S TAT E M E N T O F Q U A L I F I C AT I O N S Submitted To: Submitted By: Cherry Creek Recycling, LLC Denver Transit Constructors, LLC Cherry Creek Recycling (CCR) is pleased to submit a Statement of Qualifications. CCR is a small business specializing in demolition, earth work and scrap metal recycling. Our flawless safety record reflects our experience and commitment to performing work with the utmost attention to detail. Supervision includes Class A, B, and D demolition licenses as well as roughly 50 years combined experience in the industry. Some of our management team have been working together for 15 years without incident or injury. Enclosed you will find projects the Company has completed in the past. Cherry Creek Recycling is ready to put our unique knowledge and experience to work for you. In its 4 years Cherry Creek Recycling has successfully completed projects from California to Delaware . Below is a small collection of signature projects: • Indian River Inlet Bridge Replacement • Two Medicine River Bridge Replacement • Northfield Dam Modification Project • SH 120 Bridge Replacement • I-70 over UPRR CCR looks forward to working with you on future projects. In the coming days and weeks leading up to the start of the proposed work, should you have any questions, please feel free to contact Patrick Blair at (303) 647-1637 or by email at [email protected] Sincerely, Patrick Blair, President 01 SECTION ONE 02 SECTION TWO 03 SECTION THREE 04 SECTION FOUR Company Profile Key Personnel Rela ve Experience Referrals 01 SECTION ONE Company Profile Cherry Creek Recycling (CCR) has a wealth of experience in demoli on projects around the country. Specializing in transporta on, the CCR team has also been involved in a number of residen al and commercial removal projects. In this sec on you will find images and a brief descrip on of CCR’s signature demoli on projects. With a fleet of owned equipment and end dumps and a unique knowledge of recycling concepts from around the industry, as well as a 28 acre facility for scrap metal, concrete, and asphalt recycling in Watkins Colorado, CCR is able to provide a wide range of op ons for your demoli on and scrap metal needs. CCR is able to boast nearly 100% of demoli on debris being diverted from landfills, whether it be recycling materials for reuse on exis ng projects or recycling the material for later use on other projects. CCR recently completed its Asbestos Cer fica on with the CDPHE making us one of a few full service demoli on and abatement contractors in the state of Colorado. Our unique ability to provide a full service project from abatement to bare ground makes CCR a leader for the future. Cherry Creek Recycling has posi oned itself to be a leader in Denver and surrounding areas in the demoli on, abatement, and recycling industry for years to come. Put our unique knowledge, exper se and experience to work for you. www.cherrycreekrecycling.com 02 SECTION TWO Key Personnel Patrick B. Blair, President Mr. Blair recieved a Bachelor’s of Construc on Management from Colorado State University (CSU) in 2006. Mr Blair has extensive experience in the demoli on industry, having successfully competed heavy civil and demoli on projects for the Colorado Department of Transporta on, Wyoming Department of Transporta on, Montana Department of Transporta on, Northrop Grumman Ship Systems, and A.G. Spanos Companies, among others. Mr. Blair draws from his varied experience in demol on to ensure clients a superior finish. Brad Owen, Project Manager Mr. Owen recieved a Bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering from the University of Central Florida in 2000. Mr. Owen has vast experience in the construc on industry, having successfully completed heavy civil and demoli on projects for the Florida Department of Transporta on, Colorado Department of Transporta on, Queensland Water Consor um of Australia, Los Angeles Metro Light Rail, and the California Department of Transporta on, among others. Mr. Owen draws from his varied background of construc on experience to ensure that projects are completed safely, within budget, and according to schedule. Mark Waswick, Project Superintendent Mark Waswick has been a part of the demoli on industry since 1998. During Mr. Waswick’s 15 years experience he has endured the role of lead supervisor of over 100 bridge demoli on projects across the states of Colorado, Wyoming, New Mexico, Utah, Montana, California, and Delaware. Mr. Waswick’s demoli on experience is not limited to transporta on. Mr. Waswick has equal experience in the diciplines of commercial demoli on. Specifically, apartment complexes, hotels, shopping malls, and large scale housing removal projects. Mr. Waswick is dedicated to comple ng projects on schedule, within budget, and above all making sure they are completed safely. 03 SECTION THREE Rela ve Experience INDIAN RIVER INLET BRIDGE REPLACEMENT Bethany Beach, DE Project DescripƟon Cherry Creek Recycling was selected to perform the demoli on of the Indian River Inlet Bridges. The two structures were each 1,000 . in length. Due to large scour holes located in the river bo om conven onal methods for demoli on were deemed unsuitable. Cherry Creek Recycling submi ed alternate methods involving a reverse launch of girders from either abutment. Demoli on methods included: saw cu ng and flipping deck panels, barge based opera ons for piers located in the river, and disposal of concrete to a reef located several miles out to sea. Client DelDOT Project Cost: $5,000,000.00 Dura on: 1 year INDIAN RIVER INLET BRIDGE REPLACEMENT Bethany Beach, DE TWO MEDICINE RIVER BRIDGE REPLACEMENT East Glacier Park, MT Project DescripƟon Cherry Creek Recycling was selected to perform the removals of this 800 foot long, 180 foot high, environmentally sensi ve bridge located on the boundaries of Glacier Na onal Park. Comple on needed to be accomplished in 5 weeks before liquidated damages set in. Cherry Creek Recycling finished the project in just over 3 weeks enabling the general contractor addi onal me to finalize the jobsite. Client: Ralph L. Wadsworth ConstrucƟon Company, Inc. Project Cost: $550,000.00 Dura on: 1 month NORTHFIELD DAM MODIFICATION PROJECT Woodland Park, Colorado Project DescripƟon ASI Constructors selected Cherry Creek Recycling to perform the abatement and removal of the Northfield Dam water treatment facility located near Rampart Reservoir in Woodland Park, CO. The work was in prepara on for reconstruc on and stabiliza on from one of several strucurally deficent dams in the state. Work included removal of a 20,000 gallon steel washwater tank perched 40 feet above the project entrance directly next to power lines servicing the site. CCR recycled or incorporated back into the work everything on site except for roughly 800 yards of concrete painted with LBP. Client: Colorado Springs UƟliƟes Project Cost: $350,000 Dura on: 12 weeks STATE HIGHWAY 120 OVER THE ARKANSAS RIVER AND UPRR Florence, CO Project DescripƟon Cherry Creek Recycling was selected to perform the removals of this 400 foot long, steel truss and cast in place concrete bridge over the Arkansas River and UPRR. Due to limited access a 500 ton hydraulic crane was u lized to pick the truss sec ons over the river. Sec ons of the exisitng bridge had to be removed out of sequnce to make room for the large crane. Loca on: CDOT Project Cost: $400,000.00 Dura on: 1 month EAST AND WEST BOUND I-70 OVER UPRR Denver, CO Project DescripƟon Cherry Creek Recycling along with Ames Construc on are responsible for the removal and replacment of the 2 structures over Smith Road and the UPRR in Denver Colorado. High train traffic and structural instability in the bridges require a slow methodical approach to the removal. Project comple on with be May 2015. Client: Ames ConstrucƟon Project Cost: $293,000.00 Dura on: 12 weeks ADDITIONAL PROJECTS Rela ve Experience Elevated I-70 Neighborhood Removal Cliff Brice/Wagner Rents Building Demolition Denver, CO Pueblo, CO Medicine Bow Windfarm Decommissioning Project Sull Creek Bridge Replacement Medicine Bow, Wy City of Fort Collins Digester Lid Replacement Walsenburg, CO Fort Collins, CO San Gabriel Canyon Dam Bridge Replacement Highlands Water Tank Replacement Mountain View Elementary School Demolition Centennial, CO Rawlins, WY I-25 Managed Lanes CDOT Empire Maintenance Yard Demolition Denver, CO Empire, CO Los Angeles, CA 04 SECTION FOUR Referrals George & Lynch, Inc. Mike Delp (302) 218-6140 [email protected] Platte River Power Authority Sco Rowley (970) 226-4000 [email protected] Denver Water John Graves (303) 324-8577 [email protected] Ralph L. Wadsworth Gaylen Stewart (801) 553-1661 [email protected]
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