MAKING NEW FRIENDS AND HAVING FUN WHILST LEARNING NEW SKILLS? IF YOU ARE THE 1ST OMAGH COMPANY BOYS’ BRIGADE NEEDS YOU. ACTIVITIES INCLUDE MODEL MAKING, ARCHERY, GAMES, TARGET SHOOTING, FUND RAISING AND DUKE of EDINBURGH AWARD. 1st Omagh Boys Brigade Over 15's and Under 15's who took part recently in the Annual West Ulster Ba alion 5 a-side football compe on in Irvinestown. MEETINGS ARE HELD IN FIRST OMAGH PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH HALL ON TUESDAY NIGHTS. ANCHOR BOYS P2— P4 JUNIOR SECTION P5 – P7 6.30 pm - 7.30 pm 7 pm - 8.30 pm COMPANY SECTION YEAR 8 UP 7 pm - 9 pm FURTHER INFORMATION CAN BE OBTAINED FROM ALAN DUFF ALL NEW MEMBERS WILL BE WELCOME 1st Omagh Boys Brigade Under 15's celebra ng becoming West Ulster Ba alion 5 a-side football Champions. 1st Omagh Boys Brigade Junior Sec on who recently took part in the annual outdoor 5-aside football compe on in Ardstraw. I ssu e 58 TRINITY & G ILLYGOO LEY NEWS Page 9 Is Trinity an “umbrella organisaƟon”? Last chance-October!! During 2012 fi een umbrellas have been le behind in Trinity Church porch. It has been suggested that this number represents one for each member of the Church choir on a good day, but perhaps more realis cally it is an oblique measure of our recent poor weather. Anyway, the search is now on for their owners. Anyone who recognises an umbrella from the photo is invited to either claim it back OR inform the righ ul owner where it may be found. At the end of October the Church commi ee will decide on their disposal or otherwise. Views from the pews Why are the front middle pews in Trinity almost always le empty? Viewed from the front this gives the false impression of the size of the congrega on. Are Trinity members naturally shy or is it simply a presbyterian trait to “fill” from the back? Editors Note: If YOU have ques ons Trinity News wants to hear them. Speak to any member of Session or Commi ee or put your ques on in the box at the entrance porch. Childrens Service at Gillygooley A capacity congrega on was present for the annual Childrens Service on Sunday 10th June. Rev Herron welcomed everyone and invited several of the young people to take part in the service. Par cipa ng in the call to worship were Tyler Donnell, Helena Caldwell and Glenn McKinley who read from 1st Corinthians. Leading the prayers were Karen King, Stephanie Hunter, Jack Stevenson and Nicola Hemphill and the offering was taken up by Rebecca & George Donnell, Ryan Crawford and Jason King. Others who took part in the service were Kellie Anderson, Calvin McKinley and Stephen Fleming. The Rev Herron received a presenta on from the Sunday School which he received on behalf of the “Stand by me” project. This is the Youth and Sunday School project of the Presbyterian Church in Ireland for 2011/2012. The presenta on was made by Oliver King and Timothy Donnell. The accompanist for the service was Amanda Graham who also trained the junior choir. Emma Hunter also made a musical contribu on to the service. During the service Rev Herron and Beverley Fleming Sunday School Superintendent presented the prizes to the children. Following the service everyone was invited to the Orange Hall for morning coffee which was served by members of the Bible Class. Record of BapƟsms, Marriages and Deaths BapƟsms in Trinity 17 Jun Corey David Thomas McNally BapƟsms in Gillygooley 17 Jun Zoe Norah Smyth Marriages in Trinity 25 May Andrew Richard McKelvey & Julie Cathcart 8 Jun 14 Jul “Let the children come to me...” (Mark 10:14) 1 Jul 31 Jul Deaths in Trinity Florence Orr Margaret Browne Samuel Robert Alexander McCay & Jennifer Cooke William Thomas Quinn & Linzi Jayne Sayers “Love one another as I have loved you...” (John 15:12) “I am the resurrecƟon and the life...” (John 11:25) Page 10 TRINITY & G ILLYGOO LEY NEWS I ssu e 58 CHILDRENS DAY AT TRINITY Sunday 10th June saw Trinity hold its Childrens Service and Presenta on of Prizes. Church goers were greeted by Sco McGrew, Henry Thompson, Mark Fenwick, Oliver Irwin, Kyle Johnston, Charlie Fenwick and Lucy Reid. Rebecca Stewart and Graham Carson led the Call to Worship and a combina on of Ma hew Fenwick, Amy Pa erson and Emma Moore led an Act of Praise. Rachel Pa erson read a prayer a er which the Childrens Choir sang ‘The Olympics are coming’ and ‘I wish I could be in the Olympics’. Ma hew Pa erson read from 1 Corinthians and then it was the turn of Lucy Reid and Anna Chilton to present Rev Herron with a cheque for £150 in aid of ‘Stand by me’. The money was raised by the children in the Sunday School & Bible Class. A cheque was also presented by Molly Buchanan to Adele Donald to aid her in her travels in the summer as part of Project Uganda. Prayers for others were led by Hannah Pa erson and Emma Moore a er which the Childrens Choir sang ‘Hold it high’. The offering was collected by Rebecca Stewart, Luke McFarland, Ellie Duncan and Chelsea Johnston then Stephen Armstrong read the offering prayer. Molly Buchanan receiving her prize for winning the last Childrens Page compe on. Sunday School money being presented to Adele Donald for Project Uganda by Molly Buchanan. L-R: Tom Bell, Graham Carson, Emily Buchanan, Chelsea Johnston and Jack Duncan. ‘Stand by me’ cheque presenta on to Rev Herron by Lucy Reid and Anna Chilton. Bible Class Back row L-R: James Kerr, Reece Stewart, Stephen Armstrong, Emma Moore, Ka e Buchanan, Bonita Clarke and Leon Clarke. Front row L-R: Ben Somerville, Amy Pa erson, Emma Moore, Alex Thompson, James Thompson and Ma hew Fenwick. I ssu e 58 TRINITY & G ILLYGOO LEY NEWS Page 11 L-R: Molly Buchanan, Anna Chilton, Ellie Duncan, Lucy Reid, Rebecca Stewart, Rachel Pa erson, Henry Thompson, Luke McFarland, Kyle Johnston and Mark Fenwick. L-R: Thomas Winters, Madison McGrew, Evie Chilton, Oliver Irwin, Anna Chilton, Charlie Fenwick, James Luna and Rebecca Reid. TRINITY GIRLS' BRIGADE Trinity Girls' Brigade meets in Trinity Hall each Wednesday 4-7 years from 6.30 p.m and 8-18 years from 6.30 p.m - 8.30 p.m. New girls will be made most welcome to join and helpers are also needed to assist the leaders. Contact Mavis Jardine. Tel: 02882 244630 or [email protected] Page 12 TRINITY & G ILLYGOO LEY NEWS I ssu e 58 Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Hundreds of people from a wide area travelled to the scenic Pigeon Top for an evening of celebra on and entertainment to mark the Diamond Jubilee of Queen Elizabeth II Andrew Sco chairman of Gillygooley Youth & Community Associa on paid tribute to Queen Elizabeth for her faith, sense of duty and service to her country she has reigned through some of the most profound and breathtaking changes which have taken place in our history he said. Andrew then invited the chairpersons of the other two organisa ons to join him in a toast to her Majesty which was followed by a rousing cheer from the large crowd gathered. The highlight of the evening was the ligh ng of three beacons by Ethel McClelland, Andrew Sco and Norman O’Donnell chairpersons of the three organisa ons who staged the event namely Gillygooley Youth & Community Development Associa on, Drumquin Orange Historical Society and Fireagh L.O.L. 468. The event was a re-enactment of a community celebra on held in 1937, at the same loca on, when a bonfire was lit to celebrate the corona on of King George V1. Unlike the 1937 event when the mode of transport would have been horse, bicycle or walking to facilitate the large a endance two mini buses conveyed those who did not wish to bring their vehicles to the mountain. The organisers welcomed the visit of Omagh District Councils vice-chairman Ross Hussey to the event whose support was much appreciated. A non stop four hours of entertainment preceded the ligh ng of the beacons on stage was Leslie Ma hews, Lynsey Sco , Julie Donnell, Kyra McKinley and Linkbox Joe. Others who entertained were Drumquin Blue Thistle Dancers, Gillygooley and Drumquin Pipe Bands who joined together in a grand finale. The event was compered by Raymond King vice-chairman of Gillygooley Y.C.D.A. Entertainment for the children was provided in the form of bouncy castle, face pain ng etc. To relinquish hunger pangs from the good mountain air a B.B.Q. was held throughout the evening. The event was part funded by The Ulster Scots Agency and Omagh District Council. Andrew Sco chairperson of Gillygooley Y.C.D.A. and co-coordinator of the event expressed thanks to everyone who had contributed to the success of the evening. L-R Elaine King, Sandra Hemphill, Tommy & Claire Nethery and children at the Queens Diamond Jubilee Event. Kyra McKinley who entertained at the Jubilee event. L-R Hazel & Sadie Donnell, Audrey & Freddie Thompson enjoy the entertainment. Le Julie Donnell leading the children singing gospel choruses at the Pigeon Top Event. I ssu e 58 TRINITY & G ILLYGOO LEY NEWS Emma Mills, a member of Gillygooley, was one of three face painters at the event. Three genera ons of the King Family. Back L-R John, Joe with Andrew, Louie and Harvey. Members of Gillygooley Pipe Band who performed at the event. Page 13 Helping to serve food to the large crowd L-R Lorraine Elkin, Alison Hemphill, Sharon McFarland, Mavis Elkin, Margaret Hemphill, Diane Mills and Andrew Sco . Nicola Hemphill and her grandmother Margaret at the Pigeon Top Event. The three beacons burn in the twilight to mark the Queens Diamond Jubilee on the Pigeon Top. Page 14 TRINITY & G ILLYGOO LEY NEWS I ssu e 58 Gillygooley Sunday School BBQ A most enjoyable barbeque and fun night was organised by the Gillygooley Sunday School teachers at Gillygooley Orange Hall on Saturday 9th June. Despite the inclement summer weather the condi ons on the evening were most favourable. Gillygooley Congrega on were delighted to welcome some of the parents and children from Trinity Congrega on who it is hoped had an enjoyable evening. Thanks is expressed to everyone who organised the event as usual our camera person captured some of the ac vity. On the star ng line for one of the ac vity events. L-R Alaister McKinley, Gerald McCauley, Malcolm McKinley and Ian McFarland at the barbeque. L-R Brenda Caldwell, Diane Stevenson and Wendy Irvine Pause for the Camera. The Piggy Back race under starters orders. Mark & Jacqueline Crawford and Rev Herron. There is always plenty of water sports at the Church Barbeque. I ssu e 58 TRINITY & G ILLYGOO LEY NEWS Chefs on the night L-R Maurice Stevenson, David McIlwaine and Leslie Fleming. Page 15 Jason King, Archie King, Helena Caldwell and Oliver King pose for the camera. Gillygooley Youth & Community Development Association Highly Commended Gillygooley Youth & Community Development Associa on which was formally cons tuted in 1998 has been highly commended in the Omagh District Council and Ulster Herald Community Hero’s awards. The group acts as an umbrella for all organisa ons using Gillygooley Orange Hall complex and has strived to improve community rela ons through delivering a programme of ac vi es for everyone across the age spectrum. The award was in reorganisa on of the associa on’s contribu on to society throughout the Omagh area. Members of Gillygooley Y.C.D.A. with Frank Mitchell U.T.V. L-R Diane Mills, Raymond King, Mavis Elkin, Alison Hemphill, Sharon McFarland and Andrew Sco . TRINITY PRESBYTERIAN WOMEN "Light of the World" is the theme for 2012-2013. Different subjects have been arranged for the members to enjoy - something to whet the appe te for example the Titanic, flower arranging and our visitors night. Each member should bring a friend along as we are a very friendly bunch of women. A warm welcome awaits you when you come and join us. TRINITY & G ILLYGOO LEY NEWS Page 16 I ssu e 58 Special Services in Trinity & Gillygooley (November, December & January) Sunday, 11 November 2012 Remembrance Sunday Sunday, 2 December 2012 World Development Sunday Sunday, 16 December 2012 Carol Services Tuesday, 25 December 2012 Christmas Day Service (11.00 am in Trinity) Sunday, 30 December 2012 Last Sunday of the Year Service (Details to be announced) Sunday, 6 January 2013 Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper HARVEST THANKSGIVING SERVICE HARVEST THANKSGIVING SERVICE EVENING HARVEST THANKSGIVING SERVICE at at In PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Trinity PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Sunday, 21 October 10-00 a.m. Rev Robert Herron Sunday, 21 October 11-30 a.m. Rev Robert Herron - - - EVERYONE WELCOME - - EVERYONE WELCOME - Trinity PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Sunday, 21 October 7-00 p.m. Rev Jane Nelson (First Omagh) - EVERYONE WELCOME - Anyone from Trinity who has an item they would like included in the magazine should contact either Richard McClung, Tel: 8224 5150, Email: [email protected] or Anne Parke, Tel: 8224 2598, Email: anne.parke@b nternet.com Please include as much wri en detail as possible and use original photos if emailing ar cles! Thank you to all who supply material or take photographs. Remember, the magazine is available in colour on the Trinity church website! The provisional deadline for submission of arƟcles for the next ediƟon, which is due out in February 2013, is Monday 7th January 2013. Items for inclusion in next Gillygooley News should be sent to: Andrew Sco , Editor, Tel: 028 8224 2895. E-mail: jandrewsco [email protected] Or Diane Mills, Assistant Editor, Tel: 028 8224 6553. E-mail: [email protected] Photographs by Andrew Sco , Linda Hunter and Kenneth Allen.
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