The Semaphore Circular No 645 The Beating Heart of the RNA December 2014 Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Shipmates and Second World War Veterans, Alec Penstone (Isle of Wight Branch) and Dennis Morris (Christchurch Branch) Presenting an RNA sponsored award at Senior Officers’ Rounds in Victory Squadron HMS Collingwood. S/M Dennis joined Collingwood originally in May 1943 he said the ‘joining routine’ was slightly different as he cleared security at the Main Gate! S/m Alec is due to carry the IOW Standard in Sydney next year at the ANZAC Day parade!! RNA members are reminded that hard-copies of the Circular are distributed to each branch via their Secretary, but “silver-surfers” can download their own copy from the RNA website at .(See below) 1 Dear Shipmate Readers Welcome to the December and Christmas edition of the Semaphore Circular. As we approach the holiday season may I remind Branch Chairs, Secretaries and Welfare Officers please remember those branch members you may not see often and check that someone is visiting them over the festive season? This is a business-heavy Circular so I will start with the End of year list of things to do: • Enclosed with the Circular are three documents that need to be completed shortly. o The Branch End of Year return for finance, which the Hon Tres should get started on, once books closed at the end of the year. o The membership list which the membership or branch sec should complete and get back to Nigel. o The list of branch officials – for branch sec to complete. • It is important to get these details right, so that we can get the Yearbook right and not contact shipmates who are no longer in post or even crossed the bar. • The branch motion form is there for any motions for Conference 2015, if you want advice on getting the motion ready contact HQ and we will put you in contact with the Standing Orders Committee. • Election forms for NCM/DNCM and SOC which needs to be with me by 27 Feb, same deadline as motions. • The Delegate Form for Conference, please nominate your Delegates and Observers. • The annual returns for Clubs will be sent separately, branches should ensure they are completed. • Area returns for officials and finance will be sent separately to Area Secretaries. • Please get on with your booking of the Conference Hotel too! • A reminder that the Biennial Parade is 6 September 15 For information the HQ will be closed over Christmas from 1200 on 23 Dec, reopening at 0830 on 5 January. As a result there will not be a Circular for January, next edition will be with you for first week of Feb and on the website 23 January 15. We have heard that some branches would like multiple hard copies of the Circular. Whilst I am trying to go as electronic as possible to save printing and postage costs – I would like to judge the demand for extra copies. Since this would have to be at no extra cost to the budget there will be a charge for each additional copy and postage. Until I know what the demand is, hard to put a full cost on it, but it will certainly be in the order of £3 to £4 a copy. Please let me or Nigel know if you want additional hard copies and we will see what can be done. Naval Service Memorial - news You will be delighted to hear that the NSM featured on a BBC programme ‘Glorious Gardens from above’. You can find the programme at The NSM bit starts 30 mins and 20 seconds into the programme, which you can get to using the slider. You will be delighted to hear that we successfully landed a final grant of £31,500 to cover the cost of VAT for the memorial – the final cost of which was £180,000 – which has now been fully covered by grants and donations, with a small bit over for maintenance and insurance. We will use some of that small amount left to improve the readability of the information panel and the clarity of the inscribed letters on the granite pavement – which can be hard to read in flat, cloudy 2 light. This is in response to helpful feedback from RNA members visiting the National Memorial Arboretum. International Maritime Confederation - news. There are a number of upcoming opportunities with IMC members which branches may like to consider in their 2015 planning: • We are setting up a twinning arrangement where a branch may twin with a branch in a member country, in order to meet up, swap visits etc. If this might be of interest please let Nigel or the GS know. • The Italian Naval Association (ANMI) – invites RNA shipmates to their National Reunion in Ravenna 9 to 10 May 2015. This is a weekend of activities with concerts, receptions, fireworks, parade and march past, Vin d’honneur. Please let me know by 20 Feb if you are interested. Logistics details to follow. Ravenna is on the Adriatic coast 70 kilometers south of Venice. • The Italian Navy has opened to the RNA places on their cruise 12 to 23 September 2015. The cruise departs from Savona on 12 Sept returning 23rd. Itinerary includes French and Spanish ports Tenerife, Funchal, Lanzarote. Prices vary from inside cabin at 1,079 Euro to Premium veranda cabin at 1,544 Euro per person in a double cabin. Includes full board, unlimited beverages with meals, entertainment. Ship is the Costa Magica. There will be an Atlantic at sea remembrance service. • We will have an invitation to parade with the French naval association (FAMMAC) at the Champs Elysee during their major parade (dates TBC). • Discount of 10% staying at the Admiral Sheer Hotel in Laboe, Germany, next to the national maritime memorial and U995. • The Austrian naval association (yes really) will invite us to their National Day. • The IMC sailing camp will be held in Croatia this year – any RNA member who would like a young person to go please let me know – details not yet available but in the summer and cost in the order of 300 Euro less RNA subsidy. Finally, the RN is leading on the Cenotaph Parade to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the Gallipoli campaign on Saturday 25 April 2015. We have been invited to provide an RNA platoon of veterans to march alongside RN, Australian, New Zealand and Turkish serving and veterans. There will be an Army, RM and Turkish bands. Muster 1000 in Whitehall service completes about 1130 for a march past. Please let Nigel or me know if you would like to march – no standards by the way. Hope you have a great Christmas Yours as ever, Paul GS at U995 in Laboe in Germany. Just about to store ship and do a casing crawl 3 Chairman’s Chat – December 2014 Another end-of-year Semaphore Circular to see out a year in which the RNA has continued to struggle on against the increasing loss of our ageing membership but with some very encouraging signs of new growth in the last two months. It also saw one of the biggest events the RNA has hosted for many a year. The unveiling of the Naval Service Memorial at the National Memorial Arboretum at Alrewas on the Sunday of the Conference weekend in Coventry was a spectacularly triumphant occasion in all respects. We were graced with the support of so many RNA and CONA members, over 100 RNA and other Standards on parade, the attendance of many COs of Naval Ships, Units and Establishments, the presence of both First and Second Sea Lords, the Armed Forces Minister, the Lord Lieutenant of Staffordshire and of course Their Royal Highnesses Prince and Princess Michael of Kent. The wow factor when the glass memorial was unveiled was palpable, and it has continued to wow the many thousands of visitors to it. So many visitors that the NMA now positions a volunteer at the NSM on busy visitor days to answer the many questions they ask. We have also been invited to kick-off the NMA Monthly Visitor Lecture series in 2015 with a presentation on the NSM. This follows on from the very good reception I had from NMA Volunteers when I talked to them in July about the NSM from concept to construction. They were fascinated by the thought that had gone into it and the hidden depths within the overall design, and not least was the explanation I gave them behind the wording of Tennyson’s “Crossing the Bar” poem around the base of the pavement. The photo was taken on 18th November when the Sun was very low in the sky and you will see the shadow ship has now run aground off the granite pavement. I mentioned to Graeme Mitcheson on 1st November when the ship was right at the edge of the pavement that by the time we get to the shortest day on 21st December the ship will have run aground. His reply was that by then it will probably be in Stoke-on-Trent. I think he could be right! The muddy path around the pavement also shows the result of the heavy footfall the memorial is getting. The sign of new growth in membership I referred to above is the success of online recruiting via PayPal since we went live with that on the website in October. We have had over 70 new members signed up since then and their details have been passed on to branches for enrolment. This is a very encouraging sign and shows how the internet has changed the way things are done these days compared to when most us first joined the RNA. The Strategy Working Group has held its first meeting and has a follow-up meeting in January to progress ideas that have evolved. We, like most ex-Service organisations, are finding it difficult to compete with modern-day leisure attractions, so let’s hope we can find the right magnet to draw in even more new members. The Shipmates Programme is set to take on a new lease of life with a five year funding plan provided by Greenwich Hospital. This will also involve a wider scope than that originally envisaged and so we are hoping for increased benefits to Naval leavers from it, and especially so for the RNA. The Open Days in 2014 were again oversubscribed and bids are already flowing in for 2015. After the very hectic 2014 workload they undertook the HQ Staff will be pleased to have a less strenuous 2015, but they do enjoy meeting all the members who visit. Semaphore Tower, despite 4 the security issues it entails, has proved to be a great success with Staff and members alike, as well as bringing a broad beam to the Honorary Treasurer’s face when looking at the expenditure side of his balance sheet! I want to congratulate everyone who contributed either locally, regionally or nationally to the Remembrance activities this year. Being the Centenary of the outbreak of the First World War and the 60th anniversary of the D-Day landings these activities have been very prominent, and I noticed many RNA members, and Standards, on the widespread TV coverage this anniversary has elicited. Finally, I just want to thank you all, National Council, Area and Branch Officers and Committees, and the Members in the Branches for all you have done in keeping the RNA alive. The fun and friendship is still at the core of our being and I have enjoyed much of it this year, although I had to miss out on several planned events in October and November. The HQ Staff did us proud once again in a very busy year for them and I look forward to working with everyone once again in 2015. Gail and I wish you all a very happy and enjoyable festive season and a New Year filled with continued good comradeship, many tots, and hopefully more new members to share it all with. Chris Dovey 5 Daily Orders 1. Food Safety 2. RNRMC Update 3. Pussers Meal Recipe 4. 2SL Speech 5. Christmas Cracker Jokes 6. Can anyone beat this Car Registration 7. Finance Corner 8. Donations received 9. Joke Driving Miss Daisy 10. Guess Where? 11. Isogais Pagoda 12. Three Girls Run Ashore 13. HMS Benson 14. Cockleshell Heroes 15. Parrott Joke 16. HMS Primula Ensign 17. Welfare Seminar – HMS Nelson 28 Mar 15 18. Cdr Henry Ritchie VC 19. Smallie Jokes 20. Conference Clothing For Sale Blind Veterans Longcast “D’ye hear there” (Branch news) Ship’s Office 1. Swinging the Lamp For the Branch Secretary and notice-board Glossary of terms NCM NC AMC FAC NCh NVCh NP DNP GS DGS AGS Asap CONA IMC NSM Throughout 6 National Council Member National Council Association Management Committee Finance Administration Committee National Chairman National Vice Chairman National President Deputy National President General Secretary Deputy General Secretary Assistant General Secretary As soon as possible Conference of Naval Associations International Maritime Confederation Naval Service Memorial indicates a new or substantially changed entry Contacts: [email protected] Financial Controller 023 9272 3823 FAX 023 9272 3371 Assistant General Secretary (Membership & Slops) 023 9272 3747 [email protected] Deputy General Secretary 023 9272 0782 [email protected] Shipmates Administrator 023 9272 0782 [email protected] General Secretary 023 9272 2983 [email protected] Admin 023 92 72 3747 [email protected] Find Semaphore Circular On-line ; or... RNA Website – Members Area – Downloads – Circulars – Code (Shipmate) RNA HQ Staff continue to attempt to build a library of e-mail addresses within the Association. It would be extremely helpful if those Branch Secretaries able to communicate by e-mail would forward a short e-message to HQ to [email protected] Snail Trail Mail - Postal Address RNA HQ, Room 209, PP70, Semaphore Tower, HM Naval Base, Portsmouth Hants PO1 3LT 7 Daily Orders 1. Food Safety – Change to Regulations Clubs and Branches need to be aware of an important change to the Food Safety Regulations that comes into effect on 13th December 2014. This applies to all food served including buffets. All Branch/Club Committee members are to be aware that as of 13 December this year, any organisation serving food must provide information on allergenic ingredients either in writing or verbally. The information should be “easily accessible, in a conspicuous place, easily visible and clearly legible” to customers, whether or not they have a food allergy. If the information is included on a menu it must include information for every item that contains any of the following 14 allergens: Gluten; Crustaceans; Eggs; Fish; Peanuts; Soybeans; Milk; Nuts; Celery; Mustard; Sesame; Sulphur Dioxide and Sulphite; Lupin and Molluscs. For a buffet, allergen information should be provided for each food separately. If the decision is taken not to include the information on the menu, other options include a chalkboard, information pack or advice given verbally by staff. However, if staff is responsible for giving the information, it must be signposted, verifiable in some way and consistently given and all staff should receive training on handling allergy information. To help identify allergens, clubs are advised to make sure kitchen staff use the same recipes every time, keep a copy of the ingredient information on labels of pre-packed food; keep ingredients in original containers where possible and file a copy of the labelling information. For further guidance regarding Allergen Loose Foods and free online training courses in allergy training then please visit the following webpage: Also, don’t forget that beer and wine are classed as ‘food’ and as such are covered by this change in legislation. 2. RNRMC (Royal Naval & Royal Marines Charity) Update Please see below the RNRMC Update for this month: Shipmates – take a bow! A year’s worth of fundraising comes to a close Since adopting The Royal Navy and Royal Marines Charity (RNRMC) as your preferred charity, RNA branches right around the country have been fundraising to help us support serving and exserving personnel and their families. To date, you’ve raised in excess of £5,000 through a variety of simple – yet brilliant – means, including: holding summer BBQs and regular raffles, auctioning off prizes, moneybox collections on Armed Forces Day and donations from appearances at other public events. A special mention must go to RNA No 4 Area, whose branches collectively brought in £2,000 for the Charity – an outstanding effort. BZ! RNA Market Drayton meanwhile showed off their athletic side when taking on our Road to Twickenham challenge, cycling some 180 miles from Shropshire to Twickenham, raising £706.46 in the process, and Newport RNA’s very own Mark Batten made the headlines in November’s edition of the Navy News when he became our Fundraiser of the Month for raising £674 in sponsorship when running the Severn Bridge Half Marathon; a whopping £200 of which came from his local branch. 8 These are just a few highlights in what has been a fantastic year of fundraising from some of our most important supporters – you. If your branch still has any donations outstanding, then don’t hesitate to get in touch and let your efforts be known! Email [email protected] to let us know. So to you we say thank you. Thanks for adopting us as your preferred Charity and for all of your fundraising throughout the year. It will make a big difference to who we serve. Merry Christmas! Here are a couple of other things going on at RNRMC that you may be interested in. The RNRMC’s Road to Twickenham returns If you’d like to support us next year, then why not start 2015 off with a bang? Our Road to Twickenham campaign is back in January – and we’re challenging you to once again run, row, ride, cycle or swim your way to TW2 7BA from your current place of work or affiliated branch town. For example, if you are a member of Southend-on-Sea RNA, you could row 85 miles. If you are based at the Liverpool branch meanwhile, you could cycle 220 miles. You can do this individually or as part of a team. Raising sponsorship will help us care both for you and the wider Naval family now – and well into the future. Register your event now on our Virgin Money Giving page and measure up to the challenge! You can also download posters and logos to promote your challenge. Your challenge can start anytime in the months leading up to the annual Army vs Navy rugby match, held at Twickenham Stadium, 9 May 2015, the most monumental of Armed Forces grudge matches! Tell us about your challenge. If you require any advice on sponsorship, or require marketing materials for your challenge, please contact Victoria, Dominika, Hilary or Dean from the Fundraising Team by phone or email. Good luck. Phone: 023 9254 8289 or Email: [email protected] Royal Marines Beating Retreat 2014 – DVD now on sale Thinking of a Christmas present with a Naval twist? Back in June, we threw a huge commemorative party in honour of the Royal Marines 350th birthday – a Royal Marines Beating Retreat on Horse Guards Parade. The event saw over 200 members of Her Majesty’s Royal Marines joined on parade by bands from the United States Marine Corps and the Royal Netherlands Marine Corps. Collectively this represented the biggest ever Royal Marines Beating Retreat witnessed in London. The live performance of this world-renowned event, which was also attended by the Captain General of the Royal Marines, His Royal Highness Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, is now available to buy for the first time through the Royal Marines Band Service shop: The products available (plus £2.50 for UK postage) include: • Beating Retreat 2014 DVD: £15.00 • Beating Retreat 2014 CD: £10.00 • Beating Retreat 2014 DVD and CD: £20.00 Cheque payments should be made out to 'RNRMC Enterprises Limited'. The postal address to send these to is: The Blue Band HQBSRM Eastney Block HMS NELSON Portsmouth PO1 3HH All telephone enquiries to: 02392 726173 9 3. Pussers Meal Recipe This month’s recipe for Naval Scran from Shipmate Martin Raine features a Pussers Classic ....Its Pot Mess,........ an Action Messing favourite. The origins of ‘Pot Mess’ goes back to the days before Centralised Messing (eating in designated dining halls). At the end of each month before allocation of the coming months Victualling Allowance, mess deck cooks would clear the cupboards of all edible food mainly tinned rations and mix it all together in a large ‘Fanny’ (Cooking pot). On similar lines the infamous engine room ‘Middle Watch Pot Mess’.....was knocked up by the middle watch Stokers, again with the ingredients being mixed together in a large fanny which would often be a bucket! And then cooked using a steam hose or on top of an evap.. Pussers Pot Mess Serves 4 2 x 411g Tins of Stewed Steak 2 x 300g Tins of Potatoes 1 x 300g tin of Peas 1 x 300g Tin of Carrots 1 x 300g Tin of Arries (Tinned Tomatoes) 1 x 300g Tin of BITS (Beans) Method Add all the ingredients together in to a large Fanny and heat thoroughly; serve with good wedge of freshly baked bread. Stoker’s method not recommended due to Food Safety regulations and lack of steam ships. 4. Second Sea Lords Speech to the RNBT AGM. Shipmates will be very interested to read a recent speech delivered by Vice Admiral David Steel CBE at the RN Benevolent Trust AGM in HMS Collingwood in October. He describes in detail the current operational position of ‘our’ Royal Navy and its future role. It is a great pleasure to be able to be here today and I welcome the opportunity to provide an update on what your Navy has been doing recently. Some thirty five years ago, I joined my first ship in Portland, undergoing an intensive period of operational sea training. I joined during a so-called Thursday War, when we were being attacked by jets, surface ships and submarines, and afflicted by mines and fog. It was controlled, and sometimes not-so-controlled, mayhem. Keen to make my mark, I asked the Fleet Chief Petty Officer in charge of my compartment what I could do to help. He replied: “Just sit and watch Sir; you’ll be useful one day”. Well, if a bit late, I hope I am in part repaying the confidence placed in me. But the circumstances in which we are today are, at the same time, really difficult as well as fantastically exciting. The excitement comes from the fact that the Navy has been presented with the most wonderful challenge for the future – to man not one but two strategic weapon systems. The Prime Minister’s announcement that we will run both HMS QUEEN ELIZABETH and HMS PRINCE OF WALES has given the Navy an authority that we have not had for a very long time, and be under no illusion that carriers are strategic assets. At the same time we will be required 10 also to deliver the new Successor Class of Strategic Deterrent. When you set this in the context of the introduction of all our new ASTUTE Class submarines, the Type 26 Frigates, new tankers and six new aircraft variants, as well as improved capability for the Royal Marines - the future of the Navy is very attractive indeed. But, when I joined in 1979, the Navy was 75,000 strong. Today we are reducing, as a consequence of SDSR 10, to about 30,000, and not one task required of us during that time has changed. Navy people are hugely talented. In all, we have over 90 specialisations, ensuring that the Navy operates 24/7, 365 days a year, all around the World – defending UK and Commonwealth interests and promoting trade and the country’s prosperity. There is not another Navy in the World which is so dispersed and engaged at such a tempo as is the Royal Navy. And here’s the problem...all this is achieved by these 30,000 sailors and marines – a number that would only fill half of Arsenal’s Emirates Stadium. There is no other similar sized Navy in the World that does all that the RN does, with such a limited number of people – which means that the demands on our people are huge, and some would say excessive. I am in no doubt that 30,000 is far far too small and, indeed, I have long set work in train to increase the size of the Navy again to give us a fighting chance to be able to man all the new platforms that we will be bringing into service. Recruiting is challenging. And Voluntary Outflow rates are, in certain areas of our business, very high. Why, because we demand so much of our people and, being so talented, they can easily find work elsewhere. At any one time between 50-70% of our units are away from their base port areas – today over 40 ships and submarines are at sea. Everything from protecting shipping in the Gulf, to anti-piracy patrols – from counter narcotics in the Caribbean to fishery protection at home. We contribute to over 200 operations each year. Today we have 11 ships operating in the Gulf. As we withdraw from Afghanistan reliance on the Navy to provide security in that region will increase, not reduce. Our four MCMs permanently deployed to Bahrain are manned on a rotational basis and it is not unheard of for some members of the ships companies to spend at least 2 years out of 4 deployed away from family and friends in support of this operation. In the Atlantic today we have 8 units at sea. 4 ships in the South Atlantic, and 4 other ships operating between the Western Approaches to the UK, the Falklands, the Caribbean and Western Africa. You may have seen the latest £21M drugs seizure in August by HMS ARGYLL in the Caribbean. Our two smaller patrol vessels in Gibraltar are protecting UK and Gibraltar interests in a way we never expected before, dealing on a daily basis with Spanish incursions, whilst 6 other ships and a submarine are currently in the Mediterranean, including the current deployment of a Cougar 14 force of HMS BULWARK and HMS OCEAN and RFA LYME BAY and WAVE KNIGHT. In UK waters 13 ships and submarines are at sea on standing tasks, not forgetting, of course, our ballistic missile submarines which continue to provide our ultimate insurance policy – with over 40 years of Continuous At Sea Deterrent. 11 But these standing tasks are not all we are doing – I know that many of you will know the famous quotation from Lord Palmerston that if he wanted a thing done well in a distant part of the world…he would send for a Captain in the Royal Navy. Well, two centuries on, and I often think that our Prime Minister must have the same thought. Wherever there has been a crisis, conflict or humanitarian emergency around the world over the last few years, in addition to the major conflicts, the Prime Minister has invariably been able to rely on the Royal Navy to provide the immediate UK response. Just looking back to the last 12 months, HMS ILLUSTRIOUS was delayed in her return from her deployment to the Gulf to divert to the Philippines, providing much needed disaster relief after the devastating typhoon, relieving HMS DARING, which was first on the scene. DARING, returned in January from her circumnavigation of the world, visiting 21 ports and exercising with 12 navies as part of our outreach and global influence programme. HMS DEFENDER and then HMS DRAGON were required to sail at short notice over Christmas and Easter respectively to track Russian deployments passing through UK waters. Last year, one of our missile firing submarines returned from 335 days deployed in the Gulf, 75% of which was conducted submerged – a record for the Submarine service. And you will also recall how HMS TIRELESS and HMS ECHO were diverted from their tasks to the Indian Ocean in support of the international search for the missing Malaysian airliner, whilst specialist teams from the RNR deployed to help the recovery efforts after the South Korean ferry disaster. HMS DIAMOND has been providing escort support to the removal of chemical weapons from Syria, whilst in July HMS ENTERPRISE helped evacuate British and other nationals from Libya as tensions increased in Tripoli. Of course, there’s still some fun to be had – HMS AMBUSH enjoyed a fantastic run ashore in Rio de Janerio in August, whilst, of course, conducting highly successful Defence engagement activities, and then completed trials off Port Canaveral in Florida. And, closer to home, earlier this year, the Royal Navy and Royal Marines were fully involved in the Armed Forces support to local communities hit by the worst flooding for decades, whilst standing by to provide cover for fire brigade and tanker driver strikes, and delivering security and presence at the Commonwealth Games amongst many other national and local commemorative events for D-Day and the First World War. In early September, the Navy provided 82 liaison officers and security personnel in support of the NATO summit at Celtic Manor in Wales, whilst HMS DUNCAN was alongside in Cardiff to provide a venue of high level engagement. The following week 50 Navy personnel deployed in support of the Invictus (International Wounded Warrior) Games which took place at the Olympic venues in London. Current operations, and I have only touched on a few, are therefore demanding, and I would be lying to you if I said that we are not stretched in meeting these commitments. Last Christmas, just under 5,000 of our people were either deployed on operations or on duty in the UK. Today 3088 Naval personnel are deployed away from the UK – that’s 37% of the total number of Armed Forces personnel deployed – which includes over 4,300 Army and RAF personnel still deployed on Op 12 HERRICK. Take HERRICK numbers away at the end of this year and the Navy will be contributing over 75% of all Armed Forces deployed personnel. All of this is fantastic and a real illustration of our maritime ambition. The RN is in a period of enormous capability enhancement, a maritime renaissance, recognised across the world by maritime leaders as something very different from the ‘old’ RN, but still embodying the enduring qualities of ethos, pride and ambition. But all these bits of new kit are useless without the sailors and marines that operate them. For the last two years my overriding priority has been retention of these people – it has been clear to me that we had lost our manpower resilience and, against an improving economy, we need to keep as many of our people as possible to meet the exciting challenges ahead, while developing our younger personnel to fill the gaps in the future. Retention, particularly of our engineers, is a real challenge. The UK demand for people with an engineering foundation degree is approximately 87,000 per year whilst the supply is estimated at 46,000 per year, with a further demand of 69,000 at the Advanced Apprenticeship level with a supply of only 27,000 apprentices per year. You can see the potential problem we will have recruiting and keeping our valuable engineers. However, I believe that the ‘Offer’ from the Navy is still very attractive. We continue to work tirelessly to improve the overall remuneration package and wider benefits of life in the Navy. And, of course, this is where the RN Benevolent Trust plays such an important role in support of our sailors and marines and provides an invaluable role in improving the Moral Component of Operational Capability. I will finish just with this short but true story. A few weeks ago Rear Admiral Duncan Potts, together with his wife, was visiting his mother in law in a nursing home in the Wirrel. They were sitting in the room together when a young nurse came in and walked over to him and asked if it was true that he was an Admiral in the Royal Navy. Duncan said that he was and then the nurse put her arms around his shoulders and hugged him closely. Now, as you will well understand, naval officers are not averse to the attentions of a pretty nurse but Duncan was slightly taken aback, not least because his wife was present, and asked the nurse why? She said that her mother and father and brothers and sisters all lived in a house in the Philippines that was totally destroyed by the typhoon. They had nothing left. A few days after the storm, sailors from HMS ILLUSTRIOUS arrived in their village, re-built their house and connected them again with all the necessary services. The nurse, half way around the world from her country, just wanted to say thank you – in the only way she knew how. Our people worked wonders for an unknown foreign family, missing their own Christmas at home with their families as a consequence. They are brilliant. 5. Christmas Cracker Jokes What do you call a sleeping Bull ? A Bulldozer (boom boom!) A Pirate goes to the Doctors with lumps on his chest The Doctor says don’t worry I’ll take some samples and send them off for analysis so come back next week. So off he goes with his peg leg, parrot and lumps... He returns the next week to hear the Doctor tell him not to worry as they’re be-nign (said in an Ar ha west country pirate accent) 13 The Pirate is stunned and once again takes his shirt off and looks at his spots and says to the Doctor................................ You’ve got it wrong Doc there be TEN Ar ha !!! 6. Can anyone beat this Car Registration? Shipmate Evan Jesseman from City of Inverness Branch, who is also the branches the PRO is pictured standing next to his pride and joy, no not the Skoda! His Pussers Number Plate...... Evan’s Daughters bought the registration as a present for their Dad. He had obviously brain washed them during their childhood by saying constantly that he had sailed in Seven Oceans, Seven Seas, and Several times........... Does any Shipmate possess a Number Plate with a registration more ‘Jack’ than that?? 7. Finance Corner – Dear Shipmates, Welcome to Finance Corner. Please see below a number of points that I wish to highlight to Branch Treasurers. Year End Returns You will find the appropriate forms at the rear of the Circular, forms need to be completed, signed and sent to HQ by the 30 April 2015 either by snail mail or Email to [email protected] or [email protected] Branch / Area Officials Information The form for annual return of Branch information is contained at the rear of this edition. Please would you be kind enough to take the time to fill these forms in correctly. The importance of these forms are paramount and is vital to ensuring that the correct information is being input to the RNA database. This information ensures that the Semaphore Circular is despatched to the correct members and that the Year Book has correct addresses. It will also ensure that documentation is not being sent to a deceased member which could cause much distress. Your assistance in this matter is greatly appreciated Year End Returns 2013 – Branch Donations given to various Charities Top 10 are as follows: Sea Cadets £13,654.94 Blind Veterans £5,948.12 RBL £5,272.12 RNBT £4,508.49 SAFA £3,109.20 National Memorial Arboretum - £2,717.25 Air Ambulance £2,386.81 Welfare £2,310.28 Help for Heroes £1,764.25 Seafarers UK £1320.00 14 Advice for any Branche that is unsure about the requirements when donating funds to a Charity can be found in the December 2013 Circular (available on the Website) where the General Secretary has written an article explaining the rules on this is subject. Membership Returns Honorary Secretaries, Membership Secretaries and Treasurers, please note that on 2015 Branch Membership renewals and Membership card form, which you will find at the rear of the Circular. There is space to indicate that there is a cheque enclosed, or, for you to confirm authority to deduct the cost of the Membership fees from your branch Account. Please use this form. This amendment to the form is to help you keep track of your Members who have paid you and that you have paid their subs to HQ. It also makes Accounting easier when sending out your account bills from HQ. (Cheques are preferred as it only involves one action). All subs should be returned to HQ by the 31 March 2015. Thank you for your continuing support. Charter Challenge 2014 Fund The final Charter Challenge Account spreadsheet have been forwarded to all NCMs so any Shipmate requiring a copy should contact them individually, or contact the General Secretary directly. Thanks to a grant obtained by the General Secretary from the Department of Culture Media and Sport to cover VAT of £31,500, the main costs of the memorial are covered, we now need to build a nest-egg for the annual maintenance and insurance of the memorial – so donations still more than welcome. Well, Shipmates, since this is the last Circular for this year. I would like to take this opportunity to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. I look forward to working with you all next year. I must dash now and purchase my outfit for the Office Party, its just like the one here!! Yours Aye Michelle 8. Donations received for the Central Charities and the Charter Challenge Charter Challenge RNA – Peterborough RNA – Nottingham £200.00 £50.00 DRB Monk JM Martin A Kent S Sanders £57.00 £20.00 £90.00 £100.00 In memory of the late S/m Brian Newton S/m MJ Plummer S/m William Haskell S/m Mick Coyle S/m Harry Batchford S/m Robert W White 15 £75.00 £5.00 £49.95 £200.00 £582.17 £112.26 S/m G James S/m CP Denston S/m W McShee S/m J Rennie £80.00 £30.76 189.00 £50.00 Thank you very much for your continued support. 9. Joke ‘Driving Miss Daisy Sitting on the side of the highway waiting to catch speeding drivers, a Police Officer sees a car puttering along at 22 MPH. He says to himself, "this driver is just as dangerous as a speedster!" So he turns on his lights and pulls the driver over. Approaching the car, he notices that there are five old ladies - two in the front seats and three in the Back - wide eyed and white as ghosts. The driver, obviously confused, says to him "Officer, I don't understand, I was doing exactly the speed limit! What seems to be the problem?" "Ma'am," the officer replies, "you weren't speeding, but you should know that driving slower than the speed limit can also be a danger to other drivers." "Slower than the speed limit? No sir, I was doing the speed limit exactly. 22 miles an hour!" the old woman says a bit proudly.. The Police officer, trying to contain a chuckle explains to her that 22 Was the highway number, not the speed limit... A bit embarrassed, the Woman grinned and thanked the officer for pointing out her error.. "But before I let you go, Ma'am, I have to ask.. Is everyone in this car OK? These Women seem awfully shaken and they haven't made a peep this whole time," the Officer asks. "Oh, they'll be all right in a minute officer. We just got off Highway 189." 10. Guess Where? An Establishment Can you name this old naval establishment from 1946 and where it is? Please forward any other pictures to the HQ that you may have for ‘Guess Where’ so that we publish them in forthcoming Circulars. No looking on Google or Wiki!! Answers in next month’s edition. Last month’s answer! 16 HMS Dauntless. (WRNS Initial training Establishment at Burghfield Berks. (You may be interested to know that the only male in the Ships Company was an AB Stoker!!) 11. Isogais Pagoda Hong Kong Shipmates may be interested in the article below, which was received from Shipmate Charles Fay of Chester Branch. It concerns the Isogai’s Pagoda built by POWs for the Japanese in Hong Kong. 17 12. Three Girls Run Ashore in Pompey! My thanks to Shipmate Charlie Chadwick (Wolverhampton Branch) who forwarded this really rare photograph from 1989. ( Editors Note - Brings back fond memories of my time in Invincible wetting the tea for the General Secretary, no change there then!!!) 13. RNRMC – RAF HMS Benson Shipmates will I am sure be interested to read below an article by Shipmate Keith Ridley NCM Area 6 who visited RAF HMS Benson in deepest Oxfordshire to receive a cheque on behalf of RNRMC and found 300 FAA personnel who are prospective members for Abingdon Branch!! On arrival the car was given a thorough search by the Army and then I was given a Bicycle Escort to 28 (AC) Sqdn's Officers Mess being careful not to run down my Flight Sgt Escort. Excusing both the RAF Ensign and Joint Services Flag. it was a delight to see the White Ensign fluttering from its own Flag Staff at the edge of the Airfield with numerous RN Personnel going about their work. I was later to discover that the 28 Merlin Helicopters of the Sqdn were now under the Command of the Royal Navy, having been officially handed over on the 1st October. These aircraft are now undergoing familiarisation maintenance by 846 NAS engineers and will shortly receive the Royal Navy decals Following the meet & greet along with representatives of both the RAFBF & RAFCT we received a presentation from Squadron Leader Ryan Morris RAF CO of 28 (Army Co-operation ) Squadron as to the history and more recent work of the Squadron. The Sqdn had been operational in Afghanistan with crews doing 2 months about due to the extremes of temperature and operational demands. The power point presentation gave a graphic idea as to the tasks they undertook. 18 On a light hearted note, Sqdn Ldr Morris asked us to list the Sqdn's three highest dangers they faced in Afghanistan. Needless to say we got it wrong saying: The Taliban Being shot down Weather. The answers were: 1. Hitting overhead cables 2. Brown Outs, caused by whipped up dust/sand on landing. 3. "Where the hell do I put this thing down without killing civilians on the ground, if I have a problem, when flying over a town or village (photographs showed to us backed this statement up). Oh yes, not forgetting....The Taliban. Quote " we can see them on the ground easy enough " !! We were then taken on a conducted tour of a Hangar. Once inside, I actually thought I was on onboard a carrier as everywhere you looked there were Airey Fairies in working rig. It was a very comforting site, even though I was a Stoker amongst so many FAA lads & lasses. Whilst inside the hangar we boarded a Merlin and were given a detailed brief. Next came the Simulators where crews are trained to fly Chinooks & Merlins once they had completed just 40 hours basic flying on single engine helicopters. Apparently it takes the RAF 20 months to train their Pilots. The shock announcement from the RN was we want that down to SIX months ! We were then taken on a visit to the Tactical Command Centre where the Thursday Wars are conducted. You can forget your Play Station when you entered. Linked to the simulators, with each simulator linked to each other as if a squadron is in flight, the TCC override and really throw the spanners in. Amazing. Finally, we were taken outside to have our photographs taken by a Merlin to be presented with the cheques, mine by Lt Warren Davison RN 846 NAS. I did my best to have the photos taken in front of a nearby sign ' Welcome to 846 Naval Air Squadron ' but sadly failed. It was a great morning out. 14. Cockleshell Heroes Memorial Seat Shipmates may wish to know that on the 25th April 2015 the Allied Special Forces Association will be dedicating the Cockleshell Heroes Memorial Seat and Plaques commemorating HMS Tuna, the Royal Marines and the French people who helped the Marines during the raid. The dedication will take place in the Allied Special Forces Memorial Grove at the National Memorial Arboretum, Alrewas, Staffordshire DE13 7AR. It is an open event and everyone is welcome. For further information please contact Mike Colton, Project Manager 07929-118598 or [email protected] 19 15. Parrott Joke.... Every word out of the bird's mouth was rude, obnoxious and laced with profanity. John tried and tried to change the bird's attitude by consistently saying only polite words, playing soft music and anything else he could think of to 'clean up' the bird's vocabulary Finally, John was fed up and he yelled at the parrot. The parrot yelled back. John shook the parrot and the parrot got angrier and even more rude. John, in desperation, threw up his hand, grabbed the bird and put him in the freezer. For a few minutes the parrot squawked and kicked and screamed. Then suddenly there was total quiet. Not a peep was heard for over a minute. Fearing that he'd hurt the parrot, John quickly opened the door to the freezer. The parrot calmly stepped out onto John's outstretched arms and said "I believe I may have offended you with my rude language and actions. I'm sincerely remorseful for my inappropriate transgressions and I fully intend to do everything I can to correct my rude and unforgivable behaviour." John was stunned at the change in the bird's attitude. As he was about to ask the parrot what had made such a dramatic change in his behaviour, the bird spoke-up, very, very softly saying......... "May I ask what the turkey did?" 16. HMS Primula K14 Ensign Presentation. On 21st October 2014 a new Ensign for HMS Primula was dedicated in a service held at St Peter’s Church in Petersfield Hampshire. The service was conducted by the Reverend Will Hughes BA, Vicar of St. Peter’s Church with RNA Standard Bearer representation from S/M Stewart MacLean (Wittering and District) and Martin Wiltshire (Alresford) along with Shipmate Robert Fosterjohn, who organised the event. The service was sponsored by Sir Ray Tindle CBE DL Owner of The Tindle Newspaper Group. During Warship Week 28th February to 7th March 1942, Petersfield Urban and Rural Districts raised a staggering total sum of £219,000, from which they adopted the Flower Class Corvette HMS PRIMULA who only incidentally only cost £120,000. At the end of the Second World War on Tuesday 27th July 1945, Petersfield Council was presented with the Ships Badge, Plaque, and Primula Cup, by the Ships CO Lieutenant Commander Edwin Noel Wilding, RNVR. He also presented the ships White Ensign to St Peter’s Church, as a constant reminder of the relationship between the ship and the town. The Ship was decommissioned and renamed Marylock and was eventually scrapped in Hong Kong. 20 The ships badge and plaque form part of a display in the Petersfield Courthouse Museum, the third the ‘Primula Cup’ has been located and will be part of an exhibition in 2015 at the same venue. The White Ensign appears to be missing; it is quite possible that it was destroyed in a fire in the Choir Vestry in the South East Aisle of the church, on Palm Sunday 15th April 1962. The photo above shows the Rev’d Hughes and Shipmates Martin, Robert and Stewart with the rededicated Ensign during the service. 17. Welfare Seminar – HMS Nelson Sat 28th March 2015 A Welfare Seminar is being held on Saturday 28th March 2015 in the WO & SR Mess in HMS Nelson. It is primarily aimed at Area/Branch Welfare Officers but Observers and Shipmates with an interest in the welfare aspects of a branch are encouraged to attend. The Seminar will commence at 1000 with refreshments available from 0915. Lunch will be available in the Mess at 1200 - 1230. A number of Welfare Speakers, who will be briefing on a wide range of welfare related issues, have been invited and will be announced shortly, once they have confirmed their attendance. Vehicular access is available through HM Naval Base Trafalgar gate (bottom of M275) but sadly NO accommodation is available in the mess. So...... You could book in at The Royal Maritime Club which will cost £56.00 per single B&B with a Double Room at £105.00 - phone booking number is 02392 824 231. There are other Hotels available all within walking distance of HMS Nelson, IBIS, Holiday Inn Express and Premier at Southsea to name but a few. It may be possible that UK Holiday Group can provide a deal and we are currently awaiting specific details which will be published shortly. As well as advertising the Seminar in the Semaphore Circular Shipmate Rita, The National Welfare Officer, will be forwarding this information to all Branch Welfare Officers and any Branch officials whose email addresses are known. Please pass on the message to your shipmates if this is not your ‘part of ship’. The Branch may delegate a volunteer to attend on its behalf if there is no appointed Welfare Officer. HQ will reimburse travelling costs according to distance, the accommodation cost however is between the member and the Branch. Claim forms will be available on the day so know your mileage or have your train ticket at the ready. Only one claim per Branch is permitted but certainly more than one Welfare Officer per Branch may attend and also any Observers who wish to. Expenses will be as follows; • • • Up to 120 miles single journey 120 – 250 miles single journey Over 250 miles single journey £50 £100 £150 To keep travel expenses to a minimum it would greatly appreciated if adjacent Branches could link up and attendees travel in one vehicle. 21 Those shipmates wishing to attended are requested to complete the application form at the rear of this Circular and inform Nigel Huxtable at HQ on 02392 723747 or e-mail [email protected] and advise him of; • Make of car/model/colour and registration (Please ensure you are in possession of photo ID to gain access to the HM Naval Base) If you require any further information please contact S/m Rita Lock MBE on 02392 642234 or [email protected] 18. Commander Henry Ritchie VC Royal Navy HQ received this very interesting article from Anthony Shaw in Dar-es-Salaam. It reported on a ceremony commemorating the bravery of Commander Henry Peel Ritchie VC Royal Navy at the Commonwealth War Gravein Dar-esSalaam. Ex-Servicemen from various nations, Defence Attaches and members of the British Legion Tanganyika (Social) Club have paid tribute to Henry Ritchie VC who was awarded the Victoria Cross for valour during an action in Dar-es-Salaam harbour in November 2014. The ceremony was held at the Upanga Road Commonwealth War Graves cemetery in the port city situated on the Swahili Coast of East Africa. The wreath-laying party was headed by Steve Stockton, a former Royal Marine, whilst bagpiper Richard Tainton played a series of pipe tunes to remember the Scottish naval officer. Organiser Antony Shaw remarked, “It was very poignant to have a multinational wreath-laying ceremony to remember the Royal Navy’s first Victoria Cross action of the 1914-18 War that took place in the often forgotten East African Campaign.” Henry Peel Ritchie VC RN, HMS Goliath, citation: “For most conspicuous bravery on the 28 November 1914 when in command of the searching and demolition operations at Dares-Salaam. Though severely wounded several times his fortitude and resolution enabled him to continue to do his duty inspiring all by his example until at his eighth wound he became unconscious. The interval between his first and last severe wound was between 20 and 25 minutes.”He died in Scotland aged 82 in 1965. The action cost the British 1 dead and 14 wounded. Goliath sank in 1915. 19. Smallie Jokes! Tombola My mate's just got back from Africa and can't stop buying raffle tickets. I think he's got tombola. (Boom Boom !!) 22 Nearly Became a Doctor When I was young I decided to go to Medical School. At the entrance exam we were asked to rearrange the letters PNEIS and form the name of an important human body part which is most useful when erect. Those who answered spine are doctors today while the rest of us are sending jokes via email. Budgie My Budgie broke his leg today so I made him a little splint with two swan vesta matches, his little face lit up when he tried to walk........ Sadly I had forgotten to take the sandpaper from the bottom of his cage!! Monkeys My Girlfriend said she was leaving me due to my obsession with the 60s group The Monkees. I thought she was joking .................and then I saw her face! Finally Last night I reached for my liquid Viagra and accidentally swigged from a bottle of Tipex. I woke this morning with a huge correction...... 20. Conference/NSM Weekend Clothing Fire Sale... Area 8 still have a selection of commerative branded Polo Shirts at £7, Sweat Shirts £10 and Fleece Jackets £15, Pictures below. Shipmates are requested to contact Shipmate Paul Mawhinney Area 8 Hon Sec at [email protected] 01922 473613 directly to arrange payment and delivery. 21. Blind Veterans UK Blind Veterans UK is the national charity for blind and vision impaired ex-Service men and women, providing vital services and support to help veterans discover a life beyond sight loss. It doesn’t matter how or when a veteran loses their sight, or when they served, Blind Veterans UK will provide free, lifelong support to help them overcome the challenges of blindness and live full, independent lives. 23 World War II veteran Robert Ware joined the Navy in 1942 and served on HMS Albrighton. He spent two years as part of the North Atlantic Convoy before being drafted to India to prepare for the invasion of Japan. Now, at the age of 90, Robert receives free services and support from Blind Veterans UK after losing his sight later in life due to the condition age-related macular degeneration. Since 2012, Blind Veterans UK has helped Robert to regain his independence, by providing specialist training and equipment to help him with everyday tasks. Robert says “Blind Veterans UK’s support has been fantastic. I still have a bit of sight and they’ve given me magnifiers to help me read the newspaper and do crosswords. They’ve even shown me how to use a computer without my sight so I can email my son in Australia.” Blind Veterans UK will provide whatever someone needs to ensure that they can live independently with sight loss. That could be anything from the equipment and IT training that Robert received, to mobility training, rehabilitation and the camaraderie of meeting people in the same situation at Blind Veterans UK’s social events. The charity has three training and rehabilitation centres in Brighton, Sheffield and Llandudno, North Wales, as well as a network of welfare officers around the UK to ensure veterans can receive support at home. It is estimated that there are over 68,000 blind and vision impaired veterans, just like Robert, in the UK who could be eligible for the charity’s free, lifelong support but who are not currently aware of it. If you are, or know of, a vision impaired veteran, request more information about Blind Veterans UK, visit or call freephone 0800 389 7979. 24 RNA Longcast 2014 06 Dec 2015 07 Feb 14 Feb 21 Feb 27 Feb 06 Mar 14 Mar 28 Mar 10 Apr 01 May 01 May 09 May 09 May 14 May 15 May 19 Jun 21 Jun 20 Jun 03 Jul 11 July 30 July 01 Aug 15 Aug 21 Aug 22 Aug 05 Sep 06 Sep 09 Oct 09-12 Oct 07 Nov 14 Nov 21 Nov 05 Dec 25 National Council Meeting - HQ Area 5 – AGM followed by Quarterly Meeting - Harwich AMC FAC Motions for Conference - deadline SOC National Council Welfare Seminar – HMS Nelson HQ Open Day Dublin Branch visit HQ Christchurch RNA - 50th Anniversary Area 5 – Quarterly meeting- Beccles Army V Navy rugby match - Twickenham Christchurch branch – 50th Anniversary Lunch HQ Open Day AMC/ FAC / National Council /SOC Meetings - Folkestone SOC Conference Wash up Conference 2015 – Grand Burstin Hotel Folkestone HQ Open Day Yeovilton Air Day Culdrose Air Day Area 5 – Quarterly meeting- Southend On Sea AMC HQ Open Day FAC National Council - UJC Biennial Parade - Whitehall HQ Open Day RNA Plymouth – Biennial Trafalgar Weekend Area 5 – Quarterly meeting- Harwich AMC FAC National Council ‘D’ye hear there’..... News from around the Areas and Branches RNA Kings Lynn Branch (Closed) HQ has received some sad news from Kings Lynn. It is with regret that we have been informed that Shipmate William ‘Bill’ Guyan ‘crossed the bar’ on 30th May 2014. Bill was an Engineer who served in the RN for 22 years. He was a member of Kings Lynn Branch for thirty years serving on the Committee as Secretary and as the President. He will be much missed by his family and widow Mrs Joan Guyan. RNA Forth Valley Branch Shipmates may wish to be aware that Forth Valley Branch meets on the 1st Friday of the month at the Leepark Hotel, Bo’ness Road, Grangemouth. For more information please contact the Secretary, Mike Hesketh at 72 Fendoch road, Grangemouth FK3 9HA Tel 01324 885557. For information Shipmate Mike is also the NCM for Scotland. RNA Christchurch Branch For information a couple of diary dates. Christchurch Branch will be holding a lunch to celebrate to 50th Anniverary of their commissioning on 14th May 2015 which will be attended by members and friends.The Trafalgar Dinner will be held 21st October 2015. Please contact Christine Payne the Hon, Secretary for further details [email protected] RNA Hull Branch Hull Branch held a service of commemoration for all ‘Naval forces of Britain and the Commonwealth in all Theatres of War’ on Sunday 26 October 2014 at the Minerva Pier, Hull. Shipmates and families of lost shipmates gathered with Naval Standards in attendance. The Service was conducted by Rev Duncan Harris (Hull Branch Chaplain). A musician from the Police Band played the last post and reveille on his Cornet after the exhortation was said by Chairman Bob Reeves. Wreaths were laid from the RNA, Submariners Association, Royal Marines Association, and the Russian Convoy Club. The service takes place every year following the Trafalgar Night Dinner the previous day. Following the service most of the members enjoyed fish and chips in the Minerva Public House, which also conveniently opened for coffees, teas and prior to commencing the service. 26 RNA South Gloucestershire Branch Shipmates should be aware that South Gloucestershire branch will not be holding a meeting in December, which was scheduled for the 8th, and have also cancelled Christmas. For further please contact Margaret Singleton (Hon sec) for details at [email protected] RNA Market Harborough Branch Market Harborough Branch celebrated the great Victory at Trafalgar with a formal dinner at the Market Harborough Golf Club. The guest of honour was the National President Vice Admiral John McAnally CB LVO. The photograph opposite shows S/m John with members of the committee. Lt Graeme Dryden SCC RNR, Dacia Marlow, Marcus Middleton, Pat Middleton, Mike Petch, Very Rev. John Morley, Jill Gallagher, John Marlow. The photographer was taken by S/M Jo Hill. RNA Chard Branch Chard Branch Royal Naval Association held their Trafalgar Night Dinner at the Windwhistle Inn on Saturday 18th October and welcomed their newly appointed Patron, Commodore David Pond RN (Retired). Having been raised and educated in Chard, Commodore Pond has always had a close affinity with Chard Branch and tries to attend yearly to commemorate Vice Admiral Horatio Viscount Nelson’s great victory at Trafalgar celebrations with his lovely wife, Lesley, an exLieutenant Commander RN in the Medical Branch and now a GP in their home town of Rame, Cornwall. At these occasions Commodore Pond gives very inspiring and motivational after dinner speeches and this year was no exception, with a speech that was informative, emotive and in places humorous. During his speech he covered his involvement as Chief Executive Officer with the Great Britain Wheelchair Rugby Team. He advised how humbling it is to work with the maimed service men and women and the civilian members of the GB Team. Commodore Pond’s recent involvement with the GB Team at the Invictus Games resulted in their wining gold medals after beating the USA, and Commodore Pond was given the task of coaching HRH Prince Harry and the celebrity team prior to their game ahead of the final. David has never forgotten his routes and enjoys visiting Chard when he can and as Patron of Chard Branch will hopefully pay more visits in the future, when his hectic lifestyle will allow. The Trafalgar celebrations were finished off with a church service at Cricket St Thomas on Sunday 19th October, officiated by Canon Hugh Williams, the newly appointed minister for St Thomas’ Church. 27 RNA Brentwood Branch On Tuesday 21st October Brentwood Branch RNA held a lunch to celebrate the 209th anniversary of the victory at Trafalgar. Joining the branch members were guest from Dagenham and Romford branches. The toast to the immortal memory was proposed by S/M Ken Wright the branch vice-chairman. He pointed out that although at the present time the Nation's achievements are often brushed aside we should all still be proud and celebrate them. He went on to say that although today's Royal Navy is still much reduced in size it still has the Nelson sprit and can be relied upon. All present echoed the toast. RNA Crosby Branch Crosby branch held a Trafalgar dinner which was attended by 120 guests. They all enjoyed a superb night which featured a great speech from Area President Harry Harley. He related his experiences of life in Victory at Trafalgar where he was employed as a chef’s mate!! RNA Uttoxeter & District On August 17th 2014, M/S Diamond Freight of Stoke on Trent opened their New Haulage Depot. All the vehicles of this Company are named after Ships that have served in the Royal Navy. To commemorate the opening of the Depot a special presentation ceremony took place at the Sea Cadets Base (TS Talent) in Stoke on Trent. Members from The GLARAC Ass, The Dido Association, The Royal Naval Association, Uttoxeter & District Branch and members of the public were present at the ceremony. All the vehicles presented carried a silhouette of the Ship they were named after along with the Ships name and crest visible on each drivers cab. Each Lorry on show was introduced by someone who Had a connection with the Ship. • 28 Shipmate Malcolm Knight, Vice Chairman of Uttoxeter Branch, introduced HMS Diamond as he had served in her. • HMS Talent was introduced by Act. S.Lt. David Eivers RNR, Commanding Officer of The Sea Cadets Unit • Commander Mike English MBE Ret introduced HMS Dido as Cdr Mike was a past C.O. • Shipmate David Emery MBE is Treasurer of the GLARAC Association (HMS GLorious, HMS ARdent, HMS ACasta. David’s Father was Killed in Action onboard HMS Acasta. Not displayed at the ceremony but already Named, Silhouetted & Crested are :HMS Hood, HMS Renown, HMS Glowworm and HMS Warspite. (Sharp-eyed readers will remember an article that featured these lorries in Februarys Semaphore Circular) Mr. Simon Knight who is the Managing Director of Diamond Freight names all of his Lorries after the Royal Navies Ships as a mark of Deep Respect to all The Men who lost their lives in the service of their country. A double handled inscribed ‘China Trophy Tankard’ was presented to Simon at Diamond Freight by S/M David and S/m Malcolm to mark the occasion which was followed by a scrumptious buffet provided by Diamond Freight that was enjoyed by all present. RNA Newport (Gwent) Branch Shipmates may be interested to read about RNA Newport Branches away day to England provided by the Shipmate Peter Gray Shipmates from Newport RNA had a fabulous day out on Sat 15th November as guests of the White Ensign Club in Exeter The warmth of the reception was only surpassed by the cosy atmosphere of the club itself - an old converted church. The Holy Trinity was taken over by the White Ensign Club in 1977 as a meeting place and social club, and was renovated to reflect the ethos of the Royal Navy’s glory days. Just opening the big front door had everyone whispering with the respect usually associated with entering a sacred place, then a silence as we got inside and were stunned by the beautiful interior. We couldn’t absorb it all in one go - the beautiful model of the York Class HMS Exeter , the ships’ crests in their hundreds lined up in formation across the walls, photos and paintings that would grace any nautical museum, HMS Exeter’s ship’s bell, a small cannon - and a real Rum barrel. The Exeter shipmates were thrilled to be showing off the beautiful coloured windows and the old photos of the 29 work that went into the project. Everyone had a story about the part they had in it, and they told it with enormous pride, and the beer flowed as freely as the stories. The highlight of the visit, of course, was when the Ship’s bell announced Splice the mainbrace, and two of our hosts appeared in old Jack Tar rig to do the honours. There was an immediate resurrection of long forgotten times when wet, gulpers, and sippers were hard currency, and Queen’s had nothing to do with a band. All this whetted the appetite and made us extremely grateful for the delicious buffet that was put at our disposal by two lovely ladies. Unfortunately our visit was but a short one and all too soon we were wishing our hosts a fond farewell with the promises of repeat events. Our heartfelt thanks to everyone we met on that day who made our visit so memorable. Newport Branch also took part in the Newport Remembrance Parade led by Branch Standard Bearer Shipmate Charlie Walton and 25 branch members. RNA Costa Blanca North Branch Costa Blanca North held its Trafalgar Night Dinner once again at the Oliva Nova Hotel on 24th October . Prior to the meal, in a brief ceremony, Father John Dewis dedicated the Branches new Colours. Sadly the Guest of Honour National Chairman S/M Chris Dovey had to pull out at the last moment. The branch shipmates were so looking forward to meeting him and hope that he will be able to attend again in the near future. Notwithstanding that slight hiccup everyone had a superb evening. As you can see in the photo above which, features Ex Bootie S/M Keith Deacon with the new Branch Standard and Branch President Peggy Wigg (Far Right) RNA Woking Branch Woking Branch celebrated the 209th Anniversary of the Battle of Trafalgar with a Trafalgar night dinner on Saturday 25th October 2014 at Hoebridge Golf Club. Cllr Tony Branagan and his wife, Mary were guests of honour for the evening along seventy members and guests who attended the dinner The formal part of the evening was introduced by Chairman and Social Secretary, Shipmate Ian Fraser 30 and his brother Rod Fraser, both founder members of the Woking Branch. First, a minute’s silence was held in memory of Shipmate Fred Gardner who sadly ‘crossed the bar’ the previous Saturday. Fred had been a very active member right up until Association’s meeting the week before. He will be greatly missed. This was followed by a toast to Her Majesty the Queen, proposed by Branch Secretary and Ceremonial Officer, Shipmate Rod Fraser. The Mayor of Woking, Cllr Tony Branagan gave a speech thanking RNA members, as well as visiting veterans from other services, for their contributions to the peace and stability which we currently enjoy. The Mayor, himself a former member of the British Army, told of his close connections with the Navy during the course of his military career. Shipmate Henry Rice, who earlier had proposed a toast to guests, was announced as Shipmate of the year by Rod Fraser, for his many services to the Association, and was presented with a gift. Finally, ‘Up Spirits’, a toast of rum, was followed by Nelson’s Prayer, read by Ernie White, and one last toast to ‘The Immortal Memory’ proposed by Shipmate Ian Fraser. The evening continued with musical entertainment and singing. RNA Runcorn Branch Runcorn Branch shipmates attended Remembrance service at HM Prison Thornton Cross, Young Offenders Institution, which used to be an RN Air Station HMS Blackcap. Members of Halton RBL shared a memorable morning with Inmates and Staff at the Service which was officiated by Reverend Shaw. Shipmates were made very welcome by Staff and Inmates alike. RNA Sheffield Branch Sheffield Branch members together with family and friends of Shipmate Cyril Carrier gathered together for a surprise party for S/M Cyril’s 90th Birthday at the Farm Road Social Club. Sadly, due to ill health, Cyril hasn’t been able to attend the Branches mess meetings. He was overwhelmed when he walked in and found Shipmates and all his Family waiting to congratulate him. In the photo Cyril is the one with the ‘I am 90’ rosette on his lapel RNA Plymouth Branch RNA Plymouth will be holding their 11th Biennial Trafalgar Weekend on Friday 9th October to Monday 12th October 2015 at the Sefton Hotel, Babbacombe. 31 3 nights (Friday to Monday) Dinner, B&B (Gala Dinner Saturday) £115.00 2 nights (Friday to Sunday) £80.00 Details: Sue Gutteridge, Social Secretary. RNA Plymouth. Tel: (01752)849176. [email protected]. RNA Dublin Branch Over 80 Dublin Branch Shipmates and their guests attended their annual Trafalgar Night Dinner in the beautiful surroundings of the Royal Irish Yacht Club in Dun Laoghaire, County Dublin. The Branch was this year honoured by the presence of Captain Paul Quinn OBE RN, General Secretary of the RNA and his wife Liz, as well as HE The British Ambassador to Ireland, Shipmate Dominick Chilcott and his wife Jayne. The members and guests enjoyed a five course meal with rum, wine and port, accompanied by speeches from our Chairman Shipmate Paul Stephenson, the Ambassador and for Captain Quinn, who proposed the toast to ‘The Immortal Memory and those who fell with him’. The Shipmates were especially delighted to welcome Paul Quinn, since he his family is from Ireland, and wonderful flowing auburn hair, which made his presence particularly special. On the evening, Branch Secretary Shipmate Nick Purkis was pleased to present the Ambassador with his RNA Tie on behalf of the branch! RNA Delabole Branch Shipmate Chris Hore was awarded his BEM by Colonel Bolitho, Lord Lieutenant of Cornwall in a ceremony at County Hall Truro on the 28th October. S/M Chris has been the Webmaster of the RNA website the last 15 years and has provided inspirational dedication to the serving and veteran members of the RNA in deepest darkest Kernow over many years. Chris is truly deserving of this award. BZ and well done. RNA St Neots and District Branch One of St Neots and Districts long serving Life members Shipmate Pete Wale crossed the bar last month. Many Shipmates from around the country may have met him during his time as a Standard Bearer. Tom Mumford, the President St Neots and District Branch paid tribute to Pete at his funeral which he has forwarded below; It is with deep regret that we announce the death of Shipmate Pete Wale, who crossed the bar on Sunday 19th October. His funeral service took place at Bedford crematorium on Thursday 6th November. 32 The RNA is just one chapter in the book of Pete’s life, albeit a long one spanning 42 years. I feel sure there is a common thread that runs through all the pages of the book; he was a very special friend to us all. Within the RNA we knew two Pete’s and for want of better words I will simply refer to them as the “on duty” and “off duty” Pete. The on duty Pete was a tower of strength and support in those pre and post years of our commissioning in 1972, whilst the committee formulated a vision for a successful branch, a vision that still stands the test of time. Pete, together with the support of his wife Wendy, was instrumental in raising the funds to purchase our Standard and its accompanying dedication ceremony in 1975. Pete volunteered to be our first Standard Bearer, a role that he carried out for 23 years with immense pride and the immaculate standards that one expects from a former Royal Marine. It is therefore right and proper that our Standard should be here for him today, for this symbol speaks more of Pete than any words. In 1986 the RNA recognised his services with the award of Life Membership; the highest honour our National Association can bestow. His citation reads “For outstanding services to the Association” and Pete remains one of just five branch members honoured in this way. On reaching retirement age he stood down as our Standard Bearer and was appointed as a Branch Life Vice President. Pete displayed all the qualities required to wear the coveted Green Beret, qualities that came to the fore in many aspects of his life, none more so than when faced with the battle against Parkinsons, a battle he knew he would inevitably lose, but one he would fight anyway. The on duty Pete was much admired, highly respected and one who will be long remembered. Then of course there was the other Pete, the “off duty” one, the fun one, the one who I suspect is familiar to us all. This is neither the time nor place to recall the many tales that could be told; there will be opportunities for this in the months and years to come. However, there must have been many occasions when Wendy has held her head in her hands and thought “Oh My God, what’s he going to do now”, but whatever it may have been, it was always hilarious, sometimes outrageous, but never offensive. If you were fortunate enough to share some of these times, then your world was a better place. This off duty Pete was one who we cherished, embraced and in the broader sense of the word, loved. There will be so many days when, “At the going down of the sun and in the morning” we will remember him. RNA Watford and District Branch Shipmate Maurice Saunders of Watford Branch was recently awarded the Audetia Award. Maurice was presented with this award by Watford Borough Council in recognition of his work with the RNA Association, the and various other groups over a great many years. BZ Maurice 33 RBL RNA City of Inverness Branch On 8th November, at ceremony at the Inverness Town House, The Consul General of Russia in Edinburgh, Andrey Pritsepov presented eight prestigious Ushakov Medals to honour those who served among the recipients was Shipmate Bill Shand, of Newtongate, Nairn, a member of City of Inverness branch. S/M Bill served as a wireless telegraphist and coder in HMS Franklin, was just 18 years old when he went on the convoy in 1943and later saw action during the D Day landings in France. On leaving the service he joined the fire service in the Highlands and Islands, and served with them for 38 years including 10 years as the region's fire master. The ceremony was hosted by The Inverness Provost, Alex Graham, and other Civic dignitaries, and very much supported by the Naval community, especially by a good turnout by Shipmates from the Inverness branch. The presentation by the Russian Consul General was done superbly, and everyone present was particularly struck by the genuine appreciation shown towards the recipients of the medals, by the whole of the Russian contingent. The attached photos shoe Bill Shand getting his medal. The RNA group with Bill after the award, and the group of Vets who received medals. RNA St Helens Branch Members of the St Helens Branch along with the St Helens Royal Marine Association Branch and the Burma Star Association attended Garswood Primary School in St Helens on the 7th November to take part in the Schools Finale to a week of Commemorations for WW1. During the finale the children sang songs associated with WW1 along with reciting poems and played musical instruments. The afternoon ended when the last post was played by S/m Arthur Gillon during which the Standards of the RNA,RMA and Burma Star Association where dipped. The Headmistress said that the school were thrilled to have had the Veterans joining them to finish off their week of Commemorations. 34 RNA Plymouth Branch Two Hundred and sixty members and friends gave a very warm welcome to Lord Mayor Cllr. Michael Fox, Vice Admiral Sir Andrew Mathews KCB RN and Lady Mathews at the Annual Dinner & Dance held in the Warrant Officer & Senior Rates Mess, HMS Drake. Sea Cadets from Plymouth Drake ‘TS Golden Hind’ created a ceremonial ambience to initial proceedings, further enhancing the close relationship that exists between Branch and Unit. Branch Chairman Des McCarthy in his welcome address conveyed members appreciation to Mess President Warrant Officer Chris Isaac in allowing the Branch to meet regularly in the Mess, and expressed pleasure in having serving personnel from HMS Raleigh Cunningham Division, Flag Officer Sea Training, Royal Logistics Corps and representatives from the Royal Marines Association in attendance. Member David Hill proposed the toast to ‘Our Guests’ and Branch Secretary Arthur Gutteridge BEM proposed the toast to ‘The City of Plymouth’. The Lord Mayor responded and spoke about the importance of the Military to the City, in particular the historical relationship of the Royal Navy. Vice Admiral Sir Andrew Mathews was delighted to present an Association ‘Certificate of Appreciation’ to member June Shaw in recognition of her outstanding service to the Branch over a period of ten years. An exceptional five course silver service Dinner, dancing to ‘Retro’ and the hospitality of the Mess made for a memorable evening. Photograph: Lord Mayor in the presence of Vice Admiral Sir Andrew Mathews KCB RN, Lady Mathews, Branch Officers and Committee. 35 RNA Members Benefits UK Holiday Group /CONA Holiday Service • Variety of special deals for both Groups and Individual. 1% of turnover thorough CONA Holiday Service is returned to the RNA. Funeral Service • 2 ½ % discount form Wessex Funeral Services Portsmouth Historic Dockyard • RNA member entry just £10 plus four guest at £10 each provides access to the all attractions including the Submarine Museum, RM Museum and Explosion!. Pussers Rum – Special Rates for RNA Official RNA rate for Pusser’s rum set up with Fine Wine Sellers ( to receive the rate simply quote RNA rate when ordering. Details are as follows - Normally Pussers Blue Label normally RP £34.49 plus delivery of £4.99 (Delivery is £4.99 whether it is one bottle or 6) RNA discount price £29.49 plus delivery (as above) or 10% discount for 6 bottles or more Legal Services Free 30 minute legal advice with Coffin Mew. [email protected] 0800 827168 36 Shortcast (Run in date order) 2014 HMS Ajax Association – 13 December 2014 The HMS AJAX and River Plate Veterans Association have been working hard on arrangements to mark the 75th anniversary of the Battle in 2014. The committee are aware that there may be members of the RNA including associate members who may have served in either the cruiser (scrapped in 1949) or the frigate (scrapped sometime it is believed in 1982). So come along and join us on 13th December 2014 at a lunch in Portsmouth to mark the actual 75th anniversary of the Battle. There is an open invitation to those who served in HMS Exeter and Achilles and their families. If there is anyone who wishes to find out further details they can contact Malcolm Collis on [email protected] and there is also the website where additional information can be found. 2015 HMS Illustrious Association – 15 January 2015 The HMS Illustrious Association will be holding its annual service of remembrance at St James Garilckhythe London EC4V 2AF on 15 January 2015 commencing at 1330. More information is available from Frances Garton on 07985 196908 HMS Penelope Reunion - 20 February 2015 HMS Penelope. Reunion to be held in Blackpool February 20-22. Contact the secretary Mike Bee at [email protected] HMS Ariadne Reunion – 13 March 2015 The 4th annual reunion is will be held at the Forest Pines Hotel, Broughton, Lincs DN20 0AQ from 13th to 15th March 2015. A deposit of £20 made payable to Sally Clarke at ‘Just for Groups’ tel: 01603 886740. Total cost is £99pp for the weekend. Former members of any of the commissions are most welcome to attend all or part of the weekend. Please contact HMS Ariadne on facebook at for more details. HMS Surprise Reunion – 20 March 2015 The HMS Surprise Reunion weekend will be taking place at the Hadleigh Hotel, Eastbourne during the weekend of 20-23 March 2015. All former ship’s company are very welcome. Interested in attending or getting in touch with your former shipmates? Contact Geoff Prentice at [email protected] HMS Resolution Association Reunion – 20/22nd March 2015 The annual reunion for the HMS Resolution Association will take place at the Hallmark Hotel Hull. Come and meet and greet old shipmates with a chance to catch up and celebrate. Early bookings discount is available before 31st January 2015. (Hotel website – The Association is open to all former crew members of HMS Resolution. For further details please contact 37 [email protected] or visit the website at HMS Undine and Urchin Association Reunion – 20 March 2015 HMS Undine & Urchin Association in company with Ursa, Ulster, Ulysses, Urania and Undaunted are holding their next reunion at The Smiths Hotel, Weston-Super-Mare, Somerset from March 20 to 23. Cost £120pp for 3 nights half board with entertainment included. Details available from Secretary Chris Heslop at [email protected] HMS Andromeda Association – 27 March 2015 HMS Andromeda Association reunion will be held at the Holiday Inn, Doncaster February 27-2nd March. Doncaster council adopted the ship in the 1980s and links with the council have been reestablished and it is planned that civic events will take place to commemorate the event. Details of the reunion and the weekend events can be obtained from Isle of Wight Tours on 01983 405116 HMS Campbeltown Reunion – 03 April 2015 First mini reunion to be held April 3-6 in Guzz. Contact Florrie Ford at [email protected] Captain Class Frigates Association – 10 April 2015 To mark the 70th Anniversary of the end of WWII, the Captain Class Frigate Association will hold a Final Reunion at the Warwick Hilton Hotel, Stratford Road, Warwick from 10 to 12 April 2015. The guest speaker will be a distinguished Naval Personality. This will be our member’s last chance to meet with former shipmates. Book direct on 01926 499555. HMS Glasgow (C21 0r D88) Association – 17/20th April 2105 HMS Glasgow (C21 & D88). Reunion to be held at the Queens Hotel, Paignton over the weekend April 17-20. Further details from Gary Eaton at [email protected] HMS Protector Association – 24/27th April 2015 HMS Protector Association is calling on all members plus ex ships company who served onboard between 3rd October 1955 to October 1968 to join us at a commemorative 60th anniversary reunion of the first sailing to the Antarctic and the Falkland Islands. The reunion will take place in the Aztec Hotel, Bristol over the weekend 24th-27 April 2015. Members of the 1965 commission are not forgotten as we will be also celebrating the 50th anniversary. It is also the Association’s 16th reunion and AGM. Reunion booking forms and membership application forms can be downloaded from and further details can be obtained from the reunion organiser Doug Harris (01495 718870) at [email protected] or PRO Pete Latham (0161 7248164) at [email protected] Royal Naval Hospital Haslar Reunion – 01/03 May 2015 There will be a reunion weekend from Friday 01 May until Sunday 03 May 2015 in the Thorngate Halls, Gosport for all personnel who served at RNH Haslar. For further details please e-mail [email protected] HMS Phoebe Association – 01 May 2015 38 HMS Phoebe Association, Cruiser (C43) & Frigate (F42): Have their annual reunion from May 1 to 4 at the Chatsworth Hotel, Grand Parade, Eastbourne. All ex crew are welcome to join us. Please contact the secretary, Roy Pavely at [email protected] Federation of Naval Associations - 08 May 2015 The FNA AGM and reunion wil be held at Grand Burstin Hotel, Folkestone from May 8 to 11. All Associations and former RN/RM/WRNS/QARNNS/RFA/MN etc are most welcome. Details and booking forms available from Robbie Robson at [email protected] HMS Fife Reunion – 17 October 2015 The HMS Fife reunion will take place at HMS Nelson Warrant Officers and Senior Rates Mess on 17 October 2015, 1900-2359. For information about this reunion or to register your interest in attending please contact Warrant Officer 1, Darren Emmerton at [email protected] HMS Lowestoft Reunion – 9 October 2015 The 5th annual reunion of the HMS Lowestoft Association will take place at the Royal Beach Hotel, St Helens Parade, Southsea PO4 0NR from October 9th to 11th 2015. All ex-Lowie's 19611985 and guests are welcome. For booking & more info contact IOW Tours on 01983 405116 or email [email protected] or email: [email protected] or visit For information, the HMS Lowestoft Association held their 4th Annual Reunion at the Royal Beach Hotel, Southsea over the weekend 17-19 October, celebrating 53 years since the ship first commissioned. The successful and memorable event was attended by 150 ex Lowie’s, partners and guests, including 3 former Commanding Officers, Admiral Sir John Treacher, Captain Jimmy Chestnutt and Captain Charles Buckle. Vice Admiral Sir John Webster the Navigating Officer from the first commission and Vice Admiral Sir Nicholas Hill-Norton the First Lieutenant from 1971-73 were also present. 39 40 2015 Diaries The 2015 diary will be sold as the diary part only, price £5. If you need a diary with the blue crested cover it will cost £8 Orders should be sent to the address below and be accompanied either by a cheque for the total value or instructions to debit a Branch Account. To: Royal Naval Association, Room 209 Semaphore Tower (PP70) HM Naval Base Portsmouth PO1 3LT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Order form From: .................................................................Branch Please provide ……………… 2015 RNA insert Diaries @ £5 .00 each £ ...................... Please provide ……………… 2015 Diaries with Cover @ £8 .00 each £ ...................... TOTAL £............ Deliver the order to S/M………………………………………………………… Address ……………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………… ……………………………...... Post Code:…………………………… Find enclosed a cheque to the value of - £ ..................made out to The Royal Naval Association OR debit the ..........................................Branch for £.................. Or charge to my Credit Card/Debit Card; the details of which are: Credit Card/Debit Card No ....................... ................................................... . Card in the name of :................................................................. Valid From: ................................ Expires ..................................................... . Three Digit Security Code (where applicable) ............................................... Card holder’s address of different from delivery address Address ……………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………… ……………………………...... Post Code:…………………………… 41 NOMINATION FORM ELECTION OF MEMBERS AND DEPUTY MEMBERS OF THE NATIONAL COUNCIL (June 2015 to June 2017)( RNA Bye-Law 6) For the attention of All Branch Secretaries in Areas. 2,6,7,8,9,11, Scotland Each Branch may nominate one full or life member from any Branch within its own Area, as a Candidate for election to the National Council, and one full or life member for election as the Deputy National Council Member subject to the approval of the Branch to which both persons belong. (See Note Below) Name of Nominee NCM.....................................................DNCM................................................. Proposed by Branch ............................................................................. Area .......................... Address of Nominee NCM……………………………………............................................................................................... DNCM............................................................................................................................................... Brief history of the nominees in the RNA. Continue on separate sheet if necessary NCM DNCM Chairman .......................................................... (signed) ............................................(dated) Secretary .......................................................... (signed) ............................................(dated) ___________________________________________________________________________ If the Candidate’s Association membership is not registered with the nominating Branch, this section is to be completed by the Chairman and Secretary of the Branch through which it is registered. Candidate's Branch ......... ....................................................................... We certify the acceptance of the nomination by the Candidate’s Branch. Chairman ...................................................................................(signed).........................(dated) Hon Secretary ............................................................................(signed).........................(dated) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Candidate I accept the nomination and undertake to attend as many National Council Meetings as is possible and to sit on Committees to which I may be elected. Signature of Candidate .........................................................(signed).........................(dated) _____________________________________________________________________________ Nomination Forms The envelope containing this completed form should be marked NOMINATIONS FOR NATIONAL COUNCIL and must reach RNA HQ no later than 1500 27 February 2015. Only one nomination is needed for a candidate to be included in the ballot. 42 PROPOSED MOTIONS AND AMENDMENTS FOR ANNUAL CONFERENCE 2015 Proposals must reach The General Secretary by 1500 27 February 2015 Name of Proposing Branch: ........................................................................................... Motion / amendment Explanation of the Motion / Amendment (To be included in the notes for Conference) Hon Secretary ............................................................................(signed).........................(dated) Name of Seconding Branch: ......................................................................................................... Hon Secretary ............................................................................(signed).........................(dated) Notes a. A motion is submitted in the name of a Branch. Secretaries of proposing and seconding Branches are certifying that the motion or amendment reflects the view of the Branch meeting (not a committee); and that voting was conducted in accordance with Rule 20. b. A separate form is required for each Motion or Amendment c. A manuscript copy is acceptable for additional Motions or Amendments if the printed form is not available. d. The Motion or Amendment should be as short and precise as possible avoiding ambiguity. A Motion should normally start with the word `THAT' e. The explanation is to assist the scrutiny of the Standing Orders Committee in understanding the intention behind the Motion so that they may be able to consider its presentation so it can be improved and implemented as soon as possible (Conference Bye Law C4) f. Motions may be submitted at any time but must reach the General Secretary by 27 February 2015. g. Motions of Urgency should reach the General Secretary not less than 48 hours before Conference. (In accordance with Conference Bye Law C6.) and include an explanation about the urgency. h. Amendments to Motions should also normally reach the General Secretary not less than 7 days before Conference. The provision for the submission of amendments during Conference is in the Conference Bye-Laws. i. Bye-Laws. A Motion to Conference may propose that a Bye-Law be set aside or it may ask the Council to consider making or amending a Bye-Law. j. The Branch Proposing a Motion must have it Seconded by another Branch before forwarding it to the General Secretary. (Conference Bye Law c3i) 43 Nominations for Standing Orders Committee 2015 For the attention of All Branch Secretaries To reach the General Secretary no later than 1500 27 February 2015 Two members of the Standing Orders Committee are to be elected at Conference 2015, those standing down are eligible to be re-elected. (S/M Lyons and S/M Downing). Each Branch may nominate one full or full life member of a Branch in the United Kingdom or the Republic or Ireland as a Candidate for election to the Standing Orders Committee, subject to the approval of the Branch to which the candidate belongs. Name of Nominee ................................................................................................ Proposed by Branch ....................................................................... Area .......................... Address of Nominee ......................………….........……………….......................................... ....................................................................................................................................................... e-mail ......................................................................................... Postcode.................. Brief history of nominee in the Association. (Continue on separate sheet if necessary) Branch Chairman ...................................................... (signed) ......................................(dated) Branch Secretary ...................................................... (signed) ......................................(dated) ___________________________________________________________________________ If the Candidate by the proposing Branch is not a member of that Branch, this section is to be completed by the Chairman and Secretary of the Candidate's own Branch. Candidate's Branch ......... ............................................................................ We certify the acceptance of the nomination by the Candidate’s Branch. Signature of Chairman (Candidate's Branch) ............................................................................. Signature of Secretary (Candidate's Branch) .............................................................................. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Candidate I accept the nomination and undertake to attend as many Standing Orders Committee Meetings as possible. Signature of Candidate ..............................................................................Dated ....................... ___________________________________________________________________________ Nomination Forms The envelope containing this completed form should be marked NOMINATIONS FOR STANDING ORDERS COMMITTEE and must reach RNA HQ no later than 1500 27 February 2015. Only one nomination is needed for a candidate to be included in the ballot. Nominations received after the deadline will not be included in the Ballot. 44 Welfare Seminar - HMS NELSON Saturday 28 March 2015 - Application form Please send completed form by e-mail to [email protected] or post to RNA HQ, Room 209, Semaphore Tower PP70, HM Naval Base, Portsmouth PO1 3LT. **** REMINDER PHOTO ID WILL BE REQUIRED FOR ENTRY INTO NAVAL BASE**** Name Area / Branch Position held in Branch Personal Address including Post Code Telephone/Mobile No E-mail Address Car Make & Registration Are you a trained caseworker for – RBL or SSAFA Other Associations Qualifications Do you use CMS ? Notes 45 Delegate/Observers for the Annual Conference 2015 Folkestone Branch Area Name of Delegate Delegate’s Address Telephone No Post Code e-mail Number of Observers Names of Observers * Name of Branch Hon Secretary Contact telephone No: (if not branch Hon Sec) Contact e-mail address Name and Address for correspondence (if not branch Hon Sec) *Please continue on a separate sheet with all your branch observers. This will be the Branch secretary unless otherwise indicated. NB: A Delegate will not be confirmed as such unless or until the Branch Balance Sheet for 2014 and Annual Subscriptions for Branch Members for 2015 have been received in RNA Headquarters. Should either not have been received in HQ, the Delegate's Status will be changed to that of Observer. 46
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