Governor's THE ANNUAL I N V I TAT I O N A L APRIL 3-5, 2014 SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES Together we continue to make a MISSION STATEMENT “The Governor’s Black-Tie Invitational annual golf and social event, supported and endorsed by the Governor of Nevada, is dedicated to raising millions of dollars for other non-profit organizations supporting children, teens and women in need throughout the Las Vegas community.” Difference The Southern Highlands Charitable Foundation established the annual Governor’s Black-Tie Invitational as a special golf and social event that contributes millions of dollars within the Las Vegas Community. Started in 2003, the prestigious Governor’s Philanthropist of the Year Award is given out at the event to promote and recognize local philanthropy. This award is presented annually to local philanthropists for their exceptional generosity to the community and the state of Nevada. Jeffrey R. Gordon and Edward R. Guthrie 2014 GOVERNOR’S PHILANTHROPISTS OF THE YEAR PR EVIOUS GOVERNOR’S PHILA NTHROPISTS O F T HE Y E AR 2013 Donald D. Snyder 2012 The Fletcher Jones Family Charles Mathewson 2011 2010 Joan and Jim Hammer 2009 William S. Boyd 2008 Claudine Williams and Kitty Rodman Andre Agassi 2007 2006 The Greenspun Family 2005 Elaine Wynn 2004 Larry Ruvo 2003 J. Terrance Lanni Two Amazing Nights of lavish dining, phenomenal enter tainment and tremendous fun! THE GOVERNOR’S BLACK-TIE GALA T H U R S D AY, A P R I L 3 , 2 0 1 4 Guests will enjoy one of the premier social events of the year. They’ll begin the evening at the exquisite private Southern Highlands Clubhouse enjoying cocktails and hors d’oeuvres and bidding Schedule of Events Thursday, April 3 7:00 am – 3:00 pm Team Registration and Practice Rounds 9:00 am – 3:00 pm Ladies Spa Day at Spa Southern Highlands 5:00 pm GOVERNOR’S BLACK-TIE GALA •Live and Silent Auction will present The Governor’s Philanthropists of the Year Award. Fabulous live entertainment will •Governor’s Philanthropists of the Year Award Presented by the Governor to Jeffrey R. Gordon and Edward R. Guthrie accompany a superb dinner prepared by the Four Seasons, and the ongoing excitement of the on extraordinary silent auction items. Then it is on to the Gala where Governor Brian Sandoval live auction will add to the festivities with fabulous one-of-a-kind items, trips and more, going to the highest bidders. You won’t want to miss this most memorable black-tie evening. •Special Live Entertainment Attire: Black-Tie THE GOVERNOR’S GRAND BASH F R I D AY, A P R I L 4 , 2 0 1 4 •Gala Dinner Presented by Four Seasons Friday, April 4 7:00 am Breakfast Buffet 8:00 am Team Photos on the Driving Range with Governor Sandoval 9:00 am – 3:00 pm 9:30 am Ladies Spa Day at Spa Southern Highlands Invitational Golf Tournament – Shotgun Start The second night, guests will party like rock stars at a musical experience like no other! Each year 6:00 pm GOVERNOR’S GRAND BASH •Pre-concert Cuisine from Four Seasons and Southern Highlands this very private, intimate concert features a band that has rocked the charts and Grammy awards! •Check Presentation to Selected Charities Train, Maroon 5, Glenn Frey and Joe Walsh, and more have brought the house down as will this •Private Performance by Headlining Band year's performer. Pre-concert cuisine prepared by the Four Seasons and Southern Highlands Golf Club will kick off the night, with a dessert reception following the concert in the Clubhouse. Nice jeans and casual chic attire make this a night everyone will enjoy in their own superb style. •Dessert Reception in Clubhouse Immediately Following the Concert Attire: Casual Chic (Nice Jeans Allowed) Saturday, April 5 7:00 am Breakfast Buffet 9:30 am Invitational Golf Tournament – Shotgun Start 11:00 am – 3:00 pm 3:00 pm Ladies Luncheon and Fashion Show –Vintner Grill at Neiman Marcus Cocktails and Awards Reception at Southern Highlands Golf Club Selected Charities The new Boys & Girls Clubs of Southern Nevada is a merger of the Boys & Girls Clubs of Henderson and Boys & Girls Clubs of Las Vegas. The new nonprofit organization operates 14 facilities and three summer outreach programs in Southern Nevada, and serves more than 30,000 youth in Las Vegas, North Las Vegas, Henderson, Southern Highlands and Summerlin. Boys & Girls Clubs of Southern Nevada provides every child with the essential tools needed for a successful and bright future through a variety of daily creative, fun, and educational programs. Annual membership is as little as $10 per child. We would like to thank the Southern Nevada community for the amazing support and allowing us to effect the lives of over 30,000 youth a year. Children’s Heart Foundation is committed to making a difference in the lives of children with heart conditions. We are BIG hearts helping LITTLE hearts! It’s important for all children to laugh and play, especially those born with lifelong medical conditions. We at Children’s Heart Foundation are committed to the well-being of our Nevada children. Heart problems in children are surprisingly common. They are, in fact, the most common type of birth defect and the number one cause of death during the first year of life. In Nevada alone, more than 350 children are born each year with significant heart disease requiring either intensive medications or surgery. An additional 150 to 250 of Nevada’s children and newborns may develop a heart problem due to infections, Kawasaki disease or Rheumatic fever. Hundreds more will exhibit problems with heartbeat irregularities requiring medications or specialized procedures. We are here for them as a hand in need; to walk with them along their journey. Whether they attend Camp Mend-a-Heart, receive a Smart Heart Scholarship, a backpack from our Backpack Program, or financial assistance – we believe that if their scars and worries vanish, even for just a few days, we are doing our job. Thank you, Southern Highlands Charitable Foundation, for your very BIG heart! With over 40 programs and services, one of our largest is Camp Cartwheel, which welcomes over 200 critically ill children diagnosed with cancer, HIV/AIDS, sickle cell, hemophilia, renal and immunologic diseases. This is our oldest program and remains the largest medically supervised camp in the western United States for critically ill children and their siblings. Camp Cartwheel is a supportive community made up of volunteers, medical professional and survivors who influence the lives of young, childhood cancer patients and those with life-threatening illnesses. Campers, ages 5 to 17, become an intimate group of caring friends who understand each other’s needs, hopes, and fears. Similar circumstances help these special children to be courageous during their daily fight against and know that there is hope for the future. Thank you for supporting the Nevada Childhood Cancer Foundation in celebrating our 18th anniversary of the magic of Camp Cartwheel. Assistance League® Las Vegas is extremely grateful to the committee and sponsors of the Governor’s Black-Tie Invitational for your generous help with Operation School Bell®. At a cost of about $75 per child, Southern Highland’s contributions this past year made it possible for 665 children to have badly needed, appropriate school clothing. For these children, having school clothing encourages attendance, high self-esteem, and success with their education. Each child receives new fashionable clothing including 2 pairs of pants, 3 shirts, a hooded sweatshirt, underwear, shoes, socks, school supplies, and personal grooming products. Last year, an astounding 8,314 children received school clothing from Operation School Bell. We hope to serve at least as many children again this year. This would not be possible without the support from caring organizations such as yours. Selected Charities The Governor’s Black-Tie Invitational and its support of Opportunity Village enables people with intellectual disabilities to receive vocational training, find community-based jobs, discover creative talents and develop long-lasting friendships. In short, the Invitational continues to help those with disabilities live better lives. This partnership served as the foundation for the Chris Smith Social Recreation program benefitting thousands of people and played a starring role in the development of the Fine and Performing Arts division of Opportunity Village that includes theater, music, dance and fine art programs for children and adults. Today, more than 1,700 individuals and their families are served every day at Opportunity Village. Its programs and services are considered to be models for other communities to follow both nationally and internationally. Proceeds from the 2014 Governor’s Black Tie Invitational will be directed to Opportunity Village’s fundraising campaign to build “The Village”, a unique neighborhood-style living environment for people with disabilities. Candlelighters Childhood Cancer Foundation of Nevada is the first and oldest non-profit organization in Nevada serving families coping with childhood cancer. Candlelighters’ mission is to provide support, education, hope and advocacy through programs and services for children and adolescents with cancer, their families and the professionals who care for them. We assist families, who are affected by childhood cancer, who request help with financial assistance, patient advocacy, and programs addressing the families’ mental and emotional health needs. We are proud to have helped thousands of families since our founding nearly 35 years ago. We are eternally grateful to the Southern Highlands Charitable Foundation, for their support and commitment to our organization. On behalf of the Candlelighters Board of Directors, the staff, and especially our families, we would like to thank everyone involved with the Governor’s Black-Tie for your continued support and for believing in our organization. One day at the new DISCOVERY Children’s Museum can stay with a child for a lifetime, sparking curiosity and inspiring exploration in Nevada’s premier informal education resource. DISCOVERY Children’s Museum at the Donald W. Reynolds Discovery Center located in Downtown Las Vegas is a world-class destination. Three stories tall and 58,000 square feet, the all-new museum features nine galleries of state-of-the-art interactive exhibits rivaling the top children’s museums in the nation. Thank you Southern Highlands Charitable Foundation for believing in our mission of igniting the love of lifelong learning. Witnessing first hand the lack of consumer education that contributed to our economic crisis in Southern Nevada, Andson was incorporated with a compelling goal. We want to remedy the disparity amongst our youth with regards to both personal finance and education. Our goal is to spark social mobility and behavioral changes within this generation, thereby equipping them for a brighter future. The core programs of Andson include Financial Literacy, Academic Programming and Mentoring. Through partnerships with several Valley Elementary and High Schools, and numerous organizations such as the Boys and Girls Clubs; St. Judes Ranch for Children; Nevada State College; Communities in Schools and HopeLink, we tutor and mentor hundreds of students through Andson Academics each day in Southern Nevada. Additionally, our financial literacy curriculum, Andson Money, will reach nearly 4,000 youth during the 2013-2014 school year. After school academic support is provided at 11 locations Monday thru Thursday while financial literacy workshops are conducted both during and after-school. Our thanks to the Southern Highlands Charitable Foundation for recognizing our works, and supporting us as one of their charitable causes. T H E Sponsorships Platinum Sponsorship S P O N S O R S H I P $100,000+ •Name recognition on the Welcome Banner at the event •Gourmet dinner for Team Captain and guest with Governor of Nevada at Southern Highlands Golf Club •Team Captain receives two rounds of golf for 4 plus two complimentary golf cottages for two nights (expires 3/15/2015) •Foursome of Golf in Tournament •Tournament gift package for all team members •Souvenir photograph of team foursome with the Governor of Nevada •Recognition on Robert Trent Jones Lane (3’ x 4’ sign) •Recognition on I-15 billboard •Recognition on golf course tee sign •Recognition on scoreboard •Two full-page 4-color ads in event program •Reservations for 10 (1 table) to the Governor’s Black-Tie Gala with VIP seating •Reservations for 10 (1 table) to the Governor’s Grand Bash with VIP seating •Reservations for 6 to Ladies Luncheon and Fashion Show •Ladies Spa Services for 6 at Spa Southern Highlands •First right of refusal for team participation in 2015 Governor’s Black-Tie Tournament $50,000+ • Gourmet dinner for Team Captain and guest with Governor of Nevada at Southern Highlands Golf Club • Team Captain receives two rounds of golf for 4 plus two complimentary golf cottages for two nights (expires 3/5/2015) • Foursome of Golf in Tournament • Tournament gift package for all team members • Souvenir photograph of team foursome with the Governor of Nevada • Recognition on Robert Trent Jones Lane (3’ x 4’ sign) • Recognition on golf course tee sign • Recognition on scoreboard • One full-page 4-color ad in event program • Reservations for 10 (1 table) to the Governor’s Black-Tie Gala with VIP seating • Reservations for 10 (1 table) to the Governor’s Grand Bash with VIP seating • Reservations for 5 to Ladies Luncheon and Fashion Show • Ladies Spa Services for 5 at Spa Southern Highlands • First right of refusal for team participation in 2015 Governor’s Black-Tie Tournament Gold Sponsorship $40,000+ • Gourmet dinner for Team Captain and guest with Governor of Nevada at Southern Highlands Golf Club • Team Captain receives one round of golf for 4 plus two complimentary golf cottages for one night (expires 3/5/2015) • Foursome of Golf in Tournament • Tournament gift package for all team members • Souvenir photograph of team foursome with the Governor of Nevada • Recognition on Robert Trent Jones Lane (2’ x 3’ sign) • Recognition on golf course tee sign • One full-page 4-color ad in event program • Reservations for 8 to the Governor’s Black-Tie Gala with priority seating • Reservations for 8 to the Governor’s Grand Bash with priority seating • Reservations for 4 to Ladies Luncheon and Fashion Show • Ladies Spa Services for 4 at Spa Southern Highlands • First right of refusal for team participation in 2015 Governor’s Black-Tie Tournament Sponsorships Silver Sponsorship $30,000+ • Foursome of Golf in Tournament • Tournament gift package for all team members • Souvenir photograph of team foursome with the Governor of Nevada • Recognition on Robert Trent Jones Lane (2’ x 3’ sign) • Recognition on golf course tee sign • One full-page 4-color ad in event program • Reservations for 8 to Governor’s Black-Tie Gala with preferred seating • Reservations for 8 to Governor’s Grand Bash with preferred seating • Reservations for 4 to Ladies Luncheon and Fashion Show • Ladies Spa Services for 4 at Spa Southern Highlands • First right of refusal for team participation in 2015 Governor’s Black-Tie Tournament Bronze Sponsorship $20,000+ (non-golf sponsorship) • Reservations for 10 to Governor’s Black-Tie Gala • Reservations for 10 to Governor’s Grand Bash • Recognition at Governor’s Black-Tie Gala event • One full-page 4-color ad in event program Evening Events Sponsorship $5,000+ (non-golf sponsorship) Ad Specifications ONLY FULL-PAGE ADS ARE AVAILABLE. Full-Page Ad Build all ads to the correct size, ads that are not built to the correct size will not be accepted. All ads should be CMYK. Ads submitted in any other color space will be converted to CMYK and may look different in print than the original art. Trim: 8”W x 10.5”H Bleed: 8.25W x10.75H AD SUBMISSION: All files must be submitted as Adobe Press Quality PDFs saved with Acrobat 4 compatibility. Please be sure that all placed graphics and images are either vector or 300 dpi @ 100%. Files submitted with resolutions lower than 300 dpi will not be accepted. • Reservations for 2 to Governor’s Black-Tie Gala • Reservations for 2 to Governor’s Grand Bash • Recognition at Governor’s Black-Tie Gala event • Recognition in event program Single Event Sponsorship $3,000+ (non-golf sponsorship) • Reservations for 1 night for 2 to attend the Governor’s Black-Tie Gala or the Governor’s Grand Bash. • Recognition in event program UPLOAD PDF files to: Drag your pdf onto the folder icon to start upload. All files should be labeled with your company name. Once ads are uploaded, please notify by email: [email protected] If you have any questions regarding ad specifications, please contact Rod Glaze at 480.998.3154 or email [email protected] DEADLINE: All ads are due no later than March 7, 2014. Benefiting CHARITIES To reserve your sponsorship, please contact Stephanie Derentz at 702.220.6565 or at [email protected]. Southern Highlands Charitable Foundation is a 501(c)(3) non-profit. Tax ID#88-0509995.
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