2014 Fall Edition - Christian Academy of Lawrenceburg

Volume 1, Issue 1
Fall Edition
Words from Jason Gribbins
The leaves are changing,
the weather is beginning to
cool off and the students
have wrapped up a successful term. The school year is
in full swing and we are having a great year. God is truly
blessing the school and the
CAL family. We began the
school year with the implementation of the newly designated student chapel followed closely by the completion of a new roof for the
Elementary and Pre-School
wing. We have seen a new
Christian Academy of Lawrenceburg sign installed on
the front of the building, logo
sign on the front of the cafeteria as well and many more
positive changes that are
ongoing. The most important
change is the continued
growth we see in our students, faculty, staff and families in their relationship with
God has blessed us with
great families, students,
teachers, staff, board and
community that coupled with
the gift of the facilities is truly transforming lives. We
are embarking upon a
unique and pivotal time in
the Christian Academy’s
history. As we approach the
20 year anniversary of the
Christian Academy of Lawrenceburg’s establishment
we have the blessing, opportunity and resources to
expand on our successes
for the next 20 years.
Building on the foundation
of Christian values & principles in addition to our academic excellence we will
move from 128 students
today to 200+ students in
the next 3-5 years. Ultimately we will fulfill our
strategic vision of reaching
our facility’s capacity of
500+ students by school
year 2024. One may ask
how we plan to reach these
First and foremost the
Christian Academy of Lawrenceburg will stay true to
its foundation to instill and
model Christ-like behavior,
strive for academic excellence, and prepare our students for life and service.
We put God first because
through him anything is
Second we will invest in our
most precious resources
that include students, faculty, board, family and community. We will continue to
build upon our academic
success through professionals, teachers and staff
who are grounded in the
Christian faith and are subject matter experts within
their field. The development of the whole student
within a caring and nurturing environment has been
essential in our success.
We will continue to keep
class sizes small with low
student to teacher ratios,
regardless of school size. In
addition, will be intentional
in Christian service, servant
leadership, outreach and
communication efforts.
Thirdly we will invest in the
facilities God has blessed us
with. Throughout the coming months and years we
will be seeking to update,
integrate and invest in our
facilities to ensure it continues its long history of education.
During the coming
years we will be pursuing
our strategic vision of expanding athletics, reestablishment of the football field,
gymnasium overhaul, technology upgrade and integration within the classroom as
well as efficiency and green
updates that will include windows, HVAC systems, lighting and electrical.
parent, grandparent, teacher, community member and
church throughout the area.
Prayer and communication
is the way to success. We
will ensure everyone knows
that the Christian Academy
of Lawrenceburg is here for
the long term to educate for
eternity. We will communicate our spiritual, character
and academic success in
state, and local schools.
I want to close by saying
thank you to all the families,
students, teachers, staff,
churches, community members and everyone that continues to support the Christian Academy of Lawrenceburg. You are all appreciated and valued. We will continue pursuing excellence in
Christian education through
The comprehensive piece to the home, church and
reaching our goals lies with school team.
each and every student,
Preschool News
Last year in P3 & P4, the students learned about different
countries around the world.
This year, we are focusing
closer to home.
Grayson with his
favorite President
The P2 class has been talking
about their community - Lawrenceburg. They’ve discussed
where they live, where CAL is
located, the library, the courthouse, and stores & restaurants like Kroger, Wal-Mart,
McDonald’s & others.
The P4 classes are studying
a different state each month.
For September, the students
did a report on Kentucky.
Each student brought in 3
facts and various pictures of
places, people, activities, the
state flag, the state bird, etc.
and shared it with the class.
The students and their parents are busy finding facts
and pictures of Tennessee
for their October report.
The P3 class is focusing on
our state of Kentucky for the
whole year. They’re discovering that there are many places to visit and things to do
and see in our state. Do you
know where the 1st cheeseburger was served, flavored
chewing gum was concocted,
and the Birthday Song was
written by two sisters? In Louisville, KY!
The students enjoy going to
our new Chapel once a
month. Scott Young (father of
Eli in 1st Grade) was our first
speaker. He shared about
Creation. One of our P3 students, Savannah Sea, volunteered to help. Our students
learned that we may be able
to fashion an animal out of
Play-doh, but only God can
breathe life into it.
Jason using fine
motor skills
Mr. Jim Sayre, better known as
Abe Lincoln around here, was
our next Chapel speaker. He
shared lots of interesting information about Honest Abe’s life.
He encouraged our students to
learn their letters & sounds so
they can learn to read. He told
them that one day they could
grow up to become the President of the United States. P4
student Grayson Driskell was
another President Lincoln lookalike for Chapel.
All of our classes have enjoyed
talking about the Earth, the
Sun, the Moon, & our Solar
Emma developing gross
motor skills
Ellie learning about the
five senses
Max plays at the water
Jason learning about
gross motor skills
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Mr. Gribbins making paper airplanes with
the preschool
Lucia enjoying the swing
Volume 1, Issue 1
Apple Days in K-1
On September 26th Kindergarten and First grade students
celebrated the birthday of Johnny Appleseed. We spent the
day doing many different apple
related activities. We studied
the history of Johnny Appleseed, sampled three different
kinds of apples, and graphed
the results. We ended the day
with some apple pie fries dipped
in caramel.
Money, Money, Money
Many believe that learning
to manage money should
be a part of a formal education. We at CAL
agree. In fact, we will be
introducing our older elementary students to a
week-long money management program produced by Money Bright
Kids entitled, “Money
Doesn’t Grown On Trees –
Helping Kids Learn Financial Skills For Life.” This is
a DVD-driven teaching that
will last 30 minutes per day
for a week. Our students
will be learning things
like: how money is earned
(not grown on trees!), how
to keep spending within
your earning income, and
about lending/borrowing
money. You can visit
Snippets from Mrs. Slyh
This year has been moving right
along with many special activities
and projects. First period Bible
students have written scripts
about Nicodemus and his encounter with Jesus in John 3. All
did a fabulous job. My 7th period
Bible class is learning what it
means to become a “Radical”
follower of Christ. Part of this is
learning to serve others by Reading Buddies every Friday with K1st graders and making baby
blankets for Avenues for Women.
Sandwiched in between my Bible
classes are my science classes.
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Middle school students have
been doing an inquiry on flight.
They have researched, planned,
experimented, made blueprints,
and finally built their own gliders.
The students really enjoyed it and
I learned much from this inquiry
myself! To top it all off the Middle
school took a field trip to the Dayton Air Force Museum and the
6th grade got to ride in a helicopter.
When passing the science room,
you will encounter some unusual
smells. Biology is working on
their insect collections for which
we use mothballs and nail polish
remover. Chemistry adds to the
aromas when doing lab experiments and even more excitement
with fires and glue guns. There is
never a dull moment in room 7.
We have started a Hands-On
Science lab for 2nd through 5th
graders every Thursday. We are
working through the steps of the
Scientific Method with songs and
experiments in preparation for the
Science Fair.
Money Bright Kids on
Facebook at
moneybrightkids for great
financial tips! For additional
resources on teaching children of all ages about financial responsibility, visit
www.daveramsey.com. If
you have any questions
please contact Brittany Price.
Operation Christmas Child
Students and staff in preschool through the twelfth
grade gathered for a very special chapel on Monday, October 27th – our kick-off for Operation Christmas Child. Janet
Cooper from Ninevah Christian Church and Paula Sawyer
from Corinth Christian Church
joined Snoopy in sharing more
about this special ministry. We
learned that a CAL student
sent a shoebox and included a
personal letter years ago. The
shoebox filled with gifts ended
up in Kosovo during a time
when American Troops were
there. An American Marine
was patrolling the area and
when searching a home he
ran across the letter the young
CAL student had sent in the
Operation Christmas Child box
taped to a child’s bedroom
wall. The Marine wrote the
CAL student a letter letting her
know how her card had
brought encouragement to
him. We never know the impact this ministry may have.
Please join us in putting together Operation Christmas
Child shoeboxes. Filled boxes
are due back at school on
17th. Preschool through the
twelfth grade will join together
for a special time of prayer
and the dedication of the
shoeboxes at 8:30am on Monday, November 17th. Parents
are invited and encouraged to
join us. Last year CAL sent 99
shoeboxes to children around
the world – we are excited to
see how many lives we will be
able to impact for the LORD this
For more information and details
about packing a Operation
please visit
CAL Welcomes New Board Member
Philip Webb is a native of
Carlisle County, Kentucky
where he was raised in a
Christian home by his parents, William and Jane
Webb, and worked on the
family farm. He attended
School and graduated
from Carlisle County High
School. Upon graduation,
Community College and
Murray State University
where he graduated with a
Bachelor of Science Degree in Accounting.
“Behold, children are
a heritage from the
Lord,…” Psalm
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Upon graduation from Murray State University, Philip
Webb was employed as
staff accountant for Union
Carbide Corporation in
Columbia, TN and later
returned to Kentucky and
accepted employment in
State Government as an
auditor for the Cabinet for
Families and Children-
Inspector General Office in
Frankfort. He has worked
for various State agencies
throughout his career in
the areas of auditing, accounting and budgeting as
well as management and
over various program areas. His tenure has included the positions of Cabinet
for Families and Children
Audit Team Leader, Justice Cabinet Investigative
Auditor, Department of
Corrections Fiscal Manager, Department of Corrections Director of Operations-Adult Institutions, KY
Teachers’ Retirement System Director of Internal
Audit, and is currently the
Director of Investment Accounting at KY Teachers’
Retirement System. Philip
also is currently serving as
the president of the Frankfort Rotary Youth Fund,
Inc. which provides schol-
arships to local graduating
Philip is married to Carolyn
Webb (formerly Walker)
from Jeffersontown, KY.
They have two adult children and two daughters,
Mikaela (15) and Catelynn
(5), who are attending
school at Christian Academy of Lawrenceburg. In
addition, they have two
granddaughters and are
currently foster parents to
two young children. Their
family attends Hope Community Church. Philip is
looking forward to serving
on the Board of Directors
at the Christian Academy
of Lawrenceburg and seeing the school move forward, providing a Christian
based strong academic
program to our children.
Volume 1, Issue 1
Second and Third Grade Is Such A Hoot!
Our class has been busy!
We spent the day at the
Lexington Explorium on
Friday, October 10th. Our
favorite exhibits were the
Bubble Zone, Hold Your
Horses, Science Station
X, and Brain Bike. Let's
Move was a fun exhibit
too. We learned about how
magnets work and we attended a special class
about using magnets to
create art.
We had a special birthday
party for our teacher, Mrs.
Bowman. She wouldn’t tell
us how old she is. One of
us guessed 45 but the rest
of the class thinks she is
closer to 30. We loved the
chocolate cake Ms. Wendi
There is lots going on in
our classroom. We are
excited about our music
class with Mrs. Flygstad,
we are practicing for the
Veteran’s Day Program.
We also have Spanish
each week with Ms. Teri,
and hands-on science with
Mrs. Slyh. Mrs. Bowman
is helping us get ready for
the district spelling bee, we
will be competing on December 4th. We have been
reading and writing about
character traits in class
and working on math and
science. In Bible we memorized the books in the Old
Fourth and Fifth are Fantastic Readers
It’s a room full of readers in Mrs. Burton’s
Mrs. Burton’s class has also been studying
class! This year, the fourth and fifth grade
about the Underground Railroad and recently
students are reading a minimum of ninety
went to Ripley, OH to visit the home of famed
abolitionist, John Parker. Parker, a free black
counting in-class time) and no less than
two chapter books per student for each
between 500-600 slaves by sneaking into Ken-
nine weeks.
tucky and “extracting” fugitives.
Thus far, students have
is believed to have worked to help free
logged in over 13 hours each of reading
with Rev. John Rankin and hundreds of other
and completed multiple chapter books from
Ripley residents, are credited with helping to
a variety of genres. Our CAL kids rock!
make Ripley one of the nation’s hotbeds of Underground Railroad activity.
US House of Representative Youth
We are proud to announce that
two Christian Academy of Lawrenceburg students were accepted by Congressman Andy
Barr’s office to be part of the
Youth Ambassador Program,
Nathan Ward (12th grade) and
Chayse Abrams (11th Grade). “I
am excited to announce the creation of the non-partisan Sixth
Congressional District Youth
Ambassador Program for high
school students,” said Congressman Barr. “This educational experience will provide students
from central and eastern Kentucky the unique opportunity to
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Parker, along
learn from leaders from across
the Commonwealth while serving as an ambassador for their
school.” The Youth Ambassador Program is a non-partisan,
educational experience designed for high school students that provides a unique
opportunity to learn about
leadership from leaders across
Kentucky while serving as an
school. The program consists
of participation and discussions from top Commonwealth
leaders in the areas of government, education, military, busi-
ness and Congress. Each
meeting will include a program consisting of a dynamic
panel discussion on leadership and the opportunity to
engage with panel members
in individual breakout sessions. “Developing solid leadership skills is a fundamental
component of a successful
career and life,” Barr said in a
news release. “I am excited to
launch our ambassador program and especially having
representation from such
bright students from across
my district.”
Christian Academy of Lawrenceburg
Jehovah Jireh - Genesis 22
126 North Main Street
Lawrenceburg, KY 40342
Student Council 2014-2015
6th Grade: Tristan Gee, Melody Dezarn
7th Grade: Taylor Nevins, Colin Charles
8th Grade: Ty Abrams, Mackenzie Andrade
9th Grade: Chanda Burton, Blaine Carpenter
10th Grade: Nathan Bain, Asa Brown
11th Grade: Brooke Carpenter, Caleb Hatton
12th Grade: Teri Crutcher, Nancy Lee Holt,
Nathan Ward, Hunter Wells
Historian: Taylor Nevins
Treasurers: Blaine Carpenter
& Tristan Gee
Secretary: Chanda Burton
Vice President: Nathan Bain
President: Brooke Carpenter