21 NOVEMBER VOL.14 NO.35 NEWSLETTER t: 3354 3422 w: www.hillbrook.qld.edu.au e: [email protected] From The School Leadership Team Today is the final school day for the Class of 2014. Last night the students and their parents and teachers attended the Graduation Dinner at the Royal International Convention Centre in Bowen Hills, and today the whole school and many parents gathered for their Farewell Assembly. It was a joyous combination of exhilaration, dignity, and that bittersweet feeling that combines happiness and sadness of such an occasion. It’s an exciting time for these young people, and all of us wish them happiness, success and fulfilment as they head off for the next stage of their journey. Combining exhilaration and dignity is not an easy balance, and we thank Reverend Sharon and the Year 12 Home Teachers, Chris McMillan, Vicki Hansen, Steve Cambridge, and Michael Gillard for their leadership throughout the week and especially with today’s Assembly. We particularly commend all the students on the way they conducted themselves. There has been a wonderful collection of speeches and reflections shared by students, parents, teachers and the school leadership team today and over the past week. And, we take this opportunity to share some of these with you. As is our custom, we invite a past student to share their insights with the graduating class; a student who was in Year 12 when they were just mere Year 8 students. This year Eliza McCabe spoke. Eliza graduated in 2010, studied fashion design and established a platform to launch her own fashion label ‘eliza’, which has successfully integrated into the national and international fashion market. These are some of the thoughts she shared. know that we have big shoes to fill and hope to continue the exceptional school spirit that you have exhibited to the school community. Class of 2014, Hillbrook will always be here for you and I know you will never forget the wonderful friends and teachers who have guided you on this journey at Hillbrook. You have inspired and motivated us to follow in your footsteps. Enjoy your celebration of the end of your schooling life; you deserve it!” Daniel Springfield – 11 White “It’s hard to believe that five years ago we were walking into the school for the first time. Finally today after five years of hard work, stress, fun times and new experiences, we are walking out for the last time. Over the past few years we have changed more than we could ever have imagined. We have gone from star struck Year 8s to ‘mature’ Year 12s. Throughout this epic journey, there have been many ups and downs and bits in between. Firstly, thank you teachers for the past five years you have put up with our crazy shenanigans and without you none of us would have made it this far. When we wanted to drop the ball you were there to pick it up. Your knowledge, guidance and most of all, patience, has allowed us to become who we are today and for that we say thanks! Secondly, we would like to thank our beautiful Home Class teachers. ‘Teachers’ is such an understatement to describe you guys. Ms McMillan, Ms Hansen, Gilli and Cambo - after three years I think it’s fair to say you have become our great friends and we are truly going to miss you. And last of all, we would like to thank the 119 people sitting behind us. Thanks for the best five years of our lives and all the amazing memories that have come from them. ‘I can only imagine how excited you must be! I look back on the time of finishing as one of the most treasured and thrilling times in my life. The highly anticipated build up of stress, uncertainty and excitement reaches a peak where the world is your oyster. I guess the message is not thinking there is one path to your goal. You will come to many cross roads, just as I have, and there will be times you feel lost and like you have not got an end game. That is when you will need to take little steps forward. Think positively, keep your connections and surround yourself with people who believe in you. Wake up early, work hard, be ambitious, do what you love and love what you do. Enjoy the excitement of finishing high school, be safe next week, and I wish you all the best for whichever journey you take on the crazy ride of post-school.” Eliza McCabe - Class of 2010 Now if we had one final message to all students in the school, say ‘yes’. Say ‘yes’ to new opportunities and new experiences because you never know until you’ve tried. This school offers us so much and you really need to squeeze it for what it’s worth. It’s been the most amazing journey and we personally wouldn’t have done it any other way. Thank you Hillbrook. So long and thanks for all the mems.” Lochlann Andrews & Steph Reid Thank you everyone for making the Class of 2014s end of schooling so special, especially: • Steve Spence who magnificently facilitated the Graduation Dinner on Thursday evening, ably supported by Catie and Damian. • Sue and Leisa who provided the administrative support. “As this year has been my first at high school after seven long years of primary school, I was very excited to start. On that first day it was overwhelming seeing young men and women who are the Year 12s. I was pleasantly surprised at how welcoming they were, particularly on that first day, and have been since. • Rev’d Sharon who led, orchestrated and managed the Farewell Chapel Service on Thursday afternoon and Final Assembly this morning. • Chris, Vicki, Steve C and Mike, who as Home Teachers, supported, guided and encouraged the 119 Year 12s throughout the past three years and especially in this final week. I can only imagine how much work it is in Year 12, they always seem to be so busy, studying in the library at lunch, preparing for exams and working towards their future. As the year has gone on, I have realised that the Year 12s do more than just constant studying, they have provided a great contribution to the Hillbrook community. • Rob, Mark and Johannes who helped with setting up for the breakfast and Assembly. • David Jones, Peggy and the team of music teachers. • Rosemary, Julie, Sue J and teachers for their energy and help with catering for a wonderful last day breakfast. • Will and others involved in setting up the technology and preparation for the Year 12 DVD and Grad Dinner. • And, all other staff, parents and students in our community who were involved in so many ways throughout this week and particularly today. You are greatly appreciated. I would like to thank and congratulate the Year 12s of 2014 for a great year and finish with a quote from Steve Jobs, former CEO or Apple: “Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most importantly, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition”. Good luck Year 12s; thank you.” Caitlin Guthrie – 8 Green “What an amazing group of young, inspirational people that make up the Year 12 cohort of 2014. As Year 11 students, we feel privileged to follow your lead into 2015 with great enthusiasm and excitement. We Class of 2014 - all the very best! You’ll be missed. Geoff Newton, Stephanie Munday-Lake, Craig Merritt & David Briggs 2 of 8 HILLBROOK ANGLICAN SCHOOL WEEKLY NEWSLETTER 21 NOVEMBER 2014 QUT Award 2014 Congratulations to Year 12 student, Matthew Page, and Year 11 student, Daniel Best, for their effort and commitment to their studies in Engineering Technology this year. Both were recently awarded with the QUT Dean’s Award for Engineering Technology. This prize is awarded to the overall top achievers in each year level at Hillbrook. Along with receiving a certificate of recognition, Matthew received a $100 iTunes gift card and Daniel a $50 iTunes gift card. Well done on a successful year to both students. Matthew has won this award in both years of Senior Engineering Technology and is also in the running for the Dean’s Award, a $3000 study stipend, should he be accepted and enrol in a Bachelor of Engineering at QUT. We wish Matthew all the best with his Tertiary Engineering studies next year. Return of Macbook Laptops Year 9 students will return their white Macbook, laptop case and MagSafe charger on Thursday 27 November during Period 1. They can use the external hard drive provided by the school to back up their machine. They will be issued new MacAir laptops at the start of Year 10, 2015. Sustainability Day Rescheduled! Sustainability Day has been rescheduled to 1 August 2015 due to a potential clash with another local event. The P&F has already commenced planning, and is seeking a number of volunteers to fill the following roles, and to form the organising committee: • Convenor/Co-Convenors • Marketing and Communications Coordinator • Speaker Program Coordinator • Art Trail Coordinator • Stall Coordinator • Facilities Management • Entertainment Coordinator Convenors/coordinators may even wish to share a role with a friend. We envisage that the first meeting of the organising committee will be held in the second week of Term 1. If you are interested in any of these roles, please contact the P&F President, Grant Starkey, on 0417 716 744 or starquay@ hn.ozemail.com.au Tuckshop News A special thank you to all the volunteers, without whom the Tuckshop could not operate. We are most grateful for the endless willing support you have provided us. If you would like to join us and put your name down to help us next year, we would really appreciate your help! No experience necessary; morning tea and lunch provided and you get the chance to meet other parents and have lots of laughs. We still require approximately 10 more helpers for Monday’s, Tuesday’s and Wednesday’s, so please call us on 3354 6422 if you’re interested. Wishing all a happy and safe Christmas period! Julie Garvey & Rosemary Smith - Co-Convenors ‘Hidden Histories’ Workshop Balaangala Community Group invites you to a ‘Hidden Histories’; an interactive workshop that explores our shared Australian history from an Aboriginal perspective. Facilitated by experienced Indigenous Cultural worker, James Sandy. When: 6 December ~ 3pm-5pm Where: Balaangala Garden Space, 98 Yoorala Street, The Gap Cost: $15/$10 concession Bookings are essential. Please email balaangalathegap@gmail. com to make your booking or for more information. Uniform & Stationery Volunteers – THANK YOU! That’s a very BIG thank you to each and every one of the wonderful group of volunteers who have helped out in Uniform and Stationery during the last couple of extremely hectic weeks. This is always a busy time of year for U&S but with Year 7 joining us in 2015 it has been even more so and your support and assistance has been greatly appreciated. Thank you all. Price Lists Updated price lists are available online. All items are available for sale now. Online Stationery Orders These can still be placed online. Just log onto the Hillbrook website, click on About Hillbrook, go to Uniform and Stationery and then to Online Orders. Orders placed before 18 January will be available for pick up and payment on our first sales day for 2015 - Wednesday, 21 January (2pm - 6pm). Given that this is an extremely busy period, we will endeavour to pack any orders placed after that date as soon as we can so that all students have their requirements to start the school year. Payment cannot be made online and must be made at time of collection. Back to School Sales Days 2015 Wednesday, 21 January ~ 2pm – 6pm Tuesday, 27 January ~ 9am – 12pm Wednesday, 28 January ~ 8am – 11am Thursday, 29 January ~ 8am – 10am Friday, 30 January ~ 8am - 9am Close of Trading The shops will cease trading for 2014 on Wednesday, 26 November. We are NOT open on the last day of term. Lots of Second Hand Items For Sale! Hillbrook’s new online second hand trading site is well and truly up and running! Thank you to everyone who has listed both For Sale and Wanted ads on www.sustainableschoolshop.com.au Items now available for sale include: • School uniforms – most items and sizes • Macbook Air • Chemistry labcoat and glasses • Clarinet and music stand If you’ve listed Wanted ads, you should be receiving emails containing details of any newly matched items. Wanted ads remain on the site for 90 days unless delisted. If you have not already done so, please register by 31 December 2014 to receive a complimentary Annual Subscription. New registrations after this date will incur a fee ($1 per sale item; or $19.95 for an annual subscription). Contact the Sustainable School Shop helpline on 1300 683 337 if you have any queries. 3 of 8 HILLBROOK ANGLICAN SCHOOL WEEKLY NEWSLETTER 21 NOVEMBER 2014 COMING EVENTS EVENT DAY/DATE First Day Term 1 2015 Years 7, 10 & 12 Tuesday 27 January First Day Term 1 2015 Years 8, 9 & 11 Wednesday 28 January Whole School Resumes Thursday 29 January TIME VENUE TIME VENUE MAJOR EVENTS IN 2014 EVENT DAY/DATE Year 8-11 Final Day 2014 Friday 28 November TUCKSHOP ROSTER MONDAY 24 NOVEMBER TUESDAY 25 NOVEMBER WEDNESDAY 26 NOVEMBER THURSDAY 27 NOVEMBER FRIDAY 28 NOVEMBER Anita Hanlon Lisa Gilmour Anne Lewis Bernadette Wilson Annette Hislop Maree Jones Wendy Jackman Alison Hatchman Naomi Garrett Louise Peters Helen Murase Katya Fairlie Anne Spearritt Carrie Ritchie Valda Dorries Lesley Irvine Gayle Brook Bronwyn Avery UNIFORM AND STATIONERY MONDAY 24 NOVEMBER WEDNESDAY 26 NOVEMBER FRIDAY 28 NOVEMBER 12pm - 2pm 8am - 10am 8am - 9am Karin Rushin Jo Wilson Susanna Derwin Melissa Curtis Fiona Clark Fiona Lynch Judy McNeeley Kathryn Girling Jo Finnimore Narda Phillips Virginia Gehrke Gail Perkins G20 Youth Forum 4 of 8 HILLBROOK ANGLICAN SCHOOL WEEKLY NEWSLETTER 21 NOVEMBER 2014 Year 12 Last Days 5 of 8 HILLBROOK ANGLICAN SCHOOL WEEKLY NEWSLETTER 21 NOVEMBER 2014 Year 12 Last Days Continued... Holy Trinity Anglican Church Pantry Donations Donations of the following goods are being collected to give to those in need this Christmas. Most of time, smaller individual items are better than large ones. (Many clients are singles -‐ if a family comes in they can give 2 or 3 of each item.) Regular items always needed: Cereal (eg. small WeetBix packets) Pasta, Spaghetti, Pasta Sauce Tins of Baked Beans, Spaghetti, Soup, Meat & Veg, Tuna, Ham Tinned Vegies: Peas & Carrots, Tomatoes, Potatoes, Fruit. (NO Beetroot or Pineapple – they have too much) Special Christmas Items Biscuits – Shortbread etc Small Christmas Puddings Small Long-‐Life Custard Packets of Wrapped Lollies Please ensure all items still have a good shelf life left. Christmas Gifts: wrapped and labelled with gender and age are also appreciated. Hillbrook Music Ensemble Schedule - 2015 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Senior Percussion Junior Percussion Senior Strings Wind Symphony (Advanced) Stage Band (Intermediate) Grace Whiting Grace Whiting Grace Whiting David Jones David Jones 7.20 - 8.30am P6 (Downstairs) 7.30am - 8.30am P6 (Downstairs) 7am - 8.30am P3 (Upstairs Classroom ) 7.20am - 8.30am P6 (Downstairs) 7.20am - 8.30am P6 (Downstairs) Hillbrook Brass (Advanced) Big Band (Advanced) Concert Band (Intermediate) Senior Guitar Ensemble Jazz Ensemble (Advanced) Neil Favell David Jones Jess Garvey Nick Lavers Nick Lavers 7.20am - 8.30am P2 (Upstairs Rehearsal Room) 7.20am - 8.30am P2 (Upstairs) 7.20am - 8.30am P6 (Downstairs) 7.30am - 8.30am P2 (Upstairs) 7.20am - 8.30am P2 (Upstairs) Ripieno Strings (Advanced) Synergy Strings (Intermediate) Clarinet Workshop (Junior) Tuuli Rantanen Tuuli Rantanen Paula Gresham 7.30am - 8.30am P3 (Upstairs Classroom) 7.20 – 8.30am P2 (Upstairs Rehearsal Room) 7.30 – 8.30am P3 (Upstairs Classroom) Junior Guitar Ensemble Senior Voice Ensemble Senior Choir (Yrs 9 to 12) Nick Lavers Bernadette Debattista Justine Favell 7.20am - 8.30am T8 (Downstairs) 1.20pm to 2pm T7 (Downstairs) 7.30am - 8.30am Chapel Clarinet Ensemble (Senior) Junior Brass Band Paula Gresham Neil Favell 7.30 – 8.30am T8 (Downstairs) 3.30pm - 4.30pm P6 (Downstairs) Junior Choir (Yrs 7 & 8) Justine Favell 3.30pm - 4.30pm Chapel Hillbrook Music Ensemble Schedule - 2015 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Senior Percussion Junior Percussion Senior Strings Wind Symphony (Advanced) Stage Band (Intermediate) Grace Whiting Grace Whiting Grace Whiting David Jones David Jones 7.20 - 8.30am P6 (Downstairs) 7.30am - 8.30am P6 (Downstairs) 7am - 8.30am P3 (Upstairs Classroom ) 7.20am - 8.30am P6 (Downstairs) 7.20am - 8.30am P6 (Downstairs) Hillbrook Brass (Advanced) Big Band (Advanced) Concert Band (Intermediate) Senior Guitar Ensemble Jazz Ensemble (Advanced) Neil Favell David Jones Jess Garvey Nick Lavers Nick Lavers 7.20am - 8.30am P2 (Upstairs Rehearsal Room) 7.20am - 8.30am P2 (Upstairs) 7.20am - 8.30am P6 (Downstairs) 7.30am - 8.30am P2 (Upstairs) 7.20am - 8.30am P2 (Upstairs) Ripieno Strings (Advanced) Synergy Strings (Intermediate) Clarinet Workshop (Junior) Tuuli Rantanen Tuuli Rantanen Paula Gresham 7.30am - 8.30am P3 (Upstairs Classroom) 7.20 – 8.30am P2 (Upstairs Rehearsal Room) 7.30 – 8.30am P3 (Upstairs Classroom) Junior Guitar Ensemble Senior Voice Ensemble Senior Choir (Yrs 9 to 12) Nick Lavers Bernadette Debattista Justine Favell 7.20am - 8.30am T8 (Downstairs) 1.20pm to 2pm T7 (Downstairs) 7.30am - 8.30am Chapel Clarinet Ensemble (Senior) Junior Brass Band Paula Gresham Neil Favell 7.30 – 8.30am T8 (Downstairs) 3.30pm - 4.30pm P6 (Downstairs) Junior Choir (Yrs 7 & 8) Justine Favell 3.30pm - 4.30pm Chapel
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