Guelph Bridge Club What’s on Tap? 644 Imperial Dr. Guelph Ont N1H 7M3 Phone: 519 763 7160 Web: Email: [email protected] • In troduc ing … • From the Boa rd • D irect or Pl ease • Ch ri stm a s Party • T he T ourn am ent Scen e • Mov ing on Up • Brid ge Best P ra ct ice • T his an d Tha t • T he Go T o People Introducing – Joan Henry When I first started out paying duplicate bridge at our club, there was this very nice older lady who was an unassuming shark at the bridge table. I didn’t really know her or her name but she used to scare me. Whenever I had to play against her, Joan had this terrible habit of doubling me. I was new to duplicate bridge, and I didn’t know much about doubles but I assumed that it wasn’t going Joan Henry to be good for my contract. One day I was sitting at a table waiting for the game to begin and Joan was talking about her upcoming trip to PEI, I mentioned that both my parents were born in PEI and we got to taking about PEI and this is how I really first met and got to know Joan Henry. Joan grew up playing cards, her parents were bridge players but Joan never played bridge when she was younger. The tradition continues because none of Joan’s seven children play bridge but she is grooming her granddaughter to get into the game. Joan was a military wife and moved around a lot with her husband Ron. Joan started to play bridge when Ron was stationed in Summerside PEI; it was either play bridge or don’t fit in. As Joan learned more about the game and tried to share what she learned she realized that the ladies were more interested in the social aspect of the game than the game itself. This is when Joan discovered Duplicate Bridge. After retiring from the military, Joan and her family settled in Guelph. Joan continued playing duplicate bridge, playing mainly at the Hunt club. Eventually Joan and Jim Rife took over the running of the Country Club Bridge Club until in 2009 when they merged their club into what became the Guelph Bridge Club. Merging with the newly formed Guelph Bridge Club is a decision Joan doesn’t regret, she enjoys our club, finds the people warm and welcoming and it offers bridge at all levels of play. Joan is a regular at the Master/Rookie game; she enjoys helping newer players with their game. Joan is an excellent mentor and I would highly recommend that if you want to improve your game ask Joan to have a game with you. I have played with Joan several times and it is a very pleasant experience, she is very quick to praise her partner for a well played hand but Joan will also point out where you could have done better and best of all you are not on the receiving end of her doubles. I asked Joan what advice would she give to new players and without hesitating she said, “Enjoy the Game”. You learn the rules, you learn the conventions, develop your card sense but you need to have fun playing the game because it is a game! Guelph Bridge Club Page 2 of 7 From the Board: th The Board met on October 14 ; sometimes there just isn’t enough time to discuss everything so the board th decided that we would have a working session on Nov 8 to do detail planning for the coming year. The highlights from this month’s board meeting were: • • • • We We We We are doing well financially. had a debate over the chairs, we are looking into new chairs and buying additional cushions are moving and changing the Friday night 199 Game - see the This & That section for more details. are going to make changes to the Master / Rookie game, more details to come. Director Please: Zero Tolerance! We have seen the poster and have heard the phrase but what is Zero Tolerance? Here is what the ACBL has to say about zero tolerance. In accordance with Laws 74, 80F, 81C4, 90A, 91, and 92A (Laws of Duplicate Bridge) the following policy outlines what is expected of all players during NABCs and other ACBL sponsored events, as well as in the playing area before and after each session. The ultimate purpose of the Z-T policy is to create a much more pleasant atmosphere in our NABCs. We are attempting to eradicate unacceptable behavior in order to make the game of bridge more enjoyable for all. Below are some examples of commendable behavior, which, while not required, will significantly contribute to the improved atmosphere: • • • • Being a good ‘host’ or ‘guest’ at the table. Greeting others in a friendly manner. Praising the bidding and/or play of the opponents Having two clearly completed convention cards readily available to the opponents (This one is a regulation, not just a nicety) The following are some examples of behaviours that will not be tolerated: • • • • Badgering,+rudeness,+insinuations,+intimidation,+profanity,+threats,+or+violence.+ Negative+comments+concerning+opponents’+or+partner’s+play+or+bidding.+ Constant+and+gratuitous+lessons+and+analyses+at+the+table.+ Loud and disruptive arguing with a director’s ruling. If a player at the table behaves in an unacceptable manner, the director should be called Immediately. Annoying behavior, embarrassing remarks, or any other conduct which might interfere with the enjoyment of the game is specifically prohibited by Law 74A. Law 91A gives the director the authority to assess disciplinary penalties. The following procedures have been given to the tournament directors for implementation. 1. At the start of each event, the director shall make an announcement that the tournament will be observing ZERO TOLERANCE for unacceptable behavior. It is requested that the director be called whenever behavior is not consistent with the guidelines outlined above. 2. The director, when called, shall make an assessment of the situation. If it is established that there was unacceptable behavior, an immediate ¼ board disciplinary penalty (3 IMP in team games) shall be assigned to all offenders. This may involve any one or all four players at the table irrespective of who initiated the unacceptable behavior. If both members of a partnership are guilty, the penalties are additive (¼ board EACH = ½ board!). The Board of Directors strongly believes that assignment of disciplinary penalties will improve the overall behavior at our tournaments. 3. If it is determined that the same offender is responsible for a second offense in the same event, then the offender(s) shall be ejected from future competition in that event. An offender removed from an event shall be deemed to have not played in the event, no masterpoints will be awarded and no refunds will be made. All previously obtained results shall, however, remain valid as to their effect upon other competitors. In the case of a serious offense and in the case of multiple offenses (three) during a tournament, a disciplinary committee may be convened to determine whether the offender(s) should be allowed to play in other events at the tournament and/or whether additional sanctions may be appropriate. 4. Warnings are strongly discouraged and will be given only when there is no clear violation or in cases where the facts cannot be determined. Offenders are to receive immediate penalties. Regardless of who may have initiated unacceptable behavior, ALL offenses are punishable. Retaliatory behavior is a punishable offense. Frivolous accusations will also be considered as offenses under this policy. 5. In accordance with the Laws of Duplicate Bridge, a director’s decision to impose a disciplinary penalty is final; however, all such decisions may be appealed. An appeals committee may not overturn the director’s decision, but could recommend that the director reconsider the imposition of a penalty. It should be noted that the committee may feel that the penalty assessed was not severe enough and may refer the matter to a disciplinary committee. The DIC (Director in Charge) shall provide a summary report of all behavioral penalties to the Tournament Chairman and/or Recorder. Page 3 of 7 Guelph Bridge Club Christmas Party – Dec 9th: I know it is only November but just as the stores are starting to decorate for Christmas, we must also start to think about and plan the Christmas Party. We decided that this year we are going to have 2 Christmas Parties. We are hoping that by having 2 parties more members and non-members will be able to come out and celebrate the end of the year with us. The first party will be on Tuesday Dec 9th. Socializing will start at 5:30 and the game will start around 7 pm. For the Tuesday party it will be a Team Game. We will be making up the teams and they will be set up such that they are balanced, no team of “A” players. This is the format we used for the BBQ & Game we had in August and it worked out well. The second party will be on Wednesday Dec 10th. Socializing will start at 12:00 and the game will start around 1:30. For the Wednesday party it will have a Pairs game, and you can come and play with your favourite partner or invite someone new to play with. This year instead of asking people to bring food the board decided to cater it. It will be still be appetizers / finger foods, things that are easy to eat while you are standing and chatting. Cost is $20/pp. You must pay in advance to secure a spot. The sign up sheet is at the director’s desk. If you can’t decide which party to attend, well do like I do when I can’t decide between two things, I get both! You are more than welcomed to attend both parties. Please Note: There will not be a scheduled game on Wednesday Dec 10th – the game is strictly for those attending the party. If you come to play that day it will cost you $20 I am looking for volunteers to help with both parties, I need people to help with the set-up and cleanup. If you would like to help please let me know. Guelph Bridge Club Page 4 of 7 The Tournament Scene: Congratulations to all of our members who did well during STaC week, we had a number of players who placed in the overall ranking. Here is a list of the tournaments coming down the pipeline. November 2014 Date Location Category Nov 1 - 2 Oshawa Sectional Nov 14 - 16 Stratford Sectional Nov 27 - 30 Ottawa Sectional Date Location Category Jan 2 - 4 Toronto Sectional Jan 23 - 25 Kingston Sectional Jan 24 - 25 London Sectional Date Location Category Feb 6 - 8 St. Catharines Sectional Date Location Category Mar 7 - 8 Oshawa Sectional Mar 21 - 22 Guelph Sectional Mar 31 – Apr 5 Toronto Regional January 2015 February 2015 March 2015 Note: There are other tournaments; these are just the ones that are close. For a full list of tournaments please refer to the ACBL website. Guelph Bridge Club Sectional Tournament Update: I will keep you up to date on the status of the sectional tournament we will be hosting next year. Tournament Chair: Thea Davis Tournament Committee: Jack McFadden & Catherine Spencer Date: March 21 & 22, 2015 Location: Puslinch Community Center Next Steps: 1. We are looking for Volunteers for specific tasks on the Tournament To-Do List. Page 5 of 7 Guelph Bridge Club Moving on Up: I love to celebrate the accomplishments of our club members. Congratulations to the following people who have moved up the ladder of ACBL Ranks: Member City New Rank David Levy Guelph Club Master Madeleine Levy Guelph Club Master Jean Rose Belwood Club Master Bonna Simpson Guelph Regional Master Catherine Spencer Guelph NABC Master John Spencer Guelph NABC Master st Note 1: Rank Changes are as of the 1 of the month based on the previous month’s data. Bridge Best Practice: If a player’s hand, e.g. dummy when you see it, is different from the explanation the partner had given, you may call the Director to help find out what has gone wrong. The usual reason is an unintentional mis-bid or an incorrect explanation. For a mis-bid there is no redress as both sides are likely to have been fooled. If the explanation is wrong however, and you are damaged, you will be entitled to redress. But remember for wrong explanations, declarer’s side should make the correction at the end of the auction and defendants only at the end of the hand. A partner who does not want to be wrong but is unsure of how to explain a call, should alert, state the uncertainty, but must NOT say how he / she will interpret it. So if you need an explanation before bidding, it is best to call the director who may ask the person who is unsure to leave the table and get their partner to explain their bid. Guelph Bridge Club Page 6 of 7 This & That: All of the odd stuff I want to share: 199 Game: As you may have heard the board has been struggling to offer a restricted game for the newer players. We have tried several things going from a Sunday afternoon 0 – 50 Game, a section of the Wednesday game for 0 – 99 players and finally offering a Friday night 199 game and the attendance at these games has always been low. th We are going to try one more thing. Starting on Friday Nov 7 , the restricted game will be on Friday Afternoon (1:00 start). It will be a 299 Game (players with less than 300 masterpoints. The game will be stratified based on pair average but no player can have more than 300MP, the only exception to this is when the director has to play. Congratulation Mark & Melissa: Good things happen at the bridge club. Mark & Melissa met at a Master / Rookie Game and the rest is history. They have recently become engaged and we wish many years of happiness together. Interclub Championship Games: These are club championship games where we are competing against other clubs in District 2. There is no additional fee for these games but extra masterpoints are available. We are th th registered for 2 games – Nov 11 (Tuesday Evening) and Dec 29 (Monday Afternoon). If these go well then we will participate in more of these games next year. Stratford Tournament: The Stratford Tournament is Nov 14 – 16, they are offering a deal to new and intermediate players. If you have 0 – 19MP, you can buy a Single Session pass for $5, this is a $6 savings. If you have 0-19MP you can buy a 6 Session Pass for $25, this is a $41 savings. If you have less than 300MP you can buy a 6 Session Pass for $50, this is a $16 savings. If you want one of these they will be at the director’s desk Master/Rookie Game: There will be a Master/Rookie game on Nov 20, 2014 Winter Team League: I know we haven’t wrapped up the fall team League yet but I wanted you to start thinking about the Winter League, sign up will start in the new year. The start date for the Winter League is March 12th. Housekeeping: I am back on the bandwagon again. We have all become a little lazy when it comes to housekeeping at the club. It takes so little time to clean up after a game if we all do our part. When the game is over if we could all do the following it will be very helpful: • Put your coffee cups & water glasses in the dishwasher: not on top of the dishwasher, not in the sink but in the dishwasher. • Put your candy wrappers in the garbage. • If you slopped coffee on the side table please wipe it off. • Close the bidding boxes and put them on the side table. • Push your chair in. Well that’s it for now, if you have an article you want to share or an idea for the newsletter please let me know Page 7 of 7 Guelph Bridge Club The “Go To” People Volunteers run the club; here is the current list of Club Officers and Volunteers: Club Officers: President: Adrian Record Secretary: Sheila McLaren Vice President: Thea Davis Treasurer: Pat Fung Board of Directors: Game Directors / ACBL: Thea Davis Club Manager: Catherine Spencer Assistant Treasurer: Neil McLaren Marketing: Vacant Social/Volunteers: Harry Hartfiel Education: Vacant (Note 1) Note 1: Monica Skinner is continuing in this role until the new board member is elected Game Directors: Dave Baker – Team League, Special Occasions Thea Davis – Monday Afternoon Diane Bourdeau – Master / Rookie Game Adrian Record – Wednesday Afternoon John Spencer – Tuesday Evening, Friday Afternoon Pat Fung – Various Jim Rife – On Leave Bob Griffiths – Thursday Afternoon Practice Game Committees: Teaching Team: Monica Skinner, Thea Davis, Malcolm Coutts, Sheila McLaren and Jim Rife Dealing Machine Team: Dianne Westgarth, Liz Harloff, Peter & Marlene Grimwood & Mark Hendry Garbage Collection Team: Jim Rife, Howard Simpson, volunteers while Jim is away Greeting Cards: Joan Henry Conduct: Adrian Record Club Maintenance: Marcel Villeneuve, Ralph Lancaster, and Dirk Van Raalte Laundry: Della Cremasco Legal: The Firm of Miller Thomson Library: Judy & Dirk Van Raalte, Barb McKay IT: John Spencer Magazines: Jeanette Hisaki Community Bulletin Board: Barb McKay Newspaper Results: Aline Plevka Purchasing Team: Water – Ralph Lancaster & Cathy Gage Cleaning Products – Maureen Mercer Paper Products – Gloria Carter Stuff we Drink – Pam Servos, Peter & Marlene Grimwood
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