Newsletter 18 BERWICK CAMPUS: Phone: 9702 6588 Fax: 9702 6599 BEACONSFIELD CAMPUS: Phone: 9707 3111 Fax: 9707 3601 OFFICER CAMPUS: Phone: 5943 3600 Fax: 5943 3699 PO Box 85, Beaconsfield, 3807 • Email: [email protected] Website: November 14, 2013 FROM THE PRINCIPAL Mr Paul Desmond PARENTS & FRIENDS – TWILIGHT MARKET NIGHT The Parents & Friends Association does an enormous amount of work for the students of the College, most of which is ‘behind the scenes’ and not necessarily noticed by many. This small band of volunteer parents deserves our support in any way required. Next Friday, November 22, our Parents & Friends Association will host a Twilight Market Night (see page 3 of this Newsletter). I ask for your support. PLANNING FOR 2014 Conveyance – Details regarding bus fares for students in specific areas no longer covered by the Victorian Government Conveyance Allowance have now been sent home. I urge all parents to read carefully. Education Fees – I am pleased to inform parents that the College Board has approved a minimal increase in fees for 2014, ensuring that St Francis Xavier College remains comparatively affordable. A letter to all parents has been sent home this week. REMEMBRANCE DAY The students at each Campus of the College paused on Monday to offer prayers of gratitude for those men and women who served in all wars and particularly for those who made the ultimate sacrifice. SIS ART & TECHNOLOGY EXHIBITION Last Monday evening I attended the opening of the annual SIS Art & Technology Exhibition at The Cube in Frankston. It was a pleasure to see the creative talent of our students on display and I congratulate Ms Lorinda Mutsaers, Mr Pierre Barnes and the Visual Arts and Technology teachers upon the quality and presentation of the student work. SUNSMART 2014 For some years now we have recommended that students wear head covering in Terms 1 and 4 in order to protect them from the harmful effects of the sun. From the commencement of the 2014 school year all students must wear a hat during these Terms. Students of the incoming Year 7 cohort will be provided with a broadbrimmed College hat to protect the eyes, neck and face. For students of Years 8-12 the following options are available: • The same hat is available for purchase from the Uniform Shop for students of other Year levels. • BYOH – Bring Your Own Hat of any style, but it must be worn during recess and lunch when out in the open. Students are also encouraged to wear sunglasses during recess and lunch breaks. Sunscreen is supplied free of charge at Student Reception or Sick Bay. FACILITIES UPDATE Our school continues to grow and this leads us to further develop our facilities, thus ensuring the best is available for our students. At present, each Campus is focusing upon building programs: • Berwick Campus: The construction of a Chapel has commenced as a DATES TO REMEMBER NOVEMBER 21 Valedictory Dinner NOVEMBER 22 P&F TWILIGHT MARKET Fundraiser at Beaconsfield Finish of VCAA VCE Written Examinations NOVEMBER 26 Year 9 English & Maths Examinations NOVEMBER 27 PRESENTATION NIGHT NOVEMBER 29 Years 10-11 Finish joint venture between St Francis Xavier College and St Catherine’s Primary School. The Chapel should be completed by July 2014. A Hands On Learning Centre commenced construction recently and will be completed in readiness for the start of the 2014 school year. • Officer Campus: Stage 2 is approaching completion with the building of the Design Arts, Technology & Science Centre. Students will occupy this facility at the commencement of 2014. Meanwhile, the Sporting Fields are nearing completion, but heavy winter and spring rains have slowed this project considerably. • Beaconsfield Campus: In early 2014 Stage 1 of the VCE Centre will commence. The Centre will provide us with 15 new classrooms, plus office and private study facilities. PRESENTATION NIGHT 2013 Details about the annual Presentation Night may be viewed on page 12 of this Newsletter. I encourage all parents to attend as we celebrate all that we have achieved as a learning environment in this year. STAFFING NEWS We welcome to our community: • Baby Raul Jeremias Chavez, born to Johanna (Pastoral Associate) and Raul. IN THIS ISSUE FRONT PAGE From the Principal Pages 3 Parents & Friends Pages 4 - 6 BYOD Pilot Program BYOD Registration Form • Baby Chloe Celeste Oliver, born to our colleague Sally and her husband, Jake. WE ARE PRAYING FOR • Our Year 12 students who are currently undertaking their final examinations. • The people of the Philippines following the tragic impact of the recent typhoon. Page 7 Beaconsfield Campus Page 8 Typhoon Haiyan East Timor Challenge St V’s Hamper Challenge Page 9 Maths Calculator Reqs Page 10 & 11 Berwick Campus Page 12 Presentation Night Youth Festival Page 13 & 14 Officer Campus Page 15 College Sport Page 16-18 College Community Information Page 2 FROM THE BUSINESS MANAGER – MS SONYA SLOCOMBE 2013 EDUCATION FEES ARE DUE AND PAYABLE IMMEDIATELY The College expects all Education Fees to be paid in full no later than 30 November 2013. We strongly recommend that parents who have not finalised their account, or do not currently have a payment arrangement or direct debit in place, contact Mr Conor McAleese, Finance/Administration Manager. Alternatively, if you are experiencing financial difficulties, please do not hesitate to arrange a meeting to discuss payment options. St. Francis Xavier College, 2013 - Faith in the Future St Francis Xavier College Parents and Friends [email protected] NEXT MEETING: February 2014 All enquiries regarding the College P& F can be made to Lorraine on 9707 5274. TWILIGHT MARKET NIGHT FRIDAY 22ND NOVEMBER 2013 BEACONSFIELD CAMPUS HALL *** LAST FUNDRAISER FOR THE YEAR*** SUPPORT YOUR SCHOOL AND COME ALONG AND ENJOY THE NIGHT!!! GOLD COIN DONATION 6PM TILL 9 PM A Variety of stalls, including Jewellery, Cosmetics, Housewares, Manchester, Christmas Items, Plants and more. Food and drinks available such as sausage sizzle, fairy floss, wine tasting, cup cakes, ice cream and a coffee van. Face painting for the KIDS!!!!! Weather no hindrance, as it will be in the Hall! Your presence ensures its success!!!!!!!! Contact Lorraine on 9707 5274 or Nicole on 9769 7587 if you have any questions or are interested in booking a stall. SUSTAINABLE ONLINE BOOKS Click on this pictured link, found on the Top Right Hand Corner of the St Francis Xavier College website. Register before 14/12/13 and the first year is FREE membership. Register your Second Hand Books ASAP. Page 3 St. Francis Xavier College, 2013 - Faith in the Future TEACHING & LEARNING; FAITH & LITURGY Mr Malcolm Joseph – Deputy Principal Mission TECHNOLOGY 2014: BYOD Pilot Program Extended BYOD = Bring Your Own Device The BYOD pilot program will continue in 2014 and ALL students are invited to bring their own devices (as listed below) to school. The purpose of the pilot program is to test the capabilities of our network and its capacity to deal with a large and unpredictable number of users. • Tablet (iPad or android or Windows 8) Minimum screen size 9 inches diagonal, 30 GB + capacity with wireless capability. Attachable keyboard and hard cover case recommended. For new machines: 2 year extended warranty recommended • Any laptop (Windows or Mac) With wireless capability and padded carry bag. For new machines: 3 year extended warranty recommended While the above devices represent minimum requirements, it should be noted that the following devices will provide greater versatility and functionality for students. Laptop PC Video, camera, Internet browser, full keyboard, runs educational applications, mouse control. Laptops take learning to a higher level with their higher performance levels that enable them to run educationally sound applications for music composition, graphics, and so on. The full keyboard also provides students with an easier way to take notes and manage their work. Slate/Tablet PC with Pen; e.g., Surface Pro 2 Video, camera, Internet browser, full keyboard, digital pen for handwriting input, runs educational applications. Tablet PCs offer the best of all worlds. They’re fully featured for learning, and they have the important extra ability of the digital pen that opens up a whole range of pedagogical opportunities including writing chemical and mathematical formulae as well as Asian language characters. They can also jot notes that can be converted to text. BYOD allows students to use the device with which they are most familiar and, therefore, provides an opportunity for independent and individualised learning. When students have a variety of devices some may work better than others at different tasks. Students learn, as they may need to in their future careers, how best to adapt their devices to the job at hand. When students do not have the same machine, the same software, the same everything students and teachers are forced to think differently about managing learning. Using mobile devices that go from school to home creates a different relationship between student and school, and between student and his or her self-identity as a learner. It is hoped that this will break down the concept of learning being a chore and motivate students to become life-long learners. BYOD provides students and teachers with the opportunity to move towards personalised learning, differentiated teaching strategies and a focus on the learning; not the device. While it is clear that technology must be used to transform pedagogy, it is also obvious that schools simply cannot keep up with the rapid changes in technology. Furthermore, for some students technology at home is much greater than technology at school; for others it is much less or non-existent! The tension between equity and tailoring education to individual needs makes it imperative to support students who do not have access to technology. It is important for all of us – students, parents and teachers – to realise that technology is simply a tool and not an end in itself. As such, it should be used to enhance the learning experience; not replace it. Please find attached a copy of the Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) Guidelines and a BYOD Registration Form which is to be completed and returned to your child’s Care Group Teacher if s/he wishes to participate in the pilot program. Continued on next page Page 4 St. Francis Xavier College, 2013 - Faith in the Future TEACHING & LEARNING; FAITH & LITURGY Mr Malcolm Joseph – Deputy Principal Mission College Guidelines on Bring Your Own Devices Students are expected to: 1 Be responsible for their devices and their use at all times. Devices must be kept in a locked locker when not in use. The College will not be held responsible for any damage, loss or theft of any student device. 2 Be responsible and liable for any damage that they may cause with their device. 3 Use devices in the classroom at the discretion of the classroom teacher. Classroom teachers may prohibit, restrict or regulate use of devices as they deem necessary. 4 Charge the batteries of their device overnight and bring a fully charged device to School with enough power to last the day. The College has no provisions for students to charge and power their devices. Students are expected to carry paper and pens as backup. 5 Use their device to support the classroom activities and educational aims of the College. 6 Carry their devices in padded bags or hard cover cases when moving between classrooms and to and from school to prevent damage to the device. Registration can be refused if the device is presented without the appropriate bag or cover. 7 Use their devices only for study purposes and in supervised areas such as the Library and Study Areas during these times: before school, during recess, at lunch and after school. 8 Install a reliable and updated anti-virus program protect their devices, and the College network from contamination by computer viruses. 9 Accept that College Staff have the right to inspect the device and its contents to ensure compliance with this Policy. 10 Complete and submit a BYOD Registration Form to the Care Group Teacher for each device. Students are NOT permitted to: 1 Play games, access social media or take part in any other activities that are not related to their learning. 2 Use their devices to cause distraction for others, especially in regards to sound. Therefore, audio must be muted at all times or restricted with student owned headphones or earphones when directed by the teacher. 3 Film or record any student or staff member using the camera or microphone in the devices without the express written permission of the College AND the individual concerned. 4 Take photos of themselves or others and upload them on ANY social media websites 5 Use the devices in the school grounds during these times: before school, during recess, at lunch and after school. 6 Avoid the limitations set by the College network, particularly Internet restrictions through mobile network devices, 3G or 4G connections, or phone hotspots while on College premises. 7 Share passwords or any other access codes with any other person, or use another user’s account to access the computer network. 8 Use the devices for SAC/SAT school based examinations, unless notified by the Director of Learning. The College ICT Department will provide assistance with connection to the College network, but will not be responsible for, nor be required to provide, any support or troubleshooting of any issues with the device. USAGE CONSEQUENCES (To be read in conjunction with the College Pastoral care Policy) Failure to comply with these guidelines may result in disciplinary action such as, but not limited to: ● Loss of access to the network ● Temporary confiscation of the device ● An after school detention or ● Suspension from school. Page 5 St. Francis Xavier College, 2013 - Faith in the Future BYOD Registration Form Please complete this form and submit it to your Care Group Teacher who will provide you with a sticker to be displayed on your device indicating it is registered. Student’s Name: ________________________________________________________________________ Year Level: _________________ Care Group: _________________ Device Details for Tablets Type of Tablet (please circle one): iPad Android Tablet Windows 8 Tablet Manufacturer: _______________________________ Model: ________________________________ Serial Number (if applicable): _____________________ HARD cover included? YES NO Device Details for Laptops Type of Laptop (please circle one):Windows Mac Other Manufacturer: _______________________________ Model: _______________________________ Serial Number (if applicable): ___________________ PADDED carry bag included? YES NO I, _____________________________________________ (student’s name) have read, understood and agree to abide by the BYOD Guidelines. Signed: _____________________________________________________ I, _____________________________________________ (parent’s/guardian’s name) have read, discussed with my child and agree to abide by the BYOD Guidelines. Signed: ______________________________________________________ Date: _____________________________ Page 6 St. Francis Xavier College, 2013 - Faith in the Future FROM THE SENIOR SCHOOL Mrs Vera Treloar – Deputy Principal, Head of Campus Examinations Students have been completing examinations throughout the week. Please forward any medical certificates to the Front Office by Wednesday November 20. I encourage students to revise effectively and look forward to receiving their results in the near future. Reports for current Year 10 and 11 students will be distributed in afternoon Care Group on Friday November 29. Unit 1 and 3 classes commence on Monday November 18. Students are to work to the best of their ability and complete all assigned homework and holiday tasks. Parents are reminded to submit their Landmark resource list by Thursday December 12. Should you wish to, please visit to register for the second hand textbook trading system. Year 12 Valedictory Dinner The Year 12 Valedictory Dinner will be held at Sandown Racecourse on Thursday November 21. I look forward to sharing this special occasion with staff, students and their families. Once again, the photographer from BoxPix Photography will be available on the evening. Graduation Mass photos may be viewed by visiting www.boxpix. Year 12 Results Morning Tea Year 12 Exam Results will become available to students online on Monday December 16, 2013. To mark the occasion, all Year 12s are invited to attend a ‘Results Morning Tea’ at the Beaconsfield Campus from 10.00am until 12.00pm. This will be a great opportunity to meet informally with friends. Parking will be available on Campus and all food and drink will be provided. Students wishing to discuss their results with the Careers Counsellor(s) may do so privately. All Welcome. Page 7 St. Francis Xavier College, 2013 - Faith in the Future COUNTDOWN TO EAST TIMOR IMMERSION – DECEMBER 2013 Typhoon Haiyan Aid Response Super Typhoon Haiyan, one of the strongest storms to ever make landfall, has caused widespread devastation in the Philippines and caused significant damage in Vietnam and China. Millions of people are now in need of emergency aid relief in the Philippines. Caritas Australia is responding to the disaster with our partners prioritising emergency shelter, water and sanitation, household relief items (blankets, kitchen items), potable water and toilets. Give generously to the Caritas Australia Typhoon Haiyan Appeal. Call 1800 024 413, donate online at or send your donation to GPO Box 9830 in your Capital City. In November 2012, 15 members of our community travelled to East Timor. Twelve students and three teachers volunteered to work with Catholic Mission in understanding the issues facing one of our nearest and poorest neighbours. These senior students opted to contribute in this way, forgoing the ‘schoolies’ experience which we see so widely reported in the media. Along with Mrs Rhonda O’Connor, Mr Simon Cuckson and Mrs Jan Rankins, the students – Alish Quinless, Karina Shields, Jessie Hilder, Andrea Morrow, Clare Roche, Yasmin Rose, Sarah Ramos Horta, Taylor Antolini, Mary Bingham, Michael Gardiner, Corey Dell and Lauren Wall were well guided by our facilitator, Luke Keighery. We visited communities in Dili, Baucau, Ossu, Ermera and Hera. It was an amazing experience and has certainly been life changing and profound in its impact. We hope to continue this partnership well into the future. From December 1-11 2013, Jessica Hancock, Alexandra Gregory, Julia Morrow, Sophie Dillon, Miss Sarah Tymensen and Mrs Rhonda O’Connor will join with staff and students from Marist-Sion College, Mrs Marian Kee and Miss Fiona Macrae, and students Erin Farrell, Lydia Fox and Alex Kubale for our next Immersion trip. We look forward to sharing this experience with the school community and developing links for the future. As always, if you would like to support the work of our students in East Timor and the communities we visit, you can do so by donating through the following link. 100% of all donations will go directly to East Timor Communities. Mrs Rhonda O’Connor, Pastoral Associate 10th Anniversary St Vinnies Christmas Hamper Care Group Challenge! Donations of unperishable food items and gifts for Christmas please. NO second hand items. Page 8 All hampers due: Monday 25th of November St. Francis Xavier College, 2013 - Faith in the Future HEAD OF MATHEMATICS Mr Joe Marsiglio CALCULATOR REQUIREMENTS FOR 2014 Students in the following classes are required to use a CAS Calculator as part of their studies in Mathematics next year and beyond. • Year 9 Advanced Mathematics • Year 10 Advanced Mathematics ABN 99 090 915 852 • Year 10 Core Mathematics – Standard ST FRANCIS XAVIER COLLEGE Calculator Portal Instructions • All VCE studies in Mathematics (excluding Foundation Mathematics) (Your Portal Access code is: sfxc ) The calculator will remain with the student throughout their senior years at the College. Students planning to study Year 10 Mathematics – Essential next year are not expected to purchase a CAS Calculator, however may do so if they wish. The standard Green TI 30 XB Scientific Calculator the students use in Junior Mathematics classes will be suitable for the Year 10 Essential Mathematics course. We now offer a simple method for students to order the following calculators at competitive prices. To assist our families, the College will continue to work with our calculator supplier Haines Educational to supply the calculator (and optional accessories) at extremely competitive prices. An additional benefit for purchasing through our supplier is that students receive a free 3-year warranty, which for most students, will last the remaining years of study at the College. Purchase instructions are available through the attached documentation (which students have been provided with). Ordering is made through the Haines Online Calculator Portal as per the instructions provided. Please note the dates the Portal is open and the dates the calculators are to be delivered to the College. Ordering outside these dates may result in a delivery charge to you. 1. Go to the Haines Educational home page at The suppliers also offer the standard Green TI 30 XB Scientific Calculator used in the Junior level classes at the College. Parents also have the option to purchase this calculator through the portal. If there are any queries about the Calculator Portal, feel free to contact Haines Educational during business hours on 8736 6000 or general queries can be directed to Mr Joe Marsiglio at the Beaconsfield Campus on 9707 3111. Page 9 TINspire CAS CX with Free 3 Year warranty and Wallet $185.00. TINSpire Adaptor $9.90 TI30XB Multiview $20.00 It’s easy, just follow the steps below. 2. Click on portal link (underneath the My Cart box) halfway down page on left side. 3. Enter code sfxc (lower case only), School portal page will be open. 4. Follow the instructions and add your required calculator package. 5. Check that details are correct in MY CART (yellow box on left),proceed to checkout. 6. Ensure that the Student’s Name is entered (required for delivery at College). 7. Add details, address and contact number (Ignore any ticks in boxes as delivery will be to College). 8. Complete payment method (Mastercard or Visa only available). 9. Click on Place Order, (a confirmation email will be sent to you, retain for collection/taxation purposes. 10.Click on return to home page (at top of page). Order completed. If you have any questions please contact Haines during business hours on 03 8736 6000. St. Francis Xavier College, 2013 - Faith in the Future FROM THE BERWICK CAMPUS Ms Joanne Rock – Deputy Principal, Head of Campus Keeping our Year 9 students focused… With all Year levels at the Berwick Campus busy completing Assessment in preparation for the end of the year, it is important for parents to encourage their children to stay focused and organised. In particular, the Year 9 students have been reminded about ensuring they finish well and leave the Berwick Campus with a sense of achievement and pride. Mrs Treloar will speak with the Year 9 students on November 26 about Orientation Week at the Beaconsfield Campus. I don’t want the Year 9 students to become distracted with the anticipation of moving to the Beaconsfield Campus; nor let the move eclipse the important task of preparing for their examinations, finishing off all assessments and farewelling the students and staff at the Berwick Campus with gratitude and respect. The move to the Beaconsfield Campus is an important part of your child’s educational journey, but so too is the manner in which they say thank you and goodbye to all at the Berwick Campus. Year 9 Examinations and Transition Year 9 students will sit examinations for English and Mathematics on Tuesday November 26. These Examinations are held at the Berwick Campus in the Hall. The students have been preparing hard and I am confident they will take the exams seriously and behave accordingly. Many students report these exams to be a positive learning experience. All Year 9 students who are returning to St Francis Xavier College in 2013 and have successfully progressed to Year 10, will be undertaking a compulsory transition program at the Beaconsfield Campus Monday December 2 until Friday December 6. All parents will be given notification of this via a letter sent by Mrs Treloar next week. In this letter, Mrs Treloar will outline what takes place during that week, along with other important information regarding the transition to Year 10. Look out for this letter and read it carefully. All students are reminded that promotion from one year level to the next is not automatic. Students must demonstrate the acquisition of appropriate skills and knowledge, complete all set work to a satisfactory standard and satisfy attendance criteria. Calendar Dates November 26 Year 9 English and Mathematics Examinations November 29 Valete Mass and Final Assembly for the Year 9 students December 2-6 Year 10 Orientation (Compulsory program for current Year 9 students who are returning to St Francis Xavier College and have successfully progressed to Year 10) December 4 No classes at Berwick for current Year 7 & 8 students December 5 Year 8 Healthy relationships day at Berwick Campus Year 7 Swimming Safety day at Frankston December 6 Final Day for current Year 7 & 8 students, and last day of Year 10 Orientation Program Year 7 2011 Orientation Day December 10 Soccer Marathon Congratulations to Burgess and Synan House for the superb organisation and running of the Soccer Marathon on October 30. The students who signed up for this not only had a fun day, but helped raise funds for orphaned children in Southern India. Congratulations to Thomas House who won the day. Many thanks to Miss Ashley McGuinness and Miss Amelia Boyle who worked tirelessly to ensure that this annual event ran without a hitch. The Berwick Campus staff and students raised over $2000 for this worthy cause. St Vincent de Paul The St Vincent de Paul Christmas Hamper Challenge is again being conducted in every Care Group. The St Vincent de Paul Society provides a great deal of assistance to those in need in our community and they are truly thankful for the wonderful support and generous contributions from our student body. I urge everyone to contribute in whatever way they can to make this Challenge a success. Page 10 St. Francis Xavier College, 2013 - Faith in the Future FROM THE BERWICK CAMPUS Ms Joanne Rock – Deputy Principal, Head of Campus (continued) Core Group Changes for 2014 This is the time of year when we take a close look at our Year 7 and 8 Core groups in order to make some changes that will improve their effectiveness. All staff have been asked for their recommendations, and the House Co-ordinators have also had discussions with some parents about making a fresh start next year. I cannot take requests asking for particular students to be placed together, but I always act on separating students, and for this to occur other students also need to move. I make use of all this information when creating the new core groups for the following year. It is a complex and challenging task and many factors are taken into consideration. Please take a positive approach with your child when discussing change, as it is important we teach our young people to be resilient when it comes to things over which we have no control; such as, which core group they will be in for 2014. Our young people will take their cues from the significant adults in their lives – if we can reassure them that change is good and it’s not the end of the world, then more often than not, they will feel comforted. If they cannot take comfort from your response, this might be an indicator that they need some assistance in building up their resilience by facing adversity with courage and hope. Thank you for your assistance and ongoing support. DIRECTOR OF LEARNING – BERWICK CAMPUS Mr Adam Gordon Year 9 Exams Year 9 English and Mathematics examinations will be held on Tuesday November 26. There are also a number of assessments being done in other subjects as we near the end of the year. It is vital for all students to revise regularly and seek teacher assistance whenever possible. It is also a good idea for students to revise with a study buddy and practise writing responses under timed conditions. Maths and English workshops are also available 3.30pm-4.30pm on Mondays and Wednesdays. Current Year 9 students who are doing VCAL next year will be doing their exams at Beaconsfield on Wednesday November 20. If you have any questions or concerns about exams or assessment, please contact your child’s subject teacher. Year 10, 2014 Current Year 9 students will be given subject allocations and booklists prior to their Year 10 2014 Orientation Week, commencing Monday December 2. Please direct any queries regarding Year 10 2014 to the Beaconsfield Director of Learning, Mrs Mary Bourke. Mrs Bourke can be contacted on 9707 3111 or [email protected] Goal Setting Sheets As we are nearing the end of the year, students will be asked to reflect on how well they have achieved the academic goals they set for themselves this semester. Their reflections will be recorded on the Semester 2 Goal Setting Sheet that will be sent home with Semester Reports. Please discuss your children’s academic goals with them, especially leading up to final examinations and assessments. Sustained effort over the remaining weeks of Term 4 can have a huge impact on learning which lays the foundations for further success in 2014. Page 11 St. Francis Xavier College, 2013 - Faith in the Future COMMUNITY LIAISON Mrs Maree Chapman – College Community Liaison Leader Presentation Night Tickets Tickets are available for Presentation Night to be held at Robert Blackwood Hall, Monash University, Clayton, Wednesday November 27 at 7.30pm. This is for all students (Years 7-12) and their families and is a significant annual community event that celebrates the life of our College. Tickets are once again to be ordered via an online booking system – they are free but must be ordered as seating is numbered and allocated. You are able to choose your seats via an interactive map and print your tickets at home or collect via the Monash University Box Office one hour before the event. These methods are free of charge. If you prefer to have your tickets posted to your home address there is a credit card payment of $5.00. To book tickets go to home page the ticket website can be quite slow so please be patient. Please note: No prams or baby capsules are permitted in the theatre at Robert Blackwood hall. Presentation Night Rehearsal Some students will have already been notified about attending a rehearsal at Monash University for this event. They will either be receiving a prize or taking part in a performance on the night. This rehearsal is vital for the smooth running of the event. Please note: Students are to wear full College uniform on Presentation Night and at the rehearsals at Monash University on Wednesday November 27. Refer to permission slip for further details . Year 7 2014 Orientation A reminder that Orientation Day for all Year 7 students, at both our Officer and Berwick campuses, will be held on Tuesday December 10 from 9.00am to 2.30pm. The aim of the day is to give students the opportunity to experience a range of subjects, meet House Co-ordinators, Care Group teachers and other Care group students. This day also allows students the opportunity to familiarise themselves with the buildings and facilities at their campus. FAITH & LITURGY Mr Kevin Woodhouse – Director of Faith & Liturgy Australian Catholic Youth Festival At the end of the year there is an exciting event occurring in the Melbourne Archdiocese. It is the inaugural Australian Catholic Youth Festival. We are sending 18 students – nine from the Berwick Campus and nine from the Beaconsfield campus, minimum age is Year 9. The festival will be held at Australian Catholic University and Festival Hall from 1pm Thursday December 5 until Saturday December 7. Basic Schedule • Thursday December 5 Plenary (Festival Hall) 1pm - 3pm Festival Park (ACU) 10am - 5pm • Friday December 6 • Saturday December 7 Festival Park (ACU) 10am - 5pm Festival Park (ACU) 4pm - 9pm Plenary (Festival Hall) 7pm - 9pm Plenary (Festival Hall) 7pm - 9pm Students attending have completed the first part of registration and this week will be receiving a letter outlining the specifics of the St Francis Xavier College participation in the festival. The total cost of the festival is $220. Students are expected to raise $100 each through fundraising by selling Christmas and all-purpose cards. Each student attending will receive five boxes of cards to sell. This means that the cost for parents will be only $120. The following students have been registered for the festival: Beaconsfield Campus: Miguel Cruz, Ray Borg, Alexandra Delaney, Damien St Louis, Matthew Velten, Bryson Sandapa, Jarryd Worland, Jewell Joseph, Arnold Daga, Jasmine Balzary and Daniel Fraillon Berwick Campus: Gabrielle Velten, Lauren Delaney, Stephanie Tomkins, Amie Jans, Maya Kubic, Liana Serafino, Miranda Ryan. Please look out for updates from your students about the festival. If there are any queries please do not hesitate to contact me at the Beaconsfield Campus. More information about the festival is available at: Page 12 St. Francis Xavier College, 2013 - Faith in the Future FROM THE OFFICER CAMPUS Mrs Margaret Blythman – Deputy Principal, Head of Campus OFFICER CAMPUS STUDENT DROP OFF AND PICK UP I would ask everyone to please be observant of parking and driving on Majestic Drive before and especially after school. Parking has become a serious issue again. In recent months, the danger of driving and parking issues has escalated the great concern of a child getting seriously injured. We understand the frustration of parking issues; however, our primary concern is not convenience, but the children’s safety. Please, follow the parking and driving rules for the safety of the children. 1. When picking up or dropping off your child, please use the indented parking bays around the edge of the Campus (with the exception of the bus bays). Do not park across driveways or on the nature strip. 2. There is absolutely NO stopping (or double parking) in the street to either drop off, wait for or let a child in the vehicle. Parking half way into a ‘parking spot’ with the rear of your vehicle out in traffic is also unsafe. 3. Additionally, please note that unless you have permission from the home owners, you are not permitted to park in the home owner’s driveways to wait, drop off, or pick up your child. This is private property. AVOIDING TRAFFIC CONGESTION AROUND THE SCHOOL Schools are busy areas, where there are often many children – who do not always understand the danger of roads and vehicles. If you choose to park on the roads or streets around the campus: • Say goodbye to your children on the school side of the road – never get them to cross the road alone to the Campus entrance • Walk across the road and meet your children after school (never call out to them from the other side) • Try to leave home early to avoid arriving at the busiest times • Park a safe distance from all marked foot crossings • Always single park (double parking causes accidents and traffic jams) • Try parking a few streets away from the school and walking with your children • Organise a car pool with other parents – to reduce the number of cars trying to park around the school. We ask all parents to be aware of the traffic situation at the school and the need to work together to ensure the safety of our children. We do understand that compliance with these rules may at times prove to be a minor inconvenience, it is little price to pay to ensure that our children can arrive and leave school in the safest possible circumstances. We thank you for your support. STUDENT DESTINATIONS Parents are requested to inform the school in writing at the earliest opportunity if their son or daughter is intending to leave the school at year’s end. This is critical to ensure our records and planning for 2014 are accurate. REMEMBRANCE DAY Report from Mrs Carmel Gardiner, Curriculum Assistant Eight proud Year 8 students from Officer Campus travelled to the Shrine of Remembrance on November 11 to participate in the service to commemorate the sacrifice of Australian men and women during times of war. Yasmin Durovic, Shannon Naujoks, Mikayla Nightingale, Keely O’Hehir, Shannon Paten, Sean ScottHarvey, Jessica Shaw and Connor Weaver were invited to attend, along with nine Year 9 students currently studying Australians at War at the Berwick Campus. Shannon Naujoks and Cameron Chevalier laid a wreath during the Remembrance service. The students participated in a tour of the Shrine, including a visit to the Sanctuary, to witness the sun pass across the Stone of Remembrance at noon. The students placed a personalised poppy in the field of poppies next to the Eternal flame to serve as a reminder to us all of the sacrifices made. Sean Scott-Harvey brought a pot of live poppies back to plant in our own garden. We would like to thank Mr Bruce Topham for organising the event and inviting us to share the experience. Page 13 St. Francis Xavier College, 2013 - Faith in the Future DIRECTOR OF LEARNING – OFFICER CAMPUS Mr Vince Pezzanite Time Management: Many students seem to have difficulty planning their time to fit in all the commitments they have connected to both school and non-school issues. The last few weeks of school culminates a variety of actions expected of our children. Students can see me about how to plan their time wisely by using a copy of the ‘Weekly planner’ below. It is important that our young people take control of their time usage – they need to be careful of how much time they can waste away on electronic media devices. Weekly Schedule: TIME Monday Study: 5 - 8 hrs Tuesday Recreation: about7+hrs Wednesday Chores: about 3 +hrs Thursday Friday ZZZZZZZZZ ZZZZZZZZZ 7:00am 8:00am 9:00am School School Time Time School School Time Time 10:00am 11:00am 12:00am 1:00pm 2:00pm 3:00pm School School Time Time 4:00pm 5:00pm 6:00pm 7:00pm 8:00pm 9:00pm 10:00pm Page 14 ZZZZZZZZZ ZZZZZZZZZ ZZZZZZZZZ St. Francis Xavier College, 2013 - Faith in the Future SATURDAY Other: ? SUNDAY COLLEGE SPORT Miss Maggie Collins – AFL Trainee On Saturday October 26 and Sunday October 27, Caylah Sharma, Benjamin Merrick, Alyssa Prosser, Evander D’Silva and Nicholas Merrick competed in the Victorian All Schools Track & Field Competition at Lakeside Stadium, Albert Park. The individual results are as follows: Caylah Sharma:8th Place in U/14 100m (15.01) Benjamin Merrick:7th Place in U/15 200m (26.95) 8th Place in U/15 100m Hurdles (16.51) 6th Place in U/15 200m Hurdles (30.17) 11th Place in U/15 Triple Jump (10.27m) Alyssa Prosser:7th Place in U/15 High Jump (1.45m) 2nd Place in U/15 Javelin (32.13m) 11th Place in U/15 Long Jump (4.31m) Evander D’Silva:5th Place in U/18 100m (11.58) 6th Place in U/18 200m (23.54) Nicholas Merrick:8th Place in U/18 200m (24.68) 1st Place in U/18 110m Hurdles (15.30) 1st Place in U/18 400m Hurdles (58.54) RUGBY Thank you Mr Coggins! On behalf of all the rugby boys from both Beaconsfield and Berwick Campuses, we would like to sincerely thank Mr Coggins for giving us his time and effort on Tuesday and Thursday nights at training and Saturday morning for game days. We appreciate his dedication to all the boys, not only at school but also in this year’s rugby competition. It was a great year, as we won a lot more games than the previous season and ended up 3rd overall in the competition. Congratulations to all the boys on our fantastic season and hard work throughout the year. By Justin Hansen Page 15 St. Francis Xavier College, 2013 - Faith in the Future CollegeCommunityInformation Have you changed your address or phone numbers recently? If so, it is vital that you provide updated details to the College. Please collect a CHANGE OF DETAILS form available from Reception at any of the Campuses. OUR PARISH MASSES Berwick: Sat 6.00pm Sun 9.00am, 10.30am & 6.00pm Narre Warren: Sat 6.00pm Sun 8.00am, 9.15am, 11.00am & 6.00pm Pakenham: Sat 6.00pm Sun 9.00am & 10.30am Koo Wee Rup: Sun 9.30am Iona: Sun 11.00am Lang Lang: 2nd & 4th Sunday of each month at 5.00pm Nar Nar Goon: Sat 6.00pm Maryknoll: 3rd & 5th Sunday of each month at 5.00pm SECOND HAND UNIFORMS The Uniform Shop accepts second hand uniforms to sell on consignment providing all items are in excellent condition. SUBSCRIBE TO THE COLLEGE NEWSLETTER Go to Click on “News & Events” then “Newsletters” then “Subscribe” and fill in the information required. UNIFORM SHOP Beaconsfield Avenue, Beaconsfield Blazers are to be dry cleaned (keep tags attached) and all other items must be laundered. We also have families in our community who would greatly appreciate donations of uniforms in good condition. Tuesdays and Thursdays 8.30am - 4.00pm Every Saturday 9.00am - 12.00pm Please contact staff at the Uniform Shop if you require more information. Telephone Orders Welcome Tel: 9707 3111 Tel: 9707 3111 Page 16 St. Francis Xavier College, 2013 - Faith in the Future ST FRANCIS XAVIER COLLEGE St Michael’s Parish Berwick Sacrament Co-ordinator Position Vacancy Our parish is looking for a part time Sacrament Co-ordinator to join our Parish team. The position is for three days per week (36 hrs per fortnight), with flexibility to cover out of hours meetings, and some Sunday commitments. The Sacrament Co-ordinator leads the Parish in its work of planning, preparing and celebrating the sacraments of Confirmation, First Communion and First Reconciliation. 2014 CALENDAR Do you have a business? Are you interested in advertising in the College Calendar for 2014? The Calendar is a major fundraiser to support the work of the Senior Youth Ministry and REMAR teams at the College. These teams do an amazing amount of service and community social justice work in the College and for the surrounding community. In 2014 funds raised will also go towards funding the Year 12 Alternate Schoolies Community Service in East Timor. For more information, please email Rhonda O’Connor on [email protected] The applicant will need: • To be a committed and practising Catholic. • To be familiar with the Diocese of Sale policy on the sacraments of Initiation: Family centred, Parish based, School and Catechist supported. CASEY CONCERT BAND and • To be flexible with hours. • To have reasonable computer skills, and proficiency in Word, Excel or Publisher. • To have excellent Communication skills. • To have the ability to work as part of a team, and independently. The position will be based at the Parish Support Centre at 119 High Street Berwick. Written applications including a C.V. and a reference from a Parish Priest can be emailed to secretary@ or posted to the above address. Applications close on Monday 9th December, with interviews to be conducted later that week. THE BANDS OF ST MARGARETS AND BERWICK GRAMMAR SCHOOLS PRESENT A FREE CONCERT AFTERNOON MUSIC IN THE PARK 2PM - 4PM SUNDAY 17TH NOVEMBER AT THE ROTUNDA IN PIONEER PARK For further information please call the Parish Support centre on 9707 1355 between 9.00am and 3.00pm Monday to Friday. Page 17 St. Francis Xavier College, 2013 - BERWICK Faith in the Future Page 18 St. Francis Xavier College, 2013 - Faith in the Future
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