TRINITY UNITED METHODIST CHURCH December 3, 2013 • Vol. 47 No. 49 ADVENT SERMON SERIES Inside this issue: Dr. Andy Wolfe Christmas Services 3 Poinsettia Orders 3 JOY in Serving 4 From the beginning, the birth of Jesus Traditional Worship was celebrated by music. Christmas would not be Christmas 8:45 & 11:00 AM without carols. The music of this season Sanctuary touches something deep within us. Carols of as tm is hr C Confirmation Retreat 5 Calendar of Events 7 children’s choirs christmas programs SUNDAY, DECEMBER 8 4:00 PM | Sanctuary 1st - 5th Grade Choirs & Handbells “The Light Before Christmas” will be performed in the Sanctuary on Sunday afternoon, December 8 at 4:00 PM. wednesDAY, DECEMBER 11 CONTACT SERMON SERIES Join us on our Advent journey as we profile each of the characters present around the manger on the night of Christ’s birth, as featured in the high-Baroque style “Nativity” by Italian painter, Reni Guido. Rev. Nathan Carden 8:45 & 11:00 AM Wesley Hall 6:00 PM | Sanctuary (Note new location!) 3K - 5K Choirs Trinity’s preschool choirs will present their Christmas music on Wednesday evening, December 11 at 6:00 PM. PERSONAL WORD december 8, 2013 second sunday of advent 8:45 & 11:00 AM • Sanctuary The 8:45 AM worship service is broadcast via 15-minute delay from 9-10 AM Sundays on WAPI-1070 AM. Communion following services SERMON Dr. Andrew Wolfe Carols of Christmas Series • MUSIC 8:45 AM 4K & 5K Children’s Choirs, Men’s Chorus 11:00 AM 4K & 5K Children’s Choirs, Sanctuary Choir • MINISTER On call Nathan Carden, 863-0765 8:45 & 11:00 AM wesley hall • Rev. Nathan Carden Advent Series: Faces Around the Manger christmas gift of joy Dear Trinity Church Family, Each year around Thanksgiving my wife, Kameron, and I begin to quiz our children about Christmas gift ideas. It is our tradition that one gift comes from Santa Claus, (IF they remain on the “Nice” list that is!) and other gifts come from us and other family members. As you can imagine with a two year old and a five year old, we get requests ranging from baby dolls to toy trains, trampolines to Disney movies. But this year we are adding another layer to the tradition. We are going to discuss, as a family, not just what gifts we hope to receive, but what gifts we plan to give. Like many of you who are participating in our Angel Tree Ministry, our family is helping another family experience a joyfilled Christmas by giving gifts for them to share with their children on Christmas day. We want our children to participate in the discussion, purchasing, and sharing of gifts to ensure that they experience the joy possible only through receiving and giving. I am so grateful to be a part of a community of faith whose Christmas joy is manifest in giving back. Trinity United Methodist Church has a long history of seeking to alleviate and prevent poverty and suffering in the greater Birmingham area. By the end of 2013, we will have given over $500,00 and thousands of volunteer hours to over 30 partner organizations around Birmingham. We will have commissioned over 140 Trinity members to mission trips both domestically and internationally. We will have built a Habitat for Humanity House in the Clay-Chalkville community, engaged over 500 Trinity members in the Magic City Miracle Community Day of Service, and will have sent over 2,400 food items to Restoration Mission in the West End. These ministries and many others are made possible in part by our Christmas Gift of Joy Offering. Over the next few weeks, Trinity members will receive a letter in the mail inviting your participation in this special offering. You will also have opportunities to give in worship by marking your gifts “Christmas Gift of Joy.” Our goal this year is to raise $40,000, which will be used to feed, clothe, heal, and empower people. We do this in the name of the One who entered our world as a peasant baby and grew up to minister to the poor, lost and forgotten. The example of the Christ child inspires all of us to join him in his work to renew the world around us. This Advent season, I hope you will prayerfully consider as individuals and as families how you can participate in our Christmas Gift of Joy offering. To miss out on the opportunity to be a blessing to someone else would mean that our Christmas would be impoverished indeed. december 1 - Attendance 1,795 • Total AM & PM Worship Attendance 682 • Traditional | 243 • Contact 523 • Sunday School Wishing you a Joyful Christmas Season, Nathan Carden information for guests & new members Welcome to Trinity United Methodist Church! Our mission is to Gather people to Christ, Grow people in Christ, Go to serve Christ in the world and Glorify Christ. Sunday Worship Opportunities: • 8:45 & 11:00 AM – Traditional services in the sanctuary, offering same sermon and a variety of music. •8:45 & 11:00 AM – CONTACT – a relaxed, informal, service in Wesley Hall featuring praise music from the CONTACT Band, children are encouraged to attend. •10:00 AM – Sunday School – Ages 2 years and up. • Nursery is provided during all services. Interested in Membership? Please join us the first Sunday of every month in the large parlor for “Coffee with the Pastor.” This is a time to meet the pastoral staff, ask questions and learn more about the core values and mission of Trinity. We also encourage you to attend “Membership 101,” a basic orientation prior to joining Trinity. It is offered on the second Sunday of each month. Contact Rev. Drew Holland at [email protected] or call 879-1737 with any questions. Andrew Wolfe – Senior Minister Suzanne Pruitt – Minister of Christian Formation Drew Holland – Minister of Welcoming Ministries and Young Adults Nathan Carden – Minister of Outreach, Contact David Thompson – Minister of Students Bobby Scales – Minister of Pastoral Care & Visitation Mack Chapman – Minister of Administration •Church Office: 879-1737, Fax 868-9714 •Care Line: 868-9709 •Child Development Center: 879-1749 CHRISTMAS EVE services a service of lessons&carols TUESday, december 24 Children’s Services SUNDAY, DECEMBER 22 4:00 & 5:00 PM | Wesley Hall These services are designed for families with young children. The children are encouraged to dress as Mary, Joseph, shepherds, angels or manger animals, and become a part of the Nativity story. Costumes available. 8:45 & 11:00 AM | Sanctuary A Service of Lessons and Carols is Trinity’s annual service of music and scripture for the Christmas season. It is presented by the Trinity Orchestra, Sanctuary Choir, Cross & Flame Youth Choir, William A. Gardner Handbell Choir • Personal Communion 4:00 - 6:00 PM | Sanctuary Come and go at any time during these two hours for an intimate time of family or individual worship and communion. • Candlelight Communion holy communion 7:00 & 11:00 PM | Sanctuary Trinity’s traditional services of Christmas with music, word, candlelight and communion. With special music by the Sanctuary Choir, Organ, Cross & Flame Youth Choir & Trinity String Quartet. HOLY COMMUNION is offered each sunday in Advent. It is served in the large Sanctuary at 9:45 AM and 12:00 Noon following the traditional worship services. All are invited to partake. Order Your Poinsettias for Christmas! ! Poinsettias purchased in memory or in honor of loved ones will be placed in the sanctuaries on Sundays, December 15 and 22, 2013. Deadline: Orders must be received by Sunday December 8 (Deadline is strictly observed). Please attach your check to this form, drop in the offering plate, or bring/mail to the church office before the deadline, December 8. Make checks payable to: Trinity United Methodist Church, marked “Poinsettia order.” Print carefully. The information from this form is used for the bulletin listings. Please list only one name or family name for each purchased poinsettia. (Example: Jane Smith, Mr. & Mrs. Jon Smith or the Jane Smith Family.) Poinsettias are ordered from United Community Centers, Inc. (formerly the Riley Center), with proceeds aiding services for children, youth, the elderly, emergency assistance, hunger, health and disease ministries, advocacy and community development. In Memory of: (OR) In Honor of: Given By:Given By: Your Name: Daytime Phone Number: Email: Enclosed is $15.00 for each poinsettia ordered. Number of poinsettias X $15.00 ea. = TOTAL Return your order to the church office (OR) mail to: Trinity UMC, P.O. Box 19069, Birmingham, AL 35219-9069 3 giftwrap volunteers needed, December 7 The Family Promise of Birmingham (formerly BHN) Gift Wrapping Booth will open the Friday after Thanksgiving in Brookwood Mall. This year, it will be located near Macy’s. Trinity is in charge of wrapping on Saturday, December 7. A talent for wrapping is not required! This is a family-friendly opportunity and a great way to give back and experience the true meaning of Christmas. You may also support the cause by having your gifts wrapped at the booth if shopping at Brookwood Mall. For shift times and more details, contact Jamie Fitzwater at 205-441-4062 or [email protected]. NOTE: Trinity will host families from Family Promise of Birmingham beginning next week on Sunday, December 8. ANGEL TREE GIFTS, RETURN December 8 Please remember that all gifts will be collected by Sunday, December 8. Return your gifts to the ARK on the first floor. Questions? Contact Cassie Cates at 205-515-9311 or [email protected]. Festival of Three Kings, December 14 Many volunteers are needed! This is an annual event that is held to distribute our Angel Tree gifts. It is for area kids in need. A day filled with Christmas games, prizes, shoes, snacks and more while their parents get their presents secretly from Santa! This year’s festival is on Saturday, December 14. Trinity is the event organizer this year. To volunteer please contact Cassie Cates at 205-515-9311 or email [email protected]. Gift Card Fundraiser To help families from Family Promise of Birmingham (formerly BHN) We are holding the annual gift card fundraiser for our Greater Birmingham United Appeal Fund which supports our sales tax exemption. These gift cards will be used for families that come through the program. We need gifts of $25 to purchase Wal-Mart gift cards. (You may donate by cash, check, or Wal-Mart gift cards) Checks need to be made payable to “The Greater B’ham UM UAF.” Questions? Contact Ann Neptune at 879-1737 or [email protected]. CHILDREN’S MINISTRY - OPERATION OUTREACH This Advent season, Children’s Ministry will participate in Operation Outreach: Soldiers in Afghanistan helping the people of Afghanistan. This is organized by Cpt. Ben Traylor, Trinity member and father of Alyssa and Emma. We will be collecting winter clothing items for the children of Afghanistan. Winters in the desert mountains are very cold and we want the children there to stay warm. Please have children bring items such as gloves/mittens, winter hats, scarves, heavy socks to Sunday School by December 22. Questions? Contact Jeanne Baswell at 879-1737 or [email protected]. 4 Joyfully Offering Yourself in Serving in Trinity’s Holiday Mission Program This is a season of giving and serving. There are many opportunities available to connect directly with one of Trinity’s mission ministries. Plug in now, and continue to serve throughout the year. FEEDING: • Sign up to serve meals at Urban Ministry, Church of the Reconciler, and Firehouse Shelter. • Bake yummy treats and bag them so that our pastors can deliver them to Homebound Trinity members and Trinity members in the hospital. Please deliver treats in bags to Trinity UMC front office. GIFTING: • Donate used toys, linens, and furniture to the Community Furniture Bank (tax donation). • Talk to your neighbors, co-workers, friends, and family and see if they have a used laptop to donate to the Community Church Without Walls (tax donation) for some individuals in pursuit of higher education. They are in need of 12 laptops. • Pick up on Sundays (Welcome Center in the main Narthex & Guest Desk in Wesley Hall) a “JOY tag sheet” and decorate it. Return by Dec. 8. These tags will be handed out with Angel Tree gifts bringing joy to the families receiving gifts. To volunteer for one or all of these ministries and to learn more information about these great opportunities to serve, contact Brittany Arias at [email protected] Pictured Left: Oatmeal cookies baked by Trinity member, Courtney Watts for our homebound members and members in the hospital. In August, Confirmands began meeting on Sunday nights, participating in rich times of fellowship, study, worship, prayer and service. In November, the Confirmands and their mentors traveled to beautiful Lake Junaluska, NC for a retreat where they participated in worship and attended workshops on the five different vows of membership. They also experienced lots of “God Moments.” CONFIRMATION RETREAT 2013 The last Wednesday Supper of the semester will be served this week on December 4. 2014 Stewardship Progress Stewardship Report: (as of 12/2/13) 2014 2013 Comparison Commitments Received: Total Committed: Avg. Amount Committed: 576 $2,736,408 $4,751 577 $2,538,168 $4,399 2014 Pledge Goal: $3,024,000 You can make your 2014 Estimate of Giving by: • Dropping your yellow Estimate of Giving card in the offering plate • Calling Ann Neptune in the Finance Office at 879-1737 • Mailing or returning your Estimate of Giving card to the church office • Logging on to PARKING NOTICE: Trinity members and guests should NOT park in the All Saints’ lot near Oxmoor Rd. Also, please do not block the dumpsters or areas that are marked as NO Parking zones. Note that the small parking lot is reserved for handicapped, elderly and families with small children on Wednesday evenings and Sunday mornings. Do not park in marked handicap spaces if you do not have an official handicap permit. food & fellowship $20.00 Family Maximum (or) - $6.00 per adult - $3.00 per child (9 and under) - $5.00 per senior adult - $5.00 Salad Bar option Make a reservation online at MENU - December 4: • Adults: Beef tips, noodles, carrots, green beans, roll • KIDS: Macaroni and cheese, green beans, fruit, cookie, milk 5 student ministry weekly update meet the staff Our theme for the month of December is “We are Family.” Whether it is times of tragedy or times of celebration we are called to come together as the Body of Christ to be in union together. One of the best ways to grow as family is to have meals or “break bread” together around a table. During this month we will have a lot of food, fellowship, conversation and worship because we are family. Here is what is happening at Element this week: Progressive dinner (12/8) – This Sunday, December 8, is our Progressive Dinner. Students need to arrive at Trinity by 6 PM so that we can load up vans and vehicles to head to various houses for dinner. We are still looking for a few more houses willing to host and a few more adult drivers. Please let Robert know if you are willing/able to host or drive. ([email protected]) Element Prayer Breakfast – Prayer Breakfast will be this Tuesday morning at 6:30 AM in the youth café. Elizabeth Pettey will be our speaker. Breakfast is just $3. Element Cafe – We’re open Tuesday and Thursday this week from 3-5:30 pm. Tuesday we will start back Doughnut December! Parents - please remember that you can sign up for volunteer shifts at Element Cafe by going to SOS, High School Mission Trip – SOS registration is now open! This year, SOS will be July 6-12 and we will have limited spaces available. If you know your student is going to attend and they have not signed up yet please let us know. We want every student to be able to attend this amazing week long mission. ARM, Middle School Mission Trip – ARM registration has now started! This year, ARM will be July 16-20. We have only 7 student spots available!! Go to to register. Parents, if you are interested in going as a chaperone, please email Robert at [email protected]. ELEMENT HOMECOMING (12/15) – December 15 from 6-8 PM is our last SNL of the calendar year. This will also be an Element Homecoming as we are inviting any student or adult volunteer that participated in Element from 2005 – present to come join us. If you were a volunteer or you have an older student that participated in Element then please make plans to attend the night. We are family! In Christ, David Thompson, Student Pastor pacesetters news • December 19 - senior christmas party Pacesetters Christmas Party will be Thursday, December 19 in the Fellowship Hall from 1:30-4 PM. (Note the new time.) There will be even more holiday fare this year, with a special pasta bar and crab cakes cooked to order. Of course, we will have fresh shrimp, roast beef and lots of finger foods, including great desserts. The tables will be set with festive Christmas décor as we enjoy a special time of fellowship during this wonderful season. For reservations or more information on any event listed above, contact Amy Lewis at 879-1737 or [email protected]. 6 Dan Hermany Director of Handbells Meet Dan Hermany – Dan serves as Trinity’s Director of Handbells and has been directing handbells for over 50 years. Dan and his wife, Jan, were the Directors of Music at First United Methodist Church in Lakeland, FL for 25 years. The Handbell Ringers and Singers from First Church Lakeland toured Europe eight times. They traveled to Germany, France, Holland, England, Scotland, Norway, Sweden, and Denmark. They traveled twice to the West Indies, Barbados, and St. Lucia islands – as well as toured many, many times in the U. S. Dan directs three handbell choirs here at Trinity: the adult choir, William A. Gardner Handbell Choir; the youth choir, Cross & Flame Youth Handbell Choir; and the Children’s Handbell Choir. These choirs play during worship on a regular schedule. Dan has toured five times with the Cross & Flame Youth Handbell Choir, including the 2013 trip to London, England. Dan has his own set of 6 octaves of Whitechapel Handbells fom the Whitechapel Bell Foundry, London, England. Jan says they had many handbells but little furniture in their early days! Dan and Jan Hermany received the Alumni Merit Award in 2000 from Westminster Choir College in Princeton, NJ. Favorite Bible Verse: Isaiah 40:28-31 Do you not know? Have you not heard? The Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He will not grow tired or weary, and his understanding no one can fathom. He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak. Even youth grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint. highlighted events this week Second Sunday of Advent - December 8 8:45 AM Traditional Worship - SANC 8:45 AM Contact Worship - WHALL 10:00 AM Sunday School - various 10:00 AM Membership 101 - LP 11:00 AM Traditional Worship - SANC 11:00 AM Contact Worship - WHALL 4:00 PM Children’s Choir Program - SANC 4:00 PM Youth Handbells - Rm. 225 5:00 PM Cross & Flame Youth Choir - MS 5:00 PM Sr. Adult Bible Study - SP 5:00 PM Disciple I Study - Rm. 310 6:00 PM Confirmation - various 6:00 PM Element, Youth - Haven 6:15 PM Adult Handbells - Rm. 225 Monday - December 9 8:30 AM Mouat Chapel Open for Prayer Tuesday - December 10 6:30 AM Youth Prayer Breakfast - Haven 8:00 AM Senior Adult Activities - various 8:30 AM Mouat Chapel Open for Prayer 10:00 AM Mama & Me - Nursery 10:00 AM Trinity Singers - MS CFT FSR CONF SANC FHALL Craft Room–143 Fireside Room–145 Conference Room–220 Sanctuary Fellowship Hall 3:00 PM Element Cafe - Haven 6:00 PM Young Adult Study (20’s) - NAT 6:30 PM Young Adult Study (30’s) - SDR Wednesday - December 11 8:30 AM Mouat Chapel Open for Prayer 4:45 PM NO Wednesday Supper 6:00 PM Preschool Choir Program - SANC 6:00 PM Adult Studies - various Thursday - December 12 8:30 AM Mouat Chapel Open for Prayer 3:00 PM Element Cafe - Haven 6:00 PM TCDC Christmas Program - SANC Friday - December 13 8:00 AM Senior Adult Activities - various 8:30 AM Mouat Chapel Open for Prayer LIBLibrary–218 NAT Not at Trinity LPLarge Parlor SP Small Parlor–105 HAVEN Youth Auditorium in memoriam James Russell McElroy, Jr. November 29 We extend our love and sympathy: • to Mark Harvard and family on the death of his wife, Mary Ann Harvard, on November 27. • to the family and friends of Gray Godwin, who died on November 28. He was a participant in Trinity’s youth ministry. • to the family and friends of Colonel James Russell McElroy, Jr., on November 29. congratulations • to Jenny Dollar and Fred Major on the birth of their daughter, Caroline Evan Major, on November 25. treasurer’s report CHAPEL MS WHALL SDR FLC Mouat Chapel Music Suite–132 Wesley Hall Small Dining Room Family Life Center take note Called to Pray The Mouat Chapel is open for prayer weekdays from 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM. Prayer request forms can be found on the last pew. Please enter silently, pray quietly and stay as long as you like. If you would like more information on our Prayer Ministry, contact Lisa Elliott at 879-1737 or email [email protected]. As of November 30, 2013 Regular reporting: GENERAL BUDGET: Month to Date Revenue-Nov. Monthly Needs to Date Balance/Shortage MONTH $341,293 $257,277 $84,016 Capital Debt Retirement gifts this month $12,706 Capital Debt Retirement gifts to date $121,824 Note from the Treasurer: Questions about church finances-income or expense? If you wonder how funds are received or expensed, the financial books of Trinity are open to any member. Contact Ann Neptune at 8791737 or [email protected]. YOUNG Adult Tuesday Evening Study Are you in your 20’s? Are you out of college? Are you not married? If so... please join Trinity’s Young Professionals for an ongoing weekly study at the home of Mark & Lisa Elliott. Dinner is served at 6:30 PM and the study follows. To register, please contact Lisa Elliott at 879-1737 or lelliott@ 7 Tidings Trinity United Methodist Church (USPS 0641-120) is published weekly, except Christmas week, by Trinity United Methodist Church, 1400 Oxmoor Road, Birmingham (Homewood), AL 35209-3998. Periodicals postage paid at Birmingham, AL. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: Tidings, Trinity United Methodist Church, P.O. Box 19069, Birmingham, AL 35219-9069. Sundays at Trinity: Worship 8:45, 11:00 & 11:15 AM • Sunday School 10:00 AM • Youth Activities 6:00 PM Serving Greater Birmingham from Homewood • Our Mission: To Gather…To Grow…To Go…To Glorify 1400 Oxmoor Road, Homewood, AL 35209 • 205.879.1737 • Careline: 205.868.9709 WELCOME NEW MEMBERS Tyler and Lindsey Marshall 2000 2nd Avenue South #402, Birmingham, AL 35233 The Marshalls joined Trinity by vows from another Christian denomination and by transfer from another United Methodist Church. Tyler is a surgical resident at UAB. Lindsey is a dentist with Coleman Dental Group. Interested in Membership? Join us the first Sunday of every month in the large parlor for “Coffee with the Pastor.” This is a time to meet the pastoral staff, ask questions and learn more about the core values and mission of Trinity. We also encourage you to attend “Membership 101,” a basic orientation prior to joining Trinity. It is offered on the second Sunday of each month. Questions? Contact Drew Holland at 879-1737, [email protected]. Sunday, December 8 10 AM • LARGE PARLOR This class is strongly suggested for visitors who are considering membership at Trinity. During this hour, prospective members and those interested will review the membership covenant one makes when joining the Trinity Family. Ask a Greeter to direct you!
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