Heads Up - Radyr Comprehensive School

Heads Up
MONTH: November
YEAR: 2014
In this issue:
 Coming up in December
 Pudsey-mania!
 Congratulations to our students
 Early News
 Term Dates
Coming up this month
Wednesday 19 November
5.00 p.m
in the Main Hall
German Christmas Markets Trip
meeting for parents.
If you are unable to attend please
email [email protected] and the
information will be emailed to you.
Coming up in December
Thursday 11 December
Year 11 Options Evening
6.00 p.m.
in the Sports Hall
Please follow the link
to view our new interactive
Raising funds for
Children in Need…
Welcome to the November edition of ‘Heads Up’
Up’And talking of celebrities…
Children in Need
On Thursday 13 November ~ a day ahead of the
rest of the country due to a Year 7 trip taking
place on the Friday - Radyr opened its doors to
Children In Need 2014 for another fundraising
On Monday 27 October our highly successful
diversity group 'The Domino Project' had the
opportunity to meet with Sir Iain McKellen at
Plasmawr High School.
The event was
organised by Stonewall, an organisation who
tackle homophobia in the UK. Sir Iain McKellen
is one of the patrons of Stonewall and was keen
to meet the pupils after hearing of their work to
combat homophobia. The pupils found his talk
inspirational as he discussed his career, his
work with Stonewall and recited extracts from
~ Non-uniform Day ~
Friday 12 December
Christmas Jumper Day
Students and staff are invited
to wear their festive jumper and
make a donation of £1.00 as the
school takes part in raising
funds for
Save the Children
Wednesday 17 December
Christmas Celebration
at 7.00 p.m
in the Sports Hall
Tickets priced at Adults £3.00
& Concessions £2.00
will be on sale soon!
Many activities took place throughout the day and
far too many to list here but the main highlights
were the ‘I’m a Celebrity Bush Tucker Trial’
featuring the very brave Mr Jenkins and Mr Wall,
a Fancy Dress photo booth, Carnival games, Face
Painting, Sporting Competitions, and a Bounce
Fitness Class (which we all should have attended
having eaten so many delicious cakes) to name
but a few. There was also a very exciting
demonstration from South Wales Police Dog
Training team – thank you Mrs Yeoman for
organising this and also for arranging for Pudsey
to drop in to school.
Thank you not just to
the pupils and staff who
kindly donated raffle
prizes and contributed
to the various auctions
but to everyone for your
continued support with
this annual event!
The Grand Total raised was an amazing
This was an excellent experience and great
recognition for the pupils' work in Plasmawr and
Radyr. We would like to thank Plasmawr for the
Our Wellbeing Officers … KS3 ~ Mrs C Powell … KS4 ~ Mr M Collins … KS5 ~ Mr P Palmer
Dates for your diary
Congratulations to…
Touring with the Welsh National Opera
… the following Year 10 pupils on their
I have been to Liverpool, Bristol, Llandudno,
Swansea and Oxford over the past few
weeks touring with the Welsh National Opera.
I’m taking part in their production of the opera
Carmen by Bizet which is set in Seville and
includes the famous Toreador song. The
opera was written in French and it has been
fun to learn the words and sing in French.
selection for the Cardiff Schools Rugby
Under 15 first team squad :- Fergus
Hodgson 10N, Owen Walrond 10N, Lewis
Jameson 10W, Tony Lamerton 10SE and
Joe Melhuish 10W.
… Year 10 student Eliot Randall 10W for
representing the English U15 Ice Hockey
team in a recent tournament in France.
… the Senior/Year 11 Netball team who
represented the School at the Urdd National
Finals on Thursday 13 November. Over 30
schools and colleges entered and the team
did amazingly well getting through to the
quarter-finals as they were up against large
sixth-form colleges who are predominantly
netball academies and who train every day!
Very well done girls – you were a real credit
to Radyr!
… our new House Captains for 2014-15
The Heads of House were very impressed with the
quality of applications for House Captains this year.
The successful candidates are listed below and as
House Captains these students will have
responsibility for leading their Houses in the
competition to win the House Cup for 2014-2015.
I am one of 12 urchins with a group of boys
from schools all over South Wales. We have
become very good friends and have a lot of
fun when we’re not on stage although our
chaperones try and keep us under control.
We stay in hotels on longer trips and share
rooms. We don’t get much sleep when we’re
on tour because we’re playing games and
watching films until the early hours of the
morning and the chaperones often have to
bang on the door to wake us up for breakfast.
I can pack my bag and get dressed in record
House Captains ~ Conor Czech & Anwen Govier
Arts Captains ~ Jack Wellington & Roya Valivand
Sports Captains ~ Adam Smith & Megan Smith
Community Captains ~ Sam Curwen & Finn Provan
I have really enjoyed the experience of being
part of a professional production – even
though most of the rehearsals took place in
the summer holidays. I’ve been able to see
behind the scenes, get to know how the
costume department works and learnt how to
make myself look like an urchin with artist’s
make up. The professional opera singers we
sing with come from Wales, Italy and Canada
and are very friendly, often bringing us treats.
House Captains ~ George Duddridge & Elin Bird
Arts Captains ~ Brad Johnson & Nia Berry
Sports Captains ~ Benjamin Jones & Lizzie Booth
Community Captains ~ James O’Reilly & Erin Berry
Our last performances are in Birmingham and
Southampton and I will be very sad to see the
end of what’s been a brilliant time with WNO.
Theo Vine 9NW
House Captains ~ Becky Wigley-Jones & Frazer
Arts Captains ~ Amy Yeo & Victoria Dyer
Sports Captains ~ Megan Matthews & Harrison Burke
Community Captains ~ Casanda Jones & Kishan
Wednesday 28 January
Year 11 PCE / Options Evening
----Wednesday 4 February
Year 12 PCE
----Wednesday 11 February
Year 13 PCE
----Wednesday 25 February
Year 10 PCE
----Wednesday 25 March
Year 8 Options Evening
----Tues 21 & Thurs 23 April
Year 8 PCE
----Tues 5 & Thurs 7 May
Year 7 PCE
----Wednesday 20 May
Year 9 PCE
INSET DAYS 2014/2015
Friday 12 June 2015
-----------------------------Monday 15 June 2015
-----------------------------Monday 20 July 2015
Term Dates 2014 -2015
Autumn Term
Last day of term
Friday 19 December
House Captains ~ Harry Jameson & Kate O’Gorman
Arts Captains ~ Adam Wade & Lucy Martin
Sports Captains ~ Luke Tolchard & Poppy Williams
Community Captains ~ Owen Haworth & Molly Nash
-----------------------------Spring Term
Monday 5 January 2015
Good Luck to all four Houses!
Please ensure we have
current contact details in
case we need to contact
you in an emergency….
changes should be
emailed to
[email protected]
Parents’ Consultation Evenings
Monday 16 to Friday 20 February
Cologne Trip – Thursday 4 December
We will be leaving school at 05.30 a.m. on
Thursday 4 December and will be returning
on Sunday at approximately 08.30 a.m.
Paris Trip – Final payment due
The final payment of £230 is due by Monday
19 January. Please bring the money to
Madame Dinnick in the Languages office.
Last day of term
Friday 27 March
-----------------------------Summer Term
Monday 13 April 2015
Monday 25 to Friday 29 May
Last day of term ~ (INSET DAY)
Monday 20 July
The next edition of ‘Heads Up’ will be available to view on the website week beginning 15 December