Document 324494

Welcome to
This Week at Meadowlands
Thanksgiving Day-Church Office Closed
10:30 AM
Mom’s Time Out
Wednesday 6:00 PM
Handbell Choir Rehearsal
October 12, 2014
Worship Services
9:30 & 11:00 AM
7:00 PM
Message by Pastor Jim
“Be Thankful” - Psalm 100
Special Offering for Sacrifice Sunday
11 am
Teens (Room 308)
Manuele Russo (Room 221)
Bryan Statt (Room 207)
Pastor Jerry (Room 312)
College & Career (Room 207)
Duncan Johnson (Room 221)
All adults are invited to a fellowship time by the gym for the first 15
minutes (beginning at 9:30 or 11 am). We will then meet in the classrooms
for prayer, Bible study, and discussion.
Children’s Ministries
9:30 & 11:00 AM
Ages 0-1: Nursery (Main Floor) Gr. 1-3: Room 309 (9:30 am)
Ages 2-3: Former Library
Gr. 4-6: Room 209 (9:30 am)
Ages 4-5: Room 311 (9:30)
Jr. Church: Room 308 (11 am)
(Jr. Church Ages 4 - Gr. 3)
Choir Practice
5:00 PM
Evening Service
6:00 PM
Thanksgiving and Praise Service
Children’s Ministries through Kindergarten
Ages 4-5 in Room 311 (will be dismissed from auditorium)
Helen V., Karen R., Sherry P.
2&3 Year Olds: Nicole I., Judy J.
Infants: Jen M., Chelsea R., Rosanna H.
Toddlers: Krysti T., Nicole K., Jyoti V.
2&3 Year Olds: Enid S., Meg J., Holly M.
Cindy S. Michelle M., Caitlin A.
2&3 Year Olds: Renard & Mary Jo L., Sami H.
Nicole B., Sherry P., Margaret S.
2&3 Year Olds: Rick & Carolina B.
Nursery available for all services for children under 3.
Mothers’ Room (across from nursery) available for mothers with infants.
Please turn off your cell phone during the service. Thank you.
9:30 or 11:00 AM
9:30 am
Nursery Workers Needed
Adult Bible Study Classes
6:45 PM
6:00 PM
10:00 AM
Various Adult Classes
Children’s Ministries ‘Kids 4 Truth’
Youth Ministries
New Members’ Class—Pastor Jim
Beaumont Outreach
Young at Heart Thanksgiving Dinner (Gym)
Ladies Brunch for Heather Hunter
Future Events
Lord’s Supper
Good Sam Service (6:30 PM)
“Mom’s Time Out” Clothing Exchange (Gym)
70th Anniversary Celebration-Bill & Dorothy Bevan (2-4 PM)
Youth Gym Night (7-9 PM)
Oct 30-Nov 1Men’s Retreat (Sign-up on Bulletin Board)
Nov 2
Adult Sunday School Teachers Lunch (after 2nd service)
Nov. 7
Youth Activity
Nov. 8
Men’s Prayer Breakfast
Nov 10-15 FBC Block Class: Life of Peter (Greg Bartlett)
Dec. 5
Information Meeting-Pizza & Cheesecake
Since September , we have reignited our canvassing ministry. Since we live in a pagan environment with little biblical understanding, our canvassing ministry is not
“aggressive” soul winning. It is impossible to convince people to receive Christ when
they have no understanding about God or Christ. We will be delivering flyers to promote
a DVD series on creationism.
In the past month, we have had about seven visitors,
which is much higher than normal. Most notably, a husband, wife, and their two-year
old have been out for a couple of services and expressed great interest in our ministry.
Pray that we can minister to this family and see them become a part of the church,.
Darren began an intensive course in Teaching English as a Second Language. When
completed, he will be able to use the skills acquired to reach some of the newcomers to
Canada. Charis is a junior at Maranatha Baptist University pursuing a bachelor of education degree. Elizabeth began her fall piano teaching session. Please pray for her, that
she will be able to effectively witness for Christ to her students’ families.
Please pray for: Community outreach and attempts to meet people ~ Evangelistic
efforts/booklet distribution ~ Spiritual growth of our people ~ New families committed
to local church membership ~ Support Level (78%)
The Hammermeisters (Missionaries to BC)
WANTED: Updates / New Info. If you have never filled out a form with your
address, etc. or have moved recently, please get a form from the info desk.
Thank you so much for your help!