Does a Visual-Orthographic Deficit Contribute to Reading Disability? Nathlie A. Badian Harvard Medical School and Children's Hospital Boston, Massachusetts In this study, visual-orthographic skills were defined as the ability to recognize whether letters and numerals are correctly oriented. Aims were to investigate whether visual-orthographic skills would contribute independent variance to reading, and whether children with a visual-orthographic deficit would be more impaired readers than similar children without this deficit. Participants were 207 children, aged 8 to 10 years, who attended school in a small suburban community. Because of the evidence that phonological awareness and naming speed are strongly related to reading, visual-orthographic skills were entered into hierarchical regression analyses following these variables. With age, verbal IQ, and verbal short-term memory also controlled, visual-orthographic skills accounted for significant independent variance in all reading measures. When children with a visualorthographic deficit (29% of the sample) were compared with those without this deficit, they were significantly lower on all reading variables. At 8 to 10 years of age, reading progress of some children continues to be hampered by a problem in orthographic memor¢ for the orientation of letters and numerals. Such children will require special attention, but their problems may be overlooked. As recommended by Willows and Terepocki (1993), there is need for further research on the phenomenon of letter reversals when they occur among children beyond first grade. Annals of Dyslexia, Vol. 55, No.l, 2005 Copyright 02005 by The International Dyslexia Association ® ISSN 0736-9387 28 VISUAL-ORTHOGRAPHIC DEFICIT AND READING DISABILITY 29 Key Words: Letter orientation, low level visual processing, naming speed, phonological awareness, reading disability, visual-orthographic skills For the past 20 years or more, the impetus in dyslexia research has been to prove that the underlying cause of reading difficulties is poor phonological awareness (Brady & Shankweiler, 1991; Rack & Olson, 1993; Torgesen, Wagner, & Rashotte, 1994; Wagner & Torgesen, 1987). Serial naming speed was included under the rubric of phonological awareness by Wagner and Torgesen (1987). Evidence has been mounting, however, that naming speed contributes variance to reading independently of phonological awareness (Badian, 1993a; Barker, Torgesen, & Wagner, 1992; Manis, Doi, & Bhadha, 2000; Olson, Forsberg, & Wise, 1994). Numerous studies have shown that naming speed is significantly correlated with reading and differentiates between normal and disabled readers (Cornwall, 1992; McBrideChang & Manis, 1996; Meyer, Wood, Hart, & Felton, 1998; Wolf, 1991, 1997). The conviction that, in addition to phonological awareness, naming speed is an important facilitator of reading skills, led to the double-deficit hypothesis (Wolf & Bowers, 1999, 2000). According to this hypothesis, some poor readers have a single phonological or naming speed deficit, and some have both deficits (the "double deficit " group). The double deficit group is the most impaired in reading skills. THE ROLE OF THE V I S U A L S Y S T E M I N D Y S L E X I A The visual system, as well as the auditory, is involved in learning to read (Chase, 1996; Ehri & Wilce, 1985), and it is difficult to determine which system is more critical for reading development (Chase, 1996). In spite of the venerable history of visual deficits in dyslexia that goes back to Hinshelwood (1895) and Pringle Morgan (1896), interest in this aspect of dyslexia research has been minimal in recent years. Neglect of the contributions of the visual system to reading intensified following the publication of Vellutino's (1979) authoritative book on dyslexia, which made a strong case for linguistic deficits as the cause of dyslexia and stressed the lack of evidence for visual deficits. These conclusions have been criticized (Fletcher & Satz, 1979; Willows, Kruk, & Corcos, 1993). Stanovich (1992) cites several 30 BADIAN studies that found differences between disabled and nondisabled readers in visual experiments using nonverbal stimuli, brief presentations, and psychophysical procedures. He points out that much of the evidence contradicting the idea of visual deficits in reading disability comes from studies employing arrays exposed for several seconds or more. Visual deficits potentially associated with reading disability range from poor performance on low level visual processing tasks to difficulties with complex visual-orthographic measures. In their causal model for visually based reading impairments, low level visual processing leads either to the visual (object) processor or to the visual (orthographic) processor (Seymour & Evans, 1993). The route from the visual (orthographic) processor then leads to central reading processes. The following brief review will examine studies of the relationship of low level visual tasks to reading, visual-orthographic (surface) subtypes of dyslexia, and letter recognition and orientation problems in dyslexia. L O W LEVEL V I S U A L P R O C E S S I N G A N D R E A D I N G In a number of recent experiments, low level visual tasks such as visual motion, contrast sensitivity, visual tracking, and temporal processing have been shown to correlate with reading, and, at least in some studies, to differentiate between groups of good and poor readers (Boden & Brodeur, 1999; Booth, Perfetti, MacWhinney, & Hunt, 2000; Cornelissen & Hansen, 1998; Eden, Stein, Wood, & Wood, 1995; Iles, Walsh, & Richardson, 2000; Olson & Datta, 2002; Stein, Talcott, & Witton, 2001; Talcott et al., 2002). Eden and her colleagues (1995) concluded that their findings contradict the view that visual problems are not associated with reading disability. In their study, reading disabled children were significantly poorer than age-matched normal readers on some visual and eye movement tasks, as well as on verbal and phonological measures. One of the more comprehensive recent studies reported that in a random sample of 350 children (mean age 9 years), both visual coherent movement and auditory frequency discrimination predicted a significant proportion of the variance in the reading of exception words and nonwords, as well as in orthographic and phonological processing, after accounting for differences in age and nonverbal IQ (Talcott et al., 2002). The relationship of low level visual tasks to orthographic processing has also been stressed by Stein, Talcott, and Witton VISUAL--ORTHOGRAPHIC DEFICIT AND READING DISABILITY 31 (2001), who found that motion sensitivity strongly correlated with orthographic skills and spelling, and continued to account for unique variance after controlling for phonological skill. Deficits in rapid visual processing (moving dot detection) were significantly associated with orthographic processing in children with reading disability, but not in reading disabled adults (Booth et al., 2000). These findings were explained by the differential developmental model in which orthographic processing deficits are a delay condition that should diminish by adulthood. V I S U A L - O R T H O G R A P H I C SUBTYPES OF DYSLEXIA Early subtyping studies of reading disability repeatedly found a subtype with a deficit in some aspect of visual processing (for a review, see Watson & Willows, 1993). More recently, some researchers have looked for differences in children with developmental dyslexia to parallel the surface and phonological subtypes reported in acquired dyslexia (Bailey, Manis, Pedersen, & Seidenberg, 2004; Curtin, Manis, & Seidenberg, 2001; Gustafson, 2001; Manis, Seidenberg, Doi, McBride-Chang, & Pedersen, 1996; Manis et al., 1999; Manis, Szeszulski, Holt, & Graves, 1990; Stanovich, Siegel, & Gottardo, 1997). Phonological dyslexics have poor phonemic awareness and difficulty reading nonwords, whereas surface dyslexics tend to rely on phonological recoding when reading because of weak orthographic imagery, and to have difficulty reading exception words. In their studies, Manis and his colleagues have compared the dyslexic subgroups with younger reading level (R-L) matched children as well as with age-matched controls. When phonological and surface dyslexia was defined by the performance of the R-L group, the phonological group was twice as large (34%) as the orthographic (surface) group (17%) (Manis et aL, 1990). In a one-year follow-up, the surface group was found to be not very stable (Manis et al., 1999). General conclusions are that surface dyslexia represents a delay or developmental lag in acquiring literacy skills (Curtin, Manis, & Seidenberg, 2001; Gustafson, 2001; Stanovich, Siegel, & Gottardo, 1997). Stanovich and his colleagues (1997) found strong evidence for both surface and phonological dyslexic subtypes when dyslexic children were compared with age-matched controls (17 phonological, 15 surface), but when they were compared with R-L controls, the surface subgroup virtually disappeared (17 phonological, 1 surface). It was concluded that, 32 BADIAN in contrast to the developmental lag of the surface dyslexic subgroup, phonological dyslexia seems to reflect true developmental deviance. In a S w e d i s h study, there was a less dramatic decrease in surface dyslexics w h e n the R-L comparison was made (Gustafson, 2001). LETTER R E C O G N I T I O N A N D O R I E N T A T I O N PROBLEMS IN DYSLEXIA In the earliest stages of exposure to print, visual (surface) dyslexics have great difficulty recognizing numbers and letters, and even after they can read quite well, they still have a serious problem recalling how words look (Willows & Terepocki, 1993). It is necessary to draw on stored orthographic images for reading of irregular words. Insufficient a t t e n t i o n to i n d i v i d u a l letters would seem to lead to inaccurate orthographic representations (Foorman, 1994). Even for skilled readers, visual processing of individual letters in words is important (Adams & Bruck, 1993). Further, if orthographic imagery for single letters is unstable, establishing automatic orthographic-phonological connections will be impeded. Detailed visual information, including the orientation of letters, influences the whole process of phonological and semantic decoding (Lachmann, 2002). In t h e i r r e v i e w s , W i l l o w s a n d T e r e p o c k i (1993) a n d Terepocki, Kruk, and Willows (2002) document evidence (now neglected) for the tendency of many dyslexic children to make letter orientation errors w h e n reading and writing. It is worth noting that studies of letter orientation errors e x a m i n e d by Terepocki and her colleagues (2002), excluding those involving r e a d i n g w o r d s or n o n w o r d s , w i t h o n e e x c e p t i o n (Wolff & Melngailis, 1996), are d a t e d no later t h a n 1985. Wolff and Melngailis (1996) found that dyslexic children aged 7 to 10 years m a d e significantly more reversal errors than normal readers from the same families w h e n the task was repeated naming of confusable letters, but there was no difference between groups of older children and adults. As this was a naming task, it is difficult to determine whether the errors were due to naming or visual deficits. In their own research, Terepocki, Kruk, and Willows (2002) compared 10-year-old average readers and children with reading disability. The children with reading disability m a d e more orientation errors than average readers on computer-based reversal detection tasks (numbers, letters, letter strings, words), and more reversal errors on controlled writing tasks. The two VISUAL-ORTHOGRAPHIC DEFICIT AND READING DISABILITY 33 groups did not differ on attention control tasks, however. The authors suggest that the reading disabled group's difficulties in discriminating similar looking items could be due to poorly specified representations of letters. They concluded that although reversal errors are likely to disappear in children with reading disability as their reading and writing skills improve, the consequences of early letter orientation errors need further study. Willows and Terepocki and their colleagues (e.g., Terepocki, Kruk, & Willows, 2002; Willows & Terepocki, 1993) have probably studied the phenomenon of letter reversals more than any other researchers in recent years. Their aim has been mainly to document the incidence and nature of letter orientation errors in reading disability, and they have not included tests of other reading-related skills such as phonological awareness and naming speed. Hence, there is a dearth of information as to how letter orientation errors are related to other cognitive skills. There has also been very little research devoted to the connection between low level visual processes and letter orientation confusions. Recently, however, Stein and his research team have demonstrated a link between poor visual motion sensitivity, purported to be due to magnocellular dysfunction, and the tendency to misidentify and transpose letters w h e n attempting to read (Stein, 2001a, 2001b). The sensitivity with which children can fixate with their eyes correlates well with the sensitivity of their magnocellular systems to visual motion. Children with binocular instability are tess able to stabilize their eyes during fixation, and hence the eyes' lines of sight may cross and letters can appear to do so also. That is why dyslexics tend to reverse the order of letter features, thus confusing d with b and p with q, and to transpose the order of letters within words (Stein, 2001a, 2001b). There may, therefore, be a link between poor visual motion sensitivity and the tendency to misidentify, transpose, and reverse letters. R A T I O N A L E FOR T H I S S T U D Y There is convincing evidence that phonological awareness and naming speed play pivotal roles in reading development, but there is evidence that visual and visual-orthographic tasks of many types also contribute to reading. A visual task that warrants further investigation (Willows & Terepocki, 1993) is the phenomenon of letter reversal errors, but there has been minimal interest in the topic in the more than 10 years since Willows and Terepocki pointed out the need for investigation. 34 BADIaN For the current study, we looked for a visual task involving recognition of letter orientation errors that w o u l d not be conf o u n d e d with w o r d recognition or spelling, nor require letter n a m i n g . T h e test s e l e c t e d r e q u i r e s the c h i l d to r e c o g n i z e whether isolated u p p e r case letters and numerals are correctly oriented, and measures m e m o r y for the correct visual form of letters and numerals (Jordan, 1980). It can be classified as a measure of basic visual-orthographic skills, and will be referred to, in generic terms, as a "visual-orthographic" task or as measuring " v i s u a l - o r t h o g r a p h i c " skills. A later v e r s i o n of the test (Jordan, 1990), which includes lower case letters, was not used in this study because children are often confused w h e n faced w i t h reversible (and phonologically similar) letters such as b and d. Terepocki and her colleagues (2002) differentiate between reversible letters (i.e., those forming another letter w h e n reversed such as b and d) and nonreversible letters (i.e., those not forming another letter w h e n reversed such as B and D). A n u m b e r of studies have included the Jordan (1980) test (Badian, 1993a, 1993b, 1994, 1996, 1997). This task predicted reading progress in 6- to 8-year-old children followed up after two years (Badian, 1993b). Poor readers m a d e significantly more errors than adequate readers, even controlling for differences in IQ a n d r e a d i n g e x p e r i e n c e (Badian, 1993a). W h e n garden-variety and dyslexic poor r e a d e r s - - m a t c h e d in age and w o r d r e a d i n g - - w e r e compared, the dyslexic group m a d e significantly more errors, suggesting that the poorer performance of the d y s l e x i c g r o u p w a s n o t d u e to less e x p o s u r e to p r i n t (Badian, 1994, 1996, 1997). The Jordan (1990) test was given to an unselected cohort of 131 first grade children in November. The test correlated significantly (r = -.44, p .0000) with a traditional orthographic choice test given about three months later, and also w i t h visual and v i s u a l - m o t o r tests given to most of this cohort as preschoolers nearly two years earlier (visual letter and w o r d m a t c h i n g r = -.44, p .0000; n a m e w r i t i n g r = -.40, p .0000). Correlations of the Jordan with preschool letter and shape naming were lower (letter naming r = -.24; shape naming r = -.09) (author's unpublished data). In order to determine as precisely as possible the contribution to reading of the letter and n u m b e r orientation test, constructs k n o w n to play important roles in reading development (e.g., p h o n o l o g i c a l a w a r e n e s s , n a m i n g speed) w e r e also included in this study. A p h o n e m e deletion measure was chosen to r e p r e s e n t p h o n o l o g i c a l a w a r e n e s s (see B o w e r s & Ishaik, 2003) and rapid n a m i n g of letters to represent n a m i n g speed. VISUAL-ORTHOGRAPHIC DEFICIT AND READING DISABILITY 35 These two types of tasks, along with s o u n d b l e n d i n g a n d digit n a m i n g s p e e d , h a v e f r e q u e n t l y b e e n u s e d as m e a s u r e s of phonological awareness a n d n a m i n g speed w i t h s o m e success (e.g., Manis, Doi, & Bhadha, 2000). The two questions this s t u d y s o u g h t to a n s w e r were: 1. Will visual recognition of l e t t e r / n u m e r a l reversals contribute i n d e p e n d e n t variance to reading, after accounting for the contributions of phonological awareness a n d n a m i n g speed? 2. Are children w i t h a deficit in the visual recognition of l e t t e r / n u m e r a l reversals m o r e i m p a i r e d r e a d e r s t h a n those w i t h o u t this deficit? METHOD PARTICIPANTS The participants were 207 children aged 8 to 10 years referred for an evaluation or a routine follow-up re-evaluation in a small s u b u r b a n school district over three to four years. Reasons for referral included learning difficulties in reading, m a t h , or written language; ADHD; or m i l d behavioral problems. There were 136 boys a n d 71 girls. M e a n age w a s 8.8 years (SD = 0.6) a n d m e a n grade p l a c e m e n t was 3.1 (SD = 0.5). All b u t two children were in Grades 2 or 3. Only children with a full scale IQ of at least 80, b u t not m o r e t h a n 130, were i n c l u d e d as participants. All spoke E n g l i s h as their p r i m a r y l a n g u a g e . E t h n i c i t y w a s C a u c a s i a n 93.7%, A f r i c a n - A m e r i c a n 3.4%, a n d Hispanic 2.9%. M o s t parents were skilled or semiskilled workers, or h a d m i n o r w h i t e collar jobs. MEASURES The following m e a s u r e s were i n c l u d e d in the evaluation of the participants. Phonological Awareness. The child was asked to delete a syllable or a p h o n e m e from a w o r d in v a r y i n g positions (e.g., b e d r o o m w i t h o u t bed, pat w i t h o u t / p / ) (Rosner, 1979). There w e r e t w o practice items (syllable deletion) f o l l o w e d by three syllable a n d 10 p h o n e m e deletion test items. All items were administered to all children. O n local n o r m s based o n 166 children aged 6 to 10 years, the m e a n score at age 8 to 10 years w a s 10.6 (SD = 2.25). Scores are reported as the n u m b e r correct o u t of a possible 13. Split-half reliability coefficients in an earlier local 36 BADXaN s a m p l e of 131 c h i l d r e n in G r a d e s 1-3 h e t e r o g e n e o u s classes w e r e .92 (ages 7-8) a n d .89 (ages 8-10). Naming Speed. The child n a m e s as fast as possible five l o w e r case letters (oaspd) r e p e a t e d 10 times in r a n d o m o r d e r a n d d i s p l a y e d o n a c h a r t in a 5 x 10 f o r m a t ( R A N Letters: D e n c k l a & Rudel, 1974). U s i n g the D e n c k l a a n d R u d e l n o r m s m e a n scores, r e p o r t e d as the time t a k e n in seconds to complete the chart, are as follows: age 8, 31 seconds (SD = 7), age 9, 25 seconds (SD = 5), a n d age 10, 24 seconds (SD -- 2). H o w e v e r , in a v e r y r e c e n t r e n o r m i n g (Wolf & Denckla, 2005), m e a n scores differ f r o m the original: age 8, 35 seconds (SD = 14), a n d ages 9-10, 31 seconds (SD = 10). Thus, a child classified as h a v i n g a n a m i n g s p e e d deficit on the early n o r m s w o u l d not necessarily receive this classification on the recent norms. Test-retest reliab i l i t y w a s .87 f o r 85 c h i l d r e n a g e d 5 to 10 y e a r s (Wolf & Denckla, 2005). Bowers a n d Ishaik (2003) report test-retest reliability a b o v e .90 for their research s a m p l e s of children in grades 2 t h r o u g h 5, a n d stability o v e r o n e - a n d t w o - y e a r p e r i o d s of a b o v e .85. Visual-Orthographic Skills. The child is given a page on w h i c h there are 27 u p p e r case letters in three r o w s of nine, a n d 14 n u m e r a l s in t w o r o w s of seven (Jordan, 1980, Level 1), and is a s k e d to look carefully along the r o w s a n d to cross out a n y letters or n u m b e r s that are "back to front" or " b a c k w a r d . " Eleven of the 27 letters (P,S,L,R,C,B,E,Z,G,F,K) a n d five of the 14 n u m e r als (3,7,9,4,5) are p r e s e n t e d as left-right reversals or m i r r o r images. Using Jordan's norms, an error score one or more s t a n d a r d deviations greater t h a n e x p e c t e d classified a child as h a v i n g a v i s u a l - o r t h o g r a p h i c deficit. A n error score m o r e than one s t a n d a r d d e v i a t i o n greater t h a n expected for age is _ 4 at age 8, _> 3 at age 9, a n d _> 2 at age 10. Scores r e p o r t e d are the n u m b e r of errors. Test-retest reliability based on the n o r m a t i v e p o p u l a t i o n was .87 at ages 8 a n d 9 (Jordan, 1980). Intellectual Ability. The WISC-R or WISC-III (Wechsler, 1974, 1991) was a d m i n i s t e r e d to each child to obtain m e a s u r e s of v e r b a l a n d n o n v e r b a l cognitive ability. S t a n d a r d scores for age are reported. Verbal Short-term Memory. The WISC-R or WISC-III Digit S p a n s u b t e s t w a s i n c l u d e d as a m e a s u r e of s h o r t - t e r m verbal m e m o r y . O n Digits F o r w a r d , the child repeats strings of n u m bers just as heard. O n Digits Backward, the strings m u s t be rep e a t e d in reverse sequence. There are t w o trials for each string of the s a m e length. Both sections of the test are d i s c o n t i n u e d after failure o n b o t h trials. Scaled scores b a s e d o n age, calcu- VISUAL--ORTHOGRAPHIC DEFICIT AND READING DISABILITY 37 lated from the total n u m b e r of strings (Forward and Backward) repeated correctly, are reported. Reading Measures. Three types of reading tests were used. Reading of single w o r d s was tested by the Woodcock Reading Mastery Test-Revised (WRMT-R) (Woodcock, 1987). N o n w o r d r e a d i n g w a s t e s t e d by the WRMT-R W o r d A t t a c k subtest. Reading Comprehension was tested by the Passage C o m p r e h e n s i o n subtest of the WRMT-R or by the R e a d i n g C o m p r e h e n s i o n subtest of the Wechsler Individual Achievement Test (WIAT) (Psychological Corporation, 1992). The WRMT-R Passage Comprehension uses a cloze procedure whereas on the WIAT R e a d i n g C o m p r e h e n s i o n subtest, the child reads sentences or passages and then answers oral questions asked by the examiner. Six children were not given reading comprehension tests because o f lack of time. All reading measures are reported as standard scores based on age. PROCEDURES Each participant was tested individually in a quiet room in his or her school, generally in three one-hour sessions, with breaks if needed. An educational psychologist administered the WISC, and the measures of phonological awareness, n a m i n g speed, and visual-orthographic skills. The reading tests were administered either by the educational psychologist or by a special education teacher. GROUP FORMATION Participants w e r e d i v i d e d into two groups, based on performance on the visual-orthographic measure of l e t t e r / n u m e r a l s reversals detection, using the deficit criteria already described: (1) v i s u a l - o r t h o g r a p h i c d e f i c i t (VO) g r o u p , a n d (2) n o v i s u a l - o r t h o g r a p h i c deficit (NVO) group. Groups w e r e compared on reading measures, on variables associated with reading, and on intellectual ability. RESULTS Means, s t a n d a r d deviations, a n d ranges for all variables are given in table I for the total sample. There was no overall gend e r d i f f e r e n c e on a M A N O V A t h a t i n c l u d e d all v a r i a b l e s : F(1,196) = 1.55, p .116, and, therefore, gender was not a factor in any analysis. The three IQ means were close to the normative population mean of 100, but mean reading standard scores were seven to nine 38 BADIAN Table I. Descriptive Data for the Total Sample ( n = 207). Variable M SD Age 8.8 0.6 Verbal IQ 99.0 11.7 74-140 Performance IQ 99.9 12.2 74-133 Full Scale IQ 99.3 11.0 81-127 9.5 2.4 1-13 2.3 2.2 0-11 36.3 9.0 19-74 Phoneme Deletion Vis-Orth.(errors) R A N Letters (secs.) Digit Span* Word Reading** Range 8.0-10.4 8.8 2.6 2-17 90.6 t2.3 46-128 N o n w o r d Reading** 92.0 12.7 42-132 Reading Compreh. ** 91.4 11.5 43-117 Note: Vis-Orth = visual-orthographic. * Scaled scores; ** Standard scores. points lower. Mean phonological awareness, visual-orthographic, and verbal short-term m e m o r y scores were below the normative means, t h o u g h not significantly. The m e a n time taken for n a m i n g speed (RAN Letters: 36.3 seconds) was more than one standard deviation greater than expected for age 9 years on the Denckla and Rudel (1974) norms, but not on the recent norms (Wolf & Denckla, 2005). Although the age range was fairly restricted, there was a wide range in scores for most of the variables, including those standardized by age, probably reflecting the heterogeneity of the referred sample. T h e r e w a s a possible ceiling effect on the p h o n o l o g i c a l a w a r e n e s s task ( p h o n e m e deletion). On the 13-item test, approximately one-fourth of the sample (n = 53, 25.6%) obtained scores of 12 or 13, which was more than one standard deviation above the sample mean. On the other hand, a substantial proportion of the participants f o u n d the task difficult with 21.3% (n -- 44) scoring m o r e than one s t a n d a r d deviation below the mean. As the visual-orthographic measure was the m a r k e r task, it should be noted that there was considerable variation in error scores on this task, with a range from 0 to 11 and a standard deviation approximately as large as the m e a n score. The same percentage of children (22.2%) scored approximately one standard deviation above and below the m e a n error score. Ten children (4.8%) m a d e seven or more errors (more than 2 standard devia- VISUAL-ORTHOGRAPHIC DEFICIT AND READING DISABILITY 39 tions above the mean).These children tended to be slightly younger (M = 8.6 years) than the sample m e a n and were exceptionally poor readers (Word Reading: M = 74.8, SD = 9.8). Verbal IQ was also two points lower than the sample mean. These 10 children also had deficits in naming speed a n d / o r phonological awareness. It is possible that inattention m a y contribute to lower scores on the visual-orthographic task. Unfortunately, no measure of attention w a s i n c l u d e d in the study. As a r o u g h indication, however, the 35 children whose primary referral was for ADHD, or for w h o m A D H D was a major contributing factor, w e r e compared with the rest of the sample on the v i s u a l - o r t h o g r a p h i c measure. Mean error scores did not differ: A D H D group, M = 2.29 (SD = 1.8), n o n - A D H D group, M = 2.28 (SD = 2.3) (F[1,205] = 0.00, p .987).The two g r o u p s also d i d not differ in n a m i n g speed, which could be affected by inattention. CORRELATIONS AMONG VARIABLES Intercorrelations a m o n g the variables are s h o w n in table II. As the sample size was more than 200, correlations as low as .14 were significant but not meaningful. The negative correlations of naming speed and visual-orthographic skills with other variables reflect the fact that higher scores indicate lower performance. Although reading scores were standardized by age, age was negatively related to w o r d reading and r e a d i n g comprehension. Thus, there was a tendency for older children to have lower age-based standard scores, which suggests that they had a more severe reading disability than younger children. Phonological a w a r e n e s s a n d n a m i n g s p e e d w e r e significantly correlated with all IQ and reading measures, and phonological a w a r e n e s s also c o r r e l a t e d s i g n i f i c a n t l y w i t h v e r b a l short-term memory. In a d d i t i o n to its significant correlations with reading, visual-orthographic skills correlated significantly with naming speed and phonological awareness, but not with verbal short-term m e m o r y or the IQ measures. Phonological awareness had the highest correlation of any nonreading variable with a reading measure (nonword reading: r = .62). As n o n w o r d reading requires phonological decoding, the strength of this correlation suggests that the p h o n e m e deletion test administered, a l t h o u g h including only 13 items, is a reasonably sensitive measure of phonemic awareness. HIERARCHICAL REGRESSION ANALYSES Hierarchical regression analyses were performed to determine the u n i q u e variance c o n t r i b u t e d to r e a d i n g m e a s u r e s by the NonW RdCom 10. 11. -.17 -.13 -.22 -.05 -.11 -.23 .02 .11 -.06 -.12 1 .40 .23 .32 .04 .36 -.14 .27 .85 .40 2 .24 .11 .14 -.08 .18 -.15 .17 .82 3 .38 .20 .28 -.02 .33 -.17 .27 4 .47 .62 .46 -.24 .38 -.17 5 -.33 -.26 -.39 .18 -.12 6 .40 .33 .36 -.12 .79 .80 -.36 -.38 -.37 .65 10 r .14 - .17 p = .05; r .18 to .22 p = .01; r = .23 p = .001. Note: V I Q = V e r b a l IQ, PIQ = P e r f o r m a n c e IQ, FSIQ = Full Scale IQ, Ph.Del. = P h o n e m e Deletion, R A N L = R A N Letters, Digit Sp = Digit S p a n , V i s - O r t h = v i s u a l - o r t h o g r a p h i c , W o r d R d = W o r d r e a d i n g , N o n W = N o n w o r d r e a d i n g , R d C o m = Reading Comprehension. Vis-Orth WordRd DigitSp 7. 9. RANL 6. 8. FSIQ PhDel PIQ 3. 5. VIQ 2. 4. Age 1. Variable Table II. Intercorrelations A m o n g Variables. 7~ VISUAL-ORTHOGRAPHIC DEFICIT AND READING DISABILITY 41 visual-orthographic measure. Age, verbal IQ, and verbal shortterm memory were entered first, second, and third into each analysis, to control for the effects of these variables on reading performance. In order to define as precisely as possible the unique contributions of the visual-orthographic measure to reading, phonological awareness and naming speed were also entered into the regression analyses. In the first analysis, the v i s u a l orthographic measure was entered sixth, following phonological awareness and naming speed. In the next two analyses, phonological awareness and naming speed were each entered sixth, in order to compare their contributions with that of the visual-orthographic task. Age, verbal IQ, and verbal short-term memory (Digit Span) together accounted for 19% of the variance in word reading, 24% in reading comprehension, and 12% in nonword reading. When entered last (i.e., in sixth order of entry), the visualorthographic task accounted for significant independent variance in each reading measure, and for more variance in reading comprehension than phonological awareness or naming speed. In sixth order of entry, both phonological awareness and naming speed also accounted for significant independent variance in each reading measure, with phonological awareness accounting for more variance in nonword reading. The hierarchical regression analyses are shown in table III. BETWEEN-GROUP ANALYSES There were 60 children (29%) with a visual-orthographic deficit and 147 with no visual-orthographic (NVO) deficit. The performance of the VO and NVO groups on the study variables was compared using ANOVA with the alpha level set at .05. The groups differed in age (VO group older) and in phonological awareness (VO group lower), in addition to the groupdefining measure, but did not differ in IQ, naming speed, or verbal short-term memory. The VO group was significantly lower on all reading variables. When ANCOVA was performed on the reading variables, with age and phonological awareness as covariates, the VO group was still significantly lower: word reading, F(1,203) = 16.65, p .0000; reading comprehension, F(1,196) = 13.74, p .0003; n o n w o r d reading, F(1,203) = 10.42, p .0012. Group means and ANOVA results are shown in table IV. Effect sizes for reading were .77 word reading; .69 nonword reading; .74 reading comprehension. .12 .19 .30 .42 .48 .34 .43 .48 .32 .38 .48 3. Dspan 4. PhonD 5. RANL 6. VisM)rth 4. RANL 5. VisMgrth 6. PhonD 4. Vis-Orth 5. PhonD 6. RANL .10 .06 .13 .05 .09 .15 .06 .12 .11 .07 .07 .05 6.5*** 5.5*** -6.6*** 4.8*** -5.7*** -6.6*** -4.8*** -6.5*** 5.5*** 4.0*** 4.2*** -3.1"* .49 .44 .39 .49 .45 .33 .49 .41 .34 .24 .17 .03 .05 .05 .15 .04 .12 .09 .08 .07 .10 .07 .14 .03 -4.1"** 4.2*** -6.9*** .4.1"** -6.4*** -5.0*** -5.6*** -4.7*** 5.3*** 4.4*** 5.8*** -2.3* .01 .47 .45 .24 .47 .27 .17 .47 .43 .40 .12 .05 .01 .02 .21 .12 .20 .10 .05 .04 .03 .28 .07 .04 *p= .05. **p=.01, ***p = .001. Note: Dspan = Digit Span, PhonD = Phoneme Deletion, RANL = R A N Letters, Vis-Orth = visual-orthographic. .05 1. Age 2. VerbIQ Variable -2.6** 8.7*** -5.6*** 8.7*** -5.2*** -3.4*** -4.0*** -3.2*** 9.6*** 4.0** 2.8** -1.7 Table III. Hierarchial Regression Analyses: Contributions of Variables to Reading Measures. Word Reading Reading Comprehension Nonword Reading R2 R 2 Change t R2 R 2 Change t R2 R 2 Change t VISUAL-ORTHOGRAPHICDEFICITAND READINGDISABILITY 43 T a b l e IV. C o m p a r i s o n o f V O a n d N V O G r o u p s o n A l l V a r i a b l e s . Variable VO Group n = 60 M SD NVO Group n = 147 M SD F(1,205) P Age (yrs.) 8.9 0.6 8.8 0.5 3.9 .049 Verbal IQ 100.5 12.1 98.4 11.6 1.3 .255 Performance IQ 99.5 12.8 100.1 12.0 0.1 .778 Full Scale IQ 99.8 11.7 99.0 10.8 0.2 .617 Phoneme Deletion 8.8 2.4 9.8 2.4 7.3 .007 RAN Letters (secs) 36.7 10.2 36.2 8.7 0.1 .716 Digit Span 8.2 2.3 9.0 2.7 3.4 .066 Visual-Orth. (errors) 4.9 2.1 1.2 1.2 269.1 .000 Word Reading 83.8 11.7 93.3 11.4 29.4 .000 Nonword Reading 85.8 12.0 94.5 12.2 22.2 .000 Reading Comprehens 85.4 12.8 93.9 9.9 25.2 .000 Note: VO Group = visual-orthographic Deficit Group; NVO Group = No visual-orthographic Deficit Group; RAN = Rapid Automatized Naming. Standard scores are given for reading. T h e n u m b e r o f p o o r r e a d e r s ( s t a n d a r d s c o r e =85) in t h e t w o g r o u p s w a s a l s o e x a m i n e d . C h i s q u a r e t e s t s w e r e c a r r i e d o u t to compare the groups. Results were: Word reading Reading comprehension V O g r o u p : n = 37 (61.7%); N V O n = 32 (21.8%). C h i s q u a r e (df 1) = 30.53, p =.001 VO n Chi Nonword reading VO n Chi g r o u p : n = 30 (50.8%), N V O = 27 (19.0%) s q u a r e (df 1) = 20.80, p = .001 g r o u p : n = 28 (46.7%), N V O = 36 (24.5%) s q u a r e (df 1) = 9.80, p = .005 group: group: group: The VO group was approximately one standard deviation b e l o w t h e n o r m a t i v e m e a n o n e a c h r e a d i n g m e a s u r e a n d 8 t o 10 points below the NVO group. There were also significantly more poor readers in the VO group. The VO group's lower score on the phonological awareness measure strongly suggests 44 BADIAN that their p o o r r e a d i n g c o u l d be d u e , at least in part, to a phonological awareness deficit. However, the group continued to be significantly lower than the NVO group on all reading measures w h e n the difference in phonological awareness was statistically controlled. DISCUSSION This s t u d y investigated w h e t h e r the ability to distinguish between correctly and incorrectly oriented u p p e r case letters and n u m e r a l s w o u l d contribute i n d e p e n d e n t variance to reading after controlling for the contributions of reading-related constructs (phonological awareness, naming speed). It also investig a t e d w h e t h e r c h i l d r e n w i t h a d e f i c i t on the o r i e n t a t i o n measure (Jordan, 1980) w o u l d be more impaired readers than similar children without this deficit. The letter and numeral orientation measure is referred to in this study as a "visual--orthographic" task, and children who were low on the task are described as having a "visual-orthographic" deficit. The stimuli of the orientation task are undeniably visual and it is doubtful that n a m i n g the stimuli w o u l d improve accuracy of response. The measure is referred to as orthographic on the grounds that letters and numerals are the basic raw materials of the orthography. As defined by Wagner and Barker (1994, p. 245), "Orthographic processing refers to making use of orthographic information w h e n processing written or oral language. An orthography refers to the system of marks that make up a printed language." These authors add that, in English, the orthography includes u p p e r and lower case letters, numerals, and punctuation marks. D O E S ABILITY TO D E T E C T LETTER A N D N U M E R A L ORIENTATION ERRORS CONTRIBUTE INDEPENDENT VARIANCE TO READING? Hierarchical regression analyses were carried out to answer the question w h e t h e r the visual-orthographic measure (detection of letter and numeral orientation errors) w o u l d contribute indep e n d e n t variance to reading after accounting for the contributions of phonological awareness and n a m i n g speed. Age, verbal IQ, and verbal short-term m e m o r y w e r e entered first into each analysis to control for the effects of these variables on reading. It was found that, after controlling for the contributions of the three variables listed above, the visual-orthographic mea- VISUAL-ORTHOGRAPHIC DEFICIT AND READING DISABILITY 45 sure accounted for significant independent variance in each reading measure, and for more variance in reading comprehension than phonological awareness or naming speed (table III). It is hypothesized that the higher contribution to reading comprehension is due to the greater demands for efficient and automatic visual-orthographic processing w h e n the stimuli are sequences of words rather than single words. There is little time for slow phonological decoding, if meaning is to be obtained, and children who have difficulty differentiating single letters accurately are likely to make errors differentiating between orthographically similar words in the text. In the hierarchical regression analyses, phonological awareness contributed far more to nonword reading than visual-orthographic skills or naming speed (table III). Naming speed, however, accounted for more variance in word reading than phonological awareness or visual-orthographic skills. Some studies have compared the amount of variance contributed to reading by typical orthographic and phonological measures (e.g., Barker, Torgesen, & Wagner, 1992; Cunningham, Perry, & Stanovich, 2001), but there is minimal evidence for the contributions of letter orientation measures. In a study of 170 children, aged 6 to 10 years, recognition of letter/numeral reversals (Jordan, 1980) accounted for significant independent variance in word reading and reading comprehension after controlling for the contributions of IQ, reading experience, p h o n o l o g i c a l a w a r e n e s s , a n d n a m i n g s p e e d (Badian, 1993a). Following age, IQ, and two phonological tests entered together (phonological choice, phoneme deletion), ort h o g r a p h i c processing ( o r t h o g r a p h i c choice, h o m o p h o n e choice) accounted for significant independent variance in five reading measures administered to 89 third grade children (Barker, Torgesen, & Wagner, 1992). The proportion of unique variance contributed to word identification by orthographic processing was 7%. Thus, the independent contribution of typical orthographic measures to word identification was comparable to the independent contribution of the visual-orthographic measure of the current study, which also controlled for the effects of verbal short-term memory and letter naming speed. It can be concluded that visual-orthographic skills, defined as the ability to recognize the correct orientation of upper case letters and numerals, contribute independent variance to reading, even after controlling for the contributions of phonological awareness and n a m i n g speed. A l t h o u g h the phonological awareness measure (phoneme deletion) in the current study 46 BADIAN was short, its relatively high correlation w i t h n o n w o r d reading suggests that it is a reasonably valid m e a s u r e of phonological awareness. In a s t u d y in w h i c h the difficulty leveI of phonological m e a s u r e s w a s c o m p a r e d , p h o n e m e elision (i.e., p h o n e m e deletion) a n d b l e n d i n g tasks a p p e a r e d to be the m o s t discriminating tasks in the battery (Schatschneider, Francis, Foorman, Fletcher, & Mehta,1999). It is possible, however, that if a longer a n d m o r e r i g o r o u s m e a s u r e of p h o n o l o g i c a l a w a r e n e s s h a d been used, the variance contributed by visual-orthographic skills to reading m i g h t have been less. ARE C H I L D R E N WITH A DEFICIT IN R E C O G N I T I O N OF LETTER/NUMERAL REVERSALS MORE IMPAIRED READERS THAN THOSE WITHOUT SUCH A DEFICIT? The second question this s t u d y investigated was w h e t h e r children with a v i s u a l - o r t h o g r a p h i c deficit are m o r e i m p a i r e d readers t h a n t h o s e w i t h o u t s u c h a deficit. Sixty (29%) of the 207 children in the s a m p l e h a d a v i s u a l - o r t h o g r a p h i c deficit, defined as an error score one standard deviation above the m e a n on the l e t t e r / n u m e r a l reversal r e c o g n i t i o n test. G r o u p s with a n d w i t h o u t a v i s u a l - o r t h o g r a p h i c deficit did not differ in IQ, v e r b a l s h o r t - t e r m m e m o r y , or letter n a m i n g s p e e d , b u t the v i s u a l - o r t h o g r a p h i c g r o u p was significantly lower in phonological a w a r e n e s s , as w e l l as on all r e a d i n g m e a s u r e s . W h e n phonological awareness a n d age were controlled, the VO group c o n t i n u e d to be significantly lower on the r e a d i n g measures. The finding that 8- to 10-year-old children w h o have difficulty recognizing w h e t h e r u p p e r case letters a n d n u m e r a l s are correctly oriented are poorer readers than those w i t h o u t this difficulty is consistent with the results of the Terepocki, Kruk, and Willows (2002) study. That s t u d y directly c o m p a r e d groups of 10-year-old average a n d p o o r readers. W h e n asked to press a key if they s a w an item (letters, numerals, letter strings, words) on the c o m p u t e r screen that "looked backwards," p o o r readers m a d e significantly m o r e errors. The two g r o u p s did not differ in attention or s p e e d of m o t o r processing. In the c u r r e n t study, there also d i d not a p p e a r to be an attention effect, as children for w h o m A D H D was a major concern obtained an almost identical m e a n score on the v i s u a l - o r t h o g r a p h i c task as children for w h o m A D H D was not a concern. R e a d i n g experience d o e s n o t a p p e a r to play a significant role in r e a d i n g g r o u p differences on the v i s u a l - o r t h o g r a p h i c measure. In several studies, 8- to 9-year-old garden-variety poor readers were significantly superior on this m e a s u r e to dyslexic VISUAL-ORTHOGRAPHIC DEFICIT AND READING DISABILITY 47 children with whom they were matched in age and word recognition (Badian, 1994, 1996, 1997). However, the dyslexic group did not differ from y o u n g e r r e a d i n g level (R-L) controls (Badian, 1996, 1997), a finding that could be interpreted as an indication of a developmental lag. The current study probably included both dyslexic and garden-variety poor readers, but the primary aim of the study was not the comparison of different groups of readers. Willows and Terepocki (1993) quote a s t u d y (Cairns & Steward, 1970) that found that 4- to 6-year-old children could orient upper case letters in space with relative accuracy and suggested that orientation difficulties beyond 6 years of age would predict reading disability. A developmental route has been observed from preschool ability to match letters and words visually, to early first grade recognition of letter and numeral orientation errors, to later first grade orthographic processing (orthographic choice), which continued to predict reading and spelling at least through Grade 7 (author, unpublished data). A variety of factors may be involved in the ability to recognize whether alphanumeric symbols are correctly oriented, but what appears to be necessary for success on the orientation measure used in this study is memory for the stored visual representation of alphanumeric symbols. Lachmann (2002) proposes that reversals occur i n memory, and not in perception, due to deterioration of the integration of phonological and visual information in working memory. A child who has been unable to store images of symbols that are accurate in orientation, or who has difficulty revisualizing stored orthographic information (whether letters, numerals, or words), is likely to perform poorly on a reversal recognition task. This difficulty in storing a n d / o r recalling orthographic representations will be associated particularly with problems in reading of exception words as phonological decoding skills may circumvent word recognition problems if the words to be read are phonologically regular. Children who have word recognition problems due to difficulties in storing a n d / o r retrieving orthographic representations, and who make letter orientation errors, are probably those referred to by Willows and Terepocki (1993) as "visual dyslexics" and may also be included in groups of surface dyslexics (e.g., Manis et al., 1996). Jackson and Coltheart (2001) differentiate between visual and surface dyslexia with visual dyslexia referring specifically to cases in which there are confusions of similar appearing letters, and left-right reversals and letter-order errors. 48 BADIAN The importance of visual pattern recognition is acknowledged by Bowers and Ishaik (2003) in their insightful discussion of the contributions of rapid automatized naming to the understanding of reading disability. Their review of research leads them to ask whether it is a sluggish visual system that acts as a bottleneck to the integration required for successful RAN performance. They stress that visual naming speed reflects the rapid integration of lexical access and retrieval processes with lower level visual, auditory, and motoric (articulation) processes. What RAN, or naming speed, and the letter/numeral orientation test of the current study have in common is the need for accurate visual pattern recognition. The correlation between RAN letters and the l e t t e r / n u m e r a l orientation test in this study was significant, but low (.18), reflecting the fact that they have a visual recognition element in common, but RAN letters involves other processes. Although m a n y children's poor performance on a letter naming speed test may be determined by one or more of the higher processes discussed by Bowers and Ishaik (2003), the present study suggests that some poor readers' difficulty in recognizing letters is determined not by slow name recall, but, at an earlier stage, by problems in visual-orthographic memory for letter patterns. The orientation of individual letters is a major factor in letter pattern recognition. A child who has problems with recognition of the correct orientation of letters is likely to be a slow and inaccurate reader of both words and nonwords due to a problem in acquiring accurate and stable orthographic representations of words. CONCLUSIONS In summary, this study found that, even with stringent controls for other variables associated with reading, recognition of letter/numeral orientation errors made unique contributions to reading. The study also found that children with a deficit in recognition of l e t t e r / n u m e r a l orientation errors were poorer readers than those without a deficit. It must be stressed, however, that the results are based on a school referred sample, which may not be representative of the general child population. The ethnic makeup of the sample (94% white) may also differ from that found in many communities. In spite of the significant roles of phonological awareness and naming speed in reading development, these two variables VISUAL-ORTHOGRAPHIC DEFICIT AND READING DISABILITY 49 leave a considerable proportion of the variance in reading unexplained, which leads to the logical hypothesis that other, unspecified, variables are contributing additional variance to reading. Basic visual-orthographic skills such as the accurate recognition of letter orientation may be among those variables. There is no doubt that higher level orthographic skills (e.g., Olson, Forsberg, & Wise, 1994) account for significant variance in reading. This study indicates that there are some children whose reading development continues to be hampered by a problem in orthographic memory for the orientation of letters (and numerals) long after most children have easily mastered this task. The problems of such children require special attention, but may be overlooked, especially if, as is frequently the case, they also have n a m i n g s p e e d a n d / o r p h o n o l o g i c a l a w a r e n e s s deficits. As r e c o m m e n d e d many years ago by Willows and Terepocki (1993), more research on the phenomenon of letter reversals is needed, especially when it occurs in children beyond first grade. Address correspondence to: Nathlie Badian, 101 Monroe Road, Quincy, MA 02169. Tel.: 617-496-5881; fax: 617-471-0986; e-mail: [email protected] References Adams, M. J.,& Bruck, M. (1993). Word recognition: The interface of educational policies and scientific research. Reading and Writing: An Interdisciplinary Journal, 5, 113-139. Badian, N. A. (1993a). Phonemic awareness, visual symbol processing, and reading. Readi~,g and Writing: An htterdisciplinary Journal, 5, 87-100. Badian, N. A. (1993b). Predicting reading progress in children receiving special help. 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Final version accepted March 8, 2005.
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