NPCC 2007 – Nashville, TN “Leaving a Legacy” October 8–11, 2007 Monday, October 8 10:00–12:00 2:00–3:00 3:00 3:30–4:30 Opening Session 6:00–7:00 7:00–8:15 8:15 Concert Pre-Convention Workshops Dr. Thom Rainer Van Ness Auditorium Afternoon Break Workshops Evening Reception Schermerhorn Symphony Center Annie Moses Band Dessert Fellowship Tuesday, October 9 and Wednesday, October 10 9:00 9:15–10:00 Door Prizes Van Ness Auditorium Worship Dennis and Karla Worley, Worship Leaders Mike Glenn, Convention Pastor 10:30– 1:30 11:45–12:45 1:00–2:00 Lunch/Plenary Lunch/Plenary 2:30–3:30 Workshops (Tuesday) Dr. Tim Elmore (Wednesday) Dr. Frank Lewis Afternoon Workshops (Repeated 3:45–4:45) Tuesday Evening, October 9 5:15–6:15 6:30 7:00–7:45 8:00 Dinner LifeWay Café and 313–315 WW VBS Musical Premier Children’s Choir The Peoples Church “Lighten Up!” Ken Davis, Christian Comedian State Fellowships Wednesday Evening. October 10 Evening Free 5:30–9:00 Thursday Optional Shuttle to Opry Mills Outlet Mall (By Reservation Only!) 9:00 9:15 Door Prizes Van Ness Auditorium Worship 9:30 10:30 Keynote Speaker Dr. Kevin Leman Convention Dismissed October 8–11, 2007 LifeWay Christian Resources • Nashville, Tennessee Welcome Bill Emeott Lead Childhood Ministry Specialist LifeWay Christian Resources Welcome to Music City USA! Welcome to LifeWay Christian Resources. Welcome to NPCC 2007. Thank you for choosing to be with us this week. Think of people who worked hard to help you grow and mature in your faith. Think of specific people whose influence can clearly be seen in the person you are today. For me, the faces of Grady Johnson, Jim and Mary Anne Emeott, Larry Stewart, Mary Player, Margaret Rogers, and Faye Scott instantly come to mind. Whose legacies have had an influence on you? Take a minute to thank God for those dear people. Our theme for NPCC 2007 is “Leaving a Legacy.” As we stop to thank God for those who have left us a legacy, let’s also consider the legacy we are leaving. Paul wrote to the church at Corinth, “For we are God’s co-workers. You are God’s field, God’s building. According to God’s grace that was given to me, as a skilled master builder I have laid a foundation, and another builds on it. But each one must be careful how he builds on it, because no one can lay any other foundation than what has been laid—that is, Jesus Christ” (1 Cor. 3:9-11, HCSB). Those who have gone before us become part of our ministries today. Those who follow will take on our legacies and move forward. WOW! What a privilege to carry on and build new legacies in the lives of the boys and girls God allows us to minister to and, as time moves forward, to minister with. We have been working hard to get ready for today! Individuals and committees have been praying and preparing for our time together this week. Our prayers have included those who have walked before us, those who will stand with us, and those who will continue after us. We believe that the plenary sessions, workshops, and fellowship will enrich and prepare you in the work of leaving a legacy that honors those who have gone before you; equips those who follow; and most importantly, honors God. We consider it a gift that you would allow us to be a small part of your legacy. Don’t hesitate to let us know how we can do that. Until Then, Bill Emeott Convention Personalities Dr. Kevin Leman is an internationally known Christian psychologist, award-winning author, radio and television personality, and speaker. He has taught and entertained audiences worldwide with his wit and common-sense psychology. Dr. Thom Rainer is the ninth president of LifeWay Christian Resources. Before coming to LifeWay, he served as the dean of the Billy Graham School of Missions, Evangelism, and Church Growth at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, Kentucky. He has served as pastor of churches in Alabama, Florida, Kentucky, and Indiana and is in frequent demand as a speaker. He is the author of 17 books, including Simple Church and Raising Dad. Dr. Frank Lewis is a graduate of Samford University and New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary. Dr. Lewis also holds a doctor of ministry degree from Golden Gate Baptist Theological Seminary. Currently he serves as senior pastor of First Baptist Church, Nashville. He and his wife, Lori, are parents of two teenagers. Dr. Tim Elmore is vice-president of Leadership Development at EQUIP and the founder and president of Growing Leaders, a nonprofit organization created to develop students into emerging leaders. He has served as pastor of two churches and has ministered in 34 countries. He is committed to developing leaders and church staff members on every continent. Ken Davis is a best-selling author, frequent radio and television guest, and one of the country’s most sought-after inspirational and motivational speakers. Ken’s mixture of side-splitting humor and inspiration delight and enrich audiences of all ages. His books have received national critical acclaim, including the Book of the Year Award and the Gold Medallion Award. Video and audiotapes of his live appearances are in constant demand. Annie Moses Band is an award-winning group of Julliard-trained musicians and songwriters. Members of the group are more than a band; they are a family. With a fresh sound that is all their own, the Annie Moses Band is leading an artistic renaissance through musical excellence, strength of family, and a message of faith. Dr. Mike Glenn is a graduate of Samford University and The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. He has served as a pastor in South Carolina and, since 1991, at Brentwood Baptist Church, near Nashville. He is married to Jeannie; they have twin sons. Dennis and Karla Worley have been married for 26 years. This dynamic duo is well-known for their contributions to the gospel music industry. Karla has been the recipient of several Dove Awards, has authored a number of books, and is in frequent demand as a keynote speaker and conference leader. Dennis has served as the music and worship minister at Brentwood Baptist Church since 1993. For many years he worked for Word Music as a creative director and executive producer for such artists as Michael W. Smith, Amy Grant, and Karla Worley. Things You Need to Know 1. Let Us Help! All LifeWay Christian Resources employees involved in the National Preschool and Children’s Convention can be identified by the “welcome ribbons” attached to the name badges they are wearing. All of these people will be glad to help you in any way possible. Please do not hesitate to seek assistance from any of these LifeWay employees who are ready to answer your questions, help with directions, and work with you to make this conference a wonderful experience. 2. Personal Identification You will receive a name tag when you arrive. You are required to wear your name tag visible at all times to gain entrance into any workshop or other activity during the conference. This name tag will allow you entrance into LifeWay Christian Resources. These name tags will also help you meet and get to know one another. 3. Meals Dinner on Monday and Tuesday and lunch on Tuesday and Wednesday are included. Lunch on Monday and dinner on Wednesday are on your own. 4. Free Evening Since the conference is an intensive period of study, free time is provided. Wednesday evening is open for rest and relaxation. You may wish to use this time to attend a local church prayer service, shop, or sightsee. You are encouraged to travel in pairs or groups. 5. LifeWay Christian Store Look for the LifeWay Christian Store booth on the Conference Level of Draper Centennial Tower to find resources of interest to preschool and children’s leaders. 6. Taking Notes Out of respect for the presenters, please do not audio- or videotape the sessions. 7. Conference Certificates Conference certificates will be available on Thursday morning before and after worship. 8. Conference Evaluations Your opinions, suggestions, and concerns are welcome and appreciated. Your comments will help LifeWay personnel make decisions regarding next year’s conference. Please take the time to complete the evaluation when it is distributed to you during the week. 9. Program Office The NPCC program office is located on the Conference Level of Draper Centennial Tower. The program office will be open during all workshop hours. Administrative staff can help you with emergencies and logistical issues. 10. Audio- or Videotaping and Photographing LifeWay will be audio- or videotaping and photographing this event. Most likely, you will be filmed, recorded, or photographed as part of the audience or individually. By your attendance, you are granting permission to be audio- or videotaped or photographed for commercial purposes and agree to the following: being recorded, filmed, videotaped, or photographed by any means; commercial or any other use of your likeness, voice, and words without compensation; specifically waiving all rights of privacy during the videotaping, filming, recording , or photographing and release LifeWay Christian Resources from liability for loss, damage, or compensation for the commercial or other use of your likeness, image, voice, or words; compliance with all rules and regulations of LifeWay for this event. 11. Abbreviations You Need to Know DCT—Draper Centennial Tower: Rooms 117 A–F and Room 109 WW—West Wing: Crowe Room, Room 308, Room 310, and Rooms 313–315 SBC—Southern Baptist Convention Building: Room 250, Room 300, Room 350, Auditorium ST—Sullivan Tower: Room 116 (located off the hallway in front of Van Ness Auditorium) 12. Visitor’s Entrances and Visitor Parking There are two visitor’s entrances, One LifeWay Plaza and 117 10th Avenue North. If you are walking from the Holiday Inn Express or Union Station, the most convenient entrance will be the 10th Avenue Entrance. Once you have entered the building, proceed to the elevators and go to either the PL level for exhibits, cafeteria, Van Ness Auditorium, and the Nashville Room, or go to C level for the bookstore and all conference rooms in DCT or WW. If you are driving, you should park in either the Plaza Visitor’s Parking Deck or the 10th Avenue Visitor’s Lot. Note, there is limited parking, so please carpool if at all possible. You can see the locations of these by looking at the LifeWay Facilities Map, located on page 30 in your program. EXHIBITORS FOR 2007 National Preschool Children’s Convention AccuCut Annie Moses Band Dallas Baptist University (Friend of the Convention) Data Equipment Discount School Supply Executive Board of the Tennessee Baptist Convention Group Imaging Guildcraft Arts and Crafts International Mission Board (Sponsor) Infinity Sports Kids Celebration LifeWay Church Resources/ Marriage and Family LifeWay Church Sales LifeWay Kids LifeWay Specialty Imprints LifeWay Worship Music Group North American Mission Board (Friend of the Convention) Professional Concepts, Inc. Protect My Ministry Third Day Games Woman’s Missionary Union (Executive Sponsor) Please express your thanks to our exhibitors for their participation in this year’s convention. Leaving a Legacy MONDAY, October 8, 2007 8:30 a.m. Main Lobby, LifeWay Christian Resources 10:00 a.m.–12:00 noon Preconvention Leadership Workshops • How Can I Leave a Legacy to My Family? Rodney and Selma Wilson, Leaders Room 117 A, DCT This personal development session will help you deal with the family-ministry balancing act, take time to walk with Christ, and leave a positive legacy to your family. MONDAY Early Registration • Leaving the Right Kind of Legacy Sondra Saunders, Leader Room 117 B, DCT Why is it important to have safety and security policies? How can I implement a safety/ security program in my church? What kinds of programs are available? Will they work for a small church, too? All these questions and more will be answered in this informative session that is sure to keep you on the safe track to leaving the right kind of legacy. • Staff Infection Tony Rankin, Leader Room 117 C, DCT If improving your relationships with staff members, feeling appreciated, and personal accountability are important to you, then you will definitely want to attend this session. • Top 10 Things Parents Need to Know (But I’m Afraid to Tell Them!) Clara Mae Van Brink, Leader Room 117D, DCT This session hits the tough issues parents need to hear! You will walk away equipped to biblically discipline children and lovingly partner with parents. • Trends Impacting 21st Century Ministry Ron Pratt, Leader Room 117 E, DCT Several trends are surfacing in preschool and children’s ministry. You will examine these trends and evaluate the impact they have on the present and the future. 11:00 a.m. Registration Main Lobby, LifeWay Christian Resources 12:00 noon–4:30 p.m. Exhibits Open Main Hallway/Lobby, LifeWay Christian Resources 2:00 p.m. Opening Plenary Session Dr. Thom Rainer, Speaker Van Ness Auditorium 3:00–3:30 p.m. Exhibit Break 3:30–4:30 p.m. Workshops 1 (Not Repeated) • Building Support Ministries for Families with Special Needs Danette Cravens, Leader Room 250, SBC Reaching families with special needs is more than creating a ministry for the child. Conferees will learn about respite, parent support groups, and other ways to strengthen the family while connecting them to other ministries in the church. • CAMP: What Is It Good For? Absolutely Everything! Shannon Robertson, Leader Room 117 F, DCT Come discover the various elements of kids’ camps that will create a life-changing experience for the children in your ministry. • Does Family Ministry Include Me? Diane Lane, Leader Room 308, WW Parents need help in child-rearing techniques. Children need help in knowing how to relate to their parents. How can we help? Is it worth the effort? Come and hear what successful churches are doing to help families grow stronger. • “Don’t Just Say It, Sing It!” (Musical Experiences with Children at Church) Diane Dawson, Leader Room 310, WW Lose your intimidations about using music in your Bible study class or anywhere else you teach children. We will share plenty of ideas and resources for using the most efficient teaching tool in our bag of tricks! • Helping Parents with Positive Discipline Marianne Neisert, Leader Crowe Room, WW Ineffective discipline methods can leave parents feeling frustrated and children feeling misunderstood. Come and learn effective techniques to help parents enforce limits consistently in an atmosphere of love and mutual respect. Learn positive teaching strategies to help children handle difficult feelings, learn right from wrong, and make good decisions. • Positive Ministry Relationships: 10 Steps to a Winning Team Gigi Schweikert, Leader Room 117 E, DCT Working well with children is often easier than working well with adults. How do we learn to appreciate others’ gifts and talents, be more open to their ideas and perspectives, and love them as much as we love the children and Christ loves us? Learn 10 simple steps to help you develop more positive ministry relationships. Whether you are a pastor, a children’s ministry director, or a teacher, you will benefit from these ideas. • Preparedness Is the Absence of Panic! Nancy Meidinger, RN, Leader Nashville Room Are you prepared? Nancy Meidinger, from the American Red Cross, will share the latest in first-aid tips for your classroom. Find out what you can do before you call 911! • The Preteen Predicament: Engaging Preteens in Meaningful and Exciting Bible Study Jeff Land, Leader Room 117 A, DCT One of the challenges today’s churches face is getting techno-driven preteens to engage in meaningful Bible study. This conference will show practical methods for introducing technology, excitement, and strong life application into each preteen Bible study. MONDAY • The Power of Play in the Brain Development of Babies and 1s Kay Henry, Leader Room 350, SBC Conferees will consider how to provide opportunities for play which promotes cognitive development in babies and 1s. Discussion will focus on how the dynamics of play stimulate learning and bolster brain development. • Raising Daniels and Danielles in a Modern-Day Babylon Room 117 D, DCT Paula Stringer, Leader In this workshop conferees will discuss the unique challenges of raising godly children in a not so godly culture. Come and hear tips for partnering with families to lead children to spiritual greatness. • Teaching Children in the Home Bible Study/Home Bible Fellowship Setting Debbie Carter, Leader Room 109, DCT What do you do with the kids when you are hosting the Bible study group in your home? This workshop will offer practical tips on how to be effective in teaching children in home Bible fellowships. • TeamKID: Jesus’ IM’s Mikey Oldham, Leader Room 117 C, DCT The newest TeamKID for grades one through six presents instant messages from Jesus found in the New Testament, messages that both comfort and confront. TeamKID uses fun activities to teach children how to live. It is ideal for use on Sunday and Wednesday nights, after school, or at camp. • 10 Great Ideas for Outreach Kim Capps, Leader Room 117 B, DCT Attend this session and you will come away with 10 (at least!) fun, new ideas for outreach to preschoolers and their families. • What’s New in Weekday Cindy Lumpkin, Leader SBC Room 300 Come discover the new WEELearn Curriculum Guide for Pre-K. Conferees will get an insight to the new guide and the value it has for teachers who want to teach with developmentally appropriate materials. Come discover the developmentally age-suitable activities for pre-k children at church. • Writing for LifeWay’s Childhood Ministry Publishing Scott Wiley and Tim Pollard, Leaders Van Ness Auditorium Interested in becoming a writer for Childhood Ministry Publishing? Come and learn what it takes to be a writer, what the writing process is like, and what you could expect as you attend a writer’s conference at LifeWay. AN EVENING AT THE SCHERMERHORN! 5:45 p.m. • Buses Leave for an Evening at the Schermerhorn Buses will leave continuously from the Holiday Inn Express and the Plaza Visitor’s Parking Deck at the Ninth Avenue main front entrance of LifeWay Christian Resources. 6:00–7:00 p.m. Heavy Hors d’Oeuvres Reception Schermerhorn Symphony Hall 7:00–8:15 p.m. The Annie Moses Band 8:15–9:15 p.m. Desert Fellowship 10 Schermerhorn Symphony Hall TUESDAY, October 9, 2007 9:00 a.m. Door Prizes Van Ness Auditorium 9:15–10:00 a.m. Morning Worship Van Ness Auditorium Dennis and Karla Worley, Music Leaders Mike Glenn, Convention Pastor 10:00 a.m. Exhibit Break 10:30–11:30 a.m. Workshops 2 (Repeated on Wednesday at 10:30 a.m.) • Awesome Children’s Games Room 117 C, DCT Bill Buchanan, Leader Are you looking for new game ideas? Have you forgotten those great games from the past? The Doctor of Fun will teach you new, as well as some old, children’s games that are a proven success. • Becoming a Leader Crowe Room, WW Tommy Sanders, Leader Being the kind of childhood ministry leader that leaves a legacy involves more than possessing a job title. Discover what makes you a leader and how to grow as a leader. • Helping Tweenage Girls Navigate the Confusion Ahead (Tuesday only) Nashville Room Melissa Trevathan and Sissy Goff, Leaders Girls in their “tween” years are in the calm before the storm. This workshop will help you know how to love and guide them through these turbulent times, helping them discover more of who God has made them to be. • Legal Issues in Childhood Ministry Larry Cannon and Alan Phillips, Leaders Room 308, WW A variety of legal and liability issues focused on childhood ministry will be discussed such as copyright, licensing of movies, physical safety, background checks, medical releases, Web site issues, and privacy. There will be time for questions for these issues or others that are of a concern to your ministry. 12 • Literacy-Enriched Learning Centers: Making the Connections Spark Rebecca Isbell, Leader Room 300, SBC This conference will provide an up-close look at effectively designed learning centers that inspire children to use literacy in meaningful ways. Collect practical and easy methods that can make communication, reading, and writing essential components in both traditional and unique learning centers. Discover ways to invite children to use and practice their literacy learning in an environment that is appropriate and challenging. TUESDAY • LifeWay’s 2008 VBS Overview Rhonda Van Cleave and Debbie Ruth, Leaders Room 117 F, DCT Catch the wave for Outrigger Island: Living God’s Unshakeable Truth! Island-hop through the theme song, the Bible content, and what’s new for VBS 2008. Then sit by the campfire and take a sneak peak at Club VBS: Cactus Canyon. • Make a Joyful Noise Melonie Cox, Leader Room 310, WW Join us as we explore the traits of the little ones we teach and as we experience exciting activities that will enhance the worship experience of preschoolers at church. • Seeing Blue. Just How Many Ways Can You Use the Giant Game Floor Mat? Jeff Land, Leader Room 117 A, DCT This session is an active, game-based learning time in which attendees will have the opportunity to learn many exciting and out-of-the-box ways to use the Giant Game Floor Mat to enhance and energize their Sunday School lessons. • Seeing Is Believing Jerry Vogel, Leader Van Ness Auditorium Does fantasy have a place in our churches’ preschool ministries? This conference will address the continuing issues related to fantasy and fact as they clash in the preschool learning environment. More than anything, the goal of this session is to help ministers and teachers develop their own philosophies related to fantasy in preschool classrooms. Come join the fun! • Thinking Outside the Box: Teaching Children Who Live in Poverty Debbie Carter, Leader Room 109, DCT Reaching children who live in poverty presents many challenges. To reach these children effectively, the church must find creative ways to impact children’s lives with the gospel. • Understanding Preschoolers in Crisis and Grief Mary Ann Bradberry, Leader Room 117 E, DCT A preschool child’s response to a crisis, trauma, or death is different from an adult’s response. This workshop will outline a child’s responses to crisis and grief and what teachers can do to help preschoolers during these difficult times. • Understanding the Family-Integrated Church Paula Stringer, Leader Room 117 D, DCT Is the multigenerational church a fad or a trend? In this workshop conferees will receive a better understanding of the family-integrated church and some of the practices associated with this concept. Conferees will examine pros and cons of this approach to church and the implications for childhood ministry. 13 • Using Science and Nature in Preschool Learning Centers Mary DePass, Leader Room 350, SBC Young children are naturally curious and love to explore God’s world. This session provides some hands-on and “minds-on” science activities that can help develop science skills for young children in fun ways. • What’s New for Children with Special Needs Carlton McDaniel, Leader SBC Room 250 Have you heard about all the new resources for children with special needs? Come hear about “Special Buddies” and the new changes in VBS for 2008 that will help your church begin teaching children who have a variety of special learning needs. • Worship KidStyle: Children’s Edition Todd Capps, Leader Room 117 B, DCT Discover a whole new spin on kids’ worship for school-age children, grades one through six. This brand-new resource will help kids learn about and experience worship in ways designed especially for kids. 11:45 a.m.–12:45 p.m. Lunch Room 313–315, DCT Plenary Session Van Ness Auditorium Dr. Tim Elmore “Nurturing Leadership Qualities in the Kids You Work With” 1:00–2:00 p.m. Lunch Room 313–315, DCT Plenary Session Van Ness Auditorium Dr. Tim Elmore “Nurturing Leadership Qualities in the Kids You Work With” 2:00–2:30 p.m. Exhibit Break 2:30–3:30 p.m. Workshops 3 (Repeated at 3:45–4:45 p.m.) • The Bully Battle! Reaching the Less Lovable Jan Marler, Leader Room 109, DCT Leaders will learn ways to handle bullying behaviors and help children discover better ways to interact with their peers. 14 • Change a Child, Change the World (3:45 p.m. only) Mitzi Eaker and Joye Smith, Leaders Nashville Room Get preschoolers and children involved in the mission of God! Where do I start? What tools are available? Questions? Come get answers! • Conducting Sex Education in the Church Clara Mae Van Brink, Leader Room 117 D, DCT What is the church’s role in sex education? Are parents equipped to talk with children about their sexuality? Learn how to start a sex education program for parents of preschoolers and children and about the resources available to help you. TUESDAY • Children’s Ministry Day (2:30 p.m. only) Nashville Room Mitzi Eaker and Joye Smith, Leaders Get ready for the first annual Children’s Ministry Day, a day when children nationwide will reach out to their communities through mission action and witnessing. Visit this conference for learning objectives, project ideas, and planning tools. • Connecting Your Church and Community to VBS: LifeWay’s VBS 2008 Visuals Jerry Wooley and Melita Thomas, Leaders Room 117 F, DCT Whether your VBS is an island expedition or canyon adventure, you are sure to discover great ideas for decorating and promoting VBS 2008 that will energize your church and community. • Developing Your Personal Mission Statement Donna Peavey, Leader Room 117 C, DCT A personal mission statement is a descriptive statement of what you value, what you want to accomplish, and on what you want to focus. This helps you to prioritize and manage your life. Do you have a current one? • 50 Tips for Teachers of 3s Through Kindergarten Klista Storts, Leader Room 308, WW This session will provide practical tips to help take your Sunday morning experience from awful to awesome! • Helping Parents Promote Healthy Self-Esteem in Their Children Marianne Neisert, Leader Crowe Room, WW Since self-esteem powerfully impacts happiness, success, and social concern, a child’s self-image is one of the most important yardsticks of parenting. This workshop offers specific strategies to convince children of their intrinsic worth and value and their ability to handle the choices, changes, and challenges of life. • The Joshua Problem: Addressing the #1 Challenge in Your Children’s Ministry Tim Elmore, LeaderSBC Auditorium The crying need today in most churches is for more leaders—healthy, effective, and relevant leaders. In this session Dr. Elmore will provide a plan with tools to create a leadership culture in your children’s ministry. Based on the best-selling series, Habitudes: Images That Form Leadership Habits and Attitudes, this hour will focus on transferable principles that great ministries practice. 15 • Learning to Listen: Communication with Men and Women Kim Harris, Leader Room 117 A, DCT Learn how to listen to spoken words and hear messages people send through nonconventional means. • Rock Around the Clock! Room 310, WW Melonie Cox, Leader If you think you can’t sing, if you think you shouldn’t try to sing, or you think everyone should run if you begin to sing, then this workshop is for you! Together we will discover ways to incorporate music into the weekday education classroom throughout each session of parents’ day out, preschool, and child care. • Sensory Integration Danette Cravens, Leader Room 250, SBC What is sensory integration? How can it be used with children who have a variety of special learning needs? Conferees will gain an understanding of sensory integration and learn practical teaching tips to help children in a variety of learning environments. • 10 Tips to Becoming a Better Early Childhood Educator, Instantly! GiGi Scwheikert, Leader Room 117 E, DCT Come laugh and learn 10 tips for renewing your love for children and early childhood ministry. We really do make a difference in the lives of the children we educate and care for, but our continued enthusiasm and positive attitudes are essential. We represent Christ for children we teach. Let’s make it wonderful! • Top 25 Bible Games for Preschoolers Kay Henry, Leader SBC Room 350 Conferees will explore some basic elements of age-appropriate games for preschoolers and discuss what makes a really good game. This session will focus on 25 Bible-related games preschoolers (and teachers) love and enjoy. • The Value of Play: How It Impacts Learning Rebecca Isbell, Leader SBC Room 300 Play is an essential way for young children to use the learning that is gained from their classroom curriculum. During play, learning is used in meaningful ways as children talk, collaborate, develop social skills, and use their literacy abilities. Discover ways to connect standards of play and enrich the environment to develop in appropriate ways. • Worship KidStyle: Preschool Edition Tracey Rogers, Leader Room 117 B, DCT Discover a whole new spin on kid’s worship for school-age children, grades one through six. This brand-new resource will help kids learn about and experience worship in ways designed especially for kids. 5:15 p.m. Dinner 16 Rooms 313–315, WW and Cafeteria 6:30 p.m. 2008 Vacation Bible School Musical Premier Van Ness Auditorium 7:00–8:00 p.m. A Time of Fun and Entertainment Van Ness Auditorium Ken Davis, Christian Comedian 8:15 p.m. TUESDAY The People’s Church, Franklin, Tennessee Diane Dawson, Director State Fellowships Good-night! 17 STATE FELLOWSHIPS Tuesday, October 9, 2007 8:15 p.m. • Alabama Room 117 A, DCT • Arkansas Room 310, WW • Georgia Room 117 B, DCT • Kentucky Room 117 C, DCT • Maryland/Delaware Room 116, ST • Mississippi Room 117 E, DCT • New Mexico Room 109, DCT • North Carolina Room 117 F, DCT • Oklahoma Room 117 D, DCT • South Carolina Room 308, WW • Tennessee Crowe Room, WW • Texas Nashville Room 18 WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 10, 2007 Door Prizes Van Ness Auditorium 9:15–10:00 a.m. Morning Worship Van Ness Auditorium Dennis and Karla Worley, Music Leaders Mike Glenn, Convention Pastor WEDNESDAY 9:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m. Exhibit Break 10:30–11:30 a.m. Workshops 5 (Repeated from Tuesday morning) • Awesome Children’s Games Bill Buchanan, Leader Room 117 C, DCT Are you looking for new game ideas? Have you forgotten those great games from the past? The Doctor of Fun will teach you new, as well as some old, children’s games that are a proven success. • Becoming a Leader Crowe Room, WW Tommy Sanders, Leader Being the kind of childhood ministry leader that leaves a legacy involves more than possessing a job title. Discover what makes you a leader and how to grow as a leader. • Hanging on with Hope: Practical Suggestions for Parents of Preadolescents (Wednesday only) Melissa Trevathan and Sissy Goff, Leaders Nashville Room How do I? What do I? Why is she? What is he thinking? You hear these questions and more from anxious parents of preadolescents. This workshop will equip you with ways to equip them to love their children through these difficult years. • Legal Issues in Childhood Ministry Larry Cannon and Alan Phillips, Leaders Room 308, WW A variety of legal and liability issues focused on childhood ministry will be discussed such as copyright, licensing of movies, physical safety, background checks, medical releases, Web site issues, and privacy. There will be time for questions for these issues or others that are of a concern to your ministry. 19 • LifeWay’s 2008 VBS Overview Rhonda Van Cleave and Debbie Ruth, Leaders Room 117 F, DCT Catch the wave for Outrigger Island: Living God’s Unshakeable Truth! Island-hop through the theme song, the Bible content, and what’s new for VBS 2008. Then sit by the campfire and take a sneak peak at Club VBS: Cactus Canyon. • Literacy-Enriched Learning Centers: Making the Connections Spark Rebecca Isbell, Leader Room 300, SBC This conference will provide an up-close look at effectively designed learning centers that inspire children to use literacy in meaningful ways. Collect practical and easy methods that can make communication, reading, and writing essential components in both traditional and unique learning centers. Discover ways to invite children to use and practice their literacy learning in an environment that is appropriate and challenging. • Make a Joyful Noise Melonie Cox, Leader Room 310, WW Join us as we explore the traits of the little ones we teach and as we experience exciting activities that will enhance the worship experience of preschoolers at church. • Seeing Blue. Just How Many Ways Can You Use the Giant Game Floor Mat? Jeff Land, Leader Room 117 A, DCT This session is an active, game-based learning time in which attendees will have the opportunity to learn many exciting and out-of-the-box ways to use the Giant Game Floor Mat to enhance and energize their Sunday School lessons. • Seeing Is Believing Jerry Vogel, Leader Van Ness Auditorium Does fantasy have a place in our churches’ preschool ministries? This conference will address the continuing issues related to fantasy and fact as they clash in the preschool learning environment. More than anything, the goal of this session is to help ministers and teachers develop their own philosophies related to fantasy in preschool classrooms. Come join the fun! • Thinking Outside the Box: Teaching Children Who Live in Poverty Debbie Carter, Leader Room 109, DCT Reaching children who live in poverty presents many challenges. To reach these children effectively, the church must find creative ways to impact children’s lives with the gospel. • Understanding Preschoolers in Crisis and Grief Mary Ann Bradberry, Leader Room 117 E, DCT A preschool child’s response to a crisis, trauma, or death is different from an adult’s response. This workshop will outline a child’s responses to crisis and grief and what teachers can do to help preschoolers during these difficult times. • Understanding the Family-Integrated Church Paula Stringer, Leader Room 117 D, DCT Is the multigenerational church a fad or a trend? In this workshop conferees will receive a better understanding of the family-integrated church and some of the practices associated with this concept. Conferees will examine pros and cons of this approach to church and the implications for childhood ministry. 20 Leaving a Legacy • What’s New for Children with Special Needs Carlton McDaniel, Leader SBC Room 250 Have you heard about all the new resources for children with special needs? Come hear about “Special Buddies” and the new changes in VBS for 2008 that will help your church begin teaching children who have a variety of special learning needs. • Worship KidStyle: Children’s Edition Todd Capps, Leader Room 117 B, DCT Discover a whole new spin on kids’ worship for school-age children, grades one through six. This brand-new resource will help kids learn about and experience worship in ways designed especially for kids. WEDNESDAY • Using Science and Nature in Preschool Learning Centers Mary DePass, Leader Room 350, SBC Young children are naturally curious and love to explore God’s world. This session provides some hands-on and “minds-on” science activities that can help develop science skills for young children in fun ways. 11:45–12:45 p.m. Lunch Plenary Session Room 313–315, DCT Dr. Frank Lewis “Tips for the Legacy” Van Ness Auditorium 1:00–2:00 p.m. Lunch Plenary Session Room 313–315, DCT Dr. Frank Lewis “Tips for the Legacy” Van Ness Auditorium 2:00–2:30 p.m. Exhibit Break 2:30–3:30 p.m. and 3:45–4:45 p.m. Workshops 6 (Repeated at 3:45 p.m.–4:45 p.m.) • Being God’s Man in Childhood Ministry Ken Hindman, Leader Room 310, WW The views of men who are portrayed in media and pop culture are totally different from the standards of Scripture. In this workshop discover how you can focus your God-given talents to be the minister God wants you to be. 21 • Bottles, Boxes, Bags, and Other Tools for Preschool Learning Centers Kay Henry, Leader Room 350, SBC If you need more resources for learning centers, struggle with a limited budget, and want to capture the interest of your preschoolers, this conference is for you. Conferees will explore ways to use basic items to enhance and enliven activity centers for preschoolers. • Discipline: From Chaos to Control Room 117 E, DCT Mary Ann Bradberry, Leader Preventing chaos in the classroom can be a challenge! This workshop will expose and engage teachers in classroom management techniques that are not only brain friendly but will allow them to be proactive rather than reactive in managing behavior problems. • Don’t Give Up on Those Preteens! Diane Lane, Leader Room 308, WW Preteens are a different breed, or are they? This session deals with the best teaching methods for preteens and outreach activities that encourage preteens to feel valuable. • Enduring Connections: Creating a Preschool and Children’s Ministry Room 109, DCT Janice Haywood, Leader Explore the building blocks for creating an enduring childhood ministry that connects preschoolers and children to God and to the faith community. This workshop is based on the new book Enduring Connections. • Energize Your Meetings (But Get Rid of the Bunny!) Nashville Room James Hargrave, Leader Everyone complains about meetings! Learn how meetings can have energy (but without going and going and going!). Excellent meetings can be characterized in four important ways. This conference will help you lead meetings that are purposeful, fun, efficient, and effective. • Get Out of Your Own Way Ann Edwards, Leader SBC Auditorium What’s going on in your head? This conference will lead you to think about five keys for making the choices that let you engage and triumph over the realities of today’s world: direction, not motion; focus, not time; capacity, not conformity; energy, not effort; and impact, not intentions. You might even surpass everyone’s expectations. • Help! People Wear Me Out! Donna Peavey, Leader Room 117 C, DCT Embrace yourself and others by learning to live with your differences. Increase your knowledge of how your psychological type impacts your leadership in the areas of mentoring, spiritual leadership, leadership development, management, organizational change, and leadership development. • Helping Parents Talk to Their Kids About Sex Clara Mae Van Brink, Leader Room 117 D, DCT Do you remember how you learned about the birds and the bees? Most parents had no role model for talking about sex with their children. Help parents learn how to have age-appropriate conversations about sex with their children, starting in the preschool years. 22 • Learn by Creating: Hands-On Crafts for Favorite Bible Stories Jane Fisher, Leader Room 117 F, DCT Bible lessons are especially memorable when children create a craft project to coordinate with each story. Using AccuCut dies makes craft preparation quick and easy. Attend this workshop and complete 10 projects to take back to your children’s program. • Learning to Think Kim Harris, Leader Room 117 A, DCT Participants will learn strategies to help them think outside the box and discover solutions to ministry challenges. WEDNESDAY • Leading Children Through Worship Music Jeff Slaughter, Leader Van Ness Auditorium For 20 years Jeff’s passion has been to get kids exited about worshiping the Lord through music. Discussions will cover ways to create an environment that will encourage kids to worship in spirit and truth. • Mainstreaming by Default Room 250, SBC Carlton McDaniel, Leader Mainstreaming often means that children with special needs are put in a regular classroom without any additional support or adaptations. Conferees will learn the basics of mainstreaming and practical tips on how to create a classroom where all children can succeed. • Parent-Driven Children’s Ministry Crowe Room, WW Tommy Sanders, Leader Learn how to involve parents in the spiritual development of their children and in the life of the children’s ministry. • Taking Parent Meetings to the Next Level Mary DePass, Leader Room 300, SBC Learn how to make the most of parent meetings. This session provides effective strategies for planning and conducting parent meetings. Suggestions will help teachers and parents communicate more effectively in meetings that deal with children’s behavior and learning. • Using the Giant Game Floor Mat with Preschoolers Kim Capps, Leader Room 117 B, DCT This class is designed to teach you new ways to use the Giant Game Floor Mat in your classroom. WEDNESDAY EVENING FREE! 23 National Preschool & Children’s Convention Save the Date: October 13–16, 2008 Orlando, Florida 2008 THURSDAY, OCTOBER 11, 2007 Door Prizes Van Ness Auditorium 9:15–9:30 a.m. Morning Worship Van Ness Auditorium Dennis and Karla Worley, Music Leaders THURSDAY 9:00 a.m. 9:30–10:30 a.m. Keynote Address Van Ness Auditorium Dr. Kevin Leman HAVE A SAFE TRIP HOME!! A Special Thanks to the Planning Team for This Year’s National Preschool and Children’s Convention Bill Emeott, Program Chairman Tommy Keown, NPCC Coordinator Paula Rush, NPCC Associate Coordinator Jeff Anderson Brian Bauman Ann Edwards Becky Loyd Jan Marler Shannon Robertson Klista Storts Jerry Vogel 25 PRE-CONVENTION WORKSHOP LEADERS Ron Pratt National Event Planner, LifeWay Christian Resources, Nashville, TN Tony Rankin Clinical Therapist, Nashville, TN; Counseling and Family Specialist, Tennessee Baptist Convention, Brentwood, TN Sondra Saunders Senior Preschool and Children’s Minister, Prestonwood Baptist Church, Plano, TX Clara Mae Van Brink LifeWay Ministry Multiplier, Canton, GA Rodney Wilson Marriage and Family Minister, First Baptist Church, Smyrna, TN; Executive Editor, HomeLife Selma Wilson Associate Vice President, LifeWay Christian Resources, Nashville, TN; Executive Editor, HomeLife WORKSHOP LEADERS Mary Ann Bradberry LifeWay Ministry Multiplier, Austin, TX Bill Buchanan Professor, Oklahoma Baptist University, Shawnee, OK Larry Cannon Director of Legal Services, LifeWay Christian Resources, Nashville, TN Kim Capps Director of Preschool Ministries, Tulip Grove Baptist Church, Old Hickory, TN Todd Capps Editor in Chief, LifeWay Christian Resources, Nashville, TN Debbie Carter Childhood Ministry Consultant, Kansas-Nebraska Convention of Southern Baptists, Topeka, KS Melonie Cox Pre-K Teacher, South Basque Elementary School, Hewitt, TX Danette Cravens Preschool Ministry Coordinator, Rolling Hills Community Church, Franklin, TN 26 Leaving a Legacy Diane Dawson Children’s Music Minister, The People’s Church, Franklin, TN Mary DePass LifeWay Ministry Multiplier, Decatur, GA Mitzi Eaker Children’s Consultant, WMU, Birmingham, AL Ann Edwards Childhood Ministry Specialist, LifeWay Christian Resources, Nashville, TN Jane Fischer Education Consultant, Fremont, NE Sissy Goff Director of Child and Adolescent Counseling, Daystar Counseling Ministry, Nashville, TN James Hargrave Editor in Chief, LifeWay Christian Resources, Nashville, TN Kim Harris Leadership Strategist, West Cobb Baptist Church, Marietta, GA Janice Haywood Preschool and Children’s Specialist, Baptist State Convention of North Carolina, Cary, NC Kay Henry Preschool Consultant, Seminole, OK Ken Hindman Children’s and Preschool Minister, Brentwood Baptist Church, Brentwood, TN Rebecca Isbell Director of the Center for Excellence in Early Childhood Learning and Development, East Tennessee State University, Johnson City, TN Jeff Land Editor in Chief, LifeWay Christian Resources, Nashville, TN Diane Lane Preschool and Children’s Specialist, Baptist General Convention of Texas, Dallas, TX Cindy Lumpkin Editor in Chief, LifeWay Christian Resources, Nashville, TN Jan Marler Childhood Ministry Specialist, LifeWay Christian Resources, Nashville, TN Carlton McDaniel Special Ministry Specialist, LifeWay Christian Resources, Nashville, TN Nancy Meidinger, RN Community Outreach Specialist, American Red Cross, Nashville, TN Marianne Neifert Dr. Mom Presentations, Parker, CO Mikey Oldham Editor in Chief, LifeWay Christian Resources, Nashville, TN Donna Peavey Associate Professor, New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary, New Orleans, LA Alan Phillips Attorney, LifeWay Christian Resources, Nashville, TN 27 Tim Pollard Biblical and Instructional Specialist, LifeWay Christian Resources, Nashville, TN Shannon Robertson Lead Event Coordinator, LifeWay Christian Resources, Nashville, TN Tracey Rogers Editor in Chief, LifeWay Christian Resources, Nashville, TN Debbie Ruth Editor in Chief, LifeWay Christian Resources, Nashville, TN Tommy Sanders Director, Master of Arts in Christian Education: Childhood Ministry, Dallas Baptist University, Dallas, TX Gigi Schweikert Author and President of Babystep Consulting, High Bridge, NJ Jeff Slaughter Composer/Writer, Nashville, TN Joye Smith Preschool Consultant, Women’s Missionary Union, Birmingham, AL Klista Storts Childhood Ministry Specialist, LifeWay Christian Resources, Nashville, TN Paula Stringer Professor, New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary, New Orleans, LA Melita Thomas Editor, LifeWay Christian Resources, Nashville, TN Melissa Trvathan Founder and Executive Director of Daystar Counseling Ministries, Nashville, TN Clara Mae Van Brink LifeWay Ministry Multiplier, Canton, GA Rhonda Van Cleave Editor in Chief, LifeWay Christian Resources, Nashville, TN Jerry Vogel Director, Childhood Ministry Publishing, LifeWay Christian Resources, Nashville, TN Scott Wiley Biblical and Instructional Specialist, LifeWay Christian Resources, Nashville, TN Jerry Wooley Vacation Bible School Specialist, LifeWay Christian Resources, Nashville, TN 28 30 Tenth Avenue North 31 NPCC 2007 – Nashville, TN “Leaving a Legacy” October 8–11, 2007 Monday, October 8 10:00–12:00 2:00–3:00 3:00 3:30–4:30 Opening Session 6:00–7:00 7:00–8:15 8:15 Concert Pre-Convention Workshops Dr. Thom Rainer Van Ness Auditorium Afternoon Break Workshops Evening Reception Schermerhorn Symphony Center Annie Moses Band Dessert Fellowship Tuesday, October 9 and Wednesday, October 10 9:00 9:15–10:00 Door Prizes Van Ness Auditorium Worship Dennis and Karla Worley, Worship Leaders Mike Glenn, Convention Pastor 10:30– 1:30 11:45–12:45 1:00–2:00 Lunch/Plenary Lunch/Plenary 2:30–3:30 Workshops (Tuesday) Dr. Tim Elmore (Wednesday) Dr. Frank Lewis Afternoon Workshops (Repeated 3:45–4:45) Tuesday Evening, October 9 5:15–6:15 6:30 7:00–7:45 8:00 Dinner LifeWay Café and 313–315 WW VBS Musical Premier Children’s Choir The Peoples Church “Lighten Up!” Ken Davis, Christian Comedian State Fellowships Wednesday Evening. October 10 Evening Free 5:30–9:00 Thursday Optional Shuttle to Opry Mills Outlet Mall (By Reservation Only!) 9:00 9:15 Door Prizes Van Ness Auditorium Worship 9:30 10:30 Keynote Speaker Dr. Kevin Leman Convention Dismissed October 8–11, 2007 LifeWay Christian Resources • Nashville, Tennessee
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