Rashtriya Ghemicals & Fertil l-imiteO (Government of: India Undertaking) Thal Unit,Tal - ALIBAG, Dist RA|GAD4O22O8. T el: 021 4 1 -2380 1 8 | 1 6, F ax: 021 41 -23808 1 /9 I n il 238206 Website:www.rcfltd.com', CIN : L241 1OMH1978GO1020185 ENQUIRY Io: Page 112 RFQ No: ENQUIRY NO: DATE: VENDORCODE: VENDORNAME: AK-44906 26.1'1.2014 DATE 9F SUBMISSION: 1s.12.2o14 DELfVERY 31j2.2014 - DATE: TEL; FAIS,., VENDORADDRESS: .rN Efif,Afiii , 1! /ou are requested to send your quotation in DUPLICATE for the supply of the under-mentioned articie subject to our standard terms and conditionr rrinted overleaf Quotation indicating price, time of delivery with detailed specifications, relevant drawings, pamphlet and literature wherever applicabk rhould reach us before 5 P.M. on or before the Date of Submission. tr. No.l 1 ttEM coDE 300121773 U/M I FULL DESCRIPTION OF ITEMS AUTO ANALYZER-PATHOLOGY WET CHEMISTRY MACHINE.OUTPUT TO 2OO 1OO OUANTITY NO 1 PHOTOMETRIC TESTS PER HRS-SAMPLE OF WHOLE'BLOOD NOTE: AS PER TECHNIGAL SPECIFICATION (ANNEXURE-I) AND BID ABSTRACT SHEET (ANNEXURE-Il) ATTACHED. SEND YOUR QUOTATION IN TWO BID BASIS 1)TECHNICAL & UNPRICE COMMERCIAL BID AND 2)PRICE BID, IN TWO SEPARET SEALEE ENVELOPES. 1. SEND YOUR QUOTATION lN SEALED COVER INDICATING ENQUIRY & DUE DATE,ON TOP OF COVER TO REACH US ON OR BEFORE DUE NO.. DATE. . ,, i; '..1 2. PLEASE SEND OFFER PREFERABLY THR#PROFESSIONAL/SPEED POST. 3. OUOTED PRICES SHOULD BE FOR THAL, 4. VALIDIry OF THE OFFER SHOULD BE 90 DAYS MINIMUM. 5. PAYMENT WILL BE MADE WITHIN 30 DAYS. '' ') r. 6. L.D.CLAUSE lS APPLICABLE AS UNDER: 0.5% PER WEEK OF DELAYED VALUE. TO MAX 5% OF DELAYED VALUE BEYoNE CONTMCTUAL DELIVERY PERIOD. 7. READ INSTRUCTIONS IN ENQUIRY BEFORE QUOTING. 8. TMES IF ANY SHOULD BE INDICATED SEPAMTALY. 9. ALL PAYMENTS SHALL BE RELEASED BY RTGS ONLY.PLEASE SEND BANK DETAILS. 10. IF YOU ARE NOT RESPONDING THEN PLEASE SENT REGRET LETTER. 1 1 .Security Deposit Cum Performance Guarantee Clause: Successful bidder will have to submit the B.G. for 1Qo/o of order value within 1 5 days fron receipt of P.O. in the form of demand draft or bank guarantee as per R.C.F. format from R.C.F. approved banker. BG shall be valid for 12 months fron date of commissioning or 18 months from the date of dispatch, whichever is earlier. In case this clause not accepted the offer may be rejected. D.C.PAWAR Dy. Manager (Material) FAX NO. 02141 238081 Email 1. 2. 3. [email protected] : ,: . QUOTATION MUST BE TYPE WRITTEN, OTHER WISE IT WILLNOT BE CONSIDERED. DRAWING/SPECIMAN ENCLOSED CAN BE SEEN WITH THE UNDERSIGNED. All rates must be free delivery to our stores. The quotations must be clear in respect of providing material test certificate from manufactures/recononised test houses. }/;:. :.. MT,DEEPAK PAWAR SpeurtcATroNS oF FULLr AUTIMATED AuroANALyzER l. Should be discrete, Patient Prioritized, Automatecl,benchtop Randorn Access, Walk away CIinical Chemistry Analyzer for Routine chemistries, lmmunochemistries. lor.lo Should be able to provide results for atleast 200 Tests / hour,photometric tests . The reagent tray with on board cooling facility for of all reagents, having more than 45 positions for reagents bottles and it should accept both 20ml,50ml,and 5ml adapters t 4. Minimum reading volume should be 180 pL / test. 5. It should have static Photometric range from 340-700 nm with facility to perform measurements using bichromatic and monochromatic wavelengths. 6. Should have an ability to measure in the range from 0 2.5Abs. Should have single sample and reagent arm to dispense each of them when ever applicable. Should have stirrers for the reagent s & samples mixing in the reaction cuvette. 8. It should have more than 45 on line chemistries and should not have any limit on number of pro grammable chemistries,profi les and calculation item. 9. Should have sample tray having more than 30 sample positions to accommodate primary tubes and sample cups.of 5ml,7ml,10ml. In addition to Positions for Standard. reasent blank & for control. 10. The analyzer should be able to perform 9 srAT/ Emergency Samples. I 1. Should have permanent or non-disposable hard glass Reaction cuvettes 12. Should have on board washing for the reaction cuvettes having 8 stages for better cleanliness of the reaction cuvettes with facility to eliminate dirty cuvettes while performing the assay. 13. Should have level detection method for reagents & samples for detection of obstructions and protection of probes / arms from any possible damage. 14. Should have capacity of performing multi level Q.C. with daily & monthly L-J chart with multi rules and twin plot facility, with facility to get analytical flags on prop". inputs and facility to view the reaction on the screen. Facility to perform un urruy automatically with software option when the sample value exceeds user defined value, facility to rerun assay on auto diluted sample. a 15. Should have reagent monitoring facility with nressages for replacement / rehll and real time display of the reagent level. 16. Incubation bath should be temperatures of 37o C. of dry bath type for all reaction cuvettes and selectable unit should be supplied with facility to give alarm for deionised water can, cleaning solution can, biohazard waste can, and normal waste can 17. The unit should be supplied with the appropriate configuration of CPU, monitor, plant. keyboard, mouse and printer and user fiiendly software and compatible deionizer 18. . The /supplier should be ISO/ CE certified with proven track record in India with excellent service network throughout the country. (Service network details to be provided). 19. The manulacturer 20. Demonstration compulsory and training to Laboratory staff to be provided. 21. operating and detailed service manual should be supplied 22. P ower supply : 230V +l l5%;50h2 +/3yo upto 90% 23. .Tropicalisation: operating temp:upto 40'C,Storage upto 60'C,Relative Humidity non condensing. Shall provide AMC contract 25. rli {t should estimate electrolyte fEf yqun.* {. ,F * + r * ,t< also. ,F ANNEXURE . , - II .!,. Eit - rrtihct Sfreet ":THIs ANNE(uRE MUsr BE ENcLosED DULv rruieo, sIGNED AND srAMpED ALoNG wITH youR QUOATION IN BID-I. IF THIS ANNEXURE IS NOT ENCLOSED, YOUR OFFER WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED FOR EVALUATION. SR COMMERCIAL 1. ct-AUsEs Two Bid System RCF'S REQUIREMENT RESPONSE Tender should be submitted on two stage bid basis in two separate sealed covers clearly indicating as detailed below Paft I: Technical and un priced commercial bid along with Annexure=I .': Paft II: Priced commercial bid. Both the parts will have to be submitted on or before bid closing date and, (indicate enquiry number.on 2. EARNEST MONEY DEPOPSIT BIDDER each, lope) Fax offer / offer reCeiVed without,two stage basis as detailed above'or received.'after due date shall not be considered. Bidder has to submit EMD either in the form Given/ of demand draft in favour of RCF Ltd., for Rs. Not given 15,000/- or valid NSIC Certificate without which offer will not be considered. The D.D. no. & demand draft should be payable at State Bank Amount of India , Thal Vaishet Branch code no: 07289) FOR RCF Thal Agreed Not Aqreed o/o Rs.---Extra inclusive in Basic / / Price inclusive o/o Extra Inclusive plicable. I{. / inclusive o/o ----- of VAT ble Extra'/ Inclusive ------o/o of CST ble Extia:y' Inclusive inclusive ---- o/o / Rs.------- as'Extra / Inclusive. price basis "FOR' ,RCF THAL', inclusive transpoftation charqes should be inclusive. No Octroi is applicable at Thal at present Not applicable ( 3. PRICE BASIS 4. PACKING & FORWARDING: 5. EXCISE DUW 6. VATICST TAX 7. TRANSPORTATION 8. ocTRol 9. TRANSIT INSURANCE 10. SPECIFICATION OF |TEMS & QUANTTW 11. DELIVERY PERIOD For -------o/o Extra Specifications / Inclusive & quantities as per Acceoted. FOR Thal basis, Flease spec,Ef,y. / Extra Extra Extra Extra / Extra / / / / inclusive Enquiry Agreed / Not Aqreed Agreed / Not Aqreed t2. VALIDITY OF OFFER Offer should be valid up to 9O days from the last date of sub'mlssion of terlder, (please give ----days (uoto dt. the date up to Which your offer-is.valid) ) 13, L4. Price Reduction clause for Late Delivery for supply of material: Late delivery clause is applicable as per NIT clause no. 26.0.01 for the delayed delivery @ 0.5olo per week of delay to maximum Agreed 5 o/o of p. o. value.' (Non acceptance of L.D. clause will lead to Not Agreed loading your basic price by 5olo) Securitv Deoosit Cum Performance Guarantee Clause: Successful bidder will have to submit the B.G. for 10olo of order value within 15 days from receipt of P.O. in the form of demand Agreed draft or bank guarantee as .per,r R.C.F. format from R.C.F. Not Agreed approved banker. :BQ shall bd validi for t2 rnonths from date of commissioning or,lrtS months fiom'lthe date of dispatch, which 15. 16. L7. ever is earlier. In'tase this clause not accepted the offer may be rejected. Guarantee / Warrantee: The material shall be guaranteed for 36 months after cijmmissionin"j' or 42 months after delivery of complete material,'which ever is earlier. Guarantee / Warrantee ceftificate to be submitted alonq with the material. Firm Price Clause: Prices shall be firm till the execution of the contract. Any statulory change within contract period will be borne by R.C.F. (price should be firrn else offer will not be considered) PAYMENT Payment will be made with in 3O days from the TERMS receipt subject to acceptance of the material (in cas€ of non acceptance of above Payment Term kindly mention your. the ,pbyment a'tiPLR madF,hor adjusting tb Agreed Not Agreed Agreed Not Aqreed / / Agreed Not Agreed PLEA the split the order wit accept or reject any offer in paft or full or iqninq any'reason v hatsoever. 19. You have submitted & understood all the technical details. Any deviation should be clearlv mentioned in a separate sheet 20. Price Bid Format should be enclosed with price blanked out in 18. RCF reserues the Technical/Un priced Bid. 2t. Acceptance of sallent Commercial Terms as per Annexure - I & II. Accepted & siqned copies of annexure- I & II enclosed in Bid-I Please Note / No / Yes / No Yes Yes All other terms & conditions:are as per standard terms & conditions of R.G.F. NOTES: 1. Please give separate list ns, if any. 2. Please fill up this,shFet all the above points in Envelop-I only. you please 3. In case are u4$,fle to quote, send regret letter. for and : Date: Place: ,t'i'i.' (Authorised Signatory) iri': Seal No
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