Weekly Bulletin - St. John Brebeuf Catholic Parish, Niles IL

November 23, 2014
Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe
Memories of the Future
The Future is as Bright as the
Promises of God
St. John Brebeuf Parish
8307 N. Harlem Ave., Niles, IL 60714
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Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe
November 23, 2014
November 23, 2014
Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe
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Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe
Devotions in the Church
Monday through Friday
After 8:45 AM Mass
After 7:30 AM Mass Saturday
Ave Maria Polish Prayer Group
After 7:00 PM Mass
(Including Benediction )
First Friday Devotions
To the Sacred Heart of Jesus
After 8:45 AM Mass and
After 7:00 PM Polish Mass
First Saturday Devotions
To Immaculate Heart of Mary
After 7:30 AM Mass and
After 6:30 PM Polish Mass
Devotions in the Adoration Chapel
Marian Prayer Group
Monday 7:00 PM
Godzinki Ave Maria Prayer Group
Thursday 8:00 AM
Hour of Divine Mercy
Friday 3:00 PM
(Includes Stations of the Cross)
November 23, 2014
Sunday, November 23—Our Lord Jesus
Christ, King of the Universe
10:45—Holy Water Blessing—Joy in Jesus
1:45—Baptisms (Polish)
Thursday, November 27
Thanksgiving Day
Sunday, November 30
First Sunday of Advent
First Friday, December 5
7:00—Polish Mass
Sunday, December 7
Second Sunday of Advent
Monday, December 8
Immaculate Conception
6:30, 8:45, 5:30 (English), 7:00 (Polish)
Pray for priests every Thursday
The Marvelous Rosary
Join in Rosary Prayers daily,
Monday through Friday,
immediately following the 8:45
AM Mass; Saturday following
the 7:30 AM Mass; Sunday
before the 7:30 AM Mass.
Praying the rosary
together in front of the Blessed Sacrament
gives many graces and is so peaceful.
Christ's followers were
skeptical when He preached
the reality of His Body and
Blood as food and drink. St.
John said, "many of His disciples withdrew and no longer
went about with Him."
Seeing this, Jesus asked the Twelve, "Do
you also want to leave me?" Simon Peter did
not understand any more than those who left
Christ, but his loyalty was more firm. "Lord,"
he said, "to whom shall we go? You have
the words of eternal life."
We have the "Word of Eternal Life"
right here with us day and night in our
Adoration Chapel. Do you have something
you want to ask Him? There are several
hours needing adorers. Please pick one for
your personal hour with Him.
Altar Server Schedule Week of November 24—30
8:45—Delilah Denka, Alexis Gandeza
8:45—Anthony Genualdi, Vincent Macam
Wednesday: 8:45—Matthew Seitzinger, Shane Tarjan
8:45—Katie Zalesny, Patrick DeLisle
Amanda Tolentino
8:45—Alex Cichon, Gabriel Catane
7:30—Andrew DeLavelle, Abigale DeLavalle
Lucas Teng
5:00—Monica Schoenfeldt, Olivia Schoenfeldt
Stephen Kuechel
6:30—Karolina Maniewski, Karolina Dyczko
Gloria Majka
7:30—Jesse Anamoo, Caitlin Aguada
Suraj Mesquita
9:00—Julia Sadko, Kurt Kozeny, Daniel Bosak
10:45—Bryanna Manogura, Benjamin Manogura
Steven Bronder
12:30—Julia Lukasik, Karolina Orzech
Ian Duda
6:00—Allison Regailo, Colleen Griffin
Adam Gucik
November 23, 2014
Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe
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Tuesdays @ 7:00 there is
still time to join the Niles
Metropolitan Chorus in
church to prepare for the
Second Annual Do-ItYourself Handel’s. Or just
come to the concert and
sing along in the audience!
Special wishes to
Deacon Mariusz Kosla
on the occasion of his
40th Birthday. Sto lat!
Fr. Meany & Staff
First Reading—
We are the clay and
you, O Lord, are the potter: we are
the work of your hands; (Isaiah
63:16b-17, 19b; 64:2-7).
Psalm — Lord, make us turn to
you; let us see your face and we shall
be saved (Psalm 80).
Second Reading — God is faithful; by God you were called to fellowship with the Son (1 Corinthians
Gospel — Be watchful! Be alert!
You do not know when the time will
come. (Mark 13:33-37).
There are between 150 and 200 funerals celebrated at St. John Brebeuf each year. Today, we
wish to begin in earnest a BEREAVEMENT MINISTRY which will serve the parish. We ask
that YOU consider how you might serve in this ministry to each other and to the families of
those who have died.
Imagine yourself assisting the family, leading them in prayer, helping them make choices for
the funeral Mass, offering follow- up with the family afterwards. You will be trained and given
bereavement resources. Our goal is to create a team of ministers who will support each other and rotate on a schedule
as funerals are made known to the parish. This ministry will permit you to be attentive to the family, hear them in
their need, and strengthen their hope.
Call the Parish Office to leave your name and phone number. We pray that volunteers will come forward to serve
in this new ministry at SJB.
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Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe
Altar Bread and Wine will be
Offered in Memory of
Paul Manio
Donated by
the Manio Family
during the week of
November 23, 2014
November 23, 2014
Thank You from the
SJB Gala Committee!
Thank you to everyone that contributed to Gala
2014! Our primary fundraiser was a huge success! You
can view and download photos from the night by following these steps:
Go to www.remikerphoto.com
Click on clients tab in the upper right corner
Click on the SJB Gala 2014 Gallery
Enter the password Gala14 (case sensitive)
We’d like to once again congratulate Mrs. Penny
Guerrieri on receiving the Sheila Harrington Spirit
Award. We’d also like to congratulate the Dutkin Family
on wining the Grand Prize! It was a beautiful evening!
5. FUNDRAISER AT CULVER’S, 7310 W. Dempster, Morton Grove, on Monday, December 8th from
5:00-8:00pm. NO COUPON NEEDED. 10% of all sales
goes to SJB Youth Ministry. Invite your family,
friends, and neighbors, and support a worthy cause!
Welcome to delicious!
1. IT’S TIME TO THINK SUMMER! SJB Find us on Facebook! Search for St John YM or our group
St John Brebeuf YM
Youth Ministry is now registering teens
Questions? Contact Pam Perez, Youth Ministry Director,
for our Summer Service camp “ALIVE IN
847-966-9815 [email protected]
YOU 2015”. Be part of an inspirational summer exCheck out our upcoming events at www.sjbrebeuf.org and
perience! We will be traveling to Springfield, Illinois,
select Parish Ministries,
from June 23 through June 28, 2015. “Early Bird”
then Youth Ministry, then select Calendar.
registration fee is $100 if turned in by November 30,
2014. Interested? Contact Mrs. Pam Perez by texting
(847-239-2379) or emailing her. Tell your friends! ALL
2. SJB Youth Ministry is selling World’s Finest
Chocolates at the CATHOLIC WOMEN’S CLUB HOLIDAY CRAFT FAIR this Sunday, November 23rd. We’ll
be there from 8:00am to 3:00pm. All sales will help
cover our costs for our Summer Service Trip. Tell
your family, friends, and neighbors. THANK YOU
3. Our OVERNIGHT MOVIE EVENT is this Friday.
The event starts at 7:30pm Friday, November 28th
and goes until 10:00am Saturday, November 29th. We
gather in the Youth Ministry/Extended Day area for a
fun and inspirational time! Permission form and $5
donation will be required to attend. Contact Mrs
Perez by texting (847-239-2379) or emailing her, for
permission form and details. ALL TEENS ARE INVITED!
4. Our RELIGIOUS JEWELRY SALE is back! Coming in December, we will be selling Religious Jewelry
and Rosaries in church at all of the Masses. Great
gifts at affordable prices! See our separate announcement in the bulletin.
November 23, 2014
Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe
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DEC 6, DEC 7, DEC 13, AND DEC 14
SJB Youth Ministry is selling a large variety of quality Christian Jewelry, Catholic Medal Necklaces,
Cross Necklaces, and Rosaries at very affordable prices. Great gift ideas for Christmas, birthdays, and
all occasions! And we’re selling WORLD’S FINEST CHOCOLATES.
All sales go towards our Summer Service Trip.
When: Dec 6, Dec 7, Dec 13, and Dec 14 at all the Masses.
Thank you for your support!
Pam Perez, Youth Ministry Director 847-966-9815
The St. John Brebeuf P/SA
Proudly Presents
Breakfast With Santa &
For The Less Fortunate
Sunday, December 7th 10am-12pm
Parish Ministry Center
$3 per person includes a wonderful pancake breakfast and a visit with Santa
Toy Raffle: Tickets are $1 each or 6 for $5
Tuition Raffle: $250 Prize! Tickets are $5 each!
Toy Drive:*
Please consider donating a book, game or toy to Uncle Pete’s Ministry. Each donation will
receive one free toy raffle ticket.
We hope you will join us for this memorable family event! Any questions contact Heather Tarjan or Linda
*Uncle Pete’s Ministry serves underprivileged adults and children in the Chicagoland area. Donations will be
delivered in time for Christmas to children on the west side of Chicago who might not otherwise have anything
under the tree.
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Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe
November 23, 2014
November 23, 2014
Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe
Christmas Gift-Sharing Program
Yes, the stores are getting ready
for the Christmas season so that
also means that members of the St.
Vincent de Paul Society will be in
the Church vestibules this weekend with the Annual Christmas Gift-Sharing Program gift suggestion forms. Please stop by and pick
up a form. If you missed us this weekend, you still
have a chance to obtain a gift suggestion form. Next
weekend, November 29-30, will be the last weekend the forms will be available.
you have any questions regarding the Christmas
Gift-Sharing Program, please ask a member of the
St. Vincent de Paul Society or call the Parish Office.
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Many thanks for your generous participation in
this program. The gift that you purchase may be
the only gift the recipient will receive – so, please
NEW items only. Over the past 42 years the members of St. John Brebeuf parish have been “Santa” to
many families.
November 23—Christ the King:
Today as we celebrate Christ the
King, we hear Jesus say: “…whatever
you did for one of the least brothers and
sisters of mine, you did for me.
Knowing that we find the face of
Christ in the poor, last month, through your gifts, the
Society of St. Vincent de Paul was able to show that we
indeed see Christ by providing $352.00 in food, $392.00
for Utility Assistance, $300.00 for Rent Assistance,
1,000.00 in Twinning with St.Turibius Parish, $471.00 in
Misc. Client Aid, and $500.00 in Store Certificates.
Thank You!
All ladies in the parish and their friends are welcome to join us as the Catholic
Women’s Club hosts an evening to start the holiday season. This popular
annual event has a delicious catered dinner, great raffle prizes, door prizes, and
the ever-popular “Angel Bingo”. Deadline for purchasing tickets is December
6th. NO TICKETS WILL BE SOLD AT THE DOOR. Don’t miss out on this
fun evening. You deserve to treat yourself to time away from your busy holiday
preparations! For tickets and information call: Sue Anderson, 847-581-1340;
Sue Doczekalski, 847-965-4908; or Sheila Ryan, 847-207-8717.
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Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe
November 23, 2014
Please pray for those in danger of abortion. May their parents be open to the new life that
God has chosen to give them, no matter the circumstances of conception. Let us pray and work to
end abortion.
Let us continue to pray daily: “Jesus, Mary and Joseph, I love you very much. I beg you to spare the life of the
unborn baby that I have spiritually adopted who is in danger of abortion.”
November 23, 2014
Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe
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Sunday, November 23rd is the date of
the annual Holiday Craft Fair hosted by
the Catholic Women’s Club. It will be
held in the May Ministry Center from
8:00 AM until 3:00 PM. Featured at the
Holiday Fair will be a wide variety of seasonal and year-round handmade items
created by individual crafters. A selection
of cakes and cookies will be available for
purchase at the popular bake table. Shoppers can enjoy a snack or lunch. Raffles
will be held throughout the day. The Holiday Craft Fair always has something for
The time for ordering
wreaths has arrived. Look
for your friendly scout from
the troop to place your order.
These wreaths will make wonderful holiday gifts. The troop will also be selling
them at the holiday craft fair on Sunday,
November 23rd. Need more information—call David at 847-322-6454.
Please note the November Holy Name
Men’s Club board meeting has been rescheduled for Monday, November 24th at
7:00 p.m. in the Parish Ministry Center.
Preparations are in full swing for this
years Knights of Columbus Christmas
Party. It will be held Saturday, December
13 at 6:00 p.m. The Christmas Party is
open to all parishioners, family,
neighbors and friends. Please join us for
some great laughs, entertainment and socializing.
This year the Holy Name Men's Club will be joining us.
Invitations are being mailed out but for your convenience
see the full page ad in the bulletin.The deadline to make
your reservations is December 7. Contact Grand Knight,
Michael Curtis at 847-663-1733 with any questions.
The Vocation raffle to support our Seminarians is winding down. Vocation raffle booklets have been mailed to all
Knights of Columbus members and their families. Please
consider purchasing a book for $15. The Knights of Columbus fully supports the promotion of the young men to the
priesthood. The purchase of the raffle book proceeds will
go toward supporting their financial needs. If you would
like to purchase a raffle book on or before November 28,
please contact Chet Moylan, Chancellor at 630.544.9398 or
Michael Curtis, Grand Knight at 847.663.1733. Thank you
for your continued support.
Upcoming Events:
November 26 - Formartyrs Club Meeting - PMC 7:30
December 3 - General Business Meeting - PMC 7:30
December 7 - Deadline for reservations Christmas
December 13 - Knights of Columbus / Holy Name
Men’s Club Christmas Party - PMC
For more information regarding Knights of Columbus
insurance benefits and insurance products to protect
you and your family please contact field agent:
Pierre Zermatten at 847-323-0914 or
email: [email protected].
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Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe
November 23, 2014
November 23, 2014
Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe
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Inspiruje Do Ofiary
Przypominamy, że nasza parafia rozpoczęła przyjmowanie ofiar, poprzez GiveCentral. Możecie użyć tej
strony, aby dokonać elektronicznej ofiary na parafię. Można złożyć datek używając karty kredytowej,
karty debetowej i konta czekowego z zaznaczeniem jednorazowej lub stałej ofiary. Zdajemy sobie sprawę,
że większość dzisiejszych tranzakcji, to tranzakcje drogą elektroniczną. Chcemy dostarczyć Wam tego
samego komfortu w kościele.
Wierzymy, że ta oferta będzie korzystna dla wszystkich.
Proszę odwiedzić
i poświęcić kilka minut, aby ustawić swoją ofiarę
Dziękujemy za Waszą hojność i wsparcie.
Wasza ofiara jest bardzo doceniona!
Jak złożyć ofiarę używając GiveCentral:
1. Odwiedź www.givecentral.org i kliknij na ikonę „REGISTER.”
2. Wpisz nazwę naszej parafii. Kliknij na nazwę, kiedy się pojawi.
3. Zaznacz kwadrat obok każdego wydarzenia „EVENT”, na który chciałbyś złożyć
ofiarę.Zaznacz częstotliwość, zakres dni i sumę dla każdej ofiary i przyciśnij
4. Sprawdź ofiarę, którą zaznaczyłeś i naciśnij „CONTINUE TO PAYMENT”
5. Stwórz swój profil ofiarodawcy. Pola zaznaczone gwiazdką są obowiązkowe.
6. Wpisz numer karty kredytowej lub informacje bankowe i naciśnij „ADD PAYMENT
7. Potwierdź metodę wpłaty, którą chciałbyś dokonać. Naciśnij „FINISH”, aby dokonać
Możesz wracać do GiveCentral w każdym czasie, aby dokonać zmian w informacjach osobistych lub
ofiary. Naciśnij „LOGIN” na stronie głównej a następnie wpisz hasło użytkownika, aby dostać się na
swój profil.
W razie pytań proszę skontaktować się z biurem parafialnym.
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Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe
November 23, 2014
Co roku mamy pomiędzy 150 a 200 pogrzebów celebrowanych w parafii Św. Jana Brebeuf. Dzisiaj,
chcielibyśmy rozpocząć Duszpasterstwo Osób w Żałobie, które będzie służyło naszej parafii. Prosimy,
abyście rozważyli w jaki sposób możecie służyć w tym duszpasterstwie dla siebie nawzajem i dla rodzin,
które są w żałobie.
Wyobraź sobie, że asystujesz rodzinie, prowadząc modlitwy, pomagając im podjąć decyzje związane z
Mszą Św. pogrzebową, ofiarując pomoc rodzinie po pogrzebie. Otrzymacie szkolenie i pomoc związaną z
żałobą. Naszym celem jest, aby stworzyć zespół ludzi, którzy będą się wspierać i wymiennie służyć,
podczas pogrzebów w parafii. To duszpasterstwo pozwoli Wam być wrażliwymi dla rodzin, służyć im w
potrzebie i umocnić ich nadzieję.
Zadzwońcie do biura parafialnego, aby zostawić swoje imię i numer telefonu. Modlimy się, aby
wolontariusze podjęli nowe wyzwanie w tym nowym duszpasterstwie w parafii Św. Jana Brebeuf.
November 23, 2014
Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe
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Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe
Kazimierz Rejman
Anton Sliepka
Berta Scherschel
If you would like to
remember a deceased relative
or friend in a special way,
here is your opportunity. We
are accepting donations for the altar breads and wine that
are used at Mass each week. Every week in the bulletin
we will post who the bread and wine was donated in
memory of. Suggested donation is $50. You can drop off
or mail your donation to the Parish Office, marked “Altar
Bread Memorial.” Make sure to include your name and
the name/s of whom you would like to be remembered.
Requests are published in the bulletin in the order
that they are received.
Celebrating our SJB Military
St. John Brebeuf Parish is in the
process of establishing a military
remembrance presentation for all active
and fallen since September 11, 2001. We
are accepting family members names,
branch of service and photo. Please bring them to the parish office, attention Legion of Mary. ARMY, NAVY,
Please remember in prayer the
following who are currently
serving in the Armed Forces:
Timothy Casey
Joseph Merkel
Robert Monaco
Thomas Neuhengen
Christopher Vick
Pvt. James Cunningham
CDR John Tutwiler
Dominic Carrabotta
Mark Honsa
Peter Merkel
Chief Ryan Morrow
Scott Rodberg
Sgt. Daniel Cunningham
Susanne Connolly Tutwiler
Kevin Michael Kozeny
Col. Barbara Jones
May they return safely to their families.
November 23, 2014
Pray for all our ill Members
Carlyn Delort
Eugenio & Antonia Dias
Diana D’Costa
Angela D’Costa
Walter Przybysz
Aidan Stotz
Virginia Penkala
Barbara Donovan
Kathy Berresheim
Sr. Rose Mary Carney
Henryk Stankiewicz
Michael Curtis
Bob Biewald
Lorraine Bielat
Lourdes Vivar
Dolores Perales
Esther Prochaska
Mary O’Toole
Irene Dodaro
Mildred Nosko
Madeline Albano
Jackie Weiss
Sally Raphael
Clem Juris
Shahla Lahijani
Anna Chacko
Terry & Dominic DiVito
Margaret Lach
Mary Hamma
Debbie Terzakis
John Rossi
Souk Tha Phone
Denise Ottinger
Rose Ugel
Cathy Neff
Donna Miller
Albert DeLorenzo
Lisa Owen
Dorothy Cichon
Wladyslaw Policht
Kim Travaglio
Pamela Sobie
Charlene Green
Jeffrey Bandis
Betty Weiss
Henry Zajac
Kamillus Urban
Patti Maher Tyska
Ida Lui
Stanley Kogut
Zdzislaw Puacz
Stanley Budzinski
Laura Begale
Michael Luisi
Agnes Ornate
Lorna Alba
John Wargo
Annette Schubert
Patrick Leahy
Eugene Mangan
Adam Rowel
Varant Minatiskan
Madeline Pukal-4 yrs. old
Cyril & Peg Maher
Elaine Friedman
Patricia Clausen
Dolores Gruzynski
John Peter Rolwes
Nanette Sadorra
Oscar Malabanan
Jeff Sefcik
Lita Rosales
Alma Kort
Randolf Abana
Jim Wills
Noli Failma
Christina Curtis
Alberto Odulio
Julie Cardone
Bernadyne Semmerling
Jerry Brazowski
Michael Likvan
Madeline Hendricksen
Mary & Mario Colosi
Ruben Pactol
Mitchell Miklas
Marcelino de la Cruz
Donna Kornovich
Geraldine Tyre
Barbara Zonsius
Edward Kolasa
Patricia Jablonski
Dolores Perales
Linda Karno
Marilyn Philippsen
Butch Reeder
Linda Bennett
James Kurtzer
Jim Woods
Elizabeth Matteoni
John Nawodylo
November 23, 2014
Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe
Mass Intentions for the Week
Monday, November 24—St. Andrew Dung-lac
6:30—Cresenciano Cruz
8:45—Fast Recovery for Danti Oshana
Irena Rusznica
Justyna Wypasek
Healing & Health for Angie Flathau
Good Health for John Clarke
Tuesday, November 25—St. Catherine of Alexandria
6:30—Paula DeLa Cruz (6th Anniv. Of Death)
8:45—Marion Betka
Birthday Blessings for John Edwin Revilla
Good Health for John Clarke
Wednesday, November 26—Weekday
6:30—Albert & Georgiana Dorsch
Deacon John Perkowitz
8:45—Dec’d. Mbrs. Of McGinnity Family
7:00—For All Parishioners
Friday, November 28—Weekday
6:30—Albert & Georgiana Dorsch
8:45—Dale Anderson
John Karpinski (10th Anniv. Of Death)
5:00—Celebrant: Fr. Michael Meany
Thomas Birt
Deacon John Perkowitz
Eunice Blasuccio
Bette Corr
Bronislaw Mezyk
Josephine Smietana
Frank Sergot
6:30—Celebrant: Fr. Robert Pajor
Antonina Nawara
Stefan Maciolek
Kazimierz, Anna, Stanislaw, Wladyslaw i Lidia
Dec’d. Mbrs. Of Plizga & Bernat Families
Sunday, November 30—First Sunday of Advent
7:30—Celebrant: Fr. Peter Rapcia
Albert & Georgiana Dorsch
John Bohn (7th Anniv. Of Death)
Kenneth Jaretz
9:00—Celebrant: Fr. Michael Meany
For All Parishioners
Thursday, November 27—Thanksgiving Day
8:45—Walter & Albina Grzyb
Edwin & Dolores Zalesny
Birthday Remembrance for Leonard Albano
Pukszta & Kramaraczyk Families
Ronald W. Drexler
Stan Kapka
Ronnie Alerta
In Thanksgiving
Saturday, November 29—Weekday
7:30—Annamma Mathew Vettikattu
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10:45—Celebrant: Fr. Michael Meany
Jozefa Ledesma
Teresita Amuan
Reynaldo Reyes
Rose Fortuna
Robert Maisel
Yvonne Donegan
Thanksgiving for Sadorra, DeLara, Galicia,
Mancenido, Virata & Ando Families
Good Health for Jun DeLara & Dante Billedo
Bruce Appenzeller
12:30—Celebrant: Fr. Robert Pajor
Jerzy Rak
Krystyna Liszka
Stefan & Julian Barabasz
Szymon & Rozalia Skora
Jozef & Natalia Barabasz
Dmytro & Julia Lanowyk
Genowefa Bakun & Family
Stefania, Wladyslaw & Stanislaw Przybysz
Cezary Kutbor (2nd Anniv. Of Death)
6:00—Celebrant: Fr. Peter Rapcia
Mike & Stella Porada
Wedding Banns
2—Nicholas Cervantes & Jessica Joyce
Requests for Mass Intentions
Please submit all Mass Intentions to the parish office 12 days in advance of your request so
they can be printed in the bulletin. Only intentions printed in the bulletin will be read at Mass. We
appreciate your cooperation.
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St. John Brebeuf Church
Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe
November 23, 2014
Pastor: Rev. Michael Meany
Associates: Rev. Piotr Rapcia
Rev. Robert Pajor
Pastor Emeritus: Rev. Robert Banzin
Weekend Asst.: Rev. Patrick Marshall
Deacons: Larry Skaja
Andy Beierwaltes, Mariusz Kosla
Pastoral Associate: Maciek Karaban
Music Director: Marek Rachelski
Associate Music Director: Mariusz Kosla
Business Manager: Joseph Wojtowicz
School Principal: Elise Matson
Director Youth Ministry: Pam Perez
Staff Secretary: Charlotte Lindquist
Bulletin Editor, Parish Secretary:
Barbara Bronder
Rectory: 8307 N. Harlem Ave.
Parish Office: 8305 N. Harlem Ave.
Niles, IL 60714
(847) 966-8145 Fax: (847) 966-0014
Website: www.sjbrebeuf.org
School: (847) 966-3266
Website: www.sjbschool.org
Religious Education: (847) 966-3269
Youth Office: (847) 966-9815
Mass Schedule
“We are a people of faith who offer each
other and those touched by us the
means to experience God through prayer,
sacraments, education
and mutual support in light of the
Gospel and Catholic Tradition.”
November 23, 2014
Saturday: 5:00 PM, 6:30 PM (Polish)
Sunday: 7:30, 9:00, 10:45 AM,
12:30 PM (Polish), 6:00 PM
Monday—Friday Morning: 6:30 & 8:45 AM
Wednesday: 7:00 PM (Polish)
Saturday Morning: 7:30 AM
Holyday: 5:30 PM (English); 7:00 PM (Polish)
Vigil: 7:00 PM English
Reconciliation - Saturday
11:00 AM—Noon (English & Polish)
First Friday, 6:00 PM (English & Polish)
Last Sunday of each month during
10:45 AM Mass or 2:00 PM Service
(Polish): First Weekend of each month:
at 12:30 PM Mass on Sunday &
Third Sunday of the Month at 1:45 PM
Parents must attend pre-baptism instruction.
Four months notice is minimal.
Eucharistic Adoration
24 Hours a Day In Parish Ministry Center Chapel
St. Vincent de Paul—[email protected]