The Oasis An Oasis in the Wilderness -- John 7 website: e-mail: [email protected] WVCC Mission: We exist to make disciples for Jesus Christ: more disciples and stronger disciples. West Valley Christian Church November 18, 2014 Vol. XXXIV No. 46 The Rock @ WVCC Saturdays at 6pm Sunday Mornings 9 & 10:45am Journey Sundays at 5pm A History Of Good News Thanksgiving - Reach In Chalk Talk November 23 November 23 with Jim Bell with Glenn Kirby November 22 "Good News As Needed" with Rob Denton "Be Prepared In Season & Out Of Season" "To God Be The Glory" November 19 - Life Group Update! Wednesday Night Adult Life Groups continue with Lesson 7 - "The Motivational Example" from our book Mission: God's Heart For The World. Free booklets are available in your class. Coming Events! 1. Nov. 18 - Attitude Of Gratitude Service - 7pm 2. Nov. 20 - Skid Row - 6pm 3. Nov. 26 - No Life Groups or Children's Classes because of Thanksgiving Week 4. Nov. 27 - Thanksgiving Day Service - 10am 5. Dec. 5 - Christmas Fellowship for Elders, Ministers, Church Staff, & their Spouses at 6:30pm in our Fireside Room 6. Dec. 11 - WVCS TK-2nd Grade Christmas Program - 7pm 7. Dec. 12 - Ladies' Christmas Fellowship 6:30pm - Fireside Room 8. Dec. 14 - Christmas Coffeehouse at 5pm 9. Dec. 16 - WVCS Preschool Christmas Program - 6:30pm 10. Dec. 18 - WVCS 3rd-5th Grade Christmas Program- 7pm 11. Dec. 24 - Christmas Eve Services 6 & 7:15pm Last Sunday! Hope Of The Valley Items to collect for their kitchen pantry. Canned Chili Creamed Soups Enchilada Sauce BBQ Sauce Spaghetti Sauce Short Pastas Sturdy Paper Plates Tuna Top Ramen Pop-Top Soups Rice Napkins Vegetable Oil Plastic Forks Nov. 23rd - We will be collecting the sacks in the church lobby. **You do not have to get everything on the list, just get what you can. Sunday Life Groups Glenn Kirby brings his message on "Be Prepared In Season & Out Of Season" at 9 & 10:45am on Sunday. Rob Denton will preach on "To God Be The Glory" Sunday at 5pm. Jim Bell will preach on "Good News As Needed" at 6pm on Saturday. Sunday Morning Teams 9am Ushers 10:45am Chuck Carter Chuck Carter Steve Tade/Dean Center Servers Tom Kabelitz Gary Millard Mike Sayre Brian White Steen Hansen Willie Wilson Steve Torres Jens Ipsen Greg Abbenante Prayer Between Services Melba Sanchez Jenny Strauss People Count November 16, 2014 Sunday Worship 519 Budget $23,091 Sunday Life Groups 47 Offering $19,115 Mid-week Life Groups 212 2014 New Members 52 Nov. 20 - Skid Row - 6pm Faith Promise Report 9am 1) Jr/Sr High Bible Study - Rm. #210 10:45am 1) Al Powers - Rm. #203 Topic: Harmony in the Gospels 2) Patrick Lowrance/Steen Hansen Rm. #205 - Topic: Romans 3) Paul Matsumoto/Don Martin - Rm. #209 Topic: The Purpose Driven Life This Saturday & Sunday We are going to Skid Row to take, food, water, clothes and blankets. We will meet at the church at 6pm to sort the clothes and then caravan down to Skid Row. $435,164 was promised from 78 cards with 46 marked as a tithe. If you have not turned yours in yet, you can still do it this weekend at any of our 4 Worship Services. Service Opportunity will be meeting in the Worship Center after Journey this Sunday at 6:30pm with some basic information on the Chile trip. Please come and learn more about this great trip. Actors needed for Back to Bethlehem. You can serve as a townsperson in the city of Bethlehem on the night baby Jesus was born, be a shepherd, a wise man, an angel, or just a greeter. This is hosted by St. Stephen's Presbyterian church in Northridge. Also, if you know a high school student or student group that would like to volunteer, the time will count as volunteer hours for college applications. If you are interested please contact Juleen Lowrance at (818) 920-1652. Nov. 23 - Chile Information Meeting We Singles Supper 6+2 The Singles Ministry is organizing a Supper 6+2 for Singles 30+. Everyone that signs up are randomly put in a group of 6 people. The group agrees to meet for a meal once a month, alternating who the host is. The host for that month plans the meal and everyone else brings something to contribute to the meal. The host also invites 2 other people to join the meal for that month. The meals will start in January. Sign up on Sunday. November 18 "Attitude Of Gratitude!" 7pm WVCC Prayer Ministry's desire is to have a prayer event featuring a time of Worship and a time of acknowledging our blessings. There will be a time of Worship led by our new Worship Leader, Ray Reynolds and we will be sharing the blessings that were submitted the last two weekends. FOLLOW US ON OUR FACEBOOK Impact Kids THE underground Middle & High School Student Ministries ----------------------------------------------------------------- Let’s learn from some #ChristmasClassics THE GRINCH YOU ARE SPECIAL 11/12 CLUB JC Wednesday 7-8pm Hey Parents! While you are at Life Groups we have a nursery and preschool program AND CLUB JC for elementary kids! We have fun during our lessons and activities!! All kids are welcome! Themes: November 19 - Family Picture Night & Store Night November 26 - No Class! Happy Thanksgiving!!!! Journey To Bethlehem Begins in Kids Alive! & JKIDS on December 7th! Come and join us at one of services 9am, 10:45am & 5pm! Nov. 27th - Thanksgiving Day Service 10am Message by Pastor Glenn Kirby Worship led by Ray Reynolds 11/19 ---11/26 TBA--- THE GIFT OF THE MAGI CHARLIE BROWN CHRISTMAS 12/10 12/17 WE ARE GOING DOWN TO SERVE AT SKID ROW THIS WEEK ON THURSDAY, NOV 20TH @6PM! COME JOIN US IN THE CONNECTING PLACE TO HELP US SORT DONATIONS BEFORE WE GO DOWN. MIDDLE SCHOOL STUDENTS NEED A PARENT TO JOIN THEM! Dec. 12 - Ladies' Christmas Fellowship - 6:30pm Calling all ladies to a Contagious Christmas Fellowship in the Fireside Room where Christmas will be so full of JOY that it can’t help but spread. We will discover what makes the story of Christmas so contagious. This promises to be a fun evening. Sign Up On Sunday Bring your favorite dish to share for dinner Bring a wrapped Christmas ornament. We need a few ladies who would like to decorate a table. You can use your favorite Christmas dishes (china or paper), napkins, utensils, your own table cloth, center piece and any other decorations you choose. December 24 Christmas Eve Services 6 & 7:15pm The Oasis WEST VALLEY CHRISTIAN CHURCH 22450 SHERMAN WAY, WEST HILLS, CA 91307 Glenn Kirby Senior Minister Jim Bell Teaching Pastor Rob Denton Associate Minister Brandon Aram Assoc. Worship Leader Katie Matsumoto Student Ministries Director Ray Reynolds Worship Leader Derek Swales School Administrator Carolyn Kirby Children’s Director Cynthia Wagner Office Manager Office (818) 884-6480 website: e-mail: [email protected] Sunday Services 9 & 10:45am and 5pm Saturday at 6pm
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