SERVING TODAY MALE CHORUS Dr. Joanne Clark Minister of Pipe Organ Dr. Stanley Waldon Director Alvin Waddles Hammond Organ/Pianist Joseph Hayden Bassist Matthew Lemons Percussionist USHERS: Combined Usher Ministries IZANDLA INTERPRETERS: Reichelle Tucker ** John Harvey Nina White ** Interpreting Sermon MINISTERS ANOINTING TEAM: Robyn Moore, Captain Stephanye Fauntleroy Jeff Jackson Natalie Cherry Billie Beverly Farrell Downey Edie Worthy Theresa McDonald DEACONESSES: Angeline Brown, On Duty Dorothy Welch, Team Leader Linda Hathorne, 1st Asst. Daisy Bryant Aaron, 2nd Asst. Kathryn Cotton Marjorie Dickson Jackie Lurry Dorothy Marbury Rochelle Mitchell Lurine Moncrease Gwen Moore Paulette Turner Dorothy J. Ward Carol Williams Shirley Woods DEACONS: Thomas R. Williams, Chair LaMont D. Hampton, On Duty Annette Robinson, Capt. Phoebe Vanderburg, Co-Capt. Barbara Gates Tamika Gaines Lamar Reed Jeffrey Steele Beverly Tufts TRUSTEES: Nora Sharpley Ferguson, Capt. Artistine Taylor, Co-Capt. Margaret Betts Maxine Borders Florasine Clark Christopher D. Coleman Karen Cross Melvin Cross Edward B. Darnell Mildred E. Dixon Dexter Fields Joann Drake Gambrell Charmaine Johnson Diana Kennedy * David Kern Margaret Patterson-Bailey Felix Seldon Jacqueline Shelton Candice Turner Craig Vanderburg Vivian Cook-Welcome Tyra Williams * Consultative Trustee NURSES: Elnora Boston Sheryl Brown Lydia Douglas Rebecca Hayes Gloria Howard Helen Lucas Betty Mapp Janice McCrary Dora McDonald Pam Parker Brenda Slack Pearl Stokes Joe Thomas Regina Thomas Dorothy Weeks CHURCH CLERKS Katrina Young, Vice Clerk Janice Denson Janet Gilyard Vickie Manley Maxine Mills Connie Small Vincent Tucker Harry Williams Patricia Williams ANNOUNCEMENT CLERKS 7:30 AM Rosalind Denning 11:00 AM Charise Turner SPEARS-WATSON BOOKSTORE Cherokee Cole Dolores Spencer Mark White Andrea Whitfield GREETERS 7:30 AM Shirley Battle Jackie Davis Lamar Reed Phoebe Vanderburg 11:00 AM Carol Anderson Jackie Davis Velora Grace Lydia Smith Jalaya Word Oneita Whitfield CHURCH OFFICE—HARTFORD INSTITUTE BUILDING 18900 James Couzens Highway—Detroit, Michigan 48235 Administrative Offices—9:00 AM—5:00 PM Monday thru Friday 313-861-1285 / 313-861-1300 — Fax 313-861-0265 SPEARS-WATSON BOOKSTORE Open Sundays—between and after services / Tuesday 4:00 PM—8:00 PM / Wednesday 12 Noon—8:00 PM. 313-864-3404 HARTFORD AGAPE HOUSE 18700 James Couzens Highway—Detroit, Michigan 48235 313-861-1200 — Fax 313-861-7896 Hunger Task Force & Free Shop Mission….. 313-861-1202 The Staff Minister on call is Rev. Kevin Taylor. He can be contacted for any emergencies or urgent matters 313-861-1285 or 313-475-0316 — Email: [email protected] SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 2014 FIRST SUNDAY IN ADVENT ORDINANCE OF BAPTISM Dr. Charles G. Adams, Pastor Rev. Charles C. Adams, Presiding Pastor Rev. Lurecie M. Stokes, Minister of Pastoral Care Rev. Kevin N. Taylor, Minister of General Ministry Website: Streaming Live at 11:00 AM Church Building WIFI Access Code: hartford Sunday’s Broadcast will be aired at 7:00 PM on 1340 AM Gospel Radio 18700 James Couzens Highway— Detroit, Michigan 48235 — 313-861-1300/Church —313-861-1285/Office LOOKING AHEAD The scriptures for the Second Sunday in Advent are lyrical and wonderful, because they give voice to the Word of God that pronounces, proclaims and declares hope for hopeless people. The nation of Israel has gone to the bottom. They are an under-nation subdued under the military madness of the ruthless Babylonians. Two Judean kings have been taken into exile. Jerusalem is in ruins. The temple has been destroyed. But surprisingly the degradation of the people turns out to be the best preparation for hearing the Word of God who afflicts the comfortable and comforts the afflicted. On this second Sunday in advent the voice of God is heard as God comforts the afflicted. Read and be comforted: Isaiah 40:1-11; Psalm 85:1-2, 8-13; 2 Peter 3:8-15a; Mark 1:1-8. Isaiah 40:1-11. Here is God’s call to Isaiah who lived at the end of the exile. Some scholars call him the second or Deutero Isaiah, because he is prophesying 200 years after the period of the earlier prophet Isaiah who wrote chapter 39. Chapter 40 of Isaiah declares the end of the long exile (48 years). The exile had been predicted in Isaiah 39:6,7. Between the threat of Isaiah 39 and the promise of Isaiah 40 there has been a 200 year gap, during which the nation was carried off to Babylon. Israel thought that it had died. But now in chapter 40, God is speaking a message of new hope, abounding confidence and great joy! God speaks in radical, inexplicable, transforming words telling the nation that her sorry condition is about to be changed. God speaks in the reassuring words of radical newness. This same message of radical newness stands boldly at the beginning of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Can such a hope penetrate all the hopelessness, despair and futility of the world? Does anyone have ears to hear the voice from the throne declaring, “Behold, I am making all things new?” Revelation 21:5. In the opening verses of Isaiah 40, Yahweh calls the prophet to speak comfort to a defeated and downtrodden nation: UPCOMING EVENTS 7 14 31 Second Sunday of Advent Third Sunday of Advent Annual Christmas and Birthday Banquet Breakfast with Santa Fourth Sunday of Advent Messiah by Georg Frederic Handel Christmas Eve Service First Sunday after Christmas College Students’ Breakfast with the Pastor New Year’s Eve Service 7:30 & 11:00 AM 7:30 & 11:00 AM Following 11:00 AM service 9:00 AM—12 NOON 7:30 & 11:00 AM 4:00 PM 8:00 PM 7:30 & 11:00 AM 9:30 AM 8:00 PM 11 18 First Sunday after Epiphany Second Sunday after Epiphany 7:30 & 11:00 AM 7:30 & 11:00 AM 22 Men’s Day 20 21 24 28 FEBRUARY 2015 23-27 Winter Revival “Comfort, O comfort my people, says your God.” These words represent a plural imperative. Perhaps there is more than one prophet being called of God to speak comfort to the people of God. What are the messengers of God to say to discouraged people dispersed throughout the world: The 75% of the population of Zimbabwe afflicted with the AIDS virus? The hungry, homeless refugees in East Africa? The unphotographed victims of incredible starvation in Ethiopia? The bereft victims of recent earthquakes in Turkey? The homeless citizens in North Carolina, whose houses and belongings were all swept away in a hurricane so that they still are roaming the highways feeling forlorn and forsaken? Yes! “Comfort, O comfort all these sorry, humble, beleaguered people, says your God.” That is the bold message of verses 1 and 2. In verses 3-5, a new voice from the circle of the prophets cries out in response to what Yahweh has said: “A voice cries out: ‘In the wilderness prepare the way of the Lord make straight in the desert a highway for our God. Every valley shall be lifted up, and every mountain and hill be made low; the uneven ground shall become level, and the rough places a plain. Then the glory of the Lord shall be revealed, and all people shall see it together, for the mouth of the Lord has spoken.’” The last speech for our study today comes in verses 9-11 which commissions the messengers of God to stand high in the mountain and speak loudly, clearly, boldly and courageously that God is with us on the highway. Speak without intimidation by your mortality and vulnerability. Tell all God’s people that death has no 7:30 & 11:00 AM Rev. Dr. Frederick D. Haynes III, Pastor, Friendship West Baptist Church, Dallas TX 7:00 PM MEMBERS’ ORIENTATION GRADUATES Congratulations to the following people for successfully completing the six Members’ Orientation Classes: Doris Estill Sarell Jamison All Hartford college undergraduate members are invited to the College Christmas Breakfast, Sunday, December 28, 2014, 9:30 AM, in the Vincent Room. We will worship at the 7:30 AM Service. Please register in the Church Office or complete the attached by December 21, 2014. If you need additional information, contact Earlinda Albritton (248) 521-6836 or [email protected] Name:_______________________________________________________________________________ College:______________________________________________________________________________ Address: _____________________________________________________________________________ Telephone:_________________________ Email:___________________________________________ CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 1 10 STEPHEN MINISTRY “Christ Caring For People through People” STEPHEN MINISTERS CARE FOR PEOPLE FACING TOUGH TIMES and are ready to provide the emotional and spiritual help need with crisis that include: Loss of a love one Terminal Illness/Chronic Illness Divorce or Separation Unemployment/Job Crisis Loneliness/ Discouragement Incarceration or Re-entry…and more STEPHEN MINISTRY IS A CONFIDENTIAL MINISTRY and are trained volunteers ready to provide you with one-on-care. To Contact a Stephen Minister Call (313) 341-2301 victory, destruction has no boast, sin has no sway, despair has no power over them. A God and the people of God who seemed to be defeated are now raised up and traveling together on the highway home. Here is the new highway. Here is the new life in the presence of an invisible God. Here is newness of life and being where none seemed possible. Here is the resurrected, reconstructed Kingdom of God, traveling on the highway between the Babylon of their bondage and the Jerusalem of their vindication. This triumphant God is holy, holy enough to break through human categories and conceptions of power. The God who marches at the head of this parade has strength in his arms to scatter the enemies of humanity. But that is not all there is to God. God is greater than brute force, strong arms and omnipotent capacity. God’s heart is full of love, and in great tenderness and unfailing capacity and infinite mercy, “he will feed his flock like a shepherd; he will gather the lambs in his arms, and carry them in his bosom, and gently lead the mother sheep, struggling with her babies.” God is great, strong, powerful, omnipotent; but God is also a gentle, compassionate and nursing carrier for those who cannot carry themselves. Psalm 85 continues this theme as the people celebrate the forgiveness of sins and the reconciliation between God and humanity, righteousness and peace, mercy and truth, love and faithfulness. All the opposites will embrace on the day of salvation. In Christ, there comes a reconciliation between judgment and mercy, justice and love, being true yet also being gentle and kind. Following the loss of a loved one can be a very difficult time. You may experience all kinds of difficult and surprising emotions, such as shock, anger and guilt. A Bereavement Support Counseling Group is being held each 2nd and 4th Monday of each month, in Room 307 at 6:00 PM. Through a setting that embraces confidentiality, participants may: gain insight from others regarding coping strategies to begin to "live again"; share experiences and feelings that keep memories alive; restore relationships when forgiveness is needed; gain wisdom regarding lifestyle changes; and strengthen our spiritual well-being. Please contact the Church Office to register at 313-861-1285 x 456, and begin the journey to healing. 2 Peter 3 focuses on the Second Coming of Christ, and Mark 1:1-8 introduces the earthly ministry of Jesus who is the highway we must travel on our journey home to God. CHRISTMAS POINSETTIAS “O worship the LORD in the beauty of holiness.” — Psalm 96:9 Please help beautify our Sanctuary this holiday season by placing a Poinsettia IN HONOR OF or IN LOVING MEMORY OF a loved one! The donation for each poinsettia is only $10.00 per name. Complete the form below and attach your check payable to Hartford Memorial Baptist Church and drop it in the collection tray or bring it to the Church Office. Deadline for submission: December 7, 2014. NAME: ________________________________________________ AMOUNT: __________________ Read and meet, me on the highway! C.G.A. WORSHIP DO’S AND DON’TS Do... IN HONOR OF: ______________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ IN MEMORY OF: ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ Please check one: GIVE TO SICK & SHUT-IN Share your hymnal, Bible… Greet fellow worshippers in Christian love Acknowledge your gratitude for any courteous act or expression Refrain from chatting, distracting behavior, note passing, texting… Leave church pews, choir stand and church altar neat and orderly Bow your head and close your eyes during prayer Stand, if possible, during scripture reading Don’t... WILL PICK UP AFTER THE CHRISTMAS EVE SERVICE 9 2 Chew gum while on duty Distract others from the spirit of worship by unnecessary talking Make your own change from the offering plate Walk during prayer, communion, baptism or the reading of the scripture Eat in the sanctuary Disrespect the sanctuary or allow children to play on the altar Forget that Jesus said, “My house shall be called a house of prayer for all nations.” — Mark 11:17 Rev. D. J. Reed arrived as Senior Pastor of Chilson HIlls in November of 2010 after completing a pastoral resident program at Wilshire Baptist Church in Dallas, TX, part of a Lily Foundation program. A former Minister to Single Adults and Director of Communications at Valley Ranch Baptist Church in Coppell, Texas, D.J. earned a master of divinity degree from Fuller Theological Seminary in Pasadena, California, and a bachelor of arts degree in English from Messiah College in Grantham, Pennsylvania. He is previously a junior high minister to youth at Christian Assembly Foursquare Church of Eagle Rock, California, serving as camp counselor and director of programs. DJ is married to Heather, who is a sewing instructor and a seamstress. They have two sons. BEREAVEMENT NOTICES Please keep in prayer the families who have lost loved ones. We have received the following names: DECEASED RELATIVES LOCATION DATE William Davis Joseph Goree Jessie Goree New Prospect MBC Detroit, MI Wednesday 11/26/2014 Odis Rencher Patricia Rencher Joy Rencher E. J. Rencher Edgar Rencher HMBC Saturday 11/29/2014 Ozelle Walker Latrell Todd HMBC Saturday 11/29/2014 Mary Frances Johnson Cynthia Smith HMBC Monday 12/01/2014 Nelda Frances Avery Mother Sarah Olectric Mance Faye Mance Friendship Baptist Church Toledo, OH SERMON NOTES TIME FH-10:30 AM Svc-11:00 AM For additional information on these names and others, please see the notices as posted on the bulletin board in the north corridor, or call the Church Office. IN THE HOSPITAL/REHABILITATION CENTERS CHILDREN’S HOSPITAL ICU, DETROIT, MI Eddie Stokes (Baby) HENRY FORD HOSPITAL, DETROIT, MI Queen Doom OAKWOOD HOSPITAL, DEARBORN, MI Vonyetta Poole SINAI GRACE HOSPITAL, DETROIT, MI Mary Turner Min. Tommie Latimer Jr. WILLIAM BEAUMONT HOSPITAL, ROYAL OAK, MI Willa Johnson Nelson Saunders Cleveland Cole Jr U OF M CS MOTT CHILDREN’S HOSPITAL, ANN ARBOR, MI Ali Gordon Touray PROVIDENCE HOSPITAL, SOUTHFIELD, MI Annie Latimore HARPER HOSPITAL, DETROIT, MI Francis Shirlee BORTZ REDFORD GERIATRIC VILLAGE, DETROIT, MI Ruby Henderson WOODWARD HILLS NURSING CENTER, BLOOMFIELD HILLS, MI Trustee Dorothy Cleveland IMPERIAL HEALTH CENTER, DEARBORN HTS., MI Louise Hamilton NOVI MANOR NURSING HOME, NOVI, MI Florastine Young HEARTLAND REHAB NORTH EAST, LIVONIA, MI Jacqueline Davis 3 8 SANCTUARY CELEBRATION FIRST SUNDAY OF ADVENT – ORDINANCE OF BAPTISM SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 2014 — 7:30 AM & 11:00 AM ORDER OF SERVICE Devotional & Pastoral Advisements “Prelude on Veni Immanuel” – Rosalie Bonighton Prelude “In the House” – W. Robinson Choral Introit Rev. Elaine R. Thomas Opening Praise Sentences “O, Come, O Come Emanuel” Processional Hymn #53 Rev. Elaine R. Thomas Prayer of Invocation Glory Be To The Father #541 “O Komm Immanuel” – Monar Organ Interlude 7:30 AM Ordinance of Baptism 7:30 AM –The Elam Family Advent Candle Lighting 11:00 AM –The Morton Family “Salvation Belongeth to Our God” – arr. A. Davison Anthem “God ‘Dis a Wonduh” – W. Barks-Dale Prayer of Intercession & Song of Inspiration Rev. Elaine R. Thomas Welcome To The Visitors Health Talk The Tithes & Offertory Period Luke 6:38; Matthew 6:19-21 (NRSV) Offertory Sentences Leader: Give and it will be given to you, good measure, pressed down, shaken together, running over will be put into your lap. People: For the measure you give will be the measure you get back. Leader: Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust consume and where thieves break in and steal. People: But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven where neither moth nor rust consume and where thieves do not break in and steal. Unison: For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also. “I’ve Got to Praise Him” – V. Michael McKay Offertory Selection Rev. Elaine R. Thomas The Prayer of Dedication “Come Thou Fount” Hymn of Preparation #14 TBA The Written Word Preached Word Rev. D. J. Reed Pastor, Chilson Hills Church Brighton, MI Invitation To Christian Discipleship “My God Is Real” Hymn of Invitation #249 Prayer of Thanksgiving The Right Hand of Fellowship “God of Grace, and God of Glory” Recessional #372 “As You Go, Tell the World” – D. Vails Choral Benediction “Saviour of the Nations Come” - Manz Postlude 7 4 ANNOUNCEMENTS ANNOUNCEMENTS Women’s Day Total as of November 23, 2014: $107,282.00 Keith Gamble-Woodwind Music Lessons is offering music lessons for saxophone, flute and clarinet. You may reach him at 313-330-0346, or email at [email protected]. Also, Deborah Scales, a retired DPS band and orchestra teacher is available to assist in beginning strings, snare drum, trumpet and trombone. Arrangements and times can be made by calling Ms. Scales at 248-9397358 or [email protected]. Give the gift of a life time, a musical instrument and lessons beginning the New Year. Join Hartford Women United for a luncheon buffet at Andiamo Riverfront and the movie “Annie” at the Ren Cen Theater, Satur day, December 20, 2014. Lunch fr om 12:00 Noon -2:30 PM; movie at 3:00 PM. Donation: adults-$39 per person, children 11 and under-$20. For additional information and tickets, contact Margaret Black or Silvia Puckett. Hartford Senior Center is gr owing and is in need of volunteer s to help with the senior s on a daily basis and to assist on our outings. Our hours of operations are between 9:00 AM – 1:30 PM. Please contact Hartford Senior Center Site Director Lititia White by calling 313.861.1285 ext. 531. Esther Mission Circle is conducting the annual NEW CLOTHES FOR CHILDREN DRIVE. Sizes 6-16. Clothes are given to “Homes For Black Children”, a non-profit agency. Monetary contributions are greatly appreciated. See Sister Lillian Clinton, Geraldine Smith or Deacon Justine Lofton for further information. Work is almost completed for the six bathrooms on the North end of the Sanctuary and the adjoining floors. be to your be careful. “Breakfast With Santa” will be Saturday, December 20, 2014, in Fellowship Hall, from 9:00 AM to 12:00 NOON. Come and enjoy a delicious pancake breakfast, have your picture taken with Santa, and hear the true Christmas story. We will also have games, crafts, sing-alongs, prizes and gifts. The donation is $10 per child. For more information, call 313-861-1285 x439. The December meeting of the Pastor's Courtesy Guild Ministry will be held on Saturday, December 6, 2014 at 11:00 AM in Room 108. Please plan to be present as we close out 2014. New members are always welcome! Deacon Artelia Griggs, President. The Scholarship Ministry is sponsoring its 2015 Black College Tour, Friday, April 3 thru April 12, 2015. They will tour colleges in Arkansas, Louisiana, Texas and Florida. The donation is $600, and includes transportation and lodging. For applications and additional information, please contact Ms. Georgia Daniel at 313-861-1150 or the Church Office. Get that Midweek Boost! J oin us for “Hour of Power ” Ser vice each Wednesday, in the Chapel, at 12:00 Noon to 12:30 PM. Lunch is served after the Service in the Fellowship Hall. Be connected! Prayer Service: Wednesday's fr om 7-8 PM, in the Chapel. The Theme for the Month is Patience. Deacons and Ministers will anoint and offer comforting intercessory prayer. "Prayer is the key, but faith unlocks the door." The Cathedral Choir and friends will present excerpts from Handel’s Messiah, Sunday December 21, 2014 at 4:00 PM. The annual presentation of this magnificent musical work chronicles the advent, the birth, the life, the death, and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. This world renowned oratorio has been performed at Hartford Church for well over 50 years. The guest conductor is Dr. Robert Harris, former professor at Northwestern University. There is no admission charge. You can help to support this magnificent endeavor, and be acknowledged in the "Messiah" program as a patron for a donation of $10. Please see any member of the Cathedral Choir to place an advertisement or to be listed as a patron. Thank you in advance for your support! The Hartford Singles Ministry December Calendar: Fr iday December 12, Har tfor d’s SemiAnnual Ballroom Gala, the coming out party for those who took Ballroom Dancing Lessons lead by Instructor Vincent Tucker. Event is from 6:30-10:30 PM in Hartford’s Fellowship Hall. Cost is $15 per person, $25 for couples; Monday December 22, from 6:30-8:00 PM in the Vincent Room the last Singles Ministry Meeting of the year. Join us as we recap 2014 events, and plan for 2015. For further info please contact Deacon Jeffrey Steele at 860-830-8596, or [email protected]. 5 Hartford Basketball season is about to start. We are forming basketball teams for all age groups. Cheerleading will also be offered. Adult coaches and assistant coaches are needed. To register and to receive additional information, please call Deacon Stan Clifford at 248-766-5208 or call the Church Office. Hartford Membership Photographers will be taking individual pictur es in Fellowship Hall Stage area behind the screen on the Third and Fourth Sundays after the 7:30 AM and 11:00 AM Services. Don’t let this opportunity pass you by and not be included in our membership publication. Stop by and ask for Delisa. Calling all Hartford ministries, families, members, and friends! The holiday season is upon us and it is time for everyone to embrace the Adopt-a-Family program. If you know of a deser ving family needing holiday assistance, submit the name. If you wish to donate financially or sponsor a family, contact Tajaunia Braxton at the Pastoral Care Office, at 313-861-1285, x456. Let’s bless a family this year. Family recipients will remain confidential. REMINDER! The year is coming to a close. It is the time to make sure you are achieving your tithes and offering goals. We are available to talk to you. 6
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