NICOLE ROBITAILLE (November 2014) Queen’s School of Business Queen’s University 143 Union Street Kingston, Ontario, K7L 3N6 Phone: 613.533.3135 Fax: 613.533.2755 [email protected] ACADEMIC APPOINTMENTS 2014 – present Assistant Professor of Marketing Queen’s School of Business, Queen’s University EDUCATION PhD Marketing, 2014 University of Toronto, Rotman School of Management MSc Marketing, 2008 Concordia University, John Molson School of Business BSc Psychology (Behavioral Neuroscience), 2006 Concordia University, Canada Dissertation Title: “An Investigation of Consumers’ Moral Licensing Behavior” (Supervisory Committee: Andrew Mitchell, Nina Mazar and Wil Cunningham) RESEARCH Research Interests Consumer behavior, judgment and decision making with an emphasis on morality, public policy and social marketing Manuscripts under Review/Working Papers Robitaille, Nicole, Nina Mazar and Andrew Mitchell, “Removing Individuals’ License to Misbehave,” revising for resubmission (2nd Round) at Journal of Marketing Research Mazar, Nina, Hilke Plassmann, Nicole Robitaille and Axel Lindner, “Pain of Paying – A Metaphor Gone Literal: Evidence from Neurobiology and Behavioral Decision Making,” Manuscript in preparation. Robitaille, Nicole, and Nina Mazar, “Applying Behavioral Science in the Field: Nudging to Increase Organ Donor Registrations,” Manuscript in preparation. Tsai, Claire, Min Zhao and Nicole Robitaille, “How ‘Distance to End’ Influences Actual versus Predicted Consumer Experiences: A Resource Allocation Account,” Manuscript in preparation Julian House, Nina Mazar and Nicole Robitaille “Implementation Intentions: How to Nudge Organizations to Pay their Overdue Taxes,” Manuscript in preparation. Wan, Jing, Nicole Robitaille, Spike Lee and Nina Mazar “Embodied Cognition and Awareness,” [working title]. Robitaille, Nicole, Nina Mazar and Andrew Mitchell, “Expectations to Compensate,” [working title]. PUBLISHED CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS AND PRESENTATIONS Robitaille, Nicole and Nina Mazar (2014), “Removing Consumers’ License to Misbehave,” paper presented at Association for Consumer Research, Baltimore, MD. Mazar, Nina, Hilke Plassmann, Nicole Robitaille and Axel Lindner (2014), “The Origin of the Pain of Paying: Evidence from fMRI and Behavioral Experiments,” paper presented at Annual Meeting of the Society for NeuroEconomics, Miami, FL. Mazar, Nina, Hilke Plassmann, Nicole Robitaille and Axel Lindner (2014), “The Origin of the Pain of Paying: Evidence from fMRI and Behavioral Experiments,” paper presented at Behavioral Decision Research in Management, London, UK. Mazar, Nina, Hilke Plassmann, Nicole Robitaille and Axel Lindner (2012), “The Origin of the Pain of Paying,” paper presented at Society for Judgment and Decision Making, Minneapolis, MN. Mazar, Nina, Hilke Plassmann, Nicole Robitaille and Axel Lindner (2012), “The Origin of the Pain of Paying,” paper presented at Society for Consumer Psychology, Florence, Italy. Robitaille, Nicole and Nina Mazar (2012), “Removing Consumers’ License to Misbehave,” paper presented at Society for Consumer Psychology, Las Vegas, NV. Robitaille, Nicole and Nina Mazar (2012), “Removing Consumers’ License to Misbehave,” paper presented at 5th Annual Symposium on Consumer Behavior, London, ON. Robitaille, Nicole and Nina Mazar (2011), “Removing Consumers’ License to Misbehave,” paper presented at Society for Judgment and Decision Making, Seattle, WA. Nina Mazar, Hilke Plassmann, Nicole Robitaille, and Axel Linder (2011),"The Origin of the Pain of Paying," paper presented at Association for Consumer Research, St. Louis, MO. Robitaille, Nicole, Bianca Grohmann, Rong Zhou and Michael VonGrunau (2009), “The Effects of Product Display Organization on Consumers’ Visual Attention to Attributes,” poster presented at Society of Consumer Psychology, San Diego, CA. Penhune, Virginia, Clarisse Longo dos Santos and Nicole Robitaille (2006), “Consolidation of Implicit and Explicit Learning in a Biconditional Grammar Task,” poster presented at Cognitive Neuroscience Society, San Francisco, CA. INVITED TALKS • • • • • • SUNY Stony Brook (2013) Queen’s University (2013) Concordia University (2013) Iowa State University (2013) BE Works Consulting (2013) University Tübingen (2010) HONORS, FELLOWSHIPS AND AWARDS D.I. McLeod Research Assistantship, Queen’s University, 2014-2015 Lee-Chin Institute for Corporate Citizenship Research Grant, University of Toronto, 2014 Ontario Graduate Scholarship, 2013-2014 AMA Sheth Doctoral Consortium Fellow, University of Washington, 2012 Lee-Chin Institute for Corporate Citizenship Research Grant, University of Toronto, 2011 Research Travel Grant, University of Toronto, 2010, 2011 Conference Grant, University of Toronto, 2011 fMRI Decision Neuroscience Workshop Fellow, University of Michigan, 2009 Doctoral Fellowship, University of Toronto, 2008-2013 INDUSTRY EMPLOYMENT 2013 – present Research Analyst, Treasury Board Secretariat, Government of Ontario TEACHING Instructor Introduction to Marketing (Winter 2015) Guest Lecturer Principles of Marketing (Consumer Behavior, Winter 2011) Teaching Certificates “Case Teaching” (Spring 2013) 2-day case teaching workshop with James A. Erskine (University of Toronto) “Teaching Business in Colleges and Universities” (Spring 2012) 10-week teaching course (University of Toronto) PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONS Association for Consumer Research (ACR) Society for Judgment and Decision Making (SJDM) Society for Consumer Psychology (SCP) Association for Psychological Science (APS) ACADEMIC SERVICE Trainee Reviewer for the Journal of Consumer Research Ad- Hoc Reviewer for the Association of Consumer Research Conference Ad- Hoc Reviewer for Society of Consumer Psychology Conference Ad- Hoc Reviewer for the Association of Consumer Research Asia-Pacific Conference Ad- Hoc Reviewer for the Association of Consumer Research European Conference LANGUAGES English, French
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