AGENDA CITY COMMISSION MEETING CITY OF ST. AUGUSTINE BEACH DECEMBER 1, 2014 7: 00 PM. cry Hall 2200 AlA South st. Augustine Beach, FL 320x0 NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC THE CITY COMMISSION HAS ADOPTED THE FOLLOWING PROCEDURE: PERSONS WISHING t0. SPEAK ABOUT TOPICS TINT ARE ON THE AGENDA MIST FILL OLTA SPEAKER CARD IN ADVANCE AND GIVE TT TO THE RECORDING SECRETARY THE CARDS ARE AVAILABLE AT THE BACK OF THE MEETING ROOM THIS PROCEDURE DOLS NOT APPLI TO PERSONS WHO WANT TO SPEAK TO THE COMMISSION UNDER" PUBLIC COMMENTS" I. CALL TO ORDER IL PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE HI. ROLL CALL IV. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF THE REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING OF NOVEMBER 10, 2014 V. ADDITIONS OR DELETIONS OF THE AGENDA VI. CHANGES TO ORDER OF TOPICS ON THE AGENDA VII. PRESENTATIONS A. Plaque to Mr. Brud Helhoski for Eight Years of Continuous Service to the City as Mayor, Vice Mayor and Commissioner B. Recognition of Mr. Rick Johnson for His Years of Service with Seniors Versus Crime C. Interview of Candidates for Appointment to City Boards and Committees: 1. Mrs. Hester Longstreet for Code Enforcement Board Alternate 2. Ms. Mary Hutchinson as Regular Member, and Mr. Craig Thomson as Alternate for Tree Board/ Beautification Advisory Committee 3. Ms. Rose Bailey and Mr. Michael Longstreet for Planning Board Alternate Member VIII. PUBLIC COMMENTS IX. PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. Conditional Use Permit: Request for Permit for Outside Serving of Food and Beverages at Mermaid Island Dining, 128 SeaGrove Main Street, Mr. Creek Scott and Carmen Combs, Applicants 2. Conditional Use Permit: Request for Permit for Daycare Center in the Former Beach Zone Store, 4001 State Road Al A. Ms. Dani Gwiazda, Applicant 3. Ordinance 14- 06, Public Hearing and Final Reading: to Permit a Limited Number of Food Trucks in the City X. CONSENT 4. Resolution 14- 15 to Amend the City Commission' s Policies and Procedures Manual to Adopt Policies for Use of the City' s TV Channel 5. Budget Resolution 14- 30. to Appropriate an Additional $ 12, 000 for the Versaggi Drive Beach Access Walkover XI. OLD BUSINESS - None XII. NEW BUSINESS 6. New Beach Access Walkover: Consideration of Authorizing a New One at F Street 7. Solid Waste Disposal: Approval of Interlocal Agreement with St. Johns County 8. Non- Ad Valorem Assessment for Solid Waste Disposal: Approval of a $ 74. 00 Fee for FY 15 9. Friday, December 20h: Request to Declare It a Holiday for City Employees XIII. COMMISSIONER COMMENTS XIV. ADJOURNMENT NOTICES TO THE PUBLIC' 1. CITY HOLIDAYS. There are two- and- a- half holidays: They are: a. Half day, Wednesday, Christmas Eve, December 24th. CITY OFFICES WILL CLOSE AT NOON. THERE' LL BE NO CHANGE TO THE PICKUP OF YARD TRASH/ SPECIAL WASTE AND RECYCLABLES. b. Christmas Day, Thursday, December 25`h. CITY OFFICES CLOSED. THERE' LL BE NO PICKUP OF HOUSEHOLD WASTE AND RECYCLABLES. The Thursday pickup of household waste and recyclables will be done on FRIDAY, DECEMBER 26Tt{. c. New Year' s Day, Thursday, January 1s'. CITY OFFICES CLOSED. The City will pick up household waste. However. Thursday' s recycling pickup will be done on Friday, as well as Friday' s pick up of household waste. PLEASE NOTE: THERE' LL BE NO PICK UP OF YARD TRASH/ SPECIAL WASTE ON WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 31, 2014. 2. TREE BOARD/ BEAUTIFICATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE. It will hold its next meeting on Thursday, December 11, 2014 at 7: 00 p. m. in the Commission meeting room at city hall. 3. PLANNING BOARD. It will hold its monthly meeting on Tuesday, December 16, 2014 at 7: 00 p.m. in the Commission meeting room. Topics on the agenda may include: a. review of Chief Hardwick' s proposal for a skateboard park on City/ County property adjacent to the pier park; b. continuation of discussion of A1A Beach Boulevard vision plan; c. scheduling regular meeting on Thursday, January 29, 2015 because meeting room will be used for early voting for the primary election in January. 4. NEW YEAR' S EVE BEACH BLAST OFF. The City' s premier event will be held at the pier park on Wednesday, December 31, 2014, from 4 p. m. to 10 p.m. The fireworks show will be from 8: 30 p. m. to 8: 50 p. m. NOTE: The agenda material containing background information for this meeting is available on a CD in pd/ format upon request at the City Manager' s office for a $ 2 fee. Adobe Acrobat Reader will be needed to open the file. NOTICES: In accordance with Florida Statute 286. 0105: - II' any person decides to appeal any decision made by the City Commission with respect to any matter considered at this scheduled meeting or hearing the person will need a record of the proceedings, and for such purpose the person may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made. which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities act, persons needing a special accommodation to participate in this proceeding should contact the City Manager' s Office not later than seven days prior to the proceeding at the address provided, or telephone 904- 471- 2122, or email sabadmin@cityofsab. org. MINUTES CITY COMMISSION MEETING City Nan CITY OF ST. AUGUSTINE BEACH 2200 AlA South NOVEMBER 10, 2014 7: 00 PM. St Augustine Beach, FL 32080 CALL TO ORDER at 7: 00 p.m. by Mayor Samuels PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ROLL CALL Present: Mayor Samuels, Vice-Mayor Snodgrass, Commissioner George. O' Brien, Commissioner Helhoski, Commissioner Also Present: City Manager Royle, City Attorney Burnett, Deputy City Clerk Benson, Finance Director Burns, Police Chief Hardwick, Public Works Director Howell, and Building Official Larson. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF THE REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING OF OCTOBER 6, 2014 Motion: to approve the minutes of the City Commission meeting of October 6, 2014, Moved by Commissioner Snodgrass, Seconded by Vice- Mayor O' Brien. Motion passed unanimously. ADDITIONS OR DELETIONS OF THE AGENDA City Manager Royle requested the following changes: Under Presentations, Chief Hardwick asked to award plaques of appreciation to restaurants that donated food for the National Night Out event. Under Presentation B, Ms. Hester Longstreet had withdrawn her name from consideration for the Comprehensive Planning and Zoning Board. Under Consent, add Resolution 14- 14 to declare a surplus vehicle. Motion: to approve the changes to the agenda, Moved by Commissioner Snodgrass, Seconded by Vice- Mayor O' Brien. Motion passed unanimously. CHANGES TO ORDER OF TOPICS ON THE AGENDA- None PRESENTATIONS A. Plaque to Mr. Al Guido for Nine Years of Service to the City on the Comprehensive Planning and Zoning Board City Manager Royle said Mr. Guido was term- limited from reappointment, but could return to the board after one year. Mayor Samuels presented a plaque of appreciation. City Commission Mtg. 11/ 10/ 14 Page 1 of8 Chief Hardwick said the City had a very successful National Night Out event and the two restaurants donated food for the participants. He presented plaques of appreciation to the Oasis Restaurant and the Sunset Grille. A. Interview of Candidates for Appointment to City Boards/ Committees: 1. Ms. Joan A. Muller, Regular Member, Tree Board/ Beautification Advisory Committee Ms. Muller said she was involved with the garden and hoped to contribute more to the community. Motion: to appoint Ms. Muller to the Tree Board/ Beautification Advisory Committee, Moved by Commissioner Helhoski, Seconded by Commissioner Snodgrass. Motion passed unanimously. 2. Ms. Hester Longstreet, Alternate, Comprehensive Planning and Zoning Board — Removed from agenda 3. Ms. Mary McCarthy, Alternate, Comprehensive Planning and Zoning Board Ms. McCarthy was on the Comprehensive Planning and Zoning Board previously and asked to return to that board at this time. Motion: to appoint Mary McCarthy as an Alternate Member of the Comprehensive Planning and Zoning Board, Moved by Commissioner I- lelhoski, Seconded by Commissioner Snodgrass. Motion passed unanimously. B. Re- Appointment of Members of the Tree Board/ Beautification Advisory Committee: 1. Ms. Lea Ann Lombari 2. Ms. Tanya Frantzen 3. Ms. Ann Palmquist Motion: to re- appoint Lea Ann Lombari, Tanya Frantzen, and Ann Palmquist to additional terms on the Tree Board/ Beautification Advisory Committee, Moved by Commissioner Snodgrass. Seconded by Commissioner George. Motion passed unanimously. PUBLIC COMMENTS Tom Reynolds, 880 A1A Beach Boulevard, said the parking lot at Pope Road should be controlled by the City and all parking should be metered. Bobby Crum. 301 Spanish Oak Court, urged the City to purchase the additional property at Ocean Hammock Park. Steve Mitherz, 17 Sea Oaks Drive, congratulated the Police Department for their work on accreditation. He also asked for an update on the Key International property. City Commission Mtg. 11/ 10/ 14 Page 2 of 8 Bill Rosenstock, 57 White Court, urged the City to obtain the parking lot property east of Pope Road. Commissioner George said Mr. Rosenstock did much research for the City and should be given additional time to present his opinions. Al Guido, 104 Dogwood Drive, said there was a lack of public participation at meetings of the Comprehensive Planning and Zoning Board. He urged the public to attend. He thought the overlay district regulations had gone beyond the original intent of the allowance. Pat Gill, 218 B Street, finished reading Mr. Rosenstock' s letter regarding Pope Road. She urged the City to purchase the Maratea property. Building Official Larson said the architect for the Key International project said new plans should be submitted in a few days. City Manager Royle said The Trust for Public Land was willing to pay for an appraisal on the Maratea property, but an attorney has inquired about the PUD for the land which had expired. PUBLIC HEARINGS: 1. Ordinance 14- 07, Public Hearing and Second Reading: to Allow Parking on Unpaved Berm of Sandpiper Boulevard Ordinance 14- 07 was read by title only by the City Attorney. ORDINANCE 14- 07 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ST. AUGUSTINE BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING THE CITY CODE, CHAPTER 19, TRAFFIC, ARTICLE II, STOPPING, STANDING OR PARKING, TO SPECIFICALLY AMEND SUBSECTION 19- 31( a)( 8), PROHIBITING PARKING ON CERTAIN STREETS WITHIN THE CITY TO ALLOW FOR PARKING ON A PORTION OF SANDPIPER BOULEVARD; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Motion: to adopt Ordinance 14- 07 on second reading, Moved by Vice-Mayor O' Brien. Seconded by Commissioner Snodgrass. The motion passed unanimously. 2. Ordinance 14- 08, Public Hearing and Second Reading: to Clarify City Charter Change Concerning Employment by City Commissioners While in Office. Ordinance 14- 08 was read by title only by the City Attorney. ORDINANCE NO: 14- 08 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ST. AUGUSTINE BEACH, CONCERNING ORDINANCE 14- 01, WHICH AMENDED THE CHARTER LAWS OF THE CITY OF ST. AUGUSTINE BEACH SUBJECT TO REFERENDUM VOTE; CLARIFYING THE AMENDMENT CONCERNING SECTION 1- 5 ( e) OF SUCH CHARTER LAWS City Commission Mtg. 11/ 10/ 14 Page 3 of 8 CONCERNING HOLDING OF OTHER OFFICE; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Motion: to adopt Ordinance 14- 08 on second reading, Moved by Commissioner Snodgrass, Seconded by Commissioner George. Motion passed unanimously. X. CONSENT 3. Proclamation to Declare November 2014 as Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Month Motion: to approve the proclamation, Moved by Commissioner Snodgrass, Seconded by ViceMayor O' Brien. Motion passed unanimously. 4. December 31. 2014 Beach Blast Off A. Approval of Contract with Fireworks by Santore B. Approval of Agreement with Anastasia Baptist Church for Use of Church' s Parking Lot for Off-Site Parking C. Approval of License Agreement with Key Beach North LLC for Use of Property for Vendor and Band Member Parking Motion: to approve the Beach Blast Off agreements, Moved by Commissioner Helhoski, Seconded by Commissioner Snodgrass. Motion passed unanimously. 5. Budget Resolution 14- 29, to Amend the FY 14 General Fund Budget to Appropriate 1, 213 to the Wages and Retirement Accounts of the City Manager' s Budget Motion: to approve Budget Resolution 14- 29, Moved by Commissioner Snodgrass, Seconded by Commissioner Helhoski. Motion passed unanimously. Police Chief Hardwick asked for approval of Resolution 14- 14 to declare a 2007 Dodge Durango as surplus, and for permission to donate the vehicle to the Florida Department of Corrections. Motion: to approve Resolution 14- 14 and to approve donation of the vehicle to the Florida Department of Corrections, Moved by Commissioner Snodgrass, Seconded by Commissioner Helhoski. Vote: Motion passed ( summary: Yes = 4, No= 1, Abstain= 0). Yes: Commissioner George, Commissioner Helhoski, Commissioner Samuels. No: Vice- Mayor O' Brien. City Commission Mtg. 11/ 10/ 14 Page 4 of 8 Snodgrass, Mayor OLD BUSINESS 6. Ordinance 14- 06, to Allow Food Trucks in the City Ordinance 14- 06 was read by title only by City Attorney. Tom Reynolds, 880 A1A Beach Boulevard, opposed food trucks as bringing down the value of property on the beach. Brendon Schneck, 21 Sabor de Sal, urged support for food trucks. He said the ordinance had many restrictions that make it difficult to locate anywhere in the City. He cited restaurants with much less parking per seat than what was required for food trucks. He suggested two spaces with 20 minute time limits. Kelly Hazouri, 21 Sabor de Sal, said Jacksonville Beach had fewer requirements and the National League of Cities had made recommendations for food trucks. The 90 feet distance requirement was impractical in St. Augustine Beach neighborhoods. Benjamin Dozier, 472 San Nicolas Way, and Amit Patel, 112 SeaGrove Main Street, supported the food trucks. Ann Palmquist, 213 l0`^ Street, praised those working for permission to have the food trucks and supported their request. Commissioner Helhoski suggested a 50 foot distance and no parking required. Mayor Samuels agreed the requirements were excessive. Commissioner Snodgrass supported local restaurants, but felt new opportunities should be considered. He supported a temporary trial period for food trucks. Commissioner George agreed. Vice Mayor O' Brien asked to add requirements that the food trucks obtain the proper state and County food service licenses; that the operating hours close at 9 p.m. on Sunday through Thursday and on 11 p.m. on Friday and Saturday nights; and that the food trucks be removed from the site every evening after closing. He felt a restroom should be provided by a property owner within a certain distance of the vendor and be open until the food truck closed. Mayor Samuels agreed to require parking for one vehicle plus one handicapped space. The Commission agreed to require two parking spaces; to require a distance of 70 feet between food trucks and restaurants; and to issue only four food truck permits at a time. City Attorney Burnett read the changes to the ordinance: Section 6. 03. 12 A. ...( vii) a valid and current business tax receipt from the City and any other permit or license required by the State of Florida and County xii) not located within 90 70 feet of the door to a residential property... xiii) 8 parking spaces one regular and one handicap parking space and City Commission Mtg. 11/ 10/ 14 Page 5 of 8 xv) the mobile food vehicle shall be removed from the site each night before midnight, and stored at a lawful location until one hour before the next day' s starting hours of operation. E. The maximum number of mobile food vehicle permits issued by the City under this ordinance shall be four and a person may only hold the permit in the name of a person and each person may only have one permit which permit is limited to one mobile food vehicle. The City Commission took a brief recess at 8: 22 p. m. and resumed the meeting at 8: 27 p. m. Building Official Larson said the new construction project was starting and the large crew would attract lunch trucks to the site. He asked that lunch trucks be exempt from these regulations. Motion: to approve Ordinance 14- 06, as amended, on first reading, Moved by Mayor Samuels, Seconded by Commissioner Snodgrass. Vote: Motion passed( summary: Yes= 3. No= 1, Abstain= 1). Yes: Commissioner George, Commissioner Snodgrass, Mayor Samuels. No: Vice-Mayor O' Brien. Abstain: Commissioner Helhoski. A Form 8B Memorandum of Voting Conflict was submitted and is attached to the record copy of these minutes. 7. Versaggi Drive Beach Access: Award of Design- Build Proposal for Dune Walkover Ann Palmquist, 213 10th Street, said the walkover at her street had been consumed by sand shifting. She asked the design consider the drifting dune. She said there is public parking available at Versaggi drive and the public should be allowed to use it. It was the Commission' s consensus to approve the additional cost of the composite materials for the decking and cap rails. Motion: to approve the award of bid to Turnbull Environmental, Inc. at a cost of $72, 000, Moved by Commissioner Snodgrass, Seconded by Vice- Mayor O' Brien. Motion passed unanimously. 8. City' s TV Channel: Discussion of Policies for Its Use Finance Director Bums explained that the City needed to update its policies for the use of the City' s TV Channel. Motion: to approve the TV channel policies as amended., Moved by Mayor Samuels, Seconded by Commissioner Snodgrass. Motion passed unanimously. 9. Police Chief and City Manager: Review of Performance Evaluations The City Commission discussed the performance evaluations. City Commission Mtg. 11/ 10/ 14 Page 6 of 8 NEW BUSINESS 10. Resolution 14- 13, to Amend Section XX. 12 of the Personnel Manual to Adopt Computer Use and Email Policy Motion: to approve Resolution 14- 13, Moved by Commissioner Snodgrass, Seconded by Commissioner George. Motion passed unanimously. 11. Ocean Woods Drainage Project: Approval of Amendment No. 22 to Contract with Stone Engineering for Design/ Permitting Work Motion: to approve Amendment No. 22 with Stone Engineering for the Ocean Woods Drainage Project, Moved by Mayor Samuels, Seconded by Commissioner Snodgrass. Motion passed unanimously. COMMISSIONER COMMENTS Commissioner Snodgrass: Congratulated Margaret England on her win in the election for City Commissioner. He will miss Commissioner Helhoski. He talked with accreditation assessors and they praised the City' s Police Department. Commissioner George: Agreed with Commissioner Snodgrass. She had met with Mr. Rosenstock and was impressed by his research on the Pope Road parking area. She asked for an update on the Planning and Zoning Board' s discussion of uses for the Marriott money. She asked for a status update from Commissioner O' Brien on parking meters. The City Commission had a shade meeting a few months ago and she asked for an update on that issue. Commissioner Helhoski: Congratulated Margaret England on her election and her honorable campaign. He congratulated the Police Department and Chief I lardwick on their upcoming accreditation. Vice Mayor O' Brien: Agreed with the positive comments for Ms. England and the Police Department. There were a lot of good things happening at the Visitors and Convention Bureau and they have our best interests at heart. On the City Charter amendments, residents asked that the City should mail information to the voters. He felt parking was a countywide issue and. meters should also be a County issue. The City should not foot the bill for visitor parking. It should come from the Tourist Development Council. Mayor Samuels: After new City and County Commissioners take office there should be a joint meeting with County and other agencies to address parking, transportation, and other issues. She met with County Manager Wanchik, who told her that a Department of Environmental Protection permit was required for development of the Pope Road parking area, and the issue of who owns the property would be settled in court. She said the permitting process for events on the beach should be handled by the County on a single event permit instead of the current method requiring permits from both the City and the County. She met with Nancy Shaver, Mayor- elect of St. Augustine, and looked forward to working with her. City Commission Mtg. 11/ 10/ 14 Page 7 of 8 ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the City Commission, the meeting adjourned at 9: 22 p. m. Andrea Samuels, Mayor— Commissioner ATTEST: City Manager THIS MEETING HAS BEEN RECORDED IN ITS ENTIRETY. THE RECORDINGS WILL BE KEPT ON FILE FOR THE REQUIRED RETENTION PERIOD. COMPLETE VIDEO CAN BE FOUND AT WWW. STAUGBCH. COM, OR BY CONTACTING THE OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER.) City Commission Mtg. 11/ 10/ 14 Page 8 of 8 FORM 8B MEMORANDUM OF VOTING CONFLICT FOR COUNTY, MUNICIPAL, AND OTHER LOCAL PUBLIC OFFICERS LAST NAME— FIRST NAME— MIDDLE NAME NAME OF BOARD, COUNCIL, COMMISSION, AUTHORITY, OR COMMITTEE fhIIwsk,` SyIVes(a- Mt Comens6Icn M AILING ADDRESS A L CITY 4411a / j DATT AD9 ^+• II- 10- THE BOARD, COUNCIL. COMMISSION, AUTHORITY OR COMMrrTEE ON oats 1ICH I SERVE IS A UNIT OF: 4,/ COUNTY kQOTE N j1 7 WrF do 5+. OC, uURRE COUNTY O OTHER LOCAL AGENCY YIOsI TYL,. PKt4X LUSTIMraI` NAME OF 1 MY POSITION IS': 14 ELECTIVE O APPOINTIVE WHO MUST FILE FORM 8B This form is for use by any person serving at the county, city, or other local level of government on an appointed or elected board, council, commission, authority, or committee. It applies to members of advisory and non- advisory bodies who are presented with a voting conflict of interest under Section 112. 3143, Florida Statutes. Your responsibilities under the law when faced with voting on a measure in which you have a conflict of interest will vary greatly depending on whether you hold an elective or appointive position. For this reason, please pay close attention to the instructions on this form before completing and filing the form. INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLIANCE WITH SECTION 112. 3143, FLORIDA STATUTES A person holding elective or appointive county, municipal, or other local public office MUST ABSTAIN from voting on a measure which would inure to his or her special private gain or loss. Each elected or appointed local officer also MUST ABSTAIN from knowingly voting on a measure which would inure to the special gain or loss of a principal ( other than a government agency) by whom he or she is retained including the parent, subsidiary, or sibling organization of a principal by which he or she is retained); to the special private gain or loss of a relative; or to the special private gain or loss of a business associate. Commissioners of community redevelopment agencies( CRAs) under Sec. 163.356 or 163. 357, FS., and officers of independent special tax districts elected on a one- acre, one-vote basis are not prohibited from voting in that capacity. For purposes of this law, a ' relative° includes only the officer's father, mother, son, daughter, husband, wife, brother, sister, father-in- law, mother- in- law, son-in- law, and daughter-in- law. A" business associate" means any person or entity engaged in or carrying on a business enterprise with the officer as a partner, joint venturer, coowner of property, or corporate shareholder( where the shares of the corporation are not listed on any national or regional stock exchange). ELECTED OFFICERS: In addition to abstaining from voting in the situations described above, you must disclose the conflict: PRIOR TO THE VOTE BEING TAKEN by publicly stating to the assembly the nature of your interest in the measure on which you are abstaining from voting; and WITHIN 15 DAYS AFTER THE VOTE OCCURS by completing and filing this form with the person responsible for recording the minutes of the meeting, who should incorporate the fore in the minutes. APPOINTED OFFICERS: Although you must abstain from voting in the situations described above, you are not prohibited by Section 112. 3143 from otherwise participating in these matters. However, you must disclose the nature of the conflict before making any attempt to influence the decision, whether orally or in writing and whether made by you or at your direction. IF YOU INTEND TO MAKE ANY ATTEMPT TO INFLUENCE THE DECISION PRIOR TO THE MEETING AT WHICH THE VOTE WILL BE TAKEN: You must complete and file this form( before making any attempt to influence the decision) with the person responsible for recording the minutes of the meeting, who will incorporate the form in the minutes. ( Continued on page 2) CE FORM 8B- Adopted by EFF 11/ 2013 reference in Rule 342010( 1)( PAGE 1 B, FA.C. APPOINTED OFFICERS ( continued) A copy of the form must be provided immediately to the other members of the agency. The form must be read publicly at the next meeting after the form is filed. IF YOU MAKE NO ATTEMPT TO INFLUENCE THE DECISION EXCEPT BY DISCUSSION AT THE MEETING: You must disclose orally the nature of your conflict in the measure before participating. You must complete the form and file it within 15 days after the vote occurs with the person responsible for recording the minutes of the meeting, who must incorporate the form in the minutes. A copy of the form must be provided immediately to the other members of the agency, and the form must be read publicly at the next meeting after the form is filed. DISCLOSURE OF LOCAL OFFICER' S, INTEREST 1, ______ [-( F _. c F f hereby disclose that N O on tit MAIM' lb I 1 20 / Y : a) A measure came or will come before my agency which( check one or more) i inured to my special private gain or loss; inured to the special gain or loss of my business associate, inured to the special gain or loss of my relative, inured to the or loss of by special gain or loss of which special gain whom I am retained; or inured to the is the parent subsidiary, or sibling organization or subsidiary of a principal which has retained me. b) The measure before my agency and the nature of my conflicting interest in the measure is as follows: 1' 4 - Ord;no.eC9.- 14- 66 If disclosure of specific information would violate confidentiality or privilege pursuant to law or rules governing attorneys, a public officer, who is also an attorney, may comply with the disclosure requirements of this section by disclosing the nature of the interest in such a way as to provide the public with notice of the conflict. in 7/ °/( C( Date Fil Signature- z'2 NOTICE: UNDER PROVISIONS OF FLORIDA STATUTES § 112. 317, A FAILURE TO MAKE ANY REQUIRED DISCLOSURE CONSTITUTES GROUNDS FOR AND MAY BE PUNISHED BY ONE OR MORE OF THE FOLLOWING: IMPEACHMENT, REMOVAL OR SUSPENSION FROM OFFICE OR EMPLQYMENT, DEMOTION, REDUCTION IN SALARY, REPRIMAND, OR A CIVIL PENALTY NOT TO EXCEED$ 10, 000. CE FORM 86- EFF. 1112013 Adopted by reference in Rule 34- 7. 010( 1)( f), F. A. C. PAGE 2 MEMORANDUM To: Mayor Samuels Vice Mayor O' Brien Commissioner Helhoski Commissioner George Commissioner Snodgrass FROM: Max Royle, City Manager/ DATE: November 17, 2014 SUBJECT: Presentations A. Plaque to Mr. Brud Helhoski for Eight Years of Continuous Service to the City as Mayor, Vice Mayor and Commissioner B. Recognition of Mr. Rick Johnson for His Years of Service with Seniors Versus Crime C. Interview of Candidates for Appointments to City Boards and Committees: 1) Code Enforcement Alternate Ms. Hester Longstreet 2) Tree Board/ Beautification Advisory Committee Ms. Mary Hutchinson as Regular Member Mr. Craig Thomson as Alternate 3) Planning Board Alternate Ms. Rose Bailey Mr. Michael Longstreet ITEM A. COMMISSIONER HELHOSKI After eight continuous years of service to the City, December 1st will be Commissioner Helhoski' s last Commission meeting, unless he decides to run again in the future. He was elected to the Commission in 2005, and took office in January 2006. The Commission selected him as the City's Vice Mayor for 2008 and 2009, and as its Mayor for 2010. He also served as the City' s representative on the Intergovernmental Committee. A A plaque has been made for presentation to him by Mayor Samuels. Also, a cake will be provided in his honor for the public to enjoy during a break in the meeting. ITEM B. MR. JOHNSON Chief Hardwick has requested the opportunity to acknowledge Mr. Johnson' s service to our area with the organization Seniors Versus Crime. ITEM C. APPOINTMENTS The City has a number of vacancies on various boards and committees. The vacancies and the application for each candidate are listed below. Code Enforcement Board Alternate Ms. Longstreet' s application is attached as pages 1- 3. Ms. Longstreet is currently a member of the City's Tree Board/ Beautification Advisory Committee. She was appointed as a Board/Committee alternate in June 2007 and as a regular member in September 2007. She now wishes to serve on the Code Enforcement Board. Tree Board/ Beautification Advisory Committee Regular Member and Alternate The applications are in alphabetical order. Ms. Hutchinson' s application is attached as pages 4- 6. Mr. Thomson' s application for the position of senior alternate is attached as pages 7- 9. Mr. Thomson was a charter member of the Beautification Advisory Committee when it was formed in February 1997. He served on it for over ten years and was the member who suggested in 1997 that the City' s first beautification project be the Avenue of Palms along A1A Beach Boulevard. Planning Board Alternate Member There are two applications for the position of junior alternate. Ms. Bailey' s application is attached as pages 10- 12. Mr. Longstreet' s application is attached as pages 13- 15. He was appointed to the Beautification Advisory Committee in August of 2001 and served until he was elected to the City Commission in 2002. B emus. c o 3444- Cnt# g of Ai 1 I #_ cgsalgustirm OCT - 2 2014 J ettc## CITY OF ST. AUGUSTINE BEACH 2200 Al SOUTH ST. AUGUSTINE BEACH, FLORIDA 32080 WWW. STAUGBCH. COM CITY MGR. ( 904) 471- 2122 BLDG.& FAX ( 904) 471- 4108 ZONING ( 904) 471- 8758 FAX( 904) 471- 4470 ST. AUGUSTINE BEACH CITY COMMISSION BOARD AND COMMITTEE APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENTS TO COMMITTEES INVOLVED IN LAND USE Date received by City Thank you for your expressed interest in being considered for appointment to committees, boards, commissions or advisory groups appointed by the City Commission. The Commission appreciates your willingness to serve your fellow citizens in a volunteer capacity. Please complete this application to the best of your ability. (You may attach a resume and/ or additional data. Please reference attachments in the Name: P. Address: Phone it: How I l-- am a I am virr C-+ ( you been a full- time .- f I r legal E- Mail Address: resident of part- time am not ee t- re -e- 1-- 9'0ci 1/ tj- 7/ 7f long have I List 1l appropriate section( s).) the de& City licenses eI- 1alat1 .. COVy St. Augustine Beach. ,, 21 resident a registered voter all active professional of 1onc in St. Johns and certifications: County. tear k (ei `` tt Curt,-t, ccJ Educational background: r- VCe Act ccA-t,,c , v, WI(> k (cj f-\ PA - p BA1, iNnre 4-, e m t- 4„, Past work experience: U C n & s r - e- J iisn wink_ r- 1 / Jr-i- -- a.O/" gv owli2 eel Oloy Sk Please list all civic clubs, professional organizations or public interest groups of which you are a member or in which you have been active: ( attach additional sheet, if necessary) 1. f 3. 1 ^ inwk W- t C. F\, \-. La- i„ \ sIler, e 5-1-. o J' 5 u 4. Civfr t era-l n,- C' tn r4ffe S4/5 4- e,cor IY)ernhe Please list the location and size of all parcels of property in St. Augustine Beach of which you have ownership: I )— [- ee k t ej p x 9 3 Please list any companies/ industries doing business in St. Augustine Beach in which you have a financial interest (i. e., proprietary, partnership, stock holdings, etc.) no to P Please indicate by preference, all City boards, committees or councils in which you have an interest: El- 1. Code Enforcement Board 2. Comprehensive Planning & Zoning Board 3. Other I am available for meetings a. During the day only b. Evening only c. Anytime List three ( 3) personal or professional references: 1. Dr. r( 0 C Artur\ S / is m tAr_ e r 2. a nrlreit 3 a n av/ nVe\ S. ter - You may use this space for a brief biographical profile or to list certain skills you possess that may be relevant to the appointment you are seeking. Please indicate 2 - whether you have had experience with the reading of blueprints, technical drawings or diagrams. ( Indicate below if i S Sec( 1i= cxvv Pr , C\ Fl you are ntcJc r ' ? 4C attaching Pnp rc ` e a resume.) F"NAzti 2 hcuo5rn I ice. LY] 4Lc l "} 7(3- S L1 ton 5 Id e° trl,. C1z 3- ti; M Pin NOTE: All information provided will become a matter of public record and will be open to the public. If you require special accommodations because of a disability to participate in the application/ selection process, you must notify the City Commission in advance. This application will be kept on file for one ( 1) year, at which time you must notify the City Commission of your intent to remain an active applicant and update your application accordingly or it will be removed from the active file. I hereby authorize the City of St. Augustine Beach or its representatives to verify all information provided and I further authorize the release of any information by those in possession of such information which may be requested by the City. I certify that all information provided herein is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I understand that a volunteer position provides for no compensation except that as may be pro, ided by Florid. Statutes or other enabling legislation. ignature Date Please return completed application to: The City of St. Augustine Beach 2200 A1A South St. Augustine Beach, FL 32080 Phone: ( 904) 471- 2122 Fax: ( 904) 471- 4108 Thank you for your interest! 3 - t AUG! j F A O p C rn iNC, 95. Clitg t_ of $ cAngnstine rarlC ! 2200 A 1 A SOUTH ST. AUGUSTINE BEACH, FLORIDA 32080 CITY MGR. ( 904) 471- 2122 BLDG. & FAX ( 904) 471- 4108 FAX ( 904) 471- 4470 ZONING ( 904) 471- 8758 ST. AUGUSTINE BEACH CITY COMMISSION BOARD AND COMMITTEE APPLICATION 49 FOR APPOINTM' Date you boards, for I r" vie OCT 1 4 2014 by City received Thank lnls( your expre. -. commissions r a NS , IN.. ( 1'•. :": o r INVOLVED IN LAND USE I ide ed for appointment to committees, TI" . gc by the City Commission. The Commission appreciates your willingness to serve your fellow citizens in a volunteer capacity. Please complete this application to the best of your ability. ( You may attach a resume and/ or additional data. Please reference attachments in the appropriate section( s).) Name A 4( r v n, ti 6 f(< c'k Sbr-c.- 1 Address: Vl Phone #: 9 Jy - .317 t- E- Mail Address: / „- L 4ti .>, Lis 6 e m q How long have you been a egal resident of the City of St. Augustine Beach. sy PI am a I am List full- time / L am not all active professional part- time resident a registered voter licenses in St. Johns and certifications: K- County. r 6,11_. 7' 6 [ ct'i, r,, Educational background: IVA- r AA Pr ts: 4 - 0F Paint work experience: Please list any civic clubs, professional organizations or public interest groups of which you are a member or in which you have been active: ( attach additional sheet, if necessary) L e 1. pf c i-0+-s, 2. y+ c a I c ( A; .a 4. r Please indicate by preference, all City boards, committees of councils in which you have an interest: 1. Beautification 2. Other Advisory Cv7 Committee I am available for meetings a. During the day only b. Evening only c. Anytime List three ( 3) personal or professional references: 1. 2. 3. Lk _ u tr L Jill LeC w1/ 40 000ierln s1 You may use this space for a brief biographical profile or to list certain skills you possess that may be relevant to the appointment you are seeking. ( Indicate below if you are attaching a resume.) NOTE: All information provided will become a matter of public record and will be open to the public. If you require special accommodations because of a disability to participate in the application/ selection process, you must notify the City Commission in advance. This 5 — application will be kept on file for one ( 1) year, at which time you must notify the City Commission of your intent to remain an active applicant and update your application accordingly or it will be removed from the active file. I hereby authorize the City of St. Augustine Beach or its representatives to verify all information provided and I further authorize the release of any information by those in possession of such information which may be requested by the City. I certify that all information provided herein is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I understand that a volunteer position provides for no compensation except that as may be provided by Florida Statutes or other enabling legislation. Signature Date Please return completed application to: The City of St. Augustine Beach 2200 A1A South St. Augustine Beach, FL 32080 Phone: ( 904) 471- 2122 Fax: ( 904) 471- 4108 Thank you for your interest! 6 - Vr l , O c7rP; City of $ t T9 t_ ,Augustine ?Bettell 2200 Al A SOUTH ST, AUGUSTINE BEACH, FLORIDA 32080 CITY MGR. ( 904) 471- 2122 BLDG. & FAX( 904) 471. 4108 FAX ( 904) 471- 4470 ZONING ( 904) 471- 8758 ST. AUGUSTINE BEACH CITY COMMISSION BOARD AND COMMITTEE APPLICATION EWE N n T INVOLVED IN LAND USE FOR APPOINTM ll b 211tq N O'- Date received by City 3I^7 i sp^;EBEACH Thank you for spline,.• your expre$ seimSa. •• - • - ed for appointment to committees, boards, commissions or advisory groups appointed by the City Commission. The Commission appreciates your willingness to serve your fellow citizens in a volunteer capacity. Please complete this application to the best of your ability. ( You may attach a resume and/ or additional data. Please reference attachments in the appropriate section( s).) z/V Name: 7-174,/' 756 d 6 Address: Phone #: 90 / How long have I am a I am List full- time V allictive) you Y- 7 37/ been a V legal resident of the part- time Educational background: CQA/ , City of 77 4/2Sa1") AAeMAC, 4777 St. Augustine Beach. resident a registered voter in St. Johns County. am not rofessional Mail Address: licenses // and certifications: 17/4 ---< 7 - 7 ' i 7r / cam. / 7.-1 97--- Past work exp- C 69c7 c/ r' ence: x Please list any civic clubs, • rofessional organizations or public interest groups of which you are a member • r in which you have be64 / eliiomr• - -- active: ( attach additional sheet, if necessary) 2. 4. Please indicate by preference, all City boards, committees of councils in which you have an interest: 1. Beautification Advisory Committee 2. Other I am available for meetings a. During the day only b. Evening only c. Anytime List three ( 3) personal or professional references: 1. J 2. 4° C-K/ k— 2/ 6- 72/ lc 12777/- Q DrY 3. 9 You may use this space for a brief biographical profile or to list certain skills you possess that may be relevant to the appointment you are seeking. ( Indicate below if you are attaching a resume.) NOTE: All information provided will become a matter of public record and will be open to the public. If you require special accommodations because of a disability to participate in the application/ selection process, you must notify the City Commission in advance. This 8 - application will be kept on file for one ( 1) year, at which time you must notify the City Commission of your intent to remain an active applicant and update your application accordingly or it will be removed from the active file. I hereby authorize the City of St. Augustine Beach or its representatives to verify all information provided and I further authorize the release of any information by those in possession of such information which may be requested by the City. I certify that all information provided herein is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I understand that a volunteer position provides for no compensation except that as may be provided by Statutes-. •ler enabling legislation. Flo K. 2. 1A/ 07./, 7 Date ature Pleas- return completed application to: The City of St. Augustine Beach 2200 A1A South St. Augustine Beach, FL 32080 Phone: ( 904) 471- 2122 Fax: ( 904) 471- 4108 Thank you for your interest! 9 - ,, _<)/ / 5y LU0U9W D D V L 7 2014 AUG NcioO Cite of St_cngnstinz 1 rar{j CITY OF ST AUGUSTINE BEACH 2200 ST. AUGUSTINE A 1 A SouTH BEACH, FLORIDA 32080 W W W. STAUGBCH. COM CITY MGR. ( 904) FAX ( 904) 471- 2122 BLDG. & ZONING ( 904) 471- 0758 471- 4108 FAX ( 904) 471- 4470 ST. AUGUSTINE BEACH CITY COMMISSION BOARD AND COMMITTEE APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENTS TO COMMITTEES INVOLVED IN LAND USE Date Ad by City received /,_... 4., c,/ / a! G, : 4 Thank you for your expressed interes in being considered for appointment to committees, boards, commissions or advisory groups appointed by the City Commission. The Commission appreciates your willingness to serve your fellow citizens in a volunteer capacity. Please complete this application to the best of your ability. (You may attach a resume and/ or additional data. Please reference attachments in t , e, appropriate Name: u,(((./ Lies Address: Phones 9W) ? section( s).) I /LC,( v i7 HO J ity 44- ( LJq// -- z)- / • 4 GG • 301x0 d • Q.O-P• Ca7 RI/ B/PLey E- Mail Address: How long have you been a legal resident of the City of St. Augustine Beach. I am a I am List full- time part-time am not all activ- 4___ a registered voter professional D<. I-. resident licenses i/. a. Educational background: r in St. Johns and certifications: L! a, i. A '_ .. ff ALa-- 41r77% 5'" K IiFJ. !&4* IA. 2 - 43.u4.4. . C lints 10 - County. rt, — iYYI. 1 l!A- tJ D. C'094/.E • Htr-2-1 _ Ti Past work t1i:.i experience`. ,.' ILA % — cu Li t / 4 _, ir_.__ z , . , k 1, Please list all civic clubs, professional organizations or public interest groups of which you are a member or in which you have been active: ( attach additional sheet, if necessary) 1. i 3. . . cry may . was, ao._; / , C a i 1 J d a... 4 Please list the location and size of all ppar Is 99f property inj5t. Augustine Bach of 403 t,( / t. 12-)K which you have ownership: Please list any companies/ industries doing business in St. Augustine Beach in which you have a fi; A ncial interest ( i. e., proprietary, partnership, stock holdings, etc.) i' 4— I .'. L../ /.. , c 4 Please indicate by preference, all City boards, committees or councils in which you have an interest: 1. Code Enforcement Board 2. Comprehensive 3. Other 0 Planning & Zoning liar Board 0 I am available for meetings the day a. During b. Evening only c. Anytime List three ( 3) 1. ' 2. 11. C- 0 only D personal 'or professional references/% ril G. f, K '/"/ Z: 2C P 3R. ca-.( ri rn.PJ CCd ?-/ O' i You may use this space for a brief biographical profile or to list certain skills you possess that may be relevant to the appointment you are seeking. Please indicate e- tJ 7,.. C. 2lif- whether you have had experience with the reading of blueprints, technical drawings or diagra , . ( Indicate below if you are attach' g a resume.) 1. d&: .' i Z' .' a_ u i i a.: _< ' r_. L., L e. r. ice. - _ i ita / iL_ 1. _ d NOTE: All information provided will become a matter of public record and will be open to the public. If you require special accommodations because of a disability to participate in the application/selection process, you must notify the City Commission in advance. This application will be kept on file for one ( 1) year, at which time you must notify the City Commission of your intent to remain an active applicant and update your application accordingly or it will be removed from the active file. I hereby authorize the City of St. Augustine Beach or its representatives to verify all information provided and I further authorize the release of any information by those in possession of such information which may be requested by the City. I certify that all information provided herein is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I understand be • • ' g that a volunteer position provides for no compensation except ded by Florida Statutes or other enabling legislation. AO Date signature Please return completed application to: The City of St. Augustine Beach 2200 A1A South St. Augustine Beach, FL 32080 Phone: ( 904) 471- 2122 Fax: ( 904) 471- 4108 Thank you for your interest! 12 - that as may Mc . ST. AUGUSTINE BEACH CITY COMMISSION BOARD AND COMMITTEE APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENTS TO COMMITTEES INVOLVED IN LAND USE Date received by City Thank you for your expressed interest in being considered for appointment to committees, boards, commissions, or advisory groups appointed by the City Commission. The Commission appreciates your willingness to serve your fellow citizens in a volunteer capacity. Please complete this application to the best of your ability. ( You may attach a resume and/ or additional data. Please reference attachments in the appropriate section( s).) Name: / I II Address: Lip NC7R EF7 cpi A FL 3 -TN // eEE7 Sr, Phone#: 9O, l 6'/V- 6095 How long I am a I am have full- time , you been X a E- Mail Address: G. On/ 457/'7 C Cn ma a. co/ 111 legal resident of part- time the City of 2, Z St. Augustine Beach? %s resident. a registered voter in St. Johns County. am not List all active professional licenses and certifications: Ft-OR ID Ehbc4rv?S CE777-/ A IC4T/ 4 Educational background: Ln7L6Rn/ A7Ifi. Past work experience: COMAIrY 4, 47, S. . , (" . S-r. SVRVEy Dc<FL.P A" , id 4r/ ER r, oe TYry cc loN. vr 7-4-e- 1- • f b cal/ o % ti-rs /. JCN6 9.99- ac'oo LStcoo//- 6/ 5/, vd ; ST Jouvy CL+vrROC' r/ Avt Please list all civic clubs, professional organizations, or public interest groups of which you are a member or in which you have been active: ( attached additional sheet if necessary). 1. epoE - CCLJfr 2. 13 roe -A4LEs ( FLOJeiaA 3. ASSAY 6Ar/ CAra/ er 4. Please list the location and size of all parcels of property in St. Augustine Beach of have ownership: which you SO74I), x 93 YD) x // fl / Sr 3,Rb&0d- U. /a Ac T' 6) Please list any companies/ industries doing business in St. Augustine Beach in which you have a financial interest ( i. e., proprietary, partnership, stock holdings, etc.) A/ 2o Please indicate by preference all City boards, committees, or councils in which you have an interest: 1. Code Enforcement Board 2. Comprehensive Planning & Zoning Board 3. Other I am available for meetings a. During the day only b. Evenings only C. Anytime List three ( 3) personal or professional references: 1. // / / au 2. / V} 3./// ,? oy/ , / S, 4r7? o{ h 6/ /. o/ S, h/ h • rslonr- Iesfa Re " fiJY echnu 7/-, c/M 9G V - i. / 2. / 2 687./ 9) 901 - V2y ' S/( ll_ eo< You may use this space for a brief biographical profile or to list certain skills you possess that may be relevant to the appointment you are seeking. Please indicate whether you have had experience with the reading of blueprints, technical drawings or diagrams. ( Indicate below if you are attaching a resume.) 4e. . / 4 A ! A, - 1 1// AI f [ l' ,'M' tyl h67 r,/ to Jhc% q y, run q 0 o//' cD/ ca7<• C Ih, -) on, mt aJ / 4Ace a / et,/ tw' 4 n r y by Aims--, n'/' 1 On1 COnS</// c-{ lay, NOTE: All information provided will become a matter of public record and will be open to the public. If you require special accommodations because of a disability to participate in the application/ selection process, you must notify the City Commission in advance. This application will be kept for one ( 1) year, at which time you must notify the 14 - City Commission of your intent to remain an active applicant and update your application accordingly or it will be removed from the active file. I hereby authorize the City of St. Augustine Beach or its representatives to verify all information provided, and I further authorize the release of any information by those in possession of such information which may be requested by the City. I certify that all information provided herein is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I understand that a volunteer position provides for no compensation except that as may be provided by Florida Statutes or other - nabtng legislation. Signature Date Please return completed application to: The City of St. Augustine Beach 2200 A1A South St. Augustine Beach, FL 32080 Phone ( 904) 471- 2122 FAX ( 904) 471- 4108 Thank you for your interest! 15 - MEMORANDUM To: Mayor Samuels Vice Mayor O' Brien Commissioner Helhoski Commissioner George Commissioner Snodgrass FROM: Max Royle, City Manager p'g_. DATE: November 24, 2014 SUBJECT: Addition to the Presentations Section of the Agenda i Mr. Jeffrey Holleran has applied for the junior alternate's position on the Planning Board. His application is attached. We ask that you add his application to Section VII. C. 3 of the Presentations section o the agenda when you discuss the appointment of a junior alternate to the Planning Board. With Mr. Holleran' s application, three citizens have applied. They are, in alphabetical order: Ms. Rose Bailey Mr. Jeffrey Holleran Mr. Michael Longstreet Each applicant has been invited to your meeting. We suggest that you interview then in alphabetical order. WGUSON Olqy ECEIVE r Tug t_ of $ Poor cAugustine 2200 Al A D NOV L O 2014 CITY OF ST AUGUSTINE BEACH SOUTH ST. AUGUSTINE BEACH, FLORIDA 32080 W W W. STAUGBCH. COM City MGR. ( 904) 471- 2122 BLDG. & ZONING ( 904) 471- 8758 FAX( 904) 471- 4108 FAX( 904) 471- 4470 ST. AUGUSTINE BEACH CITY COMMISSION BOARD AND COMMITTEE APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENTS TO COMMITTEES INVOLVED IN LAND USE Date received I// O' by City d Al Thank you for your expressed interest in being considered for appointment to committees, boards, commissions or advisory groups appointed by the City Commission. The Commission appreciates your willingness to serve your fellow citizens in a volunteer capacity. Please complete this application to the best of your ability. (You may attach a resume and/ or additional data. Please reference attachments in the appropriate section( s).) Name: I fl . 4G'I1Qran --- ii Phone It: Lee 19 Address: CI ) ve Go- 397/ E- Mail Address: cSIT. ti How long I am a I am List have you bee part-time am not rte licenses S. /4. F. idvVV S- enl and certifications: C Rat tIc,.', tiny Oaf IQr r_ j they, Educational background: a0 resident a registered voter in St. Johns County. all active professional real _¢s+ coil? legal resident of the City of St. Augustine Beach, . Di- S— gief.C1 full- time V vo, A0 // eraa@d% l J 1 wours 1- t e_ S G) CA, - Ak cok4l TUbatc, , S' e guraoesf is Cens es. BA CQ. RL 4A's verbr3iGI , I v ' .tiLk,/ Propcan Past Roy iaSJ work experience: 7-- 1QS S4Yllri n=e- oilit(Pk S P1 , +S4 , cilch; Please list organizations all civic clubs, professional e ej /2j/bP 88/. r- Ftoy 69S46? or public interest groups of which you are a member or in which you have been active: (attach additional sheet, if necessary) 1. S 3. E. ( Nicol + 8vue/ a F Waive 1- Pfs - t) 4 erndwh 2. ' e 3 49; i G 4. ( 4y-h q d/ Saw)" 57Qrr SudFs± - 4- a„ PS' C. 4,( 01 in- FeeC 55Oo4* dU/ Please list the location and size of all parcels of property in St. Augustine Beach of which you 1l 1 A Boo s> a. : have ownership: AtA - L-ee 533 D N l/ P ag0c) SO ff-F 1 SOL, Ad ieiu -74- Q 4, 1.2,00J + Please list any companies/ industries doing business in St. Augustine Beach in which you have a financial interest ( i. e., propriet9ry, partnership, stock holdings, etc.) grs rvr, 5cc; a Caudle Please indicate by preference, all City boards, committees or councils in which you have an interest: 1. Code Enforcement Board 2. Comprehensive 3. Other r Planning & Zoning 0 Board I am available for meetings a. During the day only b. Evening only c. Anytime List three ( 3) personal or professional references: 1. 2. 3. C h( Ick T 3-U3tQ P/ Goi, K. a e{ 1 1 ( C: n, n VicC1e 1111L>S (¢ ( iv tTo06P) coon- 1111\ i2 rncCLPod Rtm) Dai led6; roue) You may use this space for a brief biographical profile or to list certain skills you possess that may be relevant to the appointment you are seeking. Please indicate T hAAA( + Pocc-hrte SuSinci ej rat +tc- w° zd and e cyo' e„ cPI Orr cUleAmr " sae of rte MS helve dp®IjecI ngi £ Kf4/;ence Qnf VI/at/ 16/ 74 Seer e/ a hdAhe c(e . J. 3feau or Sn one 19112 n031 4ICleat COM avelJfP/ on 1-Le Es-le/ n 5-ea big/4P Sfri? Lake] / J a J finV Sqt o• qu- z an w lu 11aalij } ten*n in foq/ dSte-1-0 ftirukQ and. Fe elve H-s =#- 1 I ° she Saln 4uyvs4 iP Bead!. whether you have had experience with the reading of blueprints, technical drawings or diagrams. diagrams. 1 ( Indicate below if you are attaching a resume.) e.Jelo p 4ch,c1- e ioo 7 / rt04- 1- inuo7v1d /`n 5-(vaiu( acyj( 6Sf a P a s -/ UiPil CO r a/ Cfitzy c4gyj' i Vemf” Ae/ _ co/ y."76 NOTE: All information provided will become a matter of public record and will be open to the public. If you require special accommodations because of a disability to participate in the application/selection process, you must notify the City Commission in advance. This application will be kept on file for one ( 1) year, at which time you must notify the City Commission of your intent to remain an active applicant and update your application accordingly or it will be removed from the active file. I hereby authorize the City of St. Augustine Beach or its representatives to verify all information provided and I further authorize the release of any information by those in possession of such information which may be requested by the City. I certify that all information provided herein is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I understand that a volunteer position provides for no compensation except that as may be provided by Florida Statutes or other enabling legi ation r see' o// / af J Date Please return completed application to: The City of St. Augustine Beach 2200 A1A South St. Augustine Beach, FL 32080 Phone: ( 904) 471- 2122 Fax: ( 904) 471- 4108 Thank you for your interest! 3- Agenda Item le 1 Meting Date 12- 1- 14 MEMORANDUM To: Mayor Samuels Vice Mayor O' Brien Commissioner Helhoski Commissioner George Commissioner Snodgrass FROM: Max Royle, DATE: November 24, 2014 City Manager E---- SUBJECT: Conditional Use Permit: Request to Renew Permit for Outside Serving of Food and Beverages at Mermaid Island Dining, 128 Sea Grove Main Street BACKGROUND In July 2011, the City Commission approved a permit for outside serving of food and beverages at the Groove Café at 128 Sea Grove Main Street in the Sea Grove subdivision. As that non- transferable permit has expired and as the Groove Cafe no longer exists, the owner of the new restaurant, Mermaid Island Dining, at 128 Sea Grove Main Street, has requested a conditional use permit for outside serving of food and beverages. The owner' s application was reviewed by the Planning and Zoning Board at its November 18, 2014 meeting, and the Board recommended the following: that the Commission approve the conditional use permit for outside seating and serving of food and beverages for a period of five years. that the permit be non-transferable and grant only to the current restaurant tenant and applicant. ATTACHMENTS Attached for your review is the following information: a. Pages 1- 11, the application and related materials, which the Planning Board reviewed at its November 18th meeting. b. Page 12, a memo from the Board' s secretary, Ms. Bonnie Miller, in which she states the Board' s recommendation to grant the permit with conditions. ACTION REQUESTED It's that you hold the public hearing on this conditional use permit request, and that you decide whether to approve the application and with what conditions. Memorandum TO: Members of the Comprehensive Planning and Zoning Board FROM: Gary Larson, Director of Building and Zoning DATE: November 12, 2014 RE: Conditional Use File No. CU 2014- 01, Mermaid Island Dining Requested from the Board is a recommendation to the City Commission to allow a conditional use for outside seating and entertainment at Mermaid Island Dining, formerly The Groove Café, in the SeaGrove Town Center. The applicant wishes to keep the same verbiage found in the expired order for The Groove, with the exception of placing the conditional use in the name of the current property owner' s firm or name, from whom Mermaid Island Dining leases the building. The applicants also request a 10-year period for the use to be in effect, which is the term of their lease of the building. Staff recommends a time frame of five years and also recommends the order be granted as transferable to new restaurant tenants should Mermaid Island Dining discontinue business. 1 - THE CITY OF ST. AUGUSTINE BEACH CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT APPLICATION TEE UNDERSIGNED PARTY REQUESTS A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT: 1. LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF THE PARCEL OF LAND UPON WHICH THE PERMIT IS SOUGHT: LOT( S): Parcels G, H,I BLOCK: N/A SUBDIVISION: SeaGrove Unit 4 Replat# 2 STREET ADDRESS: 2. LOCATION: 128 SeaGrove Main Street West North, South, East, or SIDE OF West) State Road AIA South at A Street Street Name) BETWEEN State Road AIA South and SeaGrove Main Street Street Name) Street Name) 3. REAL ESTATE PARCEL NUMBER( S): 4. NAME AND ADDRESS OF OWNER AS SHOWN IN THE ST. JOHNS COUNTY PUBLIC RECORD: 162963- 0070 SeaGrove Property Holding Company. 5722 Timuouana Road, Jacksonville, Florida 32210 5. DESCRIPTION OF CONDITIONAL USE: Outside dining, food and beverage service and consumption and outdoor music for a period of 10 years for extension of existing conditional use permit granted July 11, 2011. 6. LAND USE CLASSIFICATION: Planned Unit Development 7. SECTIONS OF THE LAND USE CODE FROM WHICH THE PERMIT IS BEING SOUGHT: 3. 02. 02 and 10.03. 00- 10.03. 03 8. SUPPORTING DATA WHICH SHOULD BE CONSIDERED BY THE BOARDS: Extension of an existing conditional use permit granted July 11, 2011 ( see enclosed order granting Conditional Use File No. CU 2011- 03). The extension request is for 10 years which is the term ofthe restaurant' s lease for Mermaid Island Dining. 2 - 9. HAS AN APPLICATION FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT BEEN. SUBMITFED DURING THE PAST YEAR? Yes( ) or No(X). IF YES: WHAT WAS THE FINAL RESULT? PLEASE CHECK IF THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION HAS BEEN INCLUDED: X) LEGAL DESCRIPTION OFPARCEL X) LIST OF ALL PROPERTY OWNERS WITHIN 300' RADIUS X) STAMPED AND ADDRESSED LEGAL SIZE ENVELOPES OF PROPERTY OWNERS WITHIN 300 FEET OF , UNDITiONAL USE LOCATION: OTHER DOCUMENTS OR INFORMATION TO BE CONSIDERED X) In filing this application for a Conditional Use. Pergiit, the +mdersigned understands the application becomes a part ofMlle Official' Records of the Comprehensive Planning and Zoning Board and the Board of City Commissioners and does hereby certify that all the information. contained herein is true and correct, to the best ofhis/ ha knowledge. I Ownet vim?" agent} re/ Air PL / . Sr., 90 4/ 7/ • Owner/ agent phone le) r,L f;, Q Applicant orhislheragent) I ,° i/dY© hi.' N Rio 33 Co qr rsr, a zc+8-o Owner/ agent address) o ' di' 2" orbit s I E Applicant/agent address) 7/ 3 - 922- - " foe) 9 Applicant/ agent phone number) number) 2, 0 Date) Date) PP L// ALL AGENTS MUST HAVE NOTARIZED WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION** 3 - THE CITY OF ST. AUGUSTINE BEACH BUILDING DEPARTMENT PERMIT NO. CU2014- 01 NAME OF APPLICANT(S) ADDRESS RECEIPT NO. 22890 5772 Timuquana Road, Jacksonville, Florida 32210 Mermaid Island Dining, 128 SeaGrove Main Street, St. Augustine Beach, Florida 32080 CHARGES PERMIT FEE: 200. 00 Account# 34120) ZONING SIGN FEE: $ 7. 50 Account# 50471) CHECK#: August 18, 2014 SeaGrove Property Holding Company/Creek Scott/ Carmen Combs FOR PERMIT ADVERTISING LOCATED AT: DATE PAID: DATE August 18, 2014 5215 SIGNED BY: 4 - DEFINITION- CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT A use that would not be appropriate generally or without restriction throughout a land use district, but which, if controlled as to number, area, location or relation to the neighborhood, would promote the public health, safety, welfare, order, comfort, convenience, appearance or prosperity. Such uses may be permitted in a land use district only in accordance with the provisions of this Code, and if the Code allows a conditional use in a particular land use category. The application for a conditional use permit shall be the same as for a concept review, except that the Comprehensive Planning and Zoning Board shall make a recommendation to the City Commission, which has final approval. The Building Official may delete submittals required in the concept application outlined in Article XII that are not applicable. INSTRUCTIONS FOR APPLYING FOR A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT The following requirements must be adhered to in applying for a conditional use permit It is of the utmost importance that all required information be furnished in detail and accurately. Incorrect information can delay or nullify any action on the application. If there is inadequate space for all the necessary information, attach extra sheets with the question numbers clearly marked. In accordance with Table 3. 02.02, which lists permitted and conditional uses for all land use districts, all conditional use permits must be heard by the Comprehensive Planning and Zoning Board, which will make a recommendation to the City Commission, which has final approval. DOCUMENTATION NEEDED FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT APPLICATION 1. The legal description of the parcel of land for which the permit is requested shall be shown on the deed of the property or as determined on a survey. If the parcel of land is in a recorded subdivision, use lot and block number. Include street address and location by indicating street(s) boundary and side ( south, east, etc.) and nearest intersecting street. If the land is a portion of the lot, indicate what portion of the lot: i.e. south 1/ 2, west 1/ 3, etc. If the parcel is located in an unrecorded, = platted subdivision, use the metes and bounds description of the boundaries. 2. Provide the name and address of the owner of the property. This person' s name should agree with the public records of St. Johns County as they exist on the application. If the names are different, attach a clarifying statement. 3. Indicate the current land use classification ofthe parcel under consideration. Current 5 - land use maps are on public display in the office of the Building and Zoning Department and the personnel there will assist you in finding the current land use district classification. 4. The person( s) seeking the permit are mandated by law to notify all land and home owners within a radius of 300 feet of the parcel under consideration in the conditional use permit application. Johns County Real. Estate and Survey Department, telephone number 904 provide a list ofthe names and addresses of all property owners within 209- 076 t a tt oot radius of the parcel for which the conditional use permit application is submitted. The list of names and addresses( which must include the applicant), along with stamped, addressed legal-size envelopes are to be included with the permit application. ( NOTE: Do not fill in a return address on the envelopes. The Building and Zoning Department will stamp the return address and mail the legal notices to the property owners.) Signatures and approvals of those within 300 feet are not necessary, but Their names and addresses must be provided. The person seeking the permit may provide a separate petition containing the signatures of adjoining property owners, but these persons should not sign the application itself. Be sure to provide correct names and addresses, as incorrect information will delay or nullify any action on the application. 5. Provide the section of the Land Use Code from which the permit is being sought. Personnel in The Building Department will assist you in this matter. A fee of$207.50 will be charged for the conditional use permit administrative procedure, which includes the zoning notice sign, and legal advertising. The applicant will be required to post the zoning notice sign on the property for which the conditional use permit application is submitted within clear view of the street and not more than 10 feet inside the property line, no later than 15 days before the first meeting date at which the conditional use permit application will be heard. A final order on each request for a conditional use permit shall be made within thirty( 30) days of the last hearing at which such request was considered. Each final order shall contain findings upon which the City Commission' s order is based, and may include such conditions and safeguards as prescribed by the Commission as appropriate in the matter, including reasonable time limits within which action pursuant to such order shall be begun or completed or both. Appeal of decisions on conditional use permits made by the City Commission shall be made to the Circuit Court of St. Johns County. 6 - The application must be signed by either the owner or by the owner' s authorized agent. If an authorized agent' s signature is used, a notarized written authorization approving such representation must accompany the application. LIMITATIONS ON GRANTING CONDITIONAL USE PERMITS Conditional use permits shall be nontransferable and granted to the applicant only, and the use shall be commenced within a period of one ( 1) year from the effective date of the final order granting same; provided, however, that the City Commission may adopt the following conditions to any permit: 1. That the conditional use permit will be transferable and run with the land when the facts involved warrant same, or where construction or land development is included as part of the permit. 2. The time within which the use shall be commenced may be extended for a period of time longer than one ( 1) year. Failure to exercise the permit by commencement of the use or action approved thereby within one ( 1) year or such longer time as approved by the City Commission shall render the permit invalid, and all rights granted thereunder shall terminate. Transfer of the property by the applicant, unless the permit runs with the land, shall terminate the permit 3. Whenever the City Commission denies an application for a conditional use permit, no further application shall be filed for the same use on any part or all of the same property for a period of one ( 1) year from the date of such action. In the event that two (2) or more applications for the same use on any part or all of the same property has been denied, no further application shall be filed for this same use on any part or all of the same property for a period of two ( 2) years from the date of such action denying the last application filed. 4. The time limits in paragraph 3 above may be waived by the affirmative votes of a majority of the City Commission when such action is deemed necessary to prevent injustice or to facilitate proper development of the City. 7 - Seagrove Property Holding Company 5772 Timuquana Road Jacksonville, Florida 32210 July 16, 2014 Comprehensive Planning and Zoning Board and City Commission 2200 A1A South St. Augustine Beach, Florida 32080 Re: Conditional Use Permit Ladies and Gentlemen: This letter is to give permission to Creek Scott and Carmen Combs( Mermaid Island Dining) to speak on Seagrove Property Holding Company' s behalf at the Zoning and City Commission meetings regarding the application for a Conditional Use Permit The request is for the extension of an existing Conditional Use permit that was granted in July of 2011. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Do Bob Gillander Member g _ JJI. rn rropcay tA{ u rage 1 in 1 Property Record Card 1 b' 111. 11 1629630070 as 3Wg Address e TIMtQJRHA RD, 3A Add it•' yvnm c ONVIIIE. F1, 32210- 0000 es 551 ar•:..— 2301. 03 I Dade/ Dewiptran 11100/Stores Town- Range 133- 7- 30 J I J . Tey. LU: d.• is .'lnp..l el lr Sal Land Value • cal BUWag Value obi Extra reatwes 1 District r-. i ...,•... a._ . 518 • • ' u . `diL' s` It' ISIRlr!—.' 00 34 D387:. Mr= 78. 00 Value 7, 405. 00 noble 5808, 849.00 Value i, 849.00 50. 00 id Owner Names) f., wc.a5i° a i::4 1 L0 yo . e DestriPtim ain: renall lb UNIT 4REMAT i2 a: I GH& IOR2411/ 1497 Sales Information I-. . Date I-, •'' F1 5 1BoolSPage 12411& 750, 000. 00 fifetl Code J 1497 1 WD A U . aunt or Improved 1Reag Cede V 11 1 l l 1 Building Number 1 I. • I Price 1132 SEA GROVE HAM sr SAO4r AUGUSTINE, 32080-0000 Address: . 11101/ Straes Type/ Dese ear a RC41) 12007 Builk Value: e,' ag n odd/ Dese 1Featel/ j12306 Anew: 0'. COMMERCIAL BIDGS Cooled Area: 112306 Sketdi FDasviotiarn) Isbr Id bere to ker9r I I 1 07& 00 Structural Elements( Descriptions) lg Number Code Description Code 1EW irmertor wail 15 11 IRS 1:100000 13 1 IRE Ilioc4Wi Coe 10 1 11W Interior Walls 3 1 IIE 11Ir 1 Irtaic all 1 FR MM... sMIIIM MM= AC— Im I1 . Cwibeeine Description concrete Sacco I 1 1 1Wocd Truss Modular Mil Drywall I 4 ICaxree 1 Air DU2 1 ai 1 1 Mnbb 1111111. I. 4 is;... Ie 1 s,c" g Healing Type 1 1= SLudire kpe I u I verve 2 .. 1 1 _ 123 Imn •• 1 gab Hberylass Extra Features I. o ALL Desaiptim ear WALL 117 I. " Built Units 384. 00 i) o'. 144. 00 MEN al ci' DOOR IT- 6' ALUM FENCE Unit Price 51200 i R . i Unit Price) 53 53 11. 25 1125 9.. .'... n% Value l 0 3. 144200 172- 0 153, 046. 00 r 00 Co 0 117 00 6. 50 50 14 00 12011 161.00 17. 00 17-00 IBO. O 15336. 00 22. 03 1 9 _ http:// www.sjcpaus/ ColdFusionPages/ webpropcardv4. cfm? strap= 1629630070 7/ 16/ 2014 BEFORE THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE 211Y OF ST. AUGUSTINE BEACH, FLORIDA In re: Public Records of St Johns County, FL APPLICATION OF SEAGROVE PROPERTY HOLDING COMPANY, Clerk# 2011035379, FOR. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT APPROVAL FOR OUTDOOR DINING, FOOD AND BEVERAGE SERVICE AND CONSUMPTION AT 128 SEAGROVE MAIN STREET, ST. AUGUSTINE BEACH, FLORIDA 32080 O.R. 3456 PG 602403 at REC.$ 9. 00 REC. 59.00 11' 22. SUR.$ 9.50 50 ORDER APPROVING CONDITIONAL USE( CU 2011- 031 This CAUSE came on for public hearing before the City Commission of the City of St. Augustine Beach, Florida on July 11, 2011 upon recommendation for approval with conditions by the Comprehensive Planning and Zoning Board of the City of St. Augustine Beach, Florida, after hearing on June 21, 2011, upon Application ( CU 2011- 03) by SeaGrove Property Holding Company, for a conditional use permit to expand the existing restaurant to allow for outdoor dining, food and beverage service and consumption, at The Groove Café located at 128 SeaGrove Main Street, Si. Augustine Beach, Florida 32080 more particularly described as Parcels G, H, and 1, SeaGrove Unit 4, Replat# 2. The City Commission having reviewed the Application, received public comments, and upon motion duly made, seconded and nagged, the Application was approved subject to the following conditions: 1. The documentation for granting of a conditional use as detailed in the Application and discussed at the hearing are incorporated herein as findings of fact 2. The conditional use granted shall conform to all materials submitted with the Application and which were provided by the Applicant to supplement the Application, including all drawings, sketches and renderings. 3. The unique location and position of the restaurant within the Sea Grove Town Center warrants allowing outdoor music in connection with the conditional use. Outdoor music shall be limited as follows: Monday 4. through Sunday 10: 00 am to 10: 00 pm The use shall expire three( 3) years after the approval hereof, and the Applicant shall be required to apply to extend the Conditional Use beyond July 11, 2014. 5. The use shall be conducted in such a way as to not violate City Code or become a nuisance. 10 - 6. No other expansion of the existing restaurant shall be conducted other than that specifically granted herein except expressly permitted by the Land Development Regulations. 7. The use shall be non- transferable. 8. The use shall be commenced within one( 1) year and shall not lapse for more than one( I) year. 9. A violation of the conditions listed above shall void the conditional use granted herein. Any appeal ofthis decision may be made by filing an appropriate action with a court of competent jurisdiction within thirty( 30) days ofthe date of this Order. DONE AND ORDERED this I lth day of July, 2011, at St Augustine Beach, St Johns County, Florida. CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF Attest- UUG TINE BEACH, FLORIDA By; r% City Ma . Mayor, Commissioner r MCA l . 11 1' flre.° MEMO To: Max Royle, City Manager From: Bonnie Miller, Administrative Assistant II Subject: Conditional Use File No. CU 2014- 01 Date: Wednesday, November 19, 2014 Please be advised that at its regular monthly meeting held Tuesday, November 18, 2014 the City of St. Augustine Beach Comprehensive Planning and Zoning Board voted unanimously to recommend the City Commission approve a conditional use permit application for outside seating and food and beverage service and consumption at Mermaid Island Dining, 128 SeaGrove Main Street, St. Augustine Beach, Florida, 32080, in the SeaGrove Town Center, subject to conditions. The application was filed by Creek Scott and Carmen Combs, Mermaid Island Dining, 128 SeaGrove Main Street, St. Augustine Beach, Florida, 32080, agents for L& L Pirton Inc., William Guidi, President, 312 View Point Place, St. Augustine, Florida, 32080, for seating and food and/ or beverage service and consumption outside of an enclosed building, per Sections 3. 02. 02 and 10. 03. 00- 10. 03. 03 of the City of St. Augustine Beach Land Development Regulations, on the premises of an existing restaurant, Mermaid Island Dining, in a Planned Unit Development at 128 SeaGrove Main Street, PERTAINING TO PARCELS G, H, AND I, SEAGROVE ST. AUGUSTINE BEACH UNIT 4 REPLAT # 2, REAL ESTAIE PARCEL NUMBER 162963- 0070, AKA 128 SEAGROVE MAIN STREET, SECTION 33, TOWNSHIP 7, RANGE 30, AS RECORDED IN MAP BOOK 61, PAGES 56- 58, OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF ST. JOHNS COUNTY, FLORIDA. Ms. Zander made the motion to recommend the City Commission approve this conditional use permit application for outside seating and outside food and/ or beverage service and consumption, including alcohol, for a period of five( 5) years, with the condition that it be non-transferable, and granted only to the current restaurant tenant and applicant. Ms. Zander' s motion was seconded by Mr. Thomas and passed unanimously 7- 0 by roll- call vote. 12 - him# 2 h 2knaq Gat612- 1- 14 MEMORANDUM To: Mayor Samuels Vice Mayor O' Brien Commissioner Helhoski Commissioner George Commissioner Snodgrass FROM: Max Royle, City Manager/ ManagerAL_ DATE: November 24, 2014 SUBJECT: Conditional Use Permit: Request for Permit for Daycare Center in the Former Beach Zone Store, 4001 State Road A1A, Ms. Dani Gwiazda, Applicant BACKGROUND The former Beach Zone store is located on the west side of State Road A1A, opposite the Oasis Restaurant, and south of the entry road to the Ocean Trace subdivision. Ms. Gwiazda wants to open a pre-kindergarten/ day school in the building. Table 3.02. 02 in the City' s Land Development Regulations states that a day care center is allowed in a commercial land use district by a conditional use permit. Ms. Gwiazda applied to the Planning Board for a recommendation to you as to whether the conditional use permit should be granted. The Board reviewed her request at its November 18, 2014 meeting, and recommended that you approve the conditional use permit for a day care/ pre- kindergarten private school. ATTACHMENTS Attached for your review is the following information: a. Pages 1- 12, the information that the Planning Board reviewed at its November 18th meeting and on which it based its recommendation to you. b. Page 13, a memo from the Board' s secretary, Mr. Bonnie Miller, in which she states the Board' s motion and vote to recommend that the permit be granted. ACTION REQUESTED Its that you hold the public hearing and then decide whether or not to grant the conditional use permit for the day care/ pre-kindergarten center at 4001 State Road A1A, and what conditions, if any, you want to make part of the permit. Memorandum TO: Members of the Comprehensive Planning and Zoning Board FROM: Gary Larson, Director of Building and Zoning DATE: November 12, 2014 RE: Conditional Use File No. CU 2014-02, former Beach Zone building The Beach Zone store, located at the corner of AlA South and Ocean Trace Road, is closed. The facility is owned by Mr. Scott Cole, who has provided authorization to Ms. Dani Gwiazda to apply for a conditional use permit, required by Table 3. 02. 02 in the Land Development Regulations, fora private pre- school( pre- kindergarten). Please review carefully the letter from Ms. Gwiazda explaining the requirements for funding and licensing per the Department of Community Affairs( DCF), State of Florida. Per the Land Development Regulations, elementary schools, public or private, are an allowed use in commercial zoning, but child care is by conditional use, thus this application. The VPK program is the voluntary pre- kindergarten. The facility will have an interior remodeling, possibly meeting State Requirements for Educational Facilities ( SREF) for schools as mandated by the State of Florida and child ADA requirements. There are no requirements for school parking within the Land Development Regulations since there is no property within the City limits that can be developed for a school. Child care requires one space per 10 children when there is a drop- off location. For this property, the loading zone located at the west end of the proposed private school can serve that purpose. This location has great ingress and egress due to turning lanes and the stop lights at the AlA South intersection. Incoming traffic to the facility will not impede Ocean Trace residents and the use as a school will provide a quiet neighbor for the residents. Staff recommends approval of this conditional use request, which requires a recommendation to approve or deny from the Board to the City Commission, which has the final say on whether or not the conditional use permit is granted. 1 - THE CITY OF ST. AUGUSTINE BEACH CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT APPLICATION TILE UNDERSIGNED PARTY REQUESTS A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT: 1. LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF THE PARCEL OF LAND UPON WHICH THE PERMIT IS SOUGHT: LOT(S): North V2 of Government Lot 5 lying west of State Road AlA South STREET ADDRESS: 2. LOCATION: West North, South, Fast, BETWEEN 4001 AlA South or SIDE OF West) Ocean Trace Road State Road AlA South Street Name) Sandpiper Street and Street Name) Street Name) 3. REAL ESTATE PARCEL NUMBER( S): 4. NAME AND ADDRESS OF OWNER AS SHOWN IN THE ST. JOHNS COUNTY PUBLIC RECORD: 174870- 0030 Surfside Properties of St. Johns County LLCBeach& Company, 4001 AlA South, St. Augustine Beach, Florida, 32080 5. DESCRIPTION OF CONDITIONAL USE: 6. LAND USE CLASSIFICATION: 7. SECTIONS OF THE LAND USE CODE FROM WHICH THE PERMIT IS BEING SOUGHT: 8. Daycare usage and preschool/ private school_ Commercial 3. 02. 02 and 10.03. 00- 10. 03. 03 SUPPORTING DATA WHICH SHOULD BE CONSIDERED BY THE BOARD/ CITY COMMISSION: Currently operating a preschool, Island Prep, at 4171 AlA South, which we would like to expand to include a prekindergarten( VPK) and kindergarten private school. 2 - 9. HAS AN APPLICATION FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT BEEN SUBMIT 1 ED DURING THE PAST YEAR? Yes( ) or No (v/) IF YES, WHAT WAS THE FINAL RESULT? 10. PLEASE CHECK IF THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION HAS BEEN INCLUDED: NA LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PARCEL S' LIST OF ALL PROPERTY. OWNERS WITHIN RADIUS OF 300 FFFT OF PROPERTY FOR WHICH CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT IS REQUESTED q) STAMPED AND ADDRESSED LEGAL SIZE ENVELOPES OF PROPERTY OWNERS WITHIN 300 FEET OF CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT LOCATION V) SURVEY( Not over two years old) c) OTHER DOCUMENTS OR INFORMATION TO BE CONSIDERED In filing this application for a Conditional Use Permit, the undersigned understands the application becomes a part of the Official Records of the Comprehensive Planning and Zoning Board and the Board of City Commissioners and does hereby certify that all the information contained herein is true and correct, to the best of his/her knowledge. Owner or his/ her w Owner/ agent agent) rani 6-wiaz cta l VO address) Applicant or his/ her agent) 311 44-F Rd 3aaao c 3,7086(Applicant/ agent address) 4751— fir?--'j— t 104- 311 - 10 3/3° Owner/ agent phone number) Applicant/agent phone number) lJ 10110( 14 Date) mate) 3 - THE CITY OF ST. AUGUSTINE BEACH BUILDING DEPARTMENT PERMIT NO. CU2014- 02 NAME OF APPLICANT( S) ADDRESS RECEIPT NOS. 23146/23147 DATE October 17, 2014 Dani Gwiazda 311 Weff Road, St. Augustine, Florida 32080 FOR PERMIT ADVERTISING LOCATED AT: 4001 AIA South_ St Augustine Beac Florid 32080 CHARGES PERMIT FEE: 200. 00 Account# 34120) ZONING SIGN FEE: $ 7. 50 Account# 50471) DATE PAID: CHECK#: SIGNED BY: October 17, 2014 17: 1,. 129 A, 4 - DEFINITION- CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT A use that would not be appropriate generally or without restriction throughout a land use district, but which, if controlled as to number, area, location or relation to the neighborhood, would promote the public health, safety, welfare, order, comfort, convenience, appearance or prosperity. Such uses may be permitted in a land use district only in accordance with the provisions of this Code, and if the Code allows a conditional use in a particular land use category. The application for a conditional use permit shall be the same as for a concept review, except that the Comprehensive Planning and Zoning Board shall make a recommendation to the City Commission, which has final approval. The Building Official may delete submittals required in the concept application outlined in Article XII that are not applicable. INSTRUCTIONS FOR APPLYING FOR A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT The following requirements must be adhered to in applying for a conditional use permit It is of the utmost importance that all required information be furnished in detail and. accurately. Incorrect information can delay or nullify any action on the application. If there is inadequate space for all the necessary information, attach extra sheets with the question numbers clearly marked. In accordance with Table 3. 02. 02, which lists permitted and conditional uses for all land use districts, all conditional use permits must be heard by the Comprehensive Planning and Zoning Board, which will make a recommendation to the City Commission, which has final approval. DOCUMENTATION NEEDED FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT APPLICATION 1. The legal description of the parcel of land for which the permit is requested shall be shown on the deed of the property or as determined on a survey. If the parcel of land is in a recorded subdivision, use lot and block number. Include street address and location by indicating street( s) boundary and side ( south, east, etc.) and nearest intersecting street. If the land is a portion of the lot, indicate what portion of the lot: i.e. south 1/ 2, west 1/ 3, etc. If the parcel is located in an unrecorded, unplatted subdivision, use the metes and bounds description of the boundaries. 2. Provide the name and address of the owner of the property. This person' s name should agree with the public records of St. Johns County as they exist on the application. If the names are different, attach a clarifying statement. 3. Indicate the current land use classification of the parcel under consideration. Current 5 - land use maps are on public display in the office of the Building and Zoning Department and the personnel there will assist you in finding the current land use district classification. 4. The person(s) seeking the permit are mandated by law to notify all land and home owners within a radius of 300 feet of the parcel under consideration in the conditional use permit application. The St. Johns County Real Estate and Survey Department, telephone number 904- 209-0760, will provide a list of the names and addresses of all property owners within a 300-foot radius of the parcel for which the conditional use permit application is submitted. The list of names and addresses ( which must include the applicant), along with stamped, addressed legal-size envelopes are to be included with the permit application. ( NOTE: Do not fill in a return address on the envelopes. The Building and Zoning Department will stamp the return address and mail the legal notices to the property owners.) Signatures and approvals of those within 300 feet are not necessary, but their names and addresses must be provided. The person seeking the permit may provide a separate petition containing the signatures of adjoining property owners, but these persons should not sign the application itself. Be sure to provide correct names and addresses, as incorrect information will delay or nullify any action on the application. 5. Provide the section of the Land Use Code from which the permit is being sought. Personnel in the Building Department will assist you in this matter. A fee of$207.50 will be charged for the conditional use permit administrative procedure, which includes the zoning notice sign, and legal advertising. The applicant will be required to post the zoning notice sign on the property for which the conditional use permit application is submitted within clear view of the street and not more than 10 feet inside the property line, no later than 15 days before the meeting date at which the conditional use permit application will be heard. A final order on each request for a conditional use permit shall be made within thirty (30) days of the last hearing at which such request was considered. Each final order shall contain findings upon which the City Commission' s order is based, and may include such conditions and safeguards as prescribed by the Commission as appropriate in the matter, including reasonable time limits within which action pursuant to such order shall be begun or completed or both. Appeal of decisions on conditional use permits made by the City Commission shall be made to the Circuit Court of St. Johns County. 6 - The application must be signed by either the owner or by the owner' s authorized agent. If an authorized agent' s signature is used, a notarized written authorization approving such representation must accompany the application. LIMITATIONS ON GRANTING CONDITIONAL USE PERMITS Conditional use permits shall be nontransferable and granted to the applicant only, and the use shall be commenced within a period of one ( 1) year from the effective date of the final order granting same; provided, however, that the City Commission may adopt the following conditions to any permit: 1. That the conditional use permit will be transferable and run with the land when the facts involved warrant same, or where construction or land development is included as part of the permit. 2. The time within which the use shall be commenced may be extended for a period of time longer than one ( 1) year. Failure to exercise the permit by commencement of the use or action approved thereby within one ( 1) year or such longer time as approved by the City Commission shall render the permit invalid, and all rights granted thereunder shall terminate. Transfer of the property by the applicant, unless the permit runs with the land, shall terminate the permit.. 3. Whenever the City Commission denies an application for a conditional use permit, no further application shall be filed for the same use on any part or all of the same property for a period of one ( 1) year from the date of such action. In the event that two (2) or more applications for the same use on any part or all of the same property has been denied, no further application shall be filed for this same use on any part or all of the same property for a period of two ( 2) years from the date of such action denying the last application filed. 4. The time limits in paragraph 3 above may be waived by the affirmative votes of a majority of the City Commission when such action is deemed necessary to prevent injustice or to facilitate proper development of the City. ft luPCILY •- aiu r aSe I 1 01 1 Property Record Card 1798700030 Tax District Mailing Address 001 AlA 6 1551 Neighborhood Code SAINT AUGUSTINE, FL, 32080- 0000 05. 03 Use Code/ DesaiptiotOwner Occupied Stores Sec- Town- Range ite Address 4001 AlA 5 SAINT AUGUSTINE, 32080- 0000 Total Land Value ffotal 110- Property Map 1 1$ 349, 097. 00 Acreage 11. 22 1$ 575, 829. 00 1$ 575, 829.00 I 1$ 575, 829. 00 I 1$ 209, 166. 00 Total Market(lust) Value 1$ 22, 566. 00 Assessed Value Homestead Exempt 1$ 0. 00 Taxable Value Value kto• flick here for Mobile I _ Total Extra Features Building 8- 30 lick he - f. r.- Owner Name( s) Description egal I 1 BF" En11= 1. 1111= 11= 111111= OF 1 Sales Information Sale Date Adjusted Price 04/ 25/ 2008 1, 190, 000. 00 12/ 01/ 1997 0. 00 06/ 01/ 1997 135, 300. 00 IBook& Page IDmsraument 1600 WD 1317& 1974 01 U WO U 1328& 470 ite Address: 1- 001 A1A S SAINT AUGUSTINE, 32080-0000 uilding Type/ Deter: ii 101/ Stores( Year Built 11999 Gross Area: 15256 Building Value: 1,. 1Qualified Code 3075& Retail) U I I acant or Im• roved I uilding Model/ Desc: I eated/ uilding I 30 V 11 V 11 jr / COMMERfIAI BLDG'S Cooled Area: 115256 Sketefi( Pick here Descrlptionsi to see sketch I 209, 166. 00 1 Structural Elements( Des ! lotions) Building Number Element Code 1 EW 1 1 IRS Inc kW 1 IIF 1 MT 1 I lement Description Interior Type Description I 1Wood 0 Truss 1 Modular Metal 1., Walls I Fioodrg I Concrete Stucco I3 Sbudure ltoo8ng Cover it nterior Code I5 fterior Wall Roofing ype Drywall i I Ca •- t r Duct 1 ICential 1 FR Mason Ip 1 1 EL 1 FN 1 IN I IFS 1 CN I leCtriol i oundation Good I Concrete Perimeter Tooting 123 ji insulation lhoor system Condition 1, 1 Fiberglass Concrete Slab 15 I Good Extra Features Code Description ala STOPS n SCWSPG ' Built Units Unit Price I-• j Unit Price 1 ondition 11999 1156. 00 17. 00 17. 00 180. 0 11999 111818. 00 1107 1. 07 0. 0 STOPS 11999 114. 00 -ISPRNKIWET 11999 1192. 00 18. 90 90 0. 11 15256. 00 12. 38 JJ2. 38 0. a 128 1CONC CONC ear PAV 4 swum FENCE 11999 Previous Parcel ( 1748700020) moo 118. 00 I We 1$ 874. 00 10, 116. 00 I.:, Imo I Depredated Value 1s202oo j I I st,367. 00 10, 007. 00 I Next Parcel ( 1748709999A 8 - http:// cpa. us/ ColdFusionPages/ webpropcardv4. cfm? strap= 1748700030 10/ 17/ 2014 CITY OF ST. AUGUSTINE BEACH BUILDING DEPARTMENT OWNER PERMISSION FORM TO: BUILDING OFFICIAL DATE: 4277-A27--- / CITY OF ST. AUGUSTINE BEACH BUILDING DEPARTMENT J FROM: 1-/- z/- 41. Owner Name 1- 2" 7 Address City, S 4er .441C O f, 2$ V D7—073 Phone Number c'//. Weer 4'a e, Zip Code This is to advise you that I hereby give permission to: Mon; Gwiazdo ct Contractor/ Agent Name - U9920 Phone Number S R we-cc Rd . Address el-4 uc4- neFL8PD City, State, Zip Code Who is my contractor/ agent, to perform the following on my behalf. a Filel r v, Gov TlNhnnn5 d ki Not-\ - RD ace- Irro1 A S. applica- ZoniYYO ' Roarok Oky Corn-0;551bn Mee-hie-No card mcerli ONNIE J. MILLER NOTARY PUOUC STATE OF FLORIDA STATE OF F1. 051DA COUNTY OF 1( 9/1// Subscribed before ais/ are Seth and sworn p Expires 3/ 30/2016 1s. 1 wn me this rifi— of the or who Sala)/ produced 21- 22S- 7 /dC43%/— 0/ , day has/ have 70, s, y S.. 9'Li/ A J Q. 2' as loentlflcation. NOTARY COMMISSION NO./ EXPIRATION/ STAMP/ SEAL: iignature of No f P . lic, State of Florida 9 _ Island Prep October 15, 2014 City of St. Augustine Beach Building Department 2200 AlA S, St. Augustine, FL 32080 To Whom It May Concern: As owners of Island Prep, 4171 AlA S, we' d like to expand our school to include the building at 4001 ASA South. We plan to open a private school that would include a prekindergarten( VPK) and kindergarten program. In order to receive state funding for the VPK program the school must be licensed through the DCF. The DCF requires that the building must be zoned Daycare Usage to be considered for licensure. Thanks for your consideration and review. Please contact us if you have any questions. Sincerely, Dani and Michael Gwiazda Owners of Island Prep 904-377- 6830 4171 A/ A 5, St. Augustine, FL 32080 PHONE FAX WEB 904-471- 1100 904- 471- 1133 Islandprep. mm 10 — a i 1 1 left, It is rNJ I l s"' \ i v I` j1t`1 I:r lb s 1 E ri; e I I 1 f F i t. 1v, F- i pill! I. I5 : 4 - 1 . 11 IboPl3 t gI S11 ! x1-§ E t ! I -- [ Idi P1H It c,< l\ OGFAN TRAGF 6E GcNTER VI! L0. a nv sri ucs I ii Ur 1 ik SID" nMaR" Rig!! 4N 1 il pli 5 E 1` tip t i1 i m f1 i I i MU II I 1 I3-'. w il I} 1 1, I1 ii I Qj I it II` 1 YI 1oP›, F' A e a e; 3 in '' . 1. 1} 1' I III I ,'- i I X SyiI ir. OCEAN TRACE T RIIPINI D#" VILLAGE CENTER rtRri y.. U, 1 i J i ig#t( I "' . I fp.; 1411 i axRJi l rPV 11, Ilyf i y 1' O A- o K. / -: 12 — i MEMO To: Max Royle, City Manager From: Bonnie Miller, Administrative Assistant II Subject: Conditional Use File No. CU 2014- 02 Date: Wednesday, November 19, 2014 Please be advised that at its regular monthly meeting held Tuesday, November 18, 2014 the City of St. Augustine Beach Comprehensive Planning and Zoning Board voted unanimously to recommend the City Commission approve a conditional use permit application for a daycare/ prekindergarten private school at 4001 Al A South, St. Augustine Beach, Florida, 32080. The application was filed by Dani Gwiazda, 311 Weff Road, St. Augustine, Florida, 32080, agent for Surfside Properties of St. Johns County LLC/ Beach& Company, Scott Cole III, Managing Member, 401 Madruga Avenue, St. Augustine, Florida, 32086, for a daycare/ prekindergarten private school, per Sections 3. 02.02 and 10. 03. 03 of the City of St. Augustine Beach Land Development Regulations, on the premises of an existing building in a commercial land use district at 4001 A 1 A South, St. Augustine Beach, Florida, 32080, PERTAINING TO PART OF THE NORTH ONEHALF OF GOVERNMENT LOT 5 LYING WEST OF STATE ROAD AlA SOUTH, REAL ESTATE PARCEL NUMBER 174870- 0030, SECTION 10, TOWNSHIP 8, RANGE 30, AS RECORDED IN MAP BOOK 10, PAGE 3, OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF ST. JOHNS COUNTY, FLORIDA. The motion to recommend the City Commission approve this conditional use permit application for a daycare/prekindergarten private school was made by Mr. Bradfield, seconded by Ms. Zander, and passed unanimously 7- 0 by roll-call vote. 13 - Kgenda item Meeting Date 12- 1- 14 MEMORANDUM To: Mayor Samuels Vice Mayor O' Brien Commissioner Helhoski Commissioner George Commissioner Snodgrass FROM: Max Royle, City Managype DATE: November 24, 2014 SUBJECT: Ordinance 14- 06, Public Hearing and Second Reading: to Permit Limited Number of Food Trucks in the City At your November 1091 meeting, you reviewed the proposed ordinance to allow food trucks in the City, and made a number of changes to the ordinance. The highlights of your discussion and the changes that you approved are outlined in the draft of the minutes ( pages 1- 2) of that part of your November 10th meeting when you discussed the ordinance. After you made the changes, you approved Ordinance 14- 06 on first reading. The Planning and Zoning Board then reviewed the Ordinance( pages 3- 5) at its November 18th meeting and recommended that the Ordinance be approved on final reading. However, the Board made a number of comments about the Ordinance, which they asked be forwarded to you. These comments are outlined in the last paragraph of the attached memo ( page 6) from the Board' s secretary, Ms. Bonnie Miller. You' ll note that the last suggestion form the Board was that the issue of whether food trucks should be allowed in the City should be addressed by a vote of the citizens. ACTION REQUESTED It's that you hold the public hearing, and then that you decide whether to pass Ordinance 14- 06 on its second and final reading. FROM MINUTES OF CITY COMMISSION MEETING, 6. NOVEMBER 10, 2014 Ordinance 14- 06, to Allow Food Trucks in the City Ordinance 14-06 was read by title only by City Attorney. Tom Reynolds, 880 A1A Beach Boulevard, opposed food trucks as bringing down the value of property on the beach. Brendon Schneck, 21 Sabor de Sal, urged support for food trucks. He said the ordinance had many restrictions that make it difficult to locate anywhere in the City. He cited restaurants with much less parking per seat than what was required for food trucks. He suggested two spaces with 20 minute time limits. Kelly Hazouri, 21 Sabor de Sal, said Jacksonville ! leach had fewer requirements and the National League of Cities had made recommendations for food trucks. The 90 feet distance requirement was impractical in St. Augustine Beach neighborhoods. Benjamin Dozier, 472 San Nicolas Way, and Amit Patel, 112 SeaGrove Main Street, supported the food trucks. Ann Palmquist, 213 10`h Street, praised those working for permission to have the food trucks and supported their request. Commissioner Helhosici suggested a 50 foot distance and no parking required. Mayor Samuels agreed the requirements were excessive. Commissioner Snodgrass supported local restaurants, but felt new opportunities should be considered. He supported a temporary trial period for food trucks. Commissioner George agreed. Vice Mayor O' Brien add requirements that the food trucks obtain the proper state and County food service licenses; that the operating hours close at 9 p. m. on Sunday through Thursday and on 11 p.m. on Friday and Saturday nights; and that the food trucks be removed from the site every evening after closing. He felt a restroom should be provided by a property owner within a certain distance of the vendor and be open until the food truck closed. Mayor Samuels agreed to require parking for one vehicle plus one handicapped space. It was the consensus of the Commission to require two parking spaces. It was also the consensus of the Commission to require a distance of 70 feet between food trucks and restaurants and to issue only five food truck permits at a time. City Commission Mtg. 11/ 10/ 14, 1- City Attorney Burnett read the changes to the ordinance: Section 6.03. 12 A. ...( vii) a valid and current business tax receipt from the City and any other permit or license required by the State of Florida and County xii) not located within 90 70 feet of the door to a residential property... xiii) 8 parking spaces one regular and one handicap parking space and xv) the mobile food vehicle shall be removed from the site each night before midnight, and stored at a lawful location until one hour before the next day' s starting hours of operation. E. The maximum number of mobile food vehicle permits issued by the City under this ordinance shall be four and a person may only hold the permit in the name of a person and each person may only have one permit which permit is limited to one mobile food vehicle. The City Commission took a brief recess at 8: 22 p.m. and resumed the meeting at 8: 27 p. m. Building Official Larson said the new construction project was starting and the large crew would attract lunch trucks to the site. He asked that lunch trucks be exempt from these regulations. Motion: to approve Ordinance 14- 06, as amended, on first reading, Moved by Mayor Samuels, Seconded by Commissioner Snodgrass. Vote: Motion passed ( summary: Yes= 3, No = 1, Abstain= 1). Yes: Commissioner George, Commissioner Snodgrass, Mayor Samuels. No: Vice- Mayor O' Brien. Abstain: Commissioner Helhoski. A Form 8B Memorandum of Voting Conflict was submitted and is attached to the record copy of these minutes. 2- ORDINANCE 14- 06 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ST. AUGUSTINE BEACH FLORIDA, RELATING TO THE LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS OF THE CITY; ADDING SECTION 6. 03. 12, REGULATING MOBILE FOOD VEHICLES; SUNSETTING PROVIDING OF THIS FOR THE ORDINANCE; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT ENACTED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ST. AUGUSTINE BEACH, FLORIDA: Section 1. Appendix A, Article VI, Section 6. 03. 12, Mobile Food Vehicles, of the Land Development Regulations of the Code of the City of St. Augustine Beach, Florida be, and the same is, hereby added: Section 6. 03. 12. Mobile Food Vehicles. A. Mobile food vehicles are allowable on private property provided the following minimum conditions at met: ( i) written approval of the property owner displayed in a prominent location on the vehicle; ( ii) only on property fronting A1A Beach Boulevard or on property adjacent to the plazas along AlA Beach Boulevard, which properties would otherwise front AlA Beach Boulevard if not for the plazas; ( iii) suitable ingress and egress as determined by the City Building Official with considerations for the need or existence of curb cuts, sidewalks or other improvements; ( iv) a parking area made of a material that will provide a stabilized surface, such as limestone or asphalt, as approved by the City Building Official; (v) any other site specific limitations, conditions or requirements, including, but not limited to, limitations on awnings, overhangs, safety markings, countertop edges, or other items, to ensure or promote public safety as determined by the City Building Official; ( vi) proof of vehicle and personal liability insurance in a minimum amount of$ 500,000. 00 that is continuously maintained and displayed in a prominent location on the vehicle; ( vii) a valid and current business tax receipt from the City and any other permit or license required by the County or the State of Florida; viii) appropriate trash receptacles to support the volume of business with the receptacles and related trash removed at the end of each day of operation; ( ix) daily removal of any litter or other trash or waste from the property; ( x) hours of operation limited to between the hours of 10: 00 a. m. to 8: 00 p.m. daily for generator or other external powered units and between the hours of 8: 00 a. m. to 11: 00 p. m. daily for non-generator or other external power units ( the intent of this provision is to recognize that Ordinance 14- 06 3- generator powered units produce additional noise and vibration that warrant limiting hours of operation more so than units that are powered by electricity from utility service or are gas powered); ( xi) no sale of beer, wine, liquor or any alcohol; ( xii) not located within 70 feet of the door to a residential property or the door to an existing restaurant without providing the City the written consent of the residential property owner and restaurant owner, as applicable; ( xiii) one handicap parking space and one regular parking space for customers ( xiv) full and complete compliance with the City Code and any other laws or regulations, including those related to signage; and( xv) the mobile food vehicle shall be removed from the site each night before midnight and stored at a lawful location until one hour before the next day' s starting hours of operation. B. The term " mobile food vehicle" as used herein shall mean every device, in, upon or by which any person or property is or may he transported or drawn upon any roadway, motorized or non- motorized, pushed or pulled. This term applies whether food is prepared within or outside of the mobile food vehicle and encompasses food trucks, food carts and food trailers. C. This section regulating mobile food vehicles does not apply to mobile food vehicles using Pier Park under authorization of a special event permit issued by the City of St. Augustine Beach. D. A violation of this section shall result in an immediate suspension of operation of the mobile food vehicle until such time as the violation has been corrected. E. The maximum number of mobile food vehicle permits issued by the City shall be limited to four ( 4) and the permit may only be held in the name of a person and each person may only have one ( 1) permit, which permit is limited to one mobile food vehicle. Penalties. Section 2. This ordinance shall be enforced in the manner prescribed in Sec. 1- 9, St. Augustine Beach City Code. Section 3. Other Code Sections Unchanged. Any section or sections of the Code of the City of St. Augustine Beach not specifically modified herein shall survive in full force and effect and remain unchanged unless a conflict arises, in which case this Ordinance shall control. Ordinance 14- 06 4- Section 4. Codification. Other than Section 1 hereof, this Ordinance shall not be codified, but a copy of this Ordinance shall be maintained in the offices of the City Manager. Section 5. Severability. If any phrase, clause, sentence, subsection, section, or provision of this Ordinance is held to be invalid, or unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity or unconstitutionally shall not to be construed as to render invalid, or unconstitutional the remaining phrases, clause, subsections, or provisions of this Ordinance. Section 6. Effective Date. This ordinance shall take effect ten days following passage. Section 7. Sunset of this Ordinance. On the 14' h day of September, 2015, at 11: 59 p.m., this Ordinance shall sunset, and no longer be in effect, whereupon, Appendix A, Article VI, Section 6. 03. 12, Mobile Food Vehicles, of the Land Development Regulations of the Code of the City of St. Augustine Beach, Florida shall be restored and effective as written prior to this Ordinance. PASSED by the City Commission of the City of St. Augustine Beach, Florida, upon Second Reading this 1st day of December, 2014. CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ST. AUGUSTINE BEACH ATTEST: By: City First reading: Second reading: Manager Mayor-Commissioner November 10, 2014 December 1, 2014 Ordinance 14- 06 5- MEMO To: Max Royle, City Manager From: Bonnie Miller, Administrative Assistant II Subject: Ordinance No. 14- 06 Date: Wednesday, November 19, 2014 Please be advised that at its regular monthly meeting held on Tuesday, November 18, 2014, the City of St. Augustine Beach Comprehensive Planning and Zoning Board voted to recommend the City Commission approve final passage of the latest revised draft of Ordinance No. 14-06, which amends the City of St. Augustine Beach Land Development Regulations to add Section 6. 03. 12, to allow and regulate the operation of mobile food vehicles within the City limits. Passed on first reading by the City Commission at its regular monthly meeting held on Monday, November 10, 2014, Ordinance No. 14- 06 amends the City of St. Augustine Beach Land Development Regulations with the addition of Section 6. 03. 12, Mobile Food Vehicles, to allow the operation of mobile food vehicles subject to specific conditions, and with a sunset provision to render the ordinance no longer in effect one year from the date it is adopted if there are problems with it, and if not, the effective date of the ordinance shall be extended. The motion to recommend the City Commission approve Ordinance No. 14- 06 on second and final reading was made by Ms. West, seconded by Ms. Sloan, and passed 6- 1 by roll-call vote, with Mr. Bradfield dissenting. Although not part of the motion that was made, seconded, and passed by majority vote, the Board also wished to convey to the Commission discussion and concerns some of the Board members had about restrictions in the ordinance relating to limiting the hours ofoperation of mobile food vehicles, setback or distance requirements for mobile food vehicles adjacent to residential property and existing restaurants, which are more stringent than commercial building setback requirements, and limiting the number of mobile food vehicles allowed to operate in the City to only four, as it was expressed that the ordinance shouldn' t make it so difficult for mobile food vehicles to operate that they aren' t given a fair chance, and the free enterprise market should be the determining factor as to whether or not mobile food vehicles are wanted, or not wanted, within the City limits. It was also suggested the issue of whether or not mobile food vehicles should be allowed to operate within the City limits should be put to a vote by the residents of the City. 6- Agenda Item# 4 Meeting Date 12- 1- 14 MEMORANDUM To: Mayor Samuels Vice Mayor O' Brien Commissioner Helhoski Commissioner George Commissioner Snodgrass FROM: Max Royle, DATE: November 17, 2014 SUBJECT: Resolution 14- 15, to Amend the City Commission' s Policies and Procedures Manual to Adopt Policies for Use of the City' s TV Channel r City Managg At your November 10th meeting, you approved the adoption of the updated policies that Ms. Burns had proposed. The attached Resolution ( page 2) formalizes that adoption by making the policies part of your Policies and Procedures Manual. M E M O R A N D U M TO: MAX ROYLE, CITY MANAGER FROM: MELISSA BURNS, FINANCE DIRECTOR tf SUBJECT: DATE: TV CHANNEL POLICY 10/ 27/ 2014 BACKGROUND At the regular Commission meeting in September during a discussion regarding broadcasting the Civic Association's forum on October 8th regarding the City Charter Amendments. At that time questions were raised about the City having policies regarding the use of its TV channel. There was a policy that the Commission adopted in 2007 that was adapted from St. Johns County' s policy. This was to be discussed again at the October 6th Commission meeting, but that agenda item was not reached. PRESENT After the October 6th meeting, I looked over the agenda item material and discovered that a new policy should be drafted. I again contacted the St. Johns County Communications Department and received their new draft of their proposed policy. Their policy was adapted and parts re-written to suit our needs. Attached is the newest policy for the use of the City' s Television Channel. ACTION REQUESTED Please place this policy instead of the one that was in the agenda packet for the October 6th meeting for the Commission to review. If further information is needed, please let me know. 1 - RESOLUTION 14- 15 ST. JOHNS COUNTY RE: TO AMEND THE CITY COMMISSIONS POLICIES AND PROCEDURES MANUAL FLORIDA TO CITY OF ST. AUGUSTINE BEACH ADOPT POLICIES FOR USE OF CITY' S TV CHANNEL The City Commission of St. Augustine Beach, St. Johns County, Florida, in regular meeting duly assembled on Monday, December 1, 2014, resolves as follows: WHEREAS, the City has had the use of a Comcast TV channel since 2004 for the televising of Commission, Planning Board, and other Commissionapproved meetings, and for the dissemination of information about City services and officials to the public; and WHEREAS, the policies currently in use were based on ones developed by St. Johns County, but which have never been formally adopted by the City; and WHEREAS, the City needs to have its own policies to regulate the use of the City' s TV channel. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Commission of St. Augustine Beach amends its Policies and Procedures Manual by adopting the attached policies which govern the use of the City' s TV Channel. RESOLVED AND DONE, this 1st day of December, 2014, by the City Commission of the City of St. Augustine Beach, St. Johns County, Florida. Mayor— Commissioner ATTEST: City Manager 2 - City of St. Augustine Beach Government Access Channel ( GTV) Policy Purpose: The purpose of this policy is to provide guidelines for the operation and programming of the St. Augustine Beach government access cable channel. The government channel will develop and implement programs to maintain effective communications between city/county government and city/ county residents, as well as, promote and preserve the integrity of the City of St. Augustine Beach local government. Scope: The Government Access Channel will operate within policies and guidelines established by the City Commission. This policy outlines operating parameters of GTV, and provides guidance on programming selection, restricted programming, minimum technical standards, and operating procedures. Introduction: GTV is a 24- hour Government Access channel programmed and operated by the City of St. Augustine Beach. GTV is restricted to use by the City of St. Augustine Beach, and other local governments; it is not available for use by the general public. GTV is operated by the City of St. Augustine Beach Finance/Administration Department and under the direction of the City Manager or his or her designee. Objectives: GTV is used to distribute and share information about City government, programs, and services, as well as the deliberations of the City's partners. Specific objectives include: A. Provide comprehensive, non- editorial information about programs, services, and events provided by or sponsored by the City of St. Augustine Beach. B. Provide reliable, accurate and timely information about City of St. Augustine Beach government and services. C. Provide accurate educational information that helps meet a City, City Department, City Board or County goal. D. Ensure that all GTV programming meets broadcast-quality technical standards. Channel Designation: GTV shall operate on Comcast Cable Channel 2, and live meetings online at http:// meetings/ stream/ or meetings on demand at http:// www. staugbch. com/ meetings/ delayedstream/. It shall be known as GTV. Programming Types Defined The following different forms of programming may be telecast on GTV, provided such programming meets all the requirements of this policy: 3 - A. City Produced Programming —Live and recorded programming produced under the direction of City staff. This includes live coverage of selected meetings with gavel-to- gavel coverage, programs on City departments, services, programs, issues, activities, or projects associated with the City that use public dollars. B. Other Governmental Agency Programming -- Programming produced by an outside agency which would like to provide information, access to deliberations, and has no other means to do so. C. Bulletin Board -- A character-generator Bulletin Board system is maintained by GTV to promote City, City/ County sponsored meetings, events, activities, and information. Written Bulletin Board submissions must be provided to the Finance/ Administration Department staff at least one week in advance of the event or start of service. This service is only available for use by the City. It is not for the general public. Programming Priorities During programming hours, GTV airs general information for public consumption. However, during emergencies, programming may be allocated in this order: A. Programming related to emergency received from St. Johns County Government and/ or Emergency Operations Center. B. Programming of, or about, meetings of policy-making bodies of City government. C. City Produced Programming and Government Partner Programming ( including replays of live telecasts). D. Programming providing factual information on any ballot issue affecting City services. E. City Sponsored Programming F. Programming that is produced by or for local, state and federal government and/ or other agencies that use public dollars. G. Bulletin Board Programming Selection Guidelines Programming selected for telecast on GTV must be carefully evaluated and determined to meet the needs of the City, its residents, and its visitors. Telecast of any program shall be on a space- available basis per the discretion of the City Manager. The following criteria must be met when selecting programming for GTV: 4 - A. Programming must help meet a defined goal or mission of the City, City department, or the City Commission. B. All rights and clearances to telecast the program on GTV must be secured in writing. C. Programming quality must meet the minimum technical standard requirements as outlined in Attachment A. General Categories of Programming City of St. Augustine Beach will be airing both text- based (" character-generated") programming as well as audio- video programming. The programming must fall within one or more of the following general categories of programming: A. Announcements or programs concerning emergencies and other timely issues that affect public safety and health in the community. B. Programs and meetings which inform the public of the facilities, services and programs offered to the residents and visitors of St. Augustine Beach and St. Johns County. C. Programs that highlight the cultural and historic resources of St. Augustine Beach and St. Johns County. D. Public service announcements if submitted by City Government, or other governmental agencies. Restricted Programming City of St. Augustine Beach recognizes the programming content restrictions imposed on GTV by the Federal Communications Commission, by prevailing community standards, and by applicable federal, state, and local laws. GTV will not telecast: A. Public Access programming. GTV is a Government Access channel and does not accept programming or Bulletin Board submissions from the general public. GTV will only telecast programming produced or sponsored by the City or other governmental agencies subject to all other conditions in this policy. B. Paid advertising or any program that depicts a product, business and/ or service that has the purpose of benefiting a profit-making enterprise. Programming grants, underwriting, and/ or sponsorships are not considered advertising so long as the following three conditions are satisfied: 5- 1. The underwriter has no editorial control over the program. 2. The viewing public cannot reasonably perceive that the underwriter has exercised editorial control over the program. 3. The viewing public cannot reasonably conclude that the program is being telecast principally because it promotes the underwriter's products, services or other business interests. C. Promotions of any political candidates or issue. GTV is not to be used to build support for a candidate for public office. Declared candidates for any elective office and persons advocating any cause, viewpoint, or proposed policy will not be eligible to appear on the channel within 90 days of the election date, with these explicit exceptions: 1. A non- partisan forum in which all candidates or sides of an issues are invited to participate. 2. Appearance in a bona fide news program or documentary. 3. A televised public meeting or event in which the candidate' s appearance is incidental or unrelated to election or ballot issues. 4. Officials performing their normally assigned duties during regularly televised public meetings. D. Programming that promotes any particular religion, religious group or belief, cult, special interest or hate group. E. Any material that includes or constitutes: libel, slander, invasion of privacy, violations or infringements of trademarks or copyrights, obscene, or salacious material. Programs containing copyrighted materials will only be telecast if copyright clearance and permissions have been secured in writing. F. A lottery as defined by the Federal Communication Commission regulations or any advertisement of or information concerning a lottery. G. Any material which violates applicable federal, state or local laws. H. Any program submitted by an individual or agency not considered to be City Government, a governmental entity or an approved agency. City of St. Augustine 6 - Beach staff will determine if programming is consistent with the policies, as they may be amended. Editing Policies Programming and Bulletin Board announcements submitted for telecast on GTV may be edited by the Finance/ Administration staff with the following guidelines: A. City Produced Programming — Any pre- recorded program produced under the direction of City staff can be modified and edited as needed to adhere to the requirements and restrictions of this POLICY. The finished program must be approved by City of St. Augustine Beach staff before it will be telecast on GTV. B. Pre- Produced Programming - Any outside programming provided by a City department or other governmental agencies may be modified and edited as appropriate to adhere to the requirements of this POLICY or as dictated by scheduling and/ or staffing requirements. If the program is copyrighted, the copyright holder's approval must be obtained for any and all edits before the edited version of the program may be telecast on OW. C. Bulletin Board - Any message or information submitted for placement on the Bulletin Board may be freely edited by City staff for clarity, content, conciseness, and readability. Submissions are due at least one week prior to the requested starting date or event. The City reserves the right to reject Bulletin Board submissions that do not meet the deadline requirement or when equipment and/ or staffing limitations prevent them from being placed on the system. The City bears no responsibility for the accuracy of the information provided. Ownership and Retention of Recordings All City-produced recordings are the property of the City of St. Augustine Beach. Recordings of City meetings are intended for telecasting and archival purposes only. They shall not be considered an official record of any meeting and therefore there shall be no liability for inadvertent erasure or omissions caused by technical malfunctions or operator error. Except to the extent required by law, it shall not be the responsibility of the City of St. Augustine Beach to retain any video programming that is broadcast, or submitted for broadcast on GTV. Notwithstanding the foregoing, it is recognized that certain videos may be kept on file by the City of St. Augustine Beach and reused in future broadcasts if proper permission is secured. Duplication Requests DVDs of public meetings will be retained for two years. By Federal law, the City cannot make copies of programs that it does not own the copyright to, including programming produced by outside agencies. DVD copies of St. Augustine Beach City Commission and other city government meetings televised on GTV may be purchased at the current rate 7 - by contacting the City Manager' s Office via telephone, mail, or e- mail. The copy shall include the entire meeting/ program/ event without editing. Staff is not to custom- edit portions of any program. No Assurance of Broadcast Whether the City of St. Augustine Beach will cablecast any particular audio- only programming is in the sole discretion of the City and no assurance is either expressed or implied of such broadcast as a result of these policies. Equipment and Facilities Use GTV audio/visual production equipment and facilities are to be used only for the production of City or City-sponsored meetings, events, and activities. Use of city- owned video equipment shall be restricted to employees of the GTV Office or trained persons who are under the direction of the Finance/ Administration staff. Loaning, renting, or use of the equipment for personal or commercial use is strictly prohibited. 8 - Agenda Item if 5 Meeting Date 12- 1- 14 M E M O R A N D U M TO: MAX ROYLE, CITY MANAGER FROM: MELISSA BURNS, FINANCE DIRECTOR SUBJECT: DATE: BUDGET RESOLUTION 14- 30 11/ 14/ 2014 At its regular meeting held on November 10th, the City Commission approved the contract for Turnbull Environmental, Inc. for the construction of the Versaggi Dr. Beach Walkover in the amount of$ 72, 000 which included upgraded materials. The amount budgeted for this project was $ 60, 000. This budget resolution appropriates the additional $ 12, 000 for the project. If further information is needed, please let me know. BUDGET RESOLUTION 14- 30 CITY OF ST. AUGUSTINE BEACH RE: TO AMEND THE FY2015 ST. JOHNS COUNTY GENERAL FUND BUDGET FOR THE PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT The City Commission does hereby approve the transfer and appropriation from within the Fiscal Year 2013- 2014 General Fund Budget as follows: DECREASE: Account 001- 8100-581- 9120( Emergencies& Contingencies: General Fund) in the amount of$ 12, 000 which will decrease the appropriation in this account to $ 55,631. INCREASE: Account 001- 7200- 572- 6330 ( Beach Related Improvements: Parks & Recreation Department) in the amount of$ 12, 000 which will increase the appropriation in this account to $ 72, 000. RESOLVED AND DONE, this 18' day of December 2014 by the City Commission of the City of St Augustine Beach, St, Johns County, Florida. Mayor— Commissioner ATTEST: City Manager Agenda Item# 6 Meeting Date12- 1- 14 MEMORANDUM To: Mayor Samuels Vice Mayor O' Brien Commissioner Helhoski Commissioner George Commissioner Snodgrass FROM: Max Royle, City Managers/ C. DATE: November 17, 2014 SUBJECT: Beach Access Walkover: Consideration of Authorizing New One at E Street Recently, an E Street resident complained about a poisonous snake being seen on the sandy path at the east end of E Street to the beach. He suggested that a walkover be constructed, and he may be at your December meeting to make this request in person to you. We suggest that you include the topic of beach walkovers in your discussion of updating the strategic plan and determining priorities for the spending of the $ 560,000 provided to the City by Elite Hospitality for the City vacating the 6th Street right- of-way. There are other streets where accesses need to be constructed. These streets include gm 6th 5th, B and C. Money for these projects could come from TDC funds, the $ 560, 000 from Elite, and the 749,000) that remains from the sale of Lots 0 and P. Money from Elite' s payment could be used to build the walkovers at 5th and 6th, as these could directly benefit the Hotel's guests. ACTION REQUESTED It'lists that you discuss whether you want to add the E Street beach access walkover to the for of priorities the spending of the $ 560, 000 from Elite Hospitality. 1 Agenda Item# 7 Meeting Date 12- 1- 14 MEMORANDUM To: Mayor Samuels Vice Mayor O' Brien Commissioner Helhoski Commissioner George Commissioner Snodgrass FROM: Max Royle, City Manager4'_ DATE: November 18, 2014 SUBJECT: Solid Waste Disposal: Approval of Interlocal Agreement with St. Johns County Attached is a memo from Mr. Howell, in which he explains the background for this request. Also attached is the agreement itself. Both the County Commission and St. Augustine' s City Commission have approved the agreement. ACTION REQUESTED It' s that you approve the solid waste disposal agreement with the County. MEMORANDUM Date: November 18, 2014 To: Max Royle, City Manager From: Joe Howell, Public Works Director Subject: Solid Waste Interlocal Agreement Last December the St. Johns County Public Works Department presented an updated draft Interlocal Agreement related to Solid Waste Services ( disposal at the County Transfer Station). Even at that time the existing agreement was not current. At issue is that the cost of the County's disposal operations is not fully covered by the $ 44. 18/ton tipping fee the City pays. The initial draft document sought to raise the tipping fees to 57.00/ton. The County provided spreadsheets documenting operational costs and projected future expenses that had risen to $56. 13/ton for FY14. The City of St. Augustine requested additional information and the process languished. In August the County provided a revised draft Interlocal Agreement and additional supporting information showing a downward trend in the total cost per ton ($ 50. 62/ton) projected for FY15. On this basis the revised draft Interlocal Agreement set the tipping fee at$ 52.00/ ton. This new agreement requires the County to adjust theservice fees tipping fees) upward or downward once each year to reflect the percentage change in the Consumer Price Index (CPI). Note that the CPI is not the same as the actual operating expenses originally used to support the fees changes. Depending on the amount of waste delivered to the transfer station, the change will cost the City $ 20, 000 30, 000 in FY15. The initial term of the Agreement shall expire on December 31, 2021. The Agreement shall be renewed and extended automatically, without any action by the parties, for two 2) additional terms of seven ( 7) years. The Agreement provides for termination by either party. The Agreement has been reviewed by the City Attorney. The Agreement is the same as that presented to the City of St. Augustine. At this point in time, and into the foreseeable future, there are no better, or more cost effective options for the City to pursue regarding the handling and disposal of solid waste. Recommended Action: That you approve the Intedocal Agreement for Solid Waste Disposal Services. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS HISTORICAL ST. JOHNS COUNTY, FLORIDA CHERYL STRICKLAND - SECRETARY 500 SAN SEBASTIAN VIEW ST. AUGUSTINE, FLORIDA 32084 s- u.— Pam Halterman, Deputy Ty Clerk yt ` Minutes& Records Department x Phone: C9o4) 819- 3644 x Fax Number( 904) SL 9- 3664 1 94_ November 7, 20r4 L--- J ui City of St. Augustine Beach Attn: Max Royle 2200 AiA South Email: NC' d 1( 2014 Phaltermanesiccoems. U CITY OF ST.AUGUSTINE BEACH St. Augustine Beach, Florida 32080 Dear Mr. Royle: I have enclosed two original interlocal agreements between St. Johns County and City of St. Augustine Beach in regards to solid waste disposal services. The agreement was approved by the St. Johns County Board of County Commissioners during a regular meeting on November 4, 2014. After you execute please return both original agreements to me for execution by St. Johns County Chairman. I will return one original agreement to you. If you have any questions or I can be of further help, please let me know. Sincerely, pJ a-rk Pam Halterman Deputy Clerk/ Records Specialist BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF ST. JOHNS COUNTY, FLORIDA CHERYL STRICKLAND, ITS CLERK Enclosures CYNDI STEVENSON RON SANCHEZ BILL MCCLURE District' District 2 District 3 JAY MORRIS District 4 RACHAEL BEiNNETT Districts INTERLOCAL SOLID WASTE AGREEMENT DISPOSAL FOR SERVICES ao1` 1- 31 ` 1 This " Interlocal Agreement For Solid Waste Disposal Services" (" Agreement") St . Johns State a is made 2014 of of County Florida and municipal the entered (" Effective (" County") , Florida, and a City St. this day by and between Date") political of into subdivision Augustine of Beach the (" City") , corporation. RECITALS WHEREAS, effective, the County and the City wish to provide cost- environmentally sound, Solid Waste disposal services to the residents and businesses in their respective communities; and WHEREAS, the County owns two Transfer Stations that the County uses to transport the County' s Acceptable Waste to a Class I Landfill located outside of the County; and WHEREAS, the City wishes to dispose of the City' s Acceptable Waste by delivering such Acceptable Waste to the County' s Transfer Stations; and WHEREAS, Section 163. 01, Florida Statutes, authorizes the County and the City to enter into interlocal agreements; and WHEREAS, Statutes, Sections 403. 706 ( 3) , ( 8) , and ( 12) , Florida encourage the City and the County to enter into interlocal agreements concerning the management of their Solid Waste; and WHEREAS, the City and the County have negotiated the terms of this Agreement concerning the management and disposal of the City' s Solid Waste. NOW, covenants THEREFORE, and in consideration of the mutual promises, agreements contained herein, and the mutual benefits provided hereunder, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the City and the County agree that they shall be bound by and shall comply with the following provisions of this Agreement: 1 SECTION 1. DEFINITIONS The definitions contained in Exhibit 1 ( attached) shall govern the interpretation and construction of this Agreement. SECTION 2. GENERAL SCOPE OF THE COUNTY' S SERVICES FOR THE CITY Subject to the terms and conditions in this Agreement, County shall be a) the responsible for: Weighing, inspecting, accepting, and disposing of the Acceptable Waste delivered to the County' s Transfer Stations by or on behalf of the City; b) Providing labor, services, supervision, materials, and equipment necessary to accomplish the County' s work under c) this agreement; Performing its work in accordance with the requirements of this Agreement d) and Applicable Law; and Performing its work in exchange for the City' s payment of SECTION 3. the Service Fees. THE COUNTY' S RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES 3. 1 Beginning on the Effective Date and continuing throughout the term of this Agreement, the County shall receive and accept the Acceptable Waste that is delivered to the County' s Transfer Stations by the City, the City' s agents or employees, the or City' s Franchisees . The Transfer Stations shall receive deliveries of Acceptable Waste from the City between the Friday, and between the hours of 7 : 00 a. m. hours of 7 : 00 a. m. and 6: 00 p. m. , Monday through and 1: 00 p. m. on Saturday. The hours of operation at the Transfer Stations may be changed by the County after providing reasonable advance to notice the City. Except as provided in Section 8, at least one ( 1) of the County' s two ( 2) Transfer Stations shall be open to receive Acceptable Waste every day of the year, except Sundays and Holidays. 3. 2 When the City' s delivery vehicles arrive at the Transfer Stations, the vehicles shall be weighed at the County' s scale that Solid house. The County shall prepare a receipt (weight ticket) shows the vehicle' s identification number, the type of Waste ( e. g. , garbage) in the 2 vehicle, the weight of the City' s waste, and the date the when receipt was issued. The County shall retain its weight tickets and related records concerning the City' s Solid Waste in accordance with the County' s normal records retention policies. The County shall use its weight tickets and records to prepare reports that summarize the scale house data concerning the City' s deliveries for each operating day, month, and year. 3. 3 The County shall calibrate the scales at its scale houses at least once each year or as required by Applicable Law, whichever is more frequent. The City shall have the right to pay for more frequent calibrations should the City so desire. 3. 4 The County and the City shall work together in a cooperative manner to resolve any questions concerning the accuracy the of County' s scales and the City may hire, at its expense, weight At any time records. an independent third party to verify the accuracy of the County' s scales and scale house records. 3. 5 vehicles The County may inspect the loads in the City' s at any time. The County may refuse to accept part or all of a load of Solid Waste if the County reasonably believes that the load Unacceptable Unacceptable contains Waste to a Transfer Waste. Station, If the the City delivers County may: ( a) require the City to promptly remove the Unacceptable Waste at the City' s expense; or (b) arrange for the removal of the Unacceptable Waste by a third party contractor, who shall bill City for its services . In addition, the County may the segregate and remove waste tires with the County' s employees and then bill the City for the full cost of the County' s services, based on shall not the fees set segregate forth in and remove Exhibit other 2 ( types The County attached) . of Unacceptable Waste unless the City provides its advance written authorization for the County to do so or unless such action is required pursuant to Applicable Law. In all cases, however, the City shall remain responsible and liable for the management and disposal of any Unacceptable Waste that the City delivers or causes to be delivered to the Transfer circumstances will 3. 6 Stations. the County accept Further, Hazardous under no Waste. The County shall transfer and dispose of the Acceptable Waste that is delivered to the Transfer Station by the City and the County shall do so in compliance with all Applicable 3. 7 Law. The County shall secure, 3 renew, modify if necessary, and pay for all permits, licenses, inspections, and other governmental approvals that are necessary for the County' s activities 3. 8 under this Agreement. The County may establish and enforce safety rules and regulations governing Transfer any Person that visits or uses the Stations . Such rules and regulations may be applied to the City' s representatives, employees, Franchisees, and agents, but the rules shall be applied by the County in a fair, equitable, 3. 9 and non- discriminatory manner. At its option, the County may provide assistance to any City vehicle that becomes incapacitated or otherwise unable to move while delivering Solid Waste to the Transfer Stations . In such circumstances, neither the County nor its agents shall have any liability for the damage, if any, that occurs to the disabled vehicle while the County or its agent is providing assistance SECTION 4. to such vehicle. THE CITY' S RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES 4. 1 Beginning on the Effective Date and continuing throughout the term of this Agreement, the City has the right and the obligation to deliver to the Transfer Stations all of the Acceptable Waste allowed by law, generated the within To City. the extent the City shall require its Franchisees to deliver all of the Acceptable Waste collected in the City to the Transfer Stations. a minimum amount 4. 2 The However, the City is not required to deliver of Acceptable Waste to the Transfer Stations . City shall use its best efforts to ensure that Unacceptable Waste is not delivered to the Transfer Stations. In all cases, however, the City shall be responsible and liable for the management and disposal of any Unacceptable Waste that is delivered to the Transfer Stations by the City, its Franchisees 4. 3 and In agents . order to facilitate complete and accurate invoicing and track responsibility for the delivery of Unacceptable Waste to the Transfer Stations by the City, the City shall, upon executation of this County a list of all subcontractors, to Agreement, provide the Franchisees and agents authorized by the City to deliver Solid Waste to the County' s Transfer Stations under this Agreement . Once provided by the City, this list will be maintained by the County and adjusted by adding or removing subcontractors, requested in writing by the City. 4 Franchisees and agents as 4. 4 Solid Waste that is generated or collected outside the City shall not be delivered to the Transfer Stations, of unless the City has received prior authorization from the County to deliver such material. This provision does not prevent the City from delivering Solid Waste that is generated outside of the City but brought into the City by natural occurance, such as a tropical storm event. 4. 5 The City and its authorized agents shall have the right to observe the operations at the Transfer Stations at all reasonable 4. 6 times. The City and its authorized agents shall have the right to inspect, copy, and audit, at the City' s expense, all of the County' s records concerning the Transfer Stations and this Agreement. 4. 7 The City shall have no responsibility for the operation of the Transfer Stations, disposal of Solid Waste after delivery to the Transfer Stations, or the County' s permit compliance SECTION obligations . 5. 5. 1 SERVICE FEES The City shall pay a Service Fee to the County for the management and disposal of the Acceptable Waste and Special Waste that is delivered to the Transfer Stations by or on behalf of the City and accepted by the County. The City also shall pay a Service Fee to the County for the management and disposal of any Unacceptable Waste that is delivered to the Transfer Stations by or on behalf of the City and accepted by the County, unless the City or an independent third party contractor removes the Unacceptable Waste pursuant to Sections 3 . 5 ( a) and (b) , above. 5. 2 The County shall submit a monthly invoice to the City for the Service Fees that are owed by the City under this Agreement. Each invoice shall be mailed to the City no later than which the the tenth (10`") County day of the month following the month in provided its services shall pay each invoice within thirty to (30) the City. The City days after the City receives the County' s invoice. 5. 3 Upon request, the County shall provide additional information or documents to support the County' s invoices to the City. If there is a dispute concerning any portion of an 5 invoice, the City shall timely pay any undisputed amounts . 5. 4 Exhibit The County' s current Service Fees are identified in 2 to this Agreement. The Service Fees shall be set at levels that are sufficient to pay the costs incurred by the for: County ( a) the transportation and disposal of the City' s b) the operation of the Transfer Stations; and ( c) providing and maintaining its Solid Waste management system. waste; ( The Service Fees may be adjusted by the Board of County Commissioners from time to time at a duly noticed public meeting to account for changes in the costs experienced by the County when providing its Solid Waste services. 5. 5 Fees, Once each year, the County shall adjust the Service upward or downward, to reflect the percentage change in the Consumer Price Index (CPI) twelve preceding (12) that occurred during the months . The CPI adjustments shall be based on the CPI index published by the United States Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, for All Urban Consumers, South Urban first CPI Region ( Series adjustment shall ID: CUUR0300SAO, take effect CUUS0300SA0) . 1, January on The 2016. Each CPI adjustment thereafter shall take effect on the following January 1st. CPI adjustments increases and decreases 5. 6 shall be based on and reflect both in CPI . The CPI adjustment shall reflect the percentage change in the CPI, measured from September 1st in the previous calendar year to August 31st of the calendar year in which the adjustment is The calculated. percentage change in the CPI shall be calculated by using the following formula: PC equals CPI 1, divided by CPI 2, minus 1. 0, multiplied by 100 Where: PC is the percentage change in the CPI to the CPI 1 is September the CPI ( e. g. , CPI 2 is the year from one year next; before CPI CPI index number September for the most index number for September 1 ( e. g. , recent 2014) September in the 2013) 5. 7 If the Service Fees are adjusted pursuant to Sections 5. 4 or 5. 5 above, the new rates shall take effect on the first 6 January 1 following the date of the rate adjustment. The County shall give at least thirty (30) days advance notice to the City before the County begins to charge the new rates to the City. SECTION 6. TERM OF AGREEMENT. This Agreement shall take effect and be binding upon the parties from the Effective Date until the date when this Agreement is terminated or expires. The initial Agreement shall expire on December 31, 2021, Agreement Agreement is terminated This earlier. term of this unless the shall be renewed and extended automatically, without any action by the parties, for two ( 2) additional terms of seven ( 7) years each, unless the City or the County provides written notice to the other party that it does not wish to renew this Agreement and such notice is delivered to the other party at least one hundred eighty (180) days before the end of the then current term of the Agreement. SECTION 7. 7. TERMINATION 1 Subject to the other provisions contained herein, either party may terminate this Agreement if the other party fails to perform any of its material obligations hereunder. Before a party may terminate this Agreement pursuant to this Section, the non- defaulting party shall give written notice to the other party that a default exists which will, corrected, constitute an event of default on the unless part of the defaulting party. The notice shall inform the defaulting party that this Agreement shall be terminated unless the default is cured within thirty party' s receipt of ( 30) calendar days following the defaulting the notice. effected within thirty diligence, ( 30) If a cure cannot reasonably be days despite the exercise of due the time to cure the default shall be extended to include such additional time as is reasonably necessary to effect a cure, provided that the defaulting party exercises continuous diligent efforts to cure the default during the extended cure period. If the defaulting party fails to cure the default within the cure period, the non- defaulting party may terminate this Agreement for cause. 7. 2 If this Agreement is terminated for cause by the County, the City shall have the right to continue to deliver Acceptable Waste to the Transfer Stations in accordance with the terms of this Agreement for a period of six (6) months after the County gives notice of the termination. If this Agreement is terminated for cause by the City, the City may discontinue its 7 deliveries of Acceptable Waste to the Transfer Stations on a date selected by the City; provided, however, such date shall be at least thirty (30) days after the date when the City delivered its notice of termination to the County, unless a federal or state agency having jurisdiction has directed the City to discontinue its deliveries sooner. 7. 3 Either party may terminate by providing written notice of party. However, if this Agreement is the termination shall not take effect this Agreement, without termination to the other terminated without cause, until at least twelve (12) cause, months after the date when the notice of termination was delivered to the other party. SECTION 8. FORCE MAJEURE EVENTS Notwithstanding any other provision in this Agreement, neither the County nor the City shall be liable to the other for any failure or delay in performance of any obligation under this Agreement due to the occurrence condition precedent to the of right Force a to Majeure claim excuse As event. a of performance, the party experiencing a Force Majeure event shall: a) Promptly notify the other party orally that a Force Majeure b) As event soon 10) as days and but in after no the event Force more description of estimated Force Majeure will the be Force concerning to if any, Agreement, the after these ( 3) the to (3) within Force Majeure measures that eliminate A event. three party its written topics shall twenty (20) be be (whether in delivered calendar days event. NOTICES request, approval, or writing) , not b) ( the each and other communication required or applicable provision delivered in person or of description permitted by this Agreement will be valid only if it is writing been impacts Unless this Agreement expressly provides otherwise, must under have the (1) duration on the party' s obligations implemented other the and Majeure ( 2) event, ten event, the and notice, than Majeure deliver to the other party an oral this 9. occurred; practical, calendar and impact, SECTION has states (a) that by telecopy, in it commercial courier, States mail sender to With the copies or (certified first- class, or postage prepaid, registered) , intended recipient as and ( c) United addressed by the follows: to: a) If to the County: County Administrator St. Johns County 500 San Sebastian Way St. b) Augustine, Florida Telephone: 904/ 209- 0530 Facsimile: 904/ 209- 0531 32084 If to the City: City Manager City of St. Augustine Beach 2200 St. AlA Beach, Florida Telephone: 904/ 471- 2122 Facsimile: 904/ 471- 4108 A validly given other S Augustine notice, communication will be request, effective 32080 approval, on the statement, earlier of or its receipt, if delivered personally or by telecopy or commercial courier, or the fifth day after it is postmarked by the United States Postal Service, if delivered by postage prepaid, United States mail. Each party promptly shall notify the other party of any change in its mailing address or telecopy number for notices. SECTION 10. DISPUTE RESOLUTION, REMEDIES, AND VENUE Each party shall have the right to file suit and seek judicial relief concerning the enforcement and interpretation of this Agreement. Each party shall have the right to seek any remedies available at law or in equity for the breach of this including damages and specific performance. Any Agreement, remedies provided in this Agreement are cumulative and supplemental to other remedies available at law and in equity. Venue for any civil litigation concerning this Agreement shall be exclusively in the state court in and for St. Johns County, Florida. 1 9 SECTION 11 . WAIVER OF JURY TRIAL THE PARTIES AGREE THAT ANY CLAIM FILED IN STATE COURT CONCERNING THE INTERPRETATION OR ENFORCEMENT OF THIS AGREEMENT SHALL BE HEARD BY A JUDGE, SITTING WITHOUT A JURY. THE COUNTY AND THE CITY HEREBY KNOWINGLY, VOLUNTARILY, PERMANENTLY, AND IRREVOCABLY WAIVE THEIR RIGHT TO A JURY TRIAL CONCERNING ANY SUCH CLAIM. SECTION 12 . SOVEREIGN IMMUNITY Nothing in this Agreement shall be interpreted or construed to mean that the County or the City waives its common law sovereign immunity or the limits on liability set forth in Section 768. 28, SECTION 13. Florida MUTUAL Statutes. INDEMNIFICATION Each party agrees that it shall indemnify and hold the other party harmless from and against any claims, suits, losses, liabilities, penalties, damages, reasonable attorney' fees s costs, and expenses, ( collectively, "Claims") , including arising out of or in connection with any breach or violation of any term or provision party) this of causes indemnifying or Agreement party) a party shall negligent any or its it that act agents i( . e. or or the indemnifying , omission by it representatives . i. ( e. , the However, not be required to provide indemnification to the other party if such Claims were caused by the acts or omissions of the other party. SECTION 14 . NO THIRD PARTY BENEFICIARIES This Agreement is not intended to create any third party beneficiaries. This Agreement shall not be construed to impose on the City or the County any liability or obligation to any subcontractor SECTION 15. or third party. ENTIRE AGREEMENT This Agreement records the entire understanding of the parties regarding supersedes subjects addressed any prior agreement, representation, SECTION 16. the oral or written, in it. understanding, This Agreement or by them. CONSTRUCTION AND INTERPRETATION OF AGREEMENT 10 a) The parties are represented by counsel, they mutually participated in the drafting hereof, and they voluntarily waive any rule of law that would require any doubtful or ambiguous provisions contained herein to be construed against the party that physically prepared this Agreement. b) The words " include" and " including" as used herein shall be deemed to be followed by the phrase " without c) ItIt is anticipated that one or more private companies will deliver the City' s Solid Waste to the Transfer Stations for or behalf on of the City. Accordingly, whenever this Agreement refers to the delivery of Solid Waste or other material by the City, the Agreement shall be construed to mean delivery by or on behalf of the City, or delivery caused by or on behalf of the City, regardless of whether expressly stated herein. d) a statute, meaning in rule ascribed Effective is such Date, or to regulation such without statutes, rules word or regard or to shall have phrases as subsequent the of the changes regulations . In the event of any conflict between this Agreement e) and Applicable Law The language Words or phrases which are defined herein by reference to SECTION such 17. shall HEADINGS AND Section Law, the requirements of the Applicable govern. headings REFERENCES in this Agreement part of this Agreement and shall not affect do not constitute a its meaning or interpretation. SECTION 18 . EXECUTION OF COUNTERPARTS The parties may execute this Agreement in counterparts . Each executed counterpart original document. constitute SECTION 19. the same of this Agreement shall All executed counterparts, agreement. AMENDMENTS 11 constitute together, an shall This Agreement may be amended only by written instrument specifically referring to this Agreement and executed by both parties with the SECTION 20 . same formalities this Agreement. ASSIGNMENTS Neither party may assign, any other Person, the without as prior its rights written transfer, or otherwise vest or obligations consent of the under other in this Agreement A party party. may withhold its consent to an assignment for any reason or no reason, in its SECTION 21. sole and absolute discretion. SEVERABILITY Whenever possible, each provision of this Agreement shall be construed and interpreted so that it is valid, lawful, and enforceable under Applicable Law. If a provision of this Agreement ( or the application of it) is held by a court to be invalid, unlawful, or unenforceable under Applicable Law, that provision shall be deemed modified to the extent necessary to conform with Applicable Law or, if not modifiable, then it shall be deemed separable from the remaining provisions of this Agreement and, Agreement SECTION in either event, shall 22 . the remaining provisions of this remain unmodified and in full force and effect. WAIVER A waiver of any provision of this Agreement shall be valid and effective only if it is in writing and signed by or on behalf of the party granting the waiver. Making any payment pursuant to this Agreement during the existence of a dispute shall not constitute a waiver of any claims or defenses of the party making SECTION 23 . The such EXHIBITS exhibits herein by this SECTION 24 . This payment. attached hereto FILING Agreement 25. adopted and incorporated reference. OF AGREEMENT shall be Court of St . Johns County, SECTION are EFFECTIVE filed Florida, DATE 12 with the Clerk of the Circuit and the Clerk of the City. This Effective Agreement Date") shall take effect on the date (i. e. , the when it is signed and duly executed by the County and the City. 13 IN WITNESS Agreement as of WHEREOF, the the dates parties set ST. hereto have executed this forth below: JOHNS COUNTY, a political subdivision of the State of Florida, and through its Board of County by Commissioners By: John H. Morris, Chairman Executed on behalf of St. this day of Attest: Cheryl Strickland, Clerk Circuit Court of St. of the Johns County 14 Johns County on 2014 . CITY OF ST. AUGUSTINE BEACH By: Andrea Samuels, Mayor Executed on behalf of the City of St . on this day of Augustine 2014 . Attest: Cathy Benson , Acceptable Isabelle C. as City Clerk to Lopez, form: City Attorney 15 EXHIBIT The definitions the 1: DEFINITIONS contained in this Exhibit 1 shall govern interpretation and construction of the Agreement. 1. 1. Acceptable Waste shall mean Solid Waste that may be received in the Disposal 1. Transfer Stations and disposed of the Facility in compliance with Applicable Law. 2. Applicable Law shall mean any local, state, or statute, law, constitution, charter, ordinance, federal judgment, order, standard, or decree, permit, rule, regulation, similar binding authority, or are enacted, adopted, policy, or judicial or administrative interpretation of any of the same, effect in promulgated, which are in issued, or enforced by a governmental body during the term of this Agreement, and relate in any manner to the performance of the City or the County under this Agreement. Applicable Law includes, but not limited to, the permits and approvals that govern the operation of the Transfer 1. 3. St. Johns 1. 4. Stations and the Disposal is Facility. Board shall mean the Board of County Commissioners of County or the Board' s City shall mean, the geographic area designee . depending on the context, either contained within the municipal boundaries (a) of the City of St . Augustine Beach or (b) the government of the City of St . Augustine Beach, acting through the Commission or its designee ( s) . 1. 5. Class I Landfill shall mean a landfill that has all of the permits and approvals needed to lawfully receive Class I Waste. 1 . 6. Class I Waste shall mean Solid Waste that is not Hazardous Waste and is not prohibited from disposal in a lined landfill pursuant to FDEP Rule 62- 701. 300, F. A. C. or other Applicable 1. 7 . of St. Laws. Commission shall mean the City Commission of the City Augustine 1. 8. Beach Construction or the and Commission' s Demolition designee. Debris shall mean discarded materials generally considered to be not water soluble and non- hazardous in nature, including, but not limited to, 1 steel, glass, gypsum wallboard, brick, concrete, and asphalt roofing material, lumber, from the construction pipe, or destruction of a structure as part of a construction, demolition, or renovation project, and including rocks, soils, tree remains, and other vegetative matter that normally results from land clearing or land development operations construction 1. a) the 9. County shall mean, geographic Johns County or through the 1. 10. that area (b) Board depending on the contained within the government of St. or its context, for Johns County, 1. 11. the disposal FDEP 1. 12 . shall acting designee ( s) . from the County' s Transfer Environmental either unincorporated St. Disposal Facility shall mean the Class I is used a) for a project. of the Class I Waste Landfill transported Stations . mean the Florida Department of Protection. Force Majeure shall mean: An act of God, including a hurricane, tornadoe, landslide, lightning, earthquake, fire, flood, or explosion, and an act of a public enemy, including war, terrorism, civil blockade or insurrection, riot, or disturbance; b) The order or judgment of any federal, state, or local court, administrative agency or governmental body; c) The failure to interruption, permit or issue, suspension, denial, approval termination, or failure of renewal of any essential the Transfer Stations or to the the operation Disposal d) A e) The failure of any appropriate federal, state, local public agency or private utility having change in operational law; jurisdiction Transfer Stations or power services, transmission in the Disposal other than the County, utilities, of Facility; area in which Facility are or the located, to provide and maintain water lines 2 and which sewer are lines, required and for and essential to or Disposal f) the operation redesign Waste) or which change operation of Facility; or The g) the Transfer Stations Facility; Any unforeseen condition Hazardous of the or the Transfer in, the prevent, or construction require or Transfer Stations or taking, seizure, involuntary condemnation, conversion, (including the presence of shall requisition Stations or of title Disposal Disposal to or use of Facility or any material portion or part thereof taken by the action of any federal, state or local governmental agency or authorities, h) other than the County; or Any act, event, or condition which is determined by mutual agreement of the County and Contractor to be of the same general conditions, through 1 . 13 . contract (g) , Franchisee or as franchise type, and set forth those subject in to the same subparagraphs ( a) above. shall mean from the a Person City that has received for the collection of a the Acceptable Waste generated in the City. 1. 14 . Hazardous Waste shall mean a Solid Waste identified by the FDEP as a Hazardous Waste pursuant to Chapter 62- 730, F. A. C. , or other 1 . 15 . need to Year' s parties Applicable Law. Holiday shall mean a Day when the County does not operate Day, the Transfer Thanksgiving Day, agree The Station. and Christmas Holidays Day, are New unless the otherwise. 1. 15 . 1. 16. 1. 16. 17 . Person shall mean any and all persons, natural or artificial, including any individual, firm, association, joint venture, partnership, or other entity, however organized, including any public or private corporation, and any governmental agency or branch of government. 1. Service Fees means the fees that the City shall pay to compensate the County for the County' s duties, obligations 1 . 17 . 1. regulated and responsibilities Solid 18 . under the Waste federal under shall Clean 3 this mean Water Act Agreement. sludge or that Clean is Air not Act, as well as sludge from a waste treatment works, water supply treatment plant, or air pollution control facility; or garbage, rubbish, refuse, special waste, or other discarded material, including solid, liquid, semi- solid, or contained gaseous material resulting from domestic, industrial, commercial, mining, agricultural, 1 . 18 . 1 . requires Special Special 1 . 19. 1. Waste 20 . Waste vehicles mean this Station a Solid Waste to Agreement, County' s Transfer Station at County' s Transfer Station adjacent 1. 90. 1. 21 . liquid the facility that and then load Solid Waste For the facility. disposal a of Transfer Stations are the the Tillman Ridge Landfill and the to Stratton Road. Unacceptable Waste shall mean any Solid waste, or other material that cannot be ( a) accepted lawfully at the County' s Transfer Stations or disposed Waste of lawfully includes, asbestos, sludge, but is 21 . 1 . 22 . not limited waste, waste, Debris, Disposal the at biomedical liquid Demolition 1. that tires . shall mean a temporarily store, transport for waste purposes Waste, operations. shall includes Transfer used to receive, into governmental special handling or management at the Transfer Stations. is 19. or Yard and biological Trash, industrial Yard to, Trash waste Hazardous waste, tires, process shall mean (b) Unacceptable Facility. Waste, radioactive waste, Construction and waste. vegetative matter resulting from landscaping maintenance or land clearing operations clippings, rocks and and includes palm fronds, tree trees and shrub and soils. 4 tree trimmings, stumps, and grass associated EXHIBIT 1. Service Fees Acceptable 2. Fees Special Waste: Tires, disposal SERVICE for per FEES of Waste Service a) 3. for 2: 52 . 00 disposal per ton per hour of 185 . 00 ton Service Fee for segregating tires or other Unacceptable Acceptable Waste from 25. 00 Waste 1 RESOLUTION NO. 2014- 2( 4 A RESOLUTION BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF ST. JOHNS COUNTY, FLORIDA, APPROVING THE TERMS, PROVISIONS, CONDITIONS, AND REQUIREMENTS OF AN INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT BETWEEN ST. JOHNS COUNTY, FLORIDA, AND THE CITY OF ST. AUGUSTINE BEACH, FLORIDA, AND AUTHORIZING THE COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR, OR DESIGNEE, TO EXECUTE THE AGREEMENT ON BEHALF OF ST. JOHNS COUNTY WHEREAS, the County and the City of St. Augustine Beach, Florida wish to provide cost- effective, environmentally sound, solid waste disposal services to the residents and businesses in their respective communities; and WHEREAS, the County owns two Transfer Stations that the County uses to transport the County' s Acceptable Waste to a Class I Landfill located outside of the County; and WHEREAS, the City wishes to use the County' s Transfer Stations to transport and dispose of the City' s Acceptable Waste; and WHEREAS, Sections 403. 706(3), ( 8), and ( 12), Florida Statutes, encourage the City and the County to enter into Interlocal Agreements concerning the management of their solid waste; and WHEREAS, Section 163. 01, Florida Statutes, authorizes the County and the City to enter into Interlocal agreements; and WHEREAS, the City and the County have negotiated the terms of this Agreement concerning the management and disposal of the City' s Solid Waste; and WHEREAS, the County has reviewed the terms, provisions, conditions, and requirements of the Interlocal Agreement( attached hereto, and incorporated herein). NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF ST. JOHNS COUNTY, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The above Recitals are hereby incorporated into the body of this Resolution, and are adopted as Findings of Fact. Section 2. The Board of County Commissioners hereby approves the terms, provisions, conditions, and requirements of an Interlocal Agreement between St. Johns County, Florida, and the City of St. Augustine Beach, Florida, and authorizes the County Administrator, or designee, to execute the Interlocal Agreement on behalf of St. Johns County. Section 3. To the extent that there are typographical and/ or administrative errors and/ or omissions that do not change the tone, tenor, or concept of this Resolution, then this Resolution may be revised without subsequent approval of the Board of County Commissioners. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of St. Johns County, Florida, this \. day of November, 2014. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF ST. JOHNS C I i' 1 By: John 1 i ORIDA 0111/ D. orris, ha Attestherylerk By: Deputy Clerk RENDITION DATE / S Py L\ Jo , Agenditttnt meeting Dam 12- 1- 14 M E M O R A N D U TO: MAX ROYLE, CITY MANAGER FROM: MELISSA BURNS, FINANCE DIRECTOR SUBJECT: M NON- AD VALOREM ASSESSMENT FOR SOLID WASTE DISPOSAL DATE: 11/ 14/ 2014 Four years ago the City Commission implemented a non- ad valorem assessment of $74 per year per unit to pay for the disposal of residential solid waste. This non- ad valorem assessment is a charge that is part of the tax bill for a specified class of properties ( residential units that receive solid waste collection services from the City) to pay for a specified service( the disposal of the solid waste collected). The amount of$ 74 per year for the non- ad valorem assessment has remained the same for the last 7 years. I am recommending that it remain at the $ 74 for the calendar year 2015 as well. For the services provided in calendar year 2013 and collected this past fiscal year 2014, the City received $ 218,825 from the non- ad valorem assessment. The City paid St. Johns County Solid Waste and Indianhead Biomass $ 135,413 collectively just to dispose of the waste brought the respective transfer stations. However, this amount does not cover the total cost of the disposal service that the City now provides. It has been calculated that the disposal function of the Garbage/ Solid Waste Department encompasses 23% of the whole cost allocated to that department. The other functions are Collection and Recycling. A brief analysis follows illustrating how far the non- ad valorem assessment goes towards covering the disposal of solid waste, what is not covered by the assessment is covered by the Ad Valorem taxes. It should be noted here that even though the $ 74 does not cover the total cost of disposal of solid waste, the City, therefore the taxpayers, are still saving money because when St. Johns County collected the assessment it did not include yard waste disposal which had to be paid for separately and typically cost more than $ 100, 000. Non- Ad Valorem Assessment Received 218, 825 Less: Amount to St. Johns 111, 549 County Solid Waste Less: Amount to Indianhead Biomas Remaining Less: 23, 864 83,412 Assessment Collected Labor (Wages, Benefits & Temp Labor) 73, 736 Fuel 6, 880 Vehicle Repairs 8, 648 1, 095 Insurance Other Miscellaneous Costs Indirect Administrative Costs Assessment remaining after costs 17, 196 41, 214 65, 357) Since the non- ad valorem assessment is collected in arrears, the Commission had to adopt a policy for those units that were constructed during the year, and therefore did not receive service for an entire year. The policy adopted that partial year assessments be payable for all new eligible residential units prior to and as a condition of the issuance of the Certificate of Occupancy, and that the assessment be prorated for each whole month remaining in the calendar year. There have been no issues that have arisen through this policy. To comply with this policy, it is necessary to set the non- ad valorem assessment amount for calendar year 2015. From the information provided in this memorandum, it is recommended that the assessment for the year beginning January 1, 2015 be the same as the current 74 for each residential unit that receives solid waste services from the City. The following chart shows the amount that would be payable considering the above conditions: Amount of$ 74 Month C. O. of Annual Assessment Assessment January February 91. 67% 67. 83 83. 33% 61. 67 March 75. 00% 55. 50 April 66. 67% 49. 33 May 58. 33% 43. 17 June 50. 00% 37. 00 July 41. 67% 30. 83 August 33. 33% 24. 67 September 25. 00% 18. 50 October 16. 67% 12. 33 November 8. 33% 6. 17 December 0. 00% Issued The $ 74 has been the rate in effect for the last 7 calendar years. The fees for the three most recent years have been collected by the City, and the previous four years have been collected by St. Johns County. Since the City now collects the fees it has saved our residential users the additional cost of yard debris disposal. 3 Ares Item 9 fleeting Date 12- 1- 14 MEMORANDUM To: Mayor Samuels Vice Mayor O' Brien Commissioner Helhoski Commissioner George Commissioner Snodgrass FROM: Max Royle, City Manager DATE: November 17, 2014 I SUBJECT: Friday, December 26th: Request to Declare It a Holiday for City Employees Christmas this year falls on a Thursday. It' s been our experience in past years when this has happened that the day following, Friday, is a " dead" work day, meaning County and even State offices are closed; the public's attention is on post-Christmas activities, with the consequence that few, if any, people come to city hall to do business. In the past, we' ve asked the Commission to make the Friday following a Thursday Christmas a holiday for City employees. However, Public Works crews will pick up household wastes on Friday, because there' ll be no pick up service on Christmas Day. Also, on the Friday following Christmas there may be more than the normal amount of household waste because of discarded gift wrappings. The crews will be given a floating holiday that they can take later. ACTION REQUESTED It' s that you give the employees the day off after Christmas this year, with the stipulation that Public Works employees who must work that day receive a floating holiday which can take they later in 2015. BOARD AND DEPARTMENTAL REPORTS FOR CITY COMMISION MEETING, DECEMBER 1, 2014 CODE ENFORCEMENT/ BUILDING/ ZONING The report is attached as pages 1- 3. COMPREHENSIVE PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD The minutes of the Board' s October 14, 2014 meeting are attached as pages 4- 15. The report for the Board' s November 18th meeting is attached as pages 16- 17. TREE BOARD/ BEAUTIFICATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE The Board/ Committee didn' t meet in November. POLICE DEPARTMENT Please see page 18. FIRE SERVICE, STATION 7 The report for October 2014 is attached as pages 19- 20. PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Please see pages 21- 23. CITY MANAGER 1. Complaints A. Noise from Recycling Pickup A Sea Grove subdivision resident complained that the recycling truck began the recycling pickup in the subdivision at 6 a. m. one morning, which disturbed the neighborhood. The Public Works staff forwarded the complaint to Advanced Disposal, which provides the recycling service to the City, with the request that the recycling pickup not be done in residential areas of the City before 7 a. m. B. Construction Site A Sea Grove resident complained about a port- o- let at construction site for a house in the road, the back side of a dumpster being open, and debris blown into a nearby pond by a storm. These complaints were forwarded to the Building Department for action. 2. Major Projects A. Road/ Sidewalk Improvements A 1) Pedestrian Safety at Crosswalks on AlA Beach Boulevard A request for a flagged crosswalk at 9' h Street has been forwarded to the citizens' committee that reviews such requests. The committee met on October 1st to discuss this request and others. It decided to have the Public Works Director research prices for repainting the existing crosswalks. The County will need to approve the repainting, as the Boulevard is owned by the County. ON A RELATED MATTER: The County relocated and repainted the crosswalk between the pier park and the convenience store on the west side of the Boulevard. 2) 11`h Street Sidewalk This project will be the completion of the 11" Street sidewalk from where it ends at the western end of the Raintree subdivision to AlA Beach Boulevard. The project is scheduled to be done in Fiscal Year 2015. 3) 2nd Street West of 2nd Avenue The Public Works Director describes this project in his report ( pages 21- 22 attached). B. Beach Matters 1) Off-Beach Parking No information to report. 2) Beach Access Walkway for the Linda Mar Subdivision The deadline for companies to submit design/ build proposals for the construction of the walkway was Friday, October 31". Two bids were received: Turnbull Environmental ($50, 000) and Yelton Construction 56, 315). Both are companies located in St. Augustine. The City Commission reviewed the proposals and the Public Works Director' s analysis of the bids at its November 10`h meeting, and accepted the proposal from Turnbull Environmental. The Commission also decided to have the walkway made of a long- lasting material for an additional$ 22, 000. C. Parks 1) Ocean Hammock Park This 11. 5 acre Park is located on the east side of AlA Beach Boulevard between the Bermuda Run and Sea Colony subdivisions. It was originally part of a 16- acre vacant tract of land. The City purchased the 11. 5 acres in 2009, which left the remaining 4. 5 acres in private hands. In 2011, the City applied for a Florida Communities Trust grant, which could have enabled the City to purchase the 4. 5 acres, if the owners agreed to the value of the property established by the City' s appraiser. However, because the Florida Legislature severely reduced the funding for the grant program, the City along with many others in Florida didn' t receive a grant. B In 2013, the City Manager contacted The Trust for Public Land, which purchases land for conservation purposes on behalf of cities and counties. This allows cities and counties time to arrange financing to purchase the land from The Trust. Trust representatives have discussed with the California company, which has holds the mortgage of the 4.5 acres, the possible purchase of the land. However, the original owners of the property, St. Augustine Development Associates, may proceed with a final development plan, approved by the City in 2008, for the building of a 30- unit condominium complex on the 4. 5 acres, which are located on the beach, northeast of the City' s Park. It is the City Manager' s interpretation of the sales agreement for the 11. 5 acres and a subsequent ordinance, 09- 01, that the permit for the 30- condo development has expired. At the Planning Board' s January 21" meeting, St. Augustine Development Associates asked that the development permit for 30 condo units be extended. The Planning Board by majority vote recommended to the City Commission that the extension be denied. A representative for the Associates asked that the request for the extension be on the agenda for the City Commission' s April 7th meeting. However, as the City Manager didn' t receive by the March 24" deadline the letter from the Associates stating that he was authorized to represent the company, the request wasn' t on the agenda. In October 2014, a representative from The Trust for Public Land reported to the City Manager that he had met in California with executives of the company that owns the property. The representative told them of the City' s strong interest in acquiring the remaining 4. 5 acres. Though the company didn' t do any negotiations with The Trust' s representative, it did agree to have The Trust do an appraisal of the property. In response to his request, the City provided a local attorney with information about the planned unit development for the 30 condo units on the 4. 5 acres that the City Commission approved in 2009. 2) Hammock Dunes Park No information to report. 3) Construction in the City As of Friday, November 21, 2014, there were 44 permits active for single- family residences in the City. Subdivision Address Anastasia Dunes 324 Ocean Forest Dr. 02- 06- 14 705 Ocean Gate Ln. 03- 14- 14 354 Forest Dune Dr. 03- 20- 14 320 Forest Dune Dr. 03- 20- 14 740 Ocean Palm 06- 27- 14 Sea Colony Sea Grove C Date Permit Issued Way 914 Deer Hammock Cir. 03- 07- 14 320 Forest Dune Dr. 02- 16- 14 704 Ocean Palm 03- 03- 14 Way 953 Deer Hammock Cir. 04- 04- 14 804 Tides End Dr. 06- 16- 14 1204 Overdale Rd. 05- 22- 14 1212 Overdale Rd. 06- 27- 14 Subdivision Address Date Permit Issued 1317 Smiling Fish Ln. 08- 26- 14 1329 10- 01- 14 Smiling Fish Ln. 1223 Overdale Rd. Atlantic Beach 1A 7 15th nth Chautauqua Beach 7 11th loth 116 2" 117 2" Oaks 12- 16- 13 St. 10- 27- 14 St. 10- 12- 14 St. 06- 17- 14 d St. 10- 16- 14 d St. 09- 16- 14 212 7th St. 06- 17- 14 208 7th St. 09- 05- 14 210 7th St. 09- 05- 14 203 Whispering 11- 20- 13 St. 12th 205 2- 3 St. 11- 04-14 11th St. 212 5th 115 10th 125 Whispering 204 Big 10- 15- 14 St. 02- 09- 14 St. 11- 13- 14 Oaks Cir. Magnolia Ct. 200 Big Magnolia Ct. 5th 11- 07- 14 10- 27- 14 St. Augustine Beach 8 Coquina Gables 111 B St. 05- 08- 14 410 F St. 04- 29- 14 613 Poinsettia St. 10- 14- 14 302 E St. 09- 30- 14 5 C St. 08- 29- 14 506 F St. 10- 22- 14 100 Spanish Oaks Ln. 06- 17- 14 133 Spanish Oaks Ln. 07- 24- 14 Lake Sienna 161 Kings 06- 18- 14 Raintree 20 Deanna Ct. 08- 29- 14 Linda Mar 33 Oceanside Cir. 09- 17- 14 Spanish Oaks St. 09- 23- 14 06- 11- 14 Quarry Ln. COMMERCIAL CONSTRUCTION A. Courtyard by Marriott Hotel on West Side of the Boulevard between 5th and 7th Streets Elite Hospitality, the developer and owner of the 206- room Hotel, has paid the City the $ 560,000 for vacating the 6th Street right- of-way between AlA Beach Boulevard and 2nd Avenue. The Hotel will be built across the former right- of-way. The building plans have been approved. Site excavation work was started in mid- September and the foundation was constructed in November. The Hotel should be completed in 18 months, or sometime during the spring of 2016. Measures have been taken to protect D two large trees adjacent to 7th Street during construction. As this project is underway, it will no longer be included in this Report. B. Hotel to Replace St. Augustine Beachfront Resort, 300 A1A Beach Boulevard The office area, kitchen and banquet room of the former Resort were first demolished, leaving the west and north wings. After reviewing the condition of the wings, Key International, the new owner of the property, has decided that they also should be demolished. Once this happens, Key will have a completely vacant parcel of and on which to put a new building. Recently, representatives from the company have inquired about the City' s regulations concerning planned unit developments and variances. 3. Finance and Budget A. Fiscal Year 2014 Budget Fiscal Year 2014 ended on September 30th. The next step concerning the FY 14 budget is the audit report. The auditors normally begin their review in December. B. Fiscal Year 2015 Budget The FY 15 budget went into effect on October 1, 2014 with a property tax millage levy of 2. 3992 mills and a debt service millage of 0. 08 mills. The latter is to provide revenue for payments on the bonds that were used to purchase the 11. 5 acres of the Ocean Hammock Park in 2009. As of October 31st, the end of the first month of FY 15, the City had received$ 40, 232 for its General Fund and had spent $ 369,797. This imbalance is due to the fact that the City doesn' t begin receiving income from its major revenue source, property taxes, until November and December. Most of the property tax revenue comes during the first six months of the fiscal year. C. Vendor Checks Please see pages 24- 30. 4. Miscellaneous A. Permits for Upcoming Events In November, the City Manager approved one permit: for the Civic Association' s Surf Illumination event on Friday, November 215'. B. Former Building Department Renovations At its December 2i 2013 meeting, the Commission agreed to postpone discussion of the renovations until plans for them had been reviewed by the appropriate agencies, such as County Fire Services. It was decided at a meeting the City staff held on December 18`^ with representatives from the Art Studio Group that more details were needed about the Group' s intended use of the building as a ceramics studio so that final plans could be prepared. At this time, the proposal from the City staff will be to tear E down the structure, saving the coquina pieces; construct a concrete block building and use the coquina pieces to restore the building' s historic look. At its March 3; 2014 meeting, the City Commission approved the hiring of a local architect, Mr. Michael Stauffer, to develop a plan for the restoration of the building. Mr. Stauffer designed the pier park restrooms. He has completed the plans. In response to a request from the Public Works Director, Mr. Stauffer estimated that the cost to repair the building would be dose to $ 100,000. Though money hasn' t been put in the Fiscal Year 2015 budget, the City Commission will likely discuss this project once final plans have been done and the Commission must decide whether to advertise for bids. C. Grants The City had applications for two grants: urban forestry grant, the submission of which was done in late March, and, a Land and Water Conservation Fund grant, to build a walkway, restrooms and other amenities in Ocean Hammock Park. However, the City was informed in September that it didn' t receive the Conservation Fund grant. Only$ 2 million was appropriated state- wide for projects. In late October, the City learned that the application cycle for a Recreation Development Assistance Program grant was open and that applications had to be submitted quickly. The Finance Director submitted the City' s application by the deadline. The Public Works Director, Mr. Joe Howell, estimates that the total cost of the improvements will be $ 200,000. Thus, the grant amount requested will be 100, 000, with the City providing a match of$ 100, 000. In late May, the City was informed that it had been awarded the urban forestry for $ 8, 399. The City is required to provide a match, either cash and/ or ink- kind services. The grant will be used to plant trees at certain locations in the City. Spending of the grant will be done in Fiscal Year 2015, which began on October 1, 2014. D. Changes to the City Charter Of the 17 amendments to the City Charter that the City Commission approved to be on the ballot, 12 were approved by the voters at the August 26, 2014 primary election and four were approved by the voters at the November 10' general election. The one amendment not approved was the one of making the City Manager responsible for hiring/ firing the Police Chief, subject to acceptance of the appointment or removal by the City Commission. This topic of changes to the City Charter will no longer be included in this Report. F MEMORANDUM DATE: NOVEMBER 3, 2014 TO: MAX ROYLE & FROM: KIMBRA TYRE RE: OCTOBER, 2014 -- BUILDING DEPARTMENT REPORTING GARY LARSON The following is our Building Department Monthly Report for activity through October, 2014. CODE ENFORCEMENT: This report is broken down by: violations, complaints, inspections turned in by the end of each month and permit data issued by our City' s computer system. 6 Tree Inspections 1 Conditional Use 0 Special Events Permit Issued 1 Violation Notices 1 Restaurant Dog Permit 3 City' s Contractor License 0 High Grass Complaints 0 Debris Complaints 3 Short Term Rental 12 Signs Removed From Right of Way 0 Abandoned Trash Cans Complaints 0 Vehicle & Parking of Vehicles Complaints Continued . . . 1 - MEMORANDUM - OCTOBER, 2014 BUILDING DEPT. REPORTING PAGE 2 Bonnie Miller reported the Municipal Code Enforcement Board did not meet in October. PLANNING AND ZONING: 116 Building Inspections 44 Electrical Inspections 32 Plumbing Inspections 13 Mechanical Inspections 115 Computerized Permits Issued 6 Certificate of Occupancy Permit Issued 3 Impact Fees Collected $ 35, 385. 00 Computer Generated Total $ 51, 798. 45 ( Including Impact Fees ) If you have any questions, please give me a call. fyidKimbra 2 - Memorandum TO: Mr. Max Royle, City Manager FROM: Gary Larson, Director of Building and Zoning DATE: November 17, 2014 RE: Monthly Report TREES: 602 Mariposa Street. 1 tree, species unknown. Affecting house foundation, pool, and fencing. Approved for removal with permit. 24 Magnolia Dunes Court. 2 Live Oaks. One affecting FPL electrical Box, the other cracking driveway and too close to house. Approved for removal. 212 Woodland Avenue. 2 Magnolias. One hanging over house approved for removal. The other approved for trimming only.' 313 Spanish Oaks Court. 1 oak. Approved for removal due to Arborist Report that tree is diseased. PLANNING: Board will hear conditional use request to allow a pre- school - VPK at the current Beach Zone location at Ocean Trace and AlA South. Will also continue discussion on the Visioning Plan. Expected is recommendation for Boulevard landscape improvements. CODE ENFORCEMENT: No cases for November. There will be a December hearing scheduled. BUILDING: Hotel is now under construction. Drain lines are in the ground for the North and South Wings, Footers are dug for half of the North wing, electrical conduit is in the main electrical room. Stem walls should be starting around the first of December. Single family remains steady. 3 - MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MONTHLY MEETING OF THE COMPREHENSIVE PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD of the City of St. Augustine Beach, Florida, held Tuesday, October 14, 2014, at 7: 00 p. m. in the City Commission Meeting Room, City Hall, 2200 State Road AlA South, St. Augustine Beach, Florida, 32080. I. CALL TO ORDER Chairman Alfred Guido called the meeting to order at 7: 00 p.m. II. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE III. ROLL CALL BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Alfred Guido, Vice-Chairman Margaret England, David Bradfield, Steve Mitherz, Roberta Odom, Elise Sloan, Karen Zander, Senior Alternate Jane West. BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT: Junior Alternate Zachary Thomas. STAFF PRESENT: Gary Larson, Building Official; James Whitehouse, City Attorney; Max Royle, City Manager; Bonnie Miller, Recording Secretary. IV. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 2014 REGULAR MONTHLY MEETING Ms. Odom MADE A MOTION TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MONTHLY MEETING OF TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 2014. The motion was seconded by Ms. Sloan and passed 7- 0 by unanimous voice- vote. V. PUBLIC COMMENT AND DISCUSSION Mr. Guido asked for public comment on any issue not on the agenda. There was none. VI. OLD BUSINESS 1. CONDITIONAL USE FILE NO. CU 2014- 01, REQUEST FOR CONTINUATION, filed by Creek Scott and Carmen Combs, Mermaid Island Dining, 128 SeaGrove Main Street, St. Augustine Beach, Florida, 32080, agents for L & L Pirton Inc., 312 View Point Place, St. Augustine, Florida, 32080, for continuation of a conditional use permit application for food and/ or beverage service and consumption and music outside of an enclosed building, per Sections 3. 02.02 and 10. 03. 00- 10. 03.03 of the City of St. Augustine Beach Land Development Regulations, on the premises of an existing restaurant, Mermaid Island Dining, in a Planned Unit Development ( PUD) land 4 - use district in the SeaGrove Town Center at 128 SeaGrove Main Street, St. Augustine Beach, Florida, 32080, to the Board' s next regular monthly meeting scheduled on Tuesday, November 18, 2014, at 7: 00 p. m. at City Hall. Mr. Guido said this is the application the Board attempted to hear at its last meeting, but there was some confusion, as the applicants were unable to attend the meeting and the restaurant building at which they were requesting the outside seating and music had recently been sold. The applicants have requested the application be continued once again, to the Board' s next regularly scheduled monthly meeting in November. Ms. England MADE A MOTION TO APPROVE THE APPLICANTS' REQUEST TO CONTINUE CONDITIONAL USE FILE NO. CU 2014- 01 TO THE BOARD' S NOVEMBER 18, 2014 REGULAR MONTHLY MEETING. The motion was seconded by Ms.Odom and passed 7- 0 by unanimous voice-vote. VII. NEW BUSINESS 1. LAND USE VARIANCE FILE NO. VAR 2014- 02, filed by Sherry Beard; Five Star Title Services, 6277 AIA South, Suite 101, St. Augustine, Florida, 32080, agent for Thomas George Helm and Deborah L. Helm, 219 Colony Drive, Edgewood, Kentucky, 41017, for a variance for a front yard setback reduction from 20 ( twenty) feet to 19. 5 nineteen- and-one- half) feet, for a six ( 6)- inch construction encroachment of an existing single- family residence, built in 1986, into the required 20 ( twenty)-foot front yard setback, in a Planned Unit Development ( PUD) land use district at 19 Bermuda Run Way, St. Augustine Beach, Florida, 32080, PERTAINING TO LOT 7, BERMUDA RUN SUBDIVISION, REAL ESTATE PARCEL NUMBER 172710- 0070, AKA 19 BERMUDA RUN WAY, SECTION 3, TOWNSHIP 8, RANGE 30, AS RECORDED IN MAP BOOK 19, PAGES 75- 76, OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF ST. JOHNS COUNTY, FLORIDA. Sherry Beard, 6277 AIA South, Suite 101, St. Augustine, Florida, 32080, agent for applicants, said the current owners of the house, a brother and a sister, whose parents are deceased, are trying to sell the house they own at 19 Bermuda Run Way. It was discovered when a recent survey of the property was done that back almost 30 years ago when the house was built in 1986, it encroaches six inches over the 20- foot front setback line. The lender for the people who would like to buy the house will not lend them the money to purchase the property unless a variance is issued. Mr. Guido said that' s probably the most demonstrable hardship he' s heard in a long time. He asked for public comment. There was none. Mr. Mitherz MADE A MOTION TO APPROVE LAND USE VARIANCE FILE NO. VAR 2014- 02 5 - BASED ON THE FINDING THAT THE REQUESTED VARIANCE MEETS THE CRITERIA NECESSARY FOR THE GRANTING OF A VARIANCE. The motion was seconded by Mr. Bradfield and passed 7- 0 by unanimous roll- call vote. 2. MIXED USE FILE NO. MU 2014- 02, filed by Eddie Obi, 434 Ocean Forest Drive, St. Augustine Beach, Florida, 32080, and Rick Worley, 11 A Street, St. Augustine Beach, Florida, 32080, agents for Anastasia Eats LLC, 121 16'" Street, St. Augustine Beach, Florida, 32080, for an economic hardship variance for mixed use district allowances, per City of St. Augustine Beach Ordinance Nos. 07- 13 and 08- 09, to enclose a 600- square- foot wood deck located in front of an existing commercial building with roof, screen and windows to allow for air- conditioned seating, with a front yard setback of five( 5) feet off AlA Beach Boulevard, and a side yard setback of five ( 5) feet off the 15 ( fifteen)- footwide right- of-way of 7h Lane, on the northwest side of the property described below in a commercial land use district in the mixed use district at 590 AlA Beach Boulevard, PERTAINING TO LOT 17, BLOCK 5, CHAUTAUQUA BEACH SUBDIVISION, REAL ESTATE PARCEL NUMBER 168790- 0000, SECTION 34, TOWNSHIP 7, RANGE 30, AKA 590 AlA BEACH BOULEVARD, AS RECORDED IN MAP BOOK 2, PAGE 5, OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF ST. JOHNS COUNTY, FLORIDA. Rick Worley, 11 A Street, St. Augustine Beach, Florida, 32080, applicant, said he and Mr. Obi are applying to enclose the outside deck of the restaurant building at 590 Al A Beach Boulevard, mostly recently known as Island Grille, similar to what' s been done at Mango Mango' s, on the corner of A Street and Al A Beach Boulevard, to allow for covered seating. Without the enclosed deck seating, the building will probably continue to sit empty, as the seating inside is too limited to have any kind of successful business. Their plan is to improve the site and not just expand on it, but make it look a lot better. Mr. Mitherz said as the staff memo to the Board from Mr. Larson indicates, the site currently has 10 parking spaces. He asked if there will be enough parking spaces with the enclosure of the 20- foot-by-30-foot deck, which will add 600- square- feet of seating area. Mr. Worley said they can' t add any more parking spaces to the existing site, but they are trying to contact the owner of the lot directly behind, to the east, of the restaurant property, to see if they can buy or lease this vacant lot and turn it into a nice parking lot. Ms. England said the property owners previously applied for, and received, approval to build the deck for outside seating, at which time, parking was considered. She asked if the applicants plan to add to the seating over what' s already been approved for the deck. Mr. Larson said as any additional seating would have to meet accessibility requirements, he doesn' t think more seating than what was previously approved for the deck, which he believes was six four-top tables, or a total of 24 seats, could be put on the deck if the enclosure was approved, as any more seating would cause accessibility clearance issues. 6 - Mr. Guido said he doesn' t want the Board to make compound mistakes by not having appropriate information for what they' re being asked to approve. The Board didn' t have full information when the outside seating for the deck was approved, as he doesn' t recall any discussion about the four, 12- foot high posts that have been constructed on the deck corners in front of the restaurant building. The problem he has with this new application is that the Board has only been given a couple of renderings of what the applicants propose to build for the deck enclosure, and nothing that shows elevations or what they' re being asked to approve, aside from a couple of artist' s renderings, which he thinks look great, and would be a great asset to AlA Beach Boulevard. However, he' s concerned about what the Board would be approving, as there have been a couple of approvals in the past that didn' t turn out to be what the Board thought they would be at the time of approval. He wants to be sure the Board, the applicants, and the Building Official are aware of what they are approving, if the application is, indeed, approved. David Kfoury 3000 Lewis Speedway, St. Augustine, Florida, 32084, said he' s one of the owners of the property at 590 AlA Beach Boulevard, which he plans to lease to Mr. Obi and Mr. Worley. They' re applying to enclose the existing 20- foot-by-30- foot wood deck located in front of the building with roof, screen and windows to allow for airconditioned seating, and that' s basically it. They' re not asking for more seating over what' s already been approved, but just to cover the deck, to air-condition it in summer, keep it dry when it rains, and heat it when it' s cold in winter. Overall, they just want to make the seating on the deck more comfortable. As for parking, they anticipate quite a bit of foot traffic from the Courtyard by Marriott going up right across the street, which obviously doesn' t solve the parking problem, but he thinks it' s worth noting. Mr. Guido asked for public comment. Jim Parlapiano, 3 7'" Lane, St. Augustine Beach, Florida, 32080, said he fully supports the idea of enclosing the deck, but he has concerns about the parking, and also that a second variance might be requested for an upper deck without adding more parking. He did notice, as Mr. Guido pointed out, that the four-foot- high railing shown on the original deck drawings turned out to be structural beam supports when the deck was built. Michael Versaggi 11/ 4 7th Lane, St. Augustine Beach, Florida, 32080, said the lot behind, and to the east, of the restaurant is very expensive, so even though the applicants have said they' ve applied to lease or buy this lot for parking, this doesn' t mean this will happen without the investment of a reasonable amount of money. He' s also concerned about the trash that comes off the building, which has been a problem in the past, so he' d be happy if the deck were enclosed, as this might help prevent trash blowing off the deck. Michael Longstreet, 11 13th Street, St. Augustine Beach, Florida, 32080, said in reviewing the City' s mixed use application, elevation plans are required, though from what he' s seen of the drawings submitted, the elevations aren' t clear. He' d also like to note, and hope, that if the application is approved, the approval clearly specifies that whatever is built has to strictly comply with whatever building codes apply to that area. Lastly, he' s concerned about the site line for drivers pulling out of 7th Lane on the north 7 - side of the building onto AlA Beach Boulevard. As the existing deck is only five feet off 7th Lane and five feet off AlA Beach Boulevard, he' d like to know, for safety reasons, that the sight line will not be compromised once the deck is enclosed. Mr. Parlapiano said they were directly told, when the application to build the deck came before the Board, that the deck wasn' t an obstruction to the sight line from 7th Lane, because it was only 12 inches high and you could see through the four-foot-high railing around the deck perimeter. Once the deck is enclosed, though, you' ll have to almost pull out to the sidewalk before you' ll be able to get any kind of clear vision. He' s not saying this is a reason to deny the application, but he' d like to state for the record that the Board had a big discussion, when the application to build the deck came before them, about the sight line not being disturbed by the deck and railing, which has proven to be absolutely true, as he drives out of 7th Lane onto the Boulevard every day without any problems. He doesn' t think this will be the case, however, once the deck is enclosed. Ms. Sloan asked for clarification as to what the setbacks are for a structure along the Boulevard. From what' s she read in the mixed use ordinances, it looks like a minimum setback of 10 feet is allowed if outside seating is proposed. Mr. Larson said yes, the minimum setback allowed is 10 feet if outside seating is proposed. A five-foot side setback is allowed for second-level decks. Ms. Zander asked what the setbacks are for decks that are enclosed. Mr. Larson said an enclosed deck would probably be required to have a 10- foot setback on both the front and side. Zak Adams, 121 16th Street, St. Augustine Beach, Florida, 32080, said he' s one of the owners of the building at 590 AlA Beach Boulevard, and regarding the sight line pulling out of 7th Lane onto AlA Beach Boulevard, there will actually be 15- 17 feet from the curb along the Boulevard to the edge of the deck enclosure, as along with the five-foot side setback, there' s the sidewalk and grass area adjacent to the sidewalk. So coming out of 7th Lane, there will be more than a five- foot sight line. The deck enclosure will be clear, consisting of screen and windows, so you' ll still be able to see through it. Mr. Bradfield said as the renderings submitted with the application show no dimensional detail, no window sizes, and no real understanding of the materials to be used, he thinks it might be a good idea to have a little more definition as to what the proposed deck enclosure will look like. He' d like to see some elevations of the enclosure, especially the elevation facing the Boulevard, to get a better understanding of what the visual aspect of this corner will be. Conceptually, he thinks it' s a good idea to enclose the deck, which was previously approved for outside seating, to air-condition it and still have the seating in foul weather, but he' d like to see more definition as to the roofline, materials, etc. Ms. Zander asked what the economic hardship is for enclosing the deck, which was previously approved for outside seating for 24 seats. 8 - Mr. Worley said the economic hardship comes in place when there' s rain, heat, cold, and other conditions that won' t allow the use of the outside seating year round. Without the deck enclosure, they' d only have the very limited inside seating during bad weather. Ms. Odom asked if there will be access to the seating on the deck from the Boulevard. Eddie Obi, 434 Ocean Forest Drive, St. Augustine Beach, Florida, 32080, applicant, said no, the traffic pattern they' ve laid out with the architect has customers coming in through the main door of the restaurant to order their food, get their drinks, and then they can access the door on the north side of the restaurant to get to the seating on the deck. Ms. Zander asked the lot size ofthe restaurant property. Mr. Larson said the lot is 93- feet-by-70- feet, for a total of 6, 510 square feet. The mixed use ordinance requires a variance for lots less than 8, 500 square feet, but that' s only for new construction. Enclosing the deck is not considered new construction. Ms. England said as she understands this application to enclose the existing deck, the Board' s review of the application is to ensure that the design of the proposed deck enclosure is specific enough to meet the requirements of the mixed use ordinances, which include references to construction materials, exterior colors, architectural style and site features, including signage and landscaping, which also have to be approved by the Building Department, before the restaurant will be signed off to open for business. Mr. Larson said yes, this will all be in place. Regarding a variance for setbacks, the economic hardship variance was built into the mixed use for a very specific reason, to cover any variance onsite applicable to buildings physically unable to meet conditions necessary for making a living. That' s why it' s titled an" economic hardship variance." Mr. Guido said he thinks many of the questions that have been asked could have been answered if appropriate plans had been submitted with the application. Some very nice renderings have been submitted, but nothing close to detailed plans, and he doesn' t think the Board should delegate to Mr. Larson authority that' s within the Board' s purview. He understands the very specific problems relevant to this property site, and basically thinks what the applicants are requesting is a good idea, but he has a problem with buying a pig in a poke. If the applicants will guarantee the deck enclosure will look exactly as it does in the renderings, and Mr. Larson will guarantee to the Board he' ll approve nothing that doesn' t meet the criteria of the mixed use ordinances, he' d feel a lot more comfortable, as one of the criteria is the submittal of detailed plans, which the Board doesn' t have. Mr. Larson said it' s impossible to structurally design something on a rendering, because construction plans have to meet the requirements of the Florida Building Code. The deck enclosure will have to be engineered to meet 130- mile- per-hour wind speeds, with the exception of the windows, which don' t have to meet the wind code because they can be removed in a stoma event to prevent damage. The deck enclosure will look like the renderings that have been presented, but he can' t guarantee what the exact materials will 9 - be until the applicants pay a structural engineer about $ 1, 000-$ 2, 000 to draw and stamp a set of plans that meets the Florida Building Code. He' s very comfortable with the whole concept of what the applicants propose, as this building has been sitting vacant for at least seven out of the last 14 years he' s worked for the City. A second floor will never happen, due to all the exhaust hoods for the grease traps and the air intakes that supply combustion for burners. If the applicants at some point buy the lot behind the restaurant property, to the east, they may possibly be able to add onto the restaurant, but again, they' d have to increase the parking, so the size of any future addition is going to be dependent on the parking. There' s currently only 250 square feet of interior seating in the existing 656- square- foot restaurant building, with the remaining 400 square feet consisting of kitchen and bathroom areas, which can be subtracted out, so basically, only five parking spaces are required for the restaurant without the extra seating on the deck. Ms. Zander said she' s confused by the renderings provided to the Board members in their agenda packets and the additional renderings that were submitted by the applicants tonight, as she doesn' t think they match up, but show different things. They' re not consistent, and also not consistent with what they' ve been told tonight. She' d like clarification, and a solid rendering of what the applicants plan to do. Also, she doesn' t see that the design shown in the renderings fits in with the recommendations for architectural design in the mixed use district, as she doesn' t think gas pumps and the back end of a car sticking out of the top of the front of the building meet these architectural design recommendations at all. She understands they' ve been tasked with reviewing this application through the mixed use provisions, and that the applicants are claiming an economic hardship they' re asking the Board to acknowledge, as a reason for granting a variance to allow the five- foot setbacks for the deck enclosure, but she' s having a little trouble with the proposed design of the restaurant building as shown in the submitted renderings, because she doesn' t think it fits in with the mixed use provisions. Mr. Bradfield said the vertical renderings the Board has been given look like, and have the features, structure, and volume, of a permanent enclosure. The enclosure doesn' t look like it will consist of roll-down plastic walls and a rooftop, so he thinks they need clarification as to how what is to be built is different from what the Board is looking at on the submitted renderings. Regarding architectural style, he thinks what' s shown on the renderings is simply to make an attempt to match the style of what' s already there, and bring it into the genre of a gas station-themed eatery. He doesn' t have a problem with that concept, but thinks the architectural design needs to conform to the code restrictions. Ms. Odom asked Mr. Bradfield and Ms. Zander if what they are saying is that they want more, for example, elevations and more detail, from the applicants, as they can' t make a decision tonight without additional information. Mr. Bradfield said yes, as what they' ve been told tonight is a little different from what' s shown on the renderings, and he thinks the application as submitted is incomplete. He thinks the concept is very good and deserves significant consideration, as he believes there is in fact an economic hardship, because tables on the outside deck couldn' t be used in rain or bad weather. To enter into the restaurant business without enclosing this space 10 - would be crazy, so it' s a good idea to enclose the deck, but it needs to be done in a manner in which the Board can truly see what' s going to be done. He doesn' t think the renderings that have been submitted are true examples of what will be done, so there' s a gap between the physical reality of what will be built and the renderings they' ve been shown, but ifthis gap is clarified, he' d have no problem approving this application. Ms. England asked if what Mr. Bradfield is saying is that for a full, mixed use review for approval of the deck enclosure, they' d need the applicants to come back with more detail. Mr. Bradfield said either that, or the applicants could provide the additional detail, satisfactory to Mr. Larson, per the code and mixed use ordinances. As long as those requirements are met, he doesn' t see that the Board needs to review the application again, as long as the applicants are held to, and agree to meet, those standards. Ms. Zander said if the Board approves this application for an economic hardship variance under the mixed use ordinance, the ordinance gives Mr. Larson quite a bit of leeway as to what he can or cannot approve, in regard to architectural design. Mr. Larson said in regard to existing buildings, he advised the Board not to go anywhere near changing anything, because they would then be getting into the Florida Building Code, which dictates structural regulations. With new construction under the mixed use, they have a ton of leeway, but they don' t have the same leeway for existing buildings. Ms. Zander said she would then like Mr. Larson to explain how the mixed use ordinance is being used, if they' re not supposed to look at minimum lot size or architectural design. Mr. Larson said the Board was given a rendering of what the building looks like now, and renderings of the proposed deck enclosure, which show that articulation is being added to the existing building, so the enclosure meets the mixed use requirements for architectural design. A mechanical contractor will have to figure out the exact spacing between the windows, as not only will the windows have to comply with the Florida Building Code, they' ll have to comply with the Florida Energy Code, which will dictate a lot of what' s going to happen with this enclosure, because it will consist of air-conditioned space. Mr. Guido said the whole purpose of the mixed use ordinance is to give the Board and staff the flexibility to handle things like this on a very narrow strip of land that runs approximately 300 feet back on either side of the Boulevard, to encourage the development and redevelopment of principally commercial establishments. There are examples of recommended architectural styles in the mixed use ordinance, but these examples are not specific criteria. After the mixed use ordinance was adopted, they did find some mistakes, which have since been corrected, when it was put into practice, and the ordinance has been amended several times. The particular mixed use application before the Board tonight is a very special case, as it was a mistake to put this building up as it was constructed in the first place. The problem he has with the application is that he thinks the Board should have more detailed drawings than what' s been submitted, but if they' re willing to go along with everything being built to code and in accordance with the 11 - mixed use ordinance, per Mr. Larson' s approval before a permit is issued to build the deck enclosure, the Board has the prerogative to move in that direction. Ms. England made a motion to approve the application to enclose the wood deck at 590 AlA Beach Boulevard under the mixed use ordinance, with the following conditions: 1) There will be no further encroachment into any existing setbacks; 2) The deck enclosure must be built to code; 3) Signage must meet code and the approval of the Building Official; 4) Landscaping must meet code and the approval of the Building Official; 5) There will be no further reduction in the number of parking spaces; 6) There will be no further increase in seating over what has previously been approved; 7) The design and articulation of the deck enclosure shall be approved by the Building Official in accordance with the spirit of the mixed use ordinance; 8) The deck enclosure shall incorporate the renderings submitted by the applicants, with no substantial changes, and ifthere are any further changes, they must come back before the Board for approval. Ms. Sloan seconded the motion. Mr. Guido called for discussion on the motion. Ms. Zander asked if the motion needs to include anything about an economic hardship. Mr. Whitehouse said obviously, the variance for setbacks is based on the economic hard- ship as provided in the code, so yes, it' d be appropriate to incorporate this in the motion. Ms. England said she' ll incorporate this, as Mr. Whitehouse has said, in the motion. Ms. Sloan seconded the motion as amended. Ms. Zander said again, she doesn' t think the renderings they' ve been given are consistent, as there are variations in what was given to the Board in their agenda packets and in some of the other drawings submitted tonight. She' d like to have a more solid idea of what will be built, as the renderings that have been submitted are not only inconsistent, they' re somewhat conflicting, so she thinks they just need better, or more accurate, renderings. Mr. Guido asked for any further discussion on the motion made, amended, and seconded. As there was no further discussion, he called for a roll- call vote. Ms. England MADE A MOTION TO APPROVE MIXED USE FILE NO. MU 2014- 02 AS STATE- ED AND AMENDED. The motion was seconded by Ms. Sloan and passed 4- 3 by roll- call vote. Ms. Sloan Yes Ms. England Yes Mr. Mitherz No Ms. Odom No 12 - Mr. Guido Yes Ms. Zander No Mr. Bradfield Yes 3. ORDINANCE NO. 14- 06, pertaining to an amendment of the City of St. Augustine Beach Land Development Regulations, to add Section 6. 03. 12 to regulate mobile food vehicles on private property adjacent to AlA Beach Boulevard and adjacent to City plazas along AlA Beach Boulevard. Mr. Guido said it' s his understanding that at its meeting last week, the City Commission directed the City Attorney to draft a new ordinance pertaining to mobile food vehicles. Mr. Boyle said that' s correct, so the Board doesn' t have to take any action on this tonight. The newly revised draft ordinance will be on the Board' s November meeting agenda. 4. REVIEW OF CITY' S AlA BEACH BOULEVARD CORRIDOR VISION PLAN, for the Board' s recommendations to the City Commission regarding projects and goals proposed by the City' s Vision Plan for the AlA Beach Boulevard corridor. Mr. Guido said the City Commission has asked for a recommendation from the Board on the Vision Plan for the Commission' s January 2015 meeting agenda. The Board had a preliminary discussion on this last month, and Mr. Larson has provided a memo stating what' s been done and what can' t be done, as outlined in the action/ project worksheet at the end of the Vision Plan. He asked for the Board' s input on moving forward with this. Mr. Mitherz said Ms. England had suggested at the Board' s last meeting that they hear from the public on this issue, and perhaps hold a workshop to gather public input, before they move forward with making recommendations to the City Commission. Mr. Guido said he' d like to comment he' s really disappointed that the citizens of this City don' t understand the impact this Board has on their lives, because if they did, they' d be attending the Board' s meetings to give public comment, instead ofjust waiting for things to get to the City Commission before expressing their views. He' s seen very little public comment at Board meetings during the past nine years he' s been on the Board, and he thinks it' s a real shame, because the Board hears from applicants, who are granted or denied what they' re asking for, and then they' re out the door, with very little public input, or none at all, as to how what they propose to do will affect the general public. Ms. Zander said as Mr. Guido has been on the Board for a long time, and she knows he was also involved with the Vision Plan process, she' d like to ask him how he thinks they can correct this, and generate more public involvement and feedback. Mr. Guido said he thinks the City Commission has to recognize the Planning and Zoning Board and encourage people to come to the Board' s meetings, as a lot of things the Commission tries to take care of and/ or make decisions on in a few minutes are things the Board may have spent hours discussing over the course of several meetings. 13 - Mr. Larson said his memo basically goes through the action/ project worksheet on pages 49- 50 of the Vision Plan, and outlines what has and hasn' t been done. Most of the things in the first two items under " Regulatory Framework," which reference the enactment of zoning and regulatory modifications and the development and adoption of site and architectural design guidelines for mixed use districts, have basically been covered by adopted ordinances, including the mixed use ordinances. The City has adopted some site and architectural standards, and staff and the City Commission have taken care of the third item in this section, which refers to the preparation of necessary Comprehensive Plan amendments to make future land use classifications consistent with the proposed Boulevard corridor concept. This is all addressed in the Evaluation and Appraisal Report EAR) of the City' s Comprehensive Plan, which was done a few years ago. Some of the recommendations in the Vision Plan, such as the A Street " Town Center," are infeasible, because there is no way to do anything on A Street without spending millions of dollars. Under " Streetscape," issues with signage have been addressed, with new signs designating the City limits, and there are also new directional signs on State Road AlA South and State Road 312, directing traffic to the City and the beach. They' re working on the City plazas one at a time, and regulations on detailed design and construction are in place for building construction that comes before the Board under the mixed use and planned unit development ordinances and regulations. There' s really not much left to do, except for landscaping along the Boulevard, for which he recommended two projects, at F and A Streets, at the Board' s last meeting. Pertaining to " Undergrounding of Utilities," the Vision Plan recommends the City contact its utility provider about the feasibility of undergrounding utilities, but in talking to Florida Power & Light ( FPL) numerous times about this, his advice is that this shouldn' t be done on a bather island. In the event of a total power wipe-out, the City could go months without power, instead of having power restored within two weeks, if everything were underground, as all the transformers and conduits would be full of water. Poles, though they may be unsightly, are easy to fix. Mr. Guido said he previously suggested putting in landscaped islands in several places in the center lane of AlA Beach Boulevard. Palm trees could be put in these islands similar to the way they' ve been done in a lot of communities south of here, and this would help greatly with traffic-calming and pedestrian crossings. Also, both state and federal funding is available for just this sort of thing, so it might not even cost the City a dime. Mr. Larson said he' d like to see the Board make a recommendation back to the City Commission as to how much money the Commission will allocate towards beautification projects along the Boulevard, so they can start doing some planning. The City has a grant writer in place who will work for the City to apply for community block grants, but the problem is, the City has to provide matching funds for most of these grants. Mr. Bradfield said the Commission has eliminated the appropriation of funds to match grants in the past, after the grant writer was paid the fee by the City to do the work of applying for the grant. He doesn' t want to see the City lose out on another grant due to a lack of matching funds, and while he agrees beautifying and landscaping the Boulevard is important, he thinks accommodating public access to the beach and providing parking is more important, especially with a new 206-room hotel going up right across the street. 14 - Ms. England said she thinks it goes without saying that infrastructure, which includes roads and beach access, has to come first, but in reviewing the Vision Plan, the Board can make recommendations to the Commission to budget money each year to get things done. Ms. Sloan said as the City currently has a lot of funding coming in from the new Courtyard by Marriott, and it' s now coming up before the Commission to decide how those funds are going to be used, it behooves the Board to make recommendations to the Commission as to what part of those funds will go toward working on some of the projects in the Vision Plan, so the City can apply for grants and set aside matching funds. Mr. Larson said about five or six years ago, staff worked on a specific plan to redo the Boulevard from Pope Road to 16th Street, which he' ll provide to the Board for review and discussion at next month' s meeting. The plan has everything totally scaled out, with center medians that won' t affect turning lanes into any businesses, and an additional 20- plus diagonal parking spaces on the west side of the Boulevard, which roughly has a 20foot right-of-way from the edge of the curb to its west boundary line. Mr. Guido asked for public comment. Brendan Schneck, 21 Sabor De Sal Road, St. Augustine Beach, Florida, 32080, said he' d like to introduce a new idea of his vision for St. Augustine Beach, which includes a food- truck park, which he feels is a very different topic in relation to the proposed food-truck ordinance. He gave a brief, three- minute PowerPoint presentation on this proposed food- truck park and his vision of it as an aesthetically- pleasing, new attraction, as well as a valuable asset, for visitors and residents alike, in the way of providing quality food at a reasonable price that people can pick-up to go. His presentation showed plans, drawn specific to one lot at 550 AlA Beach Boulevard, of an enclosed food-truck park, with walls on all four sides, a large retention wall on the east side to allow for sound reduction during business hours, a small building where restrooms and a waste-disposal unit, and possibly even a small commissary kitchen for the food trucks, would be located. VIII. BOARD COMMENT AND DISCUSSION Mr. Guido said as this is his last meeting as a Board member, it' s been fun, and he wished the Board well in its future endeavors. He received a standing ovation from the Board and staff in honor of his past nine years of service on the Board. IX. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 9: 05 p.m. Chairman Recording Secretary THIS MEETING HAS BEEN RECORDED IN ITS ENTIRETY. THE RECORDING WILL BE KEPT ON FILE FOR THE REQUIRED RETENTION PERIOD. COMPLETE VIDEO CAN BE FOUND AT w m scaugbch corn OR BY CONTACTING THE OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER AT 904-071- 2122) 15 — COMPREHENSIVE PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD OF THE CITY OF ST. AUGUSTINE BEACH, FLORIDA REGULAR MONTHLY MEETING OF TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 2014, 7: 00 P. M. CITY HALL, 2200 STATE ROAD AlA SOUTH ST. AUGUSTINE BEACH, FLORIDA 32080 ELECTION OF INTERIM CHAIRMAN AND VICE- CHAIRMAN By signed ballot votes, the Board elected Mr. Steve Mitherz as interim chairman and Ms. Jane West as interim vice- chairman, to fill the terms of officer vacancies until the annual election of chairman and vice- chairman, which shall be held as the first order of business at the regularly scheduled meeting for the month of January. OLD BUSINESS 1. CONDITIONAL USE FILE NO. CU 2014- 01, CONTINUATION, continued from the Board' s September 16, 2014 and October 14, 2014 regular monthly meeting agendas, filed by Creek Scott and Carmen Combs, Mermaid Island Dining, 128 SeaGrove Main Street, St. Augustine Beach, Florida, 32080, agents for1L & L Pirton Inc., 312 View Point Place, St. Augustine, Florida, 32080, for a conditional use permit for outside seating and food and/ or beverage service and consumption, including alcohol, outside of an enclosed building, per Sections 3. 02. 02 and 10. 03. 00- 10. 03. 03 of the City of St. Augustine Beach Land Development Regulations, on the premises of an existing restaurant, Mermaid Island Dining, in a Planned Unit Development ( PUD) at 128 SeaGrove Main Street, PERTAINING TO PARCELS G, H, AND I, SEAGROVE ST. AUGUSTINE BEACH UNIT 4 REPLAT # 2, REAL ESTATE PARCEL NUMBER 162963- 0070, AKA 128 SEAGROVE MAIN STREET, SECTION 33, TOWNSHIP 7, RANGE 30, AS RECORDED IN MAP BOOK 61, PAGES 56- 58, OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF ST. JOHNS COUNTY, FLORIDA. The Board voted 7- 0 by unanimous roll- call vote to recommend the City Commission approve this conditional use permit application, subject to the conditions that it be granted for a period of five ( 5) years, and that it be non- transferable, and granted only to the current restaurant tenants and applicants. NEW BUSINESS 1. CONDITIONAL USE FILE NO. CU 2014- 02, filed by Dani Gwiazda, 311 16 - Weff Road, St. Augustine, Florida, 32080, agent for Surfside Properties of St. Johns County LLC/ Beach & Company, Scott Cole III, Managing Member, 401 Madruga Avenue, St. Augustine, Florida, 32086, for a daycare/ prekindergarten private school, per Sections 3. 02. 02 and 10. 03. 03 of the City of St. Augustine Beach Land Development Regulations, on the premises of an existing building in a commercial land use district at 4001 AlA South, St. Augustine Beach, Florida, 32080, PERTAINING TO PART OF THE NORTH ONE- HALF OF GOVERNMENT LOT 5 LYING WEST OF STATE ROAD AlA SOUTH, REAL ESTATE PARCEL NUMBER 174870- 0030, SECTION 10, TOWNSHIP 8, RANGE 30, AS RECORDED IN MAP BOOK 10, PAGE 3, OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF ST. JOHNS COUNTY, FLORIDA. The Board voted 7- 0 by unanimous roll- call vote to recommend the City Commission approve this conditional use permit application. 2. ORDINANCE NO. 14- 06, passed on first reading by the City Commission at its regular monthly meeting held on Monday, November 10, 2014, this proposed ordinance amends the City of St. Augustine Beach Land Development Regulations with the addition of Section 6. 03. 12, Mobile Food Vehicles, to allow and regulate the operation of mobile food vehicles within the City limits. The Board voted 6- 1 by roll- call vote to recommend the City Commission approve final passage of the latest revised draft of Ordinance No. 14- 06, and wished to convey to the Commission discussion and concerns some of the Board members had about restrictions in the ordinance relating to limiting the hours of operation of mobile food vehicles, setback or distance requirements for mobile food vehicles adjacent to residential property and existing restaurants, which are more stringent than commercial building setback requirements, and limiting the number of mobile food vehicles allowed to operate in the City to only four, as it was expressed the ordinance shouldn' t make it so difficult for mobile food vehicles to operate that they aren' t given a fair chance, and the free enterprise market should be the determining factor as to whether or not mobile food vehicles are wanted, or not wanted, with the City limits. It was also suggested the issue of whether or not mobile food vehicles should be allowed to operate within the City limits should be put to a vote by the residents of the City. 3. REVIEW OF CITY' S AlA BEACH BOULEVARD CORRIDOR VISION PLAN, for the Board' s review and recommendations to the City Commission regarding projects and goals proposed by the City' s Vision Plan for the AlA Beach Boulevard corridor. The Board voted unanimously 7- 0 by roll- call vote to recommend the City Commission allocate funding for beautification and landscaping projects that fulfill the goals of the Vision Plan, specifically starting with the landscaping projects proposed for the intersections of A Street and AlA Beach Boulevard and F Street and AlA Beach Boulevard as presented to the Board by Building Official Gary Larson. 17 - COMMISSION REPORT DECEMBER 2014 TO: MAYOR/ COMMISSIONERS FROM: ROBERT A. HARDWICK, CHIEF OF POLICE DEPARTMENT STATISTICS— OCTOBER 24 TO NOVEMBER 19, 2014 CALLS FOR SERVICE 643 OFFENSE REPORTS 38 CITATIONS ISSUED 72 DUI 0 ARRESTS 10 WARNINGS 58 ANIMAL COMPLAINTS 27 Burglaries: Motor Vehicle Burglary: Dirt parking lot at the end of Pope Road East, forced entry, cellphone, purse containing wallet with debit cards and victim' s DL, no suspect. Animal Control St. Johns County Animal Control handled 26complaints in the area of St. Augustine Beach. Monthly Activity Accreditation was successfully completed with no discrepancies. Chief Hardwick graduated from Class 48, Chief Executive Seminar Through the Florida Law Enforcement Challenge our agency was awarded and has recently received a Stalker SAM( Speed Awareness Monitor) to be used throughout our community. 18 - ST. JOHNS COUNTY FIRE RESCUE 3657 Gaines Road St: Augustine, Florida 32084- 6565 I N T E R O F F TO: Max Royle FROM: Lieutenant Patrick Naughton I C E M E M O R A N D U M St. Johns County Fire Rescue SUBJECT: Station 7 Activity Report for October 2014 DATE: November 10, 2014 October 2014 Monthly Report Station 7 responded in the City of St. Augustine Beach for the following call types. An Incident Type Code Sheet was given already to look up code number for an explanation: Number of CallsCode 38 321 1 611 6 554 2 622 1 322 1 364 2 445 1 411 1 323 1 341 1 745 1 652 1 740 1 735 19 - Those numbers listed above makes up a total of 59 calls responded by a Rescue, Engine, Ladder, Squad or Marine Rescue in St Augustine Beach. List all Station training completed. Fire Training( This is just some of what we do every month) o Firefighter Survival Drills including blind entry and navigation within a confined space, self rescue and air management within an IDLH atmosphere. o SCBA Skills and air consumption drills. This is done every Monday at the station. o PPE- Training and drills on donning, doffing, and inspection of firefighters PPE. o Ground Ladders- Training on how to deploy and use ground ladders for placement on a structure. Different situations will dictate where to place the ground ladder. o Ropes Marine Rescue Training o Victim aquatic rescues o Jet Ski Ops o Boat Ops o o Missing Person Drills Search and Rescue Drills on land and water using the boat and ski Studying of Departmental SOPS, SOGS, MSOPS and CBA for daily emergency and non- emergency operations. Medical Training( This is just some of what we do every month) o Medical Emergencies o Geriatric falls o Seizures o Patient assessment o Trauma Mutual Aid Training o St Johns County Sheriffs Department o St Augustine City Fire Department 20 - MEMORANDUM Date: November 20, 2014 To: Max Royle, City Manager From: Joe Howell, P. E., Public Works Director Subject: Monthly Report Right-of-Way Maintenance In the way of response to a resident request on Lee Drive we conducted a local traffic study to understand the number of vehicle trips and the speed traveled to determine what speed control measures, if any, are required. At our request St. Johns County Traffic Engineering staff provided and set up the equipment, retrieved the equipment, downloaded and analyzed the recorded data, and provided it to us for our use— at no charge. The equipment was deployed within three days of my initial inquiry. This is offered as an example of the intra- agency cooperation at a staff level that exists between the County and City. The St. Johns County Utility Department coordinated with the original underground utility contractor, and purchased the materials necessary repair the D St. / 5th Ave. drainage pipe, damaged during a sanitary sewer construction project several years ago. The drainage pipe was replaced at no cost to the City in early November. Work remaining includes minor landscape restoration and paving the open cut with asphalt. We changed out the two ( 2) Public Parking signs between A Street and 1 n Street to conform with the standard size, and moved them for better visibility. 2n° Street Extension A public meeting with property owners was held on Wednesday, November 12, 2014 at 7:00 P. M. in the Commission Meeting Room. Four( 4) of the eight( S) property owners were present, with another unofficially represented. The 2nd Street survey, the conceptual designs, and the preliminary conceptual cost estimates were presented and discussed. The property owners were informed of our meeting with the St. Johns County Utility Department (SJCUD) where the County indicated their interpretation of the Utility Line Municipal Service Benefit Unit ordinance did not apply to constructing new potable water and sanitary sewer utilities to serve the 16 lots on 2n° Street Additional utilities (e. g. electricity and communication) were discussed. It was clearly identified that underground utilities had to be in place prior to construction of an improved road. 21 - Public Works Department Monthly Report Potential means of financing and constructing the underground utilities, and eventually the improved road, were discussed. No commitments were made and no resolution was reached. Representatives of the property owners will meet directly with the SJCUD. A clear and distinct separation based on the ultimate ownership and maintenance responsibilities for utilities versus the road and drainage was made. There appears to be sufficient interest( greater than 50%) to open the road for eventual construction of single family homes. Means and mechanisms for financing and managing the design, permitting, and construction of an improved road, with drainage were discussed. The property owner's foremost concern appears to be whether they will be required to provide their portion of the costs associated with the improvements up front, or whether they can be assessed over time. Again, no commitments were made. No direct or specific suggestions regarding a cost sharing formulation, beyond a basic distribution ( proportionate share) over the 16 lots were discussed or agreed upon. The participatory requirements for the project to continue moving forward were discussed. I proposed following the County's model of 65% participation, but stated, ultimately the City Commission must establish the requirements, contents, and the terms of any agreement between the City and the property owners by ordinance. Based on the above, the property owners are being surveyed ( by USPS certified mail) so they can formally identify their interest in participating in the project, and we can establish the actual degree of interest. Results of the survey will be available prior to the January 5, 2015 Commission meeting. Facilities The holiday ornaments were hung along C. R. A1A Beach Boulevard. The palm trees with electrical service available were wrapped with lighting in Pier Park and along Beach Boulevard. The A St., 10th St., Police Department, and City Hall buildings were strung with lighting. The Christmas tree was set up and decorated for the Surf Illuminations celebration. The St. Johns County Planning and Zoning Department meeting regarding the rezoning of the Public Works Compound ( changing the current land use designation of Open Rural to Public Service), originally scheduled for November 20, was postponed. Although the City Attorney was able to revise the original request to include the entire Public Works property ( i. e. the two original parcels and the land swap parcel) prior to the meeting date there was enough confusion at the pre- agenda meeting to push the request back one month. We cut into the handrail and constructed two cantilevered benches on the Ocean Hammock Park boardwalk. During construction we received a lot of positive feedback. Richard Gray and Wayne Tichy did a fantastic job and the benches are a great addition to the boardwalk. We cleaned and sealed the wooden fishing dock at Lakeside Memorial Park. 22 Public Works Department Monthly Report We replaced the carpeting on the portable stage used for Beach Blast Off. Versaggi Dr. Elevated Beach Access Dune Walkover Following the Commission' s Award of Bid at the November meeting we have been getting the contract documents in place with Turnbull Environmental, Inc. We anticipate a change order reducing the contract amount associated with the City directly purchasing the construction materials to further save us the amount of sales tax. Ocean Woods Drainage Proiect Stone Engineering Group has commenced preliminary design activities by piecing together and field verifying different, partial surveys of the total project area to create a base layer for the design. 11th Street Sidewalk I have field verified a portion of a 2006 survey of 11 m Street between Mickler Boulevard and C. R. A1A Beach Boulevard, originally commissioned for the 11th Street Drainage Improvement Project that piped the ditch east of Mickler Boulevard. The survey is adequate to serve as the base layer for designing the final, connecting leg of the sidewalk budgeted for construction this fiscal year. The preliminary plan is to continue the sidewalk east from the current end point crossing Deanna Drive on the north side, crossing 11th Street in alignment with the 2n° Avenue pedestrian/ bike path, and continuing east to Beach Boulevard along the south side. I have identified two (2) utility conflicts, a fire hydrant and one ( 1) wooden utility pole. I have contacted the County, FPL, AT&T, and Comcast requesting that they resolve/ relocate the conflicting utilities. The 11th Street right-of-way is narrow, only 40' wide. The width of the improved road, including the curb and gutter is 25'. With the two (2) utility conflicts resolved there will be adequate room to construct a five ( 5) foot wide sidewalk along the back of curb. 23 - November CITY OF ST. 13, 2014 Range of checking Accts: Report Type: check # Page No: 1 AUGUSTINE BEACH Check Register By Check Date 12: 21 PM First All Range of Check Dates: 10/ 01/ 14 to 10/ 31/ 14 to Last Report Format: super Condensed Checks Amount Paid Check Date vendor Check Type: Computer: Y Manual: Y Dir Deposit: Y Reconciled/ void Ref Num OO1GENERAL 459. 26. 178. 325. 48. 204. 445. 500. FSB 83 69 30883 10/ 02/ 14 BBTF1010 BB& T FINANCIAL, 30884 10/ 02/ 14 CARQUO10 CARQUEST AUTO PARTS 30885 10/ 02/ 14 ELDER005 TIM ELDER 30886 10/ 02/ 14 FLOR1070 FLORIDA CRIME PREVENTION ASSOC 30887 10/ 02/ 14 HAGAN020 HAGAN ACE HARDWARE 30888 10/ 02/ 14 HILT001S HILTON GARDEN INN ST AUG BEACH 30889 10/ 02/ 14 INST1O10 INSTITUTE OF POLICE TECHOLOGY 30890 10/ 02/ 14 K9SF0005 K9' S FOR WARRIORS 30891 10/ 02/ 14 LVHIE010 L. V. 30892 10/ 02/ 14 NATIO090 NATIONWIDE RETIREMENT SOLUTION 30893 POSIT010 POSITIVE PROMOTIONS, 30894 10/ 02/ 14 10/ 02/ 14 30895 10/ 09/ 14 ALAAU020 AlA AUTO CENTER, 30896 10/ 09/ ABSOLOOS ABSOLUTE MAINTENANCE & 30897 ADVAN010 ADVANCED DISPOSAL 30899 10/ 09/ 14 10/ 09/ 14 10/ 09/ 14 30900 10/ 09/ 14 ATT00010 AT&T 30901 ATTCH010 AT & 30903 10/ 09/ 14 10/ 09/ 14 10/ 09/ 14 30904 10/ 09/ 14 CHERY010 CHERYL STRICKLAND - 30905 10/ 09/ 14 COLON010 COLONIAL SUPPLEMENTAL INSURANC 20. 00 979. 66 30906 10/ 09/ 14 CSAB- 030 CSAB - 167. 58 30907 10/ 09/ 14 DBPRA010 DEPT OF BUSINESS & 30908 30909 10/ 09/ 14 EDMARO10 ED MARTINEZ 10/ 09/ 14 FLOR1170 FLORIDA JANITOR & 10/ 09/ 14 FLORi180 FLORIDA LEAGUE OF CITIES, 30911 10/ 09/ 14 FLOR1340 FLORIDA LEAGUE OF MAYORS 350. 00 30912 10/ 09/ 14 GALLS010 GALLS, AN ARAMARK COMPANY 30913 10/ 09/ 14 GATOR010 GATOR FIRE EXTINGUISHER 24. 93 120. 00 30914 10/ 09/ 14 GLASS005 GLASS TECH 30915 10/ 09/ 14 GOLDE010 GOLDEN RULE CREATIONS 30916 10/ 09/ 14 HAGAN020 HAGAN ACE HARDWARE 30917 10/ 09/ 14 HEALIO10 HEALING ARTS URGENT CARE 30918 10/ 09/ 14 HEATH010 HEATH 30919 30920 10/ 09/ 14 10/ 09/ 14 HOMED010 HOME DEPOT 30921 10/ 09/ 14 KENNE010 KENNETH GATCHELL 30922 10/ 09/ 10/ 09/ 10/ 09/ 10/ 09/ 10/ 09/ 14 LVHIE010 L. V. INC. 14 MARI0010 MARIOTTI' S 14 MARTR010 MARTRONICS, 14 MELVIO10 MELVIN' S REPAIR SHOP 14 MUNICO2O MUNICIPAL SUPPLY & 10/ 09/ 10/ 09/ 10/ 09/ 10/ 09/ 10/ 09/ 14 30898 30902 30910 30923 30924 30925 30926 30927 30928 30929 30930 30931 14 HIERS, 08 00 97 00 00 00 1, 460. 30 INC. 1, 473. 05 805. 88 500. 00 INC. usPS0010 USPS- HASLER 93. 75 INC 450. 00 LAWN 8, 012. 72 AMER1060 AMERICAN HERITAGE LIFE INSURAN 458. 20 ARAMA005 ARAMARK/ FLAGLER DINING SERVICE 1, 257. 07 227. 59 55. 00 467. 62 T ( OLD CITY HALL) ATTPW010 AT&T 49, 215. 46 BLUE0010 BLUE CROSS BLUE SHIELD OF FL CLERK OF C POLICE EDUCATION FUND 25. 00 155. 00 PROF REG 121. 58 PAPER SUPPLY 649. 00 INC. 10/ 31/ 14 10/ 31/ 14 10/ 31/ 14 832 10/ 31/ 14 10/ 31/ 14 10/ 31/ 14 10/ 31/ 14 10/ 31/ 14 10/ 31/ 14 10/ 31/ 14 11/ 12/ 14 VOID 10/ 31/ 14 10/ 31/ 14 10/ 31/ 14 10/ 31/ 14 10/ 31/ 14 10/ 31/ 14 10/ 31/ 14 10/ 31/ 14 10/ 31/ 14 10/ 31/ 14 10/ 31/ 14 10/ 31/ 14 10/ 31/ 14 832 832 832 832 832 832 832 832 832 832 ( Reason: Sent to wrong Addres) 832 834 834 834 834 834 834 834 834 834 834 834 834 834 10/ 31/ 14 10/ 31/ 14 10/ 31/ 14 10/ 31/ 14 10/ 31/ 14 834 834 834 834 834 834 4, 400. 00 10/ 31/ 14 834 275. 28 10/ 31/ 14 10/ 31/ 14 834 506. 00 80. 00 10/ 31/ 14 834 10/ 31/ 14 834 754, 14 10/ 31/ 14 834 1, 412. 15 834 51. 01 10/ 31/ 14 10/ 31/ 14 3, 511. 35 10/ 31/ 14 165. 25 10/ 31/ 14 55. 93 92. 08 10/ 31/ 14 10/ 31/ 14 834 834 834 834 834 320. 00 10/ 31/ 14 834 NORTH03S NORTH OAK RECYCLING 60. 00 834 14 OLDC1010 OLD CITY TIRE 74. 75 10/ 31/ 14 10/ 31/ 14 14 PACKS005 PACK' S PLUMBING INC 348. 00 10/ 31/ 14 834 14 PuSL1020 PUBLIX 160. 83 10/ 31/ 14 834 14 RANSE010 RAMS EMBROIDERY 18. 00 10/ 31/ 14 834 35. 88 ELECTRIC INDIA010 INDIANHEAD BIOMASS SERVICES NIERS, INC. SIGN CO. 24 - 834 834 November 12: 21 13, 2014 CITY OF ST. Check # Page No: 2 AUGUSTINE BEACH Check Register By Check Date PM Amount Paid Check Date vendor Reconciled/ void Ref Num Continued 001GENERAL 14 14 14 14 834 14 834 14 834 834 864. 00 14 14 14 10/ 31/ 14 187. 00 10/ 31/ 14 797. 80 10/ 31/ 14 25. 50 10/ 31/ 14 40. 00 10/ 31/ 10/ 31/ 10/ 31/ 10/ 31/ 10/ 31/ 10/ 31/ 10/ 31/ 10/ 31/ 10/ 31/ 30932 10/ 09/ 14 SIGNS010 SIGNS NOW 30933 10/ 09/ 14 SMITH010 SMITH BROS. 30934 10/ 09/ 14 STAUG110 ST AUGUSTINE RECORD 30935 10/ 09/ 14 STJLA010 ST. JOHNS LAW GROUP 30936 10/ 09/ 14 SUGH110 ST. JOHNS COUNTY SOLID WASTE 30937 10/ 09/ 14 SUNLIO10 SUN LIFE FINANCIAL 30938 10/ 09/ 14 VERPW010 VERIZON WIRELESS 30939 30940 30941 10/ 16/ 14 A1AAU020 AlA AUTO CENTER, 10/ 16/ 14 10/ 16/ 14 ADVAP010 ADVANCED AUTO PARTS AMERIC10 AMERICAN CROSSROADS APPAREL CO 30942 10/ 16/ 14 BUGOUO10 BUG OUT SERVICE, 30943 10/ 16/ 14 10/ 16/ 14 CAPIT020 CAPITAL OFFICE PRODUCTS CHAR100S CHARISSE RIVERS 30947 10/ 16/ 14 10/ 16/ 14 10/ 16/ 14 30948 10/ 16/ 14 JERRYOOS JERRY WARRINER 30949 10/ 16/ 14 NATIO090 NATIONWIDE RETIREMENT SOLUTION 1, 473. 05 10/ 31/ 14 836 836 836 836 836 836 836 836 836 30950 10/ 16/ 14 PETELOOS PETE LOOMIS 184. 68 10/ 31/ 14 836 30951 10/ 16/ 14 PIPPRO1O PIP PRINTING 112. 01 10/ 31/ 14 30952 10/ 16/ 14 POLICO10 POLICE HONOR GUARD OF BROWARD 180. 00 30963 10/ 16/ 14 STAPLO1O STAPLES 477. 00 10/ 31/ 14 30954 10/ 16/ 14 THEGODOS THE GOODYEAR TIRE & 451. 60 10/ 31/ 14 30955 10/ 16/ 14 THOMA010 THOMAS L ASHLOCK 1, 500. 00 10/ 31/ 14 30956 10/ 16/ 14 UNITE020 UNITED HEALTHCARE INSURANCE CO 195. 19 10/ 31/ 14 30957 10/ 16/ 14 WAL- M010 WAL- MART STORE# 01- 21. 44 10/ 31/ 14 30958 30959 30960 10/ 16/ 14 WILS0010 WILSON MACHINE & WELDING WORKS 8, 776. 00 10/ 31/ 14 836 836 836 836 836 836 836 836 10/ 23/ 14 AlAAU020 AlA AUTO CENTER, INC 1, 638. 40 10/ 31/ 14 838 10/ 23/ 14 ALLEN010 ALLEN, 10/ 31/ 14 10/ 23/ 14 10/ 23/ 14 ATTUV010 AT & T ( U- VERSE) 788. 75 70. 00 10/ 23/ 14 CDWG0010 CDW GOVERNMENT INC. AWARDS, 30965 10/ 23/ 14 10/ 23/ 14 CRAFT010 CRAFTS TROPHIES & DEPT0010 DEPT OF BUSINESS & 30966 10/ 23/ 14 DIVIS020 DEPT OF HWY SAFETY & 30967 10/ 23/ 14 DOVED010 DOVE DATA PRODUCTS 30968 10/ 23/ 14 FERGU010 FERGUSON ENTERPRISES, 30969 10/ 23/ 14 FIRMB010 First Bankcard 30970 10/ 23/ 14 GALLS010 GALLS, 30971 GOODY020 GOODYEAR COMMERCIAL TIRE 30972 10/ 23/ 14 10/ 23/ 14 30973 10/ 23/ 14 LEGAL005 LEGALSHIELD 30974 LVHIE010 L. V. 30975 10/ 23/ 14 10/ 23/ 14 30976 10/ 23/ 14 MORET010 MORE THAN INK 30977 10/ 23/ 14 30978 30944 30945 30946 30961 30962 30963 30964 184. 00 PEST CONTROL INC INC 3, 088. 01 2, 750. 00 8, 702. 68 432. 23 613. 19 93. 00 5. 99 CEDSTOOS CED- ST AUGUSTINE 131. 00 PAPER SUPPLY FLOR1170 FLORIDA JANITOR & GALLS010 GALLS, AN ARAMARK COMPANY NORTON & BBTF1010 BB& T FINANCIAL, 10/ 31/ 14 242. 95 10/ 31/ 14 131. 00 RUBBER CO 0579 834 834 836 836 41. 21 10/ 31/ 14 4, 577. 10/ 31/ 14 INC 65 85. 00 PROF REGULA 2, 071. 95 10/ 31/ 14 838 838 838 838 838 838 MOTOR VEH 50. 10 10/ 31/ 14 838 231. 00 298. 16 10/ 31/ 14 838 838 BLUE, P. A. FS3 INC. AN ARAMARK COMPANY HOMED010 HOME DEPOT HIERS, 248. 24 834 INC. 10/ 31/ 14 789. 60 10/ 31/ 14 10/ 31/ 14 131. 70 10/ 31/ 14 838 903. 99 99. 00 10/ 31/ 14 838 10/ 31/ 14 838 15. 95 10/ 31/ 14 3, 796. 65 10/ 31/ 14 838 838 838 61. 56 10/ 31/ 14 838 265. 83 10/ 31/ 14 838 NORTH020 NORTHEAST FLORIDA LEAGUE OF CI 1, 135. 21 10/ 31/ 14 838 10/ 23/ 14 PHSIP010 PHSI PURE WATER SYSTEM FINANCE 40. 00 10/ 31/ 14 30979 10/ 23/ 14 RAYSTO10 RAYS TIRE AND SERVICE CENTER I 10/ 31/ 14 838 838 30980 10/ 23/ 14 STAUG205 ST AUG & 10/ 31/ 14 838 30981 STJOH140 ST. 10/ 31/ 14 838 30982 10/ 23/ 14 10/ 23/ 14 155. 13 300. 00 1, 333. 25 10/ 31/ 14 838 30983 10/ 23/ 14 TODDS010 TODD SMITH 150. 00 276. 90 10/ 31/ 14 838 MARIN010 MARINE SUPPLY & OIL COMPANY ST JOHNS COUNTY BOARD JOHNS COUNTY UTILITY DEPAR SUNSE010 SUNSET GRILLE 25 - November CITY OF ST. 13, 2014 12: 21 PM C eck # Amount Paid check Date vendor 253. 151. 24. 174. 188. 49, 183. 27. 02 00 99 00 00 72 56 467. 71 35. 64 0984 10/ 23/ 14 TOMNE010 TOM NEHL TRUCK COMPANY 0985 0986 LBBRY010 LB BRYAN & 0992 10/ 23/ 14 10/ 30/ 14 10/ 30/ 14 10/ 30/ 14 10/ 30/ 14 10/ 30/ 14 10/ 30/ 14 10/ 30/ 14 0993 10/ 30/ 14 CRAFTO10 CRAFT' S TROPHIES & AWARDS, 0994 CSAB- 0995 10/ 30/ 14 10/ 30/ 14 0996 0997 10/ 30/ 14 10/ 30/ 14 GALLSO10 GALLS, 0998 0999 10/ 30/ 14 10/ 30/ 14 HOMED010 HOME DEPOT 1000 JACKBO1O JACK BECKER DISTRIBUTORS 1002 10/ 30/ 14 10/ 30/ 14 10/ 30/ 14 1003 10/ 30/ NAPAA010 NAPA AUTO PARTS 1004 10/ 30/ 14 NATIOO90 NATIONWIDE RETIREMENT SOLUTION 1005 1006 10/ 30/ 14 NORTH03S NORTH OAK RECYCLING 10/ 30/ 14 RA15E010 RAMS EMBROIDERY 1007 10/ 30/ 14 5TAPL010 STAPLES 1008 1009 1010 10/ 30/ 14 STAUGO9O ST AUGUSTINE POWER HOUSE 10/ 30/ 14 SYMBA010 SYMBOL ARTS 180. 00 10/ 30/ 14 TAYL0020 TAYLOR RENTAL 152. 76 1011 10/ 30/ 14 10/ 30/ 14 VERIZ010 VERIZON WIRELESS 10/ 30/ 14 VILLAO1O VILLAGE KEY & 10/ 30/ 14 WAL- M010 WAL- MART STORE# 01- 10/ 30/ 14 10/ 31/ 14 WRIGH010 WRIGHT NATIONAL FLOOD 0988 0989 0990 0991 1001 1012 1013 1014 1015 1016 Checking Reconciled/ void Ref Num Continued 00 GENERAL 0987 Page No: 3 AUGUSTINE BEACH Check Register By Check Date 14 COMPANY ADVAPO1O ADVANCED AUTO PARTS AMER1080 AMERICAN PUBLIC WORKS ASSOC FSB BBTF1010 BB& T FINANCIAL, BLUE0010 BLUE CROSS BLUE SHIELD OF FL BOZARO10 BOZARD FORD COMPANY CANON010 CANON FINANCIAL SERVICES CARQUO10 CARQUEST AUTO PARTS 030 CSAB - 177. 09 POLICE EDUCATION FUND 841 841 10/ 31/ 14 841 841 841 10/ 31/ 14 841 841 54. 97 841 841 10/ 31/ 14 1, 161. 86 10/ 31/ 14 1, 723. 05 120. 00 30. 00 30. 32 8. 99 324. 67 1, 500. 00 24. 00 INC. 68. 96 0579 2, 489. 00 50. 00 BELL0010 SHEILA BELL Paid void Amount Paid Amount void checks: 133 1 194, 080. 77 805. 88 Direct Deposit: 0 0 Total: 133 1 0. 00 194, 080. 77 805. 88 Account Totals 841 841 841 841 841 841 841 841 841 841 841 841 841 841 843 67. 82 ALARM, 841 841 5. 28 VERON005 VERONICO HEATHER RECORE 841 171. 94 75. 00 1, 639. 05 INC. 841 841 KATH1005 KATHI M HARRELL HIERS, 841 36. 79 HAGAN020 HAGAN ACE HARDWARE LVHIE010 L. V. 841 1, 438. 30 AN ARAMARK COMPANY INNOVO1S INNOVATIVE CREDIT SOLUTIONS 838 839 40, 00 INC DELTA010 DELTACOM I010S8 10/ 31/ 14 0. 00 0011MPACTFEE 1180 Checking 10/ 30/ 14 Paid void checks: 1 0 Direct Deposit: 0 Total: 1 0 0 Account Totals 842 26, 663. 96 STJOH020 ST JOHNS COUNTY FINANCE DEPT Paid Amount Void 26, 663. 96 0. 00 26, 663. 96 0. 00 Amount 0. 00 0. 00 101RDBRIOGE 12890 10/ 02/ 14 ADVAPO10 ADVANCED AUTO PARTS 12891 10/ 02/ 14 10/ 02/ 14 CEDSTOOS CED- ST AUGUSTINE 10/ 02/ 14 10/ 02/ 14 GRISW005 GRISWOLD CONCRETE 12892 12893 12894 52. 74 39. 00 9. 28 CITYE010 CITY ELECTRIC HOLLOW HOLLEY, INC. 9, 007. 50 218. 90 26 - 10/ 10/ 10/ 10/ 10/ 31/ 14 831 31/ 14 831 31/ 14 31/ 14 831 31/ 14 831 831 November 13, Check # Page No: 4 CITY OF ST. AUGUSTINE BEACH 2014 12: 21 PM Check Register By Check Date Amount Paid Check Date vendor Reconciled/ void Ref Num Continued 101RDBRIDGE 12895 10/ 02/ 14 SAFETO10 SAFETY KLEEN CORP. 195. 29 12896 10/ 09/ 14 DAYT0010 DAYTONA BOLT & 106. 70 12897 10/ 09/ 14 FLSTOO20 FLORIDA STORMWATER ASSOCIATION 12898 10/ 09/ 14 FUTCHO1S FUTCH' S POWER DEPOT 12899 10/ 09/ 14 GEOMA010 GEOMATICS CORPORATION 12900 HELEN010 HELENA CHEMICAL CO. 361. 50 LEONA010 LEONARDI NURSERY 187. 02 10/ 31/ 14 LWERN010 L. 227. 75 10/ 31/ 14 153. 18 595. 00 10/ 31/ 14 12904 10/ 09/ 14 10/ 09/ 14 10/ 09/ 14 10/ 09/ 14 10/ 09/ 14 10/ 02/ 14 VOID 10/ 31/ 14 10/ 31/ 14 10/ 31/ 14 10/ 31/ 14 10/ 31/ 14 12905 10/ 16/ 14 BUGOUO10 BUG OUT SERVICE, 315. 00 10/ 31/ 14 12906 10/ 16/ 14 DUDAA010 DUDA & 70. 00 10/ 31/ 14 12907 10/ 16/ 14 HAGAN020 HAGAN ACE HARDWARE 10/ 31/ 14 12908 10/ 23/ 14 ADVAP010 ADVANCED AUTO PARTS 12909 10/ 23/ 14 BOZARO10 BOZARD FORD COMPANY 3. 13 20. 68 101. 38 12910 10/ 23/ 14 CARQUO10 CARQUEST AUTO PARTS 402. 37 10/ 31/ 14 12911 10/ 23/ 14 FUTCHOIS FUTCH' S POWER DEPOT 164. 30 10/ 31/ 14 12912 10/ 23/ 14 HEATHO10 HEATH ELECTRIC 10/ 31/ 14 12913 10/ 23/ 14 LVHIE010 L. V. 12914 10/ 23/ 14 MASTE015 MASTERS FARMS INC 346. 03 383. 66 90. 80 12915 12916 12917 12918 12919 12920 12921 12922 12923 12924 10/ 23/ 14 10/ 30/ 14 10/ 30/ 14 10/ 30/ 14 10/ 30/ 14 10/ 30/ 14 10/ 30/ 14 10/ 30/ 14 10/ 30/ 14 10/ 30/ 14 STAUGO90 ST AUGUSTINE POWER HOUSE 114. 47 10/ 31/ 14 12901 12902 12903 checking WERNINCK & NUT 412. 34 229. 58 2, 250. 00 SON MELV1010 MELVIN' S REPAIR SHOP THELA020 THE LAKE DOCTORS INC SONS INC HIERS, INC. CITYE010 CITY ELECTRIC 41. 78 HAGAN020 HAGAN ACE HARDWARE 44. 46 HOLLE010 HOLLEY, 10/ 31/ 14 10/ 31/ 14 10/ 31/ 14 10/ 31/ 14 475. 00 503. 04 10/ 31/ 14 14, 100. 00 10/ 31/ 14 LAWN SERVICE LABOR020 LABOR READY MACCL005 MACCLENNY EQUIPMENT SAFET020 SAFETY PRODUCTS, 840 VOID Alignment Check Checks: Direct Deposit: Total: - 840 28. 00 TRACT010 TRACTOR SUPPLY CO Account Totals Paid void Amount Paid Amount void 33 0 33 2 31, 921. 39 195. 29 0 0. 00 0. 00 2 31, 921. 39 195. 29 Paid void Amount Paid Amount void Checks: 167 3 1, 001. 17 Direct Deposit: 0 0 252, 666. 12 0. 00 Total: 167 I 252, 666. 12 1, 001. 17 Report Totals - 833 833 833 833 833 835 835 835 837 837 837 837 837 837 837 837 840 840 840 403. 52 INC. 833 833 833 833 840 840 840 463. 28 INC. JOINEO1O JOINER SWEEPING & 831 ( Reason: 27 - 0. 00 DUPLICATE PAYMENT) November CITY OF ST. 13, 2014 12: 21 PM Page No: AUGUSTINE BEACH Check Register By check Date Totals by Year- Fund Expend Total Revenue Total G/ L Total Total 4- 001 46, 178. 05 167. 58 322. 93 46, 668. 56 4- 101 13, 256. 42 59, 434. 47 0. 00 322. 93 13, 256. 42 167, 58 105, 713. 29 177. 09 68, 185. 79 174, 076. 17 Fund Description Fund GENERAL FUND ROAD & BRIDGE FUND Year Total: 5- 001 GENERAL FUND ROAD & 5- 101 BRIDGE FUND Year Total: Total of All Funds: 0. 00 _ 17. 00- 59, 924. 98 18, 664. 97 124, 395. 26 177. 0. 00 09 68, 168. 79 192, 741, 14 183, 829. 73 344. 67 68, 491. 72 252, 666. 12 18, 681. 97 p8 S November 12: 21 13, CITY OF ST. 2014 Check Register By check Date PM Totals by Fund Fund Description Fund GENERAL FUND 001 101 ROAD & Page No: 6 AUGUSTINE BEACH BRIDGE FUND Total of All Funds: Revenue Total G/ L Total Total 151, 891. 34 344. 67 68, 508. 72 220, 744. 73 31, 938. 39 0. 00 183, 829. 73 344. 67 Expend Total 29 — 17. 0068, 491. 72 31, 921. 39 252, 666. 12 November CITY OF ST. 13, 2014 Current Prior Rcvd Prior Open Paid Prior Fund Total 4- 001 46, 178. 05 0. 00 0. 00 0. 00 46, 178. 05 4- 101 13, 256. 42 _ 59, 434. 47 0. 00 0. 00 0. 00 0. 00 13. 256. 42 0. 00 0. 00 59, 434. 47 105, 713. 29 0. 00 0. 00 0. 00 105, 713. 29 18, 681. 97 0. 00 0. 00 0. 00 124, 395. 26 0. 00 0. 00 0. 00 124, 395. 26 183, 819. 73 0. 00 0. 00 0. 00 183, 829. 73 Fund Description Fund GENERAL FUND ROAD & BRIDGE FUND Year Total: 5- 001 GENERAL FUND ROAD & Page No: 7 AUGUSTINE BEACH Breakdown of Expenditure Account Current/ Prior Received/ Prior Open 12: 21 PM 5- 101 BRIDGE FUND Year Total: Total of All Funds: 30 — 18, 681. 97
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