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16234998 Exposure to CB-153 and p,p'-DDE and bone mineral density and bone metabolism markers in middle-aged and elderly men and women 2005 Osteoporosis international : a journal established as result of cooperation between the European Foundation for Osteoporosis and the National Osteoporosis Foundation of the USA Hagmar, L;Isaksson, A;Jönssson, BA;Lundh, T;Rylander, L;Wallin, E; 16257037 Are pharmaceuticals potent environmental pollutants? 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Re: "Exposure to loud noise and risk of acoustic neuroma" A practical ranking system to compare toxicity of anti-fouling paints 2007 Progress in biophysics and molecular biology Balk, L;Hanson, M;Hansson, T;Liewenborg, B;Linderoth, M;Noaksson, E;Sundberg, H;Zebühr, Y; Athanasiadou, M;Bergman, A;Díaz-Barriga, F;González-Amaro, R;Pérez-Maldonado, IN;Yáñez, L; Aragonés, N;Dosemeci, M;Floderus, B;Gustavsson, P;Lope, V;López-Abente, G;Pérez-Gómez, B;Pollán, M;Silva, A; Braun, S;Broadmeadow, M;Elvira, S;Emberson, L;Gimeno, BS;Karlsson, PE;Le Thiec, D;Novak, K;Oksanen, E;Schaub, M;Uddling, J;Wilkinson, M; Kieler, H; 2006 2006 American journal of epidemiology Marine pollution bulletin Nordström, CH; Breitholtz, M;Eklund, B;Karlsson, J; 16954121 16963168 Letter to the editor: will we all become electrosensitive? 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Part A, Toxic/hazardous substances & environmental engineering Risk analysis : an official publication of the Society for Risk Analysis 2006 Radiation research Hall, P;Mushkacheva, G;Povolotskaya, S;Preston, DL;Privalov, V;Rabinovich, E;Ron, E;Ryzhova, E;Schneider, AB;Shorokhova, V;Sokolova, S;Turdakova, V; 17098226 Implications of gender differences for human health risk assessment and toxicology 2007 Environmental research 17127755 Relationships between sperm DNA fragmentation, sperm apoptotic markers and serum levels of CB-153 and p,p'-DDE in European and Inuit populations 2006 Reproduction (Cambridge, England) Casati, B;Cory-Slechta, D;Falk-Filippson, A;Gochfeld, M;Kavlock, R;Marafante, E;Thiruchelvam, M;Vahter, M; Bizzaro, D;Bonde, JP;Bonefeld-Jørgensen, EC;Bordicchia, M;Cecati, M;Ferrante, L;Giwercman, A;Jönsson, BA;Lesovoy, V;Ludwicki, JK;Manicardi, GC;Pedersen, HS;Rignell-Hydbom, A;Rylander, L;Sakkas, D;Spanò, M;Stronati, A;Toft, G; 17067203 Hörnsten, R;Sandström, M;Wiklund, U;Wilén, J; 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2007 Reproduction (Cambridge, England) A screening tool for vulnerability assessment of pesticide leaching to groundwater for the islands of Hawaii, USA Organic dust-induced activation, adhesion to substrate and expression of intercellular adhesion molecules in THP-1 monocytes 2007 Pest management science Bizzaro, D;Bonde, JP;Bonefeld-Jorgensen, EC;Giwercman, A;Hjelmborg, PS;Krüger, T;Long, M;Manicardi, GC;Spanò, M;Stronati, A;Toft, G; Matsuda, S;Ray, C;Stenemo, F;Yost, R; 2007 Life sciences Burvall, K;Larsson, K;Palmberg, L; 17334055 Comparison of a mass balance and an ecosystem model approach when evaluating the carbon cycling in a lake ecosystem 2006 Ambio Andersson, E;Sobek, S; 17346006 Emissions from baled municipal solid waste: I. 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17388693 The 15-Country Collaborative Study of Cancer Risk among Radiation Workers in the Nuclear Industry: estimates of radiation-related cancer risks 2007 Radiation research Ahn, YO;Amoros, E;Ashmore, P;Auvinen, A;Bae, JM;Bermann, F;Bernar, J;Biau, A;Blettner, M;Cardis, E;Combalot, E;Cowper, G;Deboodt, P;Diez Sacristan, A;Eklöf, M;Engels, H;Engholm, G;Fix, J;Gilbert, E;Gulis, G;Habib, RR;Hacker, C;Hakama, M;Heinmiller, B;Hill, C;Holan, K;Howe, G;Hyvonen, H;Kaldor, J;Kerekes, A;Kurtinaitis, J;Malker, H;Marshall, M;Martuzzi, M;Mastauskas, A;Monnet, A;Moser, M;Muirhead, CR;Pearce, MS;Richardson, DB;Rodriguez-Artalejo, F;Rogel, A;Schubauer-Berigan, M;Tardy, H;Telle-Lamberton, M;Thierry-Chef, I;Turai, I;Usel, M;Utterback, D;Veress, K;Vrijheid, M;Yoshimura, T; 17388694 The 15-Country Collaborative Study of Cancer Risk Among Radiation Workers in the Nuclear Industry: design, epidemiological methods and descriptive results 2007 Radiation research 17402284 Microbial risk assessment of local handling and use of human faeces 2007 Journal of water and health 17418433 Silica gel as a particulate carrier of poorly water-soluble substances in aquatic toxicity testing Comparison of regression models with land-use and emissions data to predict the spatial distribution of traffic-related air pollution in Rome Persistent endothelial dysfunction in humans after diesel exhaust inhalation 2007 Aquatic toxicology (Amsterdam, Netherlands) 2008 Journal of exposure science & environmental epidemiology 2007 American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine Ahn, YO;Ashmore, P;Auvinen, A;Bae, JM;Blettner, M;Cardis, E;Engels, H;Gilbert, E;Gulis, G;Habib, RR;Hakama, M;Hill, C;Hosoda, Y;Howe, G;Kaldor, J;Kurtinaitis, J;Malker, H;Moser, M;Muirhead, CR;Rodriguez-Artalejo, F;Rogel, A;SchubauerBerigan, M;Tardy, H;Telle-Lamberton, M;Turai, I;Usel, M;Veress, K;Vrijheid, M;Yoshimura, T; 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Effects of outgoing water and bed material extracts in the umu-c genotoxicity assay, DR-CALUX assay and on early life stage development in zebrafish (Danio rerio) 2007 2007 Waste management (New York, N.Y.) Journal of environmental monitoring : JEM Ribbing, C; Armitage, JM;Cousins, IT;Harbers, JV;Hauck, M;Huijbregts, MA; 2007 Environmental science and pollution research international Engwall, M;Gustavsson, L;Hollert, H;Jonsson, S;van Bavel, B; Effects of selected PAHs on reproduction and survival of the calanoid copepod Acartia tonsa Embryonic cardiac arrhythmia and generation of reactive oxygen species: common teratogenic mechanism for IKr blocking drugs 2007 Ecotoxicology (London, England) Bellas, J;Thor, P; 2007 Reproductive toxicology (Elmsford, N.Y.) 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Toxicology & pharmacology Björkblom, C;Katsiadaki, I;Olsson, : CBP PE;Wiklund, T; 2007 Environmental research Berglund, AM;Förlin, L;Nyholm, NE;Sturve, J; Are cancer risks associated with exposures to ionising radiation from internal emitters greater than those in the Japanese A-bomb survivors? Evaluation of conversion coefficients from measurable to risk quantities for external exposure over contaminated soil by use of physical human phantoms Role of AHR2 in the expression of novel cytochrome P450 1 family genes, cell cycle genes, and morphological defects in developing zebra fish exposed to 3,3',4,4',5-pentachlorobiphenyl or 2,3,7,8tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin Prenatal ultrasound scanning and the risk of schizophrenia and other psychoses Accumulation and transfer of contaminants in killer whales (Orcinus orca) from Norway: indications for contaminant metabolism 2007 Radiation and environmental biophysics Charles, MW;Hall, P;Little, MP; 2007 Radiation and environmental biophysics Endo, S;Golikov, V;Hoshi, M;Tanaka, K;Wallström, E;Wöhni, T; 2007 Toxicological sciences : an official journal of the Society of Toxicology Hahn, ME;Jenny, MJ;Jönsson, ME;Stegeman, JJ;Woodin, BR; 2007 Epidemiology (Cambridge, Mass.) 2007 Environmental toxicology and chemistry / SETAC Axelsson, O;Cnattingius, S;Haglund, B;Hultman, CM;Kieler, H;Stålberg, K; Corkeron, PJ;Similä, T;Van Bavel, B;Van Parijs, SM;Wolkers, H; 17704195 Experimental exposure to wood smoke: effects on airway inflammation and oxidative stress 2008 Occupational and environmental medicine 17706342 Effluent from drug manufactures contains extremely high levels of pharmaceuticals Impact of soil properties on critical concentrations of cadmium, lead, copper, zinc, and mercury in soil and soil solution in view of ecotoxicological effects Symptoms and immunologic markers among vulcanization workers in rubber industries in southern Sweden Eye and airway symptoms in low occupational exposure to toluene diisocyanate Parental occupational exposure to pesticides and the risk of childhood leukemia in Costa Rica 2007 Journal of hazardous materials 2007 Reviews of environmental contamination and toxicology de Vries, W;Groenenberg, JE;Lofts, S;Meili, M;Schütze, G;Tipping, E; 2007 Scandinavian journal of work, environment & health 2007 Scandinavian journal of work, environment & health 2007 Scandinavian journal of work, environment & health 17786125 Job strain and risk of breast cancer 2007 Epidemiology (Cambridge, Mass.) 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Position paper from a workshop 2008 17921071 A new ELISA for the three-spined stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus L.) spiggin, using antibodies against synthetic peptide 2008 17931423 Mercury in human brain, blood, muscle and toenails in relation to exposure: an autopsy study 2007 Environmental health : a global access science source 17932377 Indoor particles affect vascular function in the aged: an air filtrationbased intervention study 2008 American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine 17937269 Heavy metals and stable isotopes in a benthic omnivore in a trophic gradient of lakes Relative differences in aryl hydrocarbon receptor-mediated response for 18 polybrominated and mixed halogenated dibenzo-p-dioxins and -furans in cell lines from four different species 2007 Environmental science & technology 2007 Environmental toxicology and chemistry / SETAC 17967498 Probabilistic risk assessment for linear alkylbenzene sulfonate (LAS) in sewage sludge used on agricultural soil 2007 Regulatory toxicology and pharmacology : RTP 17985700 Model selection and evaluation for risk assessment of dioxincontaminated sites Efficiency of two-phase methods with focus on a planned populationbased case-control study on air pollution and stroke 2007 Ambio 2007 Environmental health : a global access science source Menstrual cycle characteristics in European and Inuit women exposed to persistent organochlorine pollutants 2008 Human reproduction (Oxford, England) 17893081 17919793 17941736 17988388 17989067 2007 Berglund, M;El Arifeen, S;Lindberg, AL;Nermell, B;Persson, LA;Rahman, M;Vahter, M; American journal of respiratory cell and molecular biology Boland, B;Lee, MG;Plopper, CG;Wheelock, AM; Regulatory toxicology and pharmacology : RTP Ahlers, HW;Alanko, K;Chen-Peng, C;Cherrie, JW;Drexler, H;Johanson, G;Kezic, S;Larese Filon, F;Maina, G;Montomoli, L;Nielsen, JB;Sartorelli, P; Comparative biochemistry and physiology. Toxicology & pharmacology Brion, F;Goin, C;Goksøyr, A;Olsson, : CBP PE;Porcher, JM;Sanchez, W; Bertelsen, BI;Björkman, L;Laegreid, T;Lilleng, P;Lind, B;Lundekvam, BF;Morild, I;Palm, B;Vahter, M; Afshari, A;Barregard, L;Basu, S;Bräuner, EV;Dragsted, LO;Forchhammer, L;Glasius, M;Gunnarsen, L;Loft, S;Møller, P;RaaschouNielsen, O;Wåhlin, P; Berglund, O;Granéli, W;Holmqvist, N;Larsson, P;Nyström, P;Stenroth, P; Bavel, B;Engwall, M;Hollert, H;Kammann, U;Klempt, M;Olsman, H;Otte, J; David, H;Francaviglia, R;Hall, J;Kirchmann, H;Krogh, PH;Schowanek, D;Schraepen, N;Smith, S;Wildemann, T; Aberg, A;Hanberg, A;MacLeod, M;McKone, TE;Tysklind, M;Wiberg, K; Björk, J;Oudin, A;Strömberg, U; Axmon, A;Bonde, JP;Giwercman, A;Lindh, CH;Toft, G; 18000412 Clara cell protein as a biomarker for lung epithelial injury in asphalt workers 2007 Journal of occupational and environmental medicine / American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine Andersson, L;Barregard, L;Ellingsen, DG;Randem, BG;Ulvestad, B; 18037525 Quantitative risk assessment of thermophilic Campylobacter spp. and cross-contamination during handling of raw broiler chickens evaluating strategies at the producer level to reduce human campylobacteriosis in Sweden Fish models in toxicology 2008 International journal of food microbiology Lindblad, M;Lindqvist, R; 2007 Zebrafish Influence of glutathione-related genes on symptoms and immunologic markers among vulcanization workers in the southern Sweden rubber industries Atopy, symptoms and indoor environmental perceptions, tear film stability, nasal patency and lavage biomarkers in university staff 2008 International archives of occupational and environmental health Carvan, MJ;Gallagher, EP;Goksøyr, A;Hahn, ME;Larsson, DG; Axmon, A;Broberg, K;Jönsson, BA;Jönsson, LS;Littorin, M; 2008 International archives of occupational and environmental health Bakke, JV;Moen, BE;Norbäck, D;Wieslander, G; The influence of N load and harvest intensity on the risk of P limitation in Swedish forest soils Water column monitoring near oil installations in the North Sea 2001-2004 2008 The Science of the total environment 2008 Marine pollution bulletin Low-level exposure to multiple chemicals: reason for human health concerns? 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Journal international du cancer Bornholdt, J;Cyr, D;Dictor, M;Heikkilä, P;Holmila, R;Husgafvel-Pursiainen, K;Luce, D;Steiniche, T;Stjernvall, T;Wallin, H;Wolff, H; 18187284 Study of the relation between the incidence of uterine leiomyomas and the concentrations of PCB and DDT in Baltic gray seals 2008 Reproductive toxicology (Elmsford, N.Y.) 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Cantón, RF;De Jong, FH;Dekant, W;Håkansson, H;Leonards, PE;Lilienthal, H;Litens, S;Piersma, AH;Schauer, UM;Slob, W;Stern, N;Van de Kuil, T;Van den Berg, M;Van der Ven, LT;Verhoef, A;Verwer, CM;Visser, TJ;Vos, JG; Holgersson, A;Karlsson, HL;Möller, L; 2008 Journal of environmental radioactivity Larsson, CM; 18275627 Bulky DNA adducts, 4-aminobiphenyl-haemoglobin adducts and diet in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC) prospective study 2008 The British journal of nutrition Agudo, A;Airoldi, L;Autrup, H;Barricarte, A;Berglund, G;Bingham, S;Boeing, H;BuenoDe-Mesquita, BH;Clavel-Chapelon, F;Colombi, A;Day, NE;Dorronsoro, M;Dunning, A;Garte, S;Gormally, E;Jarvholm, B;Kaaks, R;Key, TJ;Krogh, V;Kumle, M;Linseisen, J;Malaveille, C;Martinez, C;Matullo, G;Munnia, A;Overvad, K;Palli, D;Panico, S;Peeters, PH;Peluso, M;Quiros, JR;Raaschou-Nielsen, O;Riboli, E;Saracci, R;Tormo, MJ;Trichopoulou, A;Tumino, R;Veglia, F;Vineis, P; 18283056 Low-level occupational 14C contamination--results from a pilot study Symptoms, complaints, ocular and nasal physiological signs in university staff in relation to indoor environment - temperature and gender interactions Modelling the propagation of effects of chronic exposure to ionising radiation from individuals to populations Risk assessment in international operations The ERICA Tool 2008 Radiation protection dosimetry Leide-Svegborn, S;Mattsson, S;Stenström, K; 2008 Indoor air Bakke, JV;Florvaag, E;Haugen, EN;Hollund, BE;Moen, BE;Norbäck, D;Wieslander, G; 2008 Journal of environmental radioactivity 2008 2008 Toxicology and applied pharmacology Journal of environmental radioactivity Alonzo, F;Garnier-Laplace, J;Gilbin, R;Gilek, M;Hertel-Aas, T;Oughton, DH; Stricklin, DL; Alfonso, B;Avila, R;Beresford, NA;Brown, JE;Copplestone, D;Pröhl, G;Ulanovsky, A; Mutagenic hazards of complex polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon mixtures in contaminated soil 2008 Environmental toxicology and chemistry / SETAC 18255212 18260651 18261830 18312335 18314232 18325560 18329765 18333672 Lambert, IB;Lemieux, CL;Lundstedt, S;Tysklind, M;White, PA; 18335090 Fertility and markers of male reproductive function in Inuit and European populations spanning large contrasts in blood levels of persistent organochlorines 2008 Environmental health perspectives ;Bizzaro, D;Bonde, JP;Bonefeld-Jørgensen, EC;Giwercman, A;Jönsson, BA;Ludwicki, JK;Manicardi, GC;Pedersen, HS;RignellHydbom, A;Rylander, L;Spano, M;Thulstrup, AM;Toft, G;Zvyezday, V; 18335100 Phthalate diesters and their metabolites in human breast milk, blood or serum, and urine as biomarkers of exposure in vulnerable populations 2008 Environmental health perspectives 18344533 Usage of air monitoring and biomarkers of isocyanate exposure to assess the effect of a control intervention Prenatal ultrasound and the risk of childhood brain tumour and its subtypes The ecotoxicology and chemistry of manufactured nanoparticles 2008 The Annals of occupational hygiene Appelgren, M;Berglund, M;Calafat, AM;Filipsson, AF;Hanberg, A;Håkansson, H;Högberg, J;Jansson, B;Johansson, N;Remberger, M;Skerfving, S; Mattsson, C;Tinnerberg, H; 2008 British journal of cancer 2008 Ecotoxicology (London, England) 18367301 Human developmental neurotoxicity of methylmercury: impact of variables and risk modifiers 2008 Regulatory toxicology and pharmacology : RTP 18378370 Criteria for identifying allergenic foods of public health importance 2008 Regulatory toxicology and pharmacology : RTP 18381691 Are occupational exposure limits becoming more alike within the European Union? Use of mass spectrometry for determining microbial toxins in indoor environments How do we compare dose to cells in vitro with dose to live animals and humans? Some experiences with inhaled substances 2008 Journal of applied toxicology : JAT Axelsson, O;Cnattingius, S;Haglund, B;Kieler, H;Pfeifer, S;Stålberg, K; Crane, M;Handy, RD;Hassellöv, M;Lead, JR;Owen, R;von der Kammer, F; Castoldi, AF;Ceccatelli, S;Coccini, T;Johansson, C;Manzo, L;Onishchenko, N;Roda, E;Vahter, M; Björkstén, B;Crevel, R;Hischenhuber, C;Løvik, M;Samuels, F;Strobel, S;Taylor, SL;Wal, JM;Ward, R; Gilek, M;Hansson, SO;Rudén, C;Schenk, L; 2008 Journal of environmental monitoring : JEM Larsson, L; 2008 Experimental and toxicologic pathology : official journal of the Gesellschaft für Toxikologische Pathologie Gerde, P; Applications of carboxylesterase activity in environmental monitoring and toxicity identification evaluations (TIEs) Levels of 1-hydroxypyrene, symptoms and immunologic markers in vulcanization workers in the southern Sweden rubber industries 2008 Reviews of environmental contamination and toxicology 2008 International archives of occupational and environmental health Anderson, BS;Hammock, BD;Miller, JL;Miller, MJ;Phillips, BM;Wheelock, CE; Axmon, A;Bergendorf, U;Broberg, K;Jönsson, BA;Jönsson, LS;Littorin, M; 18440046 Model and input uncertainty in multi-media fate modeling: benzo[a]pyrene concentrations in Europe 2008 Chemosphere 18447907 Influence of genetic factors on toluene diisocyanate-related symptoms: evidence from a cross-sectional study Possible effects of electromagnetic fields (EMF) on human health-opinion of the scientific committee on emerging and newly identified health risks (SCENIHR) Accidents in family forestry's firewood production 2008 Environmental health : a global access science source 2008 Toxicology 2008 Accident; analysis and prevention Neurodevelopmental toxicity of methylmercury: Laboratory animal data and their contribution to human risk assessment 2008 Regulatory toxicology and pharmacology : RTP 18349848 18351458 18392271 18395432 18418956 18425528 18453044 18460354 18482784 Armitage, JM;Cousins, IT;Hauck, M;Huijbregts, MA;Ragas, AM;van de Meent, D; Axmon, A;Broberg, K;Littorin, M;Rannug, A;Tinnerberg, H;Warholm, M; Ahlbom, A;Bridges, J;Bromen, K;de Seze, R;Hillert, L;Juutilainen, J;Mattsson, MO;Neubauer, G;Schüz, J;Simko, M; Aspman, EW;Lidestav, G;Lindroos, O;Neely, G; Castoldi, AF;Ceccatelli, S;Coccini, T;Johansson, C;Manzo, L;Onishchenko, N;Roda, E;Vahter, M; 18484963 Maternal country of birth and previous pregnancies are associated with breast milk characteristics Regional differences in mRNA responses in blue mussels within the Baltic proper Deposition of nickel, chromium, and cobalt on the skin in some occupations - assessment by acid wipe sampling Addressing uncertainties in the ERICA Integrated Approach 2009 18508176 18528541 18502694 18503684 18508164 18537991 18539370 18550231 18555661 18559561 18559700 18569000 18569610 18579269 2008 Pediatric allergy and immunology : official publication of the European Society of Pediatric Allergy and Immunology Comparative biochemistry and physiology. Toxicology & pharmacology : CBP Contact dermatitis Amoudruz, P;Holmlund, U;Montgomery, SM;Schollin, J;Sverremark-Ekström, E; Bollner, T;Elfwing, T;Gardeström, J;Lilja, K;Prevodnik, A;Tedengren, M; Lidén, C;Nise, G;Skare, L;Vahter, M; 2008 Journal of environmental radioactivity Agüero, A;Avila, R;Brown, JE;Copplestone, D;Gilek, M;Oughton, DH; The BIOSAFEPAPER project for in vitro toxicity assessments: preparation, detailed chemical characterisation and testing of extracts from paper and board samples 2008 Food and chemical toxicology : an international journal published for the British Industrial Biological Research Association Andersson, MA;Bertaud, F;Bradley, EL;Castle, L;Dahlman, O;Hakulinen, P;HonkalampiHämäläinen, U;Hoornstra, D;Lhuguenot, JC;Mäki-Paakkanen, J;Salkinoja-Salonen, M;Severin, I;Speck, DR;Stammati, A;Turco, L;Weber, A;von Wright, A;Zucco, F; Transversal immission patterns and leachability of heavy metals in road side soils Release of nickel from coins and deposition onto skin from coin handling--comparing euro coins and SEK The ERICA Integrated Approach and its contribution to protection of the environment from ionising radiation Issues and practices in the use of effects data from FREDERICA in the ERICA Integrated Approach 2008 Journal of environmental monitoring : JEM Bergbäck, BG;Hjortenkrans, DS;Häggerud, AV; 2008 Contact dermatitis Lidén, C;Skare, L;Vahter, M; 2008 Journal of environmental radioactivity Howard, BJ;Larsson, CM; 2008 Journal of environmental radioactivity Agüero, A;Alonzo, F;Björk, M;Ciffroy, P;Copplestone, D;Garnier-Laplace, J;Gilbin, R;Gilek, M;Hingston, JL;Jaworska, A;Larsson, CM;Oughton, DH; Comment on: "A retrospective analysis of the two-generation study: What is the added value of the second generation?" by G. 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Part A, Chemistry, analysis, control, exposure & risk assessment Journal of toxicology and environmental health. Part A 2008 Regulatory toxicology and pharmacology : RTP Boxall, AB;David, H;Hassellov, M;Lewis, J;Tear, SP;Tiede, K; Helgason, LB;Kovacs, KM;Krafft, BA;Lydersen, C;van Bavel, B;Wolkers, H; Aylward, LL;Hays, SM;Nordberg, M;Yager, JW; 2008 2008 ;Chang, CL;Chapman, N;Dahlöf, B;Poulter, NR;Sever, PS;Wedel, H; 18579271 Guidelines for the communication of Biomonitoring Equivalents: report from the Biomonitoring Equivalents Expert Workshop 2008 Regulatory toxicology and pharmacology : RTP 18583008 Guidelines for the derivation of Biomonitoring Equivalents: report from the Biomonitoring Equivalents Expert Workshop 2008 Regulatory toxicology and pharmacology : RTP 18626888 Secretion of cortisol and aldosterone as a vulnerable target for adrenal endocrine disruption - screening of 30 selected chemicals in the human H295R cell model A continuous common-source outbreak of campylobacteriosis associated with changes to the preparation of chicken liver pâté 2008 Journal of applied toxicology : JAT ;Aylward, LL;Bartels, MJ;Barton, HA;Boogaard, PJ;Brunk, C;DiZio, S;Dourson, M;Goldstein, DA;Hays, SM;Kilpatrick, ME;Krewski, D;Krishnan, K;LaKind, JS;Lipscomb, J;Nordberg, M;Okino, M;Tan, YM;Viau, C;Yager, JW; ;Aylward, LL;Bartels, MJ;Barton, HA;Boogaard, PJ;Brunk, C;DiZio, S;Dourson, M;Goldstein, DA;Hays, SM;Kilpatrick, ME;Krewski, D;Krishnan, K;LaKind, JS;Lipscomb, J;Nordberg, M;Okino, M;Tan, YM;Viau, C;Yager, JW; Ohlsson, A;Oskarsson, A;Ullerås, E; 2009 Epidemiology and infection Cowden, J;Fisher, L;Harding, O;O'Leary, MC; Biomonitoring of lead exposure-alternatives to blood Aniline in hydrolyzed urine and plasma--possible biomarkers for phenylisocyanate exposure Occupational exposure of farm workers to pesticides: biochemical parameters and evaluation of genotoxicity Urinary mercury and biomarkers of early renal dysfunction in environmentally and occupationally exposed adults: a three-country study Renal effects evolution in a Chinese population after reduction of cadmium exposure in rice Acute effects of 1-octen-3-ol, a microbial volatile organic compound (MVOC)--an experimental study Critical assessment of QSAR models of environmental toxicity against Tetrahymena pyriformis: focusing on applicability domain and overfitting by variable selection Natural variability in lake pH on seasonal, interannual and decadal time scales: implications for assessment of human impact 2008 2008 Journal of toxicology and environmental health. Part A Journal of occupational and environmental hygiene Bergdahl, IA;Skerfving, S; Jönsson, BA;Sennbro, CJ;Tinnerberg, H; 2009 Environment international 2008 Environmental research 2008 Environmental research 2008 Toxicology letters 2008 Journal of chemical information and modeling 2008 Environmental science & technology Boeira, JM;Dutra, GP;Heuser, VD;Moreira, DA;Remor, AP;Totti, CC; Barregård, L;Biesiada, M;Dabkowska, B;Horvat, M;Jarosińska, D;Mazzolai, B;Prokopowicz, A;Sällsten, G; Bergdahl, IA;Jin, T;Kong, Q;Lei, L;Liang, Y;Nordberg, GF;Wang, Z;Wu, X;Ye, T; Ernstgård, L;Johanson, G;Norbäck, D;Wieslander, G;Wålinder, R; Fourches, D;Oberg, T;Pandey, AK;Papa, E;Sushko, I;Tetko, IV;Todeschini, R;Tropsha, A;Varnek, A;Zhu, H; Bishop, K;Erlandsson, M;Fölster, J;Laudon, H;Weyhenmeyer, GA; 18754513 Evolutionary conservation of human drug targets in organisms used for environmental risk assessments 2008 Environmental science & technology Gunnarsson, L;Jauhiainen, A;Kristiansson, E;Larsson, DG;Nerman, O; 18756493 18757135 A risk-neutral default for chemical risk management Leaching of contaminants from untreated pine bark in a batch study: chemical analysis and ecotoxicological evaluation 2008 2009 American journal of industrial medicine Journal of hazardous materials Hansson, SO;Rudén, C; Nehrenheim, E;Odlare, M;Ribé, V;Waara, S; 18798548 Prenatal and perinatal risk factors for neuroblastoma 2008 International journal of cancer. Journal international du cancer Bluhm, E;Cnattingius, S;El Ghormli, L;Fraumeni, JF;Gridley, G;McNeil, DE; 18647437 18654894 18666023 18678410 18684440 18692183 18706986 18729318 18754481 18805541 Considerations for environmental fate and ecotoxicity testing to support environmental risk assessments for engineered nanoparticles Future needs of occupational epidemiology of extremely low frequency electric and magnetic fields: review and recommendations 2009 Journal of chromatography. A Boxall, AB;Breitbarth, E;Chaudhry, Q;Hassellöv, M;Tiede, K; 2009 Occupational and environmental medicine Bowman, JD;Checkoway, H;Feychting, M;Harrington, JM;Kavet, R;Kheifets, L;Marsh, G;Mezei, G;Renew, DC;van Wijngaarden, E; A spatial approach to environmental risk assessment of PAH contamination Evaluation of long-term biomarker data from perch (Perca fluviatilis) in the Baltic Sea suggests increasing exposure to environmental pollutants No long-term persistence of bacterial pollution-induced community tolerance in tylosin-polluted soil Exposure to electromagnetic fields and the risk of childhood leukaemia: a review Diesel exhaust inhalation increases thrombus formation in man 2009 Risk analysis : an official publication of the Society for Risk Analysis Bengtsson, G;Törneman, N; 2009 Environmental toxicology and chemistry / SETAC Förlin, L;Hanson, N;Larsson, A; 2008 Environmental science & technology Bååth, E;Demoling, LA; 2008 Radiation protection dosimetry Ahlbom, A;Schüz, J; 2008 European heart journal Badimon, JJ;Barath, SL;Blomberg, A;Boon, NA;Cassee, FR;Donaldson, K;Faratian, D;Lucking, AJ;Lundback, M;Mills, NL;Newby, DE;Pourazar, J;Sandstrom, T; Mass balance of decabromodiphenyl ethane and decabromodiphenyl ether in a WWTP Occurrence and effects of tire wear particles in the environment--a critical review and an initial risk assessment A retrospective analysis of contamination and periphyton PICT patterns for the antifoulant irgarol 1051, around a small marina on the Swedish west coast Persistent organohalogen contaminants in plasma from groups of humans with different occupations in Bangladesh Biomonitoring of exposure to environmental pollutants in newborns and their parents in Madrid, Spain (BioMadrid): study design and field work results 2009 Chemosphere 2009 Environmental pollution (Barking, Essex : 1987) Kierkegaard, A;McLachlan, MS;Ricklund, N;Wahlberg, C; Dave, G;Wik, A; 2009 Marine pollution bulletin Birgersson, G;Blanck, H;Dahl, B;Eriksson, KM;Grönvall, F;Guijarro, KM;Kylin, H; 2009 Chemosphere 2008 Gaceta sanitaria / S.E.S.P.A.S Athanasiadou, M;Bergman, A;Mamun, MI;Mosihuzzaman, M;Nahar, N;Zamir, R; Aragonés, N;Arias, P;Asensio, A;Astray, J;Cisneros, M;de León, A;de Paz, C;de Santos, A;Fernández, MA;Frutos García, J;GarcíaSagredo, JM;Gil, E;González, MJ;Iriso, A;LópezAbente, G;Martínez, M;Pérez-Gómez, B;PérezMeixeira, AM;Pollán, M;Sanz, JC; 19019432 Effects of pollution on chub in the River Elbe, Czech Republic 2009 Ecotoxicology and environmental safety 19059588 Cadmium-induced bone effect is not mediated via low serum 1,25dihydroxy vitamin D 2009 Environmental research 19072856 Epistaxis in a low level hydrogen fluoride exposed industrial staff 2009 American journal of industrial medicine 18805878 18808392 18811223 18853809 18927133 18952612 18977512 18990476 18996545 18996566 19000531 Hajslova, J;Kolarova, J;Kroupova, H;Pulkrabova, J;Randak, T;Siroka, Z;Svobodova, Z;Velisek, J;Zlabek, V; Akesson, A;Burgaz, A;Engström, A;Lidfeldt, J;Lundh, T;Samsioe, G;Skerving, S;Vahter, M; Bozhkov, G;Flodin, U;Graff, P;Hedenlöf, K;Johannesson, O; 19086013 Acute effects of exposure to vapours of standard and dearomatized white spirits in humans. 2. Irritation and inflammation 2009 Journal of applied toxicology : JAT Ernstgård, L;Iregren, A;Johanson, G;Juran, S;Sjögren, B;van Thriel, C; 19086014 Acute effects of exposure to vapours of standard and dearomatized white spirits in humans. 1. Dose-finding study Leachates from plastic consumer products--screening for toxicity with Daphnia magna Long-term exposure to road traffic noise and myocardial infarction 2009 Journal of applied toxicology : JAT Ernstgård, L;Johanson, G;Lind, B; 2009 Chemosphere Damberg, J;Dave, G;Larsson, K;Lithner, D; 2009 Epidemiology (Cambridge, Mass.) Bluhm, G;Lindqvist, M;Nilsson, ME;Nise, G;Pershagen, G;Rosenlund, M;Selander, J; 19137152 Potential dermal exposure to methyl methacrylate among dental technicians; variability and determinants in a field study 2009 Journal of environmental monitoring : JEM Hagenbjörk-Gustafsson, A;Liljelind, IE;Nilsson, LO; 19137402 Arsenic contamination in groundwater in the Southeast Asia region 2009 Environmental geochemistry and health Bhattacharya, P;Naidu, R;Rahman, MM; 19157488 Fault tree analysis for integrated and probabilistic risk analysis of drinking water systems Estrogenic and androgenic effects of municipal wastewater effluent on reproductive endpoint biomarkers in three-spined stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus) Exposure to pastures fertilised with sewage sludge disrupts bone tissue homeostasis in sheep 2009 Water research Bergstedt, O;Lindhe, A;Norberg, T;Rosén, L; 2009 Environmental toxicology and chemistry / SETAC Bergelin, E;Björkblom, C;Högfors, E;Katsiadaki, I;Olsson, PE;Salste, L;Wiklund, T; 2009 The Science of the total environment Gustafsson, M;Hermsen, SA;Kyle, CE;Larsson, S;Lind, PM;Orberg, J;Rhind, SM; Transcriptional effects of nonylphenol, bisphenol A and PBDE-47 in liver of juvenile Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) Maternal smoking during pregnancy and testicular cancer in the sons: a nested case-control study and a meta-analysis 2009 Chemosphere 19235621 A review on the practical application of human biomonitoring in integrated environmental health impact assessment 2009 19249877 Experiences from a biomarker study on farmed rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) used for environmental monitoring in a Swedish river Mutagenicity of an aged gasworks soil during bioslurry treatment 2009 Andersen, OK;Hasselberg, L;Lie, KK;Olsvik, PA;Sturve, J; European journal of cancer (Oxford, England : 1990) Dillner, J;Hallmans, G;Holl, K;Koskela, P;Lehtinen, M;Ogmundsdottir, HM;Pukkala, E;Rantakokko, P;Stattin, P;Tuomisto, J;Wadell, G;Vartiainen, T; Journal of toxicology and environmental health. Part B, Critical reviews Grellier, J;Kahn, A;Schoeters, G;Schramm, KW;Smolders, R;Sram, R;Stenius, U;Trnovec, T; Environmental toxicology and chemistry / SETAC Hanson, N;Larsson, A; 2009 Environmental and molecular mutagenesis 19278676 Nephrotoxicity of uranium in drinking water from private drilled wells 2009 Environmental research 19296140 AhR agonist and genotoxicant bioavailability in a PAH-contaminated soil undergoing biological treatment 2009 Environmental science and pollution research international 19108869 19116496 19161248 19162300 19167021 19231156 19274766 2009 Lambert, IB;Lemieux, CL;Lundstedt, S;Lynes, KD;Oberg, L;White, PA; Bergström, BE;Edlund, B;Ek, BM;Högdahl, C;Lundholm, C;Ohlson, CG;Seldén, AI; Andersson, E;Berggren, A;Engwall, M;Hollert, H;Ivarsson, P;Rotander, A;von Kronhelm, T; 19317986 An outbreak of Salmonella Typhimurium infections in Denmark, Norway and Sweden, 2008 2009 Euro surveillance : bulletin européen sur les maladies transmissibles = Berglund, T;Bruun, T;Ethelberg, S;Forshell, European communicable disease bulletin LP;Hjertqvist, M;Ivarsson, S;Jensen, T;Kapperud, G;Kjelsø, C;Lindstedt, BA;Löfdahl, S;Müller, L;Nygard, K;Petersen, RF;Sørensen, G;Wingstrand, A; 19330837 Endogenous steroid hormone levels in early pregnancy and risk of testicular cancer in the offspring: a nested case-referent study 2009 International journal of cancer. Journal international du cancer 19339718 Safe drugs and the cost of good intentions 2009 The New England journal of medicine 19341754 19357317 Historical perspectives on cadmium toxicology Acute health effects on planters of conifer seedlings treated with insecticides Metallothionein I isoform mRNA expression in peripheral lymphocytes as a biomarker for occupational cadmium exposure 2009 2009 Toxicology and applied pharmacology The Annals of occupational hygiene 2009 Experimental biology and medicine (Maywood, N.J.) Simulation of pharmaceutical and personal care product transport to tile drains after biosolids application N-nitrosamines in the southern Swedish rubber industries exposure, health effects, and immunologic markers Current status of cadmium as an environmental health problem 2009 Journal of environmental quality 2009 Scandinavian journal of work, environment & health 2009 Toxicology and applied pharmacology Concentrations of organohalogen compounds and titres of antibodies to Epstein-Barr virus antigens and the risk for nonHodgkin lymphoma Biomonitoring for occupational health risk assessment (BOHRA) 2009 Oncology reports 2010 Toxicology letters Fish consumption as a source of human exposure to perfluorinated alkyl substances in Sweden - analysis of edible fish from Lake Vättern and the Baltic Sea Phthalates and nonylphenols in urban runoff: Occurrence, distribution and area emission factors Proteomic studies in zebrafish liver cells exposed to the brominated flame retardants HBCD and TBBPA Effects on guppy brain aromatase activity following short-term steroid and 4-nonylphenol exposures Energy forest irrigated with wastewater: a comparative microbial risk assessment Health risk assessment procedures for endocrine disrupting compounds within different regulatory frameworks in the European Union 2009 Chemosphere Ankarberg, EH;Berger, U;Berglund, M;Glynn, A;Holmström, KE;Törnkvist, A; 2009 The Science of the total environment 2009 Ecotoxicology and environmental safety Björklund, K;Cousins, AP;Malmqvist, PA;Strömvall, AM; Förlin, L;Kling, P; 2010 Environmental toxicology Hallgren, S;Olsén, KH; 2009 Journal of water and health Carlander, A;Schönning, C;Stenström, TA; 2009 Regulatory toxicology and pharmacology : RTP Beronius, A;Hanberg, A;Håkansson, H;Rudén, C; 19359654 19398526 19404559 19409405 19424638 19446015 19457539 19457546 19477007 19489062 19491493 19500631 Dillner, J;Grankvist, K;Hallmans, G;Holl, K;Koskela, P;Lehtinen, M;Lukanova, A;Lundin, E;Ogmundsdottir, HM;Olafsdottir, GH;Pukkala, E;Stattin, P;Surcel, HM;Wadell, G; Abadie, E;Eichler, HG;Raine, JM;Salmonson, T; Nordberg, GF; Elfman, L;Engvall, K;Hogstedt, C;Lampa, E;Lindh, CH; Chang, X;Chen, L;Jin, T;Lei, L;Nordberg, M; Abbaspour, KC;Fenner, K;Lapen, DR;Larsbo, M;Metcalfe, C;Topp, E; Axmon, A;Bergendorf, U;Jönsson, BA;Jönsson, LS;Lindh, CH;Littorin, M; Akesson, A;Järup, L; Björnfoth, H;Carlberg, M;Ericson Jogsten, I;Eriksson, M;Hardell, K;Hardell, L;Lindström, G;Van Bavel, B; ;Cocker, J;Colosio, C;Lowry, L;Manno, M;Mutti, A;Nordberg, M;Wang, S;Viau, C; 19515399 A multivariate chemical map of industrial chemicals--assessment of various protocols for identification of chemicals of potential concern 2009 Chemosphere Andersson, PL;Linusson, A;Stenberg, M;Tysklind, M; 19523501 Application of a weight of evidence approach to assessing discordant sensitisation datasets: implications for REACH 2009 Regulatory toxicology and pharmacology : RTP Ball, N;Basketter, D;Cagen, S;Carrillo, JC;Certa, H;Eigler, D;Esch, H;Garcia, C;Graham, C;Haux, C;Kreiling, R;Mehling, A; 19534154 Genotoxicity of environmentally relevant concentrations of watersoluble oil components in cod (Gadus morhua) Assessment factors for extrapolation from short-time to chronic exposure--are the REACH guidelines adequate? Biomarkers of exposure, effects and susceptibility in humans and their application in studies of interactions among metals in China 2009 Environmental science & technology 2009 Toxicology letters Beylich, BA;Grung, M;Holth, TF;Hylland, K;Liewenborg, B;Skarphédinsdóttir, H; Hansson, SO;Malkiewicz, K;Rudén, C; 2010 Toxicology letters Nordberg, GF; 2009 Journal of hazardous materials Filipsson, M;Lindström, M;Oberg, T;Peltola, P; 19557131 Exposure to contaminated sediments during recreational activities at a public bathing place Detection of the antiviral drug oseltamivir in aquatic environments 2009 PloS one 19577634 A CASCADE of effects of bisphenol A 2009 Reproductive toxicology (Elmsford, N.Y.) Fick, J;Järhult, JD;Lindberg, RH;Olsen, B;Söderström, H;Tanaka, H; Balaguer, P;Behl, C;Bondesson, M;Cravedi, JP;Demeneix, B;Di Lorenzo, D;Fini, JB;Gustafsson, JA;Halldin, K;Håkansson, H;Jönsson, J;Laudet, V;Manthey, D;Olea, N;Pongratz, I;Zalko, D; 19582642 Comparative hazard characterization in food toxicology 2009 Critical reviews in food science and nutrition 19589629 Protection of the environment from ionising radiation in a regulatory context (protect): proposed numerical benchmark values 2009 Journal of environmental radioactivity 19615714 Comparison of six different sewage treatment processes--reduction of estrogenic substances and effects on gene expression in exposed male fish Genotoxic evaluation of Mikania laevigata extract on DNA damage caused by acute coal dust exposure 2009 The Science of the total environment Adolfsson-Erici, M;Björlenius, B;Förlin, L;Gunnarsson, L;Larsson, DG;Rutgersson, C; 2009 Journal of medicinal food Andrade, VM;Citadini-Zanette, V;da Silva, GA;Freitas, TP;Heuser, VD;Leffa, DD;Pinho, RA;Romão, PR;Streck, EL;Tavares, P; 19636585 Cancer mortality in a Swedish cohort of pulp and paper mill workers 2010 International archives of occupational and environmental health 19641944 Exposure assessment at a PCDD/F contaminated site in Sweden-field measurements of exposure media and blood serum analysis 2010 Environmental science and pollution research international 19643515 Waste disposal and the recommendations of the International Commission on Radiological Protection - challenges for radioecology and environmental radiation protection 2009 Journal of environmental radioactivity Andersson, E;Bryngelsson, IL;Magnuson, A;Persson, B;Westberg, H; Aberg, A;Andersson, R;Bergek, S;Hanberg, A;Lindberg, R;MacLeod, M;Nilsson, T;Tysklind, M;Wiberg, K; Larsson, CM; 19540321 19540908 19556058 19627217 Grafström, R;Hammerling, U;Ilbäck, NG;Tallsjö, A; Andersson, P;Beresford, NA;Copplestone, D;Garnier-Laplace, J;Howard, BJ;Howe, P;Oughton, D;Whitehouse, P; 19651682 mRNA expression is a relevant tool to identify developmental neurotoxicants using an in vitro approach Population toxicokinetic modeling of cadmium for health risk assessment Altered innate immune response in farmers and smokers Harmonisation of food consumption data format for dietary exposure assessments of chemicals analysed in raw agricultural commodities Associations of long- and short-term air pollution exposure with markers of inflammation and coagulation in a population sample 2010 Toxicological sciences : an official journal of the Society of Toxicology 2009 Environmental health perspectives 2010 2009 Innate immunity Food and chemical toxicology : an international journal published for the British Industrial Biological Research Association 2009 Occupational and environmental medicine 19699582 Laboratory and pilot scale soil washing of PAH and arsenic from a wood preservation site: changes in concentration and toxicity 2009 Journal of hazardous materials 19717196 Pyrene toxicity is affected by the nutrient status of a marine sediment community: implications for risk assessment Prevalence of verotoxigenic Escherichia coli O157:H7 in fecal and ear samples from slaughtered cattle in Sweden Low occurrence of Clostridium difficile in retail ground meat in Sweden Peroxisomal proteomics: biomonitoring in mussels after the Prestige's oil spill Are neuropathological conditions relevant to ethylmercury exposure? Physiological condition status and muscle-based biomarkers in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss), after long-term exposure to carbamazepine Toxicity assessment of sequential leachates of tire powder using a battery of toxicity tests and toxicity identification evaluations 2009 Aquatic toxicology (Amsterdam, Netherlands) Bellander, T;de Faire, U;Leander, K;Ljungman, P;Nyberg, F;Panasevich, S;Pershagen, G;Rosenlund, M; Allard, B;Arwidsson, Z;Camdzija, A;ElghDalgren, K;Ribé, V;Sjöberg, R;Waara, S;van Hees, PA;von Kronhelm, T; Dahllöf, I;Larson, F;Petersen, DG;Sundbäck, K; 2009 Journal of food protection Aspan, A;Boqvist, S;Eriksson, E; 2009 Journal of food protection 2009 Marine pollution bulletin Karlsson, F;Krovacek, K;Wierup, M;Wigh, GT;Von Abercron, SM; Apraiz, I;Cajaraville, MP;Cristobal, S; 2010 Neurotoxicity research Aschner, M;Ceccatelli, S; 2010 Journal of applied toxicology : JAT Grabic, R;Li, ZH;Machova, J;Randak, T;Velisek, J;Zlabek, V; 2009 Chemosphere Dave, G;Källqvist, T;Nilsson, E;Tobiesen, A;Wik, A; Toxicity of fungicides to natural bacterial communities in wetland water and sediment measured using leucine incorporation and potential denitrification Methylhexahydrophthalic anhydride adducted albumin tryptic peptides in nasal lavage fluid Occupational exposure to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and lung cancer risk: a multicenter study in Europe 2010 Ecotoxicology (London, England) Berglund, O;Bååth, E;Lindgren, PE;Milenkovski, S; 2009 Inhalation toxicology 2010 Occupational and environmental medicine Jeppsson, MC;Jönsson, BA;Kristiansson, MH;Lindh, CH;Nielsen, J; Bencko, V;Boffetta, P;Brennan, P;Cassidy, A;Fabianova, E;Fevotte, J;Fletcher, T;Foretova, L;Janout, V;Lissowska, J;Mates, D;Olsson, AC;Rudnai, P;Szeszenia-Dabrowska, N;'t Mannetje, A;Zaridze, D; 19672411 19675120 19682531 19687019 19722405 19722410 19732914 19756911 19757490 19758678 19768538 19772480 19773276 Bal-Price, AK;Coecke, S;Hartung, T;Hogberg, HT;Kinsner-Ovaskainen, A; Akesson, A;Amzal, B;Johanson, G;Julin, B;Vahter, M;Wolk, A; Larsson, K;Palmberg, L;Sahlander, K; Boon, PE;Debegnach, F;Moussavian, S;Petersen, A;Ruprich, J;van Klaveren, JD; 19790196 Cigarette smoking, environmental tobacco smoke exposure and pancreatic cancer risk in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition 2010 International journal of cancer. 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A comparative analysis of controversies in the health risk assessment of Bisphenol A Chronic traffic-induced PM exposure and self-reported respiratory and cardiovascular health in the RHINE Tartu Cohort 2010 The Science of the total environment Akerblom, L;Andersson, M;Carlin, G;Johnsson, A;Kühler, TC; Agardh, CD;Kiviranta, H;Lidfeldt, J;Rantakokko, P;Rignell-Hydbom, A;Rylander, L;Samsioe, G; Anttila, P;Ferm, M;Hellén, H;Makkonen, U; 2010 Aquatic toxicology (Amsterdam, Netherlands) 2010 Toxicological sciences : an official journal of the Society of Toxicology 2010 Reproductive toxicology (Elmsford, N.Y.) 2009 International journal of environmental research and public health Abrahamson, A;Beijer, K;Brandt, I;Brunström, B; Andersen, M;Dekant, W;Ernstgård, L;Johanson, G;Sjögren, B; Beronius, A;Hanberg, A;Håkansson, H;Rudén, C; Forsberg, B;Jõgi, R;Kaasik, M;Orru, H; Biomarker analyses in caged and wild fish suggest exposure to pollutants in an urban area with a landfill Safety of intravenous thrombolysis for acute ischemic stroke in patients receiving antiplatelet therapy at stroke onset 2011 Environmental toxicology Hanson, N;Larsson, Å; 2010 Stroke; a journal of cerebral circulation Ahmed, N;Diedler, J;Ford, GA;Lees, KR;Luijckx, GJ;Overgaard, K;Ringleb, P;Soinne, L;Sykora, M;Uyttenboogaart, M;Wahlgren, N; 20067628 Seasonal influenza risk in hospital healthcare workers is more strongly associated with household than occupational exposures: results from a prospective cohort study in Berlin, Germany, 2006/07 2010 BMC infectious diseases Buchholz, U;Diner, G;Gerlach, F;Haaman, F;Krause, G;Nienhaus, A;Schweiger, B;Williams, CJ; 20082019 The potential use of fauna and bacteria as ecological indicators for the assessment of groundwater quality 2010 Journal of environmental monitoring : JEM Berkhoff, SE;Brielmann, H;Fuchs, A;Griebler, C;Hahn, HJ;Kellermann, C;Schmidt, SI;Stein, H;Steube, C;Thulin, B; 19838294 19903567 19913926 19915083 19931376 20049219 20052770 20056933 20116214 Neonatal exposure to sucralose does not alter biochemical markers of neuronal development or adult behavior Increased serum levels of soluble ST2 in birch pollen atopics and individuals working in laboratory animal facilities 2011 Nutrition (Burbank, Los Angeles County, Calif.) Fredriksson, A;Viberg, H; 2010 Journal of occupational and environmental medicine / American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine Larsson, K;Palmberg, L;Sahlander, K; Lifestyle and parental allergen sensitization are reflected in the intrauterine environment at gene expression level Ecotoxicological risk assessment of undisturbed metal contaminated soil at two remote lighthouse sites Self-assessed auditory symptoms, noise exposure, and measured auditory function among healthy young Swedish men 2010 Allergy 2010 Ecotoxicology and environmental safety Alm, J;Joerink, M;Oortveld, MA;Rindsjö, E;Scheynius, A;Stenius, F; Chapman, EE;Dave, G;Murimboh, JD; 2010 International journal of audiology Muhr, P;Rosenhall, U; 20193671 Effects of exposure to sublethal propiconazole on intestine-related biochemical responses in rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss 2010 Chemico-biological interactions Grabic, R;Li, P;Li, ZH;Machova, J;Randak, T;Velisek, J;Zlabek, V; 20196792 Pregnancy registries: differences, similarities, and possible harmonization 2010 Epilepsia 20202673 Pregnant ewes exposed to multiple endocrine disrupting pollutants through sewage sludge-fertilized pasture show an anti-estrogenic effect in their trabecular bone Evaluation of the accuracy and consistency of the Swedish environmental classification and information system for pharmaceuticals Parental smoking increases the risk for eczema with sensitization in 4-year-old children 2010 The Science of the total environment ;Battino, D;Craig, J;French, J;Hernandez-Diaz, S;Holmes, LB;Lindhout, D;Morrow, J;Tomson, T; Kyle, CE;Larsson, S;Lind, PM;Oberg, D;Orberg, J;Rhind, SM; 2010 The Science of the total environment Agerstrand, M;Rudén, C; 2010 The Journal of allergy and clinical immunology Bergström, A;Böhme, M;Kull, I;Nordvall, L;Pershagen, G;Wahlgren, CF;Wickman, M; 20298383 Indoor environment in three North European cities in relationship to atopy and respiratory symptoms 2009 The clinical respiratory journal 20334963 Inhibition, recovery and oxime-induced reactivation of muscle esterases following chlorpyrifos exposure in the earthworm Lumbricus terrestris Spatial modelling of individual arsenic exposure via well water: evaluation of arsenic in urine, main water source and influence of neighbourhood water sources in rural Bangladesh 2010 Environmental pollution (Barking, Essex : 1987) Björnsson, E;Gislason, D;Gislason, T;Gunnbjörnsdóttir, MI;Janson, C;Jarvis, D;Jõgi, R;Norbäck, D;Soon, A; Capowiez, Y;Collange, B;Mazzia, C;Rault, M;Sanchez-Hernandez, JC;Wheelock, CE; 2010 Journal of environmental monitoring : JEM Haq, MZ;Kanaroglou, PS;Persson, LA;Rahman, M;Sohel, N;Vahter, M; 20406759 Association between blood lead and the risk of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis 2010 American journal of epidemiology Allen, KD;Fang, F;Kamel, F;Keller, J;Kwee, LC;Oddone, EZ;Sandler, DP;Schmidt, S;Umbach, DM;Watson, M;Ye, W; 20409041 Ecological, groundwater, and human health risk assessment in a mining region of Nicaragua Within-flock variations of Campylobacter loads in caeca and on carcasses from broilers Lung cancer and exposure to quartz and diesel exhaust in Swedish iron ore miners with concurrent exposure to radon 2010 Risk analysis : an official publication of the Society for Risk Analysis 2010 International journal of food microbiology Barmen, G;Bengtsson, G;Cuadra, S;Jakobsson, K;Mendoza, A;Picado, F; Engvall, EO;Hansson, I;Harbom, B;Pudas, N; 2010 Occupational and environmental medicine 20134341 20146730 20189647 20192876 20206966 20227755 20390220 20493571 20519746 Bergdahl, IA;Damber, L;Eriksson, K;Jonsson, H;Järvholm, B; 20526673 Sublethal and sex-specific cypermethrin effects in toxicity tests with the midge Chironomus riparius Meigen Pneumoproteins and inflammatory biomarkers in asphalt pavers 2010 Ecotoxicology (London, England) Akerblom, N;Goedkoop, W;Spann, N; 2010 Ocular symptoms, tear film stability, nasal patency, and biomarkers in nasal lavage in indoor painters in relation to emissions from waterbased paint Characterization of additional sewage treatment technologies: ecotoxicological effects and levels of selected pharmaceuticals, hormones and endocrine disruptors Interactions between pH, potassium, calcium, bromide, and phenol and their effects on the bioluminescence of Vibrio fischeri 2010 Biomarkers : biochemical indicators of exposure, response, and susceptibility to chemicals International archives of occupational and environmental health Andersson, L;Barregard, L;Ellingsen, DG;Ulvestad, B; Norbäck, D;Wieslander, G; 2010 Ecotoxicology and environmental safety 2010 Journal of toxicology and environmental health. Part A Adolfsson-Erici, M;Alsberg, T;Björlenius, B;Breitholtz, M;Eklund, B;Lavén, M;Lundström, E; Berglind, R;Leffler, P;Sjostrom, M; 20579734 Comparative toxicity of leachates from 52 textiles to Daphnia magna 2010 Ecotoxicology and environmental safety Aspegren, P;Dave, G; 20584596 An ecotoxicological approach for hazard identification of energy ash 2011 Waste management (New York, N.Y.) 20585661 A nested case-control study of intrauterine exposure to persistent organochlorine pollutants in relation to risk of type 1 diabetes 2010 PloS one Bengtsson, BE;Breitholtz, M;Carlsson, G;Hemström, K;Stiernström, S;Wik, O; Elfving, M;Ivarsson, SA;Jönsson, BA;Lindh, C;Olofsson, P;Rignell-Hydbom, A;Rylander, L; 20601116 Modulation of glutathione-related antioxidant defense system of fish chronically treated by the fungicide propiconazole 2010 Comparative biochemistry and physiology. Toxicology & pharmacology Grabic, R;Li, P;Li, ZH;Randak, T;Zlabek, V; : CBP 20617547 Single and combined effects of hypoxia and contaminated sediments on the amphipod Monoporeia affinis in laboratory toxicity bioassays based on multiple biomarkers Work-related exposure to extremely low-frequency magnetic fields and dementia: results from the population-based study of dementia in Swedish twins Effects of maternal smoking and exposure to methylmercury on brain-derived neurotrophic factor concentrations in umbilical cord serum Genotoxicity in herring gulls (Larus argentatus) in Sweden and Iceland 2010 Aquatic toxicology (Amsterdam, Netherlands) 2010 The journals of gerontology. Series A, Biological sciences and medical sciences 2010 Toxicological sciences : an official journal of the Society of Toxicology Castrén, E;Ceccatelli, S;Grandjean, P;Nikkilä, O;Rantamäki, T;Spulber, S;Weihe, P; 2010 Mutation research Akerman, G;Balk, L;Barsiene, J;Hallgrimsson, GT;Hansson, T;Hägerroth, PA;Liewenborg, B;Skarphedinsdottir, H;Tjärnlund, U; Toxicity of five protein synthesis inhibiting antibiotics and their mixture to limnic bacterial communities Comparison of data used for setting occupational exposure limits 2010 Aquatic toxicology (Amsterdam, Netherlands) Backhaus, T;Brosche, S; 2010 International journal of occupational and environmental health Schenk, L; Epidemiological evidence for a health risk from mobile phone base stations Bioaccumulation of organic contaminants in humans: a multimedia perspective and the importance of biotransformation 2010 International journal of occupational and environmental health 2011 Environmental science & technology Ahonen, M;Bortkiewicz, A;Carlberg, M;Everaert, J;Hardell, L;Khurana, VG; Arnot, JA;Czub, G;MacLeod, M;McLachlan, MS; Chemical risks and consumer products: the toxicity of shoe soles 2010 Ecotoxicology and environmental safety 20528258 20549228 20570351 20574912 20622138 20631062 20643223 20655118 20662417 20662418 20701275 20709395 Elfwing, T;Gorokhova, E;Halldórsson, HP;Lindström, M;Löf, M;Sundelin, B;Tjärnlund, U; Andel, R;Crowe, M;Feychting, M;Fratiglioni, L;Gatz, M;Johansson, B;Pedersen, NL; Breitholtz, M;Ingre-Khans, E;Rudén, C; 20723149 Variability and uncertainty in Swedish exposure factors for use in quantitative exposure assessments Impact of humic substances on EROD activity in gill and liver of threespined sticklebacks (Gasterosteus aculeatus) Benchmark dose approaches in chemical health risk assessment in relation to number and distress of laboratory animals 2011 Risk analysis : an official publication of the Society for Risk Analysis Bergbäck, B;Filipsson, M;Öberg, T; 2010 Chemosphere 2010 Regulatory toxicology and pharmacology : RTP Abrahamson, A;Andersson, C;Brunström, B;Orberg, J; Oberg, M; Predicted critical environmental concentrations for 500 pharmaceuticals Association of maternal serum concentrations of 2,2', 4,4'5,5'hexachlorobiphenyl (CB-153) and 1,1-dichloro-2,2-bis (pchlorophenyl)-ethylene (p,p'-DDE) levels with birth weight, gestational age and preterm births in Inuit and European populations Scientific and technical factors affecting the setting of Salmonella criteria for raw poultry: a global perspective 2010 Regulatory toxicology and pharmacology : RTP Fick, J;Larsson, DG;Lindberg, RH;Tysklind, M; 2010 Environmental health : a global access science source ;Bonde, JP;Góralczyk, K;Hagmar, L;Jönsson, BA;Lesovaya, A;Ludwicki, JK;Pedersen, HS;Rabczenko, D;Rylander, L;Toft, G;Wojtyniak, BJ;Zvezday, V; 2010 Journal of food protection ;Cox, N;do Nascimento, VP;Doyle, MP;Humbert, F;Kulikovskiy, A;Lammerding, AM;Mead, G;Panin, A;Wierup, M; 20830323 A probabilistic approach for estimating infant exposure to environmental pollutants in human breast milk 2010 Journal of environmental monitoring : JEM Aune, M;Bergkvist, C;Berglund, M;Håkansson, H;Lignell, S;Persson, M;Sand, S; 20836053 Spatial and annual variation to define the normal range of biological endpoints: an example with biomarkers in perch Mixture toxicity from photosystem II inhibitors on microalgal community succession is predictable by concentration addition 2010 Environmental toxicology and chemistry / SETAC Förlin, L;Hanson, N;Larsson, A; 2010 Environmental toxicology and chemistry / SETAC Backhaus, T;Blanck, H;Johansson, P;Kuylenstierna, M;Porsbring, T; Use of uncertainty factors by the SCOEL in their derivation of healthbased occupational exposure limits Assessing the risk of N leaching from forest soils across a steep N deposition gradient in Sweden 2010 Critical reviews in toxicology Johanson, G;Schenk, L; 2010 Environmental pollution (Barking, Essex : 1987) Akselsson, C;Belyazid, S;Hellsten, S;Karlsson, PE;Klarqvist, M;Lundin, L;Pihl-Karlsson, G; 20881022 Sample selection and validity of exposure-disease association estimates in cohort studies 2011 Journal of epidemiology and community health Bellocco, R;De Stavola, B;dos Santos Silva, I;Merletti, F;Pearce, N;Pizzi, C;Richiardi, L; 20886641 Regression approaches to derive generic and fish group-specific probability density functions of bioconcentration factors for metals 2010 Environmental toxicology and chemistry / SETAC Capri, E;Ciffroy, P;Stenberg, K;Tanaka, T; 20944550 Chronic renal failure from lead: myth or evidence-based fact? 2011 Kidney international Elinder, CG;Evans, M; 20951227 Exposure to low environmental levels of benzene: evaluation of micronucleus frequencies and S-phenylmercapturic acid excretion in relation to polymorphisms in genes encoding metabolic enzymes 2011 Mutation research Angelini, S;Barbieri, A;Bermejo, JL;CantelliForti, G;Carbone, F;Graziosi, F;Hemminki, K;Hrelia, P;Kumar, R;Maffei, F;Violante, FS; 20963850 Species extrapolation for the 21st century 2011 Environmental toxicology and chemistry / SETAC Celander, MC;Denslow, ND;Goldstone, JV;Hutchinson, TH;Iguchi, T;Kille, P;Meyerhoff, RD;Smith, BA;Wheeler, JR; 20797764 20800084 20816909 20819217 20819373 20836067 20860525 20864233 20970191 Influence of salinity and organic matter on the toxicity of Cu to a brackish water and marine clone of the red macroalga Ceramium tenuicorne Inflammatory markers and exposure to occupational air pollutants 2011 Ecotoxicology and environmental safety Breitbarth, E;Eklund, B;Hassellöv, M;Karlsson, J;Ndungu, K;Ytreberg, E; 2010 Inhalation toxicology 21037020 Exposure to diesel motor exhaust and lung cancer risk in a pooled analysis from case-control studies in Europe and Canada 2011 American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine Berg, P;Bryngelsson, IL;Elihn, K;Ngo, Y;Ohlson, CG;Sjögren, B;Westberg, H; Ahrens, W;Bencko, V;Benhamou, S;Boffetta, P;Brennan, P;Brüning, T;Brüske, I;Bueno-deMesquita, B;Caporaso, N;Cassidy, A;Consonni, D;Dumitru, RS;Fabianova, E;Forastiere, F;Foretova, L;Gross, IM;Gustavsson, P;Janout, V;Jöckel, KH;Kendzia, B;Kromhout, H;Landi, MT;Lissowska, J;Merletti, F;Mirabelli, D;Olsson, AC;Pesch, B;Peters, S;Pintos, J;Plato, N;Pohlabeln, H;Richiardi, L;Rudnai, P;Siemiatycki, J;Straif, K;Stücker, I;SzeszeniaDabrowska, N;Vermeulen, R;Wichmann, HE;Zaridze, D; 21053945 Toward a consistent evaluative framework for POP risk characterization The risk of malignancies in RA patients treated with biologics 2011 Environmental science & technology 2010 Zeitschrift für Rheumatologie Armitage, JM;Arnot, JA;Cousins, IT;McCarty, LS;Toose-Reid, L;Wania, F; Askling, J; 21074823 Evaluation of a novel high throughput screening tool for relative emissions of industrial chemicals used in chemical products 2011 Chemosphere Fischer, S;McLachlan, MS;Undeman, E; 21111889 Groundwater arsenic: from genesis to sustainable remediation 2010 Water research 21131050 Health risks from large-scale water pollution: trends in Central Asia 2011 Environment international Bhattacharya, P;Bundschuh, J;Hoinkis, J;Jean, JS;Kabay, N;Litter, MI; Jarsjö, J;Karimov, B;Törnqvist, R; 21149663 Response-guided induction therapy in pediatric acute myeloid leukemia with excellent remission rate 2011 21166816 Occupational hand eczema caused by nickel and evaluated by quantitative exposure assessment Strategy for identification and detection of multiple oxidative modifications within proteins applied on persulfate-oxidized hemoglobin and human serum albumin Hospital admissions for ischemic stroke: does long-term exposure to air pollution interact with major risk factors? 2011 Journal of clinical oncology : official journal of the American Society of Abrahamsson, J;Forestier, E;Hasle, H;Heldrup, Clinical Oncology J;Jahnukainen, K;Jónsson, OG;Lausen, B;Palle, J;Zeller, B; Contact dermatitis Jensen, P;Johansen, JD;Lidén, C;Menné, T;Skare, L;Thyssen, JP; Rapid communications in mass spectrometry : RCM Ferrari, G;Jeppsson, MC;Jönsson, BA;Kåredal, MH;Lindh, CH;Mörtstedt, H; 2011 Cerebrovascular diseases (Basel, Switzerland) Björk, J;Engström, G;Jakobsson, K;Lindgren, AG;Norrving, B;Oudin, A;Pessah-Rasmussen, H;Stroh, E;Strömberg, U; Nutritional and toxicological aspects of seafood consumption--an integrated exposure and risk assessment of methylmercury and polyunsaturated fatty acids 2011 Environmental research Berglund, M;Glynn, A;Helmfrid, I;Ström, S; 21029032 21063825 21192028 21196728 21211794 2011 21216531 GC-MS analysis and ecotoxicological risk assessment of triclosan, carbamazepine and parabens in Indian rivers 2011 Journal of hazardous materials 21224404 Review Article: Persistent organic pollutants and landfills - a review of past experiences and future challenges 2011 Waste management & research : the journal of the International Solid Forter, M;Oliaei, F;Watson, A;Weber, R; Wastes and Public Cleansing Association, ISWA 21245017 21251285 DDT and malaria prevention: addressing the paradox Fungal exposure in homes of patients with sarcoidosis - an environmental exposure study ILSI/HESI maternal toxicity workshop summary: maternal toxicity and its impact on study design and data interpretation 2011 2011 Environmental health perspectives Environmental health : a global access science source 2011 Birth defects research. Part B, Developmental and reproductive toxicology The effect of carbon dioxide on growth of juvenile Atlantic cod Gadus morhua L Exposure to environmental tobacco smoke is associated with increased risk for multiple sclerosis A quantitative comparison of the safety margins in the european indicative occupational exposure limits and the derived no-effect levels for workers under REACH Water column monitoring of the biological effects of produced water from the Ekofisk offshore oil installation from 2006 to 2009 2011 Aquatic toxicology (Amsterdam, Netherlands) Moran, D;Støttrup, JG; 2011 Multiple sclerosis (Houndmills, Basingstoke, England) 2011 Toxicological sciences : an official journal of the Society of Toxicology Alfredsson, L;Bäärnhielm, M;Hedström, AK;Olsson, T; Johanson, G;Schenk, L; 2011 Journal of toxicology and environmental health. Part A Andreikenaite, L;Barsiene, J;Brooks, SJ;Farmen, E;Godal, BF;Grung, M;Harman, C;Liewenborg, B;Ruus, A;Skarpheðinsdottir, H;Sundt, RC;Vingen, S; 21414468 Investigating air pollution and atherosclerosis in humans: concepts and outlook 2011 Progress in cardiovascular diseases 21427059 Short-time gene expression response to valproic acid and valproic acid analogs in mouse embryonic stem cells 2011 Toxicological sciences : an official journal of the Society of Toxicology Baldassarre, D;Basagana, X;Bauer, M;Breton, C;de Faire, U;de Groot, E;Dratva, J;Elosua, R;Fuks, K;Hoffmann, B;Künzli, N;Marrugat, J;Penell, J;Perez, L;Peters, A;Seissler, J;von Klot, S; Dencker, L;Forsberg, M;Gustafson, AL;Jergil, M;Salter, H;Stigson, M;Stockling, K; 21446389 Coping with complexity in baltic sea risk governance: introduction 2011 Ambio Gilek, M;Hassler, B;Jönsson, AM;Karlsson, M; 21446391 Framing environmental risks in the Baltic Sea: a news media analysis 2011 Ambio Jönsson, AM; 21446393 Governance of complex socio-environmental risks: the case of hazardous chemicals in the Baltic Sea Linking fate model in freshwater and PBPK model to assess human internal dosimetry of B(a)P associated with drinking water 2011 Ambio Gilek, M;Karlsson, M;Udovyk, O; 2011 Environmental geochemistry and health Brochot, C;Ciffroy, P;Johansson, E;Tanaka, T; Sensitivity to environmental irritants and capsaicin cough reaction in patients with a positive methacholine provocation test before and after treatment with inhaled corticosteroids 2011 The Journal of asthma : official journal of the Association for the Care of Asthma Arvidsson, M;Ekstrand, Y;Löfdahl, K;Millqvist, E;Palmqvist, M;Ternesten-Hasséus, E; 21312321 21371609 21372120 21389111 21391100 21461673 21486197 Larsson, DG;Ramaswamy, BR;Rengarajan, B;Shanmugam, G;Velu, G; Bouwman, H;Kylin, H;van den Berg, H; Harlander, M;Rylander, R;Salobir, B;Terčelj, M; Beyer, BK;Chernoff, N;Danielsson, BR;DavisBruno, K;Harrouk, W;Hood, RD;Janer, G;Kim, JH;Liminga, UW;Rocca, M;Rogers, J;Scialli, AR; 21497564 Analysis of chlormequat in human urine as a biomarker of exposure using liquid chromatography triple quadrupole mass spectrometry 2011 Journal of chromatography. B, Analytical technologies in the biomedical and life sciences Johannesson, G;Jönsson, BA;Lindh, CH;Littorin, M; 21529851 Sedimentation on the cold-water coral Lophelia pertusa: cleaning efficiency from natural sediments and drill cuttings Combined toxic exposures and human health: biomarkers of exposure and effect Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors and risk for major congenital anomalies Environmental and health hazard ranking and assessment of plastic polymers based on chemical composition Developmental toxicity screening in zebrafish 2011 Marine pollution bulletin Larsson, AI;Purser, A; 2011 International journal of environmental research and public health Högberg, J;Silins, I; 2011 Obstetrics and gynecology Artama, M;Gissler, M;Malm, H;Ritvanen, A; 2011 The Science of the total environment Dave, G;Larsson, A;Lithner, D; 2011 Birth defects research. Part C, Embryo today : reviews Diclofenac in fish: blood plasma levels similar to human therapeutic levels affect global hepatic gene expression Dose-response relationship between arsenic exposure and the serum enzymes for liver function tests in the individuals exposed to arsenic: a cross sectional study in Bangladesh 2011 Environmental toxicology and chemistry / SETAC 2011 Environmental health : a global access science source Bondesson, M;Ducharme, NA;Gustafsson, JA;McCollum, CW; Asker, N;Cuklev, F;Fick, J;Förlin, L;Kristiansson, E;Larsson, DG; Akhand, AA;Ali, N;Fajol, A;Haque, A;Himeno, S;Hossain, E;Hossain, K;Hossain, M;Islam, K;Karim, R;Mandal, A;Miyataka, H;Rahman, M;Salam, KA;Saud, ZA;Sultana, P; 21556171 21646927 21663944 21671351 21688307 21740555
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