SIAATIP PAICSAT Società Italiana di Anestesia, Analgesia e Terapia Intensiva Pediatrica Pediatric Anesthesia and Intensive Care Society and Applied Technologies INTERNATIONAL JOINT CONGRESS ON PEDIATRIC ANESTHESIA AND PEDIATRIC CRITICAL CARE INNOVATION AND ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES IN PEDIATRIC CARE 3rd SIAATIP NATIONAL CONGRESS 1st INTERNATIONAL PAICSAT CONGRESS ADVANCED WORKSHOPS Fiberoptic bronchoscopy, Videolaringoscopy, Ultrasound Vascular Access, Neonatal Resuscitation in Delivery Room, Ultrasound TAP Block, Percutaneous Tracheostomy 18 CREDITI ECM Bari, 21-‐22 November 2014 -‐ Hotel Parco dei Principi SIAATIP PAICSAT Società Italiana di Anestesia Analgesia e Terapia Intensiva Pediatrica Pediatric Anesthesia and Intensive Care Society and Applied Technologies Over the last years, pediatric anesthesia and pediatric critical care have undergone a profound change in both cultural and technical aspects. The study and research about the use of new instruments, the application of new technologies and improvement of existing ones are necessary for the efficacy and safety of care in the pediatric population. We have moral obligation to work for these goals. Dario Galante, MD Congress President and Scientific Director Dario Galante Scientific Board Nicole Almenrader Fernando Maria De Benedictis Federico Fiocca Giovanni de Francisci Laura Giuntini Gabriel M. Gurman Ranu Jain Salvatore Meola Fabio Midulla Dino Pedrotti Angelica Spotti Joseph D. Tobias Angela Umbaldo Friday 21 November 2014 08:30/09:00 Opening Ceremony of the Congress Dario Galante, SIAATIP President and SIAATIP-‐PAICSAT Congress President Joseph D. Tobias, PAICSAT Board Director Gabriel M. Gurman, PAICSAT-‐ESCTAIC Joint Congress 2016 Co-‐President 09:00/13:00 I Session Moderators: D. Galante, J. D. Tobias, N. Almenrader 09:00 Update on treatment for severe bronchiolitis F. M. De Benedictis (Ancona – Italy) 09:20 Care of pediatric patients requiring oxygen therapy. A. Cesaretti (Ancona – Italy) 09:40 A new way to read the pulse oxymetry in p ediatric anesthesia. A. Spotti (Bergamo – Italy) 10:00 Pediatric and neonatal fiber-‐optic bronchoscopy. F. Midulla (Rome – Italy) 10:20 New monitorig methods in pediatric head injury. L. Bussolin (Florence – Italy) 10:40 Videolaryngoscopy for d ifficult pediatric intubation. N. Almenrader (Rome, Italy) 11:00 Coffee break 11:20 Pediatric Anesthesia in Proton Therapy Center. D. Pedrotti (Trento – Italy) 11:40 Total intravenous Anaesthesia in paediatric patients. G. Cacciafiori (Pescara, Italy) 12:00 Anesthesia for pediatric robotic surgery. G. Consani (Pisa – Italy) 12:20 Analgosedation with nitrous oxide. L. Giuntini (Siena – Italy) 12:40 Bilateral suprazygomatic maxillary nerve block: a new way to provide analgesia of cleft palate repair in children F. Fiocca (Brescia, Italy) 13:00 Discussion 13:30 Lunch Friday 21 November 2014 14:00/18:00 II Session Moderators: G. Gurman, B. Schloss, S. Meola 14:30 Severe critical events in pediatric anesthesia and medical legal aspects: interactive session. M. S. Pignotti (Florence – Italy) G. de Francisci (Rome – Italy) 15:30 Pharmacological management of neonatal Acute Kidney Injury Z. Ricci (Rome – Italy) 16:00 Thromboelastography during pediatric transplantation A. Spotti (Bergamo – Italy) 16:20 A new induction mask for children. G. M. Gurman (Beer-‐Sheva – Israel) 16:30 Near infrared spectroscopy in pediatric anesthesia J. D. Tobias (Columbus, Ohio – USA) 16:50 Clinical and Technical Issue in Pediatric CRRT Z. Ricci (Rome – Italy) 17:10 Ultrasound neuraxial blocks: from caudal to thoracic epidurals. D. Martin (Columbus, Ohio – USA) 17:30 New modes of ventilation in operating room. J. D. Tobias (Columbus, Ohio – USA) 17:50 Non Invasive ventilation J. D. Tobias (Columbus, Ohio – USA) 18:10 Exit Procedure. R. Jain (Texas – USA) 18:30 Monitors of cardiac output and fluid responsiveness il pediatric p atients. B. Schloss (Columbus, Ohio – USA) 19:00 Discussion and Closing Session 21:00 GALA DINNER participants who want to attend the gala dinner can buy a ticket at the hotel reception desk Saturday 22 November 2014 CORSI E WORKSHOPS SONO TUTTI INCLUSI NELL’ISCRIZIONE Fibrobroncoscopia, Videolaringoscopia ed intubazione difficile, Accessi Vascolari Ecoguidati, Corso di Rianimazione Neonatale in Sala Parto, Ultrasound TAP Block, Tracheostomia Percutanea. I corsi, in lingua italiana, saranno tutti certificati con rilascio di Diploma 08:00/17:00 Workshops Session Directors and teachers: S. Meola (Foggia, Italy) and V. Faraone (Naples, Italy) -‐ Ultrasound Vascular Access F. Midulla and R. Nenna (Rome, Italy) -‐ Pediatric Fiber-‐Optic Broncoschopy N. Almenrader (Rome, Italy) -‐ Videolaryngoscopy and Airway Management D. Galante (Foggia, Italy) – Ultrasound TAP Block A. Umbaldo (Naples, Italy) – Neonatal Resuscitation in the Delivery Room L. Magaldi (Foggia, Italy) -‐ Percutaneous Tracheostomy 08:00 Ultrasound Vascular Access: is this the m ost correct technique? S. Meola (Foggia – Italy) and V. Faraone (Naples – Italy) 08:20 Techniques of pediatric fiber-‐optic bronchoscopy. F. Midulla, Pediatric Fiber-‐Optic Broncoschopy Workshop Director (Rome, Italy) 08:40 Techniques of videolaryngoscopy and airway management. N. Almenrader, Airway M anagement and Videolaryngoscopy Workshop Director (Rome, Italy) 09:00 Neonatal resuscitation in the delivery room A. Umbaldo (Naples, Italy) 09:20 Ultrasound TAP Block D. Galante (Foggia, Italy) 09:40 L. Magaldi (Foggia, Italy) -‐ Percutaneous Tracheostomy 10:00 -‐ 11:00 First rotation of working groups 11:00 -‐ 12:00 Second rotation of working groups 12:00 -‐ 13:00 Third rotation of working groups 13:00 -‐ 14:00 Fourth rotation of working groups 14:00 -‐ 14:30 Coffee Break 14:30 -‐ 15:30 Fifth rotation of working groups 15:30 -‐ 16:30 Sixth rotation of working groups 16:30 -‐ 17:00 Discussion FACULTY Nicole Almenrader Department of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care, Policlinico Umberto I, Rome, Italy Fernando Maria De Benedictis Department of Pediatrics Salesi Children’s Hospital, Ancona, Italy Leonardo Bussolin Trauma Center Department, Children’s Hospital Meyer, Florence, Italy Giovanna Cacciafiori Department of Anesthesia and Intensive Care, Pediatric Anesthesia and Intensive Care Unit, Pescara, Italy Alessandra Cesaretti Chief Nurse, Department of Pediatrics, Salesi Children’s Hospital, Ancona Giovanni Consani Department of Anesthesia and Intensive Care, University Hospital of Pisa, Italy Giovanni de Francisci Department of Anesthesia and Intensive Care, Catholic University of Sacred Heart, Policlinic “A. Gemelli”, Rome, Italy Federico Fiocca 1st Department of Anesthesia and Intensive Care, Spedali Civili of Brescia, Italy Dario Galante University Department of Anesthesia and Intensive Care, University Hospital Ospedali Riuniti, Foggia, Italy Laura Giuntini Department of Anesthesia and Intensive Care, University Hospital of Siena, Italy Gabriel M. Gurman Department of Anesthesiology and Critical Care Ben Gurion University of the Negev Beer Sheva, Israel Ranu Jain Department of Anesthesiology, University of Texas, USA Luciano Magaldi University Department of Otorhinolaryngology, University Hospital Ospedali Riuniti, Foggia, Italy FACULTY David Martin Department of Anesthesiology, Nationwide Children's Hospital The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, USA Salvatore Meola University Department of Anesthesia and Intensive Care, University Hospital Ospedali Riuniti, Foggia, Italy Fabio Midulla Department of Pediatrics, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy Raffaella Nenna Department of Pediatrics, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy Dino Pedrotti Department of Anesthesia and Intensive Care, S. Chiara Hospital, Trento, Italy Zaccaria Ricci Department of Pediatric Cardiosurgery, Bambino Gesù Children’s Hospital, Rome, Italy Brian Schloss Department of Anesthesiology & Pain Medicine Nationwide Children's Hospital, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, USA Maria Serenella Pignotti Medical Surgical Feto-Neonatal Department “A. Meyer” Hospital, Medical Examiner, Florence, Italy Angelica Spotti Department of Anesthesia and Intensive Care, Papa Giovanni XXIII Hospital, Bergamo, Italy Joseph D. Tobias Department of Anesthesiology & Pain Medicine Nationwide Children's Hospital The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, USA Angela Umbaldo Department of Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, University Hospital Federico II, Naples, Italy Scientific Sponsors and Partners file://localhost/mailbox/ me=SIARED_logo_azzurro_testo.jpg Provincia di Bari Informazioni:sede congressuale, abstracts, segreteria, ECM, diploma e attestati, lingua ufficiale. HOTEL PARCO DEI PRINCIPI BARI Prolungamento Viale Europa, 6 70128 Bari - Aeroporto T. +39 080 5394811 F. +39 080 5394812 [email protected] Aeroporto Karol Wojtyła Distanza 1,5 km. Uscendo dall'aeroporto svoltare su Viale Europa direzione Bitonto. Autostrada Autostrada A14 casello Bari Nord e seguire per aeroporto Bari-Palese. Metropolitana Stazione "Europa" (Ferrovie Nord Barese) a 400 mt. dall'hotel. Destinazioni: Bari Centrale (11 min.), Aeroporto (4 min.), Andria (46 min.), Barletta (58 min.). ABSTRACTS Gli abstract vanno inviati all’indirizzo email [email protected] SEGRETERIA ORGANIZZATIVA E AMMINISTRATIVA Deadline: 15 novembre 2014 Il testo è libero come estensione e può essere redatto sia in italiano che in inglese. Dental Campus Carattere: times new roman 12, interlinea/spaziatura 1.5 Via del Consorzio 39 I tre migliori abstracts saranno selezionati e premiati con una targa durante il congresso Provider ID 2760 60015 Falconara Marittima (AN) Tel. +39 071 918469 Fax +39 071 9162845 LINGUA UFFICIALE Il congresso sarà sia in lingua italiana che in lingua inglese in base ai relatori ospiti. I corsi e workshops saranno esclusivamente in lingua italiana. I relatori stranieri discuteranno in lingua inglese e i relatori italiani in lingua italiana. I partecipanti non dovranno preoccuparsi perché saranno assistiti dalla nostra società in caso di domande e discussione con gli ospiti stranieri. Il clima sarà amichevole e informale Cellulare: +39 3407883905 Email: [email protected] Website: Il congresso è accreditato ECM per medici ed infermieri (18 crediti assegnati) e rilascerà a tutti i partecipanti un Diploma ufficiale e qualificante emesso dalla società scientifica attestante la partecipazione all’evento e a tutti i workshops. Provider ID. 2760 MODULO D’ISCRIZIONE INTERNATIONAL JOINT CONGRESS ON PEDIATRIC ANESTHESIA AND PEDIATRIC CRITICAL CARE -‐ INNOVATION AND ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES IN PEDIATRIC CARE 3rd SIAATIP CONGRESS, 1st PAICSAT CONGRESS – Bari, 21-‐22 november 2014 Iscrizione comprensiva di tutti i seguenti Corsi con rilascio di Attestati e Diplomi: Fibrobroncoscopia, Videolaringoscopia, Accessi Vascolari Ecoguidati, Rianimazione del Neonato in Sala Parto, TAP Block Ecoguidato, Tracheostomia Percutanea L’iscrizione è anche possibile online attraverso il sito Cognome __________________________ Nome __________________________ Indirizzo ___________________________________________________________ Cap ______________ Città ______________ Prov. ______________ Tel. ______________ fax. ______________ E-‐mail ____________________________________________________ Cod. fisc. ____________________________________________________ Iscr. Albo n° __________________Prov. DATI PER L A FATTURAZIONE Ragione sociale ___________________________________________________________ Indirizzo ___________________________________________________________ Cap ______________ Città ______________ Prov. ______________ Partita iva __________________________ OPZIONI MODALITA’ DI PAGAMENTO: Euro 200, iva compresa Bonifico Bancario a favore di: Dental Campus srl Banca delle Marche Filiale 319 – Castelferretti IBAN: IT84 R 06055 37351 000000002258 Inviare la s cheda di adesione a mezzo fax al n. 071.9162845,o tramite email [email protected] L’iscrizione si intenderà perfezionata solo se accompagnata da relativa quota iscrizione. Consenso trattamento dati personali (D.L. 196/2003) [ ] Autorizzo l’uso dei dati [ ] Non autorizzo l’uso dei dati Data Firma
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