TABLE OF CONTENTS PHYSICS, BIOPHYSICS, AND RISK ESTIMATION Technical Characteristics of the Columbia University Single-Ion Microbeam .....................................................................................................................1 Gerhard Randers-Pehrson, Charles R. Geard, Gary W. Johnson, and David J. Brenner Electrostatic Lens Design for the Columbia Microbeam ...............................................5 Alexander D. Dymnikov, David J. Brenner, Gary Johnson, and Gerhard Randers-Pehrson The Low-Energy Neutron Facility .................................................................................10 Stephen A. Marino, Dusan Srdoc, and Gary W. Johnson Risks from Less than 10 Millisievert: What Do We Really Know? How Can We Learn More? ........................................................................................15 David J. Brenner The Risk of Fatal Cancer from Pediatric Computed Tomography ............................19 David J. Brenner, Carl D. Elliston, Eric J. Hall, and Walter E. Berdon (Department of Radiology, Columbia University) A Polymer, Random Walk Model for the Size-Distribution of Large DNA Fragments After High-LET Radiation .................................................21 David J. Brenner, with Artem Ponomarev and Rainer Sachs (both from the Univeristy of California/Berkeley), and Lynn Hlatky, (Harvard Medical School) MICROBEAM: CELLULAR STUDIES Induction of a Bystander Mutagenic Effect of Alpha Particles on Mammalian Cells.........................................................................................................23 Hongning Zhou, Gerhard Randers-Pehrson, and Tom K. Hei Intra- and Inter-Cellular Reponses Following Cell-Site-Specific Microbeam Irradiation ...............................................................................................26 Charles R. Geard, Gerhard Randers-Pehrson, Stephen A. Marino, Gloria Jenkins-Baker, Tom K. Hei, Eric J. Hall, and David J. Brenner i Single Alpha-Particle Traversals and Tumor Promoters.............................................28 Richard C. Miller, Satin Sawant, Gerhard Randers-Pehrson, Stephen A. Marino, Charles R. Geard, Eric J. Hall, and David J. Brenner Bystander Effect of Radiation on Oncogenic Transformation....................................30 Satin G. Sawant, Gerhard Randers-Pehrson, Charles R. Geard, and Eric J. Hall Role of Oxyradicals in DNA Damage Induced by Cytoplasmic Irradiation in Mammalian Cells ................................................................................32 An Xu, Gerhard Randers-Pehrson, and Tom K. Hei CELLULAR STUDIES RBE and Microdosimetry of Low-Energy X Rays .......................................................35 Stephen A. Marino, Dusan Srdoc, Satin Sawant, Charles R. Geard, and David J. Brenner, in collaboration with Zugen Fu (SUNY/ Stonybrook) Establishment of an Alpha-Particle-Induced Estrogen-Dependent Breast Cancer Model...................................................................................................40 Gloria M. Calaf and Tom K. Hei Genotoxicity Versus Carcinogenicity: Implications From Fiber Toxicity Studies............................................................................................................42 Tom K. Hei, An Xu, Darren Louie, and Yong-Liang Zhao Induction of Reactive Oxygen Species by Crocidolite Asbestos in Mammalian Cells.........................................................................................................46 An Xu and Tom K. Hei Focal Adhesion Motility Revealed in Stationary Fibroblasts ......................................49 Lubomir B. Smilenov with Alexei Mikhailov (Massachusetts General Hospital), and Robert J. Pelham, Jr., Eugene E. Marcantonia, and Gregg G. Gundersen (Departments of Pathology and Anatomy and Cell Biology, Columbia University) Transformation of Human Bronchial Epithelial Cells by the Tobacco-Specific N-Nitrosamine, NNK.....................................................................52 Hongning Zhou and Tom K. Hei Protein Expression in Tumorigenic Human Breast Epithelial Cells Transformed by Alpha Particles................................................................................54 Gloria M. Calaf and Tom K. Hei ii Microsatellite Instability in Tumorigenic Human Bronchial Epithelial Cells Induced by Alpha Particles and Fe-56 Ions ...................................57 Chang Q. Piao and Tom K. Hei Malignant Transformation of Human Bronchial Epithelial Cells by Arsenite ...................................................................................................................60 Chang Q. Piao and Tom K. Hei Radon, Arsenic, and Mutagenesis ..................................................................................62 Su X. Liu and Tom K. Hei CYTOGENETIC STUDIES Chromosomal Aberrations in Tumorigenic Human Bronchial Epithelial Cells Transformed by Chrysolite Asbestos .............................................65 Masao Suzuki, Chang-Qing Piao, and Tom K. Hei Cytogenetic Effects of Heavy-Ion Beams in Normal Human Bronchial Epithelial Cells ...........................................................................................67 Masao Suzuki, Chang-Qing Piao, and Tom K. Hei MOLECULAR STUDIES: CELL-CYCLE CHECKPOINTS Physical Interactions Among Human Checkpoint Control Proteins HHUS1p, HRAD1p, and HRAD9p, and Implications for the Regulation of Cell-Cycle Progression ........................................................................70 Haiying Hang and Howard B. Lieberman Two-Hybrid Interactions Between the Human HRAD9p Checkpoint Control Protein and the Tumor Suppressor p53.................................72 Sarah J. Rauth, Wei Zheng, and Howard B. Lieberman Defective G2 Checkpoint by Inactivation of 14-3-3σ σ Gene Influences Telomere Function ....................................................................................73 Sonu Dhar, Jain Kaung (University of Texas), Jeremy A. Squire (University of Toronto), Charles R. Geard, Raymund J. Wellinger (Universite de Sherbrooke), and Tej K. Pandita iii MOLECULAR STUDIES: DAMAGE RESPONSIVENESS Ionizing Radiation Activates ATM Kinase Throughout the Cell Cycle .............................................................................................................................76 Tej K. Pandita, Howard B. Lieberman, Dae-Sik Lim (St. Jude’s Children’s Research Hospital), Sonu Dhar, Wei Zhen, Yoichi Taya (National Cancer Center Research Institute, Japan), and Michael B. Kastan (St. Jude’s Children’s Research Hospital) Ataxia Telangiectasia: Chronic Activation of Damage-Responsive Functions is Reduced by Alpha-Lipoic Acid.............................................................80 Magtouf Gatei (Queensland Institute of Medical Research), Dganit Shkedy (Tel Aviv University), Kum Kum Khanna (QIMR), Tamar Uziel (TAU), Yosef Shiloh (TAU), Tej K. Pandita, Martin F. Lavin (QIMR), and Galit Rotman (TAU) Activation of Abl Tyrosine Kinase by Ionizing Radiation Requires ATM But Not DNA-PK...............................................................................................82 Sanjeev Shangary and Tamara Lataxes (both from the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center), Tej K. Pandita, Guillermo E. Taccioli (Boston University), and R. Baskaran (UPMC) Atm Inactivation Results in Aberrant Telomere Clustering During Meiotic Prophase1 .......................................................................................................84 Tej K. Pandita, Christoph H. Westphal (Harvard Medical School), Melanie Anger (University of Kaiserslautern), Satin G. Sawant, Charles R. Geard, Raj K. Pandita (Albert Einstein College of Medicine), and Harry Scherthan (Univ. of Kaiserslautern) Influence of ATM Function on Telomere Chromatin Structure.................................88 Lubomir Smilenov, Sonu Dhar, and Tej K. Pandita Expression of the Catalytic Subunit of Telomerase in Developing Brain Neurons: Evidence for a Cell-Survival-Promoting Function........................................................................................................................94 Weiming Fu, Michael Killen, and Carsten Culmsee (all from Sanders Brown Research Center on Aging, University of Kentucky), Sonu Dhar, Tej K. Pandita, and Mark P. Mattson (SBRCA) iv The Human Homologue of Schizosaccharomyces pombe Rad9 protein, HRAD9p, Interacts with Bcl-2/Bcl-xL and Promotes Apoptosis ......................................................................................................................95 Howard B. Lieberman, Haiying Hang, Kevin Hopkins, and Wei Zheng, in collaboration with Kiyoshi Komatsu (University of South Florida College of Medicine), Toshiyuki Miyashita (National Children’s Research Center, Japan), Sandy Cuddeback (USFCOM), Massao Yamada (NCRC), and Hong-Gang Wang (USFCOM) MOLECULAR STUDIES ORIENTED TOWARDS CANCER Identification of THG1 as a Potential Suppressor of Testicular Tumorigenesis..............................................................................................................97 Yuxin Yin Molecular Mechanism of Radiation-Induced Transformation of Human Bronchial Epithelial Cells by High-LET Radiation .................................100 Yong L. Zhao, Chang Q. Piao, and Tom K. Hei Expression of Transforming Genes and Allelic Imbalance in Human Breast Epithelial Cells Induced by High-LET Radiation........................103 Debasish Roy, Gloria Calaf, and Tom K. Hei Aberrant Hypermethylation of the 14-3-3σ σ Gene is Associated with Gene Silencing in Breast Cancer .....................................................................106 Anne T. Ferguson, Ella Evron, Christopher Umbricht (all from Johns Hopkins Oncology Center), Tej K. Pandita, Heiko Hermeking (JHOC), Jeffrey Marks (Duke University Medical Center), Andrew Futreal, Martha R. Stampfer (both from Berkeley National Laboratories), and Saraswati Sukumar (JHOC) STUDIES RELATED TO RADIATION THERAPY A More Robust Biologically Based Ranking Criterion for Treatment Plans.........................................................................................................109 David J. Brenner and Rainer K. Sachs (University of California/ Berkeley) Tumor Heterogeneity and its Effect on Parameters Estimated Using the Linear-Quadratic Model..........................................................................111 David J. Brenner and Eric J. Hall v THE RADIOLOGICAL RESEARCH ACCELERATOR FACILITY The Radiological Research Accelerator Facility: An NIHSupported Resource Center......................................................................................115 Director: David J. Brenner, Ph.D., D.Sc., Manager: Stephen A. Marino, M.S. THE RADIATION SAFETY OFFICE Radiation Safety Office Staff ........................................................................................123 The Radiation Safety Office..........................................................................................124 Director: Salmen Loksen, M.S., CHP, DABR ACTIVITIES AND PUBLICATIONS Professional Activities....................................................................................................139 The Columbia Colloquium and Laboratory Seminars...............................................144 Publications ....................................................................................................................145 vi Technical Characteristics of the Columbia University Single-Ion Microbeam Gerhard Randers-Pehrson, Charles Geard, Gary Johnson, and David Brenner Introduction Microprobes for the study of radiation damage to biological systems have been known since the 1950s (1) but were not used extensively until a recent resurgence of interest (2,3,4), due in part to recent developments in computer-based microscopy systems that allow rapid location and accurate positioning of target cells. A single-ion microbeam facility comprises a number of elements arranged to deliver reliably counted numbers of ions to a chosen biological target. The elements are: 1) a source of ions of the appropriate energy, 2) a means of limiting the location of the ions to an area less than the area of the target, 3) a means of locating and moving the biological targets to the beam position, 4) a means of detecting each ion as it traverses the target, and 5) a means of shutting off the beam after the arrival of the chosen number of ions. The characteristics of each of these elements determine the type of experiment that can be performed at the facility. Van de Graaff Accelerator The source of ions for our microbeam is a model D1, 4.2-MV Van de Graaff accelerator. This machine, which was originally the injector for the Cosmotron at Brookhaven National Laboratory, was converted to a dedicated radiobiology facility in 1966 and later moved to Irvington New York where it presently operates. The terminal is fitted with a duo-plasmatron ion source, which can produce beams of the isotopes of hydrogen and helium. Most of the work to date on the microbeam has been performed with alpha particles of 6 MeV corresponding to an LET of approximately 90 keV/µm at the center of the cells. Experiments could be performed with stopping alpha particles or with hydrogen ions with a lowest LET of 30 keV/µm limited by transparency of the collimator system. Collimator The area of the beam of ions can be limited either by collimation or by focusing. For the present system we chose to use collimation because of the simplicity of set up and operation compared to focused systems. The collimator consists of a pair of apertures laser-drilled in 12.5-µm thick stainless steel foils separated by 300 µm (Lenox Laser, Phoenix, Maryland). The limiting aperture is a 5-µm diameter hole in the first foil. The second aperture, which is 6 µm in diameter acts as an anti-scatter element. The relative alignment of the two apertures is fixed during manufacture as a three-layer sandwich with the spacer in between. Monte Carlo modeling of this geometry and comparison to the energy spectrum of transmitted particles indicates that about 91% of them are within the unscattered core of the beam, having a diameter of 5 µm. Approximately 7% of the beam is contained in a halo around the core resulting from particles that scatter in the edge of 1 the first aperture and then pass through the anti-scatter aperture. The halo has a diameter of about 8 µm at the cell irradiation position. The remaining 2% of the particles are scattered by both apertures and appear at larger distances from the target position. The beam characteristics are appropriate for the originally intended targets for the microbeam, namely the nuclei of mammalian cells in culture. Imaging and control program The most important factor in determining the throughput of a microprobe system for irradiating cells is the ability of the microscopic video analysis system to recognize the targets and move them into position. A program written in Visual Basic under the Windows NT operating system controls the video analysis system and microscope stage motion. Cells are grown attached to a thin polypropylene foil treated with Cell-Tak. Polypropylene was chosen because it is non-fluorescent. The stock cell suspension is diluted so that a chosen number of cells will be contained in a 2-µl drop of medium. The cells are stained by exposure to a 50-nM solution the vital DNA stain Hoechst 33342 for 30 minutes prior to analysis. This low stain concentration requires the use of a channelplate image intensified CCD camera (GenSysII and CCD-72, Dage-MTI, Michigan City, Indiana) to obtain a high contrast image. A narrow band epi-fluorescence cube (XF-06, Omega Optical, Brattleboro, Vermont) selects the 366-nm line from a mercury arc lamp for the observation. The video signal is captured by a Matrox Genesis image processing board using the Matrox Imaging Library (Matrox Electronic Systems, Dorval, Canada) Each image is a 10-frame average that has been smoothed with a mean intensity filter and corrected for non-uniformity of illumination. A threshold in intensity is set to separate the cells from the background. For normal nuclear irradiation, the centroid of each cell is found relative to the position of the exit aperture (located by laser light shining through the collimator system). Each cell is then positioned over the exit aperture by the stepping motors driving the microscope stage (Daedal, Inc., Harrison City, Pennsylvania). The computer maintains a list of centroids of cells that have been irradiated to prevent an accidental second irradiation. The combined precision of the video analysis and stage positioning is estimated to be about 2 µm. The total time required to irradiate a single dish of 2,000 cells is approximately 10 minutes corresponding to a throughput of 12,000 cells/hour. Ion detection and beam shutter In order to shut off the beam after delivering a certain number of ions, a reliable counter must be used. Our main counter, which is used when the ion beam has a sufficient residual range after passing through the target cells, is a P10 gas filled pulsed ion counter mounted on the high power objective of the observation microscope. Because the counter is above the cell culture, it is necessary to aspirate off all but a thin layer of medium for the duration of the radiation exposure. Humidified air with 5% CO2 is passed over the culture to prevent dehydration through a passage in the counter body. An entrance window of 2.5-µm thick optically clear mica separates the gas in the counter from the gas over the cell culture. The path length for the particles is 8 mm. When the counter is operated at 300 volts, it is working without gas gain and provides a very stable signal well separated from the noise. The signal from the detector preamp is shaped by a 2 standard NIM amplifier, which feeds an SCA and computer controlled scaler. The gate period output of the scaler is fed to a high voltage amplifier (Technisches Büro S. Fischer, Ober-Ramstadt, Germany) connected to electrostatic deflection plates to turn on the beam until the chosen number of particles has arrived. The rise and fall time of the deflection voltage is such that 4 times out of 10,000 there will be an extra particle delivered to the sample. There is a background signal of about 7 counts per day due to alpha particle activity in the glass elements of the microscope objective or in the body of the counter. A second counter is available for studies with stopping particles or particles with a small residual range. It is a Schottky barrier detector constructed from a 2-µm thick silicon wafer. It provides a signal with excellent resolution and 100% efficiency but suffers from light sensitivity and radiation damage, so it will only be used for experiments where the gas counter is inappropriate. Alternative irradiation protocols In addition to the straightforward standard protocol where we deliver a counted number of ions to the center of each cell nucleus present in the dish (5,6) we are developing and using several other irradiation protocols. The first of these new protocols was developed to irradiate the cytoplasm of each cell. The image analysis system found the long axis of each cell and then the computer system delivered particles at two target positions 8 µm away from each end of the cell. In these experiments, the computer generated exclusion zones around each nucleus to ensure that the target positions from one nucleus was not accidentally within the nucleus of a nearby cell. Wu et al. (7) reported mutation induction by cytoplasmic irradiation using this technique. We are using two variants of the standard protocol to study bystander effects. In the first case, all of the cells are imaged but the computer randomly irradiates only a chosen fraction of them. Zhou et al. (8) are using this technique. The second approach is to have a mixture of cells growing in the irradiation dish, but only a fraction of them are stained with Hoechst and are therefore visible to the image analysis system. The other cell might be stained with a dye of another color so they can be distinguished during later analysis. This is the technique preferred by Geard et al. (9) Future Developments It is clear from the present requests for beam time and discussion with users of the Columbia microbeam facility, that the main interest for future use is to study bystander effects and to irradiate sub-cellular components. Both of these classes of experiments require better special resolution and the absence of a beam halo. It is not possible to obtain a beam with those properties using a collimator system. We are therefore designing a new microbeam facility that will use a compound electrostatic lens system to obtain a beam spot of sub-micron precision (10). A prototype of the lens has been constructed and is undergoing test on the present microbeam station. The prototype is expected to provide a beam with 2 µm diameter and essentially no halo, while the final objective is to obtain a beam with a diameter of 0.3 µm. 3 Another limit of the present facility is that it can only be used to provide light ions with a limited range of LET. We plan to correct this limit by installing a laser driven ion source that will produce ions with masses up through iron and thereby LET’s as high at 4500 keV/µm. The combination of a large variety of ions and a focusing system will require new diagnostic techniques to ensure that all the parameters of the system are set to optimum values. We are designing an electron microscope to image the impact position of each ion by focusing the secondary electrons produced. Conclusion The Columbia University microbeam facility has proved capable of satisfying its original objective of studying the ability of single alpha particles to produce transformational and mutational events in mammalian cells irradiated through the nucleus. New studies of sub-cellular targeting of radiation and bystander effects require upgrade of the facility to obtain a smaller diameter, halo-free beam. References 1. Zirkle and W. Bloom Irradiation of Parts of Cells. Science 117, 487-493 (1953). 2. C. R. Geard, D. J. Brenner, G. Randers-Pehrson and S. A. Marino, Single-particle irradiation of mammalian cells at the Radiological Research Accelerator Facility: induction of chromosomal changes. Nucl. Inst. And Meth. B54, 411-416 (1991). 3. J. M. Nelson, A. L. Brooks, N. F. Metting, M. A. Khan, R. L. Buschboom, A. Duncan, R. Miick and L. A. Braby, Clastogenic effects of defined numbers of 3.2 MeV alpha particles on individual CHO-K1 cells. Radiat. Res. 145(5), 568-574 (1996). 4. M. Folkard, B. Vojnovic, K. M., Prise, A. G. Bowey, R. J. Locke, G. Schettino and B. D. Michael, A charged-particle microbeam: I. Development of an experimental system for targeting cells individually with counted particles. Int. J. Radiat. Bio. 72, 375-385 (1997). 5. T. K. Hei, L-J Wu, S-X Liu, D. Vannais, C. A. Waldren and G. Randers-Pehrson, Mutagenic effects of a single and an exact number of α particles in mammalian cells. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 94, 37653770 (1997). 6. R. C. Miller, G. Randers-Pehrson, C. R. Geard, E. J. Hall, and D. J. Brenner, The oncogenic potential of a single alpha particle. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 96, 19-22 (1999). 7. L.-J. Wu, G. Randers-Pehrson, A. Xu., C. A. Walden, C. R. Geard, Z.-L. Yu and T. K. Hei, Targeted cytoplasmic irradiation with alpha particles induces mutations in mammalian cells. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 96, 4959-4964 (1999). 8. H. Zhou, . G. Randers-Pehrson, T. K. Hei, Bystander mutagenic effects of alpha particles in mammalian cells. Radiat. Res. In press. 9. C. R. Geard, G. Randers-Pehrson, S. A. Marino, G. Jenkins, T. K. Hei, E. J. Hall and D. J. Brenner, Intra- and Inter-cellular responses following cell-site-specific microbeam irradiation, Radiat. Res. In press. 10. A. D. Dymnikov, D. J. Brenner, G. Johnson, and G. Randers-Pehrson, Electrostatic lens design for the Columbia microbeam. Radiat. Res. In press. 4 Electrostatic Lens Design for the Columbia Microbeam Alexander Dymnikov, David Brenner, Gary Johnson, and Gerhard Randers-Pehrson Introduction Microscopy with high-energy ions is a relatively new technique. The first nuclear microprobe (1,2) with magnetic Russian quadruplet lens focusing (3) was built in 1970 and opened up many new investigative fields. Now an increasing number of laboratories are applying nuclear microprobes to a very wide range of problems in science and technology. Microbeams are used in biology and medicine, in microelectronics and photonics, in arts and archaeology, in geology and planetary science, in environmental science, in ion lithography, and in material science. Our objective is to construct a microprobe with electrostatic focusing to study the response of a biological cell localized irradiation. We are planning to obtain a microbeam having a diameter of about 0.4 µm. This microbeam will deliver a predetermined number (e.g. one) of charged particles (such as α-particles or protons), with micrometer accuracy, through each of a number of cells growing on a dish. Microprobe focusing lenses Focusing of ion beams of MeV energy is mostly accomplished by quadrupole lenses. The great majority of these employ a combination of magnetic quadrupole lenses (4). Another way to obtain a microbeam is to use solenoids as probe-forming lenses. But manufactured coils do not have a perfect rotational symmetry. Existing microprobes with solenoids do not produce a resolution of less than a few microns (5). Two stages of synthesis of new design We have divided the synthesis of the new design in two stages. During the first stage we create the preliminary microprobe design with probe-forming system having the following geometry. The total length lt = 1.3 m (the distance between the object slit and the target), the lens length l = 0.26 m (the sum of all lengths of lenses and spaces between lenses) and the working distance g = 0.1 m (the distance between the last lens and the target). The purpose of this design with rather small demagnification (- 4.2) is to be a prototype of the final design with lt =3.7 m. The final design synthesized for a second stage is operating with the second mode of excitations and has rather big positive demagnification (~50 – 80). As the result of our numerical investigation of different field configurations, the electrostatic Russian quadruplet (RQE) has been chosen for the probe-forming lens in the preliminary design. We have chosen an electrostatic focusing system because its focusing strength depends only on the accelerating voltage used to produce the ions. This is important for us because we intend to add a heavy ion capability to our system. 5 Our RQE consists of four quadrupoles, each of them formed by four cylindrical rods with the same radius r and semiaperture a, and with length l i . Geometrical and electrical data are the following: the distance s 0 of the first quadrupole to the object aperture, the separation s i between the i-th and i+1-th quadrupoles; finally the polarization is chosen so that in every plane V1 = −V4 and V2 = −V3 . Maximum operating voltage A feature of both these designs is the method by which the relative strengths of the individual quadrupoles are selected. In order to obtain the maximum operating voltage, we want to operate all the lenses at approximately the same voltage ( V1 ≈ −V2 ). That is, they will all be operated near the breakdown strength of the system without having one element be the weak link. We therefore choose the lengths of the electrodes such that the proper focusing will be obtained with essentially the same voltage on each electrode. Optimal beam envelope and optimal matching slits We have performed a series of analytical and numerical calculations to obtain the best design for our system. Beam focusing is understood as the result of non-linear motion of a set of particles. As a result of this motion, we have a beam spot on the target. The set has a volume, the phase volume, or emittance. For a given brightness, the phase volume is proportional to the beam current and vice versa. The beam has an envelope surface and all beam particles are located inside this surface, i.e., inside this beam envelope. For the same phase volume (or beam current) the shape of the beam envelope can be different. We consider that the beam envelope is optimal if the spot size on the target has a minimum value for a given emittance. The beam of a given emittance is defined by a set of two matching slits: objective and aperture slits. For a given emittance em, the shape of the beam envelope is the function of the half-width (or radius) r1 of the objective slit and of the distance l12 between two slits. The size r2 of the second (aperture) slit is determined by the expression: r2 = em*l12/r1. The parameters r1opt, r2opt and l12opt determine the optimal beam envelope or the optimal matching slits. Optimal probe-forming system The probe-forming system consists of two systems: the matching slit system and the focusing system. Usually the focusing system has two field parameters (two excitations) and several parameters of its geometry. For this case, from two conditions of stigmatism we find the first approximation of two excitations as a function of the geometry. For each geometry we can find the optimal matching slits. The geometry, which gives the smallest spot size, is the optimal geometry. For this geometry and for the optimal matching slits we find the optimal excitations giving the minimum spot size. The optimal probe-forming system comprises the optimal excitations, optimal matching slits and optimal geometry. For each emittance we find the parameters of the optimal probeforming system. We consider the non-linear motion of the beam accurate to terms of third order for systems with rotational or quadrupole symmetry and to terms of second order for systems with dipole symmetry. 6 Matrix approach The essential feature of our optimization is a matrix approach for non-linear beam motion. In this approach we obtain and use analytical expressions for the matrizant (or transfer matrix) and for the envelope matrix of the third order. This matrix technique is known as the matrizant method (6). We use this technique for solving the equations of motion, the non-linear differential equations in 4-dimensional phase space, for example, for the field with rotational or quadrupole symmetry accurate to terms of third order. These equations are replaced by two vector linear equations (for the x- and y- planes) in the 12-dimensional phase moment space or by one equation in the 24-dimensional phase moment space. Writing the non-linear equations in a linearized form allows us to construct the solution using a 12×12 (or 24×24) matrizant. We consider the evolution of the phase moment vector, which contains the elements of the phase moments of first and third order. The envelope matrix is taken as the matrix of the second moments of the distribution of this vector over the totality of the phase coordinates. We consider the case of a small density beam; then the beam self-field as well as particle collisions can be neglected, and the distribution function satisfies the Liouville’s equation. The integration is done over the object and aperture slits. We find the analytical form of the 12×12 (or 24×24) initial envelope matrix as a function of em, r1 and l12. This matrix is normalized by equating the first diagonal element to r122. Thus the average radius of the beam is determined by the first diagonal element of the envelope matrix, which is a function of the position along the axis. Two figures of merit To perform an optimal synthesis we use two different figures of merit. The first is the average radius of the beam. For a given geometry of the focusing system we compute the first approximation of lens excitations, κ i , which provide the stigmatic property of the system. Then we find the optimal r1 and l12 that give the smallest value of the average radius in the Gaussian image plane for each emittance. The minimum spot is not located at the Gaussian plane but we can move this spot to the Gaussian plane by changing the excitations and finding the optimal ones. In the set of n particles we select two particles: the reference (or axial) particle and the particle which is the most distant from the reference particle. At the end of the optimization we take the second figure of merit, the distance ρ between these two particles, and determine the optimal lens excitations (the second approximation) that give the minimum ρ, using 1,000 particles with randomized positions and divergences. This gives us the possibility to obtain the minimum spot without a tail. Influence of the energy spread We have investigated the influence of the energy spread ∆E/E (the energy resolution of the accelerator) on the optimal spot for the RQE. To keep the increase in the average radius of the optimal spot less than 10%, we need to have ∆E/E less than 0.0001 for em =1 µm×mrad, 0.0002 for em = 3 µm×mrad and 0.0004 for em = 10 µm×mrad. The same results are obtained for the requirements on the stability of the power supply. 7 Aberration due to misalignment An increase of the beam spot size can also be caused by a lateral displacement of the slit system with respect to the RQE longitudinal axis. Our calculations show that to limit the increase in the average radius of the optimal spot to less than 10%, we need to have the tolerance for this displacement of less than 0.1 mm. Construction and fabrication One of the main features of the RQE design being used is that part of the alignment of the electrodes is accomplished by using four 0.01 m diameter ceramic (macor) rods 0.3 m long for the entire set of four quadrupoles. The rods are centerless ground to a tolerance of 6 µm for the diameter and 12 µm for camber (straightness). This design essentially eliminates misalignment of the quadrupole axes, which would induce parasitic aberrations. Evaporating a thin layer of gold onto the entire cylindrical surface in bands creates the 16 positive and negative electrodes. The insulating sections between bands is the original ceramic surface with a relief machined at the end of each section. Rotational misalignment of chosen construction For the chosen construction we can consider the possible small rotation of the entire set of quadrupoles. Our calculations show that for the increase in the average radius of the optimal spot to be less than 10% we need to have a tolerance for this axial rotation less than 1.2 mrad over the whole length of the lens. Main parameters of the prototype lens system As a result of our optimization we have obtained the following optimal parameters: r=a=5mm, l1 = l 4 = 3 cm, l 2 = l 3 = 6.5 cm, s 0 = 94 cm, s1 = s 3 = 2 cm, s2 = 3 cm, V1 ≈ −V2 ≈ 15kV (for 3 MeV protons). For the condition of satisfying all requirements for the energy spread and misalignments with optimal r1opt, r2opt and l12opt for every emittance we obtain the minimum spot size ρ. We have found the following values of ρ, r1opt, r2opt in µm and l12opt in mm for three emittances. For em = 1 µm×mrad: ρ = 0.508, r1opt = 1.859, r2opt = 5.133, l12opt = 9.54. For em = 3 µm×mrad: ρ = 1.18, r1opt = 4.47, r2opt = 10.215, l12opt = 15.1. For em = 10µm×mrad: ρ = 2.88, r1opt = 10.40, r2opt = 24.83, l12opt = 27.4. References 1. J. A. Cookson, J. W. McMillan and T. B. Pierce, The nuclear microprobe as an analytical tool. J. Radioanal. Chem. 48, 337-357 (1979). 2. J. A. Cookson and F. D. Pilling, The use of focused ion beams for analysis. Thin Solid Films. 19, 381385 (1973). 3. A. D. Dymnikov and S. Ya. Yavor, Four quadrupole lenses as an analog of an axially symmetric system. Sov. Phys. Tech. Phys. 8, 639-643 (1964). 4. G. J. F. Legge, A history of ion microbeams. Nucl. Instr. and Meth. B 130, 9-19 (1997). 8 5. 6. A. Stephan, J. Meijer, M. Hofert, H. H. Bukow and C. Rolfs., A superconducting solenoid as probe forming lens for microprobe applications. Nucl. Instr. and Meth. B 89, 420-423 (1994). A. D. Dymnikov and R. Hellborg, Matrix theory of the motion of a charged particle beam in curvilinear space-time. I. General Theory. Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A 330, 323-342 (1993). 9 The Low-Energy Neutron Facility Stephen Marino, Dusan Srdoc, and Gary Johnson Development has continued on a facility to produce a series of low-energy neutron spectra that have maximum neutron energies from 40 to 110 keV, minimal dose contributions from higher energy neutrons and γ rays, and dose rates usable for irradiation of cultured cells. The facility is based on the 7Li(p,n)7Be reaction because of its large cross section and uses a rotating target design to minimize the heating of the lithium, which melts at 180°C. The target fixture, shown in Fig. 1, has been greatly modified from the preliminary design, as was described in last year’s Annual Report, and is the result of a number of simplifications and improvements. The original Teflon rotating water seals proved to be inadequate - they began leaking heavily after only a moderate amount of use. New double Viton seals have been installed and have shown no signs of leaking, even after many days of use. A new evaporator has been constructed which is able to evaporate lithium layers at least 40-keV thick (Fig. 2). The design is based on that of a smaller evaporator that has been used successfully in the past, but has a limited lithium capacity. The evaporation boat is a stainless steel tube with a 3-mm diameter hole near one end to expel the lithium. This end of the tube has a copper plug, which is screwed to a copper tube that surrounds the boat and acts as one electrode for heating it. The other end of the tube is flattened and connected to a copper rod, which acts as the other electrode. A ceramic insulator is epoxied to both electrodes to form the internal vacuum seal of the assembly. The brass vacuum housing is water-cooled and has been designed to position the hole in the evaporation tube as close as possible to the target surface in order to maximize the efficiency of lithium deposition. The thickness of the lithium layers evaporated onto the rotating target surface are measured by observing the width of the Li(p,γ) resonance at 440 keV with a NaI detector. The first target made was approximately 5.5 keV thick at a proton energy of 1.9 MeV. A measurement of the Li(p,n) threshold (1.880 MeV) was made using a BF3 proportional counter surrounded by moderating material. This measurement was used to calibrate the bending magnet and was the basis for all the measurements that followed. Two spherical proton recoil counters were used to measure the neutron spectra for this target. One counter is 40 mm in diameter, has a .030” thick stainless steel wall, and was filled with 1 atmosphere of hydrogen. The other counter (LND model 20790) is 12.7 mm in diameter and measurements were made with 1 and 2 atmospheres of hydrogen. In all cases, the chambers were pumped to a few microns pressure, filled with high-purity hydrogen passed through an oxygen-absorbing filter, and the chambers were evacuated and filled three times successively. A series of calibration spectra were obtained for each chamber size and pressure combination with neutrons produced at 0° using the thin lithium 10 target in order to obtain the relationship of channel number to neutron energy and to derive response functions for the unfolding process. The response functions used were obtained by fitting two straight lines to each of these proton recoil spectra. One line was fit to the linear portion of the main spectrum, and the second at the terminal or “edge” portion. From the slopes of these fits, proton recoil spectra at any energy could be derived. Proton recoil spectra measurements were then made at 100° for 86, 56 and 40 keV neutron spectra at distances such that the detectors subtended the same angle as the 3-mm diameter cell samples would at 2.5 cm. Additional measurements were made with a 1-cm long uranium gamma-ray filter in place for the 100 keV neutrons. The proton spectra from the counters were unfolded to obtain the neutron spectra based on a method developed by Gold (1). This is an iterative method based on successive approximations that seeks to find an appropriate solution to the problem M + E = RN, where M is the true proton recoil spectrum, E is the error added by the measurement, R is the response matrix of the detector, and N is the neutron spectrum, which is to be determined. The solution is such that M – RN ≤ E and all elements of N are non-negative. The unfolded spectra for the three neutron energies measured without the gammaray filter are shown in Fig. 3. These are normalized to the proton beam charge so that the relative areas under the curves are the relative neutron fluxes per unit beam current. The numbers next to the curves are the fluence-weighted mean neutron energies. All three spectra have a peak around the mean energy of the direct neutrons (32, 54, and 95 keV by calculation). Neutrons above the peak are due to the scattering of neutrons with higher energies produced at more forward angles. The portion of the spectrum below the peak is produced by multiple scattering of neutrons produced at forward angles and by the scattering of neutrons at angles greater than 100°. Measurements of microdosimetric spectra were obtained with a 1” diameter tissueequivalent (TE) Rossi counter for 86, 56 and 40 keV neutrons at 100 with and without γray filters. Propane-based TE gas was flowed through the chamber at a pressure that simulated a tissue diameter of 1 µm. The counter was positioned 25 cm from the target in order to subtend the same angle as the cell samples. A measurement was also made of the spectrum for the 478 keV gamma rays from the Li(p,p`γ) reaction using 1.86 MeV protons, below the threshold of the Li(p,n) reaction. Plots of yd(y) for the three neutron energies are shown in Fig. 4. As can be seen from these plots, the frequency of events above 10 keV/µm decreases markedly as the neutron energy decreases. This is due to the decrease in neutron yield relative to the gamma-ray yield of the target as the incident proton energy is decreased. The proton peak shifts to lower y values as the neutron energy decreases because the primary neutrons produce proton recoils with energies at or below the Bragg peak. These protons do not have sufficient energy to have the maximum possible energy loss of 147 keV/µm (proton “edge”) in the 1 µm site size. Proton recoils with y values near this edge are from higher energy neutrons scattered from forward angles. The proton peak extends down into the gamma-ray region below 10 keV/µm, especially for the 40 keV neutrons, because of the 11 low proton recoil energies. The values of yD obtained are 16.3, 20.7 and 31.7 keV/µm for the 40, 56 and 86 keV neutrons respectively. Insertion of the uranium gamma-ray filter results in a relative increase in the proton peak (yD = 35.1 keV/µm) for 86 keV neutrons since the gamma-ray attenuation is larger than the loss due to neutron scattering. It may be possible to reduce the scattering of higher energy neutrons by further modifying the target assembly. The vacuum housing cover has already been thinned over most of its surface, however it may be possible to further thin a section of the downstream vacuum cover in line with the proton beam. The outer centimeter of the target disc can be thinned to half its present thickness. Most of the higher energy neutrons pass through these areas, sometimes at fairly large angles that increase their pathlengths and the probability of scattering. After approximately 1.4 coulombs of beam use (equivalent of 4 hours at 100 µA), a second measurement of the target thickness using the Li(p,γ) resonance was made. The maximum target yield was the same as for the first measurement and the target thickness was 3% larger than the initial measurement, indicating no loss of lithium but possibly some oxidation of the target over the six-week period between the measurements. During the various spectroscopy measurements, a beam spot 5 x 5 mm and currents up to 15 µA had been used with the target rotating at only 900 rpm, half the design speed. A lithium target approximately 14 keV thick at 1.9 MeV was evaporated for dosimetry measurements. Graded γ-ray filters 7.9 mm in diameter consisting of 6-10 mm of depleted uranium, 0.5 mm of Sn, 0.5 mm of Cu and 1 mm of Al were placed to shield the dosimeter. Total dose measurements were made using a TE ionization chamber used with gas multiplication and having a spherical cavity 6.4 mm in diameter that was centered in the cell sample position. The γ-ray dose rate was measured with the same chamber using a proton energy of 1.865 MeV, just below the threshold for neutron production, and scaled by the relative cross-section of the Li(p,p’γ) reaction. Results of these measurements for a filter with 8 mm U are given in Table I. Fig. 1. Photograph of the rotating target assembly as viewed from slightly upstream. The box in the lower left is the control unit for the infrared themometry system. A fiber optic cable connects the unit to the target vacuum chamber, center right. The drive belt for rotating the target can be seen in the center of the picture. 12 Fig. 2. The lithium evaporator. The upper assembly is the vacuum housing that connects to the target vacuum chamber. The copper tube, which is one electrode, has the boat attached to it on the left. A copper rod, used as the second electrode, attaches to the other end of the boat. 4 Fig. 3. Results of neutron spectroscopy. Relative Neutron Flux 40 keV 86 keV 56 keV 3 2 1 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 Neutron Energy (keV) 0.5 0.4 86 keV n 1 µ m site size y d(y) Fig.4. Microdosi-metric spectra for 1 µm site size using a walled spherical TE proportional counter without γ-ray filters. 56 keV n 0.3 40 keV n 0.2 40 keV n 0.1 56 keV n 86 keV n 0.0 0.1 1 10 y (keV/ µm) 13 100 1000 Table I. Results of dosimetry using a U/Sn/Cu/Al γ-ray filter Mean neutron energy (keV) 40 56 86 γ-ray dose rate at 100 µA (mGy/hr) 7.4 7.6 8.1 Total dose rate at 100 µA (mGy/hr) 66 107 186 Reference 1. Gold, R. An Iterative Unfolding Method for Response Matrices. Argonne National Laboratory Report ANL-6984, 1964. 14 Risks From Less Than 10 Millisievert: What Do We Really Know? How Can We Learn More? David J. Brenner When assessing data on the carcinogenic effects of low doses of radiation, it is always possible to find data sets which contain one or more data points that are lower than controls, and thus can be interpreted as showing that low doses of radiation have zero or even negative carcinogenic potential. Here it is argued that, in drawing biophysical or health-policy conclusions, to focus only on these data sets to the exclusion of others, is not prudent. The basic issue is that, even if a linear relationship between risk and dose did apply at low doses, the low-dose risks are sufficiently small, particularly for protracted exposures, that one would expect fluctuations in the data; in other words the occasional low-dose study would be expected to yield the occasional data-point estimate that is lower than the control (zero dose) value. Thus the fact that some low-dose studies do yield an occasional data point estimate that is lower than controls is not a convincing argument against low-dose linearity. Of course if many or most studies yielded zero or negative risks at low doses, this would be a different matter, but it is argued here that this is not the case. Consequently, when using radiation carcinogenesis data to assess dose-effect relationships, particularly at low doses where the risks are small, it is important to evaluate all credible relevant data. As an example, in a recent editorial (1), Harald Rossi discussed three data sets from the literature relating to low-dose radiation carcinogenesis – one for lymphoma in mice, one for leukemia in A-bomb survivors, and one for lung cancer after protracted medical exposures. In each case there is at least one point that is lower than the controls (though in most cases the decrease is not statistically significant). From these data, Rossi concluded, at least in these cases, that a “rather confident” answer can be given regarding the carcinogenic risks of low doses (< 10 mSv or 1 rad) of low-LET radiation such as x or γ rays. The first data set that Rossi (1) discussed is for radiation-induced lymphomas in male BC3F1 mice (2). This system is not ideal because the control incidence is so high (57%), making it difficult to quantify the effects of a low-dose of radiation above this background. It would therefore be prudent also to consider data from other mouse strains in which the control incidence is lower – and which would have a greater chance of picking up the effects of low radiation doses. As an example, Figure 1 shows data for radiation-induced thymic lymphomas in male RFM mice (3), where the control incidence is 7%; here there is a steady increase in risk with dose. Turning to low-dose radiation risks in man, Rossi’s second example (1) was for radiation-induced leukemia in A-bomb survivors. Figure 2 shows updated (1950-1990) data 15 (4) both for leukemia and for solid cancers (the latter constituting about 90% of the cancer excess). For the solid cancers, no point estimates of the risk are lower than that of the controls, and again there is a steady increase in risk with dose, at low doses. For the leukemias, there is one point which is less than the controls, though not significantly so; the raw data in the dose window for that point are 59 observed leukemias, with 62 expected based on the controls. It would be hard to make any confident statements based on those numbers. Finally, Professor Rossi (1) discussed lung-cancer mortality in populations exposed to protracted medical exposures. The suggestion that protracted exposure to small doses of low-LET radiation results in decreased lung-cancer risks is well taken, and agrees well with animal data (5), as shown in Figure 3. However, the suggestion that protraction eliminates the risk of radiation-induced lung cancer at low doses does not appear justified. Figure 4 shows the data from the Canadian TB fluoroscopy cohort (6); none of the data points are significantly lower than the controls. Figure 4 also contrasts these fractionated exposure data with the corresponding A-bomb survivor data. The similarities between the dose/ fractionation patterns in the human data (Fig. 4) and the animal data (Fig. 3) are quite striking, and this would argue against the non-significant decrease in risk at low doses in the protracted exposure human data being anything but statistical fluctuation. Again these considerations highlight the fact that when risks are small (which is true for protracted lowdose radiation-induced lung cancer), and the observed number of cancers is small (which is true for the human data in Fig. 4), fluctuations in the data are bound to occur. To reiterate the point: epidemiological studies of low-dose radiation risks are necessarily quite limited in power - the risks are small and the numbers of excess cancers are small. In such situations there will sometimes be cases where the point estimates of the risks are zero or negative, but to focus exclusively on these situations to the exclusion of others where this is not the case will necessarily result in a distorted picture. For example, although Rossi (1) discusses radiation-induced lung cancer for protracted medical exposure (6), a full analysis would also include the corresponding breast-cancer data (7) from the same study; these data are shown in Figure 5, where a monotonic increase in breast-cancer risk with dose is apparent at low doses. It is not argued here that there are no low-dose thresholds for radiation induced malignancy -- there may well be. Radiation-induced sarcomas are likely candidates here, where the target cells are typically dormant, and need large doses to produce sufficient tissue damage to stimulate cellular proliferation. Rather, it is argued that radiation risks at low doses are small and hard to quantify, and so the data will necessarily contain statistical fluctuations. Many data sets show a monotonic increase of risk with dose at low doses; some contain one or more point estimates of radiation risks that are less than controls. It is unwise to focus only on the latter in drawing mechanistic conclusions, and particularly imprudent in a radiation protection context. The conclusion then, is that even studies of very large groups of individuals exposed to doses below 10 mSv have extremely limited power and are prone to statistical 16 fluctuations which can obscure the true situation. Should we give up? I would suggest that there are two viable approaches to assess the risks at such low doses. The first viable approach is, of course, to understand mechanisms. Professor Rossi alludes, for example, to the “microdosimetric” argument, essentially that at low doses, as one lowers the dose, one is simply proportionately reducing the number of cells damaged, rather than changing the nature of the cellular damage. Combined with the monoclonal origin of most cancers, this is an a-priori argument for linearity at low doses. Of course there are many steps in that argument that need to be tested - but they are, in principle, quite testable. A second viable approach is to focus more on systems where one would expect the low-dose risks to be larger, and thus better quantifiable. As an example, the younger the exposed individual, the larger the proportion of proliferating cells and the larger the expected risk; thus the continued study of malignancies in individuals exposed either in utero or in early childhood to very low doses of radiation, seems a fruitful direction. Another direction is to study populations which might be expected to have a genetically-based increased sensitivity to radiation. Thus further studies of low dose radiation risks in, for example, ataxia telangiectasia heterozygotes may prove fruitful. References 1. Rossi HH, Radiat Protec Dosim; 1999; 83:277-80. 2. Covelli V, Di Majo V, Coppola M, and Rebessi S, Radiat Res 1989; 119:553-561. 3. Ullrich RL and Storer JB, Radiat Res 1979; 80:303-316. 4. Pierce DA, Shimizu Y, Preston DL, Vaeth M, and Mabuchi K, Radiat Res 1996; 146:1-27. 5. Ullrich RL, Jernigan MC, Satterfield LC, and Bowles ND, , Radiat Res 1987; 111:179-184. 6. Howe GR, Radiat Res 1995; 142:295-304. 7. Howe GR and McLaughlin J, Radiat Res 1996; 145:694-707. % Incidence (age adjusted) 30 Thymic lymphoma in male RFM mice 25 20 15 10 5 0 0 1 2 Dose (Gy) Fig. 1: Age-adjusted incidence of thymic lymphoma in male RFMF/Un mice (3). 17 3 Excess absolute risk per person 0.5 Excess relative risk Solid Cancer 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 0.015 Leukemia 0.010 0.005 0.000 1.0 0.00 Weighted colon equivalent dose (Sv) 0.20 0.40 0.60 0.80 1.00 Weighted marrow equivalent dose (Sv) 40 Lung cancer in BALB/c mice Lung cancer 4 Acute 30 Relative Risk % Incidence (age adjusted) Fig. 2: (a) Excess relative risk of mortality (1950-1990) from solid cancers in A-bomb survivors (4); only points below 1 Sv are shown. (b) Excess absolute risk of mortality (1950-1990) from leukemia in A-bomb survivors (4); only points below 1 Sv are shown. 20 Protracted 3 Acute 2 10 Protracted 1 0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 0 1 Dose (Gy) Equivalent dose (Sv) Fig. 3: Age-adjusted incidence of lung adenocarcinoma in female BALB/c mice following very low dose rate or acute ?-ray exposure (5). 2.5 Relative Risk 2 Fig. 4: Lung cancer mortality in Canadian TB cohort exposed to protracted multiple fluoroscopies, compared to A-bomb survivors exposed to a single acute exposure (6). Only points below 3 Sv are shown. Protracted medical exposure 2.0 breast 1.5 lung 1.0 0 1 2 Equivalent dose (Sv) Fig. 5: Lung cancer vs. breast cancer mortality in Canadian TB cohort exposed to rotracted multiple fluoroscopies (6, 7). Only points below 3 Sv are shown. 18 The Risk of Fatal Cancer from Pediatric-Computed Tomography David Brenner, Carl D. Elliston, Eric Hall, and Walter E. Berdon (Dept. of Radiology, Columbia University) The use of computed tomography (CT) has increased dramatically in the past two decades, fueled in part by the development of helical CT. For example, the estimated annual number of CT examinations in the U.S. rose about sevenfold from 2.8 million in 1981 to 20 million in 1995. By their nature, CT examinations contribute disproportionately to the collective diagnostic radiation dose to the population; for example, it has been estimated that, in the UK, about 4% of diagnostic radiological procedures are currently CT examinations, but their contribution to the collective dose from diagnostic radiology is about 40%. It was estimated in 1989 that about 4% of CT examinations (currently corresponding to about 1 million per year in the US) were performed on children under the age of 15; it is, however, likely that the proportion of childhood CT examinations is currently increasing (indeed an average value of 6% was estimated in 1993). The increased frequency of pediatric CT is largely due to the advent of fast helical CT, reducing the need for sedation, making more types of CT examinations more practical in younger, sicker, or less cooperative children, as well as allowing newer pediatric CT applications such as dynamic studies of pulmonary physiology, 3D airway imaging, or diagnosing appendicitis. Whilst pediatrics represent a comparatively small, though increasing, fraction of the overall number of CT examinations, we show here that the combination of higher effective radiation doses to children for a given examination and, more importantly, the much larger lifetime risks per unit dose which apply to children (see Fig. 1), result in lifetime cancer risks attributable to the radiation exposure which are significantly higher in children than in adults. Organ doses as a function of age-at-diagnosis were estimated for common CT examinations, and attributable lifetime cancer mortality risks (per unit dose) for different organ sites applied. The larger doses and increased lifetime risks in pediatric CT produce a sharp increase in risk, relative to adult CT (see Fig. 2). Estimated lifetime cancer mortality risks attributable to the radiation exposure from a single abdominal CT examination in a newborn are 1 in 430, and 1 in 1,100 for a newborn head CT - an order of magnitude higher than for adults. In the US, about 600,000 abdominal and head CT examinations per year are currently given to children under the age of 15, and about 500 of these individuals are estimated ultimately to die from a cancer attributable to the radiation from their examination. Although the risk-benefit balance for pediatric CT is generally strongly tilted towards benefit, in light of the risks and of the increasing frequency of pediatric CT, it is desirable and practical to reduce the dose from pediatric CT examinations. 19 16 Total Other Digestive Breast Leukemia Lung Females 14 Risk per Unit Dose (Percent per Sv) Risk Per Unit Dose (Percent per Sv) 16 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Total Other Digestive Leukemia Lung Males 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 0 80 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 Age at Acute Exposure Age at Acute Exposure Fig. 1 . Breakdown, by sex and cancer type, of lifetime attributable cancer mortality risks as a function of age at a single acute exposure, as estimated by the National Academy of Sciences BEIR V Committee. Lifetime Attributable Risk (Percent) 0.30 0.25 0.20 0.15 0.10 Abdominal Head 0.05 0.00 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 Age at CT Examination (Years) Fig. 2. Lifetime attributable cancer mortality risk, as a function of age at examination, for a single typical CT examination of the head and of the abdomen. 20 A Polymer, Random-Walk Model for the Size-Distribution of Large DNA Fragments after High-LET Radiation David Brenner, with Artem Ponomarev and Rainer Sachs (both from University of California, Berkeley), and Lynn Hlatky (Harvard Medical School) DSBs (DNA double strand breaks) produced by densely-ionizing radiations are not located randomly in the genome - recent data indicate DSB clustering along chromosomes. Stochastic radiation-induced DSB clustering at large scales, from >100 Mbp down to <0.01Mbp, have been modeled using Monte Carlo computer simulations. A random walk, coarse-grained polymer model for chromatin has been combined with a simple radiation track-structure model in software called DNAbreak. The chromatin model neglects molecular details but systematically incorporates the increase in average spatial separation between two DNA loci as the number of basepairs between the loci increases. The approach generalizes the random-breakage model, whose broken-stick fragment-size distribution is applicable to low LET radiations. The technique allows biophysically based extrapolations of high-dose DNA fragment-size data to relevant doses sufficiently low that one-track action dominates. Doseresponse relations for DNA fragment-size distributions, which are linear at low doses, were found to be non-linear when there is a significant probability of overlapping among DSB clusters from different tracks along one chromosome, an effect important for large fragments and high doses. It was also found that fragment-size distributions are very similar whether or not chromatin undergoes significant rearrangement by Brownian motion between hits by different tracks. Fragment-size distributions obtained using DNAbreak match current experimental data on large fragments about as well as distributions previously used in a less mechanistic approach (1). Reference 1. Sachs RK, Brenner DJ, Hahnfeldt PJ, Hlatky LR, A formalism for analysing largescale clustering of radiation-induced breaks along chromosomes. Int. J. Radiat. Biol. 74:185-206 (1998). 21 MICROBEAM: CELLULAR STUDIES Induction of a Bystander Mutagenic Effect of Alpha Particles on Mammalian Cells Hongning Zhou, Gerhard Randers-Pehrson, and Tom Hei Epidemiological studies of uranium mine workers and experimental animal studies suggest a positive correlation between exposure to alpha particles emitted from radon and its progeny and the development of lung cancer (1,2). The mechanism(s) by which alpha particles cause lung cancer has not been elucidated, although a variety of genetic lesions, including chromosomal damage, gene mutations, induction of micronuclei, and sister chromatid exchanges (SCE) have been associated with the DNA-damaging effects of alpha particles (3,4). For over a century since the discovery of X rays, it has always been accepted that the deleterious effects of ionizing radiation such as mutation and carcinogenesis are due mainly to direct damage to DNA. However, recent circumstantial evidence suggests that extranuclear or extracellular targets may also be important in mediating the genotoxic effect of irradiation (3,4,5). It was found, for example, that very low doses of alpha particles induced clastogenic responses (principally SCE) in both CHO and human fibroblast cultures at levels significantly higher than expected, based on microdosimetric calculation of the number of cells estimated to have been traversed by a particle. The additional responding cells which received no irradiation were "bystanders" of either directly hit cells or resulted from agents released from the irradiated medium (3,5). Subsequent studies suggested that reactive oxygen species (ROS) might contribute to the induction of SCE among the bystander cells (6). While circumstantial evidence in support of a bystander effect appears to be consistent, direct proofs of such extranuclear/extracellular effects are not available. Using a precision charged-particle microbeam, our laboratory showed recently, and for the first time, that irradiation of cellular cytoplasm with either a single or an exact number of alpha particles resulted in gene mutation in the nucleus while inflicting minimal toxicity and that free radicals mediate the process (7). The results with the well-established free radical scavenger, DMSO, and the thiol-depleting drug buthionine S-R- sulfoximine (BSO) provide further support of the idea that ROS modulates the mutagenic response of cytoplasmic irradiation. Using a precision charged-particle microbeam, 5 to 20% of randomly selected AL cells was irradiated with 20 alpha particles. As shown in Figure 1, the actual mutant yield obtained, when 5 to 20% of cells were irradiated with 20 alpha particles each, was significantly higher than the expected yield assuming there were no bystander modulation effects (p<0.05). The results suggest that non-irradiated cells acquire the mutation phenotype indirectly. In other words, irradiated cells may induce a bystander mutagenic response in neighboring cells not directly traversed by alpha particles. Furthermore, analysis by multiplex PCR shows that the types of mutants induced are significantly different from those of spontaneous origin. the majority of spontaneous CD59- mutants (31 of 47, or 66%) had retained all of the markers analyzed. In contrast, about 82% of mutants induced with bystander mutagenesis of 20 alpha particles traversals through 20% of the cells each had lost at least one additional marker which included 28% complex mutations (p<0.01). Pre23 treatment of cells with the radical scavenger, DMSO had no effect on the mutagenic incidence. In contrast, cells pretreated with a 40-µM dose of lindane, a gap junction inhibitor, significantly decreased the mutant yield (Figure 2). The doses of DMSO and lindane used in these experiments were non-toxic and non-mutagenic. Our studies provide direct evidence that irradiated cells may induce bystander mutagenic response in neighboring cells not directly traversed by alpha particles, and that signal transduction pathways other than oxidative stress play a critical role in mediating the bystander phenomenon. CD59- Mutants per 105 Survivors 250 200 150 100 50 0 Control 20 α, 5% 20 α, 10% 20 α, 20% Figure 1. Mutant fraction obtained from populations of AL cells in which 0, 5, 10 or 20 % of whose nuclei were traversed by 20 alpha particles. Data were pooled from 3 to 8 independent experiments. Error bars represent ± SEM. 24 CD59- Mutants Per 105 Survivors 250 1. Control 2. 20α, 20% 3. 20α, 20%, 40µM Lindane 4. 40µM Lindane 200 150 100 50 0 1 2 3 4 Figure 2. Effects of gap junction inhibitor lindane (40 µM, 2 hours before and 3 days after irradiation) on mutant yields in AL cells, 20% of which had been irradiated with 20 alpha particles through their nuclei. Data were pooled from 3 independent experiments. Error bars represent ± SEM. References 1. Samet et al, J. Natl. Cancer Inst. 81: 745-757, 1989. 2. Lubin et al, Natl. Cancer Inst., 89: 49-57, 1997. 3. Nagasawa et al, Cancer Res. 52: 6394-6396, 1992. 4. Deshpande et al, Radiat. Res. 145: 260-267, 1996. 5. Mothersill et al, Radiat. Res. 149: 256-262, 1998. 6. Narayanan et al, Cancer Res. 57: 3963- 3971, 1997. 7. Wu et al, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 96: 4959-4964, 1999. 25 Intra- and Inter-Cellular Responses Following Cell-Site-Specific Microbeam Irradiation Charles Geard, Gerhard Randers-Pehrson, Stephen Marino, Gloria Jenkins-Baker, Tom Hei, Eric Hall, and David Brenner A charged-particle microbeam has, in a definitive manner, the capacity to place defined numbers of radiation tracks in a controlled spatio-temporal framework, both within and between individual cells. At the Columbia microbeam facility we have developed protocols to place exact numbers of charged particles through nuclear centroids of cells; at defined distances off the nuclear centroid; at defined positions in the cytoplasm relative to the nucleus; at defined positions in the cellular milieu (deliberately missing cells), and through defined fractions of cells in a population. Vital dye staining protocols have also been developed to allow the targeting of sub-cellular entities, or of known cells in mixed cell populations (i.e., hit versus non-hit or bystander cells). Cells can also be imaged off line using conventional transmission microscopy and their positional coordinates recorded before moving the entire stage and cell dish, with submicrometer precision, to kinematic mounts on the on-line microbeam microscope. In this way cellular staining and reflected fluorescence may be avoided if desired, with little impact on irradiation speed. The accuracy of the current Columbia microbeam system is such that more than 90% of particles are within 3.5 µm of a designated coordinate which, together with cellular throughputs up to 15,000 cells per hour (depending on the application), has allowed for definitive assessments of exact single-particle responses for mutation and oncogenic transformation; this obviates the uncertainties of Poisson-distributed particle numbers from broad beam or isotopic sources. The basic paradigm that the directly damaged cell nucleus is the pre-eminent responder to radiation has been brought into question with findings of cell responses to cytoplasmic irradiation only. In addition, microbeam irradiation of known small fractions (e.g. 10 or 20% of cells) in a population has produced responses in non-hit or “bystander” cells. Co-culturing known hit and non-hit cells has allowed evaluations of responses in cells that are otherwise handled identically. A fluence-dependent bystander effect has been definitively demonstrated for reduced cell growth, for induced delay in cell cycle progression, for the induction of micronuclei, for the differential expression of p53 and p21, for mutation, and probably for oncogenic transformation. What have we found so far? 1. One trans-nuclear alpha particle can produce a micronucleus -- further increases are fluence dependent. 2. The nucleus is non-uniformly sensitive to alpha-particle damage. 3. One trans-nuclear alpha particle can initiate cell-cycle delay -- further delay is fluence dependent. 26 4. One trans-nuclear alpha particle can initiate a p53 response -- dependent on cell site (cytoplasm/nucleus), time, and fluence. 5. Cytoplasmic alpha-particle irradiation can initiate a p53 response. 6. A bystander effect has been clearly demonstrated: non-hit cells show hit-cell-fluencedependent cell-cycle delay, slowed growth, enhanced micronuclei, and enhanced p53/ p21 response. 27 Single Alpha-Particle Traversals and Tumor Promoters Richard Miller, Satin Sawant, Gerhard Randers-Pehrson, Steve Marino, Charles Geard, Eric Hall, and David Brenner In most homes, radon gas is present in such low concentrations that relevant bronchial cells are very rarely traversed by more than one alpha particle. However, radon cancer risk estimates are derived to a significant degree on extrapolation of epidemiological data from uranium miners whose bronchial cells were frequently exposed to multiple alpha-particle traversals. Recently, we reported results from a series of experiments in which oncogenic transformation was assessed after predefined exact numbers of alpha particles - delivered through the single-particle microbeam -- traversed cell nuclei (1). Using positive controls to ensure that the dosimetry and biological controls were comparable, the measured oncogenicity from exactly one alpha particle was significantly lower than for a Poisson-distributed mean of one alpha particle, implying that cells traversed by multiple alpha particles contribute most of the cancer risk. Therefore, extrapolation from high-level radon risks could overestimate low-level (involving only single alpha particles) radon risks. Of course several caveats are required before such a conclusion could be applied to an epidemiological situation: 1. Our published studies so far refer only to cells that have not been damaged by tobacco, and it is likely to be the case that most (85-95%) of the lung-cancer deaths that can be attributed to radon are actually the result of a synergistic interaction between alpha-particle damage and tobacco damage. So a direct interpretation of our results would be that the radon risk estimates for non smokers exposed to low levels of radon may be somewhat overestimated. 2. Our studies are in cells that are physically quite flat (in the direction of the alpha particle beam), so the path length of alpha particles through these cells is probably smaller than that through target cells in the lung. 3. Our studies are in an in-vitro rodent system, and thus potentially not directly applicable to the appropriate human bronchial cells which are at risk. On the other hand we are looking only at relative effects (e.g. the effects of 1 alpha particle compared to 2 alpha particles), not absolute effects, so there is no a-priori reason why this in-vitro rodent system would produce misleading results regarding these relative effects. It is important to recognize that homeowners are exposed to many potential carcinogens and promoters of tumorigenesis. Carcinogenesis is a multistep event that, in most cancer models, begins with exposure to a carcinogen during the initiation stage, followed by the promotion stage where tumor promoters are believed to have an impact on the expression of the initiated event (2). It has been known for some years that the tumor promoter 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate (TPA) significantly increases the frequency of x ray- and neutron-induced oncogenic transformation (3). To explore the situation for a single alpha particle traversal through a cell nucleus, C3H10T½ mouse 28 cells were exposed in vitro to single alpha-particle traversals through cell nuclei-achieved with the single-particle microbeam -- followed by treatment with TPA. The frequency of oncogenic transformation induced by the combination of a single alpha particle and a tumor promoter was compared to cells exposed to single alpha-particles without TPA. When compared to cells exposed to alpha particles alone, a synergistic increase in oncogenic transformation frequencies occurred with cells treated to the combination of single alpha particles and TPA. We compared these results with measurements of the TPA enhanced transformation frequency of x rays - at an x-ray dose that produced the same transformation frequency (without TPA) as a single alpha particle (without TPA). Our preliminary results yield no significant difference in the TPA-induced enhancement between single alpha particles and x rays, suggesting that, in this case at least, RBE’s of relevance to the radon problem are not very sensitive to changes in the tumor promoter environment References 1. R. C. Miller, G. Randers-Pehrson, C. R. Geard, E. J. Hall, D. J. Brenner. The oncogenic transforming potential of the passage of single alpha particles through mammalian cell nuclei. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 96, 19-22 (1999). 2. E. J. Hall, T. K. Hei. Modulating factors in the expression of radiation-induced oncogenic transformation. Environ Health Perspect. 88,149-155 (1990). 3. A. Han, M. M. Elkind. Enhanced transformation of mouse 10T½ cells by 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol13-acetate following exposure to X-rays or to fission-spectrum neutrons. Cancer Res. 42, 477-483 (1982). 29 Bystander Effect of Radiation on Oncogenic Transformation Satin Sawant, Gerhard Randers-Perhson, Charles Geard, and Eric Hall Purpose Several studies have shown evidence for the bystander effect of radiation using endpoints such as the accumulation of p53 protein, frequencies of sister chromatid exchange, and micronuclei formation. Utilizing the charged-particle microbeam as a means of localized energy delivery system, this study investigates the bystander effect of radiation on oncogenic transformation of mouse C3H10T½ cells. Materials and Methods Mouse C3H10T½ fibroblast cells were grown in complete Eagle's basal medium. For the microbeam exposure, 1000-1200 exponentially growing cells were plated into specially prepared microbeam dishes coated with Cell-tak, an adhesive protein. Alpha particles accelerated by a 4-MV Van de Graaff accelerator to energy of 5.3 MeV (stopping power 90 keV/µm) were used for the microbeam irradiations. For the broad-beam exposures, exponentially growing C3H10T½ cells were plated at a density of 200,000 cells per dish onto thin-bottomed (6-µm Mylar) 35-mm-diameter stainless-steel dishes. To ensure compatibility with the microbeam experiments, same-energy α particles (5.3 MeV) were used for the broad-beam experiments. Immediately after irradiations, the cells were trypsinized from the irradiation containers and replated into 100-mm-diameter cell-culture dishes. Cells were incubated for 7 weeks with fresh culture medium changes every 2 weeks, before being fixed and stained to identify morphologically transformed types II and III foci. In parallel studies, dishes were plated with about 30 viable clonogens that had been subject to exactly the same conditions and incubated for 2 weeks. The resultant colonies were then stained to determine plating efficiencies and surviving fractions of control and irradiated cells. Results The transformation incidence per surviving cell for a) experiments where all cells were irradiated with eight α particles through the nucleus is 0.99 × 10-4, and b) for parallel experiments where none of the cells were exposed to radiation is 31.06 × 10-4 (Table 1). This brings the expected transformation incidence per surviving cell in a population where only 10% of the total cells are exposed to eight α-particles to 3.99 × 10-4. However, the observed transformation frequency of 15.15 × 10-4 is an order of magnitude higher than the expected incidence of transformation per surviving cell. In sharp contrast to the above finding, mixing experiments performed using irradiated and unirradiated cells, by microbeam as well as broad-beam exposure, failed to show transformation frequency greater than the expected (data not shown). Conclusions Targeting α particles, using a microbeam, to 10% cells within a population produced more transformed foci than expected. This study provides direct evidence for the 30 presence of bystander effect of radiation. In addition, the failure to obtain higher transformation frequency in mixing experiments indicated that the cells in close proximity to the irradiated cells are influenced only. Table 1. Clonogenic survival rates, numbers of viable cells exposed in transformation studies, number of transformed clones produced, and transformation frequencies for microbeam irradiations Percent of cells irradiated Exact no. of α particles Clonogenic surviving fraction (PE) Number of viable cells exposed × 104 Number of transformants produced TF/104 surviving cells 0 0 (0.46) 1.01 1 0.99 100 8 0.19 0.32 10 31.06 10 8 0.79 1.85 28 15.15 31 Role of Oxyradicals in DNA Damage Induced by Cytoplasmic Irradiation in Mammalian Cells An Xu, Gerhard Randers-Pehrson, and Tom K. Hei Radon and its alpha-emitting progeny, which are ubiquitous in indoor environments, have been established as a human carcinogen (1). The EPA has estimated that approximate 20,000 cases of bronchogenic carcinoma occurring in U. S. each year may be related to them (2). To develop a better risk assessment of residential radon exposure, it is essential to understand the genotoxic effects of low dose exposure. We have previously shown in experiments with radical scavenger and inhibitor of intracellular glutathione that the mutagenicity of cytoplasmic irradiation depends on the generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) (3). However, the exact mechanistic role for ROS in the process of mutations and carcinogenesis has not been elucidated. DNA damage induced by ROS is important in mutagenesis and carciongenesis (4). The modified base 8-OHdG, one of the most abundant oxidized DNA bases, is considered as the most sensitive biomarker of DNA damage due to ROS, especially hydroxyl radical, attacking at C8 of guanine (5). Competent cells usually successfully repair such damage; but if unrepaired, the presence of 8-OHdG in DNA templates may cause the miscoded incorporation of nucleotides in the replicated strand, which may contribute to the development of mutations. Here, we report the results of studies undertaken to investigate the induction of 8-OHdG by cytoplasmic irradiation in mammalian cells. Approximately 200 AL cells were seeded overnight into specially constructed microbeam dishes in medium containing 1 mM dcAMP to enhance cell spreading. For cytoplasmic irradiation, dual fluorochrome dyes, Hoeschst 33342 and Nile Red, were used to stain the nucleus and cytoplasm, respectively, as described previously (3). After being stained for 30 min, cells were irradiated either in the presence or in the absence of 8% DMSO, and then were added to the medium 10 min before and 3 min after irradiation. The dose of DMSO used was nontoxic and nonmutagenic under the conditions used in this study .The irradiated cells were fixed with 5% acid-alcohol at – 20oC. Induction of 8-OHdG in AL cells was quantified by using the monoclonal antibody 1F7, which is specific for 8-OHdGs coupled with immunoperoxidase staining and an image analysis software as described (6). Briefly, irradiated cells were treated with normal goat serum in Tris buffer to block nonspecific binding sites, and incubated with primary antibody 1F7 overnight. Mouse ABC reagent (Burlingame, CA) was added and the reaction was terminated after 20 min. A Cell Analysis System 200 microscope (Becton Dickinson, San Jose, CA) was used to measure the relative intensity of nuclear staining in cells using the Cell Measurement Program software package. Although a faint background staining was evident in the control cells, there was a dose-dependent induction of 8-OHdG in AL cells irradiated through cytoplasm (Figure 1). A two-fold increase in the relative staining intensity of 8-OHdG in AL cells irradiated with 8 alpha particles was detected. However, there was no more increase in 8-OHdG 32 staining with further increase in the number of particle traversals. DMSO is a wellestablished hydroxyl radical scavenger in mammalian cells. We demonstrated that concurrent addition of DMSO suppressed the formation of 8-OHdG in irradiated cells (Figure 2). The level of 8-OHdG induced by 8 alpha particles was reduced to close to background in the presence of DMSO (p<0.05). These data were consistent with our previous findings on mutation induction by cytoplasmic irradiation with or without DMSO. Our results highlight the involvement of ROS, particularly the hydroxyl radical, in mediating the mutagenicity of cytoplasmic irradiation. 300 Relative staining intensity of 8-OHdG Relative staining intensity of 8-OHdG References 1. IARC. Radon. 43: 173, 1988. 2. Environment Protection Agency, 1992. 3. Wu et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 96: 4959, 1999. 4. Cerutti et al. Science, 227: 375, 1985. 5. Kasai et al. Carcinogenesis, 7: 1849, 1989. 6. Yarborough et al., Cancer Research 56: 683, 1996. AL cells 250 200 150 100 50 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 300 250 1. Control 2. Control + 8% DMSO 3. 8α 4. 8α + 8% DMSO 200 150 100 50 1 Number of alpha particles 2 3 4 Figure 2 Effect of DMSO on the induction of 8-OHdG in AL cells irradiated by 8α with or without 8% DMSO. Data were pooled from three independent experiments. Figure 1 Relative staining intensity of 8-OHdG in irradiated AL cells. Data were pooled from three independent experiments. Bar: ±SEM Bar: ±SEM SESEMSEM 33 CELLULAR STUDIES RBE and Microdosimetry of Low-Energy X Rays Stephen Marino, Dusan Srdoc, Satin Sawant, Charles Geard, and David Brenner, in collaboration with Zugen Fu (SUNY/Stony Brook) There is a good deal of evidence, both experimental and theoretical, that X rays below about 50 keV are more biologically effective per unit dose than higher-energy gamma rays. From a public-health perspective, screening mammograms are typically given with low doses of 20-25 kVp X rays. Given the increasing emphasis on mammographic screening for breast cancer, it is of societal importance to provide realistic risk estimates for breast cancer induction from mammographic X rays, in keeping with a recent ACS recommendation that "the stated 'risks' from mammography should be further quantified." In order to measure the effects of low-energy X rays relative to gamma rays, two rodent cell lines are being irradiated in the energy range 5-25 keV with monoenergetic X rays produced by the National Synchrotron Light Source (NSLS) of Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL). C3H10T1/2 mouse cells are being observed for oncogenic transformation, the in vitro analog of carcinogenesis, and Chinese hamster cells are scored for chromosomal changes. The NSLS X-ray facility is a 2.5 to 2.8-GeV electron synchrotron with a storage ring that produces synchrotron radiation by bending the electron beam. We used beam line X23A2 to make initial microdosimetry measurements but are now using beam line X23A2, which has a sophisticated calibration system for the position of the crystal used to define the X-ray energy. In addition, it is essentially free of harmonics (3x, 5x main energy) and permits use of the entire energy range of interest without lengthy down time to change crystals, as was the case with the X23A2 beam line. The crystal position is calibrated by measuring the absorption edge of a nearby element. Since there is a small error (50 to 100 eV) in energy as the crystal is moved away from the calibration energy, we will only operate at available calibration points. Energies in the range of interest would be 5.465 keV (vanadium K edge), 9.659 keV (zinc K edge), 15.200 keV (lead LII edge) and 20.000 keV (molybdenum K edge). Both beam lines are operated by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). The irradiation and dosimetry fixtures used for this experiment are very similar to those used for charged-particle irradiations using the RARAF track segment facility (1) and at the Tandem Van de Graaff facility at BNL (1989-1993). All dosimetry and irradiations are performed under computer control using a personal computer. A custom program written in Quick Basic and used for the charged-particle experiments at BNL and RARAF has been adapted for use here. Special cell dishes (Fig. 1) have been constructed of Kynar (C2F2), which has a massenergy attenuation coefficient more closely matched to that of the cells than does polystyrene, normally used as the call growth substrate. The Kynar surface of the dish on which the cells are plated is 18 mm in diameter and less than 80 µm thick in order to 35 minimize the attenuation of the X rays, especially at lower energies. Cells do not attach well to the Kynar, so a thin layer of CelTak is spread on the surface, as in the microbeam experiments. Because the X-ray beam is horizontal, the cell dishes are vertical and the side of each dish opposite the Kynar surface is sealed with a layer of Mylar 6 µm thick held in place with a metal ring. The dishes are filled with medium through one of the ports on the edge of the dish in order to prevent the cells from drying out during the irradiation. Up to 20 cell dishes can be placed on the irradiation wheel (Fig. 2). A stepping motor with a right-angle 20:1 gear reducer rotates the dishes through the X-ray beam, which is collimated to a rectangular area 2 mm high by 20 mm wide. The rotator assembly is positioned on a table in the radiation safety hutch at the end of the beam line so that the center of rotation of the rotator system is at the same height as the beam. We have initially used a motor controller that produces 400 steps/motor revolution (400 steps/dish), but because the X-ray beam is so narrow (<14 motor steps), a microstepping motor controller has been purchased to increase the stepping resolution to 2000 steps/revolution. The stepping rate is determined by the dose to be delivered and the dose rate, as monitored by an ionization chamber through which the X-ray beam passes before reaching the cells. The gas used in this ionization chamber (He, N, Ar) is selected to minimize the attenuation of the X rays at a particular energy while still absorbing enough energy to produce an acceptable signal. Because the X rays are generated by a storage electron ring, the dose rate doesn’t fluctuate, but declines slowly with time as the number of electrons in the ring declines. The storage ring is filled with beam twice a day. The dose rate is measured using an ionization chamber made of Kynar with a 2.4 mm gap between electrodes, equivalent to approximately 2.4 µm at unit density. The thickness of the front wall of the chamber is matched to that of the cell dishes. The diameter of the collector is 16 mm and the chamber is filled with a special gas mixture that was designed by Carl Elliston of our laboratory. The composition of this gas (40.9% CH4, 38.2% Ne, 10.9% C3H8, 7.1% CO2, 2.6% N, 0.3% Ar by partial pressure) matches the response of cell nuclei to X rays within 0.5% over the energy range 4 keV to 40 MeV. During the several irradiations of cell wheels with 15.2 keV X rays that have been performed so far, the ratio of the dose rate measured by the ionization chamber relative to the monitor chamber has changed by no more than 1%, each wheel full of dishes taking approximately 40 minutes. In conjunction with the cell irradiations, microdosimetric spectra of the X-ray beams are being measured. Preliminary spectra have been obtained using a 1/8” diameter right circular cylindrical wall-less chamber in a large tank with a thin Mylar entrance window. This system was used to measure microdosimetric spectra of charged particles at the Tandem Van de Graaff at BNL. The helix and center wire are stainless steel. The tank was filled with propane-based muscle TE gas mixture at a pressure such that the chamber simulated a 1-µm tissue diameter. The spectrum obtained for 20 keV X rays is presented in Figure 3. The steel center wire contributes low-energy characteristic X-rays (~ 5 keV) when struck by higher energy X rays, distorting the spectrum at low values of y (2). To avoid this problem, a new wall-less detector is being designed that is completely nonmetallic. The center wire will be a carbon fiber 12.7 µm in diameter and the collecting volume will be defined by a double helix made of A150 TE plastic. There is a significant 36 restriction in space horizontally because beam line X23A3 is within a few inches of the Xray beam in the X23A2 hutch, so the large tank used for the first measurements cannot be centered on the beam. The new counter will be placed in a TE plastic cylinder 2.54 cm in diameter so that it can be centered in the X-ray beam. Figure 1. Cell dishes for low-energy X rays with (right) and without Mylar seal. 37 Figure 2. Cell irradiation wheel with cell dishes in positions 1 and 2. 38 20 keV monoenergetic X rays 0.8 yD(y) 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 0.1 1 10 100 y, keV/µm Fig. 3. Microdosimetric spectrum for 20.0 keV X rays for a simulated diameter of 1 µm obtained using a wall-less counter. References 1. Colvett, R.D. and Rohrig, N. Charged-particle beams for radiobiology at RARAF. In Annual Report on Research Project, ERDA Report COO-3243-5, pp. 38-54, National Technical Information Center, Springfield, VA, 1976. 2. Kliauga, P. and Dvorak, R. Microdosimetric measurements of ionization by monoenergetic photons. Radiation Research 73:1-20, 1978. 39 Establishment of an Alpha-Particle-Induced Estrogen-Dependent Breast Cancer Model Gloria Calaf and Tom Hei It is well accepted that cancer arises in a multi-step fashion where exposure to environmental carcinogens is a major etiological factor. The aim of this work was to establish an experimental breast cancer model in order to understand the mechanism of neoplastic transformation induced by high-LET radiation in the presence of 17 β estradiol (E). Exponentially growing immortalized human breast epithelial MCF-10F cells were plated 3 days before irradiation at a density of 3x105 cells in 60 mm dishes made of a specially constructed stainless steel ring with a 6-µm mylar bottom. Cells were irradiated with graded doses of α particles (150 keVµm) accelerated in the 4-MeV van de Graaff accelerator at the Columbia University Radiological Research Facility and subsequently cultured in the presence of 17 β estradiol (E) for periods up to 10 months post irradiation. MCF-l0F cells irradiated with double doses of 60 cGy α particles in the presence of (E) showed gradual phenotypic changes including altered morphology, an increase in cell proliferation relative to the control, telomerase activity, saturation density, a decreased response to growth factors, anchorage-independent growth, chromosomal aberrations, and invasive capabilities before becoming tumorigenic in nude mice (Figure 1). In α−particle-irradiated cells cultured in the presence of E, increased BRCA1, BRCA2 and RAD51 expression were detected by immunofluorescence staining and quantified by confocal microscopy (Figure 3). Figure 2 shows the invasive characteristics of control and MCF-10F cells after the various treatments scored at either 12 h or 20 h after plating onto the matrigel basement membrane. The number of cells that migrated through the membrane was clearly a function of time in addition to E treatment. Neither the normal breast epithelial cells nor the immortalized MCF-10F cells showed any significant invasive capability. Addition of E to the growth medium significantly enhanced the invasive phenotype of MCF-10F cells in every treatment group examined. It should be noted that the BP1Tras clone, derived from MCF-10F cells transformed with benzopyrene and then transfected with the c-Haras oncogene, demonstrated the highest invasive behavior and was consistent with its tumorigenic phenotype. The expression of several oncoproteins frequently associated with breast cancer was determined among the various immortalized and transformed MCF-10F cells with or without estrogen treatment. Quantification of the immunofluorescent imaging of stained cells showed a significant increase in BRCA1 and BRCA2 in MCF-10F cells irradiated with α particles and treated with E compared to control cultures (Figure 3, Top). The staining intensity for BRCA1 among individual cells was fairly uniform and showed a 40 gradual increase in expression between the control MCF-10F cells and their tumorigenic counterpart (60E/60E). The difference in staining intensity for the tumor suppresor proteins between the two groups was highly significant (P< 0.05). Irradiated cells that were transformed but non-tumorigenic (e.g., 60, 60/60 cGy) showed an intermediate staining intensity. The tumorigenic cell line (60E/60E) showed more intense staining. Furthermore, addition of E enhanced the expression level of all of the oncoproteins examined. In general, expression of BRCA2 paralleled that of BRCA1, except that the expression level was much higher. It should be noted that the expression of BRCA2 in MCF-7 cells was the highest among the cell lines examined. Expression of RAD51, which had frequently been shown to be associated with BRCA1 and BRCA2 was determined in control and transformed MCF-10F cells with or without E (Figure 3, Bottom). Quantification of the immunofluorescent imaging of stained cells showed a significant increase in RAD51 in MCF-10F cells irradiated with a double dose of 60 cGy α particles and concurrently treated with E (60E/60E and 60E/60) in comparison to control cultures. Similarly, the tumorigenic cell lines BP1Tras and MCF-7 showed high RAD51 protein expression. Similar to our findings with BRCA1, addition of E significantly enhanced the expression of RAD51 in all irradiated groups. These studies showed that high-LET radiation, such as that emitted by radon progenies, and in the presence of estrogen, induced a cascade of events indicative of cell transformation and tumorigenicity in human breast epithelial cells. MCF-10F: Spontaneously immortalized cell line human breast epithelial cells: Effects of high-LET radiation and estrogen 6OE/6OE α-particle-treated cells. Figure 1. Schematic diagram illustrating the gradual morphological alterations in irradiated MCF-10F cells. Figure 2. Invasive characteristics of control and MCF-10F-treated cells after the various treatments were scored either 12 or 20 h after plating onto the matrigel basement membrane. Figure 3. Relative amounts of BRCA1 and BRCA2 (top) and RAD51 (bottom) protein expressed by MCF-10F-treated cells. It was determined by immunofluorescent staining, visualized by using confocal microscopy, and quantified by a computer program which gives the area and intensity of the staining. 41 Genotoxicity versus Carcinogenicity: Implications from Fiber Toxicity Studies Tom Hei, An Xu, Darren Louie, and Yong-liang Zhao Although the association between exposure to asbestos fibers and the development of lung cancer and mesothelioma has been well established in man, the carcinogenic potential of other natural and man-made fibers/particles are not clear. Various in vitro genotoxicity studies have been employed to assess their in vivo carcinogenic potential. A variety of highly quantitative assays ranging from DNA strand breaks to neoplastic transformation in rodent cells have been used successfully to compare and contrast the genotoxic potential of various fiber types. These systems vary in complexity and degree of relevance to the human target-tissues of interest. Nevertheless, in vitro genotoxic studies are useful in identifying physiochemical properties of fibers/particles that are likely to affect their in vivo carcinogenic behavior. Asbestos as a gene and chromosomal mutagen Earlier attempts at defining the mutagenic potential of asbestos fibers at either the hprt or oua loci in a variety of mammalian cells have yielded largely negative results (1). The negative gene mutation data suggest either that asbestos is a non-genotoxic carcinogen or that mutants induced at these loci are non-viable. Given the strong evidence that fibers induce chromosomal alterations in mammalian cells, it is likely that asbestos induces mostly large multilocus deletions that are non-compatible with survival of the mutants. Using the human-hamster hybrid (AL) cells in which mutations were scored at a marker gene (CD59) located on human chromosome 11 (11p13) that the AL cell carries as its only human chromosome, Hei et al showed previously that both crocidolite and chrysotile fibers were indeed mutagenic and induced mostly deletions involving millions of basepairs (2,3). In recent years, several other mutagenic assays that are proficient in detecting either large deletions, homologous recombinations or score mutants located on non-essential genes have been used successfully to demonstrate the mutagenic potential of various fiber types (1, for review). Role of fiber-cell interaction in mediating asbestos genotoxicity The correlation between fiber dimension and carcinogenic potency suggests the importance of fiber-cell interactions. The ability of cells to phagocytose asbestos fibers both in vitro and in vivo has been well documented (4). Fibers less than 5 µ in length are usually completely phagocytosed whereas those greater than 25 µ are generally not. This inability to completely engulf long fibers has been termed “frustrated phagocytosis” which has been associated with increased membrane permeability and increased oxyradical production. Figure 1 shows the effect of a diminished phagocytic ability on chrysotile-induced mutagenicity in AL cells. Cytochalasin B at a dose of 1 µg/ml, while being minimally cytotoxic (surviving fraction ~0.82) and largely non-mutagenic, reduced to 1/3 the percentage of AL cells containing phagocytosed fibers in cells treated with a 2 µg/cm2 dose of UICC chrysotile fibers as well as the number of internalized 42 fibers per phagocytic cell (data not shown). Concurrent treatment of fiber-exposed cells with cytochalasin B significantly reduced fiber-induced CD59− mutant yield. In cells exposed to a 2 µg/cm2 dose of fiber, concurrent treatment with cytochalasin B reduced the induced mutant yield to a level similar to that of cytochalasin B treatment alone (Figure 1). There is evidence that oxyradicals play an essential role in fiber toxicology (5). Although iron has been shown to be an important source of reactive oxygen species with the iron-rich crocidolite fibers, not all iron containing minerals, for example iron oxide, are toxic. Furthermore, the observation that tremolites and erionites which contain little or no iron are mutagenic in the AL cells suggest that fiber-cell interaction may be an important pre-requisite in fiber mutagenesis (6). Figure 1. Induced CD59− mutants in AL cells treated with UICC chrysotiles with or without concurrent cytochalasin B, which inhibits cellular phagocytosis. Data are pooled from 3 to 5 experiments. Bars, + SD. Neoplastic transformation as a genotoxic endpoint Morphological transformation assays based on rodent cell systems such as C3H 10T1/2, NIH 3T3, and Syrian hamster embryo cells occupy a useful intermediate position between the bacterial mutagenesis assays, which are quick and inexpensive, and animal studies, which are cumbersome and inordinately expensive. These assays afford an opportunity to evaluate both qualitative and quantitative aspects of fiber/particle-induced oncogenic transformation as well as mechanisms involved in the neoplastic process. Upon treatment with mineral fibers, transformed cells which loss contact inhibition of growth form multi-layered growth and criss-crossing cells at the peripheral over a contact-inhibition background of non-transformed cells. The morphology of the foci can be correlated with neoplastic potential with type III foci being the most tumorigenic when injected into syngeneic animals. While asbestos has not been shown to be oncogenic transforming in C3H 10T1/2 cells (7), it has largely been found to be active in Syrian hamster embryo cells. In general, morphological transforming potential of mineral fibers/ particles depends on fiber dimension, treatment time, cell model systems, and that glass fibers that are long and thin tend to be neoplastic transforming as well in the Syrian hamster embryo system (8). However, transformed SHE cells are largely nonimmortalized and call into question their relevance to the neoplastic process in human cells where cellular immortalization is a pre-requisite requirement for their tumorigenic conversion. Transformation studies with human epithelial cells One of the main difficulties in studying mechanisms of asbestos carcinogenesis is the lack of a suitable human-cell model system whereby the various tumorigenic stages can be dissected and the molecular changes associated with each stage examined. Up to the present moment, no primary human-cell model is available for this area of studies because the frequency for human cell transformation has been estimated to be in the range of 10-15, an incidence too low to be reproduced in any laboratory setting (9). 43 Treatment of normal human mesothelial cells with amosite asbestos has been shown to extend the proliferative lifespan of 4 out of 16 independently derived primary cultures (10). However, these cells eventually all senescence and enter crisis. Using a human papillomavirus immortalized human bronchial epithelial (BEP2D) cells, Hei et al. showed recently that a single, 7-day treatment with a 4-µg/cm2 dose of chrysotile induced neoplastic transformation of these cells in a step-wise fashion at a frequency of ~10-7, as shown in Figure 2. The immortalization step, therefore, increases the transformation yield of primary human epithelial cells by more than a million fold. Tumorigenic BEP2D cells show no mutation in any of the ras oncogenes (11). Results of cell fusion studies between asbestos-induced tumorigenic and parental BEP2D cells demonstrated that the tumorigenic phenotypic induced by chrysotile treatment could be completely suppressed by fusion with non-tumorigenic control cells. These data indicate that nontumorigenic BEP2D cells complement the loss of putative suppressor element among tumorigenic cells, and suggest that loss of suppressor gene(s) is an important mechanism of fiber carcinogenesis. Figure 2. Schematic diagram illustrating the multistep process in the neoplastic transformation of immortalized human bronchial epithelial cells by chrysotile fibers. Genotoxicity data on refractory ceramic fiber Refractory ceramic fiber is a class of man-made vitreous fibers first produced in the mid 1950s and used primarily as high-temperature insulation in industry settings. RCF fibers can be classified into three categories: pure RCF that is a blend of alumina and silica (RCF-3), kaolin-based (RCF-1), or blends of alumina and silica containing other metal oxides. Inhalation studies with RCF-1 fibers have been carried out in both rats and hamsters. Treatment of animals at the maximum tolerable dose of 30 mg/m3 for 6 hr/day for 24 months resulted in incidence of lung tumors in rats ranging from 3.5 to 13% whereas no lung tumor was detected in similarly treated hamsters (12). Several in vitro genotoxic endpoints have been used to examine the DNA damaging potential of RCF-1 fibers in mammalian cells. In general, RCF-1 fibers have been shown to be less biologically reactive when compared to either crocidolite or chrysotile. While RCF-1 fibers are significantly longer than chrysotiles, they are much larger in diameter as well (6). As a result, both the surface area and the number of fibers per unit weight of samples are smaller than either chrysotiles or erionites. These data highlight the importance of fiber numbers in determining in vitro genotoxicity of particles/fibers. Summary In summary, in vitro genotoxic data are useful in identifying physiochemical properties of fibers/particles that affect their in vivo carcinogenicity. Genotoxicity, however, does not necessarily equate carcinogenicity in all cases. Carcinogenicity of 44 fibers/particles is a complex interplay of many factors, including dose, fiber characteristics, fiber-cell interaction, cell and tissue responses to foreign particles, and, finally, inflammation and progressive neoplastic changes. References 1. See Jaurand, IARC 1996 for review. 2. Hei et al., Cancer Res. 52:6305, 1992. 3. Xu et al., Cancer Res. 59:5789, 1999. 4. Miller et al., Environ. Res. 15:139, 1978. 5. See Kamp et al., Free Rad. Biol. & Med. 12:293, 1992 for review. 6. Okayasu et al., Brit. J. Cancer 79:1319, 1999. 7. Hei et al., Brit. J. Cancer 50:717, 1984. 8. Hesterberg et al., Cancer Res. 46:5795, 1986 9. Hei et al., Adv. Space Res. 18:137,1996. 10. Xu et al., Carcinogenesis 20:773,1999. 11. Hei et al., Environ. Hlth. Persp. 105:1085, 1997. 12. See Ellouk and Jaurand, Environ. Hlth. Persp. 102: 47, 1994 for review. 45 Induction of Reactive Oxygen Species by Crocidolite Asbestos in Mammalian Cells An Xu and Tom Hei Crocidolite fibers are known to cause cellular damage, leading to asbestosis, bronchogenic carcinoma, and mesothelioma in humans (1). However, the mechanism(s) responsible for the toxic and carcinogenic effects of asbestos is not yet clear. In vitro studies with asbestos and concurrent exposure to radical scavenging enzymes such as superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase have indicated a close relationship between the induction of reactive oxygen species (ROS) by fibers and asbestos-mediated toxicity (24). Previous studies from this laboratory have shown that there is a dose dependent increase in the formation of 8-OHdG, which is one of the most specific forms of DNA damage induced by ROS, in AL cells treated with crocidolite fibers (5). The objective of the present study was to quantify the induction of ROS in asbestos-treated AL cells. ROS generation in AL cells was detected with 5-(and 6-)-chloromethyl-2’7’dichlorodihydrofluorescein diacetate (CM-H2DCFA), which produced a green fluorescence when oxidized (6). Cells preincubated with a 1 µM dose of CM-H2DCFA for 40 min at 37oC were exposed to fibers either in the presence or absence of 0.5% DMSO. ROS induction was quantified by using an ACAS570 Interactive Laser Cytometer which was based on an acousto-optically modulated Ar-ion laser turned to 488 nm to excite the fluorescence in the cells. To detect the release of H2O2 from asbestostreated AL cells, Amplex Red and Horseradish peroxidase (HRP) (Molecular Probes Inc., Eugene, OR) reaction mixture with fibers with or without concurrent catalase (1000U/ml final) in 96-microplate were prewarmed for 15 min (7). Exponentially growing cells were trypsinized and washed with Krebs Ringer phosphate glucose (KRPG) buffer twice. 2.5 x 106/ml cells were added to the microplate and incubated for 4 hr. The fluorescence of each well was measured by a fluorescence microplate reader using excitation in the range of 530~560nm. In order to generate a H2O2 standard curve, different dilutions of H2O2 in KRPG buffer were added to the same volume of reaction mixture in microplates and fluorescence was determined after 15min when the reactions were stabilized. Figure 1 shows the dose effect of crocidolite fibers on the induction of ROS in AL cells. The relative fluorescence intensity in AL cells treated with a 6 µg/cm2 dose of fibers was more than five-fold that of the control. However, there was no further increase in the intensity of fluorescence with 9 µg/cm2 fibers. Figure 2 shows 0.5% DMSO dramatically suppressed the induction of ROS in AL cells treated with a dose of 6 µg/cm2 fibers (p<0.005), which was consistent with our previous study of the effect of DMSO on the formation of 8-OHdG. Crocidolite fibers induced a dose-dependent increase in the release of H2O2 from AL cells. But the concentration of H2O2 was not increased at the dose of 9 µg/cm2 (final concentration). The presence of catalase in the reaction mixture significantly reduced the release of H2O2 from the treated cells (p<0.005). These data 46 provide further corroborating evidence that the mutagenic effect of crocidolite fibers on mammalian cells is mediated through the induction of reactive oxygen species. References 1. Rom et al,. Am. Rev. Respir. Dis. 143: 408, 1991. 2. Hei et al., Carciongenesis, 16: 1573, 1995. 3. Goodglick et al, Cancer Res. 46: 5558, 1986. 4. Mossman et al., Lab. Investig. 54: 204,1986. 5. Xu et al., Cancer Res. 59: 5922, 1999. 6. Long et el., Environ. Health Perspect. 105: 706, 1997. 7. Monanty et al., J. Immunol. Methods 202: 133, 1997. 47 60 70 A L cells Relative fluorescence Relative fluorescence 70 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 50 Control Control + 0.5% D M S O 6µg/cm 2 fibers 6µg/cm 2 fibers + 0.5% DM S O 40 30 20 10 0 1 2 Concentration of fibers (µg/cm ) Figure 1 Relative fluorescenc intensity for the induction of ROS in A L cells treated with graded doses of fibers. Data were pooled from three independent experiments. 60 1. 2. 3. 4. 2 3 4 Figure 2 Relative fluorescence intensity for the induction of ROS in A L cells treated with fibers with or without concurrent treatment of DMSO. Data were pooled from three independent experiments. 0.5 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. H2O2 (µM) 0.4 0.3 Con 2 µg/cm 2 6 µg/cm 2 9 µg/cm 2 Con + Catalase 6 µg/cm 2 + Catalase 0.2 0.1 0.0 1 2 3 4 5 Figure 3 Release of H 2 O 2 in A L cells treated with graded dose of fibers with or without catalase at a dose of 1000U/ml.Data were pooled from three independent experiments. 48 6 Focal Adhesion Motility Revealed In Stationary Fibroblasts Lubomir B. Smilenov, with Alexei Mikhailov (Massachusetts General Hospital, Department of Molecular Biology), and Robert J. Pelham, Jr., Eugene E. Marcantonio and Gregg G. Gundersen (Departments of Pathology and Anatomy and Cell Biology, Columbia University) Adhesive contacts between cells and the substratum are critical for spreading and migration of many cells and are mediated by integrin receptors (1). In fibroblasts, these integrins concentrate in specific regions within the plasma membrane, called focal adhesions (FA), as where actin stress fibers and associated proteins are anchored (2). During fibroblast migration, FAs form at the leading edge of the cell, remain fixed as the cell migrates over them and then detach at the rear (3). The mechanisms that regulate polarized FA formation and detachment in migrating cells are largely unknown. To study FAs in living cells, a chimera of GFP, the transmembrane and cytoplasmic domains of the β1 integrin subunit, and the signal sequence from the α1 integrin subunit is generated, such that the GFP would be extracellular. Stable cell lines with low levels of GFP-integrin expression were selected in order to limit the effect of the chimera on integrin function (4-6). The GFP-integrin labeled all FAs as shown by co-localization with endogenous integrins and the FA marker vinculin. The GFP-integrin cell lines were similar to the parental cell line in morphology, adhesion to fibronectin, growth, and spreading on fibronectin, demonstrating that the chimera had no detectable effect on the cells’ adhesive properties (data not shown). In stationary cells, FAs labeled with GFP- integrin showed a surprising amount of movement (Fig.1). These movements: 1) were linear, 2) usually occurred without change in FA area or shape, 3) occurred relative to the substratum and cell edge, and 4) involved distances of greater than one FA length. The motile FAs were distributed throughout the cell; most moved toward the cell center, but some moved along the cell edge. New FAs formed near the cell edge as others moved inward. FAs infrequently split in two or elongated during movement. The rate of movement was 0.12 + 0.08 µm/min (N=128 FAs; 9 cells), similar to the rate of 3T3 cell migration. We defined a motile FA as one that moved at least one plaque length within one hour. By this criterion, 65 + 27 % (N=692 FAs; 10 cells) of the FAs in individual cells were motile. Variability in FA motility may reflect differences in the cell cycle, metabolic activity or local substratum conditions Similar FA movements occurred in stationary cells within a monolayer, at the edge of a wounded monolayer, and in well-spread cells in sparse cultures, suggesting that FA movement is independent of cell density and cell-cell interactions. In contrast, little movement of GFP-integrin labeled FAs was observed in migrating cells stimulated to migrate by wounding a monolayer or after cell division. Interference reflection microscopy (IRM) can estimate the distance between the ventral cell surface and the substratum. Portions of the cell within 15 nm of the substratum, as in FAs, appear as dark contrast against a gray background in the zero-order IRM image. The patterns of GFP 49 Fig. 1. Moving FAs in GFP-integrin cells and parental cells remain in close contact with the substratum. (A and B). Stationary GFP-integrin cell imaged with fluorescence and IRM microscopy. (C). Stationary parental cells imaged with IRM alone. (A). Fluorescence images from a timelapse recording (in minutes) showing four moving FAs detectable by GFP fluorescence (blue lines are a fiduciary mark). (B). IRM images of GFP-integrin cell corresponding to the fluorescence images shown in Panel A. FAs are black. (C): IRM images from a timelapse recording (in minutes) showing three moving FAs in a parental cell. Bars, Panels A to C, 2.5 µm. fluorescence and IRM contrast in stationary cells were closely matched, indicating that GFP-labeled FAs were closely apposed to the substratum. (Fig.1). When FAs moved, they maintained close apposition to the substratum (dark contrast by IRM ). However, for some fast moving FAs, we observed a transient diminution of IRM contrast. Hence, though most moving FAs remained closely apposed to the substratum, for some rapidly moving FAs the interaction was reduced. Using IRM, similar FA movements were observed in stationary parental 3T3 cells. That FAs exhibit nonmotile and motile states coordinated with cell migration, suggests the existence of a "molecular clutch" to alternate between these states. The transition between these states must reflect the balance between tension and adhesion. So, the molecular clutch may regulate either the affinity of the integrin for the ECM or the tension applied to the FA by the actin cytoskeleton or both. Regulation of integrin affinity has been noted previously and there is an optimum affinity at which cells are capable of migrating. However, neither high substrate concentrations of fibronectin nor addition of Mn2+ blocked FA motility. While these conditions increase binding in cell adhesion assays, it is unclear whether they increase integrin affinity under our conditions. 50 Regulation of tension by altering actin contraction is known to be mediated by factors such as Rho and Ca2+ and our results with nocodazole suggest that changes in tension can alter the velocity of FA movements. Increasing tension without altering FA affinity for the ECM, may decrease cell traction, and also contribute to FA movements that are involved in remodeling the ECM, although ECM remodeling is currently thought to occur on a much longer time scale. Whatever the composition of the molecular clutch, the existence of moving FAs shows directly that a cell is able to regulate its interactions with the ECM in a previously unexpected fashion. References 1. R.O. Hynes, Cell 69, 11 (1992); D. A. Lauffenburger and A. F. Horwitz, Cell 84, 359 (1996). 2. C.S. Izzard and L. R. Lochner, J. Cell Sci. 21, 129 (1976); K. Burridge, K. Fath, T. Kelly, G. Nuckolls, C. Turner, Ann. Rev. Cell Biol. 4, 487 (1988). 3. C.M. Regen and A. F. Horwitz, J. Cell Biol. 119, 1347 (1992); S.P. Palecek, C. E. Schmidt, D. A. Lauffenburger, A. F. Horwitz, J.Cell Sci. 109, 941 (1996). 4. S.E. LaFlamme, L. A. Thomas, S. S. Yamada, K. M. Yamada, J. Cell Biol. 126, 1287 (1994). 5. L.B. Smilenov, R. Briesewitz, E. E. Marcantonio, Mol. Biol. Cell 5, 1215 (1994). 6. NIH 3T3 cells were stably transfected with pLen GFP-β and pSVneo as described in 5. 51 Transformation of Human Bronchial Epithelial Cells by the Tobacco-Specific N-Nitrosamine, NNK Hongning Zhou and Tom Hei It has been recognized for more than four decades that tobacco smoking is causally associated with several types of human cancer such as lung, oral cavity, and esophageal cancer. Cigarette smoke is a mixture of about 3,800 chemicals containing at least 40 known human carcinogens (1). Studies have indicated that 4-methylnitrosamine-1-3-pyridyl-1butanone (NNK) is the most carcinogenic among tobacco-specific nitrosamines with approximately 80-770ng NNK per cigarette, depending on the type of tobacco (2). Although previous studies have shown that NNK is carcinogenic in mice, rats and hamsters (3), little information is available regarding the clastogenic effects of tobacco-specific nitrosamines in mammalian cells. There is recent evidence that NNK can transform hamster pancreatic duct cells, human immortalized oral keratinocytes in vitro and adenovirus 12-SV40 immortalized human bronchial epithelial cells (BEAS-2B) in xenograft system, but human bronchial epithelial cells have not been neoplastically transformed in vitro by exposure to the tobacco-specific nitrosamine, NNK (4,5,6). In the present study, we use the human papillomavirus-immortalized bronchial epithelial cells (BEP2D) to study the various stages of neoplastic transformation induced by NNK. Cells are routinely cultured in serum-free LHC-8 medium supplied with epidermal growth factor and other growth supplements as described (7). Exponentially growing BEP2D cells were treated with NNK at graded doses of 100 and 400 µg/ml for either 1 day or 7 days. At passage 15, the cells treated with NNK for 7 days were retreated with the same doses for 7 days; at passage 20, the cells treated with NNK for 1 day were retreated with the same doses for 1 day. Medium was changed every three days, and cells were subcultured weekly. Following treatment, cells were assayed for changes in growth kinetics, saturation density, resistance to serum-induced terminal differentiation, and anchorage-independent growth. As shown in Figure 1, the survival fraction of BEP2D cells treated with graded doses of NNK for either 1 day or 7 days was dose dependent. NNKtreated for 1 day showed not much toxicity to the cells, but NNK-treated for 7 days showed toxicity; the lethal mean dose was about 1000 µg/ml. At passage 23, NNK-treated cells acquired resistant to serum-induced terminal differentiation phenotype such that the plating efficiency in serum-containing medium was much higher than that of control (Table 1). At passage 30, NNK-treated BEP2D cells acquired anchorage-independent growth ability in soft agarose (0.24%) as compared to 0.03% for control (Table 1). However, there was no significant different in growth kinetics between NNK-treated and control cells. The doubling time was between 28 to 34 hrs. These data suggested that NNK-treated cells have already acquired the transformed phenotype in that they are resistant to serum-induced terminal differentiation and anchorage-independent growth in soft agarose. Studies are currently underway to evaluate the tumorigenic potential of these putative transformed cells in nude mice and the possible mechanisms surrounding this. 52 Survival Fraction 1 1 day 7 days 0.1 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 NNK(µg/ml) Figure 1 Survival fraction of BEP2D cells treated with graded doses of NNK for either 1 day or 7 days. Table 1. Resistance to serum-induced terminal differentiation and anchorage-independent growth in soft agarose of BEP2D cells and its NNK-treated variants. Group BEP2D NNK100-7 NNK400-7 NNK100-1 NNK400-1 Plating Efficiency LHC-8 4% FBS LHC-8 0.39 0.42 0.33 0.32 0.58 0.02 0.11 0.11 0.07 0.12 Formation of 8% FBS LHC-8 References 1. Hecht et al, Cancer Res. 54 (supple): 1912s-1917s, 1994. 2. Baker et al, Recent Adv. Tob. Sci. 6: 184-224, 1980. 3. Hoffmann et al, Cancer Res. 45: 935-944, 1985. 4. Klein-Szanto et al, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 89: 6693-6697, 1992. 5. Kim et al, Cancer Res. 53: 4811-4816, 1993. 6. Baskaran et al, Carcinogenesis 15: 2461-2466, 1994. 7. Hei et al, Carciongenesis. 15: 431-437, 1994. 53 0.00 0.08 0.07 0.02 0.08 Colony (%) 0.03 0.18 0.24 0.11 0.19 Protein Expression in Tumorigenic Human Breast Epithelial Cells Transformed by Alpha Particles Gloria Calaf and Tom Hei Breast cancer is a complex disease in which numerous genetic aberrations occur. It is unclear which of these abnormalities are causative of breast tumorigenesis. However, on the basis of the currently accepted view of breast cancer as a multi-step process, it is possible that specific abnormalities may be required in the progression from a normal to an invasive tumor cell. The knowledge of specific genetic changes is critical to an understanding of the natural history of breast tumors. These changes may involve specific genetic loci that contribute directly to one or more attributes of transformation, i.e., deregulated proliferation and invasion, while other changes confer genetic instability that increases the possibility of acquiring subsequent, specific lesions relevant to tumorigenesis. However, there is much remains to be learned in order to understand the key factors behind the evolution of breast cancer. It is well accepted that the transformation of a normal cell to one that is malignant can result from mutations in genes that encode key growth regulatory proteins. Among them c-myc, c-jun and c-fos, c-Ha-ras, p53, and many others can lead to aberrant cell growth, hyperproliferation, and eventually cancer. Since the identification of genes involved in breast cancer are of critical importance in understanding the progression of this disease, the aim of this work was to define whether these oncogenes play a functional role in radiation-induced transformation of human breast epithelial cells. Identification of factors involved in cell proliferation and transformation has been facilitated by studies using breast cancer cell lines representative of different tumor phenotypes. In vitro model systems have been extensively used in the study of radiation-induced transformation. Since there is little or no information available on the radiation induced breast cancer, an in vitro breast cancer model utilizing epithelial cells at different stages of the neoplastic process provide a unique opportunity for studying radiation carcinogenesis. We have recently developed a model in which the spontaneously immortalized MCF-10F breast epithelial cells were irradiated with high-LET radiation. These cells have the morphological characteristics of normal breast epithelial cells and do not exhibit anchorage independence, invasiveness and tumorigenity in nude or SCID mice. Exponentially growing cells were irradiated with graded doses of 150 keV/µm 4He ions accelerated in the 4-MeV van de Graaff accelerator at the Columbia University Radiological Research Accelerator. These high-energy particles have a LET value comparable to the α particles emitted by radon-daughter products. MCF-10F cells were irradiated with either a single or double doses of 30, 60 or 100 cGy 4He ions prepared by subculturing for 10-15 passages and 12-14 weeks between doses. After irradiation, cells were subsequently cultured in the presence or absence of 10-8 M estradiol 17-β (E). Only cells irradiated with one or double doses of α particles, either in the presence of E before or after irradiation, formed agar-positive clones after 25 passages with a colony-forming efficiency in agar of 1% and had invasive capabilities. Table 1 shows the 54 list of cells utilized in these studies and their morphological phenotypes in relation to anchorage-independent growth, invasive capabilities, and tumorigenicity. Only MCF-10F cells irradiated with the double doses of 60 cGy α particles in the presence of E (60E/60E) induced tumors in the SCID and nude mice. Table 1. Characteristics of Radon-Irradiated Human Breast Epithelial Cells. The anchorage-independent and tumorigenic characteristics of various MCF-10F cells irradiated with either a single or double dose of radon-simulated a particles. Only cells irradiated with one or a double dose of 60-cGy a particles formed agar-positive clones after 25 passages with a colony-forming efficiency in agar of 1%. Cell Line MCF-10F MCF-10F+E MCF-10F MCF-10F MCF-10F+E MCF-10F MCF10F MCF10F+E MCF-10F+E MCF-10F MCF-10F Dose (cGy) x No. of Exposures 0 0 60 x 1 60 x 1 60 x 1 60 x 2 60 x 2 60 x 2 60 x 2 60E/60 60E/60E Passage +46 +14 +23 +25 +30 +19 +25 +22 +25 +25 +25 Anchorage Independence Invasion + + + + + + + + + + + + Tumorigenicity + Alterations in the expression of several oncogenes including c-myc, c-jun, c-fos, cHa-ras and the tumor suppressor gene p53 were observed in α−particle-irradiated cells, and in those cells subsequently cultured in the presence of E, as detected by immunofluorescence staining and quantified by confocal microscopy. An increase in c-myc protein expression was detected in all irradiated population compared with control MCF-10F cells. Such increase was irrespective of E treatment (Figure 1). However, there was little or no significant difference in c-myc expression between cells irradiated with either a single 60-cGy dose or with a double dose of α particles. Figure 2 represents the quantification of c-Ha-ras protein expressions in αirradiated MCF-10F cells with or without pre-and post-treatment with E. The tumorigenic breast carcinoma MCF-7 cells and the positive control clone BP1Tras showed a similar expression level of c-Ha-ras oncoproteins, and at a level roughly 4 times that of the control MCF-10F cells. In contrast, most irradiated cells without E treatment showed low expression level of c-Ha-ras and there was no significant difference in expression level between those receiving a single vs a double dose of α particles. However, cells irradiated with a double dose of α particles followed by E treatment (60E/60E) had a 3-fold higher cHa-ras expression than the non-irradiated cells with or without E treatment. Figure 3 represents the quantification of the immunofluorescent imaging of c-jun protein 55 expressions in α-irradiated MCF-10F cells with or without pre-and post-treatment with E. It was evident that cells receiving a double dose of α particles had a significantly higher expression level of c-jun than those cells irradiated only once. Results showed an increase in mutant p53 oncoproteins in MCF-10F cells irradiated with a double dose of α particles either in the presence or absence of E in comparison to control MCF-10F (Figure 4). The tumorigenic 60E/60E cell line showed an expression level which was significantly greater than the non tumorigenic cell lines (P< 0.05) and at a level 3 fold-higher than the control MCF-10F cells. Among the two tumorigenic control lines, MCF-7 cells showed an expression level which was two times greater than that of the control MCF-10F cells, whereas the clone BP1Tras had a p53 expression level similar to the 60E/60E cells. The tumor formation induced in the immunologically depressed animals with cells irradiated with the double dose of 60-cGy α particles in the presence of E (60E/60E-treated cells) suggest to us that tumorigenicity may be related to the higher expression of the early oncogenes c-myc, c-jun, the c-fos, c-Ha-ras oncogene and the tumor supressor p53. Other oncogenes may likely be involved since other irradiated cells did not form tumors but had high levels of p53 expression. Overall, our data suggest that over-expression of these oncogenes are important in the process of cell transformation of human breast epithelial cells. Furthermore, MCF-10F transformation model induced by an environmental agent, as radon-simulated α particles as well as an endocrine factor, as estrogens, will allows us to examine the various aspects in the regulation of gene expression and will provide us the basis for understanding the process of breast carcinogenesis. No figures available. 56 Microsatellite Instability in Tumorigenic Human Bronchial Epithelial 56 Cells Induced by α Particles and Fe Ions Chang-Qing Piao and Tom Hei Lung cancer is considered to be a disease caused by exposure to environmental carcinogens. High-LET radiation such as α particles emitted by radon progenies is one of the important etiological factors. The HPV-18 immortalized human bronchial epithelial cells (BEP2D) have previously been malignantly transformed by either a single low dose of 30 cGy α particles or 60 cGy of 56Fe ions. In addition, tumor cell lines from irradiated BEP2D cells have been established from nude mice in our laboratory (1). However, further investigation is needed for a better understanding of the mechanisms involved in malignant transformation of BEP2D cells induced by low dose of high-LET radiation. It has been well known that carcinogenesis is a progressive multistage process. Genomic instability induced by a single low dose of high-LET radiation may contribute to clonal selection with accumulating genetic changes and ultimately leading to malignant conversion. Microsatellite repeats have been shown to be useful markers for genetic instability and are frequently detected in pathology samples of lung cancer at chromosome 2p, 3p, 3q, 9p, 11p,11q, 13q and 18q (2,3,4,5). In this study, microsatellite alterations at genomic markers of chromosome 3q and 18q, selected based on their alteration in lung cancer, were analyzed in a total of 11 tumor cell lines, induced by either a single low dose of 30 cGy α particles or 60 cGy of 56Fe ions together with control BEP2D cells. For analysis of microsatelite instability, high-molecular-weight DNA from tumor cell lines and control BEP2D cells were isolated and subjected to PCR amplification using primer pairs for the various polymorphic markers (Table 1) obtained from Research Genetics, Inc. (AL). The Gene Phor System (Pharmacia, NJ) was used for analysis of microsatellite alterations. Sample consisted of 3 µl of PCR products, 2 µl of denaturing solution heated at 50oC for 10 min. and 2 µl of loading buffer was fractionated by electrophoresis using GeneGel Clean 15/14 gel (Pharmacia, NJ) which was rehydrated for 3h in 13 ml of supplied gel buffer containing 7 M urea, and run at 200 V for 2 h. at 50oC (6). The gel was stained using DNA sliver staining kit (Pharmacia, NJ). Alteration of bands relative to control were analyzed. Table 2 lists the tumor cell lines analyzed and their microsatellite alterations in a total of 16 microsatellite markers (11 of them on chromosome 8q, 5 of them on chromosome 3p). Instabilities in loci D18S34, D18S38, D18S474, and D3S1038 were detected in all of the 11 tumor cell lines examined. Instability in loci D18S877 and D3S1067 were detected only in all 4 secondary tumor cell lines. Novel bands were revealed in most of the tumors examined while band expansion was observed in some of the tumors (Figure 1). Neither deletion nor LOH was found. Furthermore, no difference in banding pattern was found between the tumor cell lines induced by α particles and 56Fe ions. 57 Although BEP2D cells are immortalized by HPV-18, which disturbs normal p53 and Rb functions, they are non-tumorigenic even in late passage. The present finding that alteration of microsatellites persists in tumor cell lines but not in BEP2D cells strongly supports the notion that additional genetic changes are needed for tumorigenic conversion of BEP2D cells induced by high-LET radiation. Table 1. Markers of Microsatellite Marker Chromosomal location D18S-877 18q11.1 - q11.2 D18S-34 18q12.2 - q12.3 D18S-535 18q12.3 D18S-454 18q12.3 - q21.1 D18S-474 18q21.1 D18S-46 18q21.1 D18S-363 18q21.1 DCC 18q21.1 - q21.2 D18S-858 18q21.2 D18S-38 18q21.1 - q21.31 D18S-58 18q22.3 - q23 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------D3S-1284 3p13 - p14 D3S-1289 3p21.1 - p14.3 D3S-1067 3p21.1 - p14.3 D3S-1038 3p25 D3S-1611 3p21.3 Table 2. Microsatellite Alteration in Tumor Cell Lines Tumor Cell Lines Induced by α Particles ___________________________________________________ Marker R30T1 R30T1L2 R30T5 R30T5L2 H1AT H2BT H2BT2 Tumor Cell Lines Induced by 56Fe _______________________________ Fe60T1 Fe60T2 Fe60T3 Fe60T4 D18S877 + + + + D18S34 + + + + + + + + + + + D18S535 D18S454 D18S474 + + + + + + + + + + + D18S46 D18S363 + + + + + + + + + + + DCC D18S858 D18S38 + + + + + + + + + + + D18S58 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------D3S1284 D3S1289 D3S1067 + + + D3S1038 + + + + + + + + + + + D3S1611 - 58 No figures available. References 1. Hei et al. Carcinogenesis, 15: 431, 1994 and Adv. Space Res., 22:1699, 1998. 2. Shridhar et al. Cancer Res., 54:2084, 1994. 3. Fong et al. Cancer Res., 55:28, 1995. 4. Rosell et al. Int. J. Cancer, 74:30, 1997. 5. Takei et al. Cancer Res., 58:3700, 1998. 6. Windle et al. Mutation Res., 267:199, 1992. 59 Malignant Transformation of Human Bronchial Epithelial Cells by Arsenite Chang-Qing Piao and Tom Hei Epidemiological investigations have indicated that exposure to arsenite is associated with increased risks of human cancer of the skin, respiratory tract, hematopoietic system, and urinary bladder. It has been documented in tin miners that long-term exposure to arsenic via inhalation results in lung cancer. However, the mechanism by which arsenite causes cancer is not well understood, and underlies the need of a human cell model. In this study, we show, and for the first time, that arsenite can induce malignant transformation of immortalized human bronchial epithelial cells in a step-wise fashion. Human papillomavirus (HPV-18) immortalized human bronchial epithelial cells (BEP2D) have been in culture for more than 180 population doubling and have near diploid karyotype. They exhibit anchorage-dependent growth and are non-tumorigenic in nude mice. The cells are routinely cultured in serum-free LHC-8 medium supplemented with growth factors as described (1). Exponentially growing BEP2D cells were treated with graded doses of sodium arsenite ranging from 0.5 to 3 µg/ml for 48 h. Arsenite induced a dose-dependent cytotoxicity in BEP2D cells, as shown in Figure 1, with a mean lethal dose of ~ 1.7 µg/ml. For the transformation assay, two doses of arsenite (1.5 and 2.0 µg/ml) were selected based on their moderate toxicity in BEP2D cells. BEP2D cells were treated for 6 courses of 3 days each. After each treatment period, cells were trypsinized and subcultured for 1 week before the next course. Total time peroid for the treatment was about two months. After the last treatment, arsenite-treated cells showed a faster growth rate and a higher saturation density (A155 = 3.5 x 105/cm2, A206 = 4.5 x 105/cm2, BEP2D = 2.0 x 105/cm2). Arsenite-treated cells as well as BEP2D cells were continuously cultured for another 4 weeks, and then were tested for resistance to TGF-β1-induced growth inhibition as well as anchorage-independent growth. The cells were subsequently inoculated into nude mice for tumorigenic analysis at 8 weeks after treatment. There is evidence that TGF-β inhibits the growth of most epithelial cells, however, most cancer cells are resistant to TGF-β mediated inhibition of growth (2). The cells transformed by arsenite acquired phenotype of resistance to TGF-β1-induced growth inhibition in a way similar to positive control tumor cell line (TB2B) induced by asbestos from BEP2D cells (Figure 2). Their plating efficiency in soft agar was about 1%. The transformed cells (A260) were assayed for tumorgenicity: 5 tumors developed in 8 nude mice, with size of tumors reaching to more than 1 cm in diameter after 3 months of injection. The results of the present study demonstrated that arsenite induces malignant transformation of immortalized human bronchial epithelial cells after prolonged treatment of up to two months and provide a unique opportunity to study the pattern of molecular alterations at the genetic level in a step-wise fashion. 60 No figures available. References 1. Hei et al. Carciongenesis 15:431, 1994. 2. Reiss, M., Oncology Res. 9:447, 1997. 61 Radon, Arsenic, and Mutagenesis Su Liu and Tom Hei Arsenite enhances radon-induced bronchogenic carcinoma among miners by mechanisms that are not established. In a large epidemiological study of Chinese tin miners known to be exposed to both radon and arsenic, the apparent risk of radon exposure was substantially reduced when adjustment was made for arsenic exposure (1). Recent studies have demonstrated that the human carcinogen arsenic is in fact a strong dose-dependent mutagen to mammalian cells in vitro, and that it induces mainly large chromosomal mutations (2). Furthermore co-treatment of AL cells with the oxygenradical-scavenger dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) significantly reduces the mutagenicity of arsenite. Assessment of the carcinogenic and mutagenic effects of two or more environmental agents in combination has become an important issue, as the risk from joint exposure may be substantially higher than predicted from the sum of risk of the individual agents. To elucidate the interaction between the arsenic and radon exposures, we used the human-hamster hybrid (AL) cells assay to examine the mutagenic potential of alpha particles, either alone or in combination with sodium arsenite. To determine cytotoxicity and mutation frequency, exponentially growing AL cells (4 x 10 ) were plated onto Mylar dishes. After 48-hr incubation, cells were exposed to arsenite for 24 hr, followed by irradiation with either a 25 or 50-cGy dose of 4He ions (150 keV/µm) accelerated at the Radiological Research Accelerator Facility of Columbia University. After irradiation, cultures were washed, trypsinized, and replated for both survival and mutagenesis assays as described before (3). For mutant analysis, independently derived CD59- mutants were isolated by cloning and expanded in culture. Analysis of mutant spectrum was assessed by multiplex PCR as described previously (4). 4 Survival fraction of AL cells treated with graded doses of arsenite with or without concurrent exposure to a 50-cGy dose of 4He is presented in Figure 1. A dose of 0.5 µg/ml of arsenite resulted in 85% of cells retaining clonogenic potential relative to the control. In combination with a 50-cGy dose of alpha particles (survival = 0.64±0.04), arsenite induced a clonogenic survival in AL cells which was consistent with a synergistic interaction of the two, that is, the resultant survival level from combined exposure fell outside the statistical range of the calculated values assuming the two agents acted in an additive manner. This result demonstrated that arsenite increases alpha-particle-induced cytotoxicity. Mutation induction at the CD59- locus in AL cells treated with graded doses of arsenite with or without concurrent irradiation with a 50-cGy dose of 4He is presented in Figure 2. A 50-cGy dose of alpha particles induced a net mutant yield of 92±17 per 105 survivors. The background CD59- mutant fraction of AL cells used in these studies averaged 32 per 105 survivors. In combination with arsenite, a synergistic mutant yield was observed when AL cells were treated with lower doses of arsenite (0.1 and 0.5µg/ml). 62 The measured CD 59- mutation yields in AL cells treated with a combination of alpha particles and arsenite were significantly higher than the predicted yield, assuming a simple additivity. This finding suggests that arsenite enhanced alpha-particle-induced CD59- mutants in a more than additive manner. The cumulative deletion maps for all CD59- mutants analyzed are shown in Figure 3. Arsenite treatment at a dose of 0.5µg/ml in combination with alpha particles (50-cGy dose) significantly increased the proportion of multi-locus deletion among AL cells exposed to both carcinogens as compared to those treated with a single agent. Our present study showed, for the first time, clear evidence that arsenite and alpha particles induced both cell killing and mutagenesis in mammalian cells in a more-thanadditive fashion. No figures available. References 1. Xuan at al., Health Physics, 64:120, 1993. 2. Hei at al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 95:8103, 1998. 3. Zhu at al., Radiation Research 145:251, 1996. 4. Hei at al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 94:3765, 1997. 63 Chromosomal Aberrations in Tumorigenic Human Bronchial Epithelial Cells Transformed by Crysolite Asbestos Masao Suzuki, Chang-Qing Piao, and Tom Hei It is well known that numerical changes of specific chromosomes may play an important role in the expression of transformed phenotypes. There is evident that the stepwise karyotypic changes correlate with specific transformed phenotypes in rodent cells (1). Weaver et al. (2) also demonstrated that the common numerical changes in specific chromosomes occurred to tumorigenic cell lines, which were transformed by radon-simulated alpha particles based on the human papillomaviraus immortalized human bronchial epithelial cell line (BEP2D). In the present study, we examined the numerical and structural changes of chromosomes in order to clarify the mechanisms of asbestos-induced neoplastic conversion in vitro. Furthermore, we demonstrate the use of a high-resolution G-banding in karyotype analysis using a Calyclin-A mediated premature chromosome condensation (G2 PCC) technique. Figure 1 shows the distribution of chromosomes in normal human bronchial epithelial (NHBE) cells at passage 4. It was evident that 88% of the cells had a normal modal number of chromosomes (2n = 46). Figure 2 shows the distribution of chromosomes in metaphase spreads (a) and G2 PCCs (b) in the immortalized BEP2D cells. These results based on both metaphase spreads and G2 PCCs indicated a similar trend in chromosome distribution, and the BEP2D cells clearly were aneuploid compared with the parental NHBE cells. Karyotype analysis in 9 immortalized BEP2D cells (at passage 50) using G-banding with G2 PCCs are summarized in Table 1. The results indicated that 78% of ch.#3, 11% of ch.#7, 44% of ch.#10 and 100% of ch.#12 were monosomy and 78% of ch.#5, 11% of ch.#8, 78% of ch.#14, 22% of ch.#15, 11% of ch.#19 and 22% of ch.#20 were trisomy. A notable result was monosomy of ch.#3 (78%). The results for monosomy of ch.#10, #12 and trisomy of #5, #8, #14 were consistent with the data for BEP2D by Weaver et al. (2). 65 Tab l e 1. C h rom o s o m e k ary o ty p e s i n G 2 P CC s o f B E P 2 D c el l s (P. 50 ) G 2 P CC K ary o ty p e # 2 47 , X Y, + 5, -1 2, + 1 4 # 4 44 , X Y, -3, + 5 , -7 , -10 , -12 , + 14 # 7 45 , X Y, -3, + 5 , -1 0 , -1 2 , + 1 4 , d e l(1 5 )(q te r --- > ? : ) # 9 # 10 45 , X Y, de l ( 1)(p t er ---> ? : ), -3 , + 5, d el (1 0)(p t er - --> ? : ), -1 0, -1 2, + 1 4 46 , X Y, de l ( 1)(p t er ---> ? : ), -3 , + 5, + 8 , - 1 2 # 14 47 , X Y, -3, -1 2, + 1 4, + 1 9, + 2 0 # 15 # 19 48 , X Y, 2p + , - 3, + 5 , d e l(6 )(q te r ---> ? : ), -1 2, d el ( 1 3)(q t er ---> ? : ), + 1 4 , + 1 5 , + 2 0 45 , X Y, -3, + 5 , -1 0 , -1 2 , + 1 4 # 24 46 , X Y, de l ( 1)(q t er ---> ? : ), -1 2 , + 1 5 No figures available. References 1. Watanabe et al., Cancer Res., 50:760-765, 1990. 2. Carcinogenesis, 18:1251-1257 66 Cytogenetic Effects of Heavy-Ion Beams in Normal Human Bronchial Epithelial Cells Masao Suzuki, Chang-Qing Piao, and Tom Hei At a time of manned space exploration, the potential exposure of astronauts or crews of a spacecraft and/or an aircraft to low-flux galactic cosmic rays (GCR) and the subsequent biological effects on the crews have become one of the major concerns of space science. It is well known that high-LET charged particles are more effective in causing biological effects in vivo and in vitro than low-LET radiations. However, there are few reports available on energyand ion-source-dependent dose-response relationships of biological effects induced by high-LET charged particles, especially since biological studies using high-energy and charged (HZE) particles are very limited. In this study, we examined the effects on cell death, mutation induction, and chromatin break in normal human bronchial epithelial (NHBE) cells by high energy 56Fe-ion beams. Primary NHBE cells, which were derived from male donors, were obtained from Clonetics Corporation (San Diego, CA). NHBE cells at passage 4 were used in this study. Exponentially growing cells inoculated in T25 flasks (Falcon 3109 ) were irradiated with graded doses of 56Fe-ion beams (1GeV/n) accelerated by the Alternating Gradient Synchrotron (AGS) at Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL). The dose-averaged LET value of the beams was estimated to be 140 to 150keV/µm at the sample position. Figure 1 shows the dose-response curve for clonogenic survival. The survival curve showed little or no shoulder. At the D10 surviving level, the RBE for cell death was estimated to be ≅ 2.2, compared with the data from 137Cs gamma rays reported previously in these cells (1). Figure 2 shows the dose-response curves for both initially measured and residual chromatin-break induction in prematurely condensed chromosomes detected with the Calyclin A-mediated premature chromosome condensation (PCC) technique. Residual breaks were detected after a 24-hour postirradiation incubation. The results indicated that the induction of initially measured breaks was about 1.7 times higher than that of residual breaks and the percentage of residual breaks was about 60% at 24 hours after irradiation. The induction of residual breaks in normal human fibroblast cells caused by C- and Ne-ion beams with similar LET ranges was reported to be 50% at 110-130keV/µm (2,3). These data show that the induction of residual breaks by Fe-ion beams is higher than those by C- and Neion beams.This result suggests that heavier ions may cause severer damage at both the cellular and molecular levels, and that differences in track structure of energy deposition with different kinds of ion sources play an important role in the biological effects caused by high energy heavy ions. 67 Fig. 2. Dose-response curves of initially measured and residual chromatin breaks detected by the PCC technique for NHBE cells irradiated with 56 Fe-ion beams. No figures available. References 1. Suzuki & Hei, Mutat. Res., 349 : 33-41,1996. 2. Suzuki et al., Adv. Space Res., 18:(1/2)127-(1/2)136, 1996. 3. Suzuki et al., Int. J Radiat. Biol., 72:497-503, 1997. 68 MOLECULAR STUDIES: CELL-CYCLE CHECKPOINTS Physical Interactions Among Human Checkpoint Control Proteins HHUS1p, HRAD1p and HRAD9p, and Implications for the Regulation of Cell Cycle Progression Haiying Hang and Howard Lieberman Schizosaccharomyces pombe hus1 promotes radioresistance and hydroxyurea resistance, as well as S and G2 phase checkpoint control. The human homologue of hus1, HHUS1, has been isolated. HHUS1p can be co-immunoprecipitated with two other human checkpoint control proteins, HRAD1p and HRAD9p, indicating that all three are associated in a complex. Two-hybrid analysis reveals that they all can interact directly in pairwise combinations. A typical two-hybrid result is illustrated in Figure 1. Furthermore, additional two-hybrid studies indicate that two or more HHUS1p molecules can bind to each other and this protein can also bind the N-terminal region of HRAD1p. In contrast, the C-terminal portion of the checkpoint protein HRAD9p is essential for interacting with HHUS1p and the C-terminal region of HRAD1p. Since the N-terminal portion of HRAD9p was previously demonstrated to participate in apoptosis, this protein likely has at least two functional domains, one that regulates programmed cell death and the other cell cycle checkpoint control. Truncated versions of HHUS1p are unable to bind HRAD1p, HRAD9p or another HHUS1p molecule, suggesting that this protein must be intact to associate with other proteins successfully. HRAD1p-HRAD1p and HRAD9p-HRAD9p interactions can also be demonstrated by co-immunoprecipitation, but not by two-hybrid analysis, suggesting that the proteins associate as part of a complex but do not interact directly. Northern blot analysis indicates that HHUS1 is expressed in different tissues, but the mRNA is most predominant in testis where high levels of HRAD1 and HRAD9 message have been detected. These studies suggest that HHUS1p, HRAD9p and HRAD1p form a complex in human cells, and may function in a meiotic checkpoint in addition to the cell cycle delays induced by incomplete DNA replication or DNA damage. However, these proteins may individually join other complexes to mediate additional cellular processes. For example, HRAD9p may regulate cell cycle checkpoints through its interactions with HHUS1p and HRAD1p, but may participate in apoptosis when independently or simultaneously binding Bcl-2 and Bcl-xL, two other protein interactions observed. Understanding the structure, function, and coordination of these complexes should provide important insight into mechanisms of cell-cycle checkpoint control, as well as other cellular responses to damaged DNA. 70 Figure 1. Two-hybrid interaction between LexA-HRAD9p and AD-HRAD1p fusion proteins. S. cerevisiae EGY48 cells containing pLexA and pB42AD, either devoid of inserts (denoted by a dash) or bearing the genes indicated, were initially grown on SD agar medium with glucose, then streaked onto SD agar with X-gal and galactose instead of glucose. Five independent transformants for each two-plasmid pair combination were examined. 71 Two-Hybrid Interactions Between the Human HRAD9p Checkpoint Control Protein and the Tumor Suppressor p53 Sarah Rauth, Wei Zheng, and Howard Lieberman The human homologue of fission yeast S. pombe rad9 has been isolated, and plays a role in checkpoint control as well as apoptosis. The encoded protein was found to coimmunoprecipitate with p53, another protein also involved in the regulation of cell-cycle progression after DNA damage and in the control of programmed cell death. Two-hybrid analysis was performed to determine whether these proteins only associate as part of a larger protein complex or perhaps could bind directly. As indicated in Figure 1 by the levels of beta-galactosidase activity illustrated, LexA-HRAD9p and AD-p53p fusion proteins demonstrate a strong two-hybrid interaction. Furthermore, preliminary data using fragments of each gene indicate that the C-terminal two-thirds of HRAD9p, important for binding human checkpoint control proteins HHUS1 or HRAD1, interacts with p53. The functional significance of these interactions, as well as studies designed to localize more precise sequences important for the protein-protein interactions observed are currently under investigation. Figure 1. Two-hybrid interaction between LexA-HRAD9p and AD-p53p fusion proteins. S. cerevisiae EGY48 cells containing pLexA and pB42AD, either devoid of inserts or bearing HRAD9, p53 or SV40 large T as indicated, were initially grown on SD agar medium with glucose, then streaked onto SD agar with X-gal and galactose instead of glucose. Five to seven independent transformants for each two-plasmid pair combination were examined by a qualitative agar plate assay. Like transformants gave similar results. Two independent transformants from each group were selected to quantitate beta-galactosidase activity. Columns: 1, 2: pB42-p53 + plexA-HRAD9; 3, 4: pB42-p53 + plexA; 5, 6: pB42 + plexA-HRAD9; 7: pB42-p53 + plexA-SV40 large T, as positive control. Each column represents the average of three trials. Standard deviations are indicated. 72 Defective G2 Checkpoint by Inactivation of 14-3-3σ Gene Influences Telomere Function Sonu Dhar, Jain Kaung (MD Anderson Cancer Center, University of Texas, Houston), Jeremy A. Squire (Department of Medical Biophysics, University of Toronto, Ontario, Canada), Charles Geard, Raymund J. Wellinger (Department de Microbiologie et Infectiologie, Faculte de Medecine, Universite de Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada), and Tej K. Pandita 14-3-3 proteins have distinct mammalian isoforms which show a remarkable evolutionary conservation, extending to lower eukaryotes and plants. These proteins appear to modulate a large variety of functional proteins and enzymes that are involved in control of cell cycle, cell death, and mitogenesis. 14-3-3 proteins are thought to function as adaptor proteins that allow interaction between signaling proteins that do not associate directly with each other. The association of 14-3-3 with different kinases in cytosol and membrane may contribute to kinase activation during intracellular signaling. The 14-3-3σ gene has been implicated in the G2 checkpoint. It was originally identified as an epithelial-specific marker, HME1, which was downregulated in a few breast cancer cell lines but not in cancer cell lines derived from other tissue types. Recently, we found that the expression of 14-3-3σ is lost in 94% of breast tumors. This gene sequesters the mitotic initiation complex, cdc2-cyclin B1, in the cytoplasm after DNA damage. This prevents cdc2-cyclin B1 from entering the nucleus where the protein complex could normally initiate mitosis. In this manner, 14-3-3σ has been implicated in G2 arrest, thereby allowing the repair of DNA damage. Cell cycle checkpoints influence genomic stability and are considered to be guardians of genome integrity. It has been suggested that genomic stability is maintained by telomeres that protect fusions of chromosome ends. Shortening or loss of telomeres is correlated with chromosome end associations that could be the cause of genomic instability and gene amplification. Chromosome end-to-end associations, also called telomeric associations (TA), seen at metaphase, have been reported in cells derived from tumor tissues, senescent cells, the Thiberge Weissenbach syndrome, Ataxia telangiectasia individuals, and following viral infections. These have been linked to genomic instability and carcinogenicity. Chromosome end-to-end associations involve telomeres, which are essential for the stability and complete replication of eukaryotic chromosomes. Telomeres are maintained by telomerase, a reverse transcriptase that adds TTAGGG repeats onto the 3’ ends of vertebrate chromosomes. It has been shown that a dominant negative allele of human telomeric protein TRF2 induces loss of telomeric G-strand overhangs, subsequently enhancing end-to-end chromosome fusions. Recently, we have shown that the ATM gene which is defective in the cancerprone disorder Ataxia telangiectasia, influences chromosome end-to-end associations and telomere length. ATM dysfunction results in abnormal checkpoint responses in multiple phases of the cell cycle, including G1, S, and G2. Cells defective in the G1 checkpoint 73 e.g., cells with compromised p53 function (RC-10.3, RKO.p53.13, SW480), have higher frequencies of cells with chromosome end-to-end associations. However, it is not known whether cells defective in the G2 checkpoint have normal telomere behavior. The purpose of the present study was to determine the influence of the 14-3-3σ gene on the telomere structure because this gene is involved in G2 checkpoint after DNA damage. Telomeres are terminal complexes of repetitive DNA sequences and proteins at the end of chromosomes that are associated with the nuclear matrix. They are thought to be released from the nuclear matrix by the breakdown of nuclear membrane components at the time cells exit from G2 to M phase. Checkpoints maintain the order and fidelity of the eukaryotic cell cycle, and defects in checkpoints contribute to genetic instability and cancer. The 14-3-3σ gene promotes G2 arrest following DNA damage. The 14-3-3σ protein is cytoplasmic with perinuclear localization. Here we demonstrate that -/inactivation of such a gene influences telomere metabolism. 14-3-3σ cells show a reduction in G-strand overhangs, a loss of telomeres, frequent chromosome end-to-end associations, and terminal nonreciprocal translocations. A possible basis for these findings is an aberrant nuclear matrix breakdown during the G2/M transition. This is supported by the frequency of ionizing-radiation-induced G2-type chromosome -/aberrations being higher in 14-3-3 σ cells as compared to their parental cells, and 14-3-/3 σ cells having constitutively phosphorylated status of MPM2 epitopes. This suggests that 14-3-3σ influences the phosphorylation status of MPM2,which in turn leads to aberrant nuclear matrix breakdown with consequences for normal chromosome telomere structure and the maintenance of genomic integrity. 74 MOLECULAR STUDIES: DAMAGE RESPONSIVENESS Ionizing Radiation Activates ATM Kinase Throughout the Cell Cycle Tej K. Pandita, Howard Lieberman, Dae-Sik Lim (Department of Hematology/Oncology, St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, Memphis, TN), Sonu Dhar, Wei Zheng, Yoichi Taya (National Cancer Center Research Institute, Tokyo), and Michael B. Kastan (Department of Hematology/Oncology, St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital) Ataxia telangiectasia (A-T) is a rare, pleiotropic, autosomal human recessive disorder characterized by progressive neurological degeneration, growth retardation, premature aging, oculocutaneous telangiectasias, specific immunodeficiencies, high sensitivity to ionizing radiation (IR), gonadal atrophy, genomic instability, defective telomere metabolism, and cancer predisposition. Cells derived from A-T individuals exhibit a variety of abnormalities in culture, such as a higher requirement for serum factors, hypersensitivity to ionizing radiation, and cytoskeletal defects. The gene that is mutated in A-T has been designated ATM (A-T, mutated) and its product shares the PI-3 kinase signature of a growing family of proteins involved in the control of cell-cycle progression, processing of DNA damage, and maintenance of genomic stability. ATM appears to be required for initiation of multiple DNA damage-dependent signal transduction cascades that activate cell-cycle checkpoints (1,2). One of the bestcharacterized mammalian cell-cycle checkpoints involves accumulation/stabilization of p53 protein and subsequent G1 arrest or apoptosis (1,3). Cells derived from A-T individuals or Atm null mice are very poor at this induction of p53 following ionizing irradiation, though induction following UV irradiation appears relatively normal (3-6). For this reason, it has been suggested that ATM is involved in specific signaling pathways induced by ionizing radiation exposure (3-6). Recently, it has been reported that the phosphorylation of p53 on serine-15 is impaired in A-T cells after IR (7) and that the ATM kinase is capable of phosphorylating this site in p53 (8-10). Though these results suggest the importance of ATM in the phosphorylation of p53, it is not known whether this activation of ATM by IR is cell-cycle dependent. For example, it is conceivable that ATM activation by IR could be dependent on specific types of DNA lesions introduced during a particular phase of the cycle, such as DNA replication-dependent events during S phase. However, since ATM signals to p53, and p53 is involved in a G1 checkpoint after IR, this activation is likely to occur at least during the G1-phase of the cycle. Ataxia telangiectasia cells also exhibit specific defects in S phase and G2 checkpoints which are intact in SV-40 transformed cells from non-A-T patients, and in tumor cell lines with mutant p53 (11). Thus, there are p53-independent pathways in which ATM participates following IR. These observations raised the question of whether ATM activation after IR occurs in all phases of the cell cycle. Cells deficient in ATM function have higher initial chromosomal damage and greater amounts of residual chromosomal damage in G1 as well as in G2 after treatment with ionizing radiation, and are sensitive to ionizing radiation induced cell killing in all phases of the cell cycle (11-13). ATM might therefore play a critical role in all phases of 76 the cell cycle after ionizing-radiation treatment. We set out to determine the cell survival, ATM kinase activity and, simultaneously, the serine-15-phosphorylation state of p53 in cell populations enriched in the G1, S or G2/M-phases of the cell cycle. Asynchronous exponentially growing populations of GM536 lymphoblastoid cells were fractionated by centrifugal elutriation into populations enriched for different phases of the cell cycle. The quality of cell cycle enrichment was monitored by flow cytometry for DNA content, and independent determinations of cell-cycle stage were assessed by premature chromosome condensation (12). The G1-phase-enriched populations contained greater than 98% of their cells in that phase. The S-phase and G2/M-enriched populations were about 88% and 70 to 80% pure, respectively. To determine whether centrifugal elutriation influences the physiology/ reproductive capability of the cells, we compared cells that did or did not undergo this procedure for viability and survival after ionizing-radiation exposure. We elutriated the cells and pooled fractions together. The flow analysis of the pooled fractions showed similar frequencies of G1-, S- and G2/M-phase cells as was found in the exponentially growing asynchronous population of cells before fractionation. GM536 cells, elutriated or not elutriated, were treated with different doses of gamma rays. Cell viability as determined by the trypan blue exclusion test showed no difference in elutriated versus mock-treated cells. Cell survival after ionizing-radiation treatment was determined by two independent assays, i.e., growth curve analysis and limiting dilution analysis (12). GM717 (Ataxia telangiectasia) lymphoblastoid cells were used as a control. No difference in cell survival after irradiation was detected between the cells that were elutriated versus not elutriated. In addition, the normal cells (GM536) were much less sensitive to IR than the GM717 (Ataxia telangiectasia, A-T) cells, with survival characteristics for all cell-cycle-dependent results given in Table 1. The enhanced sensitivity of G1-phase cells to ionizing radiation relative to cells in other phases of the cell cycle was consistent with previous studies (12). Cells at different phases of the cell cycle show differences in radiosensitivity, and those deficient in ATM function show abnormal checkpoint responses in G1, S and G2. Recent studies revealed enhanced ATM kinase activity in response to DNA damage (810). We were interested to determine whether ATM protein levels and/or kinase activity Table 1. Survival characteristics after ionizing radiation. _______________________________________________________________________ Cell Phase D0 (Gy) n _______________________________________________________________________ GM717 (A-T) (asynchronous population) 0.37 1.00 GM536 (normal) (asynchronous population) 0.93 1.37 GM536 (normal) (G1-phase) 0.69 1.25 GM536 (normal) (S-phase) 1.04 1.42 GM536 (normal) (G2/M-phase) 0.89 1.25 _______________________________________________________________________ 77 were enhanced in all phases of the cell cycle following IR treatment. Cell-cycle- phase enrichment was accomplished by centrifugal elutriation. First, we determined that centrifugal elutriation had no influence on the induction of ATM protein or on its kinase activity. These features of the ATM protein were compared in cells that were elutriated and pooled versus those not subjected to the enrichment procedure. Both cell preparations (elutriated and nonelutriated) were treated with 5 Gy of gamma rays and incubated for different times prior to cell lysis for determination of ATM protein levels and kinase activity. Elutriation did not influence ATM protein levels or its kinase activity after ionizing-radiation treatment. We then analyzed the G1-, S- and G2/M-phase-enriched cell populations separately after treatment with 10 Gy of gamma rays. ATM protein levels and kinase activity were analyzed at different times post-irradiation. ATM protein levels were identical in all phases of the cell cycle, and did not change after irradiation. However, when ATM kinase activity was assessed, enhanced activity after IR was found immediately in all phases (G1, S or G2/M) and this enhanced activity remained constant for one hour post-irradiation. These results suggest that ATM has a critical role in sensing ionizing-radiation-induced DNA damage in each of these phases of the cell cycle. A known target of ionizing-radiation DNA-damage-induced phosphorylation is the p53 protein. Phosphorylation of p53 at serine-15 in response to ionizing radiation correlates with both the accumulation of total p53 protein as well as its transactivation of downstream genes. The cell-cycle-phase dependence of p53 phosphorylation is not known. Activation of p53 results in a G1 cell-cycle arrest or apoptosis that contributes to suppression of malignant transformation and the maintenance of genomic integrity (13). The p53 tumor suppressor protein is a transcription factor that is activated in response to treatment with a variety of DNA-damaging agents, including ionizing radiation (3). Since G1 cells are more sensitive to killing by ionizing radiation, while the enhancement of ATM kinase activity levels post-irradiation is similar among G1-, S-, and G2/M-phase cells, p53 accumulation and phosphorylation at serine-15 may be differentially altered in G1 cells. We investigated p53 accumulation and phosphorylation in vivo following ionizingradiation treatment of cells in different phases of the cell cycle. As for the other endpoints tested, we found that the enrichment protocol had no effect on the radiation-induced accumulation of p53. Cells were elutriated and all the fractions pooled, treated with 5 Gy of ionizing radiation, and p53 levels determined at different time periods. No differences in the accumulation of p53 were observed between cells elutriated versus those not elutriated. To assess p53-serine-15 phosphorylation after treatment with ionizing radiation, p53 was first immunoprecipitated using a specific monoclonal antibody. The amount of p53 protein loaded was adjusted to similar amounts per lane of the gel. As a control for the serine-15 antibody, some cells were treated with the proteosome inhibitor acetyl-Leu-Leunorleucinal (ALLN), resulting in the stabilization of p53 protein levels by inhibiting its degradation. Under these conditions, Western blot analysis of lysates prepared from ALLN-treated or irradiated cells demonstrated equivalent amounts of p53 protein. 78 Western blot analysis demonstrated that p53 was phosphorylated on serine-15 in response to ionizing radiation. p53 serine-15 phosphorylation was not observed in ALLN-treated cells even after irradiation. No difference was observed in the levels of p53 serine-15 phosphorylation after treatment with ionizing radiation between cells elutriated and pooled versus those not elutriated. To determine whether the p53 response to ionizing radiation is cell-cycle-phase dependent, we examined p53 protein levels in unirradiated or irradiated G1, S, and G2/M cells and found no cell-cycle phase differences. Similarly, when p53 serine-15 phosphorylation was compared among G1-, S-, and G2/M-phase cells after gamma irradiation, no significant differences were detected. p53 is involved in a G1 checkpoint and phosphorylation of p53 can be linked with the G1 checkpoint. It is not clear whether the phosphorylation of p53 at serine-15 has any role in S- and G2/M-phase cells after treatment with DNA-damaging agents. Cells deficient in p53 function have normal Sphase as well as G2-phase checkpoints after ionizing-radiation treatment in contrast to the altered G1 checkpoint, while A-T cells exhibit specific defects in G1- as well as S-phase and G2-phase checkpoints. These studies suggest that the ATM kinase may have other functional targets in S phase and G2 phase of the cell cycle. Thus, these results suggest that activation of the ATM kinase by DNA damaging agents is important for signaling in all phases of the cell cycle. References 1. Morgan SE, and Kastan MB. (1997) Cancer Res. 57, 3386-3389; Morgan SE and Kastan MB. (1997). Adv. Can. Res. 71, 1-25. 2. Shiloh Y. (1995) Eur. J. Hum. Genet. 3, 116-138. 3. Kastan MB, Zhan Q, el-Deiry WS, Carrier F, Jacks T, Walsh WV, Plunkett BS, Vogelstein B, and Fornace AJ Jr. (1992) Cell 71, 587-597. 4. Khanna KK and Lavin MF. (1993) Oncogene. 8, 3307-3312. 5. Canman CE, Wolff AC, Chen CY, Fornace AJ Jr, and Kastan MB. (1994) Cancer Res. 54, 5054-5058. 6. Xu Y and Baltimore D. (1996) Genes Dev. 10, 2401-2410. 7. Siliciano JD, Canman CE, Taya Y, Sakaguchi K, Appella E and Kastan MB (1997) Genes Dev. 11, 3471-3481. 8. Banin S, Moyal L, Shieh S, Taya Y, Anderson CW, Chessa L, Smorodinsky NI, Prives C, Reiss Y, Shiloh Y, and Ziv Y. (1998) Science 281, 1674-1677. 9. Canman CE, Lim DS, Cimprich KA, Taya Y, Tamai K, Sakaguchi K, Appella E, Kastan M.B. and Siliciano JD. (1998) Science 281, 1677-1679. 10. Khanna KK, Keating KE, Kozlov S, Scott S, Gatei M, Hobson K, Taya Y, Gabrielli B, Chan D, LeesMiller SP and Lavin MF. (1998) Nat. Genet. 20, 398-400. 11. Morgan SE, Lovly C, Pandita TK, Shiloh Y, and Kastan MB. (1997) Mol. Cell. Biol. 17, 2020-2029. 12. Pandita TK and Hittelman WN. (1992) Rad. Res. 130, 94-103. 13. Pandita TK and Hittelman WN. (1992) Rad. Res. 131, 214-223. 14. Hartwell LH and Kastan MB (1994) Science 266, 1821-1828. 79 Ataxia Telangiectasia: Chronic Activation of Damage-Responsive Functions is Reduced by Alpha-Lipoic Acid Magtouf Gatei (Queensland Institute of Medical Research, Royal Brisbane Hospital, Australia), Dganit Shkedy (Department of Human Genetics and Molecular Medicine, Sackler School of Medicine, Tel Aviv University, Israel), Kum Kum Khanna, (Queensland Institute of Medical Research), Tamar Uziel and Yosef Shiloh (Dept. Human Genetics and Molecular Medicine, Tel Aviv University), Tej K. Pandita, Martin F. Lavin (Queensland Institute of Medical Research), and Galit Rotman (Dept. Human Genetics and Molecular Medicine, Tel Aviv University) The human genetic disorder ataxia telangiectasia (A-T) is characterized by neurodegeneration, immunodeficiency, premature aging, telangiectasis, genomic instability, cancer predisposition, and extreme sensitivity to ionizing radiation. A hallmark of A-T cells is hypersensitivity to agents that cause oxidative damage by generating reactive oxygen species (ROS) including ionizing radiation (IR), various radiomimetic drugs and H2O2. This hypersensitivity can be accounted for, at least in part, by failure to repair a significant fraction of DNA double-strand breaks. In addition, these cells are impaired in their ability to activate radiation-induced signal-transduction pathways, most notably those that control cell-cycle checkpoints. The gene responsible for A-T, ATM, seems to play a central role in sensing oxidative damage to DNA and in the subsequent activation of a signaling network, leading to repair of the damage and cellular recovery and survival. Cells derived from A-T patients show spontaneous higher base levels of chromosome damage (1). This may be the cause for the constitutive activation of certain cellular functions that have been reported occasionally in A-T cells. Singh and Lavin (2) described the constitutive presence in the nucleus of A-T cells of a DNA-binding protein that is present in the cytoplasm of normal cells, but migrates to the nucleus in response to treatment by agents that generate free radicals. Constitutive activation of NF-κB and abnormal elevation of interferon-β (IFN-β) and IFN-β-inducible genes in A-T cells were also reported. The amount of p21 associated with cyclin A/cdk2 and cyclin B/cdc2 was higher in A-T cells than in controls. Basal levels of Gadd45 protein, another gene activated by p53, were also elevated, and the phosphorylated form of cdc2 was more abundant in A-T fibroblasts. Hyperphosphorylation of Rb and constitutive activation of E2F-1 in A-T cells were also reported. We recently hypothesized that the chronic activation in ATM-deficient cells of pathways responsive to agents that generate ROS, could indicate a tenuous state of oxidative stress in these cells. This prediction is supported by recent studies showing markers of oxidative stress in organs of Atm-deficient mice and in cell lines derived from A-T patients. To further support our hypothesis we analyzed A-T cells for basal levels and modifications of some known proteins which normally respond to genotoxic stress, and found that the basal levels of p53, the serine 15-phosphorylated form of p53, 80 p21WAF1/CIPI and the phosphorylated form of cdc2 are chronically elevated in these cells. Treatment of A-T cells with the antioxidant α-lipoic acid significantly reduced the levels of p53 and p21 proteins, pointing to the involvement of reactive oxygen species in this chronic activation. These results suggest that the absence of functional ATM might result in a mild but continuous state of oxidative stress, which could account for several features of the pleiotropic phenotype of A-T. References 1. Pandita TK, Pathak S, Geard CR. (1995). Chromosome end associations, telomeres and telomerase activity in ataxia telangiectasia cells. Cytogenet. Cell Genet . 71, 86-93. 2. Singh SP and Lavin MF. (1991) DNA-binding protein activated by gamma radiation in human cells. Mol. Cell. Biol., 10, 5279-5285. 81 Activation of Abl Tyrosine Kinase by Ionizing Radiation Requires ATM But Not DNA-PK Sanjeev Shangary and Tamara Lataxes (Molecular Genetics and Biochemistry, University of Pittsburgh Medical Center), Tej Pandita, Guillermo E. Taccioli (Department of Microbiology, Boston University), and R. Baskaran (Molecular Genetics and Biochemistry, Univ. of Pittsburgh Medical Center) The product of the proto-oncogene c-Abl is a non-receptor tyrosine kinase that is ubiquitously expressed and localized in both the nucleus and cytoplasm. The c-Abl protein is required for the normal growth and function of the organism because mice that are nullizygous for Abl die 14 to 15 days after birth for unknown reasons. The c-Abl protein contains an unusually long C-terminus that is essential for Abl’s function because mice containing c-Abl with an intact kinase domain but lacking the C-terminus also exhibited neonatal lethality. In the C-terminus of c-Abl, a binding site for Abl’s nuclear substrate RNA polymerase II has been identified. In addition, several other functional domains such as a nuclear localization signal (NLS), a DNA binding domain (DBD), and an actin binding domain (ABD) have also been identified. Recently, a nuclear export signal (NES) has been identified in the extreme C-terminus of c-Abl (1). The tyrosine kinase activity of c-Abl is normally tightly regulated during the cell cycle. This can be explained by the binding partners of Abl. The kinase domain of Abl binds to the C-terminus of Rb (retinbolastoma protein). When Rb becomes hyperphosphorylated by Cdk4/6, Abl loses its association with Rb and gains its tyrosine kinase activity. Other members of Abl binding partners include Abl interacting proteins Abi-1, Abi-2, and PAG, whose binding also leads to suppression of Abl kinase activity. In addition to the cell cycle, the kinase activity of Abl is also regulated by exogenous stimuli such as ionizing radiation (IR), cis-platin, MMS, mitomycin C, hydrogen peroxide, and a number of other agents. Interestingly, c-Abl is not activated by UV treatment. This observation led to the identification of ATM (mutated in the human disorder ataxia telangiectasia) as an upstream regulator of Abl kinase. Using a yeast twohybrid approach, Shafman et al. (2) have shown that ATM directly interacts with Abl and that activation of Abl kinase activity by ionizing radiation requires the ATM gene product (2). Consequently, c-Abl is not responsive to IR in AT cells, which lack functional ATM. The mechanism of ATM activation of Abl has been elucidated. Following irradiation, ATM kinase phosphorylates Abl on a specific Serine (S465) residue located in the kinase domain of Abl, resulting in the activation of its kinase activity. Together, these results have unequivocally identified ATM as an upstream regulator of Abl kinase in response to radiation exposure. In addition to ATM, the DNA-dependent protein kinase (DNA-PK), which is also a member of a subgroup of the phosphatidyl-3-inositol kinase superfamily can phosphorylate Abl in vitro resulting in activation of its kinase activity. In response to 82 ionizing-radiation treatment, cells obtained from SCID mice showed reduced activation of Abl kinase. These observations have led to the identification of DNA-PK as yet another upstream regulator of Abl kinase. In response to IR, the DNA-PK can also phosphorylate Abl and activate its kinase activity. To examine the physiological relevance of these two kinases in IR-induced Abl phosphorylation and activation, we assayed for Abl, ATM, and DNA-PK activity in ATM and DNA-PK-deficient cells. Our results show that despite the presence of higher-thannormal levels of DNA-PK kinase activity, c-Abl is not activated by IR in AT cells. On the other hand, activation of ATM and Abl kinase is observed in cells that are completely deficient for the catalytic subunit of DNA-PK. Furthermore, activation of Abl by IR correlates well with activation of ATM kinase activity by IR in G1 and S phase. Interestingly, cells in the G2/M phase exhibited enhanced Abl activity irrespective of exposure to IR. Together, these results indicate that ATM may regulate Abl kinase at every phase of the cell cycle in response to ionizing radiation. Furthermore, activation of Abl correlates well with activation of ATM in G1, S, and G2/M phases. That is, ATM regulates Abl kinase activity irrespective of cell-cycle phase. References 1. Taagepera S, McDonald D, Loeb JE, Whitaker LL, McElroy AK, Wang JY, Hope TJ (1998) Nuclearcytoplasmic shuttling of C-ABL tyrosine kinase. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 95:7457-62. 2. Shafman T, Khanna KK, Kedar P, Spring K, Kozlov S, Yen T, Hobson K, Gatei M, Zhang N, Watters D, Egerton M, Shiloh Y, Kharbanda S, Kufe D, Lavin MF (1997) Interaction between ATM protein and cAbl in response to DNA damage. Nature 387:520-3. 83 Atm Inactivation Results in Aberrant Telomere Clustering During Meiotic Prophase1 Tej K. Pandita, Christoph H. Westphal (Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA), Melanie Anger (University of Kaiserslautern, Germany), Satin Sawant, Charles Geard, Raj K. Pandita (Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Bronx, NY), and Harry Scherthan (Univ. of Kaiserslautern) Telomeres have been considered as key structures of meiotic chromosomes. Meiosis is a specialized cell division that ensures the proper segregation of genetic material and formation of viable haploid gametes. The most critical events of meiosis occur during prophase I, when homologous chromosomes get aligned (prealign), synapse (pair) and recombine with each other. During early meiotic prophase, telomeres redistribute and accumulate at a limited sector of the nuclear membrane to form a chromosomal bouquet. A number of studies suggest that bouquet formation mediates prealignment of homologues and thereby facilitates synapsis. The only known telomeric proteins that have been implicated in bouquet formation are the products of Taz1 of fission yeast (1) and NdjI/TamI of budding yeast (2,3). We have investigated the effects of inactivation of Atm on telomere clustering during male mouse meiosis. Our search was prompted by the observation that cells derived from A-T patients, among other features, show an altered telomere metabolism and structure (4-6). -/Telomere FISH to spermatocytes I of Atm null mice revealed that premeiotic and leptotene Atm mice nuclei show a similar telomere distribution and signal number as compared to control. -/Spermatocytes I of Atm mice, however, showed aberrant synapsis and telomere distribution, in that undisrupted spermatocyte nuclei frequently displayed clustered telomeres and a large chromocenter. Synaptonemal complex (SC) immunostaining in combination with telomere FISH to these nuclei revealed fragmentary, strong SCP3 signals at and around the clustered telomeres, with the SC protein signals often aberrantly extending between several chromosome ends. Such a distribution of SC proteins and telomeres was not observed in spermatocytes of normal mice, where synapsis has been shown to initiate more internally, and is usually delayed at the heterochromatic proximal ends of the acrocentric mouse chromosomes. In male mouse meiosis, a bouquet arrangement of chromosome ends resolves soon after the initiation of synapsis (early zygotene) and renders only a very low percentage of bouquet nuclei readily detectable. The -/higher frequency of spermatocytes with locally clustered telomeres encountered in Atm testes preparations suggests that the bouquet arrangement is maintained for a considerably longer period or is arrested in the absence of functional ATM protein. The prevalence of a bouquet arrangement could result from pairing partner switches, non-homologous synapsis and/or illegitimate recombination events which interconnect accumulated telomeres at the cluster site, thereby preventing their dispersion during zygotene. Since telomere clustering occurs normally at the leptotene/zygotene transition, an elevated number of spermatocyte I nuclei showing a bouquet arrangement could also be a consequence of an arrest during leptotene/zygotene stages of meiotic -/prophase. This timing would be consistent with reports that the spermatogenic arrest in Atm animals occurs as early as leptotene or zygotene (7). 84 ATM protein has been shown to be associated with chromatin (8), and ATM may be involved in the control of recombination (7). The abrogation of Atm function results in meiotic prophase arrest associated with aberrant synapsis and fragmentation of SCs. ATM also shows some homology to TEL1/MEC1 genes of budding yeast which are involved in telomere maintenance and meiotic and mitotic cell-cycle checkpoint control. Since Atm and Dmc1deficient mice as well as many recombination mutants of budding yeast fail to form normal SC, it is possible that an absence of Atm function alters the progression of recombination. Consistent with this hypothesis, proteins involved in normal recombination processes, like Rad51, DMC1 -/and Atr are mislocalized as early as leptotene in Atm meiocytes (7). Aberrant synapsis and failure to form normal SC seems to induce apoptosis and fragmentation of chromosomes in Atm /mouse spermatocytes. Given that telomere dispersion from the cluster site is delayed or -/prevented in Atm bouquet cells, SC fragmentation could result from the physical stress exerted by immobile meiotic telomeres on dynamic chromosomes with unrepaired double strand breaks. Recently, it was shown that a bouquet arrangement transiently forms during wild-type meiosis of budding yeast (9). The spo11 and rad50S recombination mutants of budding yeast, which fail to form normal SC (10), form a chromosomal bouquet but fail to resolve this nuclear organization later at prophase, leading to elevated levels of bouquet nuclei (9). The timing and occurrence of a bouquet in yeast recombination mutants mirrors that in Atm-deficient spermatocytes which also fail to resolve the bouquet arrangement. The observations that loss of + + all telomeres in fission yeast TEL1 /rad3 double mutants prevents meiosis (11) and that telomeres support homologue search (12) strongly suggests that telomeres support homologue -/alignment. A persisting bouquet arrangement in Atm spermatocytes could contribute to the high levels of chromosome pairing at a telomere associated chromosome 8 region, despite the widely -/aberrant synapsis in Atm mice. This interpretation is consistent with the observation that recombination mutants of yeast form a bouquet (9) and undergo limited levels of homologue pairing (13,14), which is elevated at telomeric regions (10). Since ATM influences the organization of telomere chromatin in vegetative cells and telomeres have been shown to be tethered to the nuclear matrix in somatic cells (5,6), we tested the interaction of telomeres with the nuclear matrix of spermatocytes from normal and Atm deficient mice. It was found that 90% of telomere repeats were associated with the nuclear matrix -/fraction of Atm spermatocytes, whereas only 50% of telomere repeats co-fractionated with the matrix of control spermatocytes. One interpretation is that the altered persistent interaction of telomeres with the nuclear matrix could be a cause for the failure of resolution of telomere -/clustering in spermatocytes of Atm mice. We considered the possibility that aberrant telomere clustering in Atm null mice may be due to defective telomerase activity. That is, telomerase might be required for the synthesis of the correct telomere terminis without which telomere ends might have defective interactions with the nuclear matrix. We found no differences in the telomerase activity between testes of Atm null and control mice, suggesting that the aberrant telomere clustering cannot be explained based on defective telomerase. 85 How ATM influences the interactions of telomeric DNA with the nuclear matrix as well as telomere clustering is not clear at present. There is growing evidence which suggests that both the shielding of telomeric ends and their elongation by telomerase is dependent upon telomere binding proteins. Mammalian telomeres are packaged in telomere-specific chromatin (15). Telomere length homeostasis in yeast requires the binding of a protein along the telomeric tract and changes in the telomeric protein complex influence the stability of chromosome ends. Three mammalian telomere binding proteins namely, TRF1, TRF2, and PIN2 have been identified. They have DNA binding properties with (TTAGGG)n repeats in vitro irrespective of the presence of a DNA terminus, properties which are consistent with a presence along the ends of chromosomes. TRF1 has been implicated in the regulation of telomere length (16) and provides an architectural role at telomeres. Since it has been shown that protein localization is distorted in -/leptotene/zygotene Atm spermatocytes (7), it is likely that ATM influences telomeres at the protein level. In agreement, TRF1 and 588 other genes were found to be similarly expressed in -/Atm and normal spermatocytes. Hence, it remains to be determined how the Atm gene product influences meiotic telomeres. ATM belongs to a growing family of PI-3 protein kinases and shares some homology with the yeast MEK1 protein which has been shown to be a meiosis-specific kinase required for proper synapsis and phosphorylation-dependent resolution of sister chromatid cohesion prior to MI (17). Since a major portion of telomere repeats in Atm null mouse spermatocytes abnormally associated with the nuclear matrix, it may be speculated that Atm (besides other effects), is involved in this attachment. The altered interaction of telomere repeats with the meiotic nuclear matrix may be due to aberrant phosphorylation of as yet unknown components. Future investigations will have to determine whether ATM is involved in meiosis-dependent phosphorylation changes of telomeric proteins like Tankyrase, a telomere specific poly(ADPribose) polymerase, which has recently been shown to reduce TRF1 telomere binding activity through poly-ADP-ribosylation in vitro. References 1. Cooper J.P., Y. Watanabe and P. Nurse. (1998) Fission yeast Taz1 protein is required for meiotic telomere clustering and recombination. Nature 392:828-831. 2. Chua, P.R. and G.S., Roeder. 1997. Tam1, a telomere-associated meiotic protein, functions in chromosome synapsis and crossover interference. Genes Dev. 11: 1786-1800. 3. Conrad, M.N., Dominguez, A.M., and M.E. Dresser. (1997) Ndj1p, a meiotic telomere protein required for normal chromosome synapsis and segregation in yeast. Science 276: 1252-1255. 4. Pandita, T.K., S. Pathak, and C. Geard. (1995) Chromosome end association, telomeres and telomerase activity in ataxia telangiectasia cells. Cytogenet. Cell Genet. 71: 86-93. 5. Smilenov, L.B., S.E. Morgan, W. Mellado, S.G. Sawant, M.B. Kastan, and T.K. Pandita. (1997) Influence of ATM function on telomere metabolism. Oncogene 15: 2659-2665. 6. Smilenov, L.B., S. Dhar, and T.K. Pandita (1999) Altered telomere nuclear matrix interactions and nucleosomal periodicity in ataxia telangiectasia cells. Mol. Cell. Biol. 19: 6963-6971. 7. Barlow, C., Liyanage, M., Moens, P.B., Tarsounas, M., Nagashima, K., Brown, K., Rottinghaus, S.P., Jackson, S.P., Tagle, D., Ried, T., and A. Wynshaw-Boris. (1998) Atm deficiency results in severe meiotic disruption as early as leptonema of prophase. Development 125: 4007-4017 8. Gately, D.P., Hittle, C., Chan, G.K.T., and T.J. Yen. (1998) Characterization of ATM expression, localization, and associated DNA-dependent protein kinase activity. Mol. Biol. Cell 9:2361-2374. 9. Trelles-Sticken, E., Loidl, J., and H. Scherthan. (1999) Bouquet formation in budding yeast: Initiation of recombination is not required for meiotic telomere clustering. J. Cell Sci., 112: 651-658. 86 10. Weiner, B.M. and N. Kleckner. (1994) Chromosome pairing via multiple interstitial interactions before and during meiosis in yeast. Cell 77: 977-991. 11. Naito, T., A. Matsuura, and F. Ishikawa. (1998) Circular chromosome formation in a fission yeast mutant defective in two ATM homologues. Nat. Genet. 20:203-206 12. Rockmill, B. and G.S. Roeder. (1998) Telomere-mediated chromosome pairing during meiosis in budding yeast. Genes Dev. 12:2574-86 13. Loidl J., Klein F., and H. Scherthan. (1994) Homologous pairing is reduced but not abolished in asynaptic mutants in yeast. J. Cell Biol. 125:1191-1200. 14. Nag D., H. Scherthan, B. Rockmill, J. Bhargava, and G.S. Roeder. (1995) Heteroduplex DNA formation and homolog pairing in yeast meiotic mutants. Genetics 141: 75-86. 15. Smith, S. and T. de Lange. (1997) TRF1, a mammalian telomeric protein. Trends Genet. 13: 21-26. 16. van Steensel, B. and T. de Lange. (1997) Control of telomere length by the human telomeric protein TRF1. Nature 385: 740-743. 17. Bailis, J.M. and G.S. Roeder. (1998) Synaptonemal complex morphogenesis and sister-chromatid cohesion require MEK1-dependent phosphorylation of a meiotic chromosomal protein. Genet. Dev. 12:3551-3563. 87 Influence of ATM Function on Telomere Chromatin Structure Lubimor Smilenov, Sonu Dhar, and Tej Pandita Ataxia telangiectasia represents one of the ideal models to study mechanisms of genomic instability and carcinogenesis, as it is an autosomal disorder characterized by progressive cerebellar degeneration, premature aging, growth retardation, gonadal atrophy, immunodeficiency, high sensitivity to ionizing radiation, genomic instability, and cancer predisposition. Cells derived from A-T individuals exhibit a variety of abnormalities in culture such as a higher requirement for serum factors, hypersensitivity to ionizing radiation, and cytoskeletal defects. These cells are defective in radiation-damage signal transduction pathways operating through p53, and its target genes WAF1, cyclin E-Cdk2 and cyclin A-Cdk2 kinases, as well as the retinoblastoma protein. Primary fibroblasts from humans and mice with a defective ATM gene grow slowly in culture and appear to undergo premature senescence in culture. Cells derived from A-T individuals show a prominent chromatin defect at chromosome ends in the form of chromosome end-to-end associations also known as telomeric associations (TA) and are seen at G1, G2 and metaphase. Chromosome end associations correlate with genomic instability and carcinogenicity, and involve telomeres. Telomeres contain both DNA and protein that together appear to stabilize the ends of eukaryotic DNA. Specifically, they are composed of characteristic repetitive DNA that protects chromosome ends from exonucleolytic attack, fusion, and incomplete replication. In yeast, non-telomeric DNA created by enzymatic cleavage leads to genomic instability and cell-cycle arrest. Yeast telomeres have been shown to exert a position effect on recombination between internal tracts of telomeric DNA. Human telomeres are composed of 2 to 30 kb of tandemly arranged telomeric repeats with the sequence (TTAGGG)n in the strand that runs to the 3' end of the chromosome. Telomeres shorten as a function of age in cells derived from normal human blood, skin, and colonic mucosa. As a result of this shortening, it is thought that critical genes at the ends of chromosomes either become deleted or are activated, thus leading to growth arrest and subsequently to cell death. Alternatively, silent senescence genes could become activated by removal of heterochromatic regions. Recovery of proper telomere length by the activation of telomerase prolongs the lifespan of a cell. Shortening of telomeres or telomere loss in a variety of cancers and immortalized cell lines has been found to be the reason for the chromosome end associations that could be the cause of genomic instability and gene amplification. There is growing evidence suggesting that both the shielding of telomeric ends and their elongation by telomerase is dependent upon telomere binding proteins. Mammalian telomeres are packaged in telomere-specific chromatin. Human and mouse cell lines have their telomeric tracts attached to the nuclear matrix, which is a proteinaceous subnuclear fraction. Telomere length homeostasis in yeast requires the binding of a protein along the telomeric tract and changes in the telomeric protein complex influence the stability of chromosome ends. In mammals, a nuclear matrix binding site occurs at least once in every kb of the telomere tract. These studies suggested that mammalian telomeres have frequent multiple interactions with the nuclear matrix. Whether the ATM gene or downstream effectors influence the interaction of telomeres with the nuclear matrix is not yet known. Since a chromatin defect in A-T cells is 88 pronounced at telomeres, we compared the interactions of telomeres with the nuclear matrix among cells with normal and inactivated ATM function before and after treatment with ionizing radiation. What factors influence chromosome end association? One possible factor is loss or shortening of telomeres; another is altered chromatin structure. In our previous studies, we reported that the frequency of cells with chromosome end associations is higher in G1 phase than in G2 phase followed by metaphase, and for each phase of the cell cycle, the frequency of cells with end associations was significantly higher in A-T than in normal cells. It is probable that the end associations seen at mitosis reflect a continuation of interphase chromosome behavior, perhaps indicating interactions or linkages between chromosome ends and the nuclear matrix. Since the telomeric signals are seen at the chromosome end association sites, it is possible that in the absence of ATM function, the chromosome end associations are the consequences of the failure of the nuclear matrix holding the telomeres together. The telomeric signals at the chromosome end association sites in A-T cells suggest that chromosome end associations could be the primary event that subsequently lead to the loss of telomeres. Telomeric signals at the chromosome end association sites and changes in the frequency of cells with chromosome end associations through the cell cycle raise the possibility that A-T cells have an altered nuclear matrix, leading to defective interactions between telomeric DNA and the nuclear matrix. Telomeres are important components of chromosomes, as they have been implicated in several cellular functions involved in aging and cancer development. They have been shown cytologically as well as biochemically to be tethered to the nuclear matrix. The nuclear matrix is a proteinaceous scaffold in the interphase nucleus, which is isolated by removing most of the nuclear DNA and RNA, along with histones and loosely bound proteins. We determined whether inactivation of ATM influences the interactions of telomeres with the nuclear matrix. Telomere-nuclear matrix association To characterize the nature of telomere anchorage to the nuclear matrix of different cell types, plateau phase cells were processed by the LIS procedure and the resulting nuclear matrix halos were cleaved with StyI. The nuclear matrix halos are the insoluble nonchromatin scaffolding of the interphase nuclei. The nuclear remnant and associated DNA were isolated by centrifugation and suspended in MWB; for genomic blotting analysis, equal volumes representing DNA from the identical numbers of halos were fractionated side by side on 1.5% agarose gels. The amount of telomeric sequence in each sample was determined by storage phosphorimage analysis. The normal fibroblasts have about 52 to 60% of the telomeric DNA associated with the nuclear matrix attached (P) fraction and 40 to 48% in the soluble (S) (free) fraction (Table 1). Summation of the P and S values is equal to total telomeric DNA (T), suggesting that no telomeric DNA was lost during the extraction procedure. In A-T cells (GM2052), more than 92% of the telomeric DNA is attached to the nuclear matrix, whereas in control cells (AG6234) about 52% is attached (Table 1). In another A-T cell strain (GM5823) more than 95% of the telomeric DNA is attached to the nuclear matrix where as in control cells (AG1522) about 60% is attached (Table 1). The ratio between the S and P fractions of telomeric DNA is about 1:19 to 1:15.5 in A-T cells, compared to 1:1.5 to 1:1.2 in normal cells 89 Table 1. Percentages of P and S fractions of telomeric DNA. ________________________________________________________________________ P S Ratio, Cell strain ______________ ____________ mean P/ mean S Mean Mean (%) (%) A-T fibroblasts GM5823 GM2052 95 92 5 8 19 : 1 11.5 : 1 Normal fibroblasts AG1522 60 40 1.5 : 1 C21F 59 41 1.4 : 1 AG6234 52 48 1.1 : 1 ________________________________________________________________________ Mean values of P and S were obtained from four experiments done separately. (Table 1). These results suggest that the major portion of telomeres in A-T cells is associated with the nuclear matrix. To determine whether altered interactions of telomeres with the nuclear matrix are due to ATM function, we examined isogenic cells with and without normal ATM function. We found RKO cells expressing dominant-negative fragments have 87% of telomeric DNA in the P fraction and 13% in the S fraction, whereas parental RKO cells have 71% in the P fraction and 29% in the S fraction (Table 2). When ratios between means of P and S were determined (Table 2), and compared between RKO and RKOFB2F7 (with expression of dominant-negative fragment) cells, it was found that RKOFB2F7 cells have 2.73 fold higher ratio than RKO cells, suggesting that inactivation of ATM influences the telomere associations with the nuclear matrix. However, the difference in P values of RKO cells with and without expression of dominant negative ATM fragment was lower than the differences in P values between primary cells derived from A-T and normal individuals. The possible reason for this could be that RKO cells are derived from tumors and thus may have other factors that could partly rescue the ATM phenotype. Further, we determined whether wild type ATM could correct the altered interactions between telomeres and the nuclear matrix by examining A-T (AT22IJE-T) cells with and without expression of the wild-type ATM protein. Differences in the values of P and S were distinct between the parental cell line (ATT221JE-T) and the derivative cells with the wild type ATM gene (AT221JE-TpEBS7-YZ5) (Table 2). AT221JE-TpEBS7-YZ5 cells with a wild-type ATM gene have lower amounts of P fraction as compared to P fraction of AT221JE-TpEBS7 cells that contain an empty vector. These results reveal that the expression of the wild type ATM gene in A-T cells restored the normal telomere nuclear-matrix interactions, as is evident by the decrease in the amount of the P fraction (Table 2). 90 Table 2. Percent of attached (P) and soluble (S) fractions of telomeric DNA. Cell strain RKO RKOpBABEpuor RKOFB2F7 P _____________ Mean (%) S ____________ Mean (%) Ratio, mean P/mean S 71 72 87 29 28 13 2.45 : 1 2.57 : 1 6.69 : 1 AT22IJE-T 83 17 4.88 : 1 AT22IJE-T pEBS7 84 16 5.25 : 1 AT221JE-Tp 67 33 2.03 : 1 EBS7-YZ5 ________________________________________________________________________ Mean values of P and S are obtained from three experiments done separately. P stands for the fraction of telomeric DNA attached to nuclear matrix and S stands for telomeric DNA in soluble fraction. Note that RKOFB2F7 have a higher percentage of P compared to its parental RKO cells. In contrast, AT221JE-TpEBS7-YZ5 have a lower percentage of P compared to its parental AT221JE-T cells. Differences in P values between RKO and RKOFB2F7, and between AT221JE-T and AT221JE-TpEBS7-YZ5, are significant. Influence of ionizing radiation on telomere-nuclear matrix associations Since gamma irradiation triggers telomere associations in A-T cells, it was important to determine the effects of ionizing radiation on the interactions of telomeres with the nuclear matrix. Plateau-phase cells were treated with a dose of 5 Gy of ionizing radiation, and proportion of S and P fractions were determined. No change in the ratio of S versus P fractions of telomeric DNA was seen immediately after treatment with ionizing radiation in either the control or the A-T cells. However, an increase in telomeric DNA in the S fraction was seen in AT cells 1 h after treatment, whereas no such change was found in normal cells. The ratio of S versus P fractions of telomeric DNA changed from 1:19 at 0 min to 1:5 at 60 min postirradiation. Since we did not see any change in this ratio of telomeric DNA in normal cells 1 h postirradiation, we wished to determine whether there are any changes immediately after irradiation. Therefore, we examined the S and P fractions of telomeric DNA in normal cells at 0, 15, 30 and 60 minute postirradiation and found no differences. These observations suggest that the interactions of telomeric DNA in normal cells are not influenced by exposure to 5 Gy of gamma rays. Telomere nuclear matrix interactions are altered in germ cells Telomeres are attached to the nuclear matrix of somatic cells. ATM function influences the interactions of telomere with the nuclear matrix, however, it is not known whether inactivation of ATM influence such alteration in germ cells. Since such interactions may influence meiotic telomere mobility, we set out to characterize nuclear matrix/telomere 91 interactions in spermatocytes derived from Atm null and control mice. To characterize the nature of telomere anchorage in spermatocytes obtained from Atm null and control mice, leptotene/zygotene cells were collected by elutriation and processed according to the LIS procedure. The resulting halos were cleaved with StyI and probed with telomere TTAGGG repeats. It was found that normal mice had about 50% of the telomeric DNA repeats associated with the nuclear matrix (P) with 50% in the soluble fraction (S). In contrast to normal mice, spermatocytes of Atm null mice had more than 89% of the telomeric DNA repeats associated with the nuclear matrix and only 11% in the S fraction. The ratio between the fractions of soluble versus nuclear matrix attached telomeric DNA is about 1:8 in spermatocytes of Atm null mice as compared to 1:1 in normal mice. These results suggest that the major portion of telomere repeats in Atm null spermatocytes remain associated with the nuclear matrix, and that ATM influences the telomere nuclear matrix interaction in both the somatic as well as germ cells. Telomere Repeat Binding Factors To determine whether the abnormalities in telomere nuclear matrix interactions seen in A-T cells are correlated with alterations in telomere binding factors, we first analyzed the expression of telomere repeat binding factors (TRF1 and TRF2) in A-T fibroblasts. We used the RT-PCR approach to determine the expression of TRF1 and TRF2 and found comparable levels of expression of TRF1 and TRF2 in A-T and normal control cells. Although the expression of TRF1 and TRF2 were identical between A-T and control cells, it is possible that mutations in these genes could lead to altered interactions of telomeres with the nuclear matrix. Therefore, we carried mutational analysis of TRF1 and TRF2 genes in A-T and control cells. Analysis of TRF1 and TRF2 cDNA in A-T cells by cold SSCP protocol detected no mutations. To test whether TRF1 and TRF2 were localized correctly in the A-T cells, we performed the immunostaining of the cells and found that both proteins were localized in the nuclei of both A-T and control cells. These observations suggest that alterations in the structure or expression of TRF1 and TRF2 are not the cause for altered interactions of the telomeres with the nuclear matrix in A-T cells. In an attempt to identify gene products that might be involved with the altered interactions of telomeres with the nuclear matrix in A-T cells, we used the ATLAS cDNA microarray to analyze the expression of genes. The expression profiles of primary fibroblasts of A-T and normal control were compared using polyA+ RNA for synthesizing 32P labeled cDNA, subsequently hybridized separately to array membranes. No significant differences in the expression of the 588 genes on the array were found between A-T and normal control cells. How ATM influences the interactions of telomeric DNA with the nuclear matrix is not clear at present. There is growing evidence which suggests that both the shielding of telomeric ends and their elongation by telomerase is dependent upon telomere binding proteins. Mammalian telomeres are packaged in telomere-specific chromatin. Our study shows that telomeres in somatic as well as germ cells are associated with the nuclear matrix. However, we found a significant difference in the ratio of the P versus S fractions of telomeric DNA between A-T and normal control cells. This difference could be attributed to alterations in the interactions between telomeric DNA and the nuclear matrix. The present results are consistent with the 92 hypothesis that the telomere nucleoprotein structure or nuclear matrix structure is different in AT cells. The fact that telomere binding to the matrix is greater in A-T cells and is specifically influenced by irradiation shows that changes in telomere-matrix association could be involved in the chromosome-destabilizing function of the ATM gene. The role of ATM function in telomere nuclear matrix interactions is further strengthened by the fact that cells expressing dominantnegative fragment of the ATM gene have altered telomere nuclear matrix interactions. The altered telomere nuclear matrix interactions seen in A-T cells were reversed by expression of the wild type ATM gene. Further, a major portion of telomere repeats in Atm null spermatocytes are also abnormally associated with the nuclear matrix. An influence of the ATM gene product on the interactions of telomeres with the nuclear matrix might be an important modulator of cellular processes influencing cellular senescence and cellular transformation. Our studies demonstrate that the altered telomere nuclear matrix interactions seen in A-T cells could be because of the absence of normal ATM protein. Genes involved in signal transduction could influence chromatin structure and that may explain the basis of the cell-cycle checkpoint defect in A-T cells and the prevalence of chromosome damage. Since a chromatin defect in A-T cells is pronounced at telomeres, their interactions with the nuclear matrix may influence chromatin structure and thus the function of neighboring genes. 93 Expression of the Catalytic Subunit of Telomerase in Developing Brain Neurons: Evidence for a Cell-Survival-Promoting Function Weiming Fu, Michael Killen, and Carsten Culmsee (all from Sanders Brown Research Center on Aging, University of Kentucky, Lexington), Sonu Dhar, Tej K. Pandita, and Mark P. Mattson (SBRCA) Telomerase, a specialized reverse transcriptase linked to cell immortalization and cancer, has been thought not to be expressed in postmitotic cells. We now report that telomerase activity, and its essential catalytic subunit telomerase reverse transcriptase (TERT) are expressed in neurons in the brains of rodents during embryonic and early postnatal development. Telomerase activity was detected using PCR-based TRAPELISA assay in brain tissues from embryonic (E18) and early postnatal (P1 and P7) rats, and was markedly decreased in adult brains. Immunoblot analysis showed that TERT was expressed at relatively high levels in embryonic and early postnatal hippocampus and cerebral cortex with no detectable TERT being present in adult brains. TERT immunoreactivity was present in neurons throughout the developing brain, with particularly high levels being present in hippocampal pyramidal neurons and many cortical neurons. By comparison, TERT immunoreactivity was very weak or absent in cells in the adult brain. In order to explore roles for telomerase in neurons, we employed cell cultures from the hippocampus and neocortex of embryonic day 18 rats and mice which are highly enriched in differentiated postmitotic neurons. TERT immunoreactivity was present at high levels in neurons in these cultures, where it was localized in both cytoplasmic and nuclear compartments in the cell body, TERT immunoreactivity was also present in neurites. Levels of TERT immunoreactivity appeared to be much greater in neurons than in astrocytes, consistent with a primarily neuronal localization in the developing hippocampus in vivo. The vast majority of telomerase activity measured by the TRAP assay in vivo and in culture likely reflects a neuronal rather than a glial source because very few glial cells are present in the hippocampus and cortex of E18 embryos, whereas high numbers of glial cells are present in these brain regions in the adult. Suppression of TERT expression in embryonic hippocampal and cortical neurons in culture increases their vulnerability to apoptosis and excitotoxicity, and overexpression of TERT in neural cells suppresses apoptosis induced by trophic factor withdrawal. TERT exerts its anti-apoptotic action at an early stage of the cell-death process prior to mitochondrial dysfunction and caspase activation. TERT may serve a cell-survivalpromoting function during development of the nervous system, and is a potential target for therapeutic intervention in neurodegenerative conditions involving apoptosis and excitotoxicity. 94 The Human Homologue of Schizosaccharomyces pombe Rad9 Protein, HRAD9p, Interacts with Bcl-2/ Bcl-xL and Promotes Apoptosis Howard Lieberman, Haiying Hang, Kevin Hopkins, and Wei Zheng, in collaboration with Kiyoshi Komatsu (University of South Florida College of Medicine, Tampa), Toshiyuki Miyashita (National Children’s Research Center, Tokyo, Japan), Sandy Cuddeback (Univ. of South Florida College of Medicine), Massao Yamada (National Children’s Research Center, Tokyo), and Hong-Gang Wang (Univ. of South Florida College of Medicine) DNA damage induces apoptosis through a Bcl-2 suppressible signaling pathway, but the mechanism is unknown. Sequence comparisons have identified up to four evolutionarily conserved domains within Bcl-2 family proteins, called Bcl-2 homology (BH) domains: BH1, BH2, BH3 and BH4. The conserved BH3 domain in particular is found within many of the pro-apoptotic Bcl-2 family members and is critical for binding anti-apoptotic proteins as well as for pro-apoptotic activity. The human cell-cycle checkpoint control protein HRAD9p was found to contain a BH3-like region near its Nterminal (Fig. 1). Furthermore, HRAD9p was capable of interacting with the antiapoptotic proteins Bcl-2 and Bcl-xL but not with the pro-apoptotic proteins Bax or Bad, as demonstrated by both yeast two-hybrid and co-immunoprecipitation studies. When overexpressed in mammalian cells, HRAD9p induced apoptosis that can be blocked by Bcl-2 or Bcl-xL overexpression. These results indicate a novel function for HRAD9 in regulating apoptosis, in addition to its previously described checkpoint control and other radioresistance-promoting activities. Figure 1. Alignment of amino acid residues in the BH3 homology regions of Bcl-2 protein family members and HRAD9p. Comparison of the BH3-like regions in HRAD9p and Bcl-2 family members (human Rad9, accession number U53174; human Bax, L22474; human Bak, U23765; mouse Bid, U75506; human Bik, U34584; human Hrk, U76376; human Bad, AF021792; human Bim, AF032457; C. elegans Egl-1, AF057309). Amino acids that match the BH3 domain consensus (PS01259) are darkly shaded. 95 MOLECULAR STUDIES ORIENTED TOWARDS CANCER Identification of THG1 as a Potential Suppressor of Testicular Tumorigenesis Yuxin Yin Testicular carcinomas are the most common cancers in young men, but the mechanisms of the initiation of testicular tumors are largely unknown. This group of tumors has never been found to contain mutations of the p53 tumor suppressor gene, although p53 is the most commonly mutated gene in human cancers and p53-deficient mice spontaneously develop tumors, including testicular teratocarcinoma, at a very high incidence. Therefore, there must be genetic alterations of some other important genes in the p53 pathway, which may contribute to development of testicular tumorigenesis. One of our current projects is set to explore the mechanisms involving testicular tumorigenesis and to search for clues as to how the p53 pathway is dysfunctional in this group of tumors. We have previously developed a p53 inducible system in which the p53ER fusion protein, human p53 protein fused to the hormone binding domain of the human estrogen receptor, is transcriptionally activated in the presence of estrodial. This p53 inducible system, expressed in a p53-deficient human cancer cell line, H1299, named Hp53ER, allowed us to demonstrate the importance of p53 as a transcriptional regulator in cell-cycle arrest and apoptosis. We have been utilizing this system to isolate p53-regulated genes by PCR select cDNA subtraction, in which two cDNA libraries were made from cells with and without functional p53 induced by estrodial for subtraction. We have recently identified a human testis-specific gene with a homeobox domain, designated THG1 for testis homeobox gene 1, which encodes a homeobox protein of 174 amino acids. THG1 transcripts are only detected in human and mouse testes and THG1 protein is expressed in germ cells. Importantly, there is no expression of the THG1 transcripts in human testicular tumor cell lines containing wild-type p53. We have generated a polyclonal antibody against human THG1 for Western analysis of THG1 expression. The THG1 protein migrates to the position of around 28 kDa in 15% acrylamide gels. The level of THG1 protein is significantly increased in Hp53ER cells in the presence of 17b-estrodial that presumably activates p53 transactivity (data not shown), suggesting that THG1 is upregulated by p53. We have carried out a series of experiments to determine whether THG1 is important in testicular tumorigenesis. We found that THG1 regulates the transactivity of p53, and overexpression of THG1 inhibits the growth of some tumor cellls. It is well known that MDM-2 is regulated by p53 transcriptionally, and MDM-2 influences p53 transactivity. We were also interested in examining if THG1 has a similar influence on p53. To determine whether THG1 effects p53 transactivity, we introduced a mammalian vector expressing human THG1 into Tera-2 cells that contain wild-type p53. Stable cell lines containing THG1 or an empty neo vector were isolated by neomycin selection and confirmed by Western blotting for THG1 using the specific anti-THG1 antibody. Transactivity of p53 was determined by luciferase reporters driven by the promoters of p21, Bax and MDM2, which are known p53-target genes. Tera-2 cells with or without THG1 were transfected with reporters and then exposed to UV light to induce 97 p53 transactivity. Figure 1 shows that luciferase activity of the p21 reporter is low in the Tera2/neo cell line after UV irradiation. In Tera2/THG1 cell line, Tera-2 cells containing THG1, the luciferase activity of the p21 promoter after induction of p53 by UV is increased more than four fold. However, luciferase activity of the Bax promoter is reduced 3 to 4 fold in Tera2/THG1 cells after UV irradiation. These results suggest that p53 transactivity is differentially regulated by THG1. THG1 may positively influence induction of p21 by p53 but negatively influence transcriptional regulation of Bax by p53 when Tera-2 cells were exposed to UV irradiation. To explore the mechanism involving THG1 in p53 transactivity, we used two types of MDM-2 luciferase reporters, indicated as MDM2 (known as pCOSX1-GL2) and MDM2-p100 (known as pBP100-GL2), which contain different promoter sequences upstream of the luciferase gene. The MDM2 reporter contains a genomic sequence flanking three exons of the MDM-2 gene, in which a p53-responsive element is located near exon 2. MDM2p100, on the other hand, contains only a100 bp promoter sequence which includes the p53 responsive element. As shown in Figure 1, following transient transfection, the luciferase activity of the MDM-2 reporter was decreased in Tera-2 cells expressing THG1, compared with that in Tera-2 without THG1, suggesting that THG1 inhibits transactivation of the MDM-2 promoter. The luciferase activity of the MDM2P100, however, was not changed in the presence of THG1. These data indicate that there might be additional sequences required beyond the p53 consensus sites for THG1 to influence p53 transcriptional activity, and that THG1 may regulate p53 transactivity through binding these promoter sequences. Since THG1 is not expressed in Tera-2 cells, we examined whether ectopic expression of THG1 had any effect on cell growth. We tested this possibility by performing a colony formation assay in which Tera-2 cells were transfected with a CMVdriven THG1 vector, pcDNA3/THG1, or with pcDNA3 as control. These cells were selected by G418 for resistant colonies. As shown in Figure 2, the number of colonies formed following G1 transfection is significantly lower than that in the control group transfected with an empty vector (left panel). We performed similar experiments with other tumor cell lines. Next, we examined HT 29 and DLD1 cells, two human colon cancer cell lines containing mutant p53. We also transfected wild-type p53 into these cells for the colony formation assay. We found that THG1 inhibits colony formation as efficiently as p53 in HT29 cells (middle panel), indicating that THG1 imposes its inhibitory effect on tumor cells without the requirement of wild-type p53. Furthermore, the combination of p53 and THG1 results in even greater inhibition of colony formation of these cells (Fig. 2, middle panel). Similar effect of THG1 expression on DLD1 was also observed (right panel). These data suggest that expression of THG1 inhibits cell growth in these tumor cells, and that THG1 plays a cooperative role in p53-mediated cell growth control. Another ongoing project in the lab is to study the gene expression pattern in tumorigenic human bronchial cells using genechip technology. We have finished cDNA synthesis and we are preparing for biotin-labeling of cRNA samples. 98 Figure 1. Regulation of the promoters of p53-target genes by p53 and THG1. Tera2/THG1 cell line is a stable clone containing pcDNA3/THG1 plasmid. Tera2/neo cell line contains the pcDNA empty vector only as a control. These Tera-2 cells with or without THG1 were transiently transfected with the luciferase reporters for the promoters of the indicated genes as well as with b-galactosidase for normalization. The transfected cells were exposed to UV light (20J/m2) and incubated for two hours before harvesting for luciferase assay. Luciferase was performed using a chemiluminscent reporter gene assay system (TROPIX). The procedures were followed according to the manufacturer's protocol for the combined detection of luciferase and β-galactasidase. The data presented are the average of three independent experiments of duplicate cultures. Figure 2. Inhibition of colony formation of tumor cells by THG1. Exponentially growing tumor cells were plated at equal number (3x105 cells/100 mm dish) and transfected with either pcDNA3 as a control, pcDNA/THG1 indicated as THG1, pCMVp53 indicated as p53, or a combination of the two vectors as indicated. G418 selection was performed two days after transfection. Colony formation was determined as more than 100 cells/colony. The number of stained colonies in each group was counted for statistical analysis. The results were presented as the mean +/- standard deviation of three independent experiments in which there were five dishes of cells per group. The results in panels were from: Tera-2 (left panel); HT29 (middle panel); DLD1 (right panel). 99 Molecular Mechanism of Radiation-Induced Transformation of Human Bronchial Epithelial Cells by High-LET Radiation Yong Zhao, Chang Piao, and Tom Hei Carcinogenesis is a multi-stage process with accumulating genetic and epigenetic alterations during progression (1). Analyses of gene mutation or expression in a series of tumor cell lines induced by carcinogens is often the first step towards gaining an insight into the genetic alterations of a particular cancer. Among all known human carcinogens, radon is an important etiological factor for human lung cancer. However the molecular mechanism of radon carcinogenesis is not clear. The well-established tumorigenic human bronchial epithelial cell lines provide a useful model to study the mechanism involved in human bronchial carciongenesis induced by radon α particles (2). These BEP2D cells which are immortalized by human papillomavirus become tumorigenic and produce progressively growing subcutaneous tumors upon inoculation into nude mice after exposure to α particles. However, BEP2D cells are anchorage dependent and nontumorigenic even in late passage. The data suggest that abnormal p53 and Rb functions are not sufficient criteria for tumorigenic development and additional genetic changes are needed. In order to elucidate the genetic events involved in the transformation of BEP2D cells induced by α particles, we simultaneously analyzed the expression of 588 cellular genes, which represent about 3% of total transcripts (e.g. 20,000 genes) expressed in a single cell using a cDNA expression array. For screening the profile of gene expression using cDNA expression array (Clontech, Palo Alto, CA.), total RNA from both tumorigenic and control BEP2D cells were isolated using Trizol Reagent (Gibco) followed by DNaseI treatment to remove any contaminating DNA from RNA samples. PolyA+ RNA was then isolated and from which [α-32P]dATP-labeled cDNA probes were generated by Reverse Transcription. The purified cDNA probes were then hybridized to the array nylon membranes and the hybridization patterns were analyzed by autoradiography and quantified by phosphorimaging . As shown in Figure 1, the Clontech cDNA array contains six quadrants which covers different categories of genes, including oncogenes, tumor suppressor genes, intracellular signal transduction modulators, DNA synthesis and repair genes, transcription factors, and receptors and growth factors genes. Each cDNA of the 588 preset genes were spotted in duplicate on the membranes. The hybridization signals at the bottom of the genes were various housekeeping genes used as positive controls. The differences of gene expression between two cell lines are illustrated in Table 1. A total of 11 genes were found to be differentially expressed. Meanwhile, we used Northern blotting method to screen the expression level of mRNA between the two cell lines. The differential expression of two of these 11 genes (Fra1, Ets-like gene) could not be confirmed by Northern blotting. Among these differentially expressed genes, DCC (deleted in colon cancer), p21cip1, hsp27, and cytokeratin14 were being intensively studied using different cell lines including early passage cells from one week postirradiation (lane 2), late-passage cells prior to their injection into nude mice (lane 3), two 100 primary tumor, two second tumor and one tertiary tumor cell lines (lanes 4-8). The results from Northern blot analysis are shown in Figure 2. The expression of p21cip1 in early passage cells was ~2-fold higher than control BEP2D cells. Among late passage and tumor cells, the average expression levels of p21cip1 were ~4-fold lower than that of the control BEP2D cells (lanes 3-8). The p21cip1 is a cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor, which can effectively inhibit cdk2, cdk4 and cdk6 kinase, and is capable of inducing cell cycle arrest in G1 when overexpressed. Downregualtion of p21cip1 has been shown to increase kinase activity and promote cell cycle progression and cellular proliferation (3), which suggest that p21cip1 may play an important role in malignant progression induced by radiation. DCC expression had no significant difference between early passage and control BEP2D cells, but lowered by ~2 fold in late passage and tumor cells compared with control. DCC is a candidate tumor suppressor gene that is postulated to function as a trans-membrane receptor. Frequent allelic and loss of its expression has been seen not only in colorectal cancer, but also in a number of other malignancies (4). Some of the strongest evidence supporting a role for DCC as a tumor suppressor gene has been obtained from the studies showing suppression of tumorigenecity in nude mice by expression of full-length, but not truncated, DCC in nitrosomethylurea- (NMU) transformed keratinocytes lacking DCC expression (5). When DCC cDNA was transfected into tumor cells, apoptosis and G2/M cell cycle arrest are induced by the activation of caspase-3 and inhibition of cdk1, suggesting a possible mechanism by which DCC suppresses tumorigenesis (6). Our findings support these results and suggest that loss of DCC tumor suppressor expression may be involved in the tumorigenic progression in α-particle-treated BEP2D cells. Both p21cip1 and DCC genes were found to be downregulated in late passage and tumor cells, which means that by successive passaging and clonal selection, the cells with lower expression of p21cip1 and DCC predominantly grow in late passage and progressively form tumor when inoculation into nude mice. This suggests that p21cip1 and DCC are two important genes involved in carcinogenic process induced by α particles. Expression of both the hsp27 and cytokeratin14 was not significantly different among early and late passage cells compared with control cells. However, in tumor cells (lanes 4-8) there was ~5-fold decrease in expression as compared to control cells. These findings suggest that hsp27 and cytokeratin14 may serve as diagnosis markers of tumorigenicity of human bronchial epithelial cells. Table 1. List of differentially expressed genes between tumorigenic and control BEP2D cells Gene cDNA Array Northern Blot DCC tumor suppressor DNA-dependent protein kinase Heat shock protein 27 Cytokeratin 14 Integrin β-4 Alpha-catenin p21cip1 Glutathione-S-Transferase cdc-25B (M-phase inducer) Ets-like gen Fra1 ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↓ 2 fold ↓ 2.3 fold ↓ 5 fold ↓ 5 fold ↓ 2 fold ↓ 2 fold ↓ 4 fold ↑ 2 fold ↑ 3 fold No change No change 101 Figure 1. Differential gene expression in a representative tumorigenic BEP2D cells induced by a single 60-cGy dose of alpha particles (T5L2P, right hand panel) relative to control BEP2D cells (left-hand panel). The labeled cDNAs were hybridized to the array overnight at 65oC. The image was captured on X-ray film after exposure for 2 days at 80oC. Figure 2. Northern blot analysis showing the relative levels of p21cip1, DCC, HSP27 and Cytokeratin14 in control BEP2D cells (lane 1), irradiated BEP2D cells one week postirradiation (lane 2), irradiated cells just before inoculation into nude mice (lane 3) and 5 representative tumor cell lines (lanes 4 through 8). The mRNA blot (p21cip1 and DCC) and total RNA blot (HSP27 and cytokeratin14) were separately hybridized to 32P-labelled human probe. The relative abundance of RNA per lane was judged to be similar based on the β-actin level. No figures available. REFERENCES 1. Fearon , et al. Cell 61:759-767, 1990. 2. Hei, et al. Carcinogenesis 15(3):431-437, 1994. 3. Crow, et al. Cell Growth Differ. 9(8):619-627, 1998. 4. Cho et al, Curr Opin. Genet. Dev. 5(1):72-78, 1995. 5. Klingelhutz, et al. Int. J. Cancer 53:382-387, 1993. 6. Chen et al., Oncogene 18(17):2747-2754, 1999. 102 Expression of Transforming Genes and Allelic Imbalance in Human Breast Epithelial Cells Induced by High-LET Radiation Debasish Roy, Gloria Calaf, and Tom Hei Breast cancer is the most common female cancer and is showing an alarming yearly increase. The mean 5-year survival rate of patients is about 60%, although less aggressive forms should be distinguished from those that rapidly metastasize. It varies greatly according to the age at onset, the clinical features, the histological characteristics, and the genetic context. These differences derive from a complex interplay involving exogenous factors (socioeconomic situation, diet, breast irradiation, oral contraception, geography), as well as endogenous factors (hormonal imbalance, mastopathies, family history of breast cancer). There is evidence that a complex and heterogeneous set of genetic alterations are involved in the etiology of breast cancer. It is believed that breast cancer, like most other cancers, has its origin in one cell, which, after going through a number of different mutational events, becomes malignant. Later selective events lead to the development of clones with different growth characteristics. Although relatively few genes have been found to be mutated in breast cancer, there are a large numbers of chromosome arms with as yet unidentified genes are known to be affected. These aberrations include both amplification of oncogenes (MYC, ERBB2, and CCND1, etc.) and mutations or deletions of tumor suppressor genes ( TP53 and CDH1, etc.) through microsatellite instability (MI) or loss of heterozygosity (LOH) at chromosomes 1, 3p, 6q, 7q, 8p, 9p, 10q, 11, 13q, 16q, 17, 18q, 22q, and X. The emergence of MI may involve defects in DNA replication or mismatch repair (MMR) mechanisms, whereas LOH may correspond to losses or inactivation of TSGs. Until recently, there have been very few human cell models available for the study of radiation carcinogenesis. For an accurate risk assessment of human exposure to ionizing radiation, mainly the high-LET radon alpha particle, and to have a better understanding of the molecular mechanisms for radiation-induced human breast carcinogenesis, an in vitro model was established in our laboratory, consisting of spontaneously immortalized, non-tumorigenic human breast epithelial (MCF-10F) cells. Using this model, we herein report the genetic changes that were identified during the course of the malignant transformation process induced by alpha particles. In pursuit of studying the molecular mechanisms, we examined the incidence of genomic instability in transformed, non-tumorigenic MCF-10F cells irradiated with 60/60 cGy doses of alpha-particles using two different approaches. We examined MI/LOH of genes located on chromosome 6 and 17 that are known to be affected frequently in breast cancer, and identified differentially expressed oncogenes/tumor suppressor genes using cDNA expression array. The tumorigenic MCF-10F-BP1Tras (Clone 20) and MCF-7 were used as positive controls for the MI/LOH study. Eight microsatellite markers were used from each chromosome with a map position near known tumor suppressor genes, oncogenes or other cancer-related genes which involved cell-cycle regulation, DNA replication, DNA repair or signal transduction protein genes. 103 The results from the PCR-SSCP (Polymerase Chain Reaction - Single Strand Conformational Polymorphism) analysis indicated that during the early events of radiation carcinogenesis there was a frequent allelic imbalance either by MI or LOH (Table -1) occuring at some specific loci of these chromosomes. These findings were consistent with results obtained using cDNA expression array (Fig.1), and supported the notion that even at the early stages of post-radiation treatment, there were some specific inherent genomic alterations within the cell. These observations supported the concepts that alterations in the mismatch repair (MMR) process and a simultaneous triggering of the oncogenic potential by radiation treatment can lead to the generation of some altered signals which may be responsible for the neoplastic transformation of the cell. Table 1. Frequent allelic imbalance in chromosome 6 and 17. MARKERS D6S220 D6S264 D6S281 D6S355 MAP POSITION 6q25.2-q27 6q25.2-q27 6q27 6q23.3-q25.2 D6S87 6q23 ESR 6q24-q27 IGF2R 6q25-q27 UTRN 17q11.2-q12 D17S513 17p13 D17S520 D17S579 17p13 17q12-q21 D17S849 17p13.3 THRA1 TP53 10F 60/60α α 6q24 D17S250 D17S1322 MCF10F 17q21 17q11.2-q12 17p13.1 = Complete Deletion = LOH = MI = No Change (remain the same as control MCF-10F) 104 10FBP1Tras MCF-7 Fig. 1. Differential expression of eight oncogenes/tumor suppressor genes. C = Control MCF-10F, E = MCF-10F treated with 60/60 cGy alpha particles. No figure available. 105 Aberrant Hypermethylation of the 14-3-3σ Gene is Associated with Gene Silencing in Breast Cancer Anne T. Ferguson, Ella Evron, and Christopher Umbricht (all from Johns Hopkins Oncology Center, Baltimore, MD), Tej K. Pandita, Heiko Hermeking (JHOC), Jeffrey Marks and Andrew Futreal (Duke University Medical Center, Durham, NC), Martha R. Stampfer (Berkeley National Laboratories, CA), and Saraswati Sukumar (JHOC) While many studies have identified critical genetic and epigenetic changes that mark the transformation of cells in tissues such as colon, pancreas, and lung, similar studies in breast cancer have met with limited success. Here, we report the identification of a gene, 14-3-3σ, whose expression is lost in 94% (45/48) of breast tumors. 14-3-3σ was originally identified as an epithelial-specific marker, HME1, which was downregulated in a few breast cancer cell lines but not in cancer cell lines derived from other tissue types. Later studies showed that 14-3-3σ protein (also called stratifin) was abundant in differentiated squamous epithelial cells, but decreased by 95% in SV40-transformed epithelial cells and in primary bladder tumors. We investigated the molecular mechanism underlying the low expression of 14-33σ in breast cancers. We find that genetic alterations such as loss of heterozygosity and intragenic mutations are not major contributing mechanisms for lack of 14-3-3σ expression, because loss of heterozygosity at 14-3-3σ were rare (1/20 informative cases) and no mutations were detected (0/34). Instead, we show that hypermethylation of the CpG-rich region in the 14-3-3σ gene is associated with its transcriptional silencing in the majority of breast tumors. We verified this finding by Northern blot analysis. Remarkably, 14-3-3σ mRNA was undetectable in 45 of 48 primary breast carcinomas. On the other hand, hypermethylation of CpG islands in the 14-3-3σ gene was detected in 91% (75/82) of breast tumors and was associated with lack of gene expression. Treatment of breast cancer cell lines that do not express 14-3-3σ with the DNA methyltransferase inhibitor, 5-aza-2’deoxycytidine (5-aza-dC), leads to partial demethylation of the CpG island and reexpression of 14-3-3σ mRNA. Thus, hypermethylation appears to be the principal mechanism for silencing of σ gene expression. Hypermethylated DNA is known to interact with at least one methyl-CpG-binding protein, MeCP2, that forms a transcriptionally repressive complex with the histone deacetylase and the transcriptional co-repressor, SIN3A. In fact, we found that treatment of 14-3-3σ-negative cells with the histone deacetylase inhibitor, trichostatin A, also leads to reactivation of the 14-3-3σ gene. Together, these results suggest that methylationmediated chromatin condensation is responsible for suppressing 14-3-3σ transcription in breast cancer cells. Hypermethylation and loss of 14-3-3σ expression are the most consistent molecular alterations in breast cancer identified so far. Consequently, 14-3-3σ gene methylation may serve as a novel diagnostic marker and target for therapeutic strategies. 106 Recent studies have shed light on the function of 14-3-3σ. It was identified as a p53-inducible gene that is responsive to DNA damaging agents. 14-3-3σ apparently sequesters the mitotic initiation complex, cdc2-cyclin B1, in the cytoplasm after DNA damage. This prevents cdc2-cyclin B1 from entering the nucleus where the protein complex would normally initiate mitosis. In this manner, 14-3-3σ induces G2 arrest, and allows the repair of damaged DNA. Of note, we find that breast cancer cells that do not express 14-3-3σ accumulate significantly more G2 type chromosomal aberrations than cells that express 14-3-3σ. These results suggest that 14-3-3σ participates in a G2 checkpoint control in breast cells. We propose that loss of 14-3-3σ gene expression plays a significant role in breast cancer, as it may facilitate the accumulation of genetic damage conducive to malignant transformation. In summary, 14-3-3σ-CpG island methylation is an epigenetic change that is largely responsible for silencing of the gene and occurs in a majority of breast cancers. Loss of 143-3σ may play a role in the increased sensitivity of breast cancers to radiation therapy. Further evaluation of 14-3-3σ gene methylation in tissue samples such as nipple aspirate cells, fine needle biopsies, microdissected premalignant lesions like DCIS, and pathologically negative sentinel lymph nodes may provide the foundation for its development as a novel marker for early detection. 107 A More Robust Biologically Based Ranking Criterion for Treatment Plans David J. Brenner and Rainer K. Sachs (University of California, Berkeley) In discussing the ranking of treatment plans based on estimated tumor control (TCP) and normal tissue complication (NTCP) probabilities, it has often been pointed out that the usual figure-of-merit score S = TCP (1 - NTCP ), (1) which has been adopted by several authors (1-3), has some undesirable properties. For example, changing the absolute value of the NTCP in two competing treatments plans by the same proportion can sometimes change the relative ranking of the plans (4). This is because, if Eq. 1 is used as the score for ranking plans, for a given value of TCP, a small fractional change in NTCP (i.e., dNTCP/NTCP) is reflected in the fractional change in the score as dS d NTCP NTCP . =− S NTCP 1 − NTCP (2) The problem here is that the term in brackets in Eq. 2 implies that, when the absolute value of NTCP is large, the score will be very sensitive to changes in NTCP, but when the absolute value of NTCP is small, the score will be relatively insensitive to changes in NTCP. Other suggested figures of merit, such as a ratio of biologically effective doses (e.g., BEDtumor / BEDlate-responding tissue), suggested by Ling and Chui (5), or more complex function of these BED's as suggested by Dale and Sinclair (6), are also prone to such problems. This situation can easily be remedied by using, for example, a figure-of-merit score R = TCP / NTCP. (3) In this case, a fractional change in the figure-of-merit score used for ranking treatment plans depends only on fractional changes in TCP and/or NTCP, as d R dTCP d NTCP = − , R TCP NTCP i.e., independent of the absolute values of TCP and NTCP, as one would wish. 109 (4) An extension of Eq. 3, which would allow for different relative weightings of TCP and NTCP would be q R' = TCP / NTCP , (5) where use of the weighting factor q (> 0) allows the physician's perspective on the relative importance of NTCP and TCP to be quantified (3). As in Eq. 4, fractional changes in R' depend only on fractional changes in TCP and NTCP. (In fact, use of a reciprocal ranking score, 1/R or 1/R' - which would, of course, be minimized rather than maximized - would have the same advantages in terms of ranking as R or R', but might be more stable. This is because NTCP is generally small, and small fluctuations in NTCP when it is in the denominator might cause unreasonably large fluctuations in the ranking score itself). In conclusion, a treatment-plan ranking score defined using Eq. 3 or Eq. 5 (or their reciprocals) does not have the undesirable ranking properties which sometimes appear when using the standard ranking score defined in Eq. 1. Thus R from Eq. 3, or the more general R' from Eq. 5, or their reciprocals, are likely to represent more robust ranking criteria than S from Eq. 1. References 1. Leibel SA, Kutcher GJ, Harrison LB, et al. Improved dose distributions for 3D conformal boost treatments in carcinoma of the nasopharynx. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 1991;20:823-833 2. Jain NL, Kahn MG, Drzymala RE, et al. Objective evaluation of 3-D radiation treatment plans: a decision-analytic tool incorporating treatment preferences of radiation oncologists. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 1993;26:321-333. 3. Amols HI, Zaider M, Hayes MK, et al. Physician/patient-driven risk assignment in radiation oncology: reality or fancy? Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 1997;38:455-461. 4. Langer M, Morrill SS, Lane R. A test of the claim that plan rankings are determined by relative complication and tumor-control probabilities. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 1998;41:451-457. 5. Ling CC, Chui CS. Stereotactic treatment of brain tumors with radioactive implants or external photon beams: radiobiophysical aspects. Radiother Oncol 1993;26:11-18. 6. Dale RG, Sinclair JA. A proposed figure of merit for the assessment of unscheduled treatment interruptions. Br J Radiol 1994;67:1001-1007. 110 Tumor Heterogeneity and its Effect on Parameters Estimated Using the Linear-Quadratic Model David J. Brenner and Eric J. Hall The standard linear-quadratic (LQ) approach (1-3) is now routinely used for analyzing clinical data and, based on its use, typical α/β values are found of around 9-12 Gy for most tumors (1,4), and of around 2-5 Gy for late-responding normal tissue (1,4). Recently, using this standard LQ approach, an α/β value for prostate tumor of 1.5 Gy was found (5), in the range of those for most late-responding tissues. If, as we have suggested (5), typical α/β values (i.e., the sensitivity to changes in fractionation) for prostate cancers are indeed comparable to those from the surrounding late-responding tissue, the consequences for prostate cancer radiotherapy would be far reaching -- favoring small numbers of large fractions, or high dose rate brachytherapy. The standard LQ model assumes homogeneity, i.e., that all the tumors in the clinical data set have the same values of α and β. Of course this is not true, and it has been pointed out many times that estimates of the α parameter increases markedly when heterogeneity is accounted for. It is of interest, then, to see if our conclusions regarding α/β remain the same when inter-tumor heterogeneity is taken into account. We have confirmed that fully taking into account heterogeneity in α and in β does indeed result in larger values of α and of β, but essentially unchanged values of α/β. This was done by analyzing the same prostate tumor control data that we originally used (5) with the standard LQ model, but with an extended model in which both α and β are selected from independent Gaussian distributions (free parameters [α0, σα] and [β0, σβ]). The prostate data were fitted to this fully heterogeneous LQ model by sampling many times (10,000) from each Gaussian distribution (excluding negative values) at each iteration of the fitting procedure. The results for the estimated mean values of α/β are shown in Table 1 (second row). Though the estimated mean values of α and of β were both considerably larger than from the standard LQ model (they now refer to averages over a whole population, rather than just those tumors that dominate the dose-cure relationship), the estimated value of the ratio α/β changed very little (2.1 vs. 1.5 Gy) from our original estimate made (5) with the standard LQ model. This conclusion was not unexpected: Bentzen et al. (6) pointed out that fully taking into account heterogeneity in the LQ model should result in an increased estimated α value, but the best estimate of α/β should be essentially unchanged. This conclusion was generalized by Dubray and Thames (7), who showed that, while estimates of individual radiobiological parameters can be highly sensitive to heterogeneity effects, ratios of parameters are far less sensitive. 111 Table 1. á/â estimates for prostate cancer, a “typical” tumor, and a “typical” late-responding tissue, as estimated with the standard LQ model (row 1), an extension to the LQ model incorporating independent Gaussian distributions for á and â (row 2), and a model incorporating the same (correlated) Gaussian distribution for á and â (row 3). Prostate* Tumor control (skin cancer)† Late-responding normal tissue (skin)‡ Standard LQ model 1.5 Gy 8.5 4.3 Gy Fully heterogeneous LQ model: independent Gaussian distributions for α and β 2.1 Gy 9.5 3.9 Gy Partially heterogeneous LQ model: same (correlated) Gaussian distribution for α and β 4.5 Gy 16.4 4.9 Gy *Data for freedom from biochemical failure from Stock et al. (8) and Hanks et al. (9). †Data for tumor control for human skin cancer (11), as analyzed by Thames et al. (4). ‡Data for telangiectasia (score ≥ 2 at 5 years) from Turesson and Thames (12), analyses including an overall time correction. It should be noted that, in the heterogeneous LQ model outlined above, α and β are independent of each other and are governed by independent distributions. There are heterogeneous models in the literature in which α and β can vary but not independently, so, for example, a tumor with a high α would also have a high β. However, a strong correlation between α and β is biologically rather implausible, because α and β reflect very different types of cell killing mechanisms - α relates to cell killing from small-scale deletions or insertions at the nanometer level, whereas β relates to exchange-type chromosome aberration formation at the micrometer level, dominated by large-scale chromosomal geometry (10). If α and β were correlated, as Dubray and Thames (7) point out, heterogeneity could indeed affect estimates of the α/β ratio. To investigate if this is so, we fit such a “partial” heterogeneity model, in which α and β are correlated, to the same prostate cancer data set (5) and indeed obtained an increased value of α/β (4.5 vs. 1.5 Gy). However, to compare the α/β value for prostate cancer derived from this model with those for late sequelae or those for other tumors, these latter also need to have α/β values estimated with this model. This we have done for a couple of the classic data sets, one for tumor control and one for late sequelae, from which “typical” α/β values were originally derived. What can be seen from the results in Table 1 is that an LQ model that fully accounts for heterogeneity produces essentially unchanged α/β values from the standard model; by contrast using a partial heterogeneity model in which α and β are correlated, all estimated values of α/β increase -- for prostate, for other “typical” tumors, and for late sequelae. 112 So with or without heterogeneity corrections, and even if α and β are correlated, α/β for prostate is comparable to that for late-responding normal tissues, and is much smaller than those for most other tumors. Taking into account heterogeneity is certainly interesting although, as we have shown, it can have its pitfalls, but the standard LQ model is often more informative in that it focuses in on those radioresistant tumors that control the dose-cure relationship, which is why, in standard LQ model analyses, the number of relevant clonogens is often very small. Beyond models, however, is the fundamental biology. As Duschesne and Peters (13) and ourselves (5) have pointed out, the central issue is consistency with what we know biologically: Prostatic tumors typically contain very low proportions of proliferating cells, and response to changes in fractionation tracks with cellular proliferative status, and so it is not surprising that prostate tumors appear to respond to changes in fractionation like lateresponding normal tissues. References 1. Fowler JF. The linear-quadratic formula and progress in fractionated radiotherapy. Br J Radiol 1989; 62:679-94. 2. Thames HD. An 'incomplete-repair' model for survival after fractionated and continuous irradiations. Int J Radiat Biol 1985; 47:319-39. 3. Dale RG. The application of the linear-quadratic dose-effect equation to fractionated and protracted radiotherapy. Br J Radiol 1985; 58:515-28. 4. Thames HD, Bentzen SM, Turesson I, et al. W. Fractionation parameters for human tissues and tumors. Int J Radiat Biol 1989; 56:701-10. 5. Brenner DJ, Hall EJ. Fractionation and protraction for radiotherapy of prostate carcinoma. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 1999; 43:1095-101. 6. Bentzen SM, Overgaard J, Thames HD, et al. Clinical radiobiology of malignant melanoma. Radiother Oncol 1989; 16:169-82. 7. Dubray BM, Thames HD. The clinical significance of ratios of radiobiological parameters. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 1996; 35:1099-111. 8. Stock RG, Stone NN, Tabert A, et al. A dose-response study for I-125 prostate implants. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 1998; 41:101-8. 9. Hanks GE, Schultheiss TE, Hanlon AL, et al. Optimization of conformal radiation treatment of prostate cancer: report of a dose escalation study. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 1997; 37:543-50. 10. Sachs RK, Chen AM, Brenner DJ. Review: proximity effects in the production of chromosome aberrations by ionizing radiation. Int J Radiat Biol 1997; 71:1-19. 11. Trott KR, Maciejewski B, Preuss-Bayer G, Skolyszewski J. Dose-response curve and split-dose recovery in human skin cancer. Radiother Oncol 1984; 2:123-9. 12. Turesson I, Thames HD. Repair capacity and kinetics of human skin during fractionated radiotherapy: erythema, desquamation, and telangiectasia after 3 and 5 year's follow-up. Radiother Oncol 1989; 15:16988. 13. Duchesne GM, Peters LJ. What is the alpha/beta ratio for prostate cancer? Rationale for hypofractionated high-dose-rate brachytherapy. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 1999; 44:747-8. 113 THE RADIOLOGICAL RESEARCH ACCELERATOR FACILITY THE RADIOLOGICAL RESEARCH ACCELERATOR FACILITY An NIH-Supported Resource Center WWW.RARAF.ORG Director: David J. Brenner, Ph.D., D.Sc. Manager: Stephen A. Marino, M.S. Chief Physicist: Gerhard Randers-Pehrson, Ph.D. Funding During this year, we were delighted that NIH funding for continued development of our single-particle microbeam facility was renewed for a further five years. Research Using RARAF Table I lists the experiments performed at RARAF during the period May 1, 1998 through April 30, 1999 and the number of days each was run in this period. Twelve different experiments were run during this 12-month period, about the same as the last two years. Six experiments were undertaken by members of the CRR, supported by grants from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the Department of Energy (DOE), and six by outside users, supported by various grants and awards from NIH, DOE, and NASA. Brief descriptions of these experiments are given here: Studies of the mutagenesis of human-hamster hybrid (AL) cells by charged particles (Exp. 43) resumed this year. Tom Hei, Hongning Zhou and Su-Xian Liu of the CRR irradiated cells with 4He particles having an LET of 150 keV/µm using the track segment facility. Cells were treated with graded doses of NNK, a tobacco-specific nitrosamine, or arsenite and given a single particle dose of 0.25 Gy. The mutation rate at the S1 locus of human chromosome 11, a single copy of which is present cells, is then observed. Charles Geard of the CRR has continued studies using the RARAF single-particle microbeam facility to irradiate cell nuclei with specific numbers of 90 keV/µm 4He ions to observe micronucleus production, cell growth, and progression through the cell cycle in normal human fibroblasts (Exp. 71). The cells are irradiated through the nucleus, through the cytoplasm, or through the surrounding medium. In other experiments, only a fraction of the cell nuclei are irradiated (1 in 2 to 1 in 80) and the unirradiated cells are observed for a “bystander” effect, i.e. a response greater than can be accounted for by only the cells which have been irradiated. Cell densities have been varied from intimate contact between cells to large separations. Brian Ponnaiya is developing a protocol in which small numbers of these cells, ultimately a single cell, can be observed for gene expression. Investigations involving the oncogenic neoplastic transformation of mouse C3H 10T½ cells (Exp. 73) were continued by Richard Miller and Satin Sawant of the CRR. Cells were irradiated individually through the nucleus or the cytoplasm, or a fraction of the cells were irradiated through the nucleus. In the latter case, when 10% of the cells were irradiated, with 8 helium ions, there was a significant increase in transformation rate compared to what would be predicted if there were no “bystander” effect. 115 The frequency and types of mutations induced at the S1 locus of human-hamster hybrid (AL) cells by an exact number of 4He ion traversals (Exp. 76) continue to be investigated by Tom Hei, Hongning Zhou and An Xu of the CRR. Twenty helium ions given to 20% of the cells resulted in a mutation rate 3-fold higher than expected assuming no “bystander” effect. The presence of DMSO had no effect, however lindane, which inhibits cell-to-cell communication, significantly reduced the mutation yield. In other experiments, only the cytoplasm is irradiated and the cells are examined to determine the mechanism by which mutations have been observed even though no particles passed through the cell nuclei. In this case, the addition of DMSO reduced the mutation rate, implying that radicals play a role in the process. Lucien Wielopolski and colleagues from Brookhaven National Laboratory continued the characterization of an accelerator-based boron neutron capture therapy (BNCT) system (Exp. 81). A moderator/reflector assembly consisting mostly of iron and Teflon is used to moderate neutrons produced by the Li(p,n) reaction. Neutrons with energies from a few eV to 100 keV are captured by the boron, which emits an energetic alpha particle, providing the therapeutic advantage. Ideally the spectrum at the entrance to where the patient’s head will be positioned should have few thermal neutrons, which will mostly be absorbed before reaching a tumor, or neutrons with energies above 100 keV, which won’t become thermalized and contribute unwanted dose to healthy tissue. The γ -ray dose from the competing Li(p,p`γ) reaction and from neutron capture in hydrogenous material must also be kept at a minimum since this is also unnecessary dose to the healthy tissue. Neutron yields and spectrometry measurements are compared with Monte Carlo calculations used to model the system. Noelle Metting of Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) in Washington State continued to investigate early responses to DNA damage (Exp. 80). HeLa S3 cells were irradiated through the nucleus by 4He ions with an LET of 90 keV/µm using the microbeam facility. The DNA of cells irradiated and then incubated was probed by enzymatic addition of labeled dNTPs to the 3'-OH ends. William Morgan of the University of California at San Francisco (UCSF) and Frank Petrini, of the University of Wisconsin at Madison, in collaboration with Charles Geard of the CRR, are using the microbeam facility to investigate normal human fibrobalsts derived from people with Nijmejen breakage syndrome (Exp. 84). These cells are deficient in a component of the repair process. The cells are observed for intra-nuclear localization of repair proteins following site-specific irradiation. Tom Hei and Gloria Calaf of the CRR continued experiments using the track segment facility to develop a model for neoplastic transformation in immortalized human breast epithelial (MCF-10F) cells similar to that used for human bronchial epithelial cells (Exp. 85). Cells from transformed colonies resulting from one or two 0.6 Gy doses of 150 keV/µm 4He ions are observed for altered morphology, increased growth rate, anchorageindependent growth, and invasive capabilities before being implanted into nude mice to assay for tumor formation. JaeSub Hong and William Craig of the Columbia University Astrophysics Laboratory continued their investigation of materials to shield gamma-ray detectors used in high-altitude balloon flights from neutrons (Exp. 88). Neutron and gamma-ray fluxes and 116 spectra are being measured for initially monoenergetic neutrons in the energy range from 0.2 to 2 MeV after they have passed through various potential shielding configurations. This research will be the doctoral thesis for Mr. Hong. A portable neutron spectrometry system to cover the energy range from 20 keV to 500 MeV for use on the space shuttle and the manned mission to Mars is being developed by a group at the Applied Physics Laboratory of Johns Hopkins University. Calibration of this system (Exp. 89) is being performed by Richard Maurer, David Roth, Raul Fainchtein and others in their group. The low-energy portion of the neutron spectra are measured using He proportional counters and the higher energy section is measured using a 5-mm thick lithium-drifted silicon detector. Essentially monoenergetic neutrons in the energy range from 0.5 to 18.5 MeV have been provided using the T(p,n), D,d,n) and T(d,n) reactions. The neutron doses delivered to the detectors have been measured with a tissueequivalent ionization chamber and converted to fluence using standard fluence-to-dose conversion factors so that the efficiency of the detectors as a function of energy can also be determined. David Boothman of Case Western Reserve University, in collaboration with Charles Geard of the CRR, is examining the expression of radiation-induced proteins associated with apoptosis in human mammary epithelial cells (Exp. 90). Cells with and without a p53 construct are irradiated using the single-particle microbeam. Cells undergoing apoptosis after irradiation are examined to determine protein expression that may be associated with this process. Transformation of primary human lung epithelial cells by 4He ions (Exp. 91) is being investigated by Tom Hei and Hongning Zhou of the CRR. Explants of cells are grown into cultures and irradiated with 150 keV/µm 4He ions using the track segment facility. Because of the low probability of producing a transformed cell, large numbers of cells must be irradiated for each experiment. Accelerator Utilization and Operation Accelerator usage is summarized in Table II. Use of the accelerator for radiobiology and associated dosimetry was very similar to the average for 1992-98. Over 90% of the accelerator use for radiobiology and 75% of the accelerator use for experiments was for microbeam irradiations. These experiments require considerable beam time to obtain sufficient biological data, especially for low probability events such as transformation and mutation. Utilization of the accelerator by radiological physics and chemistry increased somewhat over last year and was slightly higher than the average for the past 6 years. Two of the projects (Exps 88 and 89) should continue through at least the next year. Long-term physics experiments can require large amounts of beam time and can often be run on relatively short notice if the experimenters do not have a long travel time. Time spent on radiation safety system inspections was reduced slightly by not inspecting those systems that are rarely, if ever, used, such as the 137Cs source that is used only for chamber calibrations or the 50 kV X-ray source. Any target stations that have not been used for a while are also not inspected. Of course, any facility will be inspected before it is put back into use. 117 Table I. Experiments Run at RARAF May 1, 1998 - April 30, 1999 Exp. No. 43 71 73 76 80 81 84 85 88 89 90 91 Institution Exp. Type T. K. Hei, H. N. Zhou, S. X. Liu C. R. Geard, B. Ponnaiya CRR Bio CRR Bio R. C. Miller, S. Sawant T. K. Hei, H. N. Zhou, A. Xu N. F. Metting L. Wielopolski, et al. W. Morgan, J. Petrini T. K. Hei, G. Calaf W. Craig, J. Hong R. H. Mauer, et al. D. Boothman CRR Bio CRR Bio PNNL BNL Bio Phys UCSF, Univ. of Wisconsin CRR Bio Experimenter T. K. Hei, H. N. Zhou Columbia Univ. Johns Hopkins Univ. Case Western Reserve Univ. CRR Bio Phys Title of Experiment Cellular and Molecular studies on the mutagenesis of charged particles using human-hamster hybrid (AL) cells Chromosome aberration and micronucleus production in human cells lines by specific numbers of α particles Neoplastic transformation of C3H 10T½ cells by specific numbers of α particles Mutation at the S1 locus of human-hamster hybrid (AL) cells by specific numbers of α particles Early responses to DNA damage Neutron spectroscopy for moderator assembly for BNCT using Li(p,n) reaction Genomic instability using specific numbers of α particles Neoplastic transformation of human breast epithelial cells by high-LET radiation Development of neutron shields for highaltitude gamma-ray detectors No. Days Run 2.5 16.2 19.8 21.2 1.0 6.0 2.0 2.0 6.2 Phys Calibration of a portable real-time neutron spectrometry system 2.5 Bio Expression of radiation-induced proteins associated with apoptosis Neoplastic transformation of primary human lung epithelial cells by high-LET radiation 1.0 Bio Accelerator reliability was about normal this year. Maintenance and repair time was slightly above the recent average, and less than half that for 1994-95. No major repairs to the accelerator were performed, although there was a modification to the charging control system, which is described in the next section. Development of Facilities Development of the microbeam and low-energy neutron facilities are described here briefly. More detailed descriptions of the development of these facilities are given elsewhere in this report. The single–particle microbeam has a number of developments and modifications that are nearing completion: 118 0.5 Table II. Accelerator Use, May 1997 - April 1998 Percent Usage of Available Days • • • Radiobiology and associated dosimetry 27% Radiological physics and chemistry 6% On-line facility development and testing 23% Off-line facility development 33% Safety system 2% Accelerator-related repairs / maintenance. 9% A quadrupole quadruplet lens to focus the particle beam to ~2µm diameter has been designed, constructed, and successfully tested for high voltage capability A high voltage power supply has been purchased for the quadruplet and is being modified to turn off if there is a sudden voltage change (break-down) The voice-coil positioner for cell dishes has been refined and a control circuit designed The low-energy neutron facility produces neutron spectra with dose-mean energies of 86, 56, and 40 keV. It is based on the Li(p,n) reaction and requires a rotating target to avoid melting the lithium at high beam currents. The target system is fully functional: • The water and vacuum seals do not leak, even at twice the design motor speed • A beam current of 60 µA for several hours did not reduce the thickness of the lithium • Neutron spectra show only a moderate amount of scattered higher-energy neutrons • Neutron dose rates are adequate and the percentage γ-ray dose is acceptable • Multiple small cell samples can be irradiated simultaneously at the same dose rate We have partially installed the new voltage control system that was purchased for the Van de Graaff last year. This system is designed to regulate the terminal voltage to ±1 keV whereas the previous system, installed about 1970, can only regulate to ±3-5 keV. The new generating voltmeter (GVM) and corona head have been mounted on the accelerator tank and the signal cables have been run. While the new corona head could be mounted on a spare port, allowing us to keep the old one in place, the new GVM had to replace the old one, so we could not maintain two parallel systems and switch between them. The new GVM has been in use for 2 months but the corona head has not as yet been tried. The control electronics for the new system do not provide some of the features the 119 old system did, so modifications will be made to the circuitry to obtain a digital readout of the terminal voltage and the position of the corona head. Personnel The Director of RARAF is Dr. David Brenner. The Van de Graaff accelerator is operated by Mr. Stephen Marino and Dr. Gerhard Randers-Pehrson, with the assistance of Dr. Haijun Song, a post-doctoral fellow. Staffing at RARAF has increased during the past year to the point that there are no longer offices available and the biology labs have become somewhat crowded. Dr. Dusan Srdoc, who had been collaborating on measurements of microdosimetric and neutron spectra, left RARAF in March 1999. Dr. Alexander Dymnikov, an expert on ion beam transport, joined the RARAF staff in February, 1999. He is doing detailed calculations on the design of the electrostatic quadrupole lens systems which are being developed to increase the microbeam resolution initially to 2 µm and eventually to ~0.5 µm. Mr. Stig Palm from the University of Goteborg, Sweden visited from August through October 1999 to do irradiations with the single-particle microbeam. His experiments were related to the study of radioimmunotherapy cancer treatment using antibodies labeled with 211At, the subject of his recent doctoral thesis. Mr. Francois Lueg-Althoff, an undergraduate student from the University of Aachen in Jülich, Germany, arrived in October for a nine-month visit to do his Praxissemester and Diplomarbeit (practical semester and undergraduate thesis). He has been assisting the RARAF staff, particularly with microbeam irradiations. As his thesis project, he will irradiate track-etchant plastic using the single-particle microbeam to determine the radial distribution of alpha particles at the location of the cells. Biologists from the Center for Radiological Research not supported by the RARAF grant spend various amounts of time at the facility in order to perform experiments: Dr. Charles Geard spends a large part of most working days at RARAF. In addition to his own research, he is collaborating with several outside users on experiments using the single-particle microbeam facility. Dr. Richard Miller worked at RARAF approximately 3-4 days per week until January 1999, when he took a position with the Radiological Society of North America (RSNA). He has returned several times to perform or assist in microbeam experiments. Dr. Satin Sawant, has taken over Richard Miller’s work on transformation using the C3H10T1/2 cell line. He spends essentially all his time at RARAF, primarily doing experiments utilizing the microbeam facility. Dr. Brian Ponnaiya, a post-doctoral fellow, arrived in April 1999. He works at RARAF full-time, performing microbeam experiments. He has equipped the cell laboratory for molecular characterization of radiation damage. There is one full-time biology technician, Ms. Gloria Jenkins. Two other technicians, Ms. Mei Wang and Ms. Sonu Dhar, are at RARAF part of the time. Microbeam Meeting We organized the 4th International Workshop: Microbeam Probes of Cellular Radiation Response, held in Killiney Bay, Dublin, July 17-18. Roughly 75 scientists (about 120 equal numbers of physicists and biologists) attended the workshop, the fourth in a biannual series. Extended abstracts from the meeting are in press in the Radiation Research journal and are available on the RARAF website ( RECENT PUBLICATIONS OF WORK PERFORMED AT RARAF (1998-1999) 1. Calaf, G.M. and Hei, T.K. Establishment of a radiation and estrogen-induced breast cancer model. Carcinogenesis 21 (in press, 2000) 2. Calaf, G.M. and Hei, T.K. Establishment of a radiation and estrogen-induced breast cancer model. Carcinogenesis, in press, 2000 3. Dymnikov, A.D., Brenner, D.J., Johnson, G. and Randers-Pehrson, G. Theoretical study of short electrostatic lens for the Columbia ion microprobe. Rev. Sci. Instr. (In Press, 2000) 4. Dymnikov, A.D., Brenner, D.J., Johnson, G.W. and Randers-Pehrson, G. Electrostatic lens design for the Columbia microbeam. Radiation Research, in press, February 2000. 5. Geard, C.R., Randers-Pehrson, G., Marino, S.A., Jenkins-Baker, G., Hei, T.K., Hall, E.J. and Brenner, D.J. Intra- and inter-cellular responses following cell-site specific microbeam irradiation. Radiation Research, in press, February 2000. 6. Hei, T. K., Roy, D., Piao, C.Q., Calaf, G. and Hall, E. J. Genomic instability in human epithelial cells transformed by high LET radiation. Radiat. Res. 153 (in press, 1999) 7. Mauer, R.H., Roth, D.R., Fainchtein, R., Goldsten, J.O. and Kinnison, J.D. Portable real time neutron spectrometry II, to be published in the proceedings of the International Space Station Conference, Albuquerque, NM, January 30-February 3, 2000. 8. Miller, R.C., Martin, S.G., Geard, C.R., Marino, S.A., Randers-Pehrson, G., Brenner, D.J. and Hall, E.J. High LET-induced Oncogenic Transformation. In Risk Evaluation of Cosmic-ray Exposure in Long-term Manned Space Mission (F. Fujitaka, et. al., Eds.) pp. 121-126, Kondasha Scientific Ltd., Tokyo, Japan, 1999. 9. Miller, R.C., Martin, S.G., Hanson, W.R., Marino, S.A. and Hall, E.J. Effect of track structure and radioprotectors on the induction of oncogenic transformation in murine fibroblasts by heavy ions. Adv. Space Res. 22: 1719-1723 (1998). 10. Miller, R.C., Sawant, S.G., Randers-Pehrson, G.,. Marino, S.A., Geard, C.R., Hall E.J. and Brenner, D.J. Single alpha-particle traversals and tumor promoters. Radiation Research, in press, February 2000. 11. Randers-Pehrson, G., Geard, C.R., Johnson, G.W. and Brenner, D.J. Technical characteristics of the Columbia University single-ion microbeam. Radiation Research, in press, February 2000. 12. Zhou, H.N., Randers-Pehrson, G., Waldren, C., Vannais, D., Hall, E.J. and Hei, T.K. Induction of a bystander mutagenic effect of alpha particles in mammalian cells. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 97 (in press, 2000). 13. Zhou, H., Randers-Pehrson, G. and Hei, T.K. Studies of bystander mutagenic response using charged particle microbeam. Radiation Research, in press, February 2000. 121 RADIATION SAFETY OFFICE RADIATION SAFETY OFFICE STAFF PROFESSIONAL STAFF Salmen Loksen, M.S., CHP, DABR, Director, RSO Ahmad Hatami, M.S., DABMP, CRESO, Assistant Director RSO Thomas Juchnewicz, M.S., DABR, Assistant Radiation Safety Officer Ilya Pitimashvili, Ph.D., Radiation Protection Supervisor TECHNICAL STAFF Clifford Jarvis, B.S., Chief Technician Karolin Khalili, B.S., Senior Technician Kenyel Spaulding, Technician B Hayeon Kim, M.S., Technician A Roman Tarasyuk, Technician A SECRETARIAL STAFF Yvette Acevedo, Administrative Aide Diana Morrison, Executive Secretary Raquel Rodriguez, Clerk A Milvia Perez, Clerk A Zugiery DeLeon, Clerk A CONSULTING STAFF Jake Kamen, Ph.D., Physicist Bruce Emmer, M.S., DABMP, DABR, Physicist 123 Radiation Safety Office Fiscal Year 1998-1999 Introduction On May 19, 1957, the President of Columbia University distributed a memo entitled Directive to All University Departments Having a Source of Ionizing Radiation, advising all parties of the expanded function of the Radiation Safety Committee. Later, a notice entitled Radiation Safety Guide for Columbia University, dated February 10, 1959, named Philip M. Lorio as the Health Physics Officer for University Departments and Laboratories, except the College of Physician & Surgeons, where Dr. Edgar Watts was the named Health Physics Officer. The Chairman of the Radiation Safety Committee was Dr. Gioacchino Failla, who initiated the Radiological Research Laboratory in the Department of Radiology of Columbia-Presbyterian Medical Center (CPMC). By agreement between The Presbyterian Hospital in the City of New York (PH) and Columbia University (CU), the Radiation Safety Office (RSO) was established as an autonomous unit in 1962 for the purpose of maintaining radiation safety. The Joint Radiation Safety Committee (JRSC), appointed by the Medical Board of CPMC and the Vice President for Health Sciences of Columbia University, is charged with the responsibility of defining and ensuring enforcement of proper safeguards in the use of sources of ionizing radiation. Dr. Harald H. Rossi, Director of the Radiological Research Laboratories, was appointed Chairman of the JRSC. Under his direction, this committee developed a Radiation Safety Code and Guide, the administration of which is assigned to the Radiation Safety Officer. Dr. Eric J. Hall, the present Director of the Center for Radiological Research, now chairs the JRSC. The present Radiation Safety Office (RSO) came into existence through an agreement made on February 12, 1991 between New York State Psychiatric Institute (NYSPI), the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Columbia University (P&S), and The Presbyterian Hospital in the City of New York (PH). This agreement combined several overlapping clinical and educational programs, including all programs for ensuring radiation safety. On December 16, 1996, Mr. Salmen Loksen was appointed Director of the Radiation Safety Office (RSO). The Radiation Safety Office advises CPMC and NYSPI through the JRSC, and also participates in the review of research protocols for the Radioactive Drug Research Committee under the jurisdiction of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. 124 The Radiation Safety Office is responsible for ensuring compliance with Federal, State and City regulatory agencies. These regulatory agencies, which mandate rules, regulations, and guidelines, include: • • • • • United States Food and Drug Administration United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission New York State Department of Environmental Conservation New York State Department of Health New York City Department of Health Bureau of Radiological Health. The Radiation Safety Office also ensures compliance with the rules and regulations of the Radiation Code and Guide of CPMC and the New York State Psychiatric Institute. The primary services provided by the Radiation Safety Office are: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Providing initial and annual training to personnel involved in handling radioactive materials or radiation-producing equipment. Evaluation of education, training and experience of individuals requesting the purchase of radioactive materials and radiation-producing equipment. Routine and specialized laboratory inspection. Calibration of instruments. Pick-up storage and disposal of radioactive waste. Emergency response in case of radiation accidents. Leak testing of sealed radiation sources. Bioassay (urinalysis for radioactivity). Consultation for radiation shielding requirements. Personnel exposure monitoring. Supervision of contaminated-area cleanup. Monitoring dental and medical X-ray equipment. Quality assurance testing of dental X-ray equipment. Measurement of personnel thyroid uptake. Receiving, shipping, tracking and testing packages for radioactive contamination. Responding to radiation emergencies: spills, personnel contamination and investigating reports of overexposure. It is the goal of the Radiation Safety Office at Columbia-Presbyterian Medical Center to protect employees, patients and the public from exposure to unnecessary ionizing radiation. Through continuing training, education and consultation the Radiation Safety Office ensures adherence to all regulatory requirements and guidelines so that exposure remains as low as reasonably achievable (ALARA). The Radiation Safety Office is responsible for maintaining licenses allowing the use 125 of radioactive materials. Licenses include the New York City Department of Health Bureau of Radiological Health Broad Scope Research and Broad Scope Human Use License and others. In addition, the Radiation Safety Office is responsible for maintaining permits from the New York City Department of Health Bureau of Radiological Health for radiation-producing equipment (X-rays) and the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation for the discharge and disposal of radioactive material to the environment. These governmental licensing agencies also perform periodic audits and inspections. The Radiation Safety Office strives to ensure that regulatory violations are prevented and that any that might occur are expeditiously rectified. In professional matters involving radiation safety, the RSO reports to the Joint Radiation Safety Committee, which meets on a quarterly basis. For administrative purposes, the RSO reports to Dr. Richard Sohn, Associate Dean for Research Administration and Director of Grants and Contracts. Radiation Safety Office staff are Columbia University employees. The RSO budget is funded by New York Presbyterian Hospital, the Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons, and the New York State Psychiatric Institute, via payback arrangement. With the full-asset merger between The Presbyterian Hospital in the City of New York and New York Hospital on December 1, 1997, a single entity known as New York Presbyterian Hospital was formed with facilities in two major Manhattan locations: Columbia-Presbyterian Center at West 168th Street in Washington Heights and New York Weill Cornell Center at East 68th Street on the Upper East Side. The RSO is in the process of reviewing the Radiation Safety Manuals at both locations to ensure that uniform policies are established. Summary of Services The statistical data detailed below are for the period of the fiscal year, July 1, 1998 through June 30, 1999. Instances of Radiation Safety Office support, activities, incidents and response, include those from the date of the last Annual Report, December 1998, to the present, December 1999. 1. Performed routine radiation safety audit/surveys of 351 Columbia University and New York State Psychiatric Institute research laboratories using radioactive materials. Results of the audits were communicated to Responsible Investigators and 67 deficiencies were followed up, resulting in the correction of the cited deficiencies. 2. Received and distributed 4,218 packages containing radioisotopes, with a total activity of 75 Curies, excluding Nuclear Medicine and Radiation Oncology Shipments. For all shipments the RSO conducts package surveys, ensures correct distribution to Authorized Users, maintains inventory control and associated records. 126 3. Performed 110 thyroid bioassays on radiation workers using isotopes of iodine, primarily I-125, and occasionally I-123 or I-131. 4. Distributed 1,613 personnel radiation dosimeters on a monthly basis, and 3,384 personnel radiation dosimeters on a quarterly basis, results in 32,892 dosimeters distributed and collected annually. To maintain dosimetry records the RSO uses a dedicated computer with direct modem access to the vendor. 5. From January 1999 the RSO began a changeover from standard LiF (TLD) dosimeters to Luxel optically stimulated luminescence dosimeters. Luxel’s Optically Stimulated Luminescence (OSL) dosimeter measures radiation exposure due to x-ray, beta, and gamma radiation through a thin layer of aluminum oxide. After use, the aluminum oxide is stimulated with a laser light in Landauer’s laboratory causing it to become luminescent in proportion to the amount of radiation exposure. The luminescence is measured and a report of exposure result is generated. The Luxel dosimeter has a sensitivity of 1 mrem for photon compared to the standard LiF sensitivity of 10 mrem. The first department to be changed to the new system was the Department of Radiology at New York, Columbia-Presbyterian Center. This changeover was coordinated with the New York Presbyterian Hospital Weill Cornell Center. Columbia University, New York Presbyterian Hospital and New York State Psychiatric Institute employees will completely change over to the Luxel optically stimulated luminescence radiation dosimeter in January 2000. The RSO conducted two informational-training sessions on the use of and transition to the new Luxel system. 6. An officer of the RSO participates as an Ad Hoc Member of the Animal Care Protocol Review Committee, reviewing all procedures using radionuclides in animal research. 32 protocols involving the use of radioactive materials in animals were approved. 7. Scheduled and performed 28 routine animal radiation safety surveys in the Institute of Comparative Medicine in order to ensure the integrity of ongoing experiments and to protect the Animal Care Staff from unnecessary radiation exposure and radiation contamination in animal rooms and cages. 8. Provided calibration and maintenance services for 287 portable radiation survey instruments used throughout the Columbia-Presbyterian Medical Center and the New York State Psychiatric Institute. The RSO maintains a supply of portable survey instruments available for loan to Responsible Investigators. 9. Provided support to New York Presbyterian Hospital Departments of Nuclear Medicine and Radiation Oncology by performing patient and room surveys, posting 127 instructions in patient rooms, entering instructions in patient charts, and distributing personnel radiation monitoring devices. During 1998-1999, radiation safety support was given for 97 brachytherapy patients and 9 I-131 radiopharmaceutical therapy patients. Rooms are decontaminated and contaminated patient wastes are removed for decay in storage and disposal. 10. The RSO operated the Columbia-Presbyterian Medical Center Low-LevelRadioactive-Waste (LLRW) Disposal and the Decay-In-Storage programs. This program operates from LLRW/Decay-In-Storage facilities maintained by the RSO in the Columbia University Physicians & Surgeons Building, Russ Berrie Medical Science Pavilion, Hammer Health Sciences Building and the new New York State Psychiatric Institute building on Riverside Drive. 11. The RSO maintained and updated the South Carolina Waste Transport Permit, the Chem-Nuclear Waste Disposal Permit, and prepared waste shipping manifests. A total of 2,065.5 cubic feet of radioactive wastes were collected from all research users at CPMC and the New York State Psychiatric Institute. 125 drums, containing 573.8 cubic feet of dry solid LLRW, were shipped to the burial site in South Carolina. 75 drums, containing 340.8 cubic feet of liquid scintillation vial waste, were shipped for disposal as non-radioactive waste in Florida. Total activity shipped was 816.8 millicuries. An additional 287 drums containing 1,150.9 cubic feet of short half-life waste was held for decay in storage and cleared for landfill disposal as regular trash. An additional 4,350 liters of low-level aqueous wastes were disposed of by monitored sewer disposal. Presently, due to sharply increased fees and the distinct possibility that the South Carolina site will shut down, the RSO is actively evaluating other sites for landfill disposal of LLRW. Criteria being evaluated include not only costs, but also environmental risk and impact. The RSO prepared and submitted the annual Low-Level Radioactive Waste Report to the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority. 12. The RSO maintained a comprehensive program to prevent the release of patient waste contaminated with radioactivity. 258 bags of 'black bag' waste were removed from patient rooms and placed in Decay-In-Storage. Low-level radioactive waste monitors, maintained and checked daily by the RSO on the Milstein and the New York Presbyterian Hospital loading docks, detected an additional 100 bags of contaminated 'red bag' waste which were removed from the waste stream and placed in Decay-InStorage. In order to optimize this program the RSO has placed an order for delivery and installation of a new network-ready monitoring system that will not only alert workers on the waste area loading docks to contaminated patient waste, but will display the 128 alert on a work station in the RSO, and maintain a 24 hour-a-day, 7 day-a-week record of waste alarm response in order to insure removal of radioactive patient waste from the regular waste stream. 13. The RSO continued to provide radiation safety support for the Cyclotron Facility and the associated PET Suite. The RSO continues to advise Cyclotron and PET staff regarding keeping extremity and whole body exposures ALARA. During 1999 remote manipulators were installed in a Cyclotron Facility hot cell at the recommendation of the RSO. Intensive in-services were given to PET Suite technologists, researchers and medical staff regarding the safe handling of high-energy positron emitting radiopharmaceuticals. The RSO maintains a liaison with the corporate RSO of PET Net, Inc., the operator of the Cyclotron under the CPMC license. 14. Throughout 1999 the RSO provided radiation protection engineering consulting services to the Columbia University Engineering Department and their contractors involved in the currently underway construction of the new Radioligand Laboratory in the basement of the Milstein Hospital Building, adjacent to the existing Cyclotron Facility. The RSO provided calculations regarding and specifications for the laboratory radioisotope exhaust system, the roof-top filtration and discharge system, the computerized effluent stack radiation monitoring system, shielding requirements for hot cells, radioactive gas delivery lines and the pneumatic delivery system, portable radiation survey meters and alarming area monitors. 15. In association with the Department of Radiology, the RSO maintained a Radiation Safety Inspection and Audit Program for non-Radiology X-ray equipment at CPMC to assure compliance with regulatory requirements. The program includes an audit an evaluation of compliance with Quality Assurance requirements and procedures, attendance of employees at radiation safety training sessions, and compliance in the wear and timely return of personnel radiation dosimetry. Prior to the field audit a form is sent to each non-Radiology X-ray facility requesting a list of individuals responsible for performing QA/QC functions and an inventory list of all X-ray equipment and film processors. 16. Performed quarterly inspections and audits of all CPMC clinical facilities using radioactive materials to ensure compliance with City of New York Radioactive Materials License conditions and with RCNY Article 175, Radiation Control. These audits include quarterly inventories of all sealed sources of radioactivity and leak testing of sources and irradiators as required. Leak test certificates are provided. The facilities audited include: New York Presbyterian Hospital Nuclear Cardiology, New York Presbyterian Hospital Neuroanesthesiology, Milstein Hospital Department of Nuclear Medicine, Milstein Hospital Cyclotron Facility, Milstein Hospital PET Suite, New York State Psychiatric Institute Brain Scan Department, Allen Pavilion Nuclear Medicine and Allen Pavilion Nuclear Cardiology. 129 In addition, the RSO investigates all major spills, incidents, misadministrations, anomalous exposures and reports of missing sources, and provides timely notice of reportable incidents to the City of New York Department of Health Bureau of Radiological Health. 17. The RSO maintained the City of New York Radioactive Materials Licenses: 75-287801 (Human Use), 92-2878-02 (Teletherapy), 74-2878-03 (Non-Human Use), 58-287804 (Cyclotron Facility) 93-2878-05 (Gamma Knife), and City of New York Therapeutic Radiation Linac Unit Certified Registration No. 77-0000018 (East 60th Street) and No. 77-0000019 (168th Street). 18. Additional interactions with the City of New York Department of Health Bureau of Radiological Health included: • Obtained a renewal of the 92-2878-02 (Teletherapy) License for a five-year period. The renewed License will expire on July 31, 2004. • Obtained an amendment to the 75-2878-01 (Human Use) License adding a Nordian International Gamma Cell 3000 Blood Irradiator containing 56.5 Terabecquerels of Cs-137 for use by Transfusion Services. • Obtained written permission to modify the procedure used to assay Oxygen-15 under 75-2878-01 (Human Use) and 58-2878-04 (Cyclotron). • Requested an amendment to the 75-2878-01 (Human Use) License increasing the outpatient Iodine-131 therapy limit from 1.2 gigabecquerels to 8.103 gigabecquerels. • Requested amendments to the 75-2878-01 (Human Use), 92-2878-02 (Teletherapy), 93-2878-05 (Gamma Knife) Licenses, and the 77-0000018 and 770000019 Linac Registrations, to add three qualified radiation oncology physicians approved by the CPMC JRSC as authorized users. 19. As a major function of the maintenance of the City of New York Radioactive Materials licenses, X-ray registrations and Linac Registrations, the RSO represents the CPMC and New York State Psychiatric Institute Joint Radiation Safety Committee during inspections and audits conducted by the City of New York Department of Health Bureau of Radiological Health. The RSO accompanies the inspectors, provides access to information and records, participates in the exit interviews and receives the written report of the City. Inspections performed in 1999 were: • September 1, 1999, inspection for compliance with the requirements of 92-287802 (Teletherapy). 130 • June 17, 1999 through September 20, 1999, inspection for compliance with the requirements of 74-2878-03 (Non-Human Use). • August 27, 1999, inspection for compliance with the requirements of X-ray Permit No. H98 1005495 72 (Mobile C-arm, leased to Orthopedics). • May 11 and 20, 1999, inspection for compliance with the requirements of Linac Registration No. 77-0000018 (East 60th Street Facility) • February 11, 1999 through April 8, 1999, inspection for compliance with the requirements of 52-2878-04 (Cyclotron) and 74-2878-01 (Human Use). • April 7, 1999, inspection for compliance with the requirements of 93-2878-05 (Gamma Knife). • February 25, 1999, initial inspection of new Gamma Knife installation in the Department of Radiation Oncology for compliance with the requirements of 932878-05 (Gamma Knife) and RCNY Article 175. In all cases either no deficiencies were found or minor deficiencies discovered were corrected within thirty days of the inspection. 20. As an additional function of the maintenance of the City of New York Department of Health Bureau of Radiological Health Radioactive Materials licenses, X-ray registrations and Linac Registrations, the RSO receives BRH Information Notices from the City of New York Department of Health Bureau of Radiological Health, which provide guidance for meeting compliance with specific requirements of RCNY 175. During 1999 the RSO received the following BRH Information Notices and communicated their requirements to the departments concerned: • • • • January 3, 1999, BRH-1: Discharge criteria for patients administered radioactive material. January 26, 1999, BRH-2: Approved bodies for external radiation oncology audits. August 16, 1999, BRH-3: Requirements for linear accelerator facility doors. August 24, 1999, BRH-4: Requirements for Y2K contingency planning. 21. The RSO maintained the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Radiation Control Permit No. 2-6201-00005/00006 required for the discharge to the atmosphere of exhausts contaminated with radioisotopes from emission points on the CPMC campus. 131 22. Activities with regard to New York State Department of Environmental Conservation included: • Performed a quarterly review of all atmospheric and sewer discharges of radioisotopes from the CPMC campus as required by our Radiation Control Permit Conditions and 6 NYCRR 380. The results of this review are communicated to the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation and complied into an annual report of discharges. • On November 29, 1999, as required by our Permit Conditions, the RSO submitted to the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation a comprehensive Permit Modification Request. This comprehensive permit modification request combines in one unified document the results of two years of discussion and correspondence with the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation regarding radioisotope discharges from CPMC facilities including the Cyclotron, the Nuclear Medicine Department, and numerous research laboratories throughout the campus. • This document, currently under review, places CPMC in compliance with the new U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission constraint limit of 10 mrem per year to the general public from the discharge of radioactive materials. The permit modification request characterizes the location, flow-rate and amount of radioisotopes discharged from 15 emission points on the CPMC campus. It provides calculations of discharge concentration and the radiation dose to the general public resulting from CPMC research and clinical operations. • On September 13, 1999, obtained approval from the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation of a Permit Modification to increase the amount of Carbon-11 discharged to the atmosphere from 7 Curies per year to 17 Curies per year. This discharge resulted from an increase in the need to produce Carbon11 for radiopharmaceutical research. 23. As a major function of the maintenance of the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Radiation Control Permit, the RSO represents the CPMC Joint Radiation Safety Committee during inspections and audits conducted by the New York State Department of Health Radiation Control Section. The RSO accompanies the inspectors, provides access to information and records, participates in the exit interviews, receives the written report of the inspection, ensures deficiencies are corrected in a timely manner, and reports to the CPMC JRSC. Inspections performed in 1999 were: • On November 23, 1999, representatives of the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Radiation Control Section conducted an unannounced inspection of CPMC operations under Permit No. 2-6201- 132 00005/00006. The inspection concerned the physical facilities and operations discharging radioisotopes into the atmosphere, the monitoring of those discharges, and the disposal of solid Low-Level-Radioactive-Waste. No deficiencies were cited. A future audit of written records is expected. • On February 11, 1999, representatives of the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Radiation Control Section conducted an unannounced inspection and audit of CPMC operations under Permit No. 2-620100005/00006. The inspection concerned the physical facilities, operations discharging radioisotopes into the atmosphere, and the monitoring of those discharges. The audit involved a review of records required under the Permit and 6 NYCRR 380. On March 31, 1999, the RSO received a letter from the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation that CPMC was in full compliance. In the exit interview it was mentioned that the RSO was doing “a great job.” 24. As an additional function of the maintenance of the Radiation Control Permit, the RSO implements corrections and requests made by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation as a result of their inspections of the operations under the Radiation Control Permit. On March 31, 1999, the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Radiation Control Section recommended that CPMC incorporate into its Radiation Safety Program a regular replacement schedule for carbon filters in the Cyclotron Facility exhaust system in order to minimize discharges of positron emitting isotopes. This recommendation has been adopted. 25. In order to provide the data necessary for operation under the Radiation Control Permit and to meet the requirements City of New York RCNY Article 175, the RSO operates a program for the safe use of airborne radioactivity. On November 17, 1999, with assistance provided by International Testing & Balancing Ltd., the RSO performed air flow rate measurements at 9 radioisotope exhaust stacks and 25 major radio-iodination hoods or positron-emitter hot cells in use on the CPMC campus. The measured data as well as specifications, sketches and photographs of the emission points are used for New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Quarterly Discharge ALARA reviews and Permit applications and modifications. Throughout the year, the RSO makes semi-annual measurements of the average face velocity of approximately 145 fume hoods in which radioisotopes are used or stored. Researchers whose hoods do not meet safe flow rate standards are directed to have their hoods repaired. 133 Ventilation was measured in all rooms where radioactive gases or aerosols are used, and spill gas clearance times are calculated and posted. 26. In order to meet the requirements of RCNY Article 175 and the Conditions of our City of New York Radioactive Materials Permits the RSO operates an extensive ALARA Program. During the 1998-1999 fiscal year 44 ALARA Level 1 and 20 ALARA Level 2 Notification Reports provided by our personnel radiation dosimetry vendor were investigated and the radiation workers were informed of their exposures. Particular attention is paid to three occupational groups typically at or exceeding ALARA limits for whole body, extremity or eyes: workers and researchers in the Cyclotron Facility; technologists, researchers and physicians in the PET Suite; and physicians in the Angiography Suite. No instances of any employees exceeding any RCNY Article 175 exposure limit occurred at CPMC during 1999. In one instance, on November 9, 1999, a personnel dosimetry report listed a quarterly deep dose of 7270 mrem for one employee. However, the dosimetry report listed an “E2" error code indicating that the dosimeter response did not match the expected response to any known radiation source. Investigation of the incident by the RSO confirmed that the individual could not have received the dose indicated by the faulty dosimeter. As of November 22, 1999, the RSO has requested authorization from Gene Miskin, Director, City of New York Department of Health Bureau of Radiological Health, to remove this apparently erroneous result from the employee’s dose history. 27. At the March 26, 1999 meeting of the CPMC Joint Radiation Safety Committee, the Committee adopted a uniform Pregnancy Policy for Columbia-Presbyterian Medical Center. This policy is in compliance with recent rulings of the United States Supreme Court in the area of occupational rights and with the specific requirements of RCNY Article 175. During 1999 the RSO made an extensive effort to educate and inform employees of the Medical Center as to the new policy. During the 1998-1999 fiscal year, 19 employees of the Columbia-Presbyterian Medical Center completed a declaration of pregnancy form and received health physics counseling. These individuals were counseled concerning risk factors and provided with additional monitoring of the fetus for the gestation period. The RSO continues to closely follow the personnel exposure reports of this group. 28. The RSO continues to maintain a program for emergency response. A system was established by the RSO with a list of names and beeper numbers, including a group pager number, and a procedure for Security to contact members of the RSO in an emergency. Evidence of the effectiveness of this system was demonstrated during the following emergencies in 1999: 134 • During the July 7-9, 1999, electrical blackout, Radiation Safety continued to be effective in providing support to the CPMC community. During this emergency, radioisotope packages were received and properly stored using dry ice, and were distributed to Responsible Investigators. • On Oct 27, 1999, there was a fire in a Black Building laboratory, which uses radioactive material. Radiation Safety staff were notified, and responded immediately. All personnel and equipment used were surveyed for contamination. • On Nov 12, 1999, the couch of the Gamma knife became stuck during the QC procedure. The RSO provided the service company’s engineer with appropriate personnel dosimetry equipment, and analyzed the dosimetry equipment on an emergency basis. • On Nov 25, 1999, a physician from Radiation Oncology, during removal of sources after completion of a Low Dose Rate (LDR) brachytherapy procedure, became aware that one of the Cesium-137 sources was missing. The RSO staff member accompanying the physician immediately obtained assistance from other RSO staff members, and they were able to first isolate the area, and then locate the source where it was lodged in the plumbing and recover the source. 29. The RSO obtained and reviewed a list of all the non-Y2K-compliant radiation equipment at Columbia University. The RSO contacted some of the companies manufacturing this equipment, and they made suggestions for dealing with the problem. The researchers were notified of the recommendations of the manufacturers, and instructed to test the status of their equipment. 30. 150 hours of radiation safety training were provided to Columbia University, New York Presbyterian Hospital and New York State Psychiatric Institute personnel. Types of training included: initial training for new radiation workers, with separate sessions geared to researchers, hospital and nursing personnel; annual refresher training for all CPMC staff (including facilities, housekeeping and security personnel) who come in contact with radiation; in-service training for nurses, physicians and other clinical personnel. 31. The RSO reviewed applications submitted to the CPMC Radioactive Drug Research Committee (RDRC) and/or the CPMC Joint Radiation Safety Committee (JRSC) to administer radioactivity to human test subjects. A total of 33 applications were reviewed. Of these, 19 were JRSC applications and 14 were RDRC applications. All were approved, some with modifications. 32. Six new Responsible Investigator applications for non-human use of radioactivity were reviewed and approved. 135 33. In 1999 the RSO placed the following new facilities into operation: A Low-Level-Radioactive-Waste Storage and Decay-In-Storage Facility, located in room SC-17 in the sub-cellar of the Russ Berrie Medical Science Pavilion. A Low-Level-Radioactive-Waste Storage and Decay-In-Storage Facility located in room S609B on the service level of the new New York State Psychiatric Institute building. On March 24, 1999 the RSO certified 5 radioisotope fume hoods and a dedicated radioisotope exhaust system installed in the new New York State Psychiatric Institute building as meeting radiation safety flow rate specifications. 34. The RSO participated as part of the Columbia University Health Science Division (CUHSD) Emergency Management Plan Task Force. The Emergency Management Plan is necessary in event that any significant occurrence disrupts the normal day-today operation at CUHSD, including University research activity and/or employee safety. The objective of the plan is to utilize University resources in an effective manner should interruption of an essential service occur. The plan provides written policies and procedures to be implemented in event of emergencies including radiation spills, chemical spills, transit disruption, utility shutdown, etc. A number of meetings were held in order to formulate policies, and a draft Emergency Management Plan document was reviewed. 35. The RSO participated as part of the Columbia University Health Science Division (CUHSD) Institutional Health and Safety Council (IHSC). The Institutional Health and Safety Council reviewed and approved a revised Laboratory Safety and Chemical Hygiene Plan and a revised Formaldehyde Exposure Control Program. In addition, the IHSC has encouraged the utilization of the Web to provide information, education and training to personnel. The RSO continued development of its Webpage to improve dissemination of information and communication with Responsible Investigators and members of the CPMC community ( 36. The RSO continued the dental quality assurance program for Columbia University dental facilities, to optimize the radiological safety and clinical quality of dental radiography. The quality assurance program is based on recommendations for quality assurance that have been promulgated by a number of professional organizations, including the National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements (NCRP), the Bureau of Radiological Health of the FDA, the American College of Radiology (ACR), and the American Academy of Dental Radiology Quality Assurance Committee. 37. At the June 23, 1999 meeting of the CPMC Joint Radiation Safety Committee, a motion was passed that the JRSC is to assume responsibility for both radiation safety 136 and radiation physics for all medical and dental diagnostic radiology machines that belong to or are otherwise the responsibility of CPMC, irrespective of the location of the machines. The CPMC RSO is the executive arm of the JRSC and is the body assigned to effectively implement this motion. The RSO has taken steps to provide radiation support for all the equipment effected, including equipment located on the Morningside Campus. 38. On December 15, 1999 RSO officers participated at a joint meeting that included representatives of New York Presbyterian Hospital-Columbia-Presbyterian Center, New York Presbyterian Hospital-Weill Cornell Center, and Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, in order to set uniform policy, procedures and criteria for Radioimmunotherapy Outpatient Release. The multi-institution discussion and generation of policy documents is helpful in reducing duplication of effort and ensuring a through review of policy issues. 137 CENTER FOR RADIOLOGICAL RESEARCH PROFESSIONAL ACITIVITIES COLLOQUIUM AND SEMINARS PUBLICATIONS PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES Dr. David J. Brenner Chairperson Columbia University Radiation Safety Committee Program Committee, Fourth International Workshop: Microbeam Probes of Cellular Radiation Response, Killiney Bay, Dublin, July 1999 Member National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements (NCRP) Joint Task Force on Vascular Radiation Therapy NCRP Committee 1-6 on Risk Linearity American Society of Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology (ASTRO), Refresher Course Program Committee Radiation Research Society Program Committee American Statistical Association Radiation Meeting Program Committee Dr. Gloria Calaf Appointed Adjunct Professor, Univerisity of Tarapaca, Arica, Chile; Department of Biology and Health (since December 1998) Teaching Postdoctoral Degree Course, “Biology of cancer and inflammatory processes,” University of Tarapaca (November 24-27, 1998) Dr. Charles R. Geard Member American Society of Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology (ASTRO) Environmental Mutagen Society Radiation Research Society Advisory Committee on Radiobiology, Brookhaven National Laboratory Associate Member, Radiobiology Advisory Team (AMRAT) of the Armed Forces Radiobiology Research Institute (AFRRI) Columbia University, Faculty Council (Voting Member) Editorial Work Editorial Board, International Journal of Radiation Biology. Reviewer International Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology and Physics Radiotherapy and Oncology British Journal of Cancer Clinical Cancer Research, Mutagenesis 139 Mutation Research Radiation Research Ad Hoc Reviewer of Grant Proposals American Cancer Society National Institutes of Health Dr. Eric J. Hall Member American Board of Radiology Radiotherapeutic Written-Test Committee National Academy of Sciences American Society of Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology (ASTRO) Radiation Research Society International Stereotactic Radiosurgery Society Member of the Board American Radium Society President Program Committee Chairman International Association of Radiation Research President Elect Columbia University, College of Physicians & Surgeons Cancer Center, Internal Advisory Committee/Executive Committee Columbia-Presbyterian Medical Center: Chairman, Joint Radiation Safety Committee Chairman, Radioactive Drug Research Committee National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements: Member of Council Member, Committee 1 Editorial Work International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics International Journal of Brachytherapy Dr. Haiying Hang Member Radiation Research Society 140 Dr. Tom K. Hei Adjunct Professor Department of Radiological Health Sciences, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado Department of Ion Beam Bioengineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Hefei, China Chairman Ad hoc review panel, Chemical Pathology Study Section, 1998, 1999 Member: Chemical Pathology Study Section, 1998- present Ad hoc review panel, Metabolic Pathology Study Section, 1999 Ad hoc review panel, National Science Foundation, 1999 Radiation Research Society American Association for Cancer Research Environmental Mutagen Society Oxygen Society Student Mentoring Ph.D. candidate, Department of Ion Beam Bioengineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China Master degree students, Environmental Heath Sciences, Columbia University School of Public Health. New York City high school science students for Intel Science project Reviewer British Journal of Cancer Cancer Research Carcinogenesis Occupational and Environmental Medicine International Journal of Radiation Biology Radiation Research Mutagenesis Environmental Health Perspective ICRERTT Fellowship- International Union Against Cancer Research Grant Council- Government of Hong Kong Vision of Tomorrow Foundation Editorial Work Section editor, Advances in Space Sciences 141 Dr. Howard B. Lieberman Reviewer Grants Chairman, NIH Radiation Study Section Manuscripts Biotechniques Gene International Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, and Physics Nucleic Acids Research Radiation Research Member Advisory Board, Summer Research Program for NYC Secondary School Science Teachers, Columbia University American Association for the Advancement of Science American Society for Microbiology Environmental Mutagen Society Genetics Society of America Radiation Research Society Elected Biology Councilor Chairman, Web-Site Committee Chairman, Michael Fry Research Award Selection Committee Sigma Xi Theobald Smith Society Stephen A. Marino Member Columbia University Radiation Safety Committee Radiation Research Society Sigma Xi Guest Scientist Brookhaven National Laboratories, Upton, NY Dr. Tej K. Pandita Member American Association for the Advancement of Science. American Association of Cancer Research. Radiation Research Society The American Society of Microbiology NIH Study section 142 Reviewer Cancer Research Clinical Cancer Research Cytogenetics and Cell Genetics Carcinogenesis FASEB Journal International Journal of Radiation Biology Mutation Research Oncogene Oncology Reports Proceedings of National Academy of Science, USA. Radiation Research 143 THE COLUMBIA COLLOQUIUM AND LABORATORY SEMINARS At intervals of approximately one month during the academic year, a regular colloquium has been held to discuss ongoing research. Dr. Tej Pandita organized them and scheduled the speakers. These have been attended by the professional staff, graduate students, and senior technical staff of this Laboratory and RARAF, as well as by scientists from other departments of the College of Physicians & Surgeons interested in collaborative research. Attention has focused on recent findings and future plans, with special emphasis on the inter-disciplinary nature of our research effort. During the year, we have been pleased to welcome a number of visitors who have presented formal seminars and/or spent time discussing ongoing research with various members of the Laboratory. These have included Drs. Carol Griffin, Medical Research Council, Harwell, UK, Brian Ponnaiya, University of California, San Francisco, Yuxin Yin, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ, Adayabalam Balajee, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, R. Kucherlapati, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, NY, Joel Bedford, Colorado State University, Ft. Collins, CO, Terry Ashley, Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, CT, Sally Amundson, National Cancer Institute, Bethesda, MD, Tracy Ruscetti, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM, JunJie Chen, Dana Farber Cancer Institute, Boston, MA, Jai Parkash, Haverford College, Haverford, PA, Simon J. Hall, The Mount Sinai Medical Center, New York, Srikumar Chellappan, Columbia University, New York, Carmel Hensey, Dept. of Genetics & Development, Columbia University, Jan K. Kitajewski, Dept of Pathology, Columbia University, and Basil Worgul, Dept. of Ophthalmology, Columbia University. 144 PUBLICATIONS Azbaid AH, Dymnikov AD, and Martinez, G. The optimal construction of an electrostatic quadruplet as focusing microprobe system. Nucl. Instr.and Meth. B158, 61-65 (1999). Brenner DJ, Does fractionation decrease the risk of breast cancer induced by low-LET radiation? Radiat. Res. 151:225-9 (1999). Brenner DJ, The relative effectiveness of exposure to 131I at low doses. Hlth. Phys. 76:180-185 (1999). Brenner DJ and Hall EJ. Fractionation and protraction for radiotherapy of prostate carcinoma. Int. J. Radiat. Oncol. Biol. Phys. 43:1095-101 (1999). Brenner DJ, Leu C-S, Beatty JF, Shefer RE, Clinical relative biological effectiveness of low-energy x-rays emitted by miniature x-ray devices. Phys. Med. Biol. 44:323-33 (1999). Brenner DJ and Sachs RK, A more robust biologically based ranking criterion for treatment plans. Int. J. Radiat. Oncol. Biol. Phys. 43: 697 (1999). Calaf G, Russo J, Tait L, Estrada S, and Alvarado ME. Morphological phenotypes in neoplastic progression of human breast epithelial cells. J. Submicroscopy Cytology and Pathology. Vol. 32, n.1 (January 2000). Dymnikov AD. Matrix methods in periodic focusing systems. Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A427:6-11 (1999). Dymnikov AD and Garcia G. High-frequency focusing system for nuclear microprobes. Nucl. Instr.and Meth. B158:85-89 (1999). Hall EJ, Miller RC, and Brenner DJ. Radiobiological Principles in Intravascular Therapy. Cardiovasc. Radiat. Med. 1:42-47 (1999). Hall EJ, Schiff PB, Hanks GE, Brenner DJ, Russo J, Chen J, Sawant SG, and Pandita TK. A preliminary report: Frequency of A-T heterozygotes amongst prostate cancer patients with severe late responses to radiation therapy. Can J Sci Amer 4: 385-389 (1998). Hei TK, Liu SX, and Waldren CA. Mutagenicity of arsenic in mammalian cells: Role of reactive oxygen species. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., 95: 8103-8107 (1998). 145 Hei TK, Piao CQ, Wu LX, Willey JC, and Hall EJ. Genomic instability and tumorigenic induction in immortalized human bronchial epithelial cells by heavy ions. Advances in Space Research 22: 1699-1707 (1999). Johnson KL, Brenner DJ, Geard CR, Nath J, Tucker JD, Chromosome Aberrations of Clonal Origin in Irradiated and Unexposed Individuals: Assessment and Implications. Radiat Res 152:1-5 (1999). Kharbanda S, Pandey P, Morris PL, Whang Y, Xu Y, Sawant S, Zhu L, Kumar N, Yuan Z, Weichselbaum R, Sawyers CL, Pandita TK, and Kufe D. Functional role for the c-Abl tyrosine kinase in meiosis. Oncogene 16: 1773-1777 (1998). Martinez G, Azbaid AH, Dymnikov AD. The numerical synthesis of an optimal microprobe focusing system. Nucl. Instr.and Meth. A 427, 344-349 (1999). Miller RC, Randers-Pehrson G, Geard CR, Hall EJ, and Brenner, DJ. The oncogenic transforming potential of the passage of single alpha particles through mammalian cell nuclei. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 1999: 18-22 (1999). Okayasu R, Takashashi S, Yamada S, Hei TK, and Ullrich RL. Asbestos and DNA double strand breaks. Cancer Research 59:298-300 (1999). Okayasu R, Wu LJ, and Hei TK. Biological effects of naturally occurring and manmade fibers: In vitro cytotoxicity and mutagenesis in mammalian cells. British J. Cancer 59: 298-300 (1999). Pandita TK, Westphal CH, Anger M, Sawant SG, Geard CR, Pandita RK, and Scherthan H. Atm inactivation results in aberrant telomere clustering during meiotic prophase. Mol. Cell. Biol. 19:5096-5105 (1999). Piao CQ, Willey JC, and Hei TK. Alterations of p53 in tumorigenic human bronchial epithelial cells correlate with metastatic potential. Carcinogenesis 20:1529-1533 (1999). Rakovitch E, Mellado W, Hall EJ, Sawant SG, Geard CG, Newman RN, and Pandita TK. Penclomedine-induced DNA fragmentation and p53 accumulation correlates with reproductive cell death in colorectal carcinoma cells with different status of p53. Oncology Reports 6:161-165 (1999). Rakovitch E, Mellado W, Hall EJ, Pandita TK, Sawant SG, and Geard CR. Pacitaxel sensitivity correlates with p53 status and DNA fragmentation but not G2/M accumulation. Int. J. Radiat. Oncol. Biol. Phys. 44:1119-1124 (1999). Sawant SG, Gregiore V, Umbricht CB, Cvilic S, Sukumar S, and Pandita TK. Telomerase activity as a measure for monitoring radiocurability of tumor cells. FASEB J. 13:1047-1054 (1999). 146 Smilenov LB, Dhar S, and Pandita TK. Altered telomere nuclear matrix interactions and nucleosomal periodicity in cells derived from individuals with ataxia telangiectasia before and after ionizing radiation treatment. Mol. Cell. Biol. 19:6963-6971 (1999). Smilenov LB, Mellado W, Roa PH, Umbricht CB, Sukumar S, and Pandita TK. Cloning and chromosomal localization of Chinese hamster telomeric protein chTRF1: A potential role in chromosomal instability. Oncogene 17: 2137-2142 (1998). Smith LG, Miller RC, Richards BS, Brenner DJ, Hall EJ, Investigation of hypersensitivity to fractionated low-dose radiation exposure. Int. J. Radiat. Oncol. Biol. Phys. 45:187-192 (1999). Waldren C, Vannais D, Drabek R, Gustafson D, Kraemer S, Lenarczek M, Kronenberg, A, Hei TK, and Ueno A. Analysis of mutant quantity and quality in human hamster hybrid AL cand AL-179 cells exposed to gamma-rays and HZE-Fe ions. Advances in Space Research 22(4): 579-585 (1998). Vaziri H, Squire JA, Pandita TK, Bradley G, Kuba RM, Nolan GP, Zhang H, Gulyas S, Hill RP, and Benchimol S. Analysis of genomic integrity and p53 dependent G1 checkpoint in telomerase induced extended life span fibroblast (TIELF) cells. Mol. Cell. Biol 19: 2373-2379 (1999). Wu LJ, Randers-Pehrson G, Waldren CA, Geard CR, Yu ZY, and Hei TK. Targeted cytoplasmic irradiation by alpha particles induces gene mutations. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 96: 4959-4964 (1999). Xu A, Wu LJ, Santella R, and Hei TK. Role of oxyradicals in mutagenicity and DNA damage induced by asbestos in mammalian cells. Cancer Research 59:5922-5926 (1999). Zhou HN, Zhu LX, Li KB, and Hei TK. Radon, tobacco-specific nitrosamine, and mutagenicity. Mutation Research 870(430):145-153 (1999). 147
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