The Medjugorje Vol. 22, No. 4 Published for the Glory of God Star August/September 2008 Reflection on the Message of Our Lady Scraps of Time by Fr. Charles Sellars, omi By Dominique Monzelun, Jr. Christian Hope This is a reflection he sent to the teens who made their recent Medjugorje pilgrimage together. It will give you an idea how the pilgrimage affected him. My twelve-year-old sister, Suzanne, and I took her little cocker spaniel dog named Sandy to the Veterans Home today so the aging veterans could pet Sandy and spend time with someone other than Oprah and Dr. Phil. And it got me thinking about Mary, and y’all, so here’s another brief reflection: I was standing in a nursing home living room with people I’d never met before, and my sister, oh, don’t forget the dog. A little awkward. But these ninety-year-old veterans, who had seen the worst of humanity on a battlefield, smiled and raised feeble hands to greet my hesitant ones. “I am the resurrection and the life.” Most of us are accustomed to regard eternal life as beginning when we die. But Jesus states that for those who believe in Him, eternal life has already begun. Who we are now is what we shall be forever. Physical death is not a defeat but another step on the way to follow to the fullness of God. For us eternal life has already begun. And my sister and I sat and talked with them as their tattooed hands stroked Sandy; scraps of time were all we offered, but they smiled as if we had just pulled them from a burning wreckage. And I was struggling to give just a few moments. I had to leave and get back to my life, with my precious time, my precious comfort zone. Scraps continued on page 2 Messages of Our Lady of Medjugorje July 25, 2008 D ear children! At this time when you are thinking of physical rest, I call you to conversion. Pray and work so that your heart yearns for God the Creator who is the true rest of your soul and your body. May He reveal His face to you and may He give you His peace. I am with you and intercede before God for each of you. Thank you for having responded to my call Volume 22, No. 4; August/September 2008 Because Jesus has been raised from the dead, we too can hope to share in His Resurrection. Christian spirituality is based upon the death of Jesus and His resurrection guided by the Holy Spirit within us. Jesus is here with us. Lazarus is a sign of God’s love and mercy—if we believe. God loves us and desires that we be saved. Eternal life is a free gift, but it is not automatic. August 25, 2008 D ear children! Also today I call you to personal conversion. You be those who will convert and, with your life, will witness, love, forgive and bring the joy of the Risen One into this world, where my Son died and where people do not feel a need to seek Him and to discover Him in their lives. You adore Him, and may your hope be hope to those hearts who do not have Jesus. Thank you for having responded to my call. Page 1 Youth Fest 2008 The Medjugorje Star Scraps continued from page 1 As I got back to my house with Suzanne, Mary whispered gently the words of the Gospel account from Mark of the woman whose daughter was possessed by a demon. This Greek Gentile woman, approaching Jesus, pleaded with Him to heal her daughter. And Jesus’ gaze gently fell upon her eyes, eyes that had cried so long for her daughter in desperation, and then His gaze fell on the Jews gathered around to hear Him. His heart broke to see the thought on the minds of many of them: “God came to save OUR people; the Covenant and Jesus are only ours.” And He spoke their lie, “Let the children be fed first. For it is not right to take the food of the children and throw it to the dogs” (Mark 7:27). And the woman cried, “Lord, even the dogs under the table eat the children’s scraps.” And Jesus’ heart wept Jim Caviezel in Medjugorje F rom July 14 to 18, 2008, Prof. Dr.Tomislav Ivani held a seminar in Hagiotherapy [treatment of the sick by contact with relics of the saints, visits to shrines, and other religious observances] for English-speaking pilgrims in Medjugorje. Among the participants was Jim Caviezel, famous because of his role in Mel Gibson’s “The Passion of the Christ.” with pride over this woman’s faith—and He healed her daughter, instantly. The truth knocked the wind out of me—all the veterans wanted were scraps of our time because we as a society have shut them up and only occasionally visit them, like dogs in a pound. So many amazing family members and volunteers come to love them, but how many of us—beginning with me—just give them a passing smile and keep walking? And it took the Son of God twenty centuries ago to look with overwhelming, perfect love upon a Gentile woman for us to get it: our soul becomes sickly and paralyzed as an aging man in a wheelchair within us when we walk past the sick and aging. When we tell them that they only deserve the scraps of our time, because that’s all we’re comfortable with sharing; we forget whose table Jim Caviezel was converted thanks to an encounter with Ivan Dragicevic, a Medjugorje visionary, while he was on the set in Ireland (Count Monte Cristo). Motivated by the desire of his wife Kerry, who already knew Medjugorje, Caviezel wanted to assist at a prayer meeting with Ivan that was taking place not far from the set, but his obligations would not allow him to do so. Then, providentially, the weather came to his assistance: strong rain interrupted the work, so Caviezel went to meet Ivan. He was also present during an apparition, and this changed his life. we’ve been created to feast at. So as in Jesus’ time, as in Medjugorje a couple of months ago, as in our homes now, Jesus whispers to us through His Beloved Mother: “Go out into the streets, into the lost and forgotten places. Bring my people home, back to my table, back to where I CANNOT give them scraps; for at My Father’s table—the altar—there is only my Body and Blood. I can give them no less than everything. Myself.” It is Mary’s desperate prayer that Jesus’ response to the woman, who thought herself nothing more than a dog, becomes ours: “This is my body, given up for you…for in it, you will find the Savior you seek.” Brothers and sisters, let us LIVE THE EUCHARIST. How did he get the main role in “The Passion of the Christ”? He only sent to Gibson an envelope with his card and a rosary from Medjugorje… While working on the “Passion,” he was fasting a lot, he went regularly to confession and Holy Communion, he was all the time reading the messages and praying the rosary daily. Caviezel came to Medjugorje several times. In December 2003, he organized in Mother’s Village a private presentation of the unfinished version of “The Passion of the Christ.” Information Centre “Mir” Medjugorje, New Orleans Welcomes the In the spirit of Unity and Prayer, all the lay faithful are invited to join, at any time, in the DAY OF EUCHARISTIC ADORATION for Vocations - our Seminarians and the mission of the Seminary - all of our priests! SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 2008, NOTRE DAME SEMINARY 2901 S. CARROLLTON AVE., NEW ORLEANS, LA 8:30AM MASS AND MORNING PRAYER 9:15AM TO 4PM ADORATION -- 4PM BENEDICTION PLEASE PLAN TO JOIN US THIS DAY! If you feel called to have a day of prayer for priests & seminarians in your area, call Melida 504-247-7724 for more information. The Medjugorje Star Page 2 9TH ANNUAL UNITY AWARDS Rejoicing New Orleans’ Renaissance October 25, 2008 7PM - Roussel Hall - Loyola University Your favorite Catholic Music performers will be there! Performances by: Tony Melendez, John Michael Talbot, Matt Maher, Ronnie Cole, Kara Klein, Kitty Cleveland, Trish Foti Genco, local choirs and many more. PH: 985-845-9149 Volume 22, No. 4; August/September 2008 Andrea Bocelli: I am going to Medjugorje to receive a message, not to give a message” A ndrea Bocelli, one of the greatest tenors of our times, gave a concert in Medjugorje on the outside altar on August 7, 2008. He was accompanied by the Czech National Symphonic Orchestra, soprano Paola Sanguinetti and the mixed choir of the Croatian National Theater from Split. The concert, one of the most important cultural events of the year in Bosnia and Hercegovina, was transmitted live by FTV Bosnia & Hercegovina and attended by thousands of visitors. Bocelli arrived in Medjugorje in the afternoon on Thursday, August 7. Upon his arrival, he went to the church and prayed a moment in front of Our Lady’s statue. This moment of recollection did not last, because he was very soon disturbed by photo reporters… At the outside altar, he joined the other musicians for the general rehearsal. After this, he met the Franciscans serving in Medjugorje, and the Medjugorje visionaries. Andrea Bocelli was born in the village Lajatico in Tuscany, Italy, on September 22, 1958, where he grew up on a family farm. At the age of twelve, he lost his sight. He graduated in Law and worked for a while in his profession. As a child, he was enthusiastic about opera and the traditional Italian music. This love for music determined his later life. Today, he affirms that music helps him to live. Rediscovering Catholicism oward Our Spiritual North Star Journeying T Toward By Matthew K elly Kelly A Review by Mimi Kelly, director of The MIR Group Perhaps I should begin with Matthew Kelly’s explanation of what Catholicism is. “Catholicism is not a lifeless set of rules and regulations. Catholicism is a lifestyle. Catholicism is a way of life designed by God to help you become all you can be.” Are you striving to thrive or are you merely trying to survive? In the first chapter of Matthew’s book, Rediscovering Catholicism, he explores what he has found to be the heart’s desire – the universal hunger of so many, that great hunger for the authenVolume 22, No. 4; August/September 2008 tic. “Are you real,” he asks – a real Christian, that is? The blessing of being a Christian is so simple, and yet I wonder if we (I) put that blessing in gear each time we have the opportunity to be a blessing for someone else. And so before I continue to share why I’m just so completely blown away by Matthew Kelly, let me share a thought that I’ve had, which connects The Medjugorje Star to the writings of Kelly. For the last 21 years of my life, I’ve been connected to Medjugorje. Not only is it in my heart, in my personal life, but it is my professional life (director of a Medjugorje center) as well. What we find in Medjugorje is a Page 3 Before the concert in Medjugorje, he said that this would be a “unique experience.” He also spoke about faith. “Those who have no faith, have difficulty to find reasons to live and always risk to be disappointed, because life without faith is a tragedy and ends as a drama. Faith helps us to live, in itself it is a reason to live.” He added, “Life is a trial and in this sense, faith has an important place and is a solution for many problems.” When asked about a message to give to those in Bosnia and Hercegovina who were waiting joyfully and impatiently for his concert, he answered: “I am going to Medjugorje to receive a message, not to give a message. The only message that I can give is contained and hidden in the notes of the songs that I am singing, I have nothing to add.” The concert opened with the Choir of the Croatian National Theatre Split with the song “Hercegovina in the Heart.” Bocelli sang the classical spiritual repertoire (Handel, Schubert, Franck, Vivaldi, Mozart, Mascagni, Verdi, Rossini, Gounod, Ortolani, Lecot). At the end of the concert, he thanked the musicians and expressed his joy for the possibility to sing in this place of peace and grace. CD's by Andrea Bocelli are offered on page 5. world like we wish the rest of the world could be. Here is a short paragraph from Rediscovering Catholicism, which explains my thought. For the first Christians, Christianity was a lifestyle. The first Christians shared a common life. Living in community, they often worked together, prayed together, and studied the Scriptures together. Their faith was the center of their lives and it affected everything they did. They shared meals together, played together, and cared for each other in sickness. They strove earnestly to apply guiding principles of the Gospel to each activity in their lives. They comforted each other in their afflictions and challenged each other to live the Gospel more fully. There was unity and continuity between their professional lives and their family lives, between their social lives and their lives as members of the Review continued on page 4 The Medjugorje Star Church. Then, at the pinnacle of their common life, they celebrated Eucharist together. Doesn’t this sound like the Medjugorje experience? This coming together as a people of God and sharing and caring and celebrating Eucharist together – isn’t this what makes your experience of Medjugorje something that will never leave your heart? Isn’t this what makes you hunger to do it again and again? This is what life lived in a Christian community should be. This is why Medjugorje needs to come home with us, so that we can build up the Church right were we are. This is why Kelly’s book Rediscovering Catholicism has made so much sense to me. It’s a book that all those under the age of 60 – those in that gap, where Catechesis kind of fell short – can now have a one-book course in rediscovering our Catholic faith. No kidding, with each page you just sit back and say, “Wow!” Kelly has the ability to say the things that I know in my heart, but don’t have the ability to articulate. He just has the gift! Here are some simple points that he makes: The essence of Catholicism is transformation. You cannot become more like Jesus Christ and at the same time stay as you are. Hedonism is not an expression of freedom, it is a passport to the enslavement of a thousand addictions. And the end it produces is not pleasure, but despair. Jesus said, “Go therefore and make disciples of every nation” (Matthew 28:19). Jesus didn’t say, “Go make followers…” It is easy to be a follower, but to be a disciple requires discipline. Freedom is not the ability to do whatever you want. Freedom is the strength of character to do what is good, true, noble and right. Freedom without discipline is impossible. When our children know more about teen pop-idols than they do about Jesus Christ, it is time for us to reassess the place and priority our faith has in our lives. When veneration replaces imitation, the saints lose their genuine role in Christian spirituality. (That statement is The Medjugorje Star so true. Sometimes we seem to merely be in awe of those saints, whose lives were so incredibly inspiring, and yet, do we strive to be like them or merely love them because they were who they were? I suspect that our teens are venerating and imitating their idols, but I don’t think most of them are saints.) Kelly shares that we can celebrate many things in our lives – life and faith – love and forgiveness – or we can celebrate hatred and violence – selfishness and greed. What is it that we celebrate? Kelly suggests that, “We become what we celebrate. It is true not only in the life of a person, but also in the life of a family. It is true in the life of a nation, and it is true in the life of the Church.” (I wonder what we are celebrating as a nation. And I wonder if it is what our forefathers had in mind when they foresaw a nation as a home of the free and a land of the brave?) People…striving for excellence is precisely what needs to be re-ignited in Catholics today. Reconciliation is the perfect tool to re-ignite our passion for excellence in the spiritual life. …If you want peace in your heart and the joy of a clear conscience, come to Reconciliation. On the subject of happiness - …if you want to be happy for a lifetime, find a way to make a difference in other people’s lives. I love this one – Worry doesn’t empty tomorrow of its suffering, it empties today of its strength. Prayer doesn’t change God. Prayer changes us. In referring to becoming the best version of ourselves - Catholicism is the dynamic program and lifestyle that assists us in this transformation. …the active part of our work as Catholics in the twenty-first century should be focused on two areas: education and evangelization. heroes of history and us: one, they had singleness of purpose; and two, they formed habits in their lives that helped them to achieve their goals. In this same way, we can all become saints. He offers a statement that is totally true about the socially-accepted anti-Catholic prejudice which we seem to see all about us in this world today and says that we are perhaps partly to blame. He says that we, as a family of faith, are guilty of not telling the great stories of our spiritual ancestors – the saints. Do you wonder who will be next? I do, but as one who works with teens on the spiritual level, I know that the tree is filled with much good fruit. There are many saints in the making. Kelly has a section which he entitles “The Classroom of Silence.” You’ll need to read this for yourself, but the gist of it is that there is so much noise in our world today, cell phones, radios, I-pods, televisions, etc., that we can no longer hear the voice of God. Think about it! He suggests that we take 10 minutes a day to just sit in silence – don’t move, don’t talk, don’t think, just sit for 10 minutes in silence. Think it’s easy? Try it! And about Mary he says, “The first Christians gathered around her for comfort and guidance, yet modern Catholics treat her like she has some contagious disease.” He says that as Catholics we must find a place for Mary in our spirituality. Oh, how I agree! The final section of Kelly’s book is called “Something Good Is About To Happen.” I wholeheartedly agree! If you will read his book, Rediscovering Catholicism, and if you will spread the good word of this incredible tool of evangelization to others, then yes, without a doubt something good is about to happen and not just for us but for our families, our communities, our nation and especially for our Church. In his chapter entitled“Who will be next?” Kelly offers brief stories on the lives of It was a priest who recommended this some incredible people in history – Francis book to me and I’ll be forever grateful for of Assisi, Mother Teresa, John Vianney, the introduction to Matthew Kelly. I hope Thomas More and Pope John Paul II. I that you will say the same. believe that these vignettes inspire us to become more like these great saints of our Church. Kelly shares that there are two Rediscovering Catholicism is offered great differences between the saints and on page 6. Page 4 Volume 22, No. 4; August/September 2008 2 CD's, 1 book by Andrea Bocelli _____ Sacred Arias CD has 16 beautiful songs $19.00 _____ Amore CD ( 14 songs ) _____ Year of St. Paul June 29, 2008-2009 _____ St. Paul Jubilee Year Edition, a Bible Study $9.00 Andrea Bocelli-The Music of Silence (book)$14.00 _____ Praying with St. Paul (daily meditations) $13.00 _____ Answering the New Atheism - Scott Hahn$13.00 NEW! (Dismantling Dawkins' Case against God) _____ St. Paul 3 ½'" statue, prayer card, boxed $10.00 _____ Paul the Emissary DVD $20.00 _____ Pocket Guide to the Bible by Scott Hahn 7.00 New! _____ Paul: Contending for the Faith DVD $25.00 _____ Marian Thoughts by Pope Benedict XVI $10.00 NEW! _____ St. Paul the Apostle DVD $15.00 _____ Angels & Wonders by Joan W. Anderson $15.00 NEW! 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The Medjugorje Star Card#: MONEY ORDER VISA MC AMEX DISC. exp. date: Signature: Page 6 Volume 22, No. 4; August/September 2008 The MIR Group Presents FR. PETAR LJUBICIC SPEAKING FROM MEDJUGORJE TO LA & MS OCTOBER 27 to 30, 2008 THURSDAY, OCTOBER 30, 2008 ST. EDWARD THE CONFESSOR CHURCH 4921 W. Metairie Ave., Metairie, LA 6:30PM ROSARY - 7PM HOLY MASS CELEBRANT: FR. JOSEPH CAZENAVETTE FR. PETAR LJUBICIC TO SPEAK AFTER MASS EVENING CLOSES WITH BENEDICTION DON’T LIVE AS IF YOU WILL NOT GIVE AN ACCOUNT ONE DAY. BE PREPARED AT EVERY MOMENT TO MEET WITH GOD. (From an interview by Lidja Kunza with Fr. Petar Ljubicic published in Medjugorje Magazine ’02.) Q. (Fr. Petar has been chosen to reveal the secrets given to Mirjana.) You will reveal all 10 secrets. Can you tell us how you will do that? Which of the secrets will be the visible and permanent sign Our Lady has promised to give? A. When the time comes, 10 days before, Mirjana will give me a parchment board, about 8 x 11 inches in size. Our Lady gave that to Mirjana so she would know when each of the secrets will start unfolding. On that are all the secrets that will happen. I will be able to decode the first secret, but not the second one. That applies for each one of the secrets. Then I will fast and pray for 7 days. Three days before it happens, I will be able to tell everybody what will happen: where, at what time, hour, and minute, and how long it will be lasting. Mirjana said the first two secrets are connected to Medjugorje and will be an admonishment, and a great warning. Our Lady has come to a small village, Bijakovici, in the parish of Medjugorje, where she has been appearing for over 20 years. When these two secrets start unfolding, everyone will be aware that the visionaries were telling the truth and that the apparitions are authentic. The third secret will be a visible sign on the Hill of Apparitions called Podbrdo. That will be a great joy to those who have accepted these apparitions as a gift of Heaven and the Queen of Peace. Fr. Petar Ljubicic, O.F.M. WEDNESDAY, MONDAY, OCTOBER 27, 2008 ST. CHARLES BORROMEO CHURCH OCTOBER 29 1000 GOODYEAR BLVD., PICAYUNE, MS 6:30PM ROSARY - 7PM HOLY MASS MEN CELEBRANT - FR. MICHAEL SNYDER OF FR. PETAR TO SPEAK AFTER MASS CLOSE WITH BENEDICTION 601-798-4779 TUESDAY, OCTOBER 28, 2008 OUR LADY OF MERCY CHURCH 445 Marquette Ave, Baton Rouge, LA 5:30PM ROSARY 6PM HOLY MASS followed by Novena to Our Lady of Perpetual Help, EXPOSITION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT AND BENEDICTION FR. PETAR TO SPEAK AFTER MIR PRAYER GROUP All men invited! 3900 VETERANS HWY. - NOON PRAYER SERVICE Contact Carol - 225-291-2550 WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 29, 2008 ST. PETER CHURCH, 125 E. 19TH AVE., COVINGTON, LA 6:30PM ROSARY - 7PM HOLY MASS FR. PETAR TO SPEAK AFTER MASS 504-849-2570 FR. PETAR SPEAKS AFTER CONTACT: 504-913-7416 OR 504-849-2570 One Galleria Blvd., Ste. 744, Metairie, LA 70001 Ph. 504-849-2570 - FAX 504-849-2574 or [email protected] Visit our website - For More Detailed Information Contact: The MIR Group - Volume 22, No. 4; August/September 2008 Page 7 The Medjugorje Star For Life, Reparation and Peace Rosary Congress 2008 Oct. 4 thru 10 St. Benilde Church 1901 Division St., Metairie, Louisiana WEEK OF PRAYER DAILY MASSES / CONFESSIONS CONTINUOUS EUCHARISTIC ADORATION HOURLY ROSARY / DIVINE MERCY CHAPLET A Time for Joseph Our purpose is to spread information about the apparitions of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Medjugorje, Bosnia-Hercegovina. Any article in this newsletter can be copied in whole with credit given to The Medjugorje Star. There is no subscription fee. This newsletter survives solely on your donations and purchases of books and religious items. Your prayers are requested for this ministry of spreading Our Lady's messages worldwide. THE MEDJUGORJE STAR 2627 David Drive Metairie, LA 70003-4509 Phone (504) 889-1713 } Information on “special event” times & flyers Prayer Groups/Banners wishing to participate call 504-861-4189 FAX (504) 889-1714 Editor: Kay Mule Secretary: Ellie Rodrigue Printer: Roberson Advertising (504) 832-1481 Support The Medjugorje Star through our new web page Spiritual Director Fr. Charles Sellars, omi Oblate Madonna Residence 5722 Blanco Road San Antonio, Texas 78216-6680 (210) 348-1466 Thank you for your support. § Visit the Silver Chapel § The Holy Father’s Patron Saint of TMS St. Anthony Mary Claret Intention for September The Medjugorje Star is located near the Louis Armstrong New Orleans International Airport. Join us for prayer in the Silver Chapel – noon–Angelus, 3 pm–Divine Mercy Chaplet.N Power Williams W E Veterans Blvd S I-10 Airport Airline Hwy David Dr. The Medjugorje Star 2627 David Drive Metairie, LA 70003-4509 That those who, because of wars or oppressive regimes, are forced to leave their homes and country may be supported by Christians in defending and protecting their rights. Visit our websites http:// for message and stories Intention for October That the Synod of Bishops may help the pastors and theologians, catechists and promoters engaged in the service of the Word of God to courageously transmit the truth of faith in communion with the entire Church. for additional books & gifts Store Hours Mon.-Fri. 9:00-5:30, Sat. 9:00-4 CST The Medjugorje Star is published bimonthly. Subscription is by donation. If you mail this newsletter to anyone, you must fold the newsletter in half, tape it closed and place a .42 stamp over permit. Permit is invalid for individual mailing. 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