Annual Report 2006-2007 Australian Funeral Directors Association Ltd Annual Report 2006-2007 Australian Funeral Directors Association Ltd Mission Statement Promoting professional funeral standards Contents Code of Ethics 03 President’s Message Members of the Australian Funeral Directors Association agree to honour the spirit and provisions of the code and as subscribers to the code to hereby affirm and accept willingly the responsibilities that are implied by membership of the Association. 04 Chief Executive Officer’s Report 06 Membership Report 1.To maintain in all matters the highest standards of business, professional and personal conduct. 07 Divisional Reports 2.To respect in all circumstances the confidentiality and trust placed in us by our clients and members of the public. 14 Australian Institute of Embalming Pty Ltd 3. To ensure that staff is qualified and competent. 4.To ensure that facilities are adequate for all services rendered to the community. 15 National Committees 5.To provide information concerning the range of services available, the prices of these services, and the functions and responsibilities accepted on behalf of our clients. 16 Treasurer’s Report 6.To give a written estimate of all funeral charges and disbursements to be made on a client’s behalf at the time of taking instructions, or as soon as is practicable. 19 Directors’ Report 23 Auditor’s Independence Declaration 7.To respect the personal choice of clients and have regard for their diversity of beliefs in religious and cultural practices. 24 Financial Statements 8.To ensure that all advertising is in good taste and directed to informing the public. 27 Notes to the Financial Statements 9.To be thoroughly conversant with the laws of the land as they apply to funeral service and allied industries and professions. 34 Directors’ Declaration 10.To provide access to a client’s advisory service with conciliation and arbitration arrangements available to help resolve any disputes which arise between members and their clients. 35 Independent Auditors’ Report Annual Report and Financial Statements for the year 1 July 2006 to 30 June 2007. Presented to the Members at the Annual General Meeting of the Association on 25 October 2007 in Melbourne. The Australian Funeral Directors Association is the trading name of Australian Funeral Directors Association Ltd ABN 33 007 331 580 ACN 007 331 580 Publisher: Australian Funeral Directors Association Ltd Printer: New Litho. 124-138 Union Road, Surrey Hills, Vic. 3043 Honour Roll The following individuals have been awarded the distinction on Life Member of the Australian Funeral Directors Association Ltd. Mr William Potter (deceased) 1958 Mr John Allison (deceased) 1969 Mr Murray R James (deceased) 1969 Mr Theo Nelson Snr (deceased) 1969 Mr Herbert Partington (deceased) 1969 Mr Rob C Allison AM 1978 Mr Roger (Ben) Box (deceased) 1983 Mr Graham M James 1983 Mr Phillip D Campbell 1989 Mr John A Vincent 1994 Mr Desmond T Tobin 1995 Mr Selwyn N Allen 1996 Mr Michael B Dempsey 1998 Mr Stephen S Parry 2005 Mr Simon C R Berry 2006 The following Life Members also qualify as Life Councillors. Mr Rob C Allison AM Mr Graham M James Mr Phillip D Campbell Mr John A Vincent Mr Desmond T Tobin Mr Michael B Dempsey Mr Stephen S Parry Mr Simon C R Berry The Australian Funeral Directors Association Ltd Annual Report 2006-2007 Wes Heritage National President President’s Message As National President it is a great honour to present the Australian Funeral Directors Association’s 2006-2007 Annual Report. The past twelve months has been a period of great review and change for the AFDA. In February 2007, the AFDA appointed Deanne McLeod as our new Chief Executive Officer (CEO). Deanne brings a wealth of experience in Association Management, Business and Leadership to the AFDA along with new vision, new ideas and enthusiasm. The future of the AFDA looks bright and I look forward to working with her as we make the AFDA strategic plan a reality. The appointment of our new CEO was just one of the staffing changes that have taken place this year. Kate Bell, who previously held the Divisional Secretariat role, has stepped up to fill the new role of Operations Manager and now has responsibility for the day-to-day operations of the National Office. Ken Manders joins AFDA, replacing Kate as Divisional Secretariat for Victoria, New South Wales and Queensland. Leanne Beattie has joined the team as our Membership Manager, filling the position vacated by Maxine Sinclair in early 2007. Leanne has an array of funeral experience and can certainly see issues from the funeral directors point of view. We have also welcomed Deanne Brown, into the vacant role of Events and Administration Coordinator, previously held by Katrina Loughery. The National Council at its strategic planning day in November 2006, reviewed the AFDA Strategic Plan and Governance structure. Following further refinement by our CEO, our revised three year Strategic Plan was adopted at the June 2007 National Council meeting, along with the introduction of a twelve month Business Plan that will provide us with a clear pathway to achieving our strategic goals. This Plan will not only provide a template for the operations of the Association during the next twelve months, but it will also provide all Members with a clear understanding of the focus and actions of the Association for 2007-2008. Following robust debate at both National and Divisional level, it was agreed that effective from the Divisional Annual General Meetings in 2007, when National Councillors are next elected, that the size of National Council will be reduced from the current number of nineteen to fourteen members. This reduction will provide for greater financial and operational accountability to Members and is more in line with contemporary corporate management practices. The challenge for the Association is to ensure that each Divisional Council is diligent in putting forward the best persons to be its representatives on the National Council. The first meeting on the reduced National Council will take place in October 2007. The Membership has given clear direction to National Office and National Councillors, that it requires an increased level of communication. Our CEO and the team at National Office have responded with the introduction of bi-monthly electronic updates direct from the CEO, increased Member Alerts from the Membership Manager and the establishment of quarterly teleconferences with Divisional Presidents, Field Officers and Divisional Directors. These forms of communication in addition to our existing channels of ‘The Australian Funeral Director’ (Journal) and our website have kept the Membership and staff informed throughout the year and will continue as an important communication medium. I call on each and every AFDA Member to be an active participant in your Association. Take advantage of all the benefits that AFDA offers; attend your Division’s meetings; have a voice and speak up; take part in the annual Convention and make the most of the networking and social opportunities it affords. Above all use the trade mark: it is our greatest marketing asset. It is a tool to incorporate it in your advertising, your press notices and your stationery. Support the AFDA’s National Office in getting the logo seen. My thanks goes to the entire National Council who have worked hard and given freely of their time, also thanks to the staff at National Office, it has been a difficult year of change for them, and they have continually risen to the challenge. Our Members, Sponsors, and Affiliates have all continued to support the Australian Funeral Directors Association and worked to ‘Promote Professional Funeral Standards’. I believe a healthy and exciting new momentum is building for the AFDA and the future is very bright. Wes Heritage, National President The Australian Funeral Directors Association Ltd Annual Report 2006-2007 Deanne McLeod Chief Executive Officer Chief Executive Officer’s Report Following a period of change in the second half of 2006, our priority for 2007 has been consolidation. I am pleased to be able to report that the robust systems and processes that have been implemented over the last quarter have contributed to a much stronger operational and financial position, and provide a sound base for our service delivery to Members going forward. As mentioned in the President’s report and as presented at the Divisional AGM’s, the Association has continued with its commitment to review and enhance our Strategic Plan. Whilst the key objectives that have been in place for many years have not changed, we have expanded the overarching Strategic Goals to be more encompassing, and allocated our existing operational objectives to the appropriate Strategic Goal. We have also introduced a new level of transparency for measuring and achieving our operational objectives through the Business Plan, which will unfold in the new financial year. A copy of the Business Plan has been provided to all Members and is also available on our website. Essentially the new overarching Strategic Goals are: • Uphold and enhance the quality, integrity and professional standing of Members; • Promote and advance the brand, interests and rights of Members; • Develop and deliver value adding services to Members; • Foster value-adding partnerships to the benefit of Members and such Partners; and • Achieve governance and operational effectiveness Membership numbers have remained stable for the year and the Divisions continue to serve their Members well by offering seminars, social activities and forums that allow Members to be appraised of latest information, best practice, topical issues, government departmental changes and issues relating to cemeteries and crematoria. The good work of our Field Officers, Michael Dempsey in Victoria and Rodney Hale in New South Wales have assisted greatly in Membership retention and they have worked diligently to ensure Members are compliant with Premises, Equipment and Vehicle Standard requirements. The reaccreditation process continues across all Divisions, with all Divisions committed to completing re-accreditation by the end of 2007. Member benefits, tools and services continue to be researched and reviewed. National Office continues to work toward providing Members with new tools and services to assist Members in your day to day business, and these will be rolled out in 2007-2008. As stated in the Treasurers Report and in the financial statements as audited by RSM Bird Cameron Partners, nationally the AFDA parent entity has achieved a surplus of $31,432 for 2006-2007, a pleasing turnaround from the loss of $8,506 incurred in 2005-2006. This surplus can be attributed to a number of factors including increased sponsorship and prudent management of expenses at both National and Divisional level. Member funds continue to be well managed and the retained profits have increased by $31,432 for 2006-2007. It is important to retain a healthy and modest level of Member funds to ensure that future and vital projects that reflect the Strategic Plan can be successfully and meaningfully implemented. A continuing priority has been to increase the reputation, recognition and representation of AFDA through strengthening existing, and developing further contacts, with all levels of Government. Throughout the past year, all six Divisions have worked rigorously to further relationships with State / Territory Governments and with other industry bodies, to ensure Members have an opportunity to comment on and help shape Government legislation and regulations, which impact on the funeral industry. Community groups are also well supported by funeral directors as they convey information about standards, professionalism and funeral service options. AFDA is also active in liaising with like-minded organisations such as state cemetery and crematoria associations, health departments and monumental stonemasons. Through these consultative meetings, it is clear that AFDA is sought after for its knowledge and authority. Nationally, AFDA has had a strong relationship with the Australasian Cemeteries and Crematoria Association (ACCA) and we appreciate and consider it vital that we continue to work together on common issues. AFDA has been well represented on the National Industry Reference Group (NIRG) for the review of the Funeral Services Training Package. The NIRG resolved to recommend support of the reviewed Training Package. Service Skills Australia (SSA) The Australian Funeral Directors Association Ltd Annual Report 2006-2007 continues working towards submitting the Training Package for formal National Quality Council endorsement. The lack of AFDA Member participation and awareness of the package remains a key issue moving forward, that will need to be addressed. Continuing to assist AFDA in furthering our commitment to training and education the AFDA is fortunate to partner with both Kim Chipper and Paul Castaldi to offer two outstanding Scholarships to funeral directors and embalmers respectively. This years winners were Leanne Beattie from Kings Australia in Geelong (and now our newly appointed Membership Manager) and Sally Kleinman from Bowra & O’Dea in Perth. We thank both Kim and Paul for their continued commitment to the respective professions and urge employers to encourage staff to be involved in fantastic opportunities. National Convention continues to be the premier event in the Association’s calendar and this year’s Convention held in the Barossa Valley was without a doubt a beautiful location and fantastic success. The theme of Future Directions was well supported by the business sessions and the hypothetical on ‘Crow Flu’, which raised a number of issues for delegates to consider. Our National Convention would not be possible without the ongoing support of our Sponsors and as you read the Annual Report I trust you appreciate the contribution made by all our Sponsors and urge you to continue to support them in turn. Deanne McLeod, Chief Executive Officer The Australian Funeral Directors Association Ltd Annual Report 2006-2007 Mark Hewson Membership Committee Chairman Leanne Beattie Membership Manager Membership Report The 2006-2007 year has been an exciting period for the AFDA. We have returned great value to our Members, implemented operational improvements and achieved pleasing results. Our performance reinforces the AFDA as the peak representative body for the funeral industry. This year AFDA has welcomed eleven full Member firms, two Probationary Member firms, ten Affiliate Members and two Associate Members. The Membership Committee is proud of its contribution to the strategic goals and operational objectives of the Association. Like any member based association, we need to remain attentive to the needs of members to ensure future growth and long term survival. The Membership Committee seeks to secure the AFDA’s position as a progressive and successful industry association that concentrates its efforts on serving Members’ needs. Currently serving on the Membership Committee are: Mark Hewson – Chair NSW/ACT Aaron Burkin QLD Lindsay Harris TAS Craig Renshaw WA Michael Butler SA/NT John Fowler VIC Allan Piddington NSW The AFDA’s committees serve a valuable purpose, aside from the results achieved in each committee’s area of responsibility. Our committees: • Allow us to draw on the considerable expertise within our Membership to develop positions on issues of importance to the funeral industry • Serve as a forum for the discussion of ideas • Enable Members to take up a leadership role in helping shape areas of interest to them The Membership Committee takes responsibility for the following areas: • Encouraging new Membership and processing Membership applications Expressions of interest for Membership have increased as the AFDA’s position as the voice of the industry continues to grow. Through a combination of advertising, internet presence and the excellent reputation of our existing Members, public demand for AFDA Member funeral directors has increased, as evidenced by the increase in phone calls and website hits requesting details of Member firms. AFDA Field Officer’s visits to non member firms have also provided an opportunity to attract new members. Looking forward to the 2007-2008 operational objectives, the Membership Committee is looking forward to being involved in the implementation of a Membership retention and service strategy with the aim of maintaining Membership and increasing the level of service. With a view to reinvigorating the Member Benefits program, the Membership Committee will undertake a review of the current program. We look forward to identifying new opportunities and developing an online ‘Member Benefit Package’. Opportunities for deriving Benefits from Government Grants and initiatives will also be investigated and made available to Members. PEV re-accreditation inspections in each state are well underway and due to be completed by October 2007. The Membership Committee will undertake a review of the PEV accreditation system and standards to ensure best professional practice and compliance. As our profile grows both within the industry and the wider community, the AFDA’s unique role as the voice of the funeral industry is further strengthened. The Membership Committee is looking forward to contributing to the achievement of the Association’s strategic goals and operational objectives in 2007-2008. • Member Benefits • Premises, Equipment and Vehicle re-accreditation program • Mentoring and peer support The Australian Funeral Directors Association Ltd Annual Report 2006-2007 Divisional Reports New South Wales/Australian Capital Territory Membership Even though the Division welcomed two new members this year, the Membership numbers have only increased by one at the closure of the 2006- 2007 year. The benefit of regular communication to Members via the Field Officer, Secretariat and invaluable networking between Members through general meeting weekends has proved to be very successful. Finance The Division has had a prosperous financial year due to prudent monitoring of administrative costs, some of the budget contingency items not being utilised and the continued generous support of sponsors. Government/Industry Representation In 2006-2007 various Divisional Councillors have assisted with representation on: • ACT Government – changes to the Cemeteries & Crematoria Act • Births, Deaths & Marriages Working Party – review of the Births, Deaths & Marriages Registration Regulations; delays; changes to the online registration system • Cemeteries – various issues • Centrelink – providing information about services available to customers; Bereavement Allowance payments • Contracts – Removal of Deceased Persons and Burial/ Cremation of Deceased Persons without Means • Defence Department Contracts • Disaster Victim Identification • Health Department – release valves, hermetic sealing, bioseal, mortuary audits • Industrial Reports – Funeral Industries (State) Award and wage cases • Mass Fatalities Working Group – Disposal of Bodies during an Influenza Pandemic • Motor Accidents Authority – new resource to help families • Office of Fair Trading – development of Fair Trading (Funeral Goods & Services) Bill • WRAPS – National Funeral Services Training Package review The NSW Government introduced the Public Health (Disposal of Bodies) Regulations Amendment 2007 in February 2007 which amended features of the Public Health (Disposal of Bodies) Regulations 2002. AFDA has been lobbying to implement these twelve amendments and other changes. The extremely positives changes for funeral directors were: • T o amend the definition of mortuary to provide that it does not include any premises (such as a hospital) in which bodies may be temporarily stored pending their transfer to a mortuary; • To extend an existing requirement under the Principal Regulation to funeral directors, so that a funeral director who keeps a body in a mortuary or holding room and who has reason to believe that not refrigerating the body will prejudice public health or amenity must put the body in a refrigerated body storage facility; • To extend the entry and inspection powers of environmental health officers to holding rooms. During the last twelve months NSW/ACT representatives have been in discussion with NSW Fair Trading in regard to reforms within the funeral industry in regard to an information standard. The Government proposed a Fair Trading Amendment in May 2007 which covered such an information standard. The Shadow Ministry on behalf of the Association then proposed an amendment that also included a mandatory code of conduct for the funeral industry which has been AFDA position throughout the course of the inquiry and subsequent discussions. During June the Fair Trading Amendment (Funeral Goods and Services) Bill 2007 was debated in parliament as well as the amendment suggested by the Shadow Ministry. It was really pleasing to see the transcripts from these debates as AFDA, AFDA representatives and Members have been quoted numerous times. On behalf of the Members, the Association contacted all Members of Parliament who had a vote on this issue to outline the association’s support of a mandatory code of conduct. Even though the AFDA lobbied all Members of Parliament who had a vote on the issue, the mandatory code of conduct was defeated, but the Bill has now been assented and incorporated into the Fair Trading Act 1987. The Australian Funeral Directors Association Ltd Annual Report 2006-2007 Divisional Reports New South Wales/Australian Capital Territory continued Training and Education During the last financial year the following training and education were made available to the Membership: • ‘The role of WorkCover and their expectations of employers’ and ‘Small/Medium Funeral Homes Occupational Health & Safety Essentials’ from NSW WorkCover Authority • ‘WorkChoices: How the changes will affect you’ and ‘How to develop an AWA’ from Australian Business Ltd • ‘Improve the air quality in your working environment’ from Ozone Industries • ‘The future of funeral notices’ from Obits Pty Ltd • ‘Paediatric Palliative Care Resource Guide: Journeys’ • ‘Payment Options for your Customers’ from Hanover Consumer Finance The Divisional Executive commissioned Field Officer Rodney Hale to develop a program and NSW WorkCover Authority Grant Application for ‘Risk Management in Funeral Service incorporating Returning to Work from Injury’. If the AFDA receives the grant, training can be provided at individual funeral homes and/or in small groups in regional areas. The Australian Funeral Directors Association Ltd Annual Report 2006-2007 Divisional Reports Queensland Membership Even though the Division welcomed new Member B J Brady & Son Funeral Directors in 2006-2007, at the close of the financial year Membership numbers remain constant. Training and Education As part of the Annual General Meeting and General Meeting Weekends held in 2006-2007 the following seminars have been presented or issues discussed: • ‘WorkChoices’, Livingstone’s Australia • ‘ArrangeEasy’, Sureplan Friendly Society Two temporary Field Officers have been commissioned to undertake PEV re-accredidation by the conclusion of 2007. • ‘Funeral arrangements – who has the right to decide & other related issues’, Robbins Watson Solicitors Finance The Division has had a prosperous financial year due to prudent monitoring of administrative costs and the continued generous support of sponsors. • ‘Handling the Media – The keys points and practical implementation’ It is pleasing to note that once again there has been no increase in the Divisional component of subscriptions for the 2007-2008 year. Government/Industry Representation The Queensland Division continues to keep abreast of all issues pertaining to the industry. The issues that were covered during 2006-2007: • AFDA/QCCA Working Party – confined space training, enviroboard coffins, Pandemic Influenza • Disaster Victims Identification – the only funeral director representation on the committee • John Tonge Centre – state of released bodies, transfer procedures, identification procedures • Office of the State Coroner • Protocol for life extinct • Queensland Pandemic Influenza Taskforce • Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages – delays in certified death certificates, online death registration After two years of tireless effort by the Queensland Funeral Industry Regulation Working Party (FIRWP) and the Queensland University of Technology, the final report for the Queensland Government titled ‘Best Practice in Funeral Industry Regulation’ was completed in January 2005. The State Government has now had the report for over two years and with the constant change in appointment for the Attorney-General and Minister for Justice the industry has still not received a response to the report. • Representatives from Queensland Workplace Health and Safety highlighted the major health and safety issues and risks in funeral homes and provided information on the types of solutions available to control these risks The Certificate IV in Funeral Service (Embalming) Graduation was extremely well attended. The black-tie event was held on the evening Saturday 2 December 2006 at the Legends Hotel, Gold Coast. The 70 delegates from the AFDA Queensland Division, APT Training Solutions Pty Ltd and the Queensland Cemeteries and Crematoria Association gathered to acknowledge and congratulate the Certificate IV in Funeral Service (Embalming) Class of 2006. The promotion of accredited education and training has always been a significant element of the AFDA so much so that it is one of the key components of the Associations Strategic Plan. In line with this the Queensland Division has attempted over the last five years to facilitate an accredited embalming course within the State. Registered training organisation, APT Training Solutions Pty Ltd, ten students and six member firms committed to the challenge in May 2005. The 2006 Graduates were: Amanda Cuthbert, Ian Mellor, Shane Norsgaard and Michael Webb and the remainder of the Class of 2006: Anna Berrigan-George, Brad Richards, Dwayne Ellem, Ashleigh Perry and John Haggett. The Women in Funeral Service seminar was held on Saturday 17 March 2006 at Cannon & Cripps, Brisbane. An exciting program was delivered to 34 women covering topics of arranging and conducting funerals for the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community; registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages; importance of communication between arrangers and mortuary staff; who has the right to decide on arranging funerals and other issues; and achieving life balance. The Australian Funeral Directors Association Ltd Annual Report 2006-2007 Divisional Reports South Australia/Northern Territory Membership Divisional Membership for SA/NT has remained stable during the year, with an increase of one Member. Glenelg Funerals (Peter and Carlene Vine) became AFDA Members in November 2006. The Division has continued to progress accreditation requirements for PEV standards during 2006-2007. Although all but three Members passed compliance inspections in the last round of PEV inspections, there are three members currently upgrading equipment and or premises to meet PEV requirements as at 30 June 2007. The quarterly newsletter is a source of information to Members on funeral industry issues, regulations, events and articles on educational topics. During the year articles have been published on a range of topics including Frank J Siebert Funeral Directors 140 years celebrations, Memorials and Heart Foundation activities, Manual Handling advice for Funeral Directors, Case Study on Claims against Estate, Williams Funerals’ new premises in Port Lincoln, Accreditation, regular Divisional updates, educational sessions and matters being progressed by AFDA with Government Departments. During the year seven Divisional Council meetings and two general meetings have been held at various venues including Business SA, Members’ premises, the Stamford Plaza Hotel and the Patio Motel Moonta Bay. Finance The financial results for the year to June 2007 have resulted in a surplus of $20,664, a result well above expectations. Savings have been achieved in a range of areas, primarily administrative and secretarial functions, educational expenses and the budget allocation for special projects, government legislative issues was not spent during the year. Government/Industry Representation Resulting from an approach to the Attorney General in late 2006, AFDA representatives have met with government officials (Attorney General’s Department ) and a Government Working Group during the year to progress Select Committee recommendations dealing with funerals and cemetery management. AFDA is progressing with a range of amendments to South Australian funeral legislation: • Repeal of Cremation Act and replacement with a new Human Remains Act • Adoption of a single disposal permit for both cremation and burial • A Code of Practice for Funeral Directors • Life Extinct Certificate System and formal identification all relating to the control of documentation through a medical referee (integrated document system) Although progress and these major changes have been slow, the Attorney General has issued a directive to the Government Working Group to draft new legislation by the end of 2007. This is a positive sign in achieving legislative change in South Australia this year. A number of meetings have been held with both the Coroner’s Office and Forensic Science Centre this year to progress issues and inefficiencies affecting funeral businesses. With a list of concerns, prepared by the Division, a range of objectives have been established to improve communication and procedures between the funeral industry, the Corner’s Office and the Forensic Science Centre. Again slow progress but some positive signs emerging. The Division maintains a strong working relationship with the Registrar of Births Deaths and Marriages and the Commissioner of Consumer Affairs. Our objectives are to improve community awareness of the funeral industry and promote individual Members’ standards and professionalism. This has also lead to a liaison with medical personnel and aged care facilities. The Division is establishing a project with the Births Deaths and Marriages and the Coroner’s Office to present legislative compliance sessions to health care professionals. Training and Education The SA/NT Division has presented a range of training and educational opportunities for Members during the year, commencing with the Divisional AGM Seminar at Stamford Plaza on 16 September, 2006. Other seminars during the year included Infection Control and Manual Handling Course, a full day session on the changing role of funeral directors facilitated by Jeff Chancellor and the Journalists’ Seminar. The Journalists’ Seminar attracted 90 students from the University of SA, School of Journalism to attend a full day of presentation from industry presenters on the role of funeral directors and services provided by Members, Cemeteries and Government Department. • Removal of Section 32 of the Coroner’s Act, Interstate Death – duplication of reporting 10 The Australian Funeral Directors Association Ltd Annual Report 2006-2007 Divisional Reports Tasmania Membership Membership has remained steady throughout the year. Funeral numbers over the entire Division have increased in 2007 by 5.8% compared to 2006. Despite a nil increase in Membership. An additional 176 funerals were conducted by Tasmanian AFDA Members in this past financial year. Finance The 2006-2007 financial year has seen the Tasmanian Division returned a loss of $2,114. Due in the main to extra expenditure on the AGM meeting (the Division used $1650 of its funds to subsidise its AGM at Strahan in September 2006), and unbudgeted increases in association membership, and advertising costs. This year the Tasmanian Division has continued, as a Member Benefit, annual subscription to the Tasmanian Chamber of Commerce and Industry and also to advertise in the yellow pages of the local telephone directories. The Division retains some funds earmarked for education purposes donated by Past Divisional President Peter Fuglsang. Training and Education Under the guidance of Travis Tann training has been active with a number of training sessions organised and delivered, under both the AFDA and the AIE banners. Travis is involved with the Tasmanian Infection Control Association and continues to keep Members informed. We thank him and the Graham Family Funerals for providing this gratis service to the Tasmanian Division. The Divisional AGM was held in September 2006 at Strahan in the remote West Coast of Tasmania. All Member firms were represented including a large representation from Affiliate Members. General Divisional meetings have been organised on a ‘at need’ basis this year, and have been very well attended. Government/Industry Representation During the year the Division has contacted the Motor Accident Insurance Board and the board are currently reviewing monetary compensation to motor accident victims and it is expected there will be an increase in the value of the funeral benefit available. The Hobart City Council has indicated its intention to privatise the Southern Regional Cemetery Trust, the oldest cemetery trust in Tasmania. Tasmanian AFDA Members in the area have some concerns regarding this proposal and have been lobbying the council directly. Issues have arisen concerning Coronial services in particular services from mortuary contractors, and also the funding of transportation costs by the relevant government department. These issues have received some media, political, and Tasmanian AFDA Member attention, it should be noted that the contracts are currently not managed by Members of this division. The Australian Funeral Directors Association Ltd Annual Report 2006-2007 11 Divisional Reports Victoria The Act: • provides for the development of a code of practice for the funeral industry. Membership The Division’s Membership has seen some fluctuations throughout 2006-2007 and closed the year slightly higher. The Victorian Division welcomed or re-welcomed due to sales: A G Adams & Son, Col & Pal Semmens Funeral Directors, Fred Crouch & Son, Garlick Family Funerals, Harrison Funerals and Mulqueen Family Funerals. • aims to ensure that consumers are provided with clear and accurate information on funeral prices and have access to appropriate complaints handling mechanisms. October 2006 saw the commissioning of Victorian Field Officer Michael Dempsey. The Field Officer role has provided an essential link between Divisional Council and the Membership and has been an essential addition to the growth of the Division. The position has also enabled the Division to complete the PEV reaccreditation inspections by the close of 2007. Finance The Division has had a prosperous financial year. It is pleasing to note that once again there has been no increase in the Divisional component of subscriptions for the 2007-2008 year. • will establish a register of funeral providers operating in Victoria, which will be accessible to the public and empowers the Director to establish a public register of pre-paid funeral contracts if this should this be considered necessary in future. •p rovides for ongoing communication with the funeral industry and other relevant stakeholders on the regulation of the funeral industry and the operation of the Act through the establishment of a Funeral Industry Ministerial Advisory Council. While the Act does not cover the areas that AFDA highlighted as concerns from the initial inquiry, AFDA representatives have been in constant dialogue with Consumer Affairs Victoria on the practicalities of the Act. Government/Industry Representation In 2006-2007 various Divisional Councillors have assisted with representation on the following issues or AFDA has been consulted to distribute information on: Divisional representatives have prepared resources to assist members with the introduction of the new legislation. • Australian Bureau of Statistics • Department of Human Services Training and Education The 2006 Annual General Meeting provided business sessions included: Derek Percival’s ‘Communication and Teamwork’, Obits’ ‘The Future of Funeral Notices’, and Funeral Plan Management’s ‘Prepaid Funeral Essentials: Legal, Administration and Marketing’. • Funeral Industry Consultative Committee • Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages • Royal Children’s Hospital • State Coroner’s Office State Services Authority • Transport Accident Commission • WorkCover The sixteenth Women in Funeral Service (WIFS) was held at the Rendezvous Hotel, Melbourne on Friday 23 February 2007. The seminar attracted seventy-two delegates from Victoria and Tasmania. An event such as WIFS does not become as successful as it has without the contributions of many. The relationship between the AFDA and The Herald Sun has been strengthened with a sponsorship agreement brokered that has an AFDA advertisement within the Death Notices section on an almost daily basis since February 2006. To maximise the exposure of this branding opportunity it is recommended that Members include ‘Accredited Member AFDA’ or ‘Member AFDA’ in all notices. Funerals Act 2006 (the Act) was assented in October 2006 with its operational date 1 November 2007. The main purposes of the Act are to improve the transparency of the operation of the funeral industry and improve protection for consumers who deal with the funeral industry. 12 • repeals the Funerals (Pre-paid Money Act) 1993 which regulates the investment of prepaid funeral funds, and incorporates it into the Act. Zone Meetings were held in Hamilton (SW) July 2006, Swan Hill (NW) September, Mansfield (NE) October, Morwell (Gippsland) November, Geelong (SW) February 2007, Echuca (NW/NE) March and Wonthaggi (Gippsland) May. It was pleasing to see the majority of the members in each Zone supporting their respective meetings. These rounds of Zone Meetings covered WorkChoices as well attendance by the State Coroners Office Chief Executive Officer. The Australian Funeral Directors Association Ltd Annual Report 2006-2007 Divisional Reports Western Australia Membership The Western Australian Division continues to retain its high market share in the local funeral industry (over 80%).This offers minimal opportunities to increase membership. Many non member contractors are small and unlikely to meet PEV compliance. Contractors in regional centres find the distance from Perth and the logistic difficulty and cost of accessing mainly metropolitan based Membership Benefits, a barrier to contemplating association membership. Not withstanding these disadvantages, two new country Members Purslowe Tinetti Funerals of Northam, who recently hosted a country general meeting and Mid West Funerals in Geraldton, became Members in the past year. To ascertain how nonmetropolitan Members view Membership Benefits in light of their lack of direct involvement in activities, phone contact is regularly made by the President. The outcome of this exercise is that everyone seemed reasonably satisfied with what the Association provides, but would welcome access to training, perhaps electronically. The Division Council concentrates on retaining market share by minimising inroads by small operators in, and entering the industry. This is being addressed by the Special Projects advertising campaign in The West Australian newspaper directing the public to the Association and its Members for professional service or advice. Finance Responsible financial management enabled the Division to end the 2006-07 year within budget estimates when excluding special project expenditure. This was achieved thanks to the support of our many corporate sponsors who generously contributed financially towards the program of Member Benefit activities provided during the year. With the promise of ongoing sponsorship the Division should remain in a favourable financial position in the coming year. Notwithstanding the Special Project expenditure that resulted in an overall budget deficit, the Division’s retains its strong financial position. Government / Industry Representation The Government’s Metropolitan Cemetery Board that has responsibility for all of Perth’s metropolitan cemeteries and crematoria has a Liaison and OH&S committee which includes representation by AFDA. This committee proves to be a valuable means of communication between funeral director and cemetery administration on cemetery management issues. The Association is regarded by government authorities as the representative organisation for the funeral industry in Western Australia and in this capacity maintains ongoing contact with Government Departments such as the Registrar General, the Department of Health and the State Coroner’s Office etc. During the past year the Association has been invited to review position papers on the Governments Review of the Cemeteries Act and a proposal for Government control of Prepaid Funerals. Committees were appointed to respond to these issues and to submit industry responses. Both matters are ongoing. The Division’s representatives are increasing their participation on Government pandemic planning committees to ascertain the level of involvement the funeral industry will have if and when the need arises. It has been established that initially all deaths, unless suspicious, will be treated as normal with no Coroner involvement. A metropolitan site has been located for a temporary morgue and storage. There are many issues yet to be defined which is not surprising with so many diverse interests involved but over time and many meetings specific responsibilities will be clarified. Training and Education A program of staff development activities were provided by the Division’s education committee during the year including Jeff Chancellor seminars, infection control, arranger training a pandemic seminar/workshop in conjunction with the Health Department and an interesting program of speakers at the October Conference. The Division continued with its non mainstream religious faiths funeral rites familiarisation program and briefings by the Public Trustee and on mortuary procedures by the Coroners office. These will be continued in the coming year. The Australian Funeral Directors Association Ltd Annual Report 2006-2007 13 Don Sweet AIE Chairman Australian Institute of Embalming Pty Ltd In 2006-2007 I have enjoyed another year as Chairman and have seen the AIE moving forward through challenging and rewarding times. program, being the local contact for Members and assisting locally with preparations for sessions. Thanks also to those employers and Members that have offered support and/or venues. This is very much appreciated. This year the AFDA has appointed Ron Foley as Company Secretary. I would like to thank all the Board Members for their work throughout the year, and particularly to Terry Shaffer who has retired from the Board and I wish him well in his future endeavours. The AIE’s Strategic Plan is constantly referred to and will be updated as required. It is important to have a plan to give the Board and Members direction as we continue to grow the AIE. The Board for the coming year is Kevin Reardon as Vice Chairman, Jan Field, Andrew Finney, Pauline Tobin, John Tidman, John Crooks, and myself as Chairman. The AIE is grateful for the assistance received from the AFDA and Catherine McCafferty as Executive Assistant. The current Membership is 216 consisting of 179 Members in both active and non-active categories, six retired Members, five life Members and nineteen student Members currently studying. With two new categories introduced this year the AIE welcomes three Affiliate Members and one Associate Member. Continuing Professional Development (CPD) is progressing well. It is now a requirement to retain Practicing Membership and to gain a Practising Certificate that embalmers complete five embalms and require attendance at Conference, CPD sessions that will be available in each state, or other method as approved by the Board. Whilst this program has caused some controversy, most Members have embraced the concept, and the Board believe that it is vital to maintain up to date information and current skills, and have a Membership status which better reflects the working environment of our embalmers. The AIE is currently working on different ideas to assist Members in maintaining Active Membership through essays provided. The 11th AIE Conference was held in the Sunshine Coast and was, to date, the best attended Conference. With an array of international and local speakers on topics relating to embalming, each year the Conference is better than the last. I thank those employers that support their embalmers by sending them to conference as the work the embalmer performs in your company is a very important part of our service to families. Planning is already underway for AIE Conference 2008 which for the first time will not be held in Australia but in Christchurch, New Zealand. As always, we have tremendous support from our regular sponsors and some new sponsors. The contribution by sponsors to the ongoing education of embalmers and support of the AIE is very much appreciated. I would like to thank Paul Castaldi and Hickey & Co Pty Ltd for their continuing support of the very prestigious award, the Paul F.Castaldi Scholarship. The 2006 Scholarship winner was Sally Kleinman from Bowra & O’Dea in Perth. The Board, Membership and I are looking forward to the year ahead with excitement and anticipation. It is important that employers are aware of the requirements of CPD and allow their embalming staff to attend either Conference or education sessions to be able to maintain Active Membership. It is a current requirement in some circumstances that an Embalmer must be a Practising Member to sign Embalming Certificates, and we expect this to expand in the future. I must thank again our State Co-ordinators, Paul Doney, Ian Swan, Craig Murphy, Alistair Shaw, Travis Tann and John Tidman. The Co-ordinators are a very important part of the CPD 14 The Australian Funeral Directors Association Ltd Annual Report 2006-2007 Bernardine Brierty Training and Education Committee Chairman Stephen Kellaway Legal and Governance Committee Chairman National Committees Our National Committees are aligned to the business objectives of AFDA in the important areas of Membership, Training and Education, Legal and Governance. Each National Committee is made up with representation from all Divisions and committee members elect to be part of a committee that is aligned with their interest area. Committees generally meet by teleconference throughout the year on an as needs basis to address issues as they arise. All committees are supported by the AFDA National Office staff. Training and Education The purpose of the this committee is to identify, oversee and coordinate the training, education and professional development needs of the Association with the goal of creating a flexible multi skilled and competent work force for the funeral industry. Areas of Responsibility: - Education Policy - Training Policy - Monitoring of State Based Training - Liaison with Federal Training Organisations & Departments The Committee 2006-2007 consisted of: Bernadine Brierty - Chair WA Travis Tann TAS Gavin Cole VIC Doris Zagdanski QLD Don Sweet SA Mark Hewson NSW (to April 06) Ian Strathie NSW (from April 06) All divisions have been active in providing education to their Members, most of which was provided in conjunction with a regional or divisional meeting. AGMs provide a range of knowledge to Members to assist them in their core business. The Women in Funeral Service seminar was conducted in three states and again this has proven a worthwhile training day for women within the industry. A national initiative to provide education took place during late 2006 and the early 2007 whereby Jeff Chancellor travelled to each state to provide a one day seminar to Members. Feedback was overwhelmingly positive with few negative comments. A Quad course, encompassing Infection Control, Manual Handling, Hygiene and Transfer was held with great success in South Australia last year. This was a skills based program, however participants could, with the assistance of workbooks have gone through the process of having this accredited. Other specific training provided to Members during the past year has included the following: Infection Control; Mortuary Skills; Arranging Funerals and Pandemic Workshop. The National Funeral Services Training Package has been reviewed and both AFDA and AIE were represented on the Review’s National Industry Reference Group. Concerns were raised about the lack of uptake on this Package. Legal and Governance Committee The purpose of this committee is to oversee the governance of the Association and to address matters that may impact upon the Association and the funeral industry. The following areas of responsibility have been allocated to this committee. The issues can be far reaching so as to encapsulate the scope of the Association’s influence both internally and externally: - the AFDA’s Constitution and By-Laws - Corporate Compliance and Governance - Legislative Matters and Reform - Environmental Issues - Disaster Response The Committee 2006-2007 consisted of: Stephen Kellaway – Chair NSW Graham James SA Stephen Parry TAS Martin Tobin VIC Darren Eddy NSW (from April 07) In line with its primary role of monitoring all practices related to corporate governance and compliance, the Committee is confident that the Association has complied with all its obligations, under law, during the past year. Any issues requiring urgent consideration by the Committee were dealt with by e-mail circulation from the Committee’s Secretariat to Members for their comment and input with the consensus decision being moved forward by the Chair. The Australian Funeral Directors Association Ltd Annual Report 2006-2007 15 Gross Income (Consolidated) 2006 - 2007 $ Convention/Exhibition 13.7 Education/Seminars 41,082 2.7 Interest 44,964 3.0 Journals/Newsletter 80,688 5.3 Management/Meeting Income 105,489 7.0 Other 150,431 10.0 Sales-Merchandise 28,364 1.8 852,693 56.5 $1,510,000 100.0 Subscriptions TOTAL Allison Parry Treasurer Gross Expenditure (Consolidated) 2006 - 2007 $ Treasurer’s Report It is with pleasure that I present my report as the National Treasurer of the Australian Funeral Directors Association Ltd (AFDA) for the financial year ending 30 June 2007. Despite one major funeral firm resigning as a Member in July 2006, additional income from sponsorship, prudent management of expenditure and the postponement of Divisional Special Project items has resulted in the Association returning a profit for this financial year. 468,848 31.7 Convention/Exhibition 189,347 12.8 Education & Seminars 38,725 2.6 234,410 15.9 Office Accommodation 96,741 6.6 Purchases for Sale of Goods 15,765 1.1 Postage and Telephone 24,266 1.6 Printing/Stationery/Photocopying 24,286 1.6 Journal/Newsletter 66,316 4.5 Copyright 71,022 4.8 Secretarial Services The Association’s Investment Policy has been reviewed and updated ensuring the core guidelines reflect current financial practices. This investment approach includes a new At Call Investment Account to complement the existing use of Commercial Bank Bills. Key benefits of this new account include instant access to funds, whilst maximising interest earnings. Our State Divisions have continued to utilise various forms of media advertising in our ongoing commitment to increase the public’s awareness of the AFDA. This has resulted in some additional expense to budgeted operating expenditure. For most Divisions the current year’s income surplus has covered this additional expenditure and therefore no funds have been drawn down from retained earnings. % Salaries and on Costs Meetings The Annual Report and accompanying financial statements show that the AFDA activities have resulted in a surplus position of $31,701 for the Economic Entity and $31,432 for the Parent Company. 53,692 3.6 Other 194,881 13.2 TOTAL $1,478,299 100.0 Results by Division 2006 - 2007 $ Profit National Office Victoria New South Wales/ACT 25,579 8,378 Queensland 20,637 South Australia/NT 20,664 9,678 Tasmania AIE Pty Ltd PROFIT The Budget for the 2008 financial year has once again been subject to rigorous review and debate before being adopted by the representatives on the AFDA National Council. Much effort has been focused on keeping subscriptions as low as possible, identifying alternate sources of income, and reducing expenditure where practicable. Despite much fine tuning every aim has been to ensure the Association will provide maximum $ Loss 32,034 Western Australia Sponsorship of the AFDA has been exceptional. I take this opportunity to sincerely thank our valued Sponsors for their continuing support and assistance. I remind all our Members, in turn to continue to utilise the services and products that are supplied to our industry by these valued Affiliate Members and Sponsors. I applaud the implementation of new National Gold Sponsorship packages that have been negotiated by the CEO and embraced by our major Sponsors. This professional approach will be reflected as a clear benefit to all parties as the new financial year unfolds. 16 % 206,289 2,114 269 $31,701 benefit to all our Members, from the very small Member firm right though to the very large. As Treasurer my pledge is to continue this monitoring through-out the year to come. In conclusion, it has been an honour to serve with the National Executive and the National Councillors on the Board of the AFDA. Thank you to Beth Randall (Accounts Manager) for her fine attention to detail, and especially to Deanne McLeod (CEO since February 2007) for her fresh, intelligent approach to our organisation. All continue to strive to act in the best interests of the Association and its Members. I look forward to continuing serving this fine Association. The Australian Funeral Directors Association Ltd Annual Report 2006-2007 Audited Financial Statements & Accompanying Notes Australian Funeral Directors Association Ltd This page has been left blank intentionally 18 The Australian Funeral Directors Association Ltd Annual Report 2006-2007 Directors’ Report The directors present their report on the company and its controlled entity for the financial year ended 30 June 2007. Directors All directors and alternate directors are Principals of Member Firms. The names of directors in office at any time during or since the end of the year are: Executive Directors Date of Appointment Alternate Directors Date of Appointment Wesley Heritage 25/10/2004 Brian Bennett 04/11/2005 Mark Hewson 23/08/1997 Aaron Burkin 27/03/2007 John Scott 09/11/2006 William Cole 28/10/2005 Allison Parry 06/04/2006 Andrew Finney 10/08/2002 Mark Forgie 21/08/2004 Timothy Goessling 09/11/2006 Bernardine Brierty 06/08/2005 Paul Graham 05/10/2002 Michael Butler 21/08/2004 Gerard Griffiths 27/08/2005 Gavin Cole 06/08/2005 Warwick Hansen 10/08/2002 William Cole 09/11/2006 Lindsay Harris 06/04/2006 Peter Cox 06/08/2005 Graham M. James 12/03/2003 Darren Eddy 10/08/2002 Andrew Kleemann 21/08/2004 Andrew Finney 04/10/2000 Christopher Murnane 10/08/2005 John Fowler 06/08/2001 Antony O’Dea 14/10/2005 Brian Gill 12/11/1999 Grantley Perry 27/08/2005 Lindsay Harris 09/11/2006 Ian Strathie 09/11/2006 Stephen Kellaway 10/08/2002 Raymond Marsh 04/10/2000 Directors Retiring/Resigning Allan Piddington 15/05/2004 Brian Gill 09/11/2006 Craig Renshaw 13/10/2005 Raymond Marsh 09/11/2006 Clayton Scott 06/10/2000 Gerrard Griffith 09/11/2006 Ian Strathie 04/10/2000 Grantley Perry 09/11/2006 Donell Sweet 21/08/2004 Craig Renshaw 22/06/2007 Martin Tobin 04/11/2005 Raymond Valdeter 09/11/2006 Directors Directors have been in office since the start of the financial year until the date of this report unless otherwise stated. The Australian Funeral Directors Association Ltd Annual Report 2006-2007 19 Directors’ Report Directors have been in office since the start of the financial year until the date of this report unless otherwise stated. Environmental Issues The economic entity’s operations are not regulated by any significant environmental regulation under a law of the Commonwealth or of a state or territory. Operating Results The operating profit/(loss) for the financial year, after providing for income tax, amounted to $31,701 for the Economic Entity and $31,434 for the Parent Entity (2006: Economic Entity profit $2,184 Parent Entity loss ($8,506)). Proceedings on behalf of the Company No person has applied for leave of Court to bring proceedings on behalf of the company or intervene in any proceedings to which the economic entity is party for the purpose of taking responsibility on behalf of the economic entity for all or any part of those proceedings. Review of Operations A review of the Economic Entity’s operations is provided in the detailed reports accompanying this report. The company was not a party to any such proceedings during the year. Significant Changes in State of Affairs No significant changes in the economic entity’s state of affairs occurred during the financial year. Principal Activities The principal activities of the economic entity during the course of the year were: • Representing the professional interests of members of the funeral profession; • Promoting professional standards in the funeral industry; and • Providing and promoting structured training for funeral and related services. No significant change in the nature of the economic entity’s principal activities during the financial year. After Balance Date Events No matters or circumstances have arisen since the end of the financial year that significantly affected or may significantly affect the operations of the economic entity, the results of those operations, or the state of affairs of the economic entity in future financial years. Auditor’s Independence Declaration The Auditor’s Independence Declaration as required under section 307C of the Corporations Act 2001 is set out on page 22. Signed in accordance with resolution of the Board of Directors Wes Heritage, Director Allison Parry, Director Dated at Melbourne this 4th day of September 2007 Future Developments The future developments will be in accordance with the company’s strategic plan. The Economic Entity expects to maintain its present status and levels of operations. Information on Directors Meetings of Directors During the financial year, 3 meetings of Directors and 6 meetings of the National Executive Committee were held. Attendances by each director during the year as listed on page 20. Indemnities No indemnities have been given or insurance premiums paid, during or since the end of the financial year, for any person who is or has been an auditor or officer of the economic entity. A premium of $3,862 has been paid for Association Liability Insurance on behalf of the Directors. Directors’ Benefits During the year, no director of the economic entity has received or become entitled to receive any benefit (other than a benefit included in the aggregate amount of emoluments received or due and receivable by directors shown in the accounts) by reason of a contract made by the economic entity or a related corporation with the directors or with a firm of which the directors is a member, or with a company in which the director has a substantial interest. Details of payments to the incumbent President’s firm are contained in Note 20. 20 The Australian Funeral Directors Association Ltd Annual Report 2006-2007 Directors’ Report Meetings Of Directors Directors Meetings Executive Directors Wesley Heritage Executive Meetings Eligible to Eligible to attend Attended attend Attended 3 3 6 6 Directors Meetings Alternate Directors Brian Bennett Executive Meetings Eligible to Eligible to attend Attended attend Attended 1 1 - - Mark R. Hewson 3 3 6 6 Aaron Burkin - - - - John Scott 3 1 2 2 William Cole - - - - Allison Parry 3 3 6 6 Andrew Finney - - - - Mark Forgie - - - - Bernardine Brierty 3 3 - - Timothy Goessling 1 1 - - Michael Butler 3 3 - - Paul Graham 1 2 - - Gavin Cole 3 3 - - Gerard Griffiths - - - - William Cole 3 1 - - Warwick Hansen - - - - Peter Cox 3 3 - - Lindsay Harris - - - - Darren Eddy 3 3 - - Graham M. James 0 3 - - Andrew Finney - - - - Andrew Kleemann 0 1 - - John Fowler 3 3 - - Christopher Murnane - - - - Brian Gill - - - - Antony O’Dea 2 1 - - Lindsay Harris 3 2 - - Grantley Perry - - - - Stephen Kellaway 3 3 - - Ian Strathie 2 2 - - Raymond Marsh - - - - Allan Piddington 3 2 - - Craig Renshaw 3 1 - - Directors Clayton Scott 3 3 4 4 Ian Strathie - - - - Donell Sweet 3 3 - - Martin Tobin 3 3 - - Raymond Valdeter 3 1 - - *Where attendances exceed eligible attendances the Director has attended as a Life Councillor/Observer The Australian Funeral Directors Association Ltd Annual Report 2006-2007 21 Directors’ Report Information on Directors/National Councillors Directors / National Councillors Alternate Directors / Alternate National Councillors Wesley Heritage - QLD Division National President Divisional Treasurer Brian Bennett (for VIC National Councillors) Mark Hewson - NSW/ACT Division National Snr Vice President Chair Membership Committee Public Relations Committee Aaron Burkin (for QLD National Councillors) Membership Committee John Scott - VIC Division National Jnr Vice President Chair Public Relations Committee Andrew Finney (for TAS National Councillors) Divisional Treasurer Chair Audit Committee AIE Pty Ltd Board Allison Parry - TAS Division National Treasurer Divisional Snr Vice President Paul Graham (for TAS National Councillors) Divisional Jnr Vice President Bernardine Brierty - WA Division Chair Education & Training Committee Warwick Hansen (for NSW/ACT National Councillors) Michael Butler - SA/NT Division Divisional President Membership Committee Andrew Kleemann (for SA/NT National Councillors) Divisional Snr Vice President Public Relations Committee Gavin Cole - VIC Division Divisional President Education & Training Committee Christopher Murnane (for VIC National Councillors) Divisional Jnr Vice President William Cole - NSW/ACT Division Divisional Treasurer Antony O’Dea (for WA National Councillors) Peter Cox - VIC Division PR Committee Ian Strathie (for NSW/ACT National Councillors) Education & Training Committee Darren Eddy - NSW/ACT Division Divisional President Legal & Governance Committee John Fowler - VIC Division Membership Committee Lindsay Harris - TAS Division Membership Committee Divisional President Stephen Kellaway - NSW/ACT Division Divisional Snr Vice President Audit Committee Chair Legal & Governance Committee Allan Piddington - NSW/ACT Division Divisional Jnr Vice President Membership Committee Clayton Scott - SA/NT Division Public Relations Committee Donell Sweet - SA/NT Division Education & Training Committee Chairman AIE Pty Ltd Board Martin Tobin - VIC Division Chair Tax & Investment Committee Legal & Governance Committee Divisional Snr Vice President Raymond Valdeter - QLD Division Public Relations Committee 22 The Australian Funeral Directors Association Ltd Annual Report 2006-2007 Auditor’s Independence Declaration As lead audit partner for the audit of the financial statements of Australian Funeral Directors Association Ltd for the financial year ended 30 June 2007, I declare that to the best of my knowledge and belief, there have been no contraventions of: (i) the auditor independence requirements of the Corporations Act 2001 in relation to the audit; and (ii) any applicable codes of professional conduct in relation to the audit. RSM BIRD CAMERON PARTNERS Chartered Accountants K C Wood Partner 3 September 2007 Melbourne Income Statement for the year ended 30 June 2007 Economic Entity Parent Entity Note 2007 $ 2006 $ 2007 $ 2006 $ 2 1,510,000 1,527,621 1,433,125 1,469,002 Administrative Expenses (780,147) (837,641) (772,451) (830,967) Convention Expenses (189,347) (176,628) (131,282) (142,023) (38,725) (32,455) (35,708) (32,455) Revenues from ordinary activities Education Expenses Meeting Expenses (234,410) (219,423) (229,490) (215,085) Occupancy Expenses (96,741) (95,125) (96,741) (95,125) Public Relations Expenses (10,712) (27,581) (8,543) (26,103) Publications Expenses (74,525) (74,641) (73,786) (73,807) Secretarial Services Expenses (53,692) (61,943) (53,692) (61,943) 2,184 31,432 (8,506) Profit/(Loss) before Income Tax Expense 3 31,701 Income Tax Expense 4 - - - - 31,701 2,184 31,432 (8,506) Profit/(Loss) after Income Tax Expense The accompanying notes form part of these financial statements. 24 The Australian Funeral Directors Association Ltd Annual Report 2006-2007 Balance Sheet as at 30 June 2007 Economic Entity Note Parent Entity 2007 $ 2006 $ 2007 $ 2006 $ CURRENT ASSETS Cash and Cash Equivalents 5 656,841 599,582 591,732 533,210 Receivables 6 80,794 92,039 64,028 84,914 Inventories 7 20,477 20,351 19,527 19,401 Other Current Assets 8 6,872 12,321 6,872 12,321 764,984 724,293 682,159 649,846 20,940 34,851 20,940 34,851 Total Current Assets NON-CURRENT ASSETS Office Equipment 9 Investment 10 Total Non-current Assets Total Assets - - 26,355 26,355 20,940 34,851 47,295 61,206 785,924 759,144 729,454 711,052 142,150 148,377 108,496 122,832 CURRENT LIABILITIES Trade and Other Payables 11 Other Liabilities 13 Total Current Liabilities 1,641 6,843 1,641 6,843 143,791 155,220 110,137 129,675 NON-CURRENT LIABILITIES Provisions 17,213 10,705 17,213 10,705 17,213 10,705 17,213 10,705 Total Liabilities 161,004 165,925 127,350 140,380 Net Assets 624,920 593,219 602,104 570,672 Retained Earnings 624,920 593,219 602,104 570,672 Total Members’ Funds 624,920 593,219 602,104 570,672 Total Non-current Liabilities 12 MEMBERS’ FUNDS The accompanying notes form part of these financial statements. The Australian Funeral Directors Association Ltd Annual Report 2006-2007 25 Recognised Income and Expenditure For the year ended 30 June 2007 Economic Entity Parent Entity 2007 $ 2006 $ 2007 $ 2006 $ 593,219 591,035 570,672 579,178 31,701 2,184 31,432 (8,506) 624,920 593,219 602,104 570,672 MEMBERS’ FUNDS Total Retained Earnings at beginning of the financial year Net Profit/(Loss) Total Retained Earnings at end of financial year The accompanying notes form part of these financial statements. Cash Flow Statement For the year ended 30 June 2007 Economic Entity Note 2007 $ 2006 $ Parent Entity 2007 $ 2006 $ CASH FLOWS FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES Receipts from customers and members 1,621,165 1,625,742 1,545,218 1,555,243 (1,605,027) (1,611,036) (1,526,121) (1,566,608) 43,507 37,846 41,811 37,480 59,645 52,552 60,908 26,115 Payments for office equipment (2,386) (17,205) (2,386) (17,205) Net Cash (used in) Investing Activities (2,386) (17,205) (2,386) (17,205) Net Increase in Cash Held 57,259 35,347 58,522 8,910 599,582 564,235 533,210 524,300 656,841 599,582 591,732 533,210 Payments to suppliers and employees Interest Received Net Cash provided from Operating Activities 14b CASH FLOWS FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIES Cash at the beginning of the Financial Year Cash at the end of the Financial Year 14a The accompanying notes form part of these financial statements. 26 The Australian Funeral Directors Association Ltd Annual Report 2006-2007 Notes to the Financial Statements Notes to the Financial Statements For the year ended 30 June 2007 NOTE 1. Statement of Significant Accounting Policies The financial report is a general purpose financial report which has been prepared in accordance with Australian Accounting Standards, and other mandatory professional reporting requirements and the Corporations Act 2001. The financial report covers Australian Funeral Directors Association Ltd (AFDA) as an individual parent entity and also AFDA and controlled entity as an economic entity. The financial report has been prepared on an accruals basis and is based on historical costs and does not take into account changing money values or, except where stated, current valuations of non-current assets. Cost is based on fair values of the consideration given in exchange for assets. The following is a summary of the material accounting policies adopted by the economic entity in the preparation of the financial report. The accounting policies have been consistently applied, unless otherwise stated. (A) Company Structure The AFDA is an incorporated company limited by guarantee. In the event of the AFDA being wound up, the liability of each Member, or each former Member, resigning during the preceding year of AFDA being wound up is limited to an amount not exceeding $100. As AFDA is limited by guarantee, there is no reference in the Balance Sheet of share capital, dividends or shareholders’ equity. As at 30 June 2007 there were 241 members (2006: 252). (B) Principles of Consolidation A controlled entity is any entity controlled by AFDA. Control exists where AFDA has the capacity to dominate the decision making in relation to the financial and operating policies of another entity so that the other entity operates with AFDA to achieve the objectives of AFDA. Details of the controlled entity are contained in Note 16. All intercompany balances and transactions between entities in the economic entity including unrealised profits or losses, have been eliminated on consolidation. (C) Revenue Revenue represents income earned from membership subscriptions and the provision of related services. Membership subscription revenue is recognised progressively over the subscription period. Revenue from the provision of other services is recognised upon the service to members/customers. Interest revenue is recognised on a proportional basis taking into account the interest rates applicable to the financial asset. Revenue from the sale of goods is recognised upon the delivery of goods to the members/customers. (D) Equipment Equipment is carried at cost less any accumulated depreciation applicable. Equipment is depreciated over its estimated useful life to the economic entity commencing from the time the asset is held for use. The depreciation rates used for each class of asset: Office equipment 10 - 20% Computer equipment 20 - 34% (E) Employee Benefits Provision is made for the company’s liability for employee benefits arising from services rendered by employees to balance date. Employee benefits expected to be settled within one year together with benefits arising from wages and salaries and annual leave that will be settled after one year, have been measured at the amounts expected to be paid when the liability is settled plus related on costs. Other employee entitlements payable later than one year have been measured at the present value of the estimated future cash outflows to be made for those benefits. Contributions to employee superannuation funds are charged against income as incurred. (F) Deferred Revenue Deferred Revenue is recorded as a liability and is not recognised in the Income Statement until the service is provided. (G) Income Tax The economic entity applies the principle of mutuality in determining its income tax liability. The level of member participation in the various revenue-raising projects undertaken by the economic entity substantially affects the economic entity’s liability to taxation. (H) Cash For the purposes of the Statement of Cash Flows, cash includes cash and short term deposits. Cash and term deposits are carried at face value of the amounts deposited. The Commercial Bills are carried at maturity value. The Australian Funeral Directors Association Ltd Annual Report 2006-2007 27 Notes to the Financial Statements (I) Receivables Trade debtors are generally settled within 30 days and are carried at amounts due. The collectibility of debts is assessed at yearend and specific provision is made for any doubtful accounts. (J) Accounts Payable Liabilities are recognised for amounts to be paid in the future for goods or services received, whether or not billed to the economic entity. Trade accounts are normally settled within 30 days. (K) Comparative Figures Where required by Accounting Standards comparative figures have been adjusted to conform with changes in presentation for the current financial year. (L) Inventories Inventories are merchandise intended for resale to Members that is carried at lower of cost or net realisable value. (M) Investments Non-current investments are measured at cost. The carrying amount of investments is reviewed annually by directors to ensure it is not in excess of the recoverable amount of these investments. (N) Leases Leases in which a significant portion of the risks and rewards of ownership are retained by the lessor are classified as operating leases (Note 15). Payments made under operating leases are charged to the Income Statement on a straight-line basis over the period of the lease. (O) New accounting standards and interpretations The following Accounting Standards issued or amended and are applicable to the entity but not yet effective and have not been adopted in preparation of the financial statements at reporting date. AASB Amendment AASB 2005–10 Amendments to Australian Accounting Standards Standards Affected AASB 1 AASB 4 AASB 101 AASB 117 AASB 133 AASB 1023 AASB 1038 AASB 139 Outline of Amendment The disclosure requirements First-time adoption of AIFRS of AASB 132: Financial Instruments: Disclosure and Presentation have Insurance Contracts been replaced due to the issuing of AASB 7: Financial Presentation of Financial Instruments: Disclosures Statements in August 2005. These amendments will involve Leases changes to financial instrument disclosures Earnings per Share within the financial report. However, there will be no General Insurance Contracts direct impact on amounts included in the financial report as it is a disclosure Life Insurance Contracts standard. Application Date for Group 1.1.2007 1.7.2007 1.1.2007 1.7.2007 Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurement AASB 7 Financial Instruments: Financial Instruments: AASB 132 Disclosures Disclosure and Presentation 28 Application Date of Standard As above. The Australian Funeral Directors Association Ltd Annual Report 2006-2007 Notes to the Financial Statements Economic Entity Parent Entity 2007 $ 2006 $ 2007 $ 2006 $ Subscriptions 852,693 898,585 813,153 859,306 Convention 206,289 193,572 143,430 149,968 41,082 30,229 40,446 29,920 NOTE 2. Revenue Revenue from Operating Activities Education Journal and Newsletters Management and meetings Sales of literature, etc Total Revenue from Operating Activities 80,688 83,970 80,688 83,970 105,489 120,086 134,739 146,336 28,364 24,003 27,313 23,018 1,314,605 1,350,445 1,239,769 1,292,518 136,221 123,607 136,221 123,607 44,964 38,529 43,268 38,163 Revenue from Non-operating Activities Sponsorship Interest received Other Total Revenue from Non-operating Activities Total Revenue 14,210 15,040 13,867 14,714 195,395 177,176 193,356 176,484 1,510,000 1,527,621 1,433,125 1,469,002 NOTE 3. Profit/(Loss) from Ordinary Activities Profit from ordinary activities before income tax expense has been determined after: Expenses Depreciation of office equipment 16,297 18,186 16,297 18,186 Operating lease expenses – premises 96,741 95,125 96,741 95,125 Copyright Expenditure 68,197 71,022 68,197 71,022 Advertising 26,057 22,796 26,057 22,796 (16,060) 11,782 (16,060) 11,782 Bad and doubtful debts 1,165 (1,602) 1,165 (1,602) Audit services 9,925 8,755 9,925 8,755 Employee entitlements NOTE 4. Income Tax Expenses (a) The prima facie tax on operating profit/(loss) is reconciled to the income tax as follows: Prima facie tax payable on operating profit/ (loss) before income tax at 30% (2006: 30%) 9,510 655 9,430 (2,552) Decrease on income tax expense due to non assessable members’ income-principle of mutuality 7,327 (11,999) 3,587 (8,463) (16,837) 11,344 (13,017) 11,015 NIL NIL NIL NIL Transfer to Future Income Tax Benefit not brought to account Income Tax Expense (b) Future Income Tax Benefit not taken into account At balance date unconfirmed accumulated tax losses exist, giving rise to potential future income tax benefit. In the opinion of the directors, the potential future income tax benefit attributable to the tax losses should not be recognised as it is considered that the economic entity will not derive sufficient assessable income in the future to enable the benefit to be realised. The Australian Funeral Directors Association Ltd Annual Report 2006-2007 29 Notes to the Financial Statements Economic Entity 2007 $ Parent Entity 2006 $ 2007 $ 2006 $ NOTE 5. Cash and Cash Equivalents Cash at bank 119,357 91,119 89,508 33,210 537,484 508,463 502,224 500,000 656,841 599,582 591,732 533,210 Interest rates at 30 June 2007 on cash accounts 3.899% (2006: 3.449%) Bank short-term investments Short-term deposits at 30 June 2007 mature within 12 months and pay interest at rates between 5.90 % and 6.28% (2006: mature within 12 months and pay interest at rates between 5.39% and 5.90%) Credit risk is minimised as all short-term deposits are held with banks which have acceptable credit ratings determined by a recognised rating agency NOTE 6. Receivables Trade and other Receivables Less Provision for doubtful debts 80,794 92,039 64,028 84,914 - - - - 80,794 92,039 64,028 84,914 20,477 20,351 19,527 19,401 20,477 20,351 19,527 19,401 6,872 12,321 6,872 12,321 6,872 12,321 6,872 12,321 124,323 126,512 124,323 126,512 (103,383) (91,661) (103,383) (91,661) 20,940 34,851 20,940 34,851 NOTE 7. Inventories At cost NOTE 8. Other Current Assets Prepayments NOTE 9. Office Equipment Office Equipment at Cost Less Accumulated Depreciation NOTE 9a. Movement in Carrying Amounts Movements in carrying amounts for office equipment between the beginning and end of the current financial year Balance at the Beginning of Year Additions Depreciation Expenses Balance at end of the year 34,851 35,832 34,851 35,832 2,386 17,205 2,386 17,205 (16,297) (18,186) (16,297) (18,186) 20,940 34,851 20,940 34,851 - - 26,355 26,355 - - 26,355 26,355 NOTE 10. Investment Australian Institute of Embalming Pty Ltd – at cost NOTE 11. Payables Trade and Other Payables 30 142,150 148,377 108,496 122,832 142,150 148,377 108,496 122,832 The Australian Funeral Directors Association Ltd Annual Report 2006-2007 Notes to the Financial Statements Economic Entity 2007 $ Parent Entity 2006 $ 2007 $ 2006 $ NOTE 12. Provisions Non Current Employee benefits Number of employees at reporting date 17,213 10,705 17,213 10,705 17,213 10,705 17,213 10,705 6 7 6 7 NOTE 13. Other Liabilities Deferred Revenue 1,641 6,843 1,641 6,843 1,641 6,843 1,641 6,843 NOTE 14. Cash Flow Information (a) Reconciliation of Cash Cash at the end of financial year as show in the Cash Flow Statement is reconciled to the related items in the Balance Sheet as follows: Cash at bank 119,357 91,119 89,508 33,210 Short-Term Deposits 537,484 508,463 502,224 500,000 656,841 599,582 591,732 533,210 31,701 2,184 31,432 (8,506) 16,297 18,186 16,297 18,186 (b) Reconciliation of cash flow from operation with profit/(loss) from ordinary activities after income tax expense Profit/(loss) from ordinary activities after income tax Non-cash flows in profit/(loss) from ordinary activities: Depreciation Provision for doubtful debts - - Changes in assets and liabilities: (Increase)/Decrease in debtors (Increase)/Decrease in inventory (Increase)/Decrease in prepayments 11,245 (18,548) 20,886 (22,346) (126) 5,542 (126) 6,202 5,449 10,391 5,449 10,391 Increase/(Decrease) in payables (6,227) 44,148 (14,336) 31,539 Increase/(Decrease) in provisions 6,508 (12,798) 6,508 (12,798) Increase/(Decrease) in revenue in advance (5,202) 3,447 (5,202) 3,447 Cash flows from operating activities 59,645 52,552 60,908 26,115 99,295 100,280 NOTE 15. Operating Lease Commitments Non-cancellable operating leases contracted for but not capitalised in the financial statements: Payable: Not later than one year Later than one year but not later than five years 99,295 100,280 159,375 169,465 159,375 169,465 258,670 269,745 258,670 269,745 NOTE 16. Controlled Entity Subsidiary Australian Institute of Embalming Pty Ltd Country of Incorporation: Australia Percentage owned 100% (2006: 100%) The Australian Funeral Directors Association Ltd Annual Report 2006-2007 31 Notes to the Financial Statements Economic Entity 2007 $ Parent Entity 2006 $ 2007 $ 2006 $ NOTE 17. Financial Instruments (a) Interest Rate Risk The economic entity’s exposure to interest rate risk, which is the risk that a financial instrument’s value will fluctuate as a result of changes in market interest rates and the effective weighted average interest rates on those financial assets and liabilities is as follows: % % % % Financial Assets: Weighted Average Effective Interest Rates: Cash at bank 3.9 Cash on hand Investments Floating Interest Rate: 3.5 3.9 3.5 - - - - 6.1 5.6 6.2 5.4 $ $ $ $ Cash at bank 110,121 32,710 110,121 32,710 Investments 152,224 - 152,224 - 262,345 32,710 262,345 32,710 Fixed Interest Rate Maturing: Cash at bank Investments 35,260 8,463 - - 350,000 500,000 350,000 500,000 385,260 508,463 350,000 500,000 28,417 58,559 - - Non-interest Bearing: Cash at bank Cash on hand Receivables Total Financial Assets 500 500 500 500 80,794 92,039 64,028 84,914 109,711 151,098 64,528 85,414 757,316 692,271 676,873 618,624 142,150 148,377 108,496 122,832 Financial Liabilities Non-interest Bearing: Trade Creditors Other Payables Total Financial Liabilities 1,641 6,843 1,641 6,843 143,791 155,220 110,137 129,675 143,791 155,220 110,137 129,675 (b) Net fair values The carrying amount of bank deposits, prepayments, accounts payable, accounts receivable and deferred revenue approximate fair value. The aggregate net fair values and carrying amounts of financial assets and financial liabilities are disclosed in the Balance Sheet and in the Notes to the Financial Statements. (c) Credit Risk The maximum exposure to credit risk at balance day to recognised financial assets is the carrying amount, net of any provisions for doubtful debts, as disclosed in the Balance Sheet and Notes to the Financial Statements. The economic entity does not have any material credit risk exposure to any single debtor, group of debtors under financial instruments entered into by the economic entity. 32 The Australian Funeral Directors Association Ltd Annual Report 2006-2007 Notes to the Financial Statements Economic Entity Parent Entity 2007 $ 2006 $ 2007 $ 2006 $ 167,416 185,276 167,416 185,276 NOTE 18. Key Management Personnel Compensation Short Term Benefits Post-employment Benefits Total Compensation - - - - 167,416 185,276 167,416 185,276 NOTE 19. Company Details The principal place of business and registered office of the company is: Australian Funeral Directors Association Ltd Level 1 700 High Street KEW EAST VIC 3102 NOTE 20. Related Party Disclosures Directors’ Related Transactions From time to time directors of the economic entity, or their director related entities, purchase goods and services from the economic entity. These purchases are on the same terms and conditions as those entered into by other customers with the economic entity. Directors’ Remuneration During the year Clayton Scott Funerals, of which Mr Clayton Scott is a Director, was paid $9,758 in recognition of time spent on AFDA matters during his Presidency and a further payment of $2,242 was made to Heritage Funerals Gold Coast, of which Mr Wesley Heritage is a Director, in recognition of time spent on AFDA matters during his Presidency. The Australian Funeral Directors Association Ltd Annual Report 2006-2007 33 Directors’ Declaration In accordance with a resolution of the directors of Australian Funeral Directors Association Ltd, we state that: (1) In the opinion of the directors: (a) the financial statements and notes of the company and of the consolidated entity are in accordance with the Corporations Act 2001, including: (i) g iving a true and fair view of the company’s and economic entity’s financial position as at 30 June 2007 and of their performance for the year ended on that date; and (ii) complying with Accounting Standards and Corporations Regulations 2001; and (b) there are reasonable grounds to believe that the company will be able to pay its debts as and when they become due and payable. (2) This declaration has been made after receiving the declarations required to be made to the directors in accordance with section 295 A of the Corporations Act 2001 for the financial period ending 30 June 2007. On behalf of the Board Wes Heritage, Director Allison Parry, Director Melbourne, 4 September 2007 34 The Australian Funeral Directors Association Ltd Annual Report 2006-2007 Independent Auditors’ Report To the Members of Australian Funeral Directors Association Ltd We have audited the accompanying financial report of Australian Funeral Directors Association Limited (“the company”), which comprises the balance sheet as at 30 June 2007, and the income statement, statement of changes in equity and cash flow statement for the year ended on that date, a summary of significant accounting policies, other explanatory notes and the directors’ declaration of the consolidated entity comprising the company and the entities it controlled at the year’s end or from time to time during the financial year. Directors’ Responsibility for the Financial Report The directors of the company are responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of the financial report in accordance with Australian Accounting Standards (including the Australian Accounting Interpretations) and the Corporations Act 2001. This responsibility includes designing, implementing and maintaining internal control relevant to the preparation and fair presentation of the financial report that is free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error; selecting and applying appropriate accounting policies; and making accounting estimates that are reasonable in the circumstances. Auditor’s Responsibility Our responsibility is to express an opinion on the financial report based on our audit. We conducted our audit in accordance with Australian Auditing Standards. These Auditing Standards require that we comply with relevant ethical requirements relating to audit engagements and plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance whether the financial report is free from material misstatement. An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the financial report. The procedures selected depend on the auditor’s judgement, including the assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the financial report, whether due to fraud or error. In making those risk assessments, the auditor considers internal control relevant to the entity’s preparation and fair presentation of the financial report in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the entity’s internal control. An audit also includes evaluating the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of accounting estimates made by the directors, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the financial report. We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our audit opinion. Independence In conducting our audit, we have complied with the independence requirements of the Corporations Act 2001. Auditor’s Opinion In our opinion the financial report of Australian Funeral Directors Association Limited is in accordance with the Corporations Act 2001 including: (a) g iving a true and fair view of the company’s and consolidated entity’s financial position as at 30 June 2007 and of their performance for the year ended on that date; and (b) c omplying with Australian Accounting Standards (including the Australian Accounting Interpretations) and the Corporations Regulations 2001. RSM BIRD CAMERON PARTNERS Chartered Accountants K C Wood Partner 5 September 2007 Melbourne This page has been left blank intentionally 36 The Australian Funeral Directors Association Ltd Annual Report 2006-2007 AFDA Contacts National Office Level 1 700 High Street Kew East Vic. 3102 PO Box 291 Kew East VIC 3102 Tel: 03 9859 9966 Fax: 03 9819 7390 Freecall: 1300 888 188 Website: National Staff Deanne McLeod – Chief Executive Officer Email: [email protected] Kate Bell – Operations Manager Email: [email protected] Leanne Beattie – Membership Manager Email: [email protected] Beth Randall – Accounts Manager Email: [email protected] Eliana Salamone – National Administration Officer Email: [email protected] Ken Manders – Divisional Secretariat (NSW/ACT, Queensland & Victoria) Email: [email protected] Deanne Brown – Events & Administration Co-ordinator Email: [email protected] Catherine McCafferty – Training/Education & AIE Administration Officer Email: [email protected] • [email protected] Divisional Contacts NSW/ACT Division Ken Manders PO Box 291 KEW EAST VIC 3102 Tel: 03 9859 9966 Fax: 03 9819 7390 Email: [email protected] SA/NT Division Tim Mee Divisional Director 4 Pioneer Court HIGHBURY SA 5089 Tel: 08 8395 3572 Fax: 08 8395 3573 Email: [email protected] Victorian Division Ken Manders PO Box 291 KEW EAST VIC 3102 Tel: 03 9859 9966 Fax: 03 9819 7390 Email: [email protected] Queensland Division Ken Manders PO Box 291 KEW EAST VIC 3102 Tel: 03 9859 9966 Fax: 03 9819 7390 Email: [email protected] Tasmanian Division Lindsay Harris Divisional President 114 Cecilia St ST HELENS TAS 7216 Tel: 03 9859 9966 Fax: 03 9819 7390 Email: [email protected] Western Australian Division Jim Gatt Divisional Director PO Box 230 VICTORIA PARK WA 6979 Tel: 08 9355 3441 Fax: 08 9355 3441 Email: [email protected] The Australian Funeral Directors Association Ltd Annual Report 2006-2007 37 National Office Level 1 700 High Street Kew East Vic. 3102 PO Box 291 Kew East VIC 3102 Tel: 03 9859 9966 Fax: 03 9819 7390 Freecall: 1300 888 188 Website:
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