The Times Examiner 6 Wednesday, December 3, 2014 EDITORIAL and LETTERS Opinion We want to hear from you! to stimulate the mind by Bob Dill Wake Up Sheeple! W ake up sheeple! The hour is late and the windows of opportunity are closing. The agenda being implemented by the sixties radicals now in control of the Democrat Party is clear. There is no longer a need to speculate or depend upon some political analyst to give their analysis and interpretation of what these people are doing to our Constitutional Republic that they have incorrectly re-designated a Democracy. They are a coalition of radical leftists, socialists and communists who prefer to be addressed by the politically-correct and deceptive label: Progressives. They are indoctrinated in and implementing the teachings of Sol Alinsky found in his book, Rules for Radicals, combined with the Cloward-Piven strategy. Alinsky developed, taught and published a plan for overthrowing the government from within, using lies, deception and forcing legitimate institutions to conform to higher standards than the radicals in government. The lies of Obama and members of his administration are not simply character flaws. This is an intentional part of their strategy. The Cloward-Piven strategy is a proven plan to bankrupt government by overloading government agencies and welfare programs. It is happening daily. Look at Social Security rolls, Medicare, MEDICAID, food stamps. WIC, refusal to close borders, refusal to deport criminals, OBAMACARE, global warming grants, Obama phones, Amnesty, and the list goes on. The American electorate has given the Republican Party one last chance to reverse the direction the Obama Administration has taken for the past six years and intends to continue at least for the next two years. For the next two years Republicans will control both houses of Congress. Only time will tell whether they will make a difference. For any that may doubt that Mr. Obama is in step with historic Communist dictators, please consider the words of Vladimir Lenin penned in 1921 and compare the list to the policies of President Barack Obama. Lenin listed what was necessary to destroy the West: • Corrupt the young • Get youth away from religion • Encourage their interest in sex • Make them superficial by focusing their attention on sports, sensual entertainment and other trivialities • Always advocate Democracy but seize power as fast and as ruthlessly as possible • Encourage government extravagance and destroy its credit • Produce fear by raising prices, inflation and general discontent • Encourage disorders and foster a lenient attitude toward disorders • By specious argument cause the breakdown of the old moral values: honesty, sobriety and self-restraint • Cause registration of firearms (to) leave the population defenseless This may be the last time Republicans as a national party will be given an opportunity to lead the nation unless they implement and carry out a major attempt to reverse the Obama Communist Dictatorial Agenda. Part of the Obama Agenda is to destroy the Republicans as a force in national politics. That is the major reason behind the open border policy and Executive Amnesty of illegal aliens that is currently in operation. A secondary reason is to increase the rolls of people dependent on the government. If Hispanics and other illegal immigrants are given work permits, as a result of their work ethic, they will displace many currently employed black supporters of Obama from the workforce and onto the welfare rolls. Many Republicans in Congress are supportive of amnesty for illegal border invaders because of pressure from the Chamber of Commerce that represents corporations that value cheap labor more than freedom. Republicans must wise up, close the borders and refuse to allow voting rights for people in this country illegally. Elected officials will not ignore the Chamber unless they receive overwhelming pressure from grass roots conservatives. Republicans must strengthen and provide credible leadership for national defense or we will become slaves to ruthless foreign masters. If we are to survive as a free people, those of us who value truth and the Author of all truth, must inform the multitude of “Sheeple” who are unknowingly contributing to the destruction of themselves and their fellow countrymen. PUBLICATION POLICY News items, advertisements and announcements must be received prior to 5 p.m. on Friday before the date of publication to be considered for the next issue. Letters to the editor are requested by the Wednesday prior to publication. They should include a legible signature, address and phone number. Photographs and other submitted material become property of The Times Examiner unless prior arrangements are agreed on in writing. Articles, columns and letters reflect the views of the writers, and not necessarily those of The Times Examiner. © COPYRIGHT 2014 - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED The Times Examiner Published Weekly on Wednesday Office located at: 44 Pine Knoll Dr. Suite E-2 Greenville, SC 29609 Ph: (864) 268-0576 Fax: (864) 292-1013 Office Hours: 9:30 - 12 and 1-5 Closed Wednesdays Publisher and Editor in Chief Bobby M. Dill Managing Editor James M. Spurck, Jr. Office Manager La Verle G. Dill Copy Editor Violette Scott Ad Sales Kenneth MacCallum Subscription Rates: $20 per year for web subscription Printed on Recycled Paper $40 per year in South Carolina $45 per year out-of-state Postage paid at Greenville, South Carolina This publication may not be reproduced in whole or part without written permission. What do you think about current, national or local events? Send us a letter-to-theeditor. Please keep letters to under 500 words. Letters more than 500 words may be rejected. COURTESY OF HEIDI BARNETT Letters to the Editor... Do You Want More Taxes? Dear Editor, If you don’t want higher taxes in Pickens County you better speak up! A group known as “Concerned Citizens of Pickens County” (CCPC) is trying to pull a fast one on you over the holiday season. This could be a sufficient tax increase at a time when we are struggling to make ends meet. According to a 2014 study by CATO Institute, the relationship between taxpayers spending more money on education and higher achievement by students does NOT exist! http://washington Don’t let this group persuade the Pickens School Board to raise YOUR taxes. I don’t know about you … but I am taxed enough already. Please contact the below School Board Members and tell them, “Just Say NO to higher taxes.” The decision will be made DECEMBER 15th! So call them NOW! Dr. Herbert Cooper: 864-654- 1514 or 864-654-1517 Phillip Bowers: 864-873-3339 or 864-868-2789 Alex Saitta: 864- 878-1961 or 864- 238-0974 Brian D Swords: 864-843-3232 or 864-221-3642 Judy Edwards: 864-859-7338 or 864- 350-0429 Henry Wilson: 864- 643-8352 Johnnelle Raines - Pickens, SC Like our Government, the Associate Press's Liberal Agenda comes before the Facts Dear Editor, Our ego-driven, ideologue President is trying to turn America into one big, liberal, voting Democratic Party by not enforcing our immigration laws, circumventing our Constitution and ignoring Congress with executive orders making citizens out of illegals. He and his Party are being helped with a complicit news media that rarely reports the facts of an issue that reflects badly on their favorite, liberal politician or government — just as they are now doing with the extreme, far-left Obama Administration. In the Anderson Independent- Mail, on 11/16/14, Andrew Taylor of the Associated Press wrote that Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush did what Obama has done with his executive order shielding millions of illegals from deportation which should not be a big deal. Taylor says those ‘mean-old’ tea party Republicans should not be threatening a political explosion because Obama has followed through on his promise to shield millions of illegals from deportation. Mr. Taylor conveniently ignores the fact that Reagan and Bush differed in that their bills originated in a Democratic-con- trolled Congress, passed by both Houses in Congress, and the numbers were for a few thousand, not millions. Reagan’s amnesty was for supposedly a million, but due to the fraud and corruption that was created by this bill, the number of illegals that were amnestied was about 3 million. And, Mr.Reagan only consented to sign the 1986 Amnesty bill after Congress promised it would be our only ever amnesty, our immigration laws would be enforced, and our Southern border controlled— none of which ever happened. Later, Reagan said that his biggest Presidential mistake was signing the1986 Amnesty Bill. Our milk-toast, Muslim leaning President, along with the mainstream news media, are doing their best to destroy the America that our forefathers visualized and created. Even liberal Jonathan Turley, a prominent law professor at George Washington University, said on 11/23/14 in the AIM that Obama’s shielding, executive order “tears at the very fabric of the Constitution” and announced he would help the GOP with any court challenge. James F. Aldridge - Anderson, SC Dear Editor, In January, 1943, I read one of those rare books that is so profound and practical you never forget it. It was titled As We Go Marching, and was written in 1938 by a professor of European History at one of the Ivy League universities. It was based upon five premises: l. People are constantly changing, whether they intend to or not. 2. We tend to become more and more like whoever is the focus of our attention. 3. As things are going, war will soon break out in Europe, and the U.S. will soon be drawn into it. Our enemies will become the fo- Let America Be Ameria! cus of our attention. 4. The governments of Germany, Italy, and Russia have some very bad traits. 5. As we go marching off to war we MUST be on guard lest we become like them. The professor used most of the book to detail the “very bad” traits of the axis powers that we needed to be on guard against. All three governments dangled seemingly desirable government programs in front of their people as bait to win their cooperation and eventual subjugation: l. Free education for as far as the student was capable of mas- tering: trade school, college, or university. 2. Good paying jobs for everybody. 3. Free medical care for everybody. 4. Low cost warm, comfortable, modem housing for everybody. The catch is, these programs have a cost. In order for a government to give anything it must take The professor’s predictions all came true. To “prime the pump” the German government confiscated the wealth of six million Jews and an untold number of Christians. The Russians took from twenty-four million Jews and Christians. The Italians invaded Albania, Greece, and Ethiopia. Had the Allies not won World War II the result would have been abject slavery for all the peoples of Europe, and possibly all of North America. What bothers me today is, as the U.S. “fought” the cold war against Communism, and is now “fighting” both a cold and a hot war against Islam (whether it is PC to say so or not) I see a tendency to become like our enemies. Come on! Let’s reverse course. Let’s let America be America. I loved her when she was herself, and many millions of others did, too. Frank Hall - Greenville, SC The Times Examiner = Your #1 Conservative Voice We look foward to your responses to the columns and articles that you see in each issue. Please feel free to write a “Letter to the Editor!”
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