County News Issue 12: November 2014 Page Two County News Keeping you informed throughout the year Welcome to‘County News’, your at-a-glance guide to key decisions being made by Bowls England’s committees (comprising democratically elected Council Members) and the work they are doing. This newsletter aims to keep you, as a County Secretary/Administrator and/or Council Member, fully informed of decisions made by them within their roles and responsibilities as approved by you. On each page we have highlighted for you the decisions that have been made by each Committee, and whether they are ‘Resolved’, which means they are confirmed, or ‘Recommended’. The latter means the decision will go forward to the Board for approval or referral to a Company Meeting. In addition, I would like to take this opportunity to draw your attention to the following items of interest: National Championships The 2014 National Championships at Royal Leamington Spa, our first joint Championships at a single venue, was widely regarded as a success. I must take this opportunity to thank all those who contributed to the event with particular reference to my staff team, volunteer supporters and Warwick District Council, whose commitment to Bowls England and our Members has been outstanding. Commonwealth Games The highlight of the summer at international level had to be the Commonwealth Games, where 13 of our 15 strong team returned with a medal, with special mention to Sophie Tolchard, Ellen Falkner and Sian Honnor who secured Gold in the Women’s Triples. The event provided a great showcase for our sport and we continue to work closely with Commonwealth Games England to maximise all opportunities both now and in the future. In 2015, two of our most promising young players will participate in the Commonwealth Youth Games and this promises to provide them with a tremendous opportunity to experience an international multi-sport event that can only bode well for their future. Support for Clubs and County Associations I am delighted to report that the last year has seen more than £1million worth of grant funding secured for Bowls England affiliated clubs, and we have may more clubs currently preparing bids for external grants. Our free legal helpline continues to be popular among clubs, with a vast range of issues raised that our Lawyer or other specialist advisors have responded to. All this is in addition to the day-to-day information service provided via the Head Office. Our Coaching Bursaries have also assisted many members who wish to gain a Coach Bowls qualification and, at the time of writing, a total of 192 people have obtained a Level 1 qualification. Recruitment and Retention Encouraging new people into our sport, and looking after those we already have, continues to be our top priority as your National Governing Body. We remain a committed partner of the Bowls Development Alliance, and latest figures show that nearly 400 Play Bowls Days have been organised in the last year, resulting in 4,000 new people trying our sport for the first time. Having got new people through the door, it is vital that our offer as a sport is relevant, and again I urge all Clubs and Counties to be flexible in their approach - whether it be with regard to the format of play offered, dress code or organisation of fixtures. More must be done to make it as easy as possible for people to participate at a time and place that meets their wishes Although this newsletter is aimed primarily at County Secretaries and Council Members, please share this information with other colleagues as appropriate. If you have any queries or suggestions for future issues, please contact Alistair Hollis, on 07765 050408 or e-mail: [email protected] Tony Allcock MBE Chief Executive Bowls England Page Three COMPETITIONS Committee Responsibilities: National Championships & Competitions Tournaments & Licences Umpire Services Laws of the Sport Summary of decisions from meeting held in September 2014 National Competition Entry Cards 2015: Resolved entry cards for 2015 competitions be promoted throughout the closed season through the website and social media. Regional Finals 2015: Resolved venues as proposed be confirmed for 2015 and 2016. BIBC Under 18 Singles: Resolved the highest placed male bowler in Sutton Winson Trophy would represent England in any future BIBC Under 18 Singles event. Named Entrants: Resolved that should the named entrant be unable to play due to exceptional circumstances the team may request an additional player in writing to Bowls England via the County Association for consideration. Mileage Calculations: Resolved that for club events the mileage would be taken from club to club and for county competitions the mileage be taken from county centre to the host venue from 2015 onwards. Women’s Top Club: Resolved that format would remain the same. Further resolved that dates of the inter-county stages be considered to avoid potential clashes during the National Championships. Review of the 2014 National Championships: The Chair reported that the Championships as a whole were a great success. Comments regarding the greens were positive and all staff were praised for their work during the Championships. The schedule for 2015 would remain as 2014. The Chief Executive reported that the addition of two access gates had been requested for 2015 and provisions for disabled parking to be looked into further. Resolved that markers of singles events would use lollipops to indicate scores from the quarter final stages onwards. Resolved that in the event of a delayed game due to clashes the affected opponents would be allowed a practice prior to the game as and when rink space is available. Resolved that the potential of live scoring during the 2015 National Championships be discussed further. Rules and Regulations: Recommended to the Board that an extra end be played in the event of a tie in a Middleton Cup or Johns Trophy group stage match where both points and shots are level. Recommended to the Board that Regulations be amended to read: “County Championships leading to National Championships shall be administered by the County Association under the Rules and Regulations of Bowls England”. Recommended to the Board that Regulations 54.7 and 61.7 be amended to read: “...possible to win ‘by’ playing a scheduled tie”. Recommended to the Board that Regulation 56 be amended to include dress code. Recommended to the Board that shorts and other sports type apparel may be worn by Men and Women in Bowls England National Competitions so long as it has been previously approved and licensed by Bowls England. Recommended to the Board that the possibility of raising the mileage from 160 mile round trip for intercounty competitions be discussed at the Counties Meeting in November. Budget: Resolved that no prize money would be given for the senior inter-county events, but would continue to be presented for the youth inter-county events in an aim to promote/support the youth sections. Eligibility for 2015 National Competitions: The Committee considered correspondence regarding the 2015 Mixed Pairs and Mixed Fours Regulations. Resolved the current wording remains, in that each player in each team must be an affiliated member of a club in that county. This need not be the same club or county from where they enter National Championships. John Whitehead Park: Resolved letter of support be sent. Opportunities for Players with Disabilities: Consideration was given to an event for players with disabilities during the National Champoionships. It was resolved that, although Bowls England support the idea, it would not be possible during the Championships. It was noted that several bodies already exist and organise their own events. Sutton Winson Trophy: Resolved as condition of entry each participant must bring a marker and that entry fee would be £5 per player. Resolved that the first 128 entries would be accepted, then a reserve list in operation. Resolved that the Plate Competition will be a drawn pairs. Middleton Cup: Resolved not to support request from Gloucestershire Bowls to move a set date for Middleton Cup. Laws of the Sport: Resolved to submit the Domestic Regulations, which had been produced in conjunction with the English Bowls Umpires Association, to World Bowls for approval. Date of next meeting: Tuesday 13th January 2015 at Royal Leamington Spa. Page Four FINANCE Committee Responsibilities: Financial Performance Annual Budgets Affiliation Fees Loans (Clubs) Report submitted by Chair of Finance Committee (November 2014) Finance status for 2014: Preliminary indications show that Bowls England will, as forecast at the AGM in February this year, have recovered a large proportion of the 2013 relocation costs within the first year at Royal Leamington Spa. Surplus: 2014 was a massive year of change for Bowls England, but the financial estimates, together with the planning and negotiation of terms with Warwick District Council for temporary head office accommodation and National Championship & Competitions facilities, appear to have paid off. The 2014 accounts ‘surplus’ includes the new rental income from our former head office in Worthing, plus the cost savings from the current head office accommodation (including utilities and services), National Championship facilities, meetings and international events. Bowls England is still well on course to recover relocation costs from related savings before the end of the 2015 accounting period. Membership: The reduction in Affiliated Members in 2014 was 3260 (2.78 per cent). This was a very disappointing result after the Bowls Development Alliance activities in recent years. Sponsorship and Donations: The Friends of English Bowling were again the main supporters of the National Championships and - with some excellent support from our Insurers Sutton Winson - the new Under 18 Open Singles Tournament was a great success. The withdrawal of some commercial sponsors was a blow, but some new ones were obtained too. The Operational Services Manager and the Business Services Manager work very hard to obtain sponsors, so please advise them if you know of any opportunities to recruit new ones. The Friends of English Bowling continue to provide a constant source of extremely valuable funding to Bowls England. Please do everything you can to support them in return. Affiliation Fees: The Affiliation Fee of £5 will be maintained for 2015 (the same as the women were paying the English Women’s Bowling Association in 2006). It was recommended to the Board that Affiliation Fees remain at this level in 2016. However if we are to remain self-sufficient and solvent as a National Governing Body then a prudent annual increase in Fees may well be necessary. Development Loans and Greens Maintenance Loans: Bowls England Loans are currently available. Please apply if you cannot obtain a grant from any other source. Relocation: The Worthing to Royal Leamington Spa Relocation Project has been completed and we are now at the tentative stage of planning new requirements for when we have to vacate our current ‘free accommodation’ in Riverside House. Warwick District Council’s plans are still being formulated, so we do not yet have a target date for relocating. As the District Council cannot yet give us any firm indication of where or when they intend to move, we are simply assessing our alternatives ready for when they make a decision. Planned finance actions for 2015: Forecasting and finance planning will continue as high priority items to ensure that we have a clear indication of our likely relocation funding availability. The maintenance of our financial processes and procedures will continue as an ongoing task to ensure that Bowls England remain in line with current national compliance requirements from Sport England and other such bodies. As in recent years, Bowls England will continue to promote the streamlining of processes wherever possible in order to reduce overheads. Update on Key Performance Indicators (KPIs): All KPIs are currently on target for completion within agreed timescales. Date of Next Meeting: Monday 19th January 2015 at Royal Leamington Spa. Page Five INTERNATIONAL EVENTS Committee Responsibilities: Appointment/recall of Team Managers; Receipt of performance reports for all international level representation; Protocols for Bowls England representatives at international events; Preparation and control of international event budgets; International events, Commonwealth Games and World Bowls events Summary of decisions from meeting held in September 2014 Selector and Team Manager Reports: It was resolved to discuss at the next meeting when Selectors and Team Managers would be present. British Isles Bowls: It was noted that work is currently ongoing with regard to the proposed unification of the respective British Isles bodies for each gender. Youth Commonwealth Games 2015: Funding has been allocated by the Board towards Bowls England’s participation. It was resolved to appoint Ellen Falkner to accompany the selected players to Western Samoa and that she would be included in all discussions with regard to selection in conjunction with Team Managers. World Bowls: John Bell had been elected President and Andy Ewens European Director for World Bowls. Given continuing discussions with regard to the World Bowls affiliation fee and costs, it was resolved to contact World Bowls for confirmation that all World Bowls flights are economy class. Commonwealth Games 2014: It was resolved that a special presentation be made at the respective Annual Dinners to team members in light of their achievements in Glasgow. World Champion of Champions: It was noted that Amy Truran has withdrawn for personal reasons. European Games: It was resolved to add the Selection Criteria for this event to the Agenda for the Managers and Selectors Meeting in January. Atlantic Rim Games 2015: It was noted the Atlantic Rim Games were to be the qualifying event for 2016 World Bowls. It was resolved to add selection and availability regarding this event to the Agenda for the Managers and Selectors Meeting in January. World Junior Championship: It was resolved to consider future participation in September 2015. Internationals 2014: Reports had been received regarding all four international teams. It was resolved that the Men’s Junior Team Manager write to the retiring Captain, Sam Tolchard, to thank him for his contributions to the Junior Team over a long period. Trials: Resolved that the format for future trials be discussed at the Managers and Selectors Meeting in January. Squad Days 2015: Resolved that arrangements for the Senior Men, Senior Women and Junior Women squad days would remain the same. It was resolved to request the use of Oxford City and County BC for the Men’s Junior Squad Day. Internationals 2015: The Committee was updated on the plans for the respective events. Code of Conduct - International Players: Resolved that the Code of Conduct be updated to include ‘Adhere to a no smoking rule (including the use of Electronic devices)’. Resolved the new code of conduct be signed at 2015 Trials and Squad Days next year to replace the previous one. Date of Next Meeting: Tuesday 27th January 2015 at Royal Leamington Spa (concluding on Wednesday 28th January) Page Six OPERATIONAL SERVICES Committee Responsibilities: Annual Conference; Commercial & Marketing; National Yearbook; News-sheets; Merchandise; Tented Villages; Greens Maintenance; Website; National Archives; Civil Liability Insurance; Mail-outs; Media Relations; Social Media Summary of decisions from meeting held in September 2014 Youth Development: Recommended to the Board that the Chair of Operational Services meet with the respective Chairs of Competitions Committee and International Events Committee to decide clear ownership of the Youth Strategy. Social Media Policy: The Policy had been approved by the Board at its meeting in May 2014. Potters Week: It was noted that plans to further develop this event are in hand. National Archives: It was reported that international team photos have all been digitalised. Club of the Year: It was noted that the Regional Winners have been selected and visits will take place shortly to determine the National Winner. Website/Management of National Competitions: Resolved that a Sub-Committee be formed to consider future requirements and present a report for consideration. Recruitment: The Guidance for New Bowlers booklets are to be updated ahead of the 2015 outdoor season in line with when the Laws of the Sport Third Edition. Documents for Clubs and Counties regarding how to generate media interest and information on the use of social media accounts have been produced. Resolved that Bowls England consider further additions including a series of ‘How to...’ guides to assist clubs and counties who wish to expand their membership. Committee Roles and Responsibilities: Recommended to the Board that consideration be given to the clarification of ownership of all Bowls England policies and protocols. Communications: Updates were provided regarding the Bowls England website and social media figures. Coaching: It was noted that a joint statement regarding Coach Bowls is currently being prepared in conjunction with the English Indoor Bowling Association Ltd. Resolved to advise those that have been granted a Coaching Bursary that their information has been received, but that payment would only be sent following confirmation from Sport Structures of course completion. National Championship Luncheons: Recommended to the Board that consideration be given to fewer luncheons during the Championships. Additionally Recommended to the Board that any off-duty Bowls England officials should not attend. Recommended to the Board that a complimentary National Championships programme should be included as a benefit to all members of the Friends of English Bowling. Resolved that a report with regard to resource implications for live scoring during the 2015 National Championships be prepared for consideration. National Yearbook: It was noted that the cost of the 2015 Bowls England Yearbook will remain at £4.25. Merchandise – Future: It was noted that discussions are currently underway with regard to the future outsourcing of all Bowls England merchandise. Date of Next Meeting: Monday 9th February 2015 at Royal Leamington Spa. Page Seven POLICY & MANAGEMENT Committee Responsibilities: Articles, Rules & Regulations, Achievement Award, Associate/Associated Membership, Logo/Colours, Celebration Matches, Annual General Meeting, Annual Dinners, Anti-Doping Policies, Children & Vulnerable Adults, Equal Opportunities, Gender Issues, Life Membership, Health & Safety Summary of decisions from meeting held in November 2014 Fixture with EIBA Ltd: Resolved that Chief Executive discuss with the EIBA Ltd. Celebration Match: Resolved to accept request from Eastern Counties BA for fixture in 2015. Counties Meeting: Resolved that the Agenda would be finalised for circulation following the November Board Meeting. Safeguarding: The Operational Services Manager provided a brief update on training and the Advanced Standards submission. Community Amateur Sports Club (CASC): The HMRC review of the CASC scheme is nearing completion. Bowls England has participated in the process through the Sport & Recreation Alliance. Resolved that once HMRC review is complete guidance would be issued to all affiliated clubs. Presidential Protocol and Clothing Protocol: Resolved that the Presidential Protocol and Clothing Protocol be Recommended to the Board and a copy be sent to the Board and Presidential Team. Celebration Match Protocol: Resolved that the updated protocol be adopted. Resolved that match fees be £7 per person for the 2015 season. Associated Membership Information: Resolved that the updated protocol be approved. It was noted that for Associate Members to fully benefit they should provide Bowls England with an e-mail address. It was resolved to change the wording from ‘mailout’ to ‘Bowls England E-mails’ in the protocol. Women’s Annual Dinner and Presentation of Prizes: Arrangements for event on Saturday 22nd November were reported. Fee for Associate Membership: Resolved that the membership fee remain unchanged for 2015. Model Constitution for Clubs/Guidance to Counties: A draft paper for Guidance on County Association Constitutions was presented. Resolved, subject to update, to Recommend to the Board. Presidential Team Allowances: Resolved to recommend to the Board that allowances remain unchanged for 2015 and continue to be reviewed annually. Affiliation Fee for Junior Members: Consideration was given to a reduced affiliation fee for Junior Members. Resolved that there would be no change at present. Directors Protocol: Resolved that a Directors Protocol be produced. Certificate of Merit: Resolved to amend the application form to replace 25 years with long service, and an additional column be made requesting period of service. Resolved that suitable photograph be taken of all recipients for inclusion in the Bowls England Yearbook. Date of Next Meeting: Thursday 9th April 2015 at Royal Leamington Spa. Page Eight Entry cards for 2015 National Competitions now available Bowls England has produced entry cards that enable clubs and individuals to enter a number of competitions using the same form for 2015. The Club Competition form (to be completed by the Club Secretary or other Club Representative) is to be used for the following National Competitions: • • • • over) • • Club Two Fours – Men Top Club – Men Top Club – Women Tony Allcock Trophy – Mixed (aged 60 and Champion of Champions – Men Champion of Champions – Women The individual competitions form is to be used to enter the following National Competitions: • • • • • • • Mixed Pairs Mixed Fours Family Pairs Senior Singles – Men Senior Singles – Women Senior Pairs – Men Senior Pairs – Women County Associations have received an entry form for use with the Champion of Champions. Entry forms are also available from Alternatively e-mail: [email protected] or telephone 01926 334609 to request an entry form. Please note that all individual entrants from the 2014 National Competitions will receive notification directly for 2015. The closing date for entries is 1st February 2015. DON’T DELAY - ENTER TODAY
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