“Right now, I’m helping with a pediatric liver transplant.

“Right now,
I’m helping with
a pediatric
liver transplant.
You can too.”
You may not think of supermodel
Cindy Crawford as a transplant surgeon.
Fortunately, she does not have to be a
doctor to make a huge difference in the
lives of hospitalized kids.
“By supporting American Family
Children’s Hospital at the UW, I am
proud to do my part in helping save a
child’s life,” says Cindy.
Right now, your donation can help
too – by helping build urgently
needed additional critical care units
where we care for very
sick children.
Please visit uwhealthkids.org
because sick kids can’t wait.
Did you know that Cindy has been a longtime
supporter of American Family Children’s Hospital?
Her little brother Jeff was treated for leukemia here
during the 1970s before passing away just before
his 4th birthday. Since then, Cindy has generously
supported the children’s hospital and pediatric
cancer research at the UW.
Sick Kids Can’t Wait
P l e a s e g i v e what you c an at uwhe althkids .or g
“Right now,
I’m helping
cure cancer.
You can too.”
You may not think of Coach Bo Ryan
as a trained pediatric cancer specialist.
Fortunately, he does not have to be
a doctor to make a huge difference
in the lives of hospitalized kids.
“By supporting American Family
Children’s Hospital at the UW,
I join my fellow Badger coaches
in helping save a child’s life,”
says Coach Ryan.
Right now, your donation can help
too – by helping build urgently
needed additional critical care units
where we care for very sick children.
Please visit uwhealthkids.org
because sick kids can’t wait.
Sick Kids Can’t Wait
P l e a s e g i v e what you c an at uwhe althkids .or g
“Right now,
I’m helping repair
a heart defect.
You can too.”
You may not think of Coach Bret Bielema as
a pediatric heart specialist. Fortunately, he
does not have to be a doctor to make a huge
difference in the lives of hospitalized kids.
“By supporting American Family Children’s
Hospital at the UW, I join my fellow Badger
coaches in helping save a child’s life,”
says Coach Bielema.
Right now, your donation can help too – by
helping build urgently needed additional critical
care units where we care for very sick children.
Please visit uwhealthkids.org
because sick kids can’t wait.
Sick Kids Can’t Wait
P l e a s e g i v e what you c an at uwhe althkids .or g