Saints Mary and Joseph Catholic Church Carlinville, Illinois Carol Link Parish Bookeeper [email protected] Jennifer Frericks Coordinator of Religious Education [email protected] Rev. Angel Sierra Pastor [email protected] Rev. Marianna Sathuluri Parochial Vicar Rose Marie Price Carol Lefler Religious Ed. Assistant Parish Maintenance [email protected] Linda Wood Parish Secretary [email protected] Rocco Cania Youth Minister [email protected] Cheryl Ogden, RN Parish Nurse 217- 414 - 5542 Weekend Mass Times: Saturday (Vigil) 5:00 pm - Sunday 8:00 am and 10:00 am Daily Mass: Monday, Thursday and Friday: 8:00 am and Wednesday: 5:00 pm Sacrament of Reconciliation: Saturday 4:15 pm - 4:45 pm and by appointment. Parish Office Hours: Mon, Tues, Thurs, and Fri: 9:00 am -12:00 Noon, Wed. 1:00 - 5:00 pm 2010 East First South Street (Rte 108) - P.O. Box 647 - Carlinville, Illinois 62626 Web: Office: (217) 854-7151 Fax: (217) 854-9228 Ss. Mary and Joseph Church Christ the King - November 23, 2014 Parish Address: 2010 East First South Street P.O. Box 647 Carlinville, IL. 62626 Parish Office: 217- 854-7151 Parish Office Hours: Mon., Tues., Thurs., Friday: 9:00 am – 12:00 Noon Wed.: 1:00 – 5:00 pm Mass Times Saturday (Vigil): 5:00 pm Sunday: 8 am and 10 am Mon,Thurs and Fri: 8:00 am Wednesday: 5:00 pm Holy Days: As announced — Sacrament of Reconciliation — Saturday: 4:15pm - 4:45 pm and at other times by appointment —-Chaplet of Divine Mercy—Monday: 8:30 am — Scriptural Rosary — Monday: 9:00 am — Eucharistic Adoration — Thursday: 8:30 am -12:00 pm Mon. 11/24: St. Andrew Dung-Lac and Companions 8:00 am: Dorothy Robinson Tue. 11/25: St. Catherine of Alexandria 8:00 am: Communion Service Wed. 11/26: Ordinary Time 8:00 am: Communion Service 5:00 pm: No Mass Thu. 11/27: Thanksgiving Day 10:00 am: For the Parish Fri. 11/28: Ordinary Time 8:00 am: Communion Service Sat. 11/29: Ordinary Time 5:00 pm: John and Debbie O’Brien 40th Wedding Anniversary Sun.11/30: First Sunday of Advent 8:00 am: Raymond Lucas 10:00 am: For the Parish Thanksgiving Day Mass - Thursday, November 27, 2014 On Thanksgiving Day, Thursday, November 27, 2014 a Special Mass will be celebrated at 10:00 am in our Church. All are invited to attend this Mass on Thanksgiving Day and give thanks to God for the many, many blessings we have received from Almighty God during this year! THANKSGIVING PRAYER Come, let us welcome the feast of Thanksgiving With joy and with light. Light is the symbol of the divine. The Lord is our light and our salvation. May the light of gratitude burn brightly in our hearts and around this table, not only on the feast of Thanksgiving but at all meals during the year. In the silence of our hearts, let each of us give thanks for all the many gifts that our ours. Let us also be mindful of those today who are without food and a home. And let us remember those whom we love who are not now present at our table. Lord of Gifts, from your holy heart has come a flood of gifts to us. With uplifted hearts, we have gathered around this table to thank You with prayer and with the worship of feasting. We are grateful not only for the gifts of life itself, but for all the gifts of friendship, love, devotion and forgiveness that we have shared. On this feast of giving thanks, Lord God, we thank You for showing us how to return thanks by lives of service, by deeds of hospitality, by kindness to a stranger and by concern for each other. We thank you for the presence of our guests, who, by their being present in our home have added to the brightness of our celebration. We are most grateful, this feast day, for the way You, our hidden God, have become visible to us in one another, in countless daily gifts and in the marvels of creation. Come, God of all good Gifts, bless our table and all the food and drink of this feast. Let us thank the Lord, today and all the days of our lives. Amen. 2 November 23, 2014 -Parish Financial ReportANNUAL CATHOLIC SERVICES APPEAL WEEKLY PARISH OFFERING Week 20 11/16 Total to Date $184.00 $4,348.63 Weekly Envelopes $4,969.00 $93,421.99 Totals $5,153.00 $97,770.62 Budget Goal $5,200.00 $104,000.00 -$47.00 -$6,229.38 Loose Cash Donated Difference Parish Assessment Fiscal Year 2014-15: $36,670.00 Total Collected: $10,469.00 Residual: $26,201.00 ~ Flower Fund: $130.00 Food Pantry: $10.00 ~ Campaign for Justice: $30.00 11/15-16/2014 11/16-17/2013 Sat. 5 pm Sun. 8 am Sun. 10 am Total 175 110 127 412 Sat. 5 pm 151 Sun. 8 am Sun. 10 am Total 141 143 435 Parish Liturgical Ministry Schedule - November 29-30, 2014 Saturday 5:00pm Music Sunday 8:00am Marion Haas Cheryl Beanblossom No Music Sunday 10:00am Marion Haas Lisa Knight Greeters Greg and Tink Boente Julie Boente Carl and Charlene Behme PJ , Melanie and Adam Rosentreter Roger Rosentreter Lector Connie Reid Patrick Drew Robert Reiher Eucharistic Ministers S. Millard*, S. Philpott*, D. Yowell, D. Reid, T. Reid, E. Flowers, J. Kelly D. Welte*, R. Rhodes*, M. Lauwerens A, Bellm*, J. Bellm*, M. Kallal, V. Knight, S. Reznicek, A. Rolando, M. Reichmann, S. Dunn J. Rolando Altar Servers Anthony Joiner Peyton Drew Rory Drew Jay Rosentreter Dane Rosentreter In charity, please remember in your prayers: … our military personnel, especially: William Charleton, Jerry Clarke, Jim Garner, Matthew Gazda, Jr., Stefan Gazda, Robert Knight, Antonio Lane, David Mummert, Bryan Murphy Jr., Jordan Ogden, Glen Pedersen, Todd Petersen and family, Leif Peterson, Austin Michael Smith, and Nathan Stewart. … the sick and those in need: Kenny Alberico, Robert Alberico, Marie France Armstrong, Eugene Bellm II, Matt Bellm, Mary Boehm, Paul Boehm, Karen Buechart, Norman Bowman, Mildred Caldieraro, Jayne Cioni, Susan Cosenza, Karen Dworzynski, Bill Fraser, Jane Garrett, Sandy Goodman, Tony Grayson, Sydney Green, Helen Greenwalt, Jeena Greenwalt, Paul Greenwalt, Louie Hacke, David Haley, Trisha Agetta Hall, Bill Harding, Ruby Hearing, Lyndal Herschelman, Bill Hoff, Mary Kay Ketchum, Shonna Knight, Ann Link, Bill Lacy, George Lacy, Sharon Lintner, Michael Marcacci, Sam Oswald, Kristy and Andy Ott, Ronnie Paul, Joshua Renkin, Hazel Renz, Marie Reznicek, Wilma Rhodes, Regina Richey-Helmers, Chelsea Rives, Betty Robb, Walter Rosentreter, Betty Roth, Gene Rubemeyer, Russell Ruyle, Cathy Smith, Michael J. Smith, Eric Strutner, Richard Tego, Dennis Toon, Betty Willen, Vittorina Wilson and Harry Yeager … and those who have died in the year 2014: Delphine “Del” Paul, Christine Selvo, Rose T. Hardin, Catherine Monti, George Lintner, Emily Tomaska, Darrell Bellm, Duane Morehead, Ralph Robinson, Philip Regli, Brad Demuzio, and Edwin Schaefer 3 News In Religious Education —A lifelong journey made together— PSR Calendar Christmas Program November We are began our rehearsals Saturday at 10:00pm. Rehearsals from now on will be held on Thursday evenings from 7:00pm to 8:00pm and on Sundays following the 10am Mass. We will not have rehearsals the entire week of Thanksgiving. Our final production will be on Sunday, December 21st at 7:00pm. If you have not signed up and would like to be a part of our program or would like to be an adult volunteer please let me know, I would be happy to have you! Jennifer Frericks at 217-854-7151 or [email protected]. Wednesday 26th – NO CLASSES Thanksgiving Break December Wednesday 3rd – Normal Classes for K-8 Youth Group Event 6:30-8:00pm in Social Hall Wednesday 10th – Normal Classes for K-4 No Classes for 6-12 Caroling and Christmas Party Wednesday 17th – NO CLASSES Our Lady of the Snows Field Trip Sunday, 21st – PSR Christmas Program at 7:00pm in the Church. Wednesday 24th – NO CLASSES Christmas Break Rehearsal Scehdule Thursday, December 4th - 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm Choir Only from 6:30 pm - 7:00 pm Sunday, December 7th - 11:30 am - 12:30 pm Thursday December 11th - 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm Choir Only from 6:30 pm - 7:00 pm Sunday, December 14th - 11:30 am - 1:00 pm Costumes from 12:30 pm - 1:00 pm Thursday, December 18th 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm Dress Rehearsal PSR Snacks We are accepting snack donations of cookies, punch, and popcorn for our PSR program. Place them in the basket with the monster sign! Thank You! Youth Group Candy! Our Youth Group will be meeting the first Wednesday of every month for a group activity. We will meet from 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm and will be in place of the High School PSR classes that evening. Teenagers in grades 7th -12th are invited and can bring friends. Our next event which will take place on Wednesday, December 3rd will be Christmas in nature and involve pizza! We are beginning to plan our Mission Trip and are looking at possible service opportunities for the Youth Group to participate in. We are open to any new ideas you have to continue to rekindle the youth program here at our Church! Candy Sales have begun! Get your peanut brittle and toffee! We will be selling them before and after Mass this weekend, November 22nd and 23rd, The peanut brittle and toffee are $8 for a one pound container. The money raised from this will go to help fund the Mission Trip this summer! Welcome and Welcome Back! I’d like to take a moment to welcome back Amy Petrovich to our PSR program! She will be teaching our Kindergarten! Thank you to Mary Reid who took over in the interim, your time is much appreciated. Also, we welcome Alicia Meyer who will also be helping with the kindergarten! We are very blessed and excited to have all these wonderful volunteers! Children’s Snack Program We continue to need your help to support our weekend snack program at the Primary School. Remember, the following items are needed every week: 100% Pure Juice boxes, fruit cups, pop tarts, raisins, vanilla/ chocolate pudding cups, soft fruit & grain bars (no nuts), natural applesauce cups, big boxes of cheerios, big boxes of cheese crackers, and sandwich bags (not Aldi’s brand since they do not seal well). Thank you Bob Reiher 217-473-0684 Mark Your Calendars! Wednesday, December 10th Caroling and Christmas Party Wednesday, December 17th Our Lady of the Snows Filed Trip MORE DETAILS WILL BE AVAILABLE SOON 4 November 23, 2014 November Upcoming Events Ecumenical Thanksgiving Service - Canceled Sunday, November 23, 2014 Saints Mary and Joseph Church was going to host the Carlinville Ecumenical Prayer Service on Sunday, November 23rd at 6:00 pm in our Church. Some Pastors and Congregations from the Carlinville Christian Churches are unable to attend this celebration this year for various reasons. Thanksgiving Day Mass Thursday, November 27, 2014 On Thanksgiving Day, Thursday, November 27th a Special Mass will be celebrated at 10:00 am in our Church. All Parishioners and their families are invited to attend this Mass to offer gratitude to God for the many blessings we have received during this calendar year. Fifth Weekend St. Vincent DePaul Collection Sat/Sun, November 29-30, 2014 The St. Vincent DePaul Society will be taking a Fifth Weekend collection after the regular weekend Masses on Saturday, November 29th and Sunday, November 30th. For more info, contact Bob Reiher at 854-9339. HAPPY THANKSGIVING December Upcoming Events Nursing Home Masses November 2014 All parishioners are invited to celebrate the following Nursing Home Masses Morse Farms Heritage Health Carlinville Rehab Friendship Home Thursday, Thursday Thursday Friday St. Vincent de Paul December 4th December 11th December 18th December 19th 11:00 am 11:00 am 11:00 am 11:00 am Sunday, December 7, 2014 The next St. Vincent DePaul meeting will be held on Sunday, December 7th, at 9:00 am in the Conference Room of Saints Mary and Joseph Church. For more information, contact Bob Reiher at 854-9339. Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception Monday, December 8, 2014 The Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary will be celebrated on Monday, December 8, 2014 here at our Church. Masses will be celebrated at:8:00 am, 12:00 Noon and 7:00 pm. This is a Holy Day of Obligation for all Roman Catholics. 5 Parish Nursing Parish Notes And Community Events Under construction St. Vincent de Paul Angel Tree The Lego blocks are strewn across the carpet. Red, yellow, blue and black wait for their turn in the chubby hands of this budding architect. As you watch, at times during the process it's hard to see the plan. There are pauses, and sometime the blocks are taken apart and re-arranged. The base of the structure may sway with the added bricks and support is added to keep the foundation strong. Then slowly, just as the structure begins to take shape, the hands knock it down to repurpose the blocks all over again. This year the St. Vincent de Paul Conference will be supporting a Christmas Tree to provide gifts to children of families in the WIC (women, infants, and children) program. The tree will be decorated with angel tags listing gifts from the Christmas lists of children in need. Donated gifts will need to be unwrapped, with the angel tag taped to the gift, and returned by the weekend of December 6/7. Please help us share the Joy of the Christmas Life is so very much like this Lego project. We think we have a clear vision of the structure being built. The problem is, we are not the architect.... And the truth is, sometimes we may even question God's building abilities. Saints Mary & Joseph Blood Drive Ss. Mary and Joseph Church sponsored the blood drive held at the Elks Lodge on Nov. 5th. The Central Illinois Community Blood Center reported 59 donors netting a total of 63 units for the day. This blood drive brought in five first time donors: Kayla Wyhs, Brandy Flores, Brittany Hughes, Bradley Barkley, and Tammy Evans. The top donor of this day was Robert Konneker at the 27 gallon mark. Winners of $25.00 gift certificates selected in a random drawing of all those who registered were: Ed Taylor (CNB), Brady Fish (US Bank), and Bradley Barkley (UC Bank). Ss. Mary and Joseph Church organizes this November blood drive each year. Church volunteers help by providing snacks, assisting the donors to register or escorting individuals after donating. There were many church members able to participate and Ann Rolando and Joan Klaus would like to thank all those individuals which included: Karen Klaus, Kathy Martin, Theresa Rosentreter, Cathy Coonrod, Virginia Eschbacker, Maxine Fritz, Janet Burns, Jodie Wiggins, Dorothy Bomkamp, Marian Qualls, Betty Formea, Beth young, Mary Spurgeon, Sue Viceli, Rhonda Priest, Marian Haas, Margaret Reeves, Charlene Behme, Rosemary Stock, Rosemary Price, and Doris Roman. Appreciation and thanks also go to the lthree Carlinville banks for contributing the gift certificates, the Elks for the use of their facility, the Lions Club for set-up sevices, Prarie Farms for donating juice and milk, and all of those who took the time to donate blood. At times the blocks we have placed and fashioned are rearranged, knocked down, repurposed and the structure takes on a totally different form. The combinations often are of those we would never have imagined or have even attempted within the lines of our own blueprints. The times of difficult circumstances, of pain and of even questioning the "whys" are the times God uses to build, to craft the vessel as only He can design. Pain cures the cement as faith and trust are put to the test. Windows are left open so that un-expected joys can bring warmth and peace to the dwelling. Paint is unimportant as is the decor and we may attempt to decorate before the builder has completed the project. The walls haven't been primed with lessons and prayer and the paint may blister and peel. The builder isn't finished....and we are blessed for it. Our lives are being crafted by our architect. As God makes use of all the good things and all the difficult times. Our lives are a work in progress. Even though we not always understand or enjoy the building process, God can see the masterpiece under construction. "For every house has a builder, but the one who built everything is God" Hebrews 3:4 Thank You Thank You In thanksgiving for Eucharistic Ministers taking communion on Sundays to Friendship Nursing Home, Andrea Repka of Mt. Olive, who was a resident of Friendship, made a generous contribution for our ministry. The money was used to purchase a larger microwave to be used for funeral dinners. We would like to thank her for her generosity. Thank You to Every one who helped decorate the K.C. Hall for Christmas this year. Also thanks to Susan Horton and to Norma Volkert for donating trees and to everyone who brought in and signed Christmas cards to be delivered to the nursing homes. 6 November 23, 2014 Saints Mary and Joseph Catholic Church Carol Link Parish Bookeeper [email protected] Jennifer Frericks Coordinator of Religious Education Rose Marie Price Rev. Angel Sierra Pastor Linda Wood Parish Secretary [email protected] Rocco Cania Rev. Marianna Sathuluri Youth Minister Carol Lefler Parish Maintenance Cheryl Ogden, RN Parish Nurse Weekend Mass Times: Saturday (Vigil) 5:00 pm - Sunday 8:00 am and 10:00 am Daily Mass: Monday, Thursday and Friday: 8:00 am and Wednesday: 5:00 pm Sacrament of Reconciliation: Saturday 4:15 pm - 4:45 pm and by appointment. Parish Office Hours: Mon, Tues, Thurs, and Fri: 9:00 am -12:00 Noon, Wed. 1:00 - 5:00 pm 2010 East First South Street (Rte 108) - P.O. Box 647 - Carlinville, Illinois 62626 Web: Office: (217) 854-7151 Fax: (217) 854-9228 The public is invited to attend a forum on the findings and analysis of the Active and Inactive Catholics survey conducted by Benedictine University on Monday, November 24 at 7 p.m. at Benedictine University Springfield Gymnasium, 1500 N. 5th St. Bishop Paprocki and members of the Benedictime University research team will be on the jpanel to give the response to the survey which will include questions and answers from the public. 7
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