WORKSHOP PROGRAM 9:30 - 17:00 MONDAY 9:30 Opening / introduction Why cryo-TEM? prof.dr. N. Sommerdijk 10:45 Lecture dr. W. Busing / dr. M. Vos Principles and technical applications of cryo-TEM 12:30 Lunch 13:30 Instruction TUESDAY 9:30 Hands on: Cryo-TEM 12:30 Lunch 13:30 Hands on: Cryo-TEM WEDNESDAY 9:30 Lecture: Tomography dr. H. Friedrich Principles and technical application of electron tomography 10:45 Demonstration: Tomography 12:30 Lunch 13:30 Hands on: Tomography Hands on workshop on data acquisition for cryo-electron tomography 19:00 Dinner in town THURSDAY 9:30 Lecture: Reconstruction dr. M. Vos Part 1: Electron tomographic reconstruction 10:45 Demonstration dr. H. Friedrich Part 2: IMOD tutorial 12:30 Lunch 13:30 Hands on: FRIDAY 9:30 Lecture prof.dr. N. Sommerdijk Soft Matter Cryo TEM Cryo-TEM in Material Science 10:45 Evaluation / Closing 12:30 Lunch 13:30 Departure Acknowledgement Cover: Reprinted with permission from A.L. Parry Angewandte Chemie Int. Ed. 47 [46] (2008) 8859, fig 2 TEM analysis of aggregates of PNOEGPNLVL. Copyright 2008 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. Page 2: Top: Reprinted with permission from G.A.F. van Tilborg Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 60 (2008) 1444-1456, fig 2B Cryo-TEM images of biotinylated paramagnetic liposomes. Copyright 2008,John Wiley and Sons. Bottom: Reprinted with permission from M.J.M. Wirix, NanoLetters 14 (2014) 2033, abstract fig, Cryo-ET 3D visualization of P3HT, Copyright 2014 American Chemical Society. Page 2-3 bottom: Titan TEM: Photo Archive TU/e. Page 3: Top: Angewante Chemie: Cover picture, Cryo electron reveals confined complex morphologies of tripeptide-containg amphiphilic double-comb diblock copolymers (Angew.Chem.Int.Ed. 46/2008 page 8751). Copyright 2008 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. Middle: Vitrobot, Photo Archive FEI Company. FEI Company Eindhoven Eindhoven University of Technology Laboratory of Materials and Interface Chemistry Helix Building STO 2.91 Het Kranenveld 14 / P.O. Box 513 5600 MB Eindhoven / The Netherlands 3rd International Cryo-TEM Workshop April 13th – April 17th 2015 Eindhoven Soft Matter Cryo-TEM 3 R D INTERNATIONAL CRYO-TEM WORKSHOP 2015 Advancements in cryo-transmission electron micros- Using cryo-TEM and cryo-electron tomography (3D copy (cryo-EM) have made it possible to image ob- cryo-TEM) we have revealed the structure and mor- jects from biological origin, such as viruses and pro- phology of assemblies of surfactants, lipids and (bio) teins, now also reaching near atomic resolution. In polymers in solution, as well as at interfaces. But [email protected] recent years cryo-TEM is also increasingly used to cryo-TEM also allows us to study the interactions Phone +31 40 247 5870 investigate soft matter of synthetic origin: assem- between organic and inorganic components, e.g. in blies of organic (macro) molecules and/or inorganic the mineralization of collagen, generating artificial nanoparticles. bone-like materials. Since almost a decade, Eindhoven University of With this workshop we want to demonstrate the pos- Technology and FEI company have worked together sibilities of cryo-TEM, and to show you how to use at the forefront of this new field trying to advance this powerful technique in your own research and in cryo-TEM in materials science, both through devel- your own laboratory. The workshop is aimed at par- oping dedicated microscopes but also through de- ticipants at PHD/post doc level and who are experi- veloping advanced tools and methods for sample enced in basic microscopy and who wish to extend preparation and imaging. This has allowed us to their knowledge and practical experience in 2D and/ investigate a variety of soft and hybrid materials in or 3D cryo-imaging. The work shop will consist of their native hydrated state with nanometer resolution lectures from experts, but also of extensive practical, both in two and three dimensions. hands-on sessions where you will be stimulated to ORGANIZATION P R O G R A M H I G H L I G H TS • TEM OF SOFT MATTER: WHY CRYO-TEM? • SAMPLE PREPARATION: VITRIFICATION • LOW DOSE IMAGING •INTERPRETATION OF IMAGES Prof. Nico Sommerdijk - TU/e - Dr. Matthijn Vos - FEI Company [email protected] Phone : +31 6 2351 5172 investigate samples from your own research. . Dr. Wim Busing - FEI Company [email protected] Phone: + 31 40 235 6115 REGISTRATION The registration fee is € 1750,‐ per person, including full program, lunches and one dinner. REGISTER on • 2D VS 3D TOMOGRAPHY Visualizing your samples in their native hydrated state • DATA ACQUISTION Closure registra on 3 April 2015. WHEN CRYO-TEM SOLUTIONS MICROSCOPY AND SAMPLE PREPARATION CryoT-EM will allow you to visualize solu- Imaging soft matter poses a number of technical chal- tion species in their native hydrated state, lenges related to the delicate nature of the material of so without running the risk of introducing interest, its low contrast in the specimens, in combination artifacts due to staining or drying. By with the high vacuum and low temperature requirements plunge freeze vitrification soft matter sam- for the cryo-TEM process. You will work with our micro- ples, are embedded in an amorphous ice scope (TitanKrios) optimized for combined resolution layer that fixates and stabilizes them so and contrast as well as with our vitrification robots their structure and morphology can be (Vitrobot) for efficient and reliable sample preparation. studied, in principle with nanometer detail. April 13th — April 17th 2015 WHERE Eindhoven University of Technology Department Chemical Engineering Cryo-TEM routinely uses low-dose proto- A P P LI C A TIO N M A NA GE M E N T cols to control the exposition of the sam- In recent years, time resolved 2D and 3D Helix Building Room STO 2.91 ple to the electron beam, preventing radi- Cryo-TEM has led to new insights in a variety Het Kranenveld 14 / P.O. Box 513 ation damage to the generally beam sen- of soft mater systems both in aqueous media 5600 MB Eindhoven sitive soft matter. and organic solvents. You will be shown how The Netherlands the horizon of cryoT-EM can be widened by developing new procedures and exploring the limits of the current sample preparation techniques. Lab. Materials and Interface Chemistry
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