VENTURA COUNTY MEDICAL CENTER 2014 ACCEPTED SYMBOLS Above, Increase ¯p After ~ Approximately, about equal Below, Decrease Change ♀ Female > Greater than Greater than or equal to < Less than Less than or equal to ♂ Male # Number 1 Primary Psychiatry/Psychology 2 Secondary Therefore ¯c With ¯s ACOG ACL Act Add ADH ADL ad lib adm. ADR AFib AFB AFMC AFO AFOF AFP AFSF AG Ag AGA A/H AHT AIDS AJ AK AKA a.k.a. ALD ALL Alt ALT ALTE a.m., AM AMA amb. AML Without In addition to the above symbols, all Standard, Metric, and Chemical abbreviations and symbols will be accepted and approved for use in all medical records and related materials. ABBREVIATION DEFINITION @ 2D-ECHO 5FU A a A.A. AAFP AAP AAROM A&B AB, ab abd abs A.B.G., ABG ABN, abn. Abx. a.c. A.C. A-C, A/C ACC ACF at 2 dimensional echocardiogram 5-Fluorouracil Assistance before Alcoholics Anonymous American AcademyFamily Practice American Academy of Pediatrics Active Assisted Range of Motion apnea & bradycardia Abortion abdominal, abdomen, abduction abdominals arterial blood gas Abnormal antibiotics (NNS) before meals alternating current Acromio-Clavicular accepted anterior cervical fusion AMP Amp. amp. amt. AN ANC ANK ant ante Anti-HAV A&O AODM AOP AP A.P.L Appt appy APRV Aq. AR ARC 1 American College of Obstetrics and Gynecologists anterior collateral ligament activity Adduction Antidiuretic Hormone activities of daily living as desired, tolerated admitted, admission adverse drug reaction atrial fibrillation Acid Fast Bacillus Academic Family Medicine Center Ankle Foot Orthosis anterior fontanel open and flat alpha feto protein anterior fontanel soft and flat activity group Antigen appropriate for gestational age auditory hallucination abusive head trauma Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome Ankle Jerk above knee above knee amputation also known as alcoholic liver disease acute lymphocytic leukemia alternating or alternate alanine aminotransferase test apparent life threatening event morning against medical advice ambulate, ambulatory, ambulation acute myelogenous leukemia or A.M. labs amputation Ampicillin , Amplitude Ampule, amputation amount admission note absolute neutrophil count appointment not kept anterior before Hepatitis A antibody alert & oriented adult onset diabetes mellitus apnea of prematurity anterior-posterior abductor pollicus longus appointment appendectomy, appendicitis airway pressure release ventilation aqueous ankle restraints AIDS-Related Complex ARDS ARF AROM AROM art. AS ASA, A.S.A. ASAP ASCUS ASCVD ASD ASHD Assess AST ASVD as tol. AT ATN ATNR ATT AUC A-V, AV AWOL, AW AWRR ax. B, b BA BAC BAL/bal BB BBB B&C BCP B.E., BE BFR BG BH BIB BID, b.i.d. BIG BiPAP Bilat BK BKA BLE B.M., BM BMP B.M.R. BNP B.O.A. BOM BOW BOWI BP, B.P. BPD BPH Adult Respiratory Distress Syndrome Acute Renal Failure active range of motion artificial rupture of membranes artery, arterial aortic stenosis aspirin (acetyl-salicylic acid) as soon as possible atypical squamous cells undetermined significance arteriosclerotic cardiovascular disease atrial septal defect arteriosclerotic heart disease assessment aspartate aminotransferase test arteriosclerotic vascular disease as tolerated Axillary Tail acute tubular necrosis asymmetrical tonic neck reflex at this time area under the curve arteriovenous absent without leave, note airway respiratory rate axillary both, bilateral blood alcohol blood alcohol content bronchoalveolar lavage/ balance backward bending bundle branch block board and care birth control pills barium enema/below elbow blood flow rate blood glucose base hospital brought in by twice daily botulinum immunoglobulin Bi-level Positive Airway Pressure bilateral below knee below the knee amputation bilateral lower extremity bowel movement basic metabolic panel basal metabolic rate brain-type naturetic Peptide born out of asepsis bilateral otitis media bag of waters bag of waters intact blood pressure bronchopulmonary dysplasia benign prostatic hypertrophy Bpm BR/B.R. BRM BRP B.S./BS BSC BSO BSP BTB BTP BUN BUR BUS BVM BW/BWT C. C/A CA Ca#/Ca++ ca. Ca Cl CABG CAD CaI2+ cal. cap./caps CAPD CAPWB CAT CaT2+ cath. CAU, cauc CB CBC, C.B.C. CBCd CBG CBS, C.B.S. CC CCC CCF CCS CDE CECT Cerv CF CG CHD CHF CHO chol. CHP Circ CIWA CrCl 2 beats per minute bed rest/bathroom breast milk bathroom privileges blood sugar/bowel sounds/bed side bed side commode bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy bromsulphalein back to bed break through pain blood urea nitrogen back up rate Bartholin, urethral, Stein's glands bag valve mask birth weight centigrade cool aerosol cancer Calcium circa, about calcium chloride coronary artery bypass graft coronary artery disease ionized Calcium calorie capsule/capsules continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis crutch assist partial weight bearing computerized axial tomography total Calcium catheterize caucasian contraband complete blood count complete blood count differential capillary blood gas chronic brain syndrome chief complaint clinical case conference community care facility certified coding specialist/ California children services common duct exploration contrast enhanced coaxial tomography cervical Cystic Fibrosis contact guard congenital hip dislocation/ congenital heart disease congestive heart failure carbohydrate cholesterol California Highway Patrol circumcision Clinical Inventory Withdrawal Assessment clearance creatinine Cl cl CLD CLL cm CMG CML CMP CMT CMV CN CNS C/O CO CO2 Cocci cod. cog comm. comp. cont coord COPD C.O.T.A C/P CP CPAP CPD CPM CPN CPR Cr C/R CRF CRI cryo C/S C&S CS CSF C. sp. CST CT CTA Cts CUS CV CVA CVC CVL CVP c/w cwp, c.w.p. CXR chloride clear chronic lung disease/chronic liver disease chronic lymphocytic leukemia centimeter cystometrogram chronic myelogenous leukemia complete metabolic panel/ Carpal metacarpalphalangeal continuous mist tent cytomegalovirus charge nurse central nervous system complains of cardiac output/carbon monoxide carbon dioxide Cx. cysto C7N D DAS DBP D&C d.c., DC, D.C. DDD D&E Decub Dept. DES DF, D/F DFM DIC coccidioides (coccidioidomycosis) codeine cognitive or cognition community compound continue coordination chronic obstructive pulmonary disease certified occupational therapy assistant cerebral palsy/ cold pack chest pain continuous positive air pressure cephalopelvic disproportion continuous passive motion central parenteral nutrition cardiopulmonary resuscitation creatinine contract-relax chronic renal failure chronic renal insufficiency cryoprecipitate cesarean section culture and sensitivity chemstick cerebral spinal fluid Cervical spine contraction stress test cat scan/chlamydia trachomatis clear to auscultation carpal tunnel syndrome cranial ultrasound Clevage cerebrovascular accident central venous catheter central venous line central venous pressure consistent with centimeters water pressure chest x-ray Diff dil. DIP disp. dist DJD DKA DKC dl., dL DM DMSA DN DNI DNR DNT DO DOB DOA DOE DOL Dom DOS DPN DPT Dr. DRI Drng drsg.,dsg. DSD DSS dT DT DTaP DTO DTR DTR's DT's DTS DUB DVT D&W 3 culture cystoscopy neonatal Chem-7 day Drug of Abuse Screen diastolic blood pressure dilation and curettage discontinue,discharge/direct current Degenerative Disc Disease dilation and evacuation decubitus department diethylstilbestrol dorsiflexion deep friction massage disseminated intravascular coagulation differential dilute distal interphalangeal dispense distal Degenerative Joint Disease diabetic ketoacidosis double knee to chest deciliter/ double leg diabetes mellitus Dimercaptosuccinic acid discharge note do not intubate do not resuscitate do not test doctor of Osteopathy date of birth dead on arrival dyspnea on exertion day of life dominant date of service discharge plan note diphtheria/pertussis/tetanus Doctor Dietary Reference Intake drainage dressing dry sterile dressing Dioctyl Sodium Sulfosuccinate Adult diphtheria tetanus diphtheria/tetanus toxin (Peds) diphitheria tetanus acellular Pertussis danger to others Registered Diet Technician deep tendon reflexes delirium tremens danger to self dysfunctional uterine bleeding deep vein thrombosis dextrose and water DW D/W Dx.,DX. E. EAC EC ECCE, E.C.C.E. E.C.D. ECF ECG ECMO E.C.R.B. E.C.R.L. E.C.U. ED Ed EDC, E.D.C. EEG EENT EES EFM Eg EGA EGD EIL EIS EKG Elb ELBW Elev elix. EMB EMG, E.M.G. EMS EMT EMT-P endo Enf ENT, E.N.T. eob eod EOM EOMI eor EPF Epi. Epis. E.P.L. EPS equip ER,E.R. ERCP ES ESR, E.S.R. est. ESWL distilled water discussion with diagnosis enema external auditory canal enteric coated extra-ocular cataract extraction extensor digitorum communis extended care facility electrocardiogram extra corporeal membrane oxygenation extensor carpi radialis brevis extensor carpi radialis longus extensor carpi ulnaris Emergency Department education expected date of confinement electroencephalogram eye ear nose and throat Erythromycin Ethyl Succinate External Fetal Monitoring For example estimated gestational age esophagogastroduodenoscopy extension in lying extension in standing electrocardiogram elbow extremely low birth weight elevate or elevation elixir Ethambutol electromyogram emergency medical service emergency medical technician emt paramedic endocrinology (clinic) Enfamil ear, nose & throat end of bed end of day extraocular movement extraocular muscles intact end of range Enfamil Premature Epinephrine Episiotomy extensor pollicus longus extra pyramidal symptom equipment emergency room, external rotation Endoscopic retrograde Cholangiopancreatography electro stimulation erythrocyte sedimentation rate estimate extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy ET ETA Etc. ETOH ETT EV eval ex exp. or Exp. ext. F FAE FAS f/b FB FBS, F.B.S. FC FCf F.C.R F.C.U FDG Fdg. F.D.M.B. F.D.P. Fe FEN FeSO4 FEV FEV1 FFP FH FH# F.H.B F.H.L FHR FHT, F.H.T. FI FIL FiO2 FIS fl. oz. fl, fld FLACC flex FM FNP FP F.P.B. Freq. FROM FS FSE Ft FTA FTP FTT f/u FUO, F.U.O. 4 endotracheal tube Estimated Time of Arrival etcetera ethyl alcohol endotracheal tube eversion evaluation exercise expiratory extremity; extension or external fahrenheit fetal alcohol effects fetal alcohol syndrome followed by foreign body fasting blood sugar family cares family conference flexor carpi radialis flexor carpi ulnaris fluorodeoxy glucose feeding flexor digiti minimi brevis flexor digitorum profundus iron fluids, electrolytes, nutrition ferrous sulfate forced expiratory volume forced expiratory volume/1 second fresh frozen plasma family history fire incident number flexor hallicus brevis flexor hallicus longus fetal heart rate fetal heart tone functional impairment, fire incident flexion in lying fractional concentration of inspired oxygen flexion in standing fluid ounce fluid face legs activity cry consolability flexion fetal movement Family Nurse Practitioner alpha feta protein flexor pollicus brevis frequency full range of motion full srength fetal scalp electrode foot Fluorescent Treponema Antibody failure to progress failure to thrive follow up fever of unknown origin FVC f/w, F/W FWB FWW Fx.,fx. G6PD GA GAF gastroc gav. GB, G.B. GBS, G.B.S. GC GCS GD GDM Gent. GERD GF GFR GG GI, G.I. glut GM Gm., gm. GPA GP gr. grp grs. GS GSP GSW gt gtt gt trng GT GTube GTT gtt. gtts. GU, G.U. GYN, Gyn. h/a ham/hams HATT HAV Hb HbA1C or Hb A1C Hbb HBA HBcAb HBD Hbh HBIG HBS forced vital capacity followed with full weight bearing front wheel walker fracture Glucose 6 Phosphate Dehydrogenase gestational age global assessment of functioning gastrocnemius gavage gall bladder gall bladder series Group b streptococus gonococcus, gonorrhea glascocoma scale grave disability gestational diabetes mellitus Gentamicin gastroesophageal reflux disease grandfather Glomerular Filtration Rate gamma globulin gastrointestinal gluteal grandmother Gram gravida para abortion general practitioner grain group grains gluteal sets general suicide precautions gunshot wound gait either drop or drip gait training group therapy/gastrostomy tube gastrostomy tube glucose tolerance test drop drops genitourinary gynecology headache hamstring/hamstrings Hospital Alternative Treatment Team Hepatitis A virus hemoglobin Glyohemoglobin hand behind back harmful behavior assault Hepatitis B core antibody has been drinking hand behind head Hepatitis B immune globulin Harmful behavior suicide HBsAg HBV hc HCA HCGU HCI HCO3 hct. HCTZ HD HDD HDN HEENT HELLP hemi HEP Hep B HFNC HFOV HFV Hg. H&H HH H/I HI Hib HIE HIT HLIV HMD HMF H/N HNP h/o H2O2 HOB HOH Horiz H/P H&P hr HR HS hs HSM HSV HT, Ht HTN I IBW IC ICH ICN ICP ICT ID 5 Hepatitis B surface antigen Hepatitis B virus/vaccine heelcord Health Care Agency Human Chorionic Gonadotropic Hormone health care impairments bicarbonate hematocrit hydrochlorothiazide hospital day or hemodialysis hypertrophic degenerative disease hemolytic disease of the newborn head, ears, eyes, nose, throat hemolysis, elevated liver enzymes, low platelets hemiplegia home exercise program Hepatitis B high flow nasal canula high frequency oscillatory ventilation high frequency ventilation mercury hemoglobin and hematocrit hiatal hernia homicidal ideation hydriodic acid Haemophilus Influenzae Type B hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy HeparinInduced Thrombocytopenia Heparin Lock Intra Venous hyaline membrane disease human milk fortifier head and neck herniated nucleus pulposus history of peroxide head of bed hard of hearing horizontal hot pack history and physical hour heart rate Hereditary Spherocytosis hours of sleep/bedtime hepatosplenomegaly herpes simplex virus height hypertension independent ideal body weight iliac crest intracranial hemorrhage intensive care nursery intracranial pressure intermittent cervical traction Implant Displacement IDB IDDM IDM IgA IgG IgE IgM IGRA IHSS IL Imp IMV IN Inc Incont Inf Inf A Inf B Info INH inj. INR int INT INV invol. I&O IOI IOL IP IPP & A IPPB, I.P.P.B. IPT IPU IPV IQ IR IRDS irreg irrig. ISAM ISG isol. IT ITP ITT IUC IUD IUGR IUP IUPC IV, I.V. IVC, I.V.C. IVH IVIG infant of diabetic mother insulin dependent diabetes mellitus infant of diabetic mother immunoglobulin A immunoglobulin G immunoglobulin E immunoglobulin M interferon gamma release assay in home support services Intralipids impaired intermittent mandatory ventilation incident note increase incontinent infection influenza A influenza B information isoniazid injection international normalized ratio internal intermediate care nursery inversion involuntary intake and output intraocular implant intraocular lens in-patient inspection, palpation, percussion, auscultation intermittent positive pressure breathing intermittent pelvic traction in-patient psychiatric unit injectable poliovirus vaccine intelligence quotient internal rotation idiopathic respiratory distress syndrome irregular irrigation infant of substance abusing mother Immune Serum Globulin isolation inspiratory time Idiopathic Thrombocytopenia Purpura internal tibial torsion internal uterine catheter intrauterine device intrauterine growth retardation intrauterine pregnancy Intrauterine Pressure Catheter intravenous intravenous cholangiogram intraventicular hemmorhage intravenous immunoglobulin IVP, I.V.P. IVPB JIA JRA JT Jt Jt MOBS JVD K, K+ KC1 KCAL/Kcal Kg KJ KUB, K.U.B. KVO L, l L lab LAC lac. LAD LAIV Lat. LB lb. LBP LBW LCD LCSW LDH, L.D.H. LE or le LEEP LEFS LFT's Lg., lg LGA LHD Li LI-12 LIQ liq. LKKS LLB LLC LLL LLQ LM LMO LMP, L.M.P. LNMP LNS LOA LOB LOC LOP LOQ 6 intravenous pyelogram; IV Push intravenous piggyback juvenile idiopathic arthritis juvenile rheumatoid arthritis jejunal joint joint mobilization jugular venous distension potassium potassium chloride Kilocalorie kilogram knee jerk kidney, ureter, and bladder (x-ray) keep vein open liter left laboratory long arm cast laceration left axis deviation/ left anterior descending live attenuated influenza vaccine lateral low back pound low back pain low birth weight liquor carbonis detergens licensed clinical social worker lactic dehydrogenase lower extremity loop electrocautery excision procedure lower extremity functional scale liver function tests large large for gestational age left hand dominant lithium carbonate level one through twelve lower inner quadrant liquid liver, kidney, kidney, spleen long leg brace long leg cast lower left lobe lower left quadrant lateromedial lateromedial oblique last menstrual period last normal menstrual period licensed nursing staff left occiput anterior loss of balance loss of consciousness or level of consciousness left occiput posterior lower outer quadrant LOS LOT LP, L.P. LPHA LPM or L/min LRI L/S LS L. sp. Lt., lt. L/T LT L.T.E. L.T.F. L.T.R. LUL Lumb Lami LUQ LVH LVN LWBS LWS Lytes M MA MAA MAC MAC MAE MAG III /MAG3 Maint. MAP MAS mass MAT MAX MAYSI MBC MBM MBP MCA mcg. M.C.J MCL M.C.P. MD MDP Mec. med meds mEq. mets METS MFR length of stay left occiput transverse lumber puncture Licensed Public Health Administrator Liters per minute lower respiratory infection lumbosacral Lumbar spine left levine tube lower trapezius lower trunk extension lower trunk flexion lower trunk rotation left upper lobe lumbar laminectomy left upper quadrant left ventricular hypertrophy licensed vocational nurse left without being seen low wall suction electrolytes meter Medical Assistant macro aggregated albumin managed anesthesia care mycobacterium avium complex moves all extremities mercaptoacyltriglycine maintenance mean arterial pressure or mean airway pressure meconium aspiration syndrome massage multiatrial tachycardia maximum Massachusetts Youth Screening Instrument Minimum Bacteriocidal Concentration maternal breast milk mean blood pressure motorcycle accident /Middle Cerebral Artery Microgram metacarpal joint midclavicular line/ medial collateral ligament metacarpal phalangeal medical doctor methylene diphosphonate meconium medial/medium medications milli-equivalent metastases mobile emergency team service myofascial release Mg., mg. MH MI, M.I. MIBG MIBI MIC MICN min. MINDS mins ml, mL ML MLO mm. mmole MMR MMT MN MoAb MOB MOBS mod. MOHS MOM, M.O.M. m.p. MPJ MRE MRF MRI MS AFP MSAF MSCC MSE msg MSW MTC MTJ MTP MVA MVI MVP mvt MVV MWF MWP Na NA, n/a NaCl NAD NaF NaHCO3 NAI NASH NAT NB, N.B. NBQC NC NCAT 7 milligram Mental Health myocardial infarction meta iodobenzylguanidine methoxyisobutyl isonitrile minimum inhibitory concentration mobile intensive care nurse minimum, minimal Minnesota detoxification scale minutes milliliter mediolateral mediolateral oblique millimeter millimole measles, mumps, rubella manual muscle test medical note monodonal antibody mother of baby mobilization Moderate MOHS surgery milk of magnesia mouth piece metacarpal phalangeal joint mechanically resisted exercise myofascia release magnetic resonance imaging Maternal Serum Alpha feto protein meconium stained amniotic fluid midstream clean catch mental status exam massage medical social worker medical therapy conference metatarsal joint medical therapy program motor vehicle accident multivitamin mitral valve prolapse movement maximum voluntary ventilation Monday Wednesday Friday medium whirlpool sodium not applicable sodium chloride no acute distress sodium fluoride sodium bicarbonate non accidental injury non-alcoholic steo hepatitis non accidental trauma newborn narrow based quad cane nasa canula normocephalic atraumtic NCPAP NCS NDI NE neb. NEC Neg. Neuro N/G, ng, NG NGT NGTD NGU NH NHL NIBP NICU NIDDM NIH NJT NKA NKDA NL NMS NNP NO No., # noc DEHP norm NPC, npc NPH NPO, N.P.O. NRB NS, N/S NSAIDS NSE NSF NSR NSS NST NSU NSVD n/t NTD NTE NTG, N.T.G. NTP N/V NVD, N/V/D NWB O O2 Sat. O2 nasal continuous positive airway pressure nerve conduction study neck disability index not evaluated nebulized necrotizing enterocolitis negative nerological nasogastric nasogastric tube no growth to date non-gonococcal urethritis nursing home non hodkins lymphoma Non-invasive blood pressure neonatal intensive care unit non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus national institute of health nasojejunal no known allergies no known drug allergies normal neuroleptic malignant syndrome neonatal nurse practitioner nitric oxide number night Di(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate normal non-productive cough Neutral Protamine Hagedorn (insulin) nothing by mouth non-rebreather normal saline non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs needle stick employee nephrogenic systemic fibrosis normal sinus rhythm Nutritional Support Service or needle stick source non-stress test non-specific urethritis normal spontaneous vaginal delivery numbness and tingling negative to date not to exceed nitroglycerine neonatal TPN Panel nausea, vomiting nausea, vomiting, diarrhea non-weight bearing oral oxygen saturation oxygen OA OB, O.B. obj OBS OC OCC OCG OCT, O.C.T. OD, O.D. ODM OE Of OFC O/G OHT OM OOB, O.O.B. OOC OP OPD OPS, O.P.S. OPV OR, O.R. OR/RR OREF ORIF, O.R.I.F. ORT Ortho OS, O.S. os OSA/OSAS OT, O.T. OTC OTR OU, O.U. OXAS OXPD oz. Phos p P P&A PA PAC (s) PA-C PACU Paivms pap para PAS Pass PAT P bar PBI p.c. PC PCN PCO2 8 occiput anterior/ osteoarthritis obstetrics objective organic brain syndrome oral contraceptives/open crib occasional oral cholecystogram oxytocin challenge test overdose opponens digiti minimi otitis externa offered occipital frontal circumference oral gastric over head trapeze otitis media out of bed out of cast out-patient/Occiput Posterior outpatient department out-patient surgery oral polio vaccine Operating Room operating room/recovery room open reduction external fixation open reduction, internal fixation occupation therapist - registered orthopedics left eye mouth obstructive sleep apnea occupational therapy over the counter registered occupational therapist both eyes Oxnard ambulance service Oxnard police department ounce phosphorus after pulse percussion and auscultation posterior/anterior premature atrial contractions physician assistant - certified post-anesthetic care unit passive accessory intervertibral movement Papanicolaou (smear) paraplegic para-amino salicylic acid passive paroxysmal atrial tachycardia parallel bars protein bound iodine after meal packed cells penicillin partial pressure of carbon dioxide PCP PCV PD PDA PE, P.E. Peds PEEP PEG Pen VK, Pen G per periph PERL PERRLA PET PF PFC PFO PFT's Ph PG Ph.D. pharm. Pharm.D. PHN PI PIC PICC PICU PID, P.I.D. PIE PIH PIP Pit. PJ PK PL PLF PLT/plat PM, P.M. PMD PMH PMI PN pn PNA PND PNV p.o., po PO2 POC POD Pos post post-op or P/O phencyclidine phosphate pnumococcal conjugate vaccine police department patent ductus arteriosus pulmonary embolism Pediatrics positive end expiratory pressure percutaneous endoscopic Gastrostomy/ polyethylene glycol. potassium phenoxymethyl, penicillin G by, through peripheral pupils equal and reactive to light pupils equal, round, reactive to light and accommodation positron emission tomography plantar flexion persistent fetal circulation patent foramen ovale pulmonary function tests pressure high; pH pneumogram psychologist pharmacy pharmacy doctor public health nurse present illness peripheral intravenous catheter peripherally inserted central catheter pediatric intensive care unit pelvic inflammatory disease pulmonary interstitial emphysema pregnancy induced hypertension proximal interphalangeal joint peak inspiratory pressure pitocin pajamas pharmacokinetics pressure low prior level of function platelets afternoon private medical doctor past medical history point of maximum impulse parenteral nutrition progress note pneumonia paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea prenatal vitamins per mouth, orally partial pressure of oxygen point of care, plan of care post-operative day positive posterior post-operative POV PO4 pp PP, P.P. PPD P & PD PPHN PPN PPS PPSV & pneumovax PR PRBC PRE pre-op prn PPROM PRO Procto PROM PFS P/ROM Pron protime, PT Prox PS PSI PSPN PSVT PSW Psych PT, P.T. pt. PTA P.T.A. PTD PTL PTT, P.T.T. PTU PTX PUD PUW PVC(s) PVL PWB pwdr. PZA q A.M. Q, q q.h. q.i.d. QNS q.o.h. QS q.s. 9 privately owned vehicle Phosphate post prandial post partum purified protein derivative percussion and postural drainage persistant pulmonary hypertension peripheral parenteral nutrition peripheral pulmonic stenosis Pnumococcal polysaccharide vaccine per rectum/pulse rate packed red blood cells progressive resistive exercise pre-operative as necessary, as desired Preterm premature Rupture of membranes protein proctology premature rupture of membranes pre filled syringe passive range of motion pronation prothrombin time proximal pressure support/pulmonary stenosis psycho social impairment protein-sparing parenteral nutrition paroxysmal supra-ventricular tachycardia social worker psychiatry physical therapy patient prior to admission physical therapy assistant prior to discharge preterm labor partial thromboplastin time propylthiouracil pneumothorax peptic ulcer disease pick-up walker premature ventricular contraction(s) periventricular leukomalacia partial weight bearing powder pyrazmamide every morning every every hour four times daily quantity not sufficient every other hour quadriceps sets quantity sufficient qt. QT interval quad/quads. R, r R/A RA RAD RASS RBOW RBS RBUS RCM RD RDS re: REC ref Ref Reg. Rehab resp. REUE Rf RHD RIGH RL RLL RLQ, R.L.Q. RM RML RMP RN r/o, R/O ROA ROM ROP ROS rot ROT Rota ROW RPR RR RRR RSI RSR RSV RT r/t Rt., rt RTA RTC rtc Rtn. RTW quart qt interval quadriceps/quadriceps quadriplegic right room air rheumatoid arthritis right axis deviation Richmond Agitation Sedation Scale ruptured bag of waters random blood sugar renal bladder ultrasound right costal margin Registered Dietician respiratory distress syndrome regarding; referring to recommend refuse referal regular rehabilitation respiration reconditioning exercise to uninvolved extremity refused rheumatic heart disease; right hand dominant Rabies Immune globulin (human) roll lateral right lower lobe right lower quadrant roll medial right middle lobe rifampin registered nurse rule out right occiput anterior range of motion/rupture of membranes right occiput posterior review of system rotation right occiput transverse rotavirus red blood cell distribution width rapid plasma reagin recovery room/respiratory rate regular, rate and rhythm rapid sequence intubation regular sinus rhythm respiratory syncytial virus respiratory therapist related to right renal tubular acidosis return to clinic rotator cuff return return to work RUL RUOQ RUS RUQ, R.U.Q. Rx S S&A SAB SAC SAH SaO2 SAQ sat. SB SBA SBI SBP SBT Sc SCF SCH SCIWORA SCr ScvO2 SD S/E sec SEM SG SGA shldr. S/I S/P, s/p S/SR SI SIADH sig, sigma Sim SIMV SIO SIRS SKC SL SLB SLC SLE SLIV SLR SLWC sm., SM SNF SO4 SOAP 10 right upper lobe right upper outer quadrant renal ultrasound right upper quadrant prescription subjective/supervised sugar and acetone spontaneous abortion short arm cast subarchnoid hemorrhage oxygen saturation short arc quad saturated side bending/stand by stand by assist serious bacterial infection/ spontaneousbreathing indes systolic blood pressure spontaneous breathing trial subcutaneous Similac Special Care scheduled spinal cord injury without Radiographic abnormality serum creatinine central venous O2 saturation standard deviation side effects second systolic ejection murmur specific gravity small for gestational age shoulder suicidal ideation status post seclusion/seclusion & restraint note sacroiliac joint syndrome of inappropriate anti-diuretic hormone label Similac synchornized intermittent mandatory ventilation superinferior oblique Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome single knee to chest sublingual/single leg short leg brace short leg cast Systemic Lupus Erythemastosus saline lock intra venous straight leg raising short leg walking cast small skilled nursing facility sulfate subjective, objective, assessment and plan SOB sol./soln SOM s/p spc spec. SPECT SpO2 SQ SR SROM S&S ss SSE SSKI SSP SSRI STAT STD stim STS STSG subl., S.L. subq SUP supp. surg. susp. SVT SW SWD SWP Sx. syr. SS ST SZ T T&A TAB tab. TAH TAN TAR TAT TB, T.B. Tband Tbsp. T&C TC TcCO2 TCM TCN TcO2 T.D. Tdap shortness of breath solution serous otitis media status post single point cane specific gravity specimen single photon emission tomography oxygen saturation subcutaneous systems review spontaneous rupture of membranes signs and symptoms social services soap suds enema saturated solution potassium iodide strict suicide precautions selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors; ie. Prozac immediately sexually transmitted disease stimulation serologic test for syphilis split thickness skin graft sublingual subcutaneous supination suppository surgery suspension supraventricular tachycardia stab wound short wave diathermy small whirlpool symptom(s) syrup shift supervisor speech therapy seizure temperature tonsils and adenoids therapeutic abortion tablet total abdominal hysterectomy tangential treatment authorization request tetanus antitoxin Tuberculosis Theraband tablespoon type of cross-match throat culture transcutaneous carbon dioxide transcutaneous monitor Tetracycline transcutaneous oxygen tardive dyskinesia tetanus reduced diphtheria acellular pertussis TDI TDWD Tech temp TENS terb., Terb. TF TG Th ther ex THR TIA TIB fib TIB pl t.i.d., TID tinct., tr. TKE TKO TKR TL TMPH TM's TNTC T.O. TOA TOCO TOL TORB TORCH T.P. TPN, T.P.N. Trach. TRAPS troch. T/S T&S tsp. TST TT TTNB/TTN TTWB TTS TURP TVH TWE T&X Tx. UA, U/A UAC UCG UD UDS UE UGI, U.G.I. UIQ Ul ULN 11 total fluids touch down weight bearing technician temperature transcutaneous electric nerve stimulation Terbutaline total fluids or tube feed triglycedrides time high therapeutic exercise total hip replacement transient ischemic attack Tibia fibula Tibia plateau three times daily tincture terminal knee extension to keep open total knee replacement time low Total Mean Parental Height tympanic membranes too numerous to count telephone order tubo-ovarian abscess Tocodyanometer tolerate telephone order read back Toxoplasmosis Rubella Cytomegally VirusHerpes total protein total parenteral nutrition tracheostomy, tracheotomy Trapezius m. troche/lozenge thoracic spine type and screen teaspoon tuberculine skin test tetanus toxoid transient tachypnea of newborn toe touch weight bearing Tuesday, Thursday Saturday transurethral resection prostate total vaginal hysterectomy tap water enema type and screen treatment urinalysis umbilical artery catheter urinary chorionic gonadotropin ulnar deviation urine drug screen upper extremity upper gastro-intestinal upper inner quadrant unilateral upper limit of normal UO, UOP UOQ URI, U.R.I. Urol. UrTox US, UTZ, UTS, USP, U.S.P. UTD UTI, U.T.I. UV, U.V. UVC UVG V Vanco. VC, V.C. VCG, V.C.G. VCMC VCUG VD, V.D. VDRL, V.D.R.L. VE VENT VFib Vit. A Vit. B1 Vit. B Vit. B12 Vit. B6 Vit. C Vit. D Vit. E Vit. K VITS VLBW VNA VNS VO, v.o. VP, v.p. VPD V/Q VS VSD VSS Vt VTach VZIG w/a w/c WB WBC, W.B.C. WBT Wd., wd. WD/WN WF WFL wk WM urinary output upper outer quadrant upper respiratory infection urology urine toxicology screen ultrasound United States Pharmacopeia unable to determine urinary tract infection ultraviolet umbilical vein catheter umbilical venous gas voided Vancomycin vital capacity vector cardiogram Ventura County Medical Center voiding cystourethrogram venereal disease Venereal Disease Research Laboratory minute ventilation ventilator ventricular fibrillation vitamine A Thiamine WNL WOB WP WPL WPW Wt, wt. x x, X XCCL yr ZIG Thiamine Cyanocobalamin Pyridoxine Ascorbic acid vitamine D vitamine E vitamine K vitamins very low birth weight Visiting Nurses Association vaginal nerve stimulator verbal order venous pressure Ventura police department ventilation perfusion vital signs ventricular septal defect vital signs stable tidal volume ventricular tachycardia varicella zoster immunoglobulin with assistance wheel chair weight bearing white blood count weight bearing as tolerated wound well developed, well nourished white female within functional limits week white male 12 within normal limits work of breathing whirlpool within pain limits Wolff-Parkinson-White Syndrome weight times except exaggerated craniocaudal year Zoster immune globulin LOCATION ABBREVIATION DEFINITION ADP AFDC AMB ARTH CARD CFS CMH C.S., CS CYT DERM DM ENDO ENT ER EYE FCC FCA FMG FPOX FPSI FPV FPSP GEN GI GU GYN GN HCA HEMO HEM/ONC HHA ICN ICU INT IMC LTC MHIP MHOP MHOX MHRC MHSI MHSP MHTO MHV MP MS MSC MTU NICU NM OB OFC SPH SSA SSI TCRC TCU VCBH VCHCP VCMC VCMH Alcohol Drug Program Aid to Families with Dependent Children Ambulatory Surgery Arthritis Cardiology Children Family Services Community Memorial Hospital Central Supply Cytology Dermatology Diabetic Endocrinology Ear, Nose, Throat Emergency Room Optometry Family Care Center Family Care Annex Faculty Medical Group Family Planning Oxnard Family Planning Simi Family Planning Ventura Family Planning Santa Paula Genetics Gastrointestinal Genitourinary, urology Gynecology General Nursery Health Care Agency Hematology Hematology/Oncology Home Health Assist. Intensive Care Nursery Intensive Care Unit Intermediate Care Nursery Internal Medicine Long Term Care Mental Health In-patient Mental Health Out-patient Mental Health Oxnard Mental Health Rehab Center Mental Health Simi Mental Health Santa Paula Mental Health Thousand Oaks Mental Health Ventura Moorpark Musculoskeletal Medicine Specialties Clinic Medical Therapy Unit Neonatal Intensive Care Nursery Nuclear Medicine Obstetrics, Pre-natal 13 Oxnard Family Planning Santa Paula Hospital Social Security Administration Social Security Income Tri Counties Regional Center Transitional Care Unit Ventura County Behavioral Health Ventura County Health Care Plan Ventura County Medical Center Ventura County Mental Health
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