Kingston Agricultural Show th 147 Annual “Spring” Show Sunday 30th November 2014 Show Theme: Farming Families Kingston Showgrounds Werona-Kingston Rd, (also known as Church Pde), Kingston, Victoria (near Creswick) Show phone number: 0490 114 279 Postal address: P.O. Box 206 Creswick 3363 Pre-paid horse entries close: Wednesday 19 November 2014 0 Non-horse entries: see inside this program Gate admission Adults (16 yrs & over) $10 Concession card holders $5 Children (15 yrs & under) FREE!!!! REFRESHMENTS AVAILABLE ALL DAY 1 The President and Committee wish to thank all supporters for their contributions towards the success of the 147th Annual Show President: Mr Peter Wheeler 0427 198 921 Secretary: Mrs Chris Hastings 0400 268 737 (away until 23/10/14) Treasurer: Mr John Pigott 0423 169 416 Horse Secretary: Mrs Joyce Williams (03) 5345 7436 Kingston Agricultural Society 0490 114 279 Postal address: P.O. Box 206 Creswick 3363 RISK WARNING Animals are unpredictable. Even quiet horses can kick and bite. The ground can be uneven and branches can fall from trees. Please look after others and yourself and enjoy the Show. ENQUIRIES & ENTRIES Horses: Mrs Joyce Williams, 22 Sutton Park Rd., Newlyn, 3364 (03) 5345 7436 Dairy Goats: Mrs Gail Ryan 3 Barby’s Rd., Creswick, 3363 (03) 5345 2360 Flowers, Plants, & Garden Produce: Mr Peter McArthur (03) 5345 1240 [email protected] VAS Ltd. Junior Show, Rural Ambassador Award, Show Girl/Boy Mr W. Rex Brereton 0427 423 414 Art and Photography Competitions Mr W. Rex Brereton 0427 423 414 [email protected] Pet Show: Mrs Chris Hastings 0490 114 279 2 Contents of this Program Sponsors – Platinum, Gold, Silver & Bronze ................................. 4 Entertainment and Activities ......................................................... 5 General Rules of Entry to Competitions........................................ 8 Photography Competition ............................................................. 9 Art Competition ........................................................................... 11 Flowers, Plants, Garden Produce ................................................ 12 Dairy Goat Show .......................................................................... 14 Maverick’s Pet Show .................................................................... 16 Vas Ltd. Rural Ambassador Award .............................................. 17 Vas Ltd. Junior Show Ambassador Award .................................. 17 Show Girl/Show Boy Competition (enter on the day) ................ 18 Carrot Cake & Muffin Competition .................................... 19 & 44 Drawing Competition (enter on the day) .................................... 45 HORSE EVENTS ............................................................................. 28 Details of who to contact concerning competition ........................... 28 Additional Horse Entry Conditions ..................................................... 29 Ring 1 Led & Ridden Hacks, Galloways & Ponies ............................... 31 Ring 2 Led & Ridden Hacks, Galloways & Ponies ............................... 32 Ring 3 Led & Ridden Hacks, Galloways & Ponies ............................... 33 Ring 4 Breed classes ........................................................................... 35 Ring 5 Registered Ponies classes ........................................................ 38 Ring 6 Standardbreds and Harness .................................................... 42 Ring 7 Pony Club Events ..................................................................... 43 Waiver and entry forms – pull out from middle ................................ 20 The Kingston Agricultural Society reserves the right to make alterations to this program without notice. 3 Thank You! Sponsors of the 147th Kingston Spring Show PLATINUM Just Copiers, Ballarat GOLD Hepburn Shire Council (Community Grant) SILVER Creswick and District Community Bank® Branch of the Bendigo Bank Creswick Pharmacy Heatherington Poll Hereford Stud BRONZE aag Property Consultants, Creswick, Clunes & Daylesford Creswick Newsagency Davies & Rose Rural & Hardware, Creswick Galway Park Geelong Miniature Pony Promotional Group Kanata Gold Horseland Ballarat Kayelle Arabian Stud Maree Slack Macarthur Frameworks & Gallery Maverick the Clydesdale Newlyn Cottage Garden Nursery Pamtab Park Shetlands & Highland Stud Racing Victoria Radmac Office Choice, Ballarat Saddleworld, Ballarat Spring Park Nursery Leigh Stephenson The Meadows Stud, Allendale Thornton Richards Camera House, Ballarat B & M Veal Victorian Pinto Association Victorian Working Draught Horse Association Waler Horse Society of Australia Inc. Western District Arabian Riders & Breeders Inc. Western Promotional Committee, APSB Good Guys - Tanya Daniels, Ballarat Olicartia - Homewares Gifts & Flower Arrangements Toyworld, Ballarat Foodworks, Creswick The American, Creswick Bean & Barrow, Creswick 4 Jamie & Kim’s mobile ZOO Prof. Wallace’s Puppet Theatre! Working Clydesdale Horses Horse and cart rides display of Micro, Mini & “Cute” Cars ‘Toot’ the magic clown Mega Slide, Jumping Castles & Merry Go Round Kingston CFA Midlands Association WOODCHOP Maverick, the Clydesdale’s PET SHOW $1 Coin Scramble Learn about Pigeons at War Art and Photography Competitions James the Fire Engine rides “Bumper” raffle Sponsored by the Creswick business community The Deca des ( live music) 5 8:45am Horse events commence 10:00 am to 3:30 pm Jamie & Kim’s mobile zoo Prof. Wallace’s Puppet Theatre Toot the Magic Clown Working Clydesdales $1 coin scramble (times displayed on showday) Midlands Woodchopping Association Learn about Pigeons at War 11:00 am Educational talk at ‘the zoo’ 11:00 am onwards Display of Micro, Mini & “Cute” Cars 12 noon Judging of Carrot Cake competition 12:30pm to Lunch 1:30 pm Grand Parade- cars & competitors ($50 prize draw) 1:30 pm Maverick’s Pet show 2:00 pm Educational talk at ‘the zoo’ Tug-O-War Judging of Rural Ambassador Awards 2:30 pm Draw of ‘bumper’ raffle prizes Approx. 3:30pm to 7:00 pm Live music by ‘The Decades’ Harness classes commence Gourmet BBQ (pre book tables by ringing 0490 114 279) Lucky Dip near Flower Show, Morrish Pavilion Azul Brumosa Alpacas Drawing competition (Preps & years 1-2, 3-4, 5-6) – enter on the day at Morrish Pavilion, materials supplied, prizes! Mega slide and jumping castles Face painting Wattlewoods Wee Miniature donkeys Showbags CWA, food and novelty stalls Please note: times are approximate, entertainment accurate at time of printing but may be subject to change. 6 7 General Rules of Entry to Competitions PLEASE LOOK FOR ATTENDANT at the gate to pay and for parking directions. Please collect pre-paid class entry tickets from Horse Secretary’s Office. 1. The Kingston “Spring” Show is conducted under Victorian Agricultural Shows Ltd. (VAS Ltd.) and Equestrian Victoria rules and the following. Entrants agree to abide by these rules. 2. The Judge’s decision will be final and there is no appeal. 3. The Committee may withhold any prize when statements have been made fraudulently or erroneously about an exhibit. 4. The Judges may award a second or third prize instead of a first prize, or may withhold a prize altogether where there is only one exhibit or where the exhibits are not considered worthy. 5. All successful competitors agree to have their names published in VAS Ltd. and Kingston Agricultural Society publicity and publications for the purposes of administering and promoting the relevant competition. 6. No Judge shall be an exhibitor in a class of which they are the judge. 7. The Judges shall be instructed to immediately notify the Committee of the Society regarding any exhibit which he or she considers to be tampered with or improperly dealt with. 8. Only authorised persons will be admitted to the judging areas during judging of any class and it shall be the duty of the stewards to prevent any persons interfering with the judges and, if necessary, order the removal of any offender from the judging area. 9. All competitors and their associates must behave in an appropriate manner towards judges, stewards, show organisers and other competitors at all times. Abusive behaviour will not be tolerated. Any inappropriate behaviour reported to the committee may result in elimination from the event and removal from the Showgrounds. 10. Any person causing a nuisance or undue noise or in any way interfering with the comfort of the public may be removed from the Showgrounds. 11. The use of tranquillisers, stimulants or any drugs capable of affecting the performance or behaviour of animals is forbidden. Random swabbing may take place and is the owner’s expense. 12. Dogs must be on a short leash at all times. By Order of Hepburn Shire Council. 13. The Kingston Agricultural Society Inc. reserves the right to make alterations to the show program without notice. RISK WARNING Animals are unpredictable. Even quiet horses can kick and bite. The ground can be uneven and branches can fall from trees. Please look after others and yourself and enjoy the Show. 8 Photography Competition Sponsored by $1.00 entry fee Enquiries: W. Rex Brereton. Ph: 0427 423 414 [email protected] Please put class number, name of entrant, name of school if applicable, and contact phone number on back of entry. Entries must be delivered to the Creswick Visitor Information Centre th by 5pm Tues 25 November or be posted to Mr. Brereton, C/- PO Box 206, Creswick, Vic, 3363 th to arrive by 5pm Tues 25 November. Entries not collected on Show Day will be returned to schools for school entrants. Others must make arrangements to collect their photograph(s). Prizes: classes 1 to 5: First prize: FUJIFILM 16GB SDHC Card from The Good Guys Ballarat; second prize: $10 Thornton Richards Camera House voucher; third prize: certificate Prizes: classes 6 to 8: First prize FUJIFILM 16GB SDHC Card from The Good Guys Ballarat AND a $20 Thornton Richards Camera House voucher; Second prize: $5 cash; third prize: certificate Class 1 – Portrait of one or more people Class 1A – Adult – 18 yrs & over on 30 November 2014 Class 1B – Junior – under 18 yrs on 30 November 2014 Class 2 – Portrait of animal(s) with/without people Class 2A – Adult – 18 yrs & over on 30 November 2014 Class 2B – Junior – under 18 yrs on 30 November 2014 Class 3 – Beautiful natural scene (landscape) with or without people Class 3A – Adult – 18 yrs & over on 30 November 2014 Class 3B – Junior – under 18 yrs on 30 November 2014 Class 4 – Still Life Class 4A – Adult – 18 yrs & over on 30 November 2014 Class 4B – Junior – under 18 yrs on 30 November 2014 Class 5 – Action or Photojournalistic image Class 5A – Adult – 18 yrs & over on 30 November 2014 Class 5B – Junior – under 18 yrs on 30 November 2014 Rules for classes 1 to 5 Photographs by amateurs only, must be unframed, not larger than 20 x 30cms. Must be mounted, mount no larger than 3cms, black & white or colour images. 9 Photography Competition (cont.) Note: Classes 6, 7 and 8 are conducted under VAS Ltd. rules – note age categories & rules. See website for more detail, finals prizes and sponsors. Class 6 – Photograph taken of a Local Historical Feature (VAS Ltd. comp) Open to all age groups with winner eligible for Midland Group Final and the Group winner eligible for State final Class 7 – Photograph taken of an Animal or Animals (VAS Ltd. comp) Juniors – 18 yrs & under on 30 November 2014 – winner eligible for Midland Group Final and the Group winner eligible for State final Class 8 – Photograph taken of Country Friends (Midland Group comp) Open to all age groups with winner eligible for Midland Group Final Rules for classes 6, 7 and 8 Photographs must be: 1. Unframed, not larger than 20 x 30cms 2. Must be mounted (mount no larger than 3cms), black and white or colour. 3. Each photograph entered must be the bona fide work of the exhibitor and have been completed within the last twelve (12) months. 4. An exhibitor may represent only one Society at Group level and one Group at State level. 5. A photograph having won at a show will compete at a Group Final. The winning photograph in Class 6 & 7 will then compete at the next Royal Melbourne Show. 6. If for any reason a winner is unable to compete at Group or State Final levels, the second placegetter is eligible to compete. 7. A person will not be permitted to win at more than one Show within the State in any one Show year. Persons not adhering to this rule will be required to forfeit/refund prize money. 8. An exhibit may only win one Group Final in a show season. An exhibit having won at a State final is no longer eligible to be entered in the competition. 10 Art Competition Sponsored by No entry fee. Enquiries: Wayne-Rex (Rex) Brereton. Ph 0427 423 414 [email protected] Please put class number, name of student and school on back of entry. Art Competition open to students of Primary Schools, in particular Creswick, Creswick North, Newlyn, Smeaton, St. Mary’s, St. Augustine’s and Mount Blowhard. th Entries to be delivered to Creswick Information Centre by 5pm Tuesday 25 November. Entries not collected on Show Day will be returned to the relevant school. First prize – bank account established with $10 at Creswick and District Community Bank Branch® of the Bendigo Bank Second prize – sponsored by Radmac Office Choice, Ballarat Third prize - sponsored by Radmac Office Choice, Ballarat Class 1 Preps & Years 1-2 Painting or drawing, any medium, any subject* Class 2 Years 3-4 Painting or drawing, any medium, any subject* Class 3 Years 5-6 Painting or drawing, any medium, any subject* Class 4 Years 3-4 3D representation, any medium, any subject Class 5 Years 5-6 3D representation, any medium, any subject *preferably no larger than 20 x 30 cms. 11 FLOWERS, PLANTS, GARDEN PRODUCE Richard Morrish Pavilion Enquiries to Peter McArthur. Ph (03) 5345 1240 Entries to be staged (and entry fee paid) in the Flower Show venue, Morrish Pavilion between 8 am and 10am (and can be collected after 4pm). Every exhibit to be grown by the exhibitor. Green bottles provided for classes 6 to 16. AGGREGATE PRIZE sponsored by CRESWICK NEWSAGENCY BEST EXHIBIT PRIZE sponsored by NEWLYN COTTAGE GARDEN NURSERY JUDGE’S CHOICE PRIZE sponsored by SPRING PARK NURSERY Entry fee: $1. 00. PRIZES: 1st & 2nd places: certificate and ribbon Flowers & Plants 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Pot plant, any variety Pot plant, in bloom Indoor plant In pot Container of Maidenhair Fern in pot One stem of Flowering Shrub Roses, three distinct varieties Rose bud, one only One rose, single or double petal, any variety Old fashioned roses, three distinct varieties displayed individually Single Variety Native Flower Cut flowers, six distinct varieties Three pink or shades of pink flowers, distinct varieties displayed individually Three blue and shades of blue flowers, distinct varieties displayed individually Three yellow or orange flowers, distinct varieties displayed individually Three red or shades of red flowers, distinct varieties displayed individually Any flower variety, one only, not already specified Small arrangement of flowers in vase for dressing table 12 FLOWERS, PLANTS, GARDEN PRODUCE (cont.) 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Best arranged bowl of roses One stem of flowering bulb One container of succulent or cactus pot plant in flower One container of succulent or cactus pot plant NOT in flower Vase of foliage, three distinct varieties Best arrangement of weeds Floral table Christmas decoration Garden produce 25 26 27 28 Best collection of garden produce (Displayed) Best collection of herbs (Displayed) 1/2 dozen eggs (duck) 1/2 dozen eggs (hen) Children’s Classes 29 30 31 32 33 Floral saucer Floral carpet (in shoe box or polystyrene tray) Vase of flowers An arrangement in an egg cup Bowl of floating flowers 13 DAIRY GOATS JUDGE: TBA ENTRIES to: Gail Ryan, 3 Barby’s Rd. CRESWICK VIC, 3363, Phone (03) 5345 2360 Entry Fees: $2.50 per class PRIZE MONEY 1st $2.50, 2nd $1.00 & 3rd Ribbon Judging starts 10.00am. Penning 9.30am Classes marked # are special classes and goats entered in these classes must be exhibited in their appropriate classes. Figures for Type & Production classes to be forwarded with entries and to have been gained in the last two (2) years. Cards to be presented on the day All exhibitors to be registered or eligible for registration with D.G.S.A. CAE & Johnes disease negative show. Certificates (less than 12 months old) must be supplied with entries. All exhibitors to wear white coats in ring. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Veteran Doe in milk, over 6 years, any breed Saanan Doe in milk, 2 or more lactations. Toggenburg Doe in milk, 2 or more lactations British Alpine Doe in milk, 2 or more lactations Anglo Nubian Doe in milk, 2 or more lactations Saanen Doe in milk, 1st lactation under 4 years Toggenburg Doe in milk, 1st lactation under 4 years British Alpine Doe in milk, 1st lactation under 4 years Anglo Nubian Doe in milk, 1st lactation under 4 years # Doe with Best Vessel, 2 or more lactations # Doe with Best Vessel, 1st lactations Best Vessel Overall # Type and Production Q*, 2 or more lactations # Type and Production Q*, 1st lactation # Doe and daughter, both in milk Champion and Reserve Milking Doe Type and Production Q* Overall (classes 13-14) 14 DAIRY GOATS (cont.) 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 Saanen Goatling, 12 to 24 months, unkidded Toggenburg Goatling 12 to 24 months, unkidded British Alpine Goatling 12 to 24 months, unkidded Anglo Nubian Goatling 12 to 24 months, unkidded Champion and Reserve Goatling Saanen Doe Kid under 12 months Toggenburg Doe Kid under 12 months British Alpine Doe Kid under 12 months Anglo Nubian Doe Kid under 12 months Champion and Reserve Champion Doe Kid # Doe in milk, daughter dry # Two Does by same sire, not full sisters Buck 2 years or over, any breed Buckling 12 – 24 months, any breed Buck kid under 12 months, any breed Champion and Reserve Champion Buck # Buck and Son Junior Exhibitor under 14 years, to be judged 1ST class after lunch. CHAMPIONSHIPS Champion & Reserve Saanen (from Classes 2,6,15, & 19) Champion & Reserve Toggenburg (from Classes 3,7,16, & 20) Champion & Reserve British Alpine (from Classes 4,9,17, & 21) Champion & Reserve Anglo Nubian (from Classes 5,10,18, & 22) BEST EXHIBIT from Champion Milking Doe, Goatling, Doe Kid & Buck BEST OPPOSITE SEX. R E F R E S H M E N T S A V A I L A B L E A L L D AY 15 MAVERICK’S PET SHOW sponsored by Maverick the Clydesdale $10 Vouchers for Winners Ribbons for 1st, 2nd & 3rd Enquiries to: Chris Hastings 0490 114 279 Entry Fee $0.50 per class. Pay at entry to pet show area. Judging to commence 1.30pm Judge: Allison Sloan 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 RULES Pet must be able to be handled by the owner / handler Chooks & rabbits to be in their own cages Water & feed to be provided by the owner/handler Other pets to be on a lead or tethered at all times No horses 1st place getters: prize & ribbon; ribbons to third place Judge’s decision is final Junior handler means 12 years and under Senior handler means 13 years and over Classes 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Spottiest pet Most colourful pet Best Junior Handler Best Senior Handler Smallest pet Tallest pet Tricks / talent Fluffiest pet Most obedient pet Fancy dress (10 minutes after previous class) Most unusual pet 16 VAS Ltd. Junior Show Ambassador This competition aims to give young people a chance to take part in a competition whilst still residing in their local district; to meet new people and be part of a local show and therefore highlight the importance of shows. The competition is open to males and females aged 1619 years at the date of the Show. Entrants wearing smart casual clothing will be judged on the basis of community involvement, rural and general knowledge, ambitions and goals, communication skills, personality and confidence and overall presentation. Entrants please report to the Secretary’s Office by 12 noon VAS Ltd. Rural Ambassador Award This competition aims to highlight the talent, creativity and ingenuity of young rural people and, in doing so, encourage entrants to be role models in their local communities. This competition is open to all young people aged between 20 and 30 years as at date of the Show. It is part of the Statewide Rural Ambassador Competition. The winner of this competition will advance to the regional finals. Winners at regional level advance to State final judging. At the state level entrants are judged on community involvement, local show involvement, general and rural knowledge, personality traits consistent with the intent of the awards (e.g. enthusiasm, creativity, confidence, leadership), ambitions and goals, communication skills, personal presentation, public presentation. Please make contact before the Show and obtain entry form and information from Kingston Agricultural Society PO Box 206, Creswick 3363 Ph: 0490 114 279 And VAS Ltd. website: 17 SHOW GIRL/SHOWBOY Competition Enquiries: W. Rex Brereton Ph: 0427 423 414, Simone Broad Ph: 0468 613 650 Master Tiny Tot Aged 2-5 years Miss Tiny Tot Aged 2-5 years Junior Show Boy Aged 6-12 years Junior Show Girl Aged 6-12 years Master Teenager Aged 13-17 years Miss Teenager Aged 13-17 years Entrants please report to the Secretary’s Office by 12 noon 18 Cookery competitions v Cake Competitions – (Judged at o Carrot Proudly sponsored by Rocky Lamattina & o VAS Carrot everywhere. Proudly sponsored by o Open to carrot cake enthusiasts VAS Carrot and Date A competition for junior cake bakers under 18 on the day of their local show/field Olive oil, to 350g of grated 1 cup (150g) self-raising 1/2 cup (75g) plain 1 teaspoon bicarbonate of 1/2 teaspoon ground 1/2 cup (80g) brown 1/2 cup (125mls) 1/2 cup (125mls) golden 3 1 teaspoon vanilla ½ cup chopped Rules and eg 1. The carrot cake competitions follows the show-group-state level of competition 2. An exhibitor having won at a Show, will bake another cake for entry in the Group Final; the winner will then be required to bake a further cake for the State Final 3. Exhibitors are to follow the recipe and specifications (listed over) 4. An exhibitor having won at show/field day level is not eligible to enter any other show/field day until after the Group judging, when, if not the winning entry, can compete further 5. An exhibitor is only eligible to represent one Group in the State Final 6. Each cake entered must be the bona fide work of the exhibitor 7. If for any reason a winner is unable to compete at Group or State Final level then the second place getter is eligible to compete ze To be advised Hot Tips for e A well-kept competition cake making secret: lay a tea towel over the cake rack before turning the cake out to prevent the imprint of the cake rack appearing on your competition cake. Rocky Lamattina & o Sponsored by: Foodworks Creswick & Bean and Barrow Creswick 1. Preheat oven to 170°C (a moderate oven). Grease a 20cm (base) round cake pan lightly oil, and line with non-stick baking paper. Peel and grate the carrots, and set 2. Sift the flours, bicarbonate of soda and cinnamon into a large 3. Put the brown sugar, oil, golden syrup, eggs and vanilla in a separate bowl. Use a whisk to mix until 4. Pour the oil mixture into the dry ingredients. Use a wooden spoon to stir gently until 5. Stir in the grated carrot and 6. Pour the mixture into the pan and bake for 1 hour. Set aside for 5 out onto a wire rack to cool minutes, before See Junior baker Carrot & Date muffin recipe on page 44 19 HORSE SPORTS PARTICIPANT RISK ACKNOWLEDGEMENT & WAIVER FORM Please read and sign this form and return it with your entry form Victorian Agricultural Shows Ltd and Kingston Agricultural Society Inc. (together “the Suppliers”) advise that participation in horse sports at an agricultural show contains elements of risk, both obvious and inherent. Horse sports are dangerous recreational activities and horses can act in a sudden and unpredictable way, especially when frightened or hurt. 1. By signing this waiver I acknowledge that: a. participation in horse sports is a hazardous activity and may result in injury, loss, damage or death to me; b. participation in horse sports requires certain skills. I declare that I have sufficient skills to be able to safely and properly participate in the events; c. horses can act in a sudden and unpredictable way, especially if frightened or hurt, or if exposed to loud or unfamiliar noises; d. the horse sports will be held in close proximity to large groups of people and entertainment activities and that there may be loud and unfamiliar noises which can frighten horses; e. as the event is held outdoors there are risks to me and to my horse as a result of the weather conditions, including either extreme hot or cold weather, rain or wind; f. insects or other animals may cause my horse or other horses to become frightened and act in an unpredictable way; g. there is inherent in horse riding events the risk of suffering injury including falling from my horse; h. I am responsible for ensuring that I have and will wear equipment suitable for safely and properly participating in the event; and i. I use the facilities of the Kingston Agricultural Society Inc. entirely at my own risk, as I find them and with the prior acceptance of the risk of possible danger to me. (continued next page) 20 Page 2 HORSE SPORTS PARTICIPANT RISK ACKNOWLEDGMENT & WAIVER cont. 147th 2. If I suffer harm while participating in the 2014 Kingston Agricultural Show, I will not sue for any damages or costs or hold the Suppliers (in particular the Kingston Agricultural Society), their employees or agents legally responsible for any personal injuries I suffer caused by their negligence or breach of contract or breach of the statutory guarantee provided by the Australian Consumer Law and Fair Trading Act 2012 (Vic) to the extent allowed by that Act (see Warning below). 3. I acknowledge and agree that my participation in the Kingston Agricultural Show and associated activities are a danger and may have inherent risks as a result of which personal injury (and sometimes death) may occur and I accept and assume all such risks of personal injury or death in anyway whatsoever arising from these activities and hereby waive my individual right to sue the Suppliers (in particular the Kingston Agricultural Society) for all tort or contractual claims I or my representatives may have for such personal injury or death against the Suppliers in any way whatsoever arising from or in connection with these activities. 4. I will not consume any alcohol or illicit drugs while participating in the Kingston Agricultural Show and agree that such use may result in me being excluded from an event with no entitlement to any refund of money paid for entry to the Suppliers. 5. I agree to be bound by the rules and guidelines of Victorian Agricultural Shows Ltd as varied from time to time. Kingston Agricultural Show PRE-PAID HORSE ENTRY FORM WARNING UNDER THEWednesday AUSTRALIAN LAW Pre-paid entries close 19CONSUMER November 2014 AND FAIR TRADING ACT 2012 entriesseveral to: Under the Australian Consumer LawHorse (Victoria), statutory guarantees apply to the supply of certain goods services. ThesePark guarantees mean 3364 that the suppliers named Joyceand Williams, 22 Sutton Road, NEWLYN on this(03) form are required to ensure that the recreational services it supplies to you— Phone: 5345 • are rendered with due care and skill; and • are reasonably fit for any purpose which you, either expressly or by implication, make known to the supplier; and • might reasonably be expected to achieve any result you have made known to the supplier. Under section 22 of the Australian Consumer Law and Fair Trading Act 2012, the supplier is entitled to ask you to agree that these statutory guarantees do not apply to you. If you sign this form, you will be agreeing that your rights to sue the supplier under the Australian Consumer Law and Fair Trading Act 2012 if you are killed or injured because the services provided were not in accordance with these guarantees, are excluded, restricted or modified in the way set out in this form. NOTE: The change to your rights, in this form, not apply Both sides of this formastosetbeout completed and does returned intact.if your death or injury is due to gross negligence on the supplier's part. Gross negligence, in relation to an act or omission, means doing the act or omitting to do an act with reckless disregard, copy retained by Secretary, returned to exhibitor day at with (One or without consciousness, for other the consequences of the on actShow or omission. See the gate, and used by stewards to check exhibits.) regulation 5 of the Australian Consumer Law and Fair Trading Regulations 2012 and section 22(3)(b) of the Australian Consumer Law and Fair Trading Act 2012. (please sign on the next page, page 3 of the waiver form) 21 147th Kingston Agricultural Show PRE-PAID HORSE ENTRY FORM Pre-paid entries close Wednesday 19 November 2014 Horse entries to: Joyce Williams, 22 Sutton Park Road, NEWLYN 3364 Phone: (03) 5345 7436 Both sides of this form to be completed and returned intact. (One copy retained by Secretary, other returned to exhibitor on Show day at the gate, and used by stewards to check exhibits.) 22 PRE-PAID HORSE ENTRY FORM Entries close Wednesday 19 November 2014. Horse entries to: Joyce Williams, 22 Sutton Park Road, NEWLYN 3364 Phone: (03) 5345 7436 Section Class Reg No (where applicable) Entry Fee Name of Exhibit $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Cheques payable to: Kingston Agricultural Society Inc. Total entry fees $ TOTAL ENCLOSED $ Mr Name: Mrs ............................................................................................................................................................... Ms/Miss Address: ..................................................................................................................................................................... City: ................................................................................................................... Phone: ............................................................................ Post Code: ............................. Signature: ................................................................. Both sides of this form to be completed and returned intact. (One copy retained by Secretary, other returned to exhibitor on Show day at the gate, and used by stewards to check exhibits.) 23 PRE-PAID HORSE ENTRY FORM Entries close Wednesday 19November 2014. Horse entries to: Joyce Williams, 22 Sutton Park Road, NEWLYN 3364 Phone: (03) 5345 7436 Section Class Reg No (where applicable) Entry Fee Name of Exhibit $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Cheques payable to: Kingston Agricultural Society Inc. Total entry fees $ TOTAL ENCLOSED $ Mr Name: Mrs ............................................................................................................................................................... Ms/Miss Address: ..................................................................................................................................................................... City: ................................................................................................................... Phone: ............................................................................ Post Code: ............................. Signature: ................................................................. Both sides of this form to be completed and returned intact. (One copy retained by Secretary, other returned to exhibitor on Show day at the gate, and used by stewards to check exhibits.) 24 147th Kingston Agricultural Show PRE-PAID HORSE ENTRY FORM Pre-paid entries close Wednesday 19 November 2014 Horse entries to: Joyce Williams, 22 Sutton Park Road, NEWLYN 3364 Phone: (03) 5345 7436 Both sides of this form to be completed and returned intact. (One copy retained by Secretary, other returned to exhibitor on Show day at the gate, and used by stewards to check exhibits.) 25 Page 3 HORSE SPORTS PARTICIPANT RISK ACKNOWLEDGEMENT & WAIVER cont. NAME OF PARTICIPANT at the 2014 Kingston Agricultural Show: __________________________________________________________ Where the participant is over 18 years of age: I agree that I have read and understood this waiver prior to signing and agree that this waiver will be binding on my heirs, next of kin, executors and administrators. I agree to waive my rights to sue the Suppliers (in particular the Kingston Agricultural Society) for common law negligence, breach of contract and for a breach of the Australian Consumer Law and Fair Trading Act 2012 (Vic) with respect to injury or death as a result of participation in horse events at the 2013 Kingston Agricultural Show. I agree that this waiver shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of Victoria. Signature: ..................................................................... Dated: ................................... Print name: _________________________________________________________ Where participant is under 18 years of age (to be completed by a parent or guardian): I ........................................................................., being a parent or legal guardian of the participant named above have read and understood and explained the above to the participant prior to signing it and agree that this agreement will be binding on my (and their) heirs, next of kin, executors and administrators. I agree to waive our rights to sue for common law negligence, breach of contract and for a breach of the Australian Consumer Law and Fair Trading Act 2012 (Vic) with respect to injury or death as a result of participating in horse events at the 2013 Kingston Agricultural Show. I agree that this waiver shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of Victoria. Signature of parent/guardian: ……………………… Dated: ……………………… Print name: _________________________________________________________ 26 HORSE SPORTS PARTICIPANT RISK ACKNOWLEDGEMENT & WAIVER FORM This form must be signed and returned with the entry form. 27 HORSES HORSE EVENTS ............................................................................. 28 Details of who to contact concerning competitions .......................... 28 Additional Horse Entry Conditions ..................................................... 29 Ring 1 Led & Ridden Hacks, Galloways & Ponies ............................... 31 Ring 2 Led & Ridden Hacks, Galloways & Ponies ............................... 32 Ring 3 Led & Ridden Hacks, Galloways & Ponies ............................... 33 Ring 4 Breed classes ........................................................................... 35 Ring 5 Registered Ponies classes ........................................................ 38 Ring 6 Standardbreds and Harness .................................................... 42 Ring 7 Pony Club Events ..................................................................... 43 Waiver and entry forms – pull out from middle ................................ 20 RISK WARNING Animals are unpredictable. Even quiet horses can kick and bite. The ground can be uneven and branches can fall from trees. Please look after others and yourself and enjoy the Show. ENQUIRIES & ENTRIES Horses: Mrs Joyce Williams, 22 Sutton Park Rd., Newlyn, 3364 (03) 5345 7436 28 Additional Rules for Horse Events See page 8 for General Rules of Entry to Competitions. 1. The Kingston Agricultural Society is affiliated with Equestrian Victoria. 2. The Kingston “Spring” Show is conducted under VAS Ltd. Rules, Equestrian Victoria rules and the following rules. Entrants agree to abide by these rules. 3. Horse competitors are required to sign waivers (see middle of program). Competitors and all those near horses are warned that horses are prone to be unpredictable. Care should be taken when riding near other horses or when on the ground near other horses. Please look after yourself and others. Please report any dangerous incident to the Secretary’s Office. 4. The signing of an entry form shall be taken as a guarantee that any animal to be brought onto the grounds is free from disease as far as is known to the owner. In case of infectious disease being spread through or by an exhibitor the exhibitor shall be held responsible for any loss or damage caused. 5. If a rider falls off, he/she will not be allowed to remount until checked by medical personnel. 6. Meanings of terms for horse classes The term ‘novice’ means not having won a first prize in that class at any Agricultural Show. The term ‘intermediate’ means not having won a 1st, 2nd or 3rd prize in that class competing singly at any Australian Royal Show. The term ‘show hunter’ means ponies and hacks with a little more substance than is required for a show horse. A quality animal with bold, free movement and reliable temperament. A gallop may be required. The outfit for the Show Hunter classes is more subdued than that of usual saddle classes. Saddlery should be clean, neat and plain. There should be no coloured browbands. Rider should also be plain with no hair ribbons or flowers. VAS Ltd. First Season Newcomer means ridden (saddle), hack, galloways and ponies competing in their first Season. Saddle horse, galloway or pony is defined to be 3 yrs of age and over. 7. The breeding year for horses shall date from August 1st. 8. Current height certificates issued by RASV and EV will be recognised by this Show Society. Horses and ponies without a current height certificate must be measured by the appointed measurer at the Show prior to being exhibited in a class where height is specified. 9. The use of tranquillisers, stimulants or any drugs capable of affecting the performance or behaviour of animals is forbidden. Random swabbing may take place and is the owner’s expense. 29 10. A competitor who wins one Championship in an Open Saddle Class should not enter the equivalent class in another ring. 11. Stallions to be ridden only where explicitly stated. 12. All riders must wear an Australian Standard approved helmet with harness secured at all times while riding on the Showground (AS/NZS 3838 or EN1384 or ASTN F1163). 13. Top Boots may not be worn by riders under 18 years in riding competitions but may be worn in other classes. 14. Horse classes’ entry fee is $3.50 per class if pre-paid and $5.00 if enter on the day unless otherwise stated. No refunds for pre-paid tickets. 15. Rules for Good Hands Class. The class shall be judged solely on riding ability. Mount, saddle or costume will not be taken into account. Special attention will be paid to hands and seat, general management and control of the horse or pony. Competitors must ride using an ordinary snaffle, single jointed in the centre. The mouthpiece must be smooth and of the same type of metal – with or without a cavesson on the noseband. A gear check must take place. Straight bar snaffles, drop nosebands, whips & spurs are not allowed. Certificate and ribbon only. The winner qualifies for 2015 VAS Ltd. Saddle Horse Championships. 16. Rules for Off the Track Class. Open to all thoroughbreds unraced or raced 4 yrs & over, over 14.2 hh who are registered with Racing Information Services Victoria. Racing/Trial name to be used where appropriate. Qualifying classes will be judged ridden. Once a qualifier is won, the horse cannot compete in other qualifiers. All qualifying winners gain entry to the Off the Track Series Final to be held at 2015 VAST Ltd. Saddle Horse Championships to be held 8 January 2015. Riders to be 14 yrs & over on day of show. To be judged as a good example of thoroughbreds rather than riding horse/hunter types taking the following into consideration: thoroughbred qualities, confirmation, manners, paces & performance. Injuries caused through racing such as blemishes allowed. Qualifier prizes: $50, sash, card, Racing Victoria Prize Pack. For more detailed information see the VAS Ltd. website: ulations.pdf ALL RINGS EXCEPT HARNESS WILL CLOSE FOR LUNCH 12.30pm - 1.30pm 30 RING 1 Commencing 9.15am Led & Ridden Hacks, Galloways & Ponies Entry fee: Pre-paid $3.50 per class; entry on the day $5.00 per class Judge: TBA on website Prize money: First $4.00, Second $2.00, Third ribbon 1 2 3 4 5 Smartest on Parade over 18 Years Led Gelding over 15hh Led Mare over 15hh, 4 years & over Led Filly over 15hh, 3 years & under Led Stallion / Colt over 15hh Champion and Reserve Led Hack 6 Novice Ridden Hack over 15hh 7 Intermediate Ridden Hack over 15hh 8 Ridden Hack over 15hh and not over 15.2hh 9 Ridden Hack over 15.2hh and not over 16hh 10 Ridden Hack over 16.hh and not over 16.2hh 11 Ridden Hack over 16.2hh Champion and Reserve Ridden Hack First Season Newcomer Hack (classes 12-13) 12 Ridden Hack over 15hh and not over 16hh 13 Ridden Hack over 16hh Champion and Reserve Ridden First Season Newcomer Hack 14 Off the Track (see Additional Rules for Horse Events) 15 Show Hunter Hack over 15hh and not over 16hh (see Additional Rules for Horse Events) 16 Show Hunter Hack over 16hh (see Additional Rules for Horse Events) Champion and Reserve Show Hunter Hack 17 Rider 18 years and under 21 years 18 Rider 21 years and over Champion and Reserve Senior Rider 19 Ridden Galloway over 14hh and not over 14.2hh 20 Ridden Galloway over 14.2hh and not over 15hh Champion and Reserve Ridden Galloway 21 Open Pony 11.2hh and under 22 Open Pony over 11.2hh and not over 12hh 23 Open Pony over 12hh and not over 12.2hh Champion and Reserve Saddle Pony 12.2hh and under 24 Open Pony over 12.2hh and not over 13hh 25 Open Pony over 13hh and not over 13.2hh 26 Open Pony over 13.2hh and not over 14hh Champion and Reserve Saddle Pony over 12.2hh and not over 14hh 27 Ladies Hack over 15hh 28 Pleasure Hack over 15hh (ridden in snaffle bit) 29 Show Hunter Pony 12.2hh and under (see Additional Rules for Horse Events) 30 Show Hunter Pony over 12.2hh and not over 14hh (see Additional Rules for Horse Events) Champion and Reserve Show Hunter Pony 31 RING 2 Commencing 9.15am Led & Ridden Galloways, Ponies & Hacks Entry fee: Pre-paid $3.50 per class; entry on the day $5.00 per class Judge: TBA on website Prize money: First $4.00, Second $2.00, Third ribbon 31 Smartest on Parade 12 years and under 15 years 32 Smartest on Parade 15 years and under 18 years 33 Led Gelding over 14hh and not over 15hh 34 Led Mare over 14hh and not over 15hh, 4 years and over 35 Led Filly over 14hh and not over 15hh, 3 years and under 36 Led Stallion / Colt 14hh and not over 15hh Champion and Reserve Led Galloway 37 38 39 40 Novice Galloway over 14hh and not over 15hh Intermediate Galloway over 14hh and not over 15hh Ridden Galloway over 14hh and not over 14.2hh Ridden Galloway over 14.2hh and not over 15hh Champion and Reserve Ridden Galloway First Season Newcomer Galloway (classes 41-42) 41 Ridden Galloway 14hh and not over 14.2hh 42 Ridden Galloway over 14.2hh and not over 15hh Champion and Reserve Ridden First Season Newcomer Galloway 43 Show Hunter Galloway over 14hh and not over 14.2hh (see Additional Rules for Horse Events) 44 Show Hunter Galloway over 14.2hh and not over 15hh (see Additional Rules for Horse Events) Champion and Reserve Show Hunter Galloway 45 43 Rider 12 years and under 14 years 46 Rider 14 years and under 16 years 47 Rider 16 years and under 18 years Champion and Reserve Intermediate Rider 48 46 Open Pony 11.2hh and under 49 Open Pony over 11.2hh and not over 12hh 50 Open Pony over 12hh and not over 12.2hh Champion and Reserve Saddle Pony 12.2hh and under 51 49 Open Pony over 12.2hh and not over 13hh 52 Open Pony over 13hh and not over 13.2hh 53 Open Pony over 13.2hh and not over 14hh Champion and Reserve Saddle Pony over 12.2hh and not over 14hh 54 52 Ridden Hack over 15hh and not over 15.2hh 55 Ridden Hack over 15.2hh and not over 16.hh 56 Ridden Hack over 16hh and not over 16.2hh 57 Ridden Hack over 16.2hh Champion and Reserve Ridden Hack 58 Ladies Galloway over 14hh and not over 15hh 59 Pleasure Galloway over 14hh and not over 15hh ridden in snaffle 60 Good Hands for girls and boys (12 years and under 15 years as at 30 November) (no entry fee) See Additional Rules for Horse Events for conditions of entry and judging criteria. 61 Show Hunter Hack over 15hh and not over 16hh (see Additional Rules for Horse Events) 62 Show Hunter Hack over 16hh (see Additional Rules for Horse Events) Champion and Reserve Show Hunter Hack ALL RINGS EXCEPT HARNESS WILL CLOSE FOR LUNCH 12.30pm - 1.30pm 32 RING 3 Commencing 8.45am Led & Ridden Ponies, Hacks & Galloways Entry fee: Pre-paid $3.50 per class; entry on the day $5.00 per class Judge: TBA on website Prize money: First $4.00, Second $2.00, Third ribbon NOTE: all riders under 12 years are required to use snaffle bit in Riding, Turnout and Smartest on Parade 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 Miniature turnout 10.2hh and under, rider 6 years and under (may be led) Smartest on parade 7 years and under 12 years Led Pony Gelding 12.2hh and under Led Pony Gelding over 12.2hh and not over 14hh Led Pony Mare 14hh and under, 4 years and over Led Pony Filly/Colt/Gelding 14hh and under, 3 years and under Led Pony Stallion 14hh and under, 4 years and over Champion and Reserve Led Pony 70 Novice Pony 12.2 and under 71 Intermediate Pony 12.2hh and under 72 Open Pony not over 11.2hh 73 Open Pony over 11.2hh and not over 12hh 74 Open Pony over 12hh and not over 12.2hh Champion and Reserve Saddle Pony 12.2hh and under 75 Novice Pony over 12.2hh and not over 14hh 76 Intermediate Pony over 12.2hh and not over 14hh 77 Open Pony over 12.2hh and not over 13hh 78 Open Pony over 13hh and not over 13.2hh 79 Open Pony over 13.2hh and not over 14hh Champion and Reserve Saddle Pony over 12.2hh and not over 14hh First Season Newcomer Pony (classes 80-82) 80 Ridden Pony not over 12hh 81 Ridden Pony over 12hh and not over 13hh 82 Ridden Pony over 13hh and not over 14hh Champion and Reserve Ridden First Season Newcomer Pony 83 Show Hunter Pony 12.2hh and under (see Additional Rules for Horse Events) 84 Show Hunter Pony over 12.2hh and not over 14hh (see Additional Rules for Horse Events) Champion and Reserve Show Hunter Pony 85 86 87 88 Rider 6 years and under (may be led, all to receive a ribbon) Rider under 8 years Rider 8 years and under 10 years Rider 10 years and under 12 years Champion and Reserve Junior Rider 89 Ridden Hack over 15hh and not over 15.2hh 90 Ridden Hack over 15.2hh and not over 16hh 91 Ridden Hack over 16hh and not over 16.2hh 92 Ridden Hack over 16.2hh Champion and Reserve Ridden Hack 93 Ridden Galloway over 14hh and not over 14.2hh 94 Ridden Galloway over 14.2hh and not over 15hh Champion and Reserve Ridden Galloway over 14hh and not over 15hh 95 Pony 14hh and under ridden by child under 15 years 96 Pleasure Pony 14hh and under 97 Show Hunter Galloway over 14hh and not over 14.2hh (see Additional Rules for Horse Events) 98 Show Hunter Galloway over 14.2hh and not over 15hh (see Additional Rules for Horse Events) Champion and Reserve Show Hunter Galloway 33 34 RING 4 Commencing 9.00am Entry fee: Pre-paid $3.50 per class; entry on the day $5.00 per class Prize money: First $4.00, Second $2.00, Third ribbon Judge: TBA on website ARABIANS ‘B CLASS SHOW’ All horses to be registered in the Arabian Horse Stud Book. Amateur Owners must be registered with the Arabian Horse Society. PUREBRED ARABIAN 99 Filly 3 years & under 100 Mare 4 years and over 101 Arabian Female Shown by an Amateur Owner (A/O Card must be produced) Champion & Reserve Champion Purebred Female 102 Colt 3 years & under 103 Stallion 4 years & over 104 Arabian Male Shown by an Amateur Owner (A/O Card must be produced) Champion & Reserve Champion Purebred Stallion or Colt 105 Gelding 3yrs & under 106 Gelding 4yrs & over, not over 14.2hh 107 Gelding 4yrs & over, over 14.2hh 108 Arabian Gelding Shown by an Amateur Owner (A/O Card must be produced) Champion & Reserve Champion Purebred Gelding ARABIAN DERIVATIVES 109 Filly 3 years & under 110 Mare 4yrs & over, not over 14.2hh 111 Mare 4yrs & over, over 14.2hh 112 Arabian Derivative Female Shown by an Amateur Owner (A/O Card must be produced) Champion & Reserve Champion Arabian Derivative Female 113 Colt 3 years & under 114 Stallion 4yrs & over 115 Arabian Derivative Male Shown by an Amateur Owner (A/O Card must be produced) Champion & Reserve Champion Arabian Derivative Stallion or Colt 116 Gelding 3yrs & under 117 Gelding 4yrs & over, not over 14.2hh 118 Gelding 4yrs & over, over 14.2hh 119 Arabian Derivative Gelding Shown by an Amateur Owner (A/O Card must be produced) Champion & Reserve Champion Arabian Derivative Gelding SUPREME CHAMPION PUREBRED SUPREME CHAMPION DERIVATIVE Sponsored by Kayelle Arabian Stud RIDDEN PUREBRED ARABIANS 120 Ridden Mare or Filly 121 Ridden Stallion or Colt 122 Ridden Gelding (Arabian classes continued next page) 35 RING 4 (cont.) 123 Purebred Ridden by a Child under 18 124 Purebred Ridden by adult 18 & over 125 Purebred Ridden by an Amateur Owner (A/O Card must be produced) Champion & Reserve Champion Ridden Purebred Arabian RIDDEN ARABIAN DERIVATIVES 126 Ridden Mare or Filly not over 14.2hh 127 Ridden Mare or Filly 14.2hh and over 128 Ridden Stallion or Colt 129 Ridden Gelding not over 14.2hh 130 Ridden Gelding over 14.2hh 131 Arabian Derivative ridden by a child under 18 132 Arabian Derivative ridden by adult 18 & over 133 Arabian Derivative Ridden by an Amateur Owner (A/O Card must be produced) Champion & Reserve Champion Ridden Arabian Derivative SUPREME CHAMPION RIDDEN ARABIAN (PUREBRED OR DERIVATIVE) Sponsored by B&M Veal ARABIAN/ARABIAN DERIVATE PERFORMANCE CLASSES 134 135 136 137 138 Show Hunter Bridle Path Hack Western Pleasure Side Saddle Arabian Costume Western District Arabian Riders and Breeders Inc. ARABIAN HIGH POINT HORSE SERIES Stawell, Ararat, Beaufort, Ballarat, Daylesford, Kingston, Goroke, Horsham, Nhill, Clunes and Maryborough Agricultural Shows Arabian Classes High Point Pure Arabian High Point Derivative Arabian Both winners will be awarded an embroidered woollen rug Scoring will be compiled by W.D.A.R.A.B. Open to all Competitors in the Arabian classes WDARAB Enquiries: [email protected] WALERS WHSA Showing Guidelines Apply. Horses must be registered with WHSA or WHOBAA. 139 Led purebred mare or filly 140 Led purebred stallion or colt 141 Led purebred gelding Champion & Reserve Led Purebred Waler – trophies sponsored by WHSA 142 Led part-bred 143 Ridden pure-bred 144 Ridden part-bred 36 RING 4 (cont.) PINTOS – ‘D Grade Program’ All ponies must be registered with the Victorian Pinto Society and owners must be current financial members. Proof of registration may be requested. Sponsored by Victorian Pinto Society 145 Led Stallion or Colt, 14hh & over 146 Led Stallion, under 14hh Champion & Reserve Champion Led Pinto Stallion or Colt 147 Led Mare or Filly, 14hh & over 148 Led Mare of Filly, under 14hh Champion & Reserve Champion Led Pinto Mare or Filly 149 Led Gelding, 14hh & over 150 Led Gelding, under 14hh Champion & Reserve Champion Led Pinto Gelding SUPREME CHAMPION LED PINTO 151 Ridden Pinto, 14hh & over 152 Ridden Pinto, under 14hh Champion & Reserve Champion Ridden Pinto Get a great start to the New Year at the Kingston Summer Horse Show Sunday 18 January 2015 RISK WARNING Animals are unpredictable. Even quiet horses can kick and bite. The ground can be uneven and branches can fall from trees. Please look after others and yourself and enjoy the Show. 37 RING 5 Commencing 9.00am Entry fee: Pre-paid $3.50 per class; entry on the day $5.00 per class Judge: TBA on website Prize money: First $4.00, Second $2.00, Third ribbon REGISTERED PONIES All ponies must be registered and owners must be current financial members of the Australian Pony Stud Book Society (APSB), Riding Pony Stud Book Society Inc. or Welsh Pony and Cob Society. Ponies must be shown in the registered owner’s name. Registration Certificates and Membership cards must be produced upon request. Failure to do so will lead to disqualification from the class. Ridden ponies must be 3 years and over. Newcomer Cards need to be produced on the day of the show if competing in Newcomer Classes. APSB Classes Sponsored by the WESTERN PROMOTIONAL COMMITTEE APSB classes qualify for APSB Pony of the Year SHETLANDS 153 Led Shetland Stallion, 4 yrs & over, over 8.2hh and not over 10.2hh 154 Led Shetland Colt, 2 and 3 yrs, over 8.2hh and not over 10.2hh 155 Led Shetland Gelding, 2 yrs & over, over 8.2hh and not over 10.2hh Champion & Reserve Champion Shetland Male 156 Led Shetland Mare, 4 yrs & over, over 8.2hh and not over 10.2hh 157 Led Shetland Filly, 2 and 3 yrs, over 8.2hh and not over 10.2hh Champion & Reserve Champion Shetland Female 158 Led Shetland Colt, yearling, over 8.2hh and not over 10.2hh 159 Led Shetland Filly, yearling, over 8.2hh and not over 10.2hh 160 Led Shetland Gelding, yearling, over 8.2hh and not over 10.2hh Champion & Reserve Champion Shetland Yearling SUPREME CHAMPION LED SHETLAND, over 8.2hh & not over 10.2hh Classes and Garland sponsored by Pamtab Park Shetland & Highland Stud 161 Led Shetland Stallion, 4 yrs & over, not over 8.2hh 162 Led Shetland Colt, 2 and 3 yrs, not over 8.2hh 163 Led Shetland Gelding, 2 yrs & over, not over 8.2hh Champion & Reserve Champion Shetland Male 164 Led Shetland Mare, 4 yrs & over, not over 8.2hh 165 Led Shetland Filly, 3 yrs & under, not over 8.2hh Champion & Reserve Champion Shetland Female 166 Led Shetland Colt, yearling, not over 8.2hh 167 Led Shetland Filly, yearling, not over 8.2hh 168 Led Shetland Gelding, yearling, not over 8.2hh Champion & Reserve Champion Shetland Yearling SUPREME CHAMPION LED SHETLAND, not over 8.2hh Classes and Garland sponsored by The Meadows Stud, Allendale 169 Junior Handler, 10 years and under 170 Junior Handler, 11 years and under 16 years 171 Ridden Shetland (children under 12 yo may be led) ALL RINGS EXCEPT HARNESS WILL CLOSE FOR LUNCH 12.30pm - 1.30pm 38 RING 5 (cont.) AUSTRALIAN MINIATURE PONIES (Must be registered with A.M.P.S Inc) 172 Led Gelding 4 yrs and over 173 Led Gelding 3 yrs and under Champion & Reserve Champion Miniature Gelding 174 Led Stallion 4 yrs and over 175 Led Colt 2 and 3 yrs 176 Led Yearling Colt Champion & Reserve Champion Miniature Stallion or Colt 177 Led Mare 4 yrs and over 178 Led Filly 2 and 3 yrs 179 Led Filly Yearling Champion & Reserve Champion Miniature Female SUPREME LED MINIATURE PONY Sponsored by Geelong Miniature Pony Promotional Group AUSTRALIAN PONIES - Led Registered in the Australian section of the APSB 180 Led Colt or Stallion not over 14hh 181 Led Mare or Filly not over 14hh 182 Led Gelding not over 14hh Champion and Reserve Australian Pony WELSH PONIES Entries to classes 183 to 190 must be registered in the Welsh section of the APSB and/or Welsh Pony & Cob Society and owners must be financial members of same WELSH MOUNTAIN PONY – SECTION A 183 Led Colt or Stallion 184 Led Filly or Mare 185 Led Gelding Champion and Reserve Champion Welsh Mountain Pony Section A WELSH MOUNTAIN PONY – SECTION B 186 Led Colt or Stallion 187 Led Filly or Mare 188 Led Gelding Champion and Reserve Champion Welsh Pony Section B WELSH COB – SECTIONS C OR D 189 Led Colt, Stallion or Gelding 190 Led Filly or Mare Champion and Reserve Champion Welsh Section C or D SUPREME CHAMPION LED WELSH sponsored by Saddleworld Ballarat 39 RING 5 (cont.) MOUNTAIN & MOORLAND BREEDS (participants in classes 173-180 not eligible) 191 Led Male 192 Led Female Champion and Reserve Champion Mountain & Moorland Breeds Sponsored by Pamtab Park Shetland & Highland Stud PART-BRED WELSH LED - ponies must be registered with welsh Pony & Cob Society and owners must be financial members of same 193 Led Part Bred Female 194 Led Part Bred Male Champion & Reserve Champion Led Part Bred Welsh REGISTERED APSB RIDING PONY - APSB PART-BRED 195 Led Male 196 Led Female Champion and Reserve Champion Led APSB Riding Pony REGISTERED PONIES – RIDDEN CLASSES 197 Ridden Male 198 Ridden Female Champion & Reserve Champion Ridden Pony 199 Ridden APSB Riding Pony – APSB part-bred RIDING PONIES All ponies must be registered and owners must be current financial members of the Riding Pony Stud Book Society Ltd. Ponies must be shown in the registered owner’s name. Registration certificates and membership cards must be produced upon request. Failure to do so will lead to disqualification from the class. Ridden ponies must be 3 years and over. RIDING PONY LED EVENTS Stallions and Colts eligible for classes 200-202) 200 Senior Led Riding Pony 4 yrs & over, over 13.2hh and n.e. 14.2hh 201 Senior Led Riding Pony 4 yrs & over, over 12.2hh and n.e. 13.2hh 202 Senior Led Riding Pony 4 yrs & over, n.e. 12.2hh CHAMPION & RESERVE CHAMPTION SENIOR LED RIDING PONY 203 Led Colt, Gelding or Filly 3 yrs 204 Led Colt, Gelding or Filly 2 yrs 205 Led Colt, Gelding or Filly Yearling CHAMPION & RESERVE CHAMPION LED YOUNG STOCK SUPREME CHAMPION LED RIDING PONY Sponsored by Saddleworld 40 RING 5 (cont.) RIDING PONY RIDDEN EVENTS Ridden ponies must be 3 years and over. Stallions & Colts are ineligible for Newcomer classes RIDING PONY NEWCOMERS (Newcomer Cards must be produced) 206 Newcomer Ridden Pony n.e. 12.2hh 207 Newcomer Ridden Pony over 12.2hh, n.e. 13.2hh 208 Newcomer Ridden Pony over 13.2, n.e. 14.2hh CHAMPION & RESERVE CHAMPION RIDDEN NEWCOMER RIDING PONY RIDDEN RIDING PONIES 209 Ridden Riding Pony n.e. 12.2hh 210 Ridden Riding Pony over 12.2hh, n.e. 13.2hh 211 Ridden Riding Pony over 13.2hh, n.e. 14.2hh CHAMPION & RESERVE CHAMPION RIDDEN RIDING PONY ALL RINGS EXCEPT HARNESS WILL CLOSE FOR LUNCH 12.30pm - 1.30pm 41 RING 6 Commences approximately 10.30am Entry fee: Pre-paid $3.50 per class; entry on the day $5.00 per class Judge: TBA on website Prize money: First $4.00, Second $2.00, Third ribbon STANDARDBREDS 10.30 am 1 Best Presented Male or Female 2 Novice Led 3 Led Stallion or colt 4 Led gelding 15.2hh and under 5 Led gelding over 15.2hh Champion and Reserve Led Male 6 Led Female 15.2hh and under 7 Led Female over 15.2hh Champion and Reserve Led Female SUPREME STANDARDBRED Trophy Sponsored by Maree Slack 8 Ridden Novice 9 Ridden Male 10 Ridden Female Champion and Reserve Champion Ridden Standardbred HARNESS 12.30 pm 11 Non Hackney Pony 10.2hh and under 12 Non Hackney Pony over 10.2hh and not over 12hh 13 Non Hackney Pony over 12hh and not over 14hh Champion and Reserve Champion Non Hackney Pony 14 Non Hackney Horse over 14hh and not over 15hh 15 Non Hackney Horse over 15hh Champion and Reserve Champion Non Hackney Horse 16 Hackney Pony not over 14hh 17 Hackney Horse over 14hh Champion and Reserve Champion Hackney exhibit 18 Jinker or Buggy turnout 19 Viceroy Turnout Champion and Reserve Turnout (classes 18 & 19) 20 Best authentic historical turnout (2 or 4 wheel) 21 Jog cart 22 Open driver 23 Pleasure Horse or Pony VAS LTD. SADDLE HORSE CHAMPIONSHIPS Prince of Wales Showgrounds, Bendigo Friday 7 to Sunday 9 JANUARY 2015 Qualifiers at 2014 Kingston Agricultural Show ARE eligible for 2015 Championships. For further please contact the VAS Office12.30pm Phone: (03) 54 415555 ALL RINGSinformation EXCEPT HARNESS WILL CLOSE FORLtd LUNCH - 1.30pm Email: [email protected] ; 42 RING 7 Commencing 10.00am PONY CLUB EVENTS Judge: TBA on website ENTRIES TAKEN ON THE DAY ENTRY FEE $3.50 Ordinary snaffle bit only; run under PCAV rules Pony Club Uniform must be worn; medical arm bands to be worn, attendance cards must be produced and show 50% attendance and two rallies on same mount in previous 12 months. 1 Led / handler under 10 years 2 Led / handler 10 years and under 14 years 3 Led / handler 14 years and under 16 years 4 Led / handler 16 years and to 26 years Champion and Reserve Led / Handler (Trophy) 5 Best Presented Horse and Rider under 10 years (Sashes 1-3) 6 Best Presented Horse and Rider 10 years and under 14 years (Sashes 1-3) 7 Best Presented Horse and Rider 14 years under 16 years (Sashes 1-3) 8 Best Presented Horse and Rider 16 years to 26 years 9 Pony Club Rider under 10 years 10 Pony Club Rider 10 years and under 14 years 11 Pony Club Rider 14 years and under 16 years 12 Pony Club Rider 16 years to 26 years Champion and Reserve Champion Pony Club Rider (Trophy) 13 Ridden Pony Club Mount 12.2hh and under 14 Ridden Pony Club Mount over 12.2hh and not over 14hh 15 Ridden Pony Club Mount 14hh and not over 15hh 16 Ridden Pony Club Mount 15hh and over Champion and Reserve Champion Ridden Pony Club Mount (Trophy) 17 Pony Club Pair of riders (any club $3.50 per pair) 18 Pony Club Team of three riders (any club $3.50 per team) Champions proudly sponsored by HORSELAND BALLARAT Kingston Pony Club Inc. Rallies held on the 4th Sunday New members welcome Phone: (03) 5345 1493; 5345 7246 43 VAS Carrot and Date Muffins A competition for junior cake bakers under 18 on the day of their local show/ field 2 ½ cups Self-raising 1 teaspoon ground ¼ teaspoon ground 1 cup brown sugar (firmly 1/3 cup chopped pitted 1 cup coarsely grated 1 tablespoon orange 1 cup canola 2 eggs, lightly ¾ cup orange 1 cup reduced fat See rules on page 19 1. Pre heat oven to 190C (moderately 2. Line a 12 hole muffin pan with, Round Paper Muffin Classic White Muffin (35mm Height 90mm Wide 50mm 3. Sift dry ingredients into a large bowl; stir in dates, carrots. Then add the marmalade, oil, eggs, juice and milk. Mix until just 4. Spoon mixture evenly into Muffin paper cases in muffin 5. Cook for 20 minutes. To test if muffins are cooked insert cake skewer; if it comes out the muffins are 6. Stand muffins in pan for 5 minutes before removing to 44 Show entries: Four (4) muffins per Primary school students eligible Class 1: Preps, Years 1-2 Class 2: Years 3-4 Class 3: Years 5-6 Draw something you've seen at the Kingston Show Use the paper and coloured pencils available at the Morrish Pavilion. On the back of your drawing: please put the Class number, your name, phone number (preferably landline) and put it in the box labelled with your class number. 45 46 From: The Horse Secretary Kingston Agricultural Society Inc. 22 Sutton Park Road NEWLYN VIC 3364 Deliver to: 47 Printed courtesy of Just Copiers, Ballarat
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