DECEMBER 2014 NEWSLETTER Redeemer Lutheran Church 210 S. Oneida Mailing Address: 205 Hudson St. Green Bay, WI 54303 Phone: 920-499-1033 Website: E-Mail: [email protected] __________________________ Redeemer Mission Statement We share with all people the good news of Jesus Christ, teaching faith and love. __________________________ Inside This Issue Executive Committee....................2 Financial Update...........................3 Prayer List .....................................3 Church News .................................4 This ’n That ..................................5 Bible Readings ..............................5 GBLSA Update ..............................6 Worship Volunteers ......................7 Birthdays, Anniversaries ..............8 Upcoming Events ..........................8 Official Acts ...................................8 Calendar ........................................9 JanuaryNewsletter Deadline: All newsletter articles for January are due in the church office by Sunday, December 14, 2014. This newsletter is published monthly. Dear Friends in Christ, Did you know that the word advent literally means “arrival”? So during the season of Advent, Christians are focused and preparing for an arrival: Christ’s arrival. We prepare to celebrate His first arrival in Bethlehem, but even more importantly, we also prepare for His second arrival, His final arrival to judge the living and the dead. I want to share a true story about a man named Mike Hanzas, who had become meticulous about being prepared. Two years before his death, Mike, who lived alone, began to make preparations for his demise. He bought a lot in the cemetery. Weekly, he visited the site where his mortal remains would be laid to rest. He planted grass there and mowed it regularly. On Memorial Day, he place flowers on his own grave site, for he said, “I want to see flowers there now. I won’t be able to see them when I’m gone!” A while later Mike went into a funeral home. “I want to buy a casket which will be my new home,” he said. Whenever he passed the funeral home he would go in. Standing beside the casket he would say, “That’s where I’m going to live someday!” One day Mike invited his whole family to come to see him. After a very hearty meal, Mike began to dispense some canned goods and personal effects among his family members. Then he handed his nephew his will. As he did this, he dropped dead of heart failure! As far as we can tell, Mike Hanzas made every possible preparation for his body, but none for his soul. What do we need to learn from Mike Hanzas? The season of Advent is more that just preparing to celebrate Christmas. It must be about preparing the soul to meet Jesus at His second Advent. A soul is prepared through sincere and heartfelt repentance. A soul is prepared when it has been heartily fed with God’s Word and Sacrament. A soul is prepared when meeting Christ is the first and primary concern in the daily routine. To prepare us for Jesus first Advent, God made promise after promise, prophecy after prophecy, and yet the world was largely unprepared for His arrival. To prepare for His second Advent, God has made promise after promise and prophecy after prophecy, and yet are we truly and fully prepared for His arrival? Make this Advent season about more that shopping, parties, and decorating. First prepare the soul, decorating it with God’s Word, celebrating in God’s house with extra services, and filling it with all His graces, which, simply put, money could never buy. In Christ’s love, Executive Committee Redeemer Lutheran Church Executive Board Meeting Minutes November 11, 2014 The meeting was called to order at 6:30p.m. by Chairman Randy Pfister and opened with a devotion led by Pastor Pett. The minutes from the October meeting were approved as written. Pastor’s report: During October Pastor led (7) adult bible classes; (4) Confirmation classes; and (1) chapel service at Trinity. There were (8) hospital visits; (11) home visits; (3) nursing home services; and (3) counseling sessions. Two new members were added: Jodi Davis was reinstated, and David Fenner through adult confirmation. There was one funeral, Andrea Fredrickson. Transfers out included Steve & Susan Perz, Tara and Stephanie to Peace Lutheran in Green Bay; John & Linda Ludolph, Timothy and Peter to Pilgrim Lutheran in Suamico; and Naomi Aberg to Peace Lutheran in Eau Claire. Elder’s report: Dates for a possible Elders’ retreat weekend were discussed. A member asked if there would be a Christmas program or some kind of recognition for the Sunday School. A brief discussion was held and different ideas discussed. Tim Ahtonen will talk to the confirmation class to see if any of them would be willing to help out. While planning services for 2015, it was decided the have a New Year’s service on Wednesday, December 30, 2015 and no service on December 31, 2015. Pastor Pett brought up various outreach needs in our community that may be addressed by utilizing our facilities. School board report: GBLSA will be doing concessions at a few UWGB girls’ basketball games to raise money for athletics. The board is currently working on changing the policy regarding tuition payment. A letter for zoning requirements for a pre-k at Redeemer has been composed. The board recommends continuing the tuition assistance for the next school year. The family that was receiving the community scholarship from Redeemer has left Trinity. It was decided by the executive board to continue the scholarship for the second semester. The family(ies) will be chosen by Trinity. Board of Mission & Ministry report: They will again host a social time between the Wednesday services during Advent. A Giving Tree will be going up soon to help St. John’s shelter. Dates for Vacation Bile School are being looked at. They are checking to see if anyone is handling the cradle roll. They are also looking into getting some Redeemer apparel. Board of Property report: Water heaters in the front of church will be changed out. The downspouts are being buried; the parking lot will be resurfaced in spring. The replacement door for the north side of the school is here and will be installed soon. Financial report: Offerings for October totaled $26,762, and total income for the month was $31,627. Total expenses paid were $30,561. Currently the mortgage balance is $383,903 and the Cougar Care balance is $41,999. Old Business: Several board positions are still open. Currently the constitution states that terms are to be one year with a three term max. The board will present a proposal to the congregation at the next congregational meeting to change the constitution so terms will be two years with a two term max as well as to eliminate the position of congregation vice-chair. A list of members who did not respond to the letter sent them regarding excommunication will be published. New Business: The results of the survey concerning Redeemer’s future some members were asked to take were looked at by the executive board and elders. Randy Pfister, Dan Schrieber, Jim Wirch, and Pastor Pett will meet to go over the findings more closely and decide where to go from there. Name tags will be available for members who wish to purchase them for a nominal fee, probably about $4.00. Pastor stated that our Benevolent Fund is low. It was decided that a door offering will be taken on the Sunday before and Sunday after Thanksgiving to help replenish it. There have been numerous problems with the copy machine, and because of its age it can no longer be repaired. A refurbished one can be purchased for $1500. A motion was made and seconded to purchase the refurbished copy machine. Motion passed. The next Executive Board meeting will be on Tuesday, December 2, 2014 with a social beginning at 5:30 p.m. The Congregational meeting will be on Sunday, December 7, 2014 at noon. Meeting adjourned at 8:50 p.m. and closed with prayer. Respectfully submitted, Jodie Ellingson Congregation Secretary 2 | DECEMBER NEWSLETTER FINANCIAL UPDATE Financial Report September 2014 offerings were $26,762, compared to $27,436 in September. Total October income was $31,627 including offerings, Lutheran school donations, “Adopt a Bill”, debt reduction and the Thrivent programs. Total expenses paid were $30,561. Fiscal year to date offerings total $79,956, compared to budgeted offerings to date of $70,550. Through September 2014, we have received $58,136 through our Partnership in Ministry (PIM) campaign which means we have received $11,627 (20%) to use for outreach activities to spread God’s Word, $23,254 (40%) toward projects (including security cameras, classroom renovations, chair lifts and parking lot resurfacing) and $23,254 (40%) to pay down the mortgage principal. Respectfully, Susan Kupsky Financial Secretary Prayer List International Concerns: Persecuted Christians Ebola Victims Hospitalized: Llew Kramer Lucille Schmidt Undergoing Treatment: Nora Brown Haven Burris –friend of Jeremiah Goin Family Karen Clark –sister of Becki Larson Ed Fritsch –Cindy Pfister’s dad Barbara Gapp-friend of Julie Zimmer Tom Gendill –brother-in-law of Joanne Pludeman Jim Greene Mary Groh Dale Hedtke –nephew of Cecilia Chlopek Bev Jablonski Don Kieweg Anita Koseck Charlie Knuth-friend of Jeremiah Goin Tianna Lange Jean Palomino Maria Pflueger-aunt of Carol Knapowski Chris Wagner-Shelia Ferron’s aunt Recovering: Marcella Antonneau Margie Bergelin PRAYER LIST Delton Bongel Dee Davies –mother of Jill Kern Sue Druckrey Edmond Foral –father of Sheila Ferron Marian Kiley –mother of John Kiley Ruth Kohn - mother of Joanne Pludeman Bev Larsen Brixon Martin - nephew to Darsi Nuske Polly Mikkola Judy Westerfeld Jim Willams- brother of Becki Larsen Mike Williams –father of Becki Larsen Sandy Wilson –sister-in-law of Kiewegs Dorothy Zastrow Julie Zimmer Art Zoellner– brother of Lyndon Zoellner Ongoing Health Problems: Neal Anderson Paul Berntson - uncle of Christina Flores Shirley Handschke –mother of Laura Schiefelbein Marjory Holmes Ron Howard Helen Joslin Sue Kienitz - sister in law of Neal & Ann Anderson Tom Krahl –friend of Petts Frieda Landgraf Gladys Meath Josh Moede Sue Nehring Lila Schroeder - sister in law of Pat Taylor Charmaine Scott –mother of David Tucker Todd Valitchka Aiden Van Lanen Don Van Pay - Jim Delvoye Sr. stepfather Doug Vercauteren Larry & Bernice Vomastic School Ministry: N.E.W. Lutheran High School Trinity Lutheran School Missionary Overseas: Anne Davies Elliot & Serena Derricks Military Personnel Overseas: Tess Bogner Tyler Hischke –nephew of Steve & Linda Druckrey Blake Howard- grandson of Orvel & Vi Howard Ben Hurlbert Trent Lehrkind Marcus & Maggie Noll - friend of Tess Bogner Nick Olp - NEW Graduate in the Marines Adam Siekmann –grandson of Vernon & Joyce Siekmann Nathan Schroeder - nephew of Pat Taylor Cameron Wiese - grandson of Clyde Druckrey Updated 11-26-14 REDEEMER LUTHERAN CHURCH | 3 CHURCH NEWS CARDS FOR VETERANS Yes it’s that time again for remembering our retired and current VETERENS by adding CHRISTmas in their lives with a brief message of thanks. Brothers and Sisters in Christ, We are joining with another group and together we will be able to not only get cards to Milwaukee and King, but to current overseas military (via the Red Cross) plus nursing homes and hospitals locally. This will spread the message out, benefiting more veterans with Christian messages and our thanks. All we’re asking for is a few minutes of your time. We know everyone is busy--but please remember these men and women served years so that we could enjoy the freedoms available to us that we know. We still need all the cards we can get and appreciate them, we’ve had boxes of new cards from some of you, thank you for your generosity, and please add your message whenever possible, it is of so much help, even if it’s only one message. GOD BLESS and THANK YOU are powerful words. Some of the cards are flattened---these are for the Red Cross, they check the contents before packaging them and sending them to current military men and women serving our country and us overseas. Please keep them flat---they will be taken care of in Washington by the Red Cross. Cards for signing are always available in the Narthex, grab a pack, take them home, sign them and bring them back. Thank you for your help--I know the Vets do appreciate getting them. Thank you for your help!!! God Bless and have a great day! Janet Groh Ideas for signature messages: May Jesus bless you as you celebrate His birth! Merry CHRISTmas! Jesus is the Reason for the Season! ADVENT SOCIAL Mission and Ministry we be sponsoring a social time after the 3:30 services on Wednesday Dec 3rd, Dec 10th and Dec 17th. We will have variety of food and snacks. We will be asking for a free will donation. All proceed from the social time will be donated to St. John’s shelter. The congregation is invited to bring your favorite snack or treat to share. 4 | DECEMBER NEWSLETTER CHRISTMAS GIVING TREE Mission and Ministry has chosen to support St. John’s Shelter this Christmas season with a Christmas Giving Tree. The tree has been decorated with Christmas tags that have a requested item for the shelter listed on the back. Please consider taking a tag to support the shelter. In addition, we will also collect lip balm and lotion. Please donate all gifts unwrapped and with gift tags attached by December 17th. If you have any questions, please contact Beth Wegener or another member of the board. Thank you! FELLOWSHIP CLUB NEWS Fellowship Club is having a Christmas party on December 5 at 5:30. Julie's will be catering a baked chicken and tender tips dinner with a cost of $10.00. You will need to sign up on the sheet in the narthex or call Gladys at 4944939 or Mae at 833-6615 to reserve your spot by Dec. 1. Bring a wrapped white elephant gift. Everyone is welcome to join us. Upcoming events- Planning meeting January 9 Pancake and Porkie Breakfast - February 8 DECORATING FOR CHRISTMAS We will decorate the Sanctuary on Saturday, December 6th beginning at 8am. We need lots of help! Please sign up in the Narthex if you will be able to help. CONGREGATIONAL MEETING All Redeemer members are invited to attend the congregational meeting on Sunday, December 7th @ noon. Meeting will include election of officers and various updates. CHRISTMAS CAROLING Sunday Dec 7 Approx 1:00 - 4:00pm Join us in singing favorite Christmas carols to our members who are homebound and in nursing homes. We will carpool from Redeemer after the conclusion of the voter's meeting. Sandwiches, cookies and drinks will be furnished in the narthex before we head out. Parents are welcome to bring their children with them to sing carols. Pastor Pett and Ruth Borchardt are coordinating the event . CHURCH OFFICE The church office will be closed December 24th-26th. Have a very Merry Christmas!! REDEEMER LUTHERAN CHURCH | 3 THIS - N -THAT 2015 NEW LHS AUCTION Just announced at the 2014 NEW Auction - for our 25th Annual Dinner Auction, we have been given a grant to hold it at LAM-BEAU FIELD in 2015!! There will be several price breaks - the first is from now until December 31, 2014. Ticket price will be $50/ person. After the 31st, the price jumps to $70/person so get your tickets now! Ticket sales will be on our website in the near future or you can send a check to the school office now! CAMP LUTHER GIFT CERTIFICATES Looking for the perfect gift for your children or grandchildren? Consider a Camp Luther gift certificate. These certificates can be purchased in any amount and may be used for Camp Luther summer camps like Pathfinder, Trailblazer, or Explorer. Thjey can also be used for items in our canteen. Call Mary Ann at 877-264 -CAMP. are featuring 6 situational comedy plays… from DR. DEATH trying to blow up the most beloved state of Iowa to a couple of elderly women with a penchant for discussing their HEALTH ISSUES over dinner, you are sure to enjoy these HILARIOUS plays. Get your tickets at the door for $6/adult and $4/students & seniors. Our Saviour's Monthly Fish Fry Our Saviour Lutheran Church (120 S Henry St) will host a fish fry on December 12 from 5-6:30 pm (or until gone). The doors open at 4:45pm. Deep-fried perch, baked cod and combination dinners are available for $12-$13; chicken tender dinners are $6. Dinners include choice of French fries or baked potato, homemade rolls, homemade coleslaw, and lemonade or coffee. Salad, soda, milk and desserts are available for purchase. Carry outs available; call in orders taken until 4:15pm at 4684065. ORDER YOUR CAMP LUTHER 2015 CALENDAR NOW Visit and order our beautiful calendar for the new year. These feature pictures selected from our 2014 photo contest. What a GREAT way to enjoy Camp Luther year round. They also make wonderful Christmas gifts! FORT HOWARD APARTMENTS Fort Howard Apartments is an apartment building primarily for persons age 62 or older. At this time we are looking for a couple or individual for our live-in position. They would reside in an attached two bedroom apartment with outside patio and garage. The person(s) hired for the position would pay rent but would have the opportunity to earn and hourly wage for any work they would do. They would assist residents with lock-outs and take after hours calls. Their hours could also include light maintenance, lawn care, snow removal and help with resident activities depending on their interest and skills. Most of the duties would be after normal business hours. Therefore, applicants can have another daytime position. For further information or an application, please call 488 -4544. A COLLECTION OF COMEDIES: The NEWLHS Drama Department presents a Collection of Comedies!! Join us February 7th & 8th at 6:30PM at NEWLHS, for a laugh-out-loud good time. This year we Read The Bible in a Year December 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Luke 19-20 Luke 21-22 Luke 23-24 John 1-2 John 3-4 John5-6 John 7-8 John 9-10 John11-12 John 13-15 John 16-18 John 19-21 Acts 1-3 Acts 4-6 Acts 7-8 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Acts 9-10 Acts 11-13 Acts 14-15 Acts 16-17 Acts 18-20 Acts 21-23 Acts 24-26 Acts 27-28 Romans 1-3 Romans 4-7 Romans 8-10 Romans 11-13 Romans 14-16 1 Corinthians 1-4 1 Corinthians 5-8 1 Corinthians 9-11 7 REDEEMER LUTHERAN CHURCH | 5 Green Bay Lutheran School Association Green Bay Lutheran School Association/Trinity Update Question: Why operate a Lutheran school? Answer (from the Lutheran School Portal To Nurture the Children’s Faith Faith is nurtured by daily proclamation of the Gospel, teaching children the Word of God and how to read and understand that Word on their own, and by modeling and challenging students to live the Christian faith. We live in a changing society where instant gratification and pleasure are gaining importance , while traditional family and moral values are declining. A society where the dehumanization of people (born and unborn) is constantly assaulting us. In the face of these societal changes one thing becomes evident – the importance of having a Christian worldview and strong Christian faith. On a daily basis the teachers and staff at Green Bay Trinity work with parents, developing a strong faith foundation in their children by “nurturing mind and spirit”. It is a foundation rooted in the absolute truth that Jesus Christ sacrificed himself and was raised to forgive our sins and grant us eternal life. For as St. Paul points out in his letter to the Romans, “But God demonstrates His own love for us in this; while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” (Romans 5:8) It’s a foundation that teaches that what is right and what is wrong is identified in God’s Word and that such a foundation is timeless, consistent and reasonable for “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.” (Hebrews 13:8) As an Association we have the opportunity to provide that Christian worldview to families in the greater Green Bay area. Assist us in fulfilling our mission of reaching all children in the community by spreading the word about Green Bay Trinity Lutheran as an option. Encourage families to look us up on the web (, on Facebook ( gbtrinityluth), and on Twitter ( Suggest they contact the school at 655-4673 to set up a visit or attend the Open House in January. “For unto us a child is born, to us a son is given” (Isaiah 9:6) Have plans on Monday evening, December 15? The students of Green Bay Trinity invite you to attend their Christmas program at 6:30 pm at Our Saviour. Hear the Christmas message as we prepare to celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior. Trinity Athletics Come out and support the Trinity basketball teams! Here is the Eagles schedule for the month of December. Unless otherwise noted, games start at 4 pm (“C” girls) with the final game tipoff at approximately 7 pm (“A” boys). Game dates are also available at Friday, December 5 Saturday, December 6 & 7 Monday, December 8 Friday, December 12 Tuesday, December 16 Friday, December 19 At St. Martin Clintonville Boys & Girls “A” tournament at Fox Valley Lutheran At Zion Wayside (Girls “A” – 4 pm, Boys “A” – 5 pm) At Pilgrim At Assumption Pulaski (Girls “C” – 4 pm, Boys “C” – 5 pm) Home vs Sacred Heart Be part of the excitement and cheer the Eagles to victory! Trinity Auction The Trinity Auction is on Saturday, February 21, 2015. This year’s theme is “The Love Boat” with some exciting new aspects of the event being planned. Please prayerfully consider supporting the auction attending, becoming an event sponsor, and/or donating “new” items to this major fundraiser for Trinity Lutheran School. Look for more information on this special event soon. We are still looking for an auctioneer for this year’s event, if you know someone who would be available and willing to donate their time please contact myself via email or the school at 655-4673. December GBLSA Board Meeting The next meeting of the GBLSA Board of Directors is scheduled for December 22 at 6:30 pm. If you would like to address the Board, please contact me to be placed on the agenda. As always please keep the Association and Green Bay Trinity in your prayers, asking that God would guide us to do His will. God’s Blessings! Brad Van Lanen GBLSA President [email protected] 6 | DECEMBER NEWSLETTER 4 | SEPTEMBER NEWSLETTER REDEEMER LUTHERAN CHURCH | 7 >>> Cindy Pfister Polly Nienow Shirley Strehlow Dolores Schulz Altar Guild Altar Guild >>> >>> Joanne Pludeman >>> Jaelyn House Altar Guild Mattie Zimmer Fred John Harold Sisel SELECT Helen Hazaert >>> >>> >>> >>> Emilie Pludeman Michelle Larsen Chris Stewart Dan Mannisto Carl Hazaert Curt Moede Mark Sprague Fred John Tristen Tucker NONE Helen Baldwin SCRIP Tim Radtke NONE NONE Jennifer Nehring Elmer Nienow Doug Siebert NONE Bryan Nehring Lyndon Zoellner 8:45am Gary Behnke 6:30pm 3:30pm 7-Dec Polly Nienow 3-Dec 3-Dec Altar Guild Acolyte Acolyte 10:45am Usher Usher Usher Usher Lay Reader Sacristan Greeter Greeter Elder Date Mae Aprill >>> >>> >>> >>> Faith Rafferty SELECT NONE Marion Schmeling >>> >>> >>> >>> Jaci Mannisto Tim Radtke Jim Martin Jim Wirch Bev Jablonski Jodie Ellingson >>> >>> >>> >>> Andrew Pludeman Emily LeClair Jeremiah Goin Lorin Sternberg Gerald Pludeman Susan Kupsky John Kiley Andy DeGrave Tom Meath Grace Ebert J&C Hoffman Sue Druckrey Tim Ahtonen 8:45am 14-Dec Jim Wirch 6:30pm 10-Dec Polly Nienow Elmer Nienow Jeff Goin 3:30pm 10-Dec Janet Groh >>> >>> >>> >>> Grace Rafferty SELECT NONE NONE Polly Nienow Elmer Nienow Lyndon Zoellner 3:30pm 17-Dec ?? >>> >>> >>> >>> Justin Mannisto Mae Aprill Bud Aprill Cheryl Behm NONE Jennifer Nehring Dan Mannisto 6:30pm 17-Dec Carl Hazaert NONE NONE Linda Haag Pat Taylor Jim Wirch 4:00pm 24-Dec Cindy Pfister >>> >>> >>> >>> Bridgett Uhlig Jay Lehner Kristin Arellano Fidel Arellano NONE Sharon Strehlow Rachel Strehlow Cindy Pfister Trenton Tucker Chris Stewart Christopher Dan Hazen Mannisto Kathy Bongel Kristina Hazen NONE Kathy Miller Ron Miller Dan Mannisto 8:45am 21-Dec 25-Dec NONE >>> >>> >>> Jaelyn House Tim Radtke Jim Martin NONE NONE Laurie Zoellner J&C Hoffman Lyndon Zoellner NONE >>> >>> >>> Mackenzie Van Lanen Jeremiah Goin Lorin Sternberg Gerald Pludeman NONE Perry Wegener Beth Wegener Perry Wegener Doug Siebert 6:00pm 10:00am 24-Dec DECEMBER REDEEMER WORSHIP VOLUNTEERS Jodie Ellingson >>> >>> >>> Cori Laatsch Mallory Walton Kristin Arellano Fidel Arellano Christopher Hazen Kathy Bongel Linda Druckrey Steve Druckrey Linda Druckrey Steve Druckrey Jeff Goin 8:45am 28-Dec Mae Aprill Sharon Strehlow Rachel Strehlow Jaci Mannisto Mark Sprague Harold Sisel Curt Moede NONE Dan Mannisto Polly Nienow Elmer Nienow Tim Ahtonen 4:00pm 31-Dec HAPPY BIRTHDAY! December 1 2 3 4 5 6 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 20 21 22 23 24 26 27 28 29 30 31 Michael Ellingson Delton Bongel Trenton Tucker Susan Druckrey Steven Nienow Landyn Gerczak Annessa Goin Scott Westerfeld Matthew Behm David Strehlow Katherine Bongel Russell Ellingson, Rachel Strehlow Elmer Dotz David Fenner Jodie Ellingson Jeffrey Gerrits Emma Laatsch Robert wegener Indie Druckrey Holly Moede Harold Sisel Alex Moreaux Charles Peters Lois Valitchka Scott Miller Cheryl Schreiber Lavern Burt John Pieper Louis Wassenberg Thomas Duffek Matthew Bongel John Jones Amanda Thyes Richard Bogner Jr. Thomas Miller Abigail Umentum Evan Kern April Schmidt Happy Anniversary! December 1 3 9 17 20 Thomas & Christie Kloehn Thomas & Beverly Jablonski James & Chong Wirch Tyler & Rebecca Lohmiller Lawrence & Cheryl Pleau Jr. Upcoming Events Dec 3, 10, 17 Dec 5 Dec 6 Dec 6 Dec 7 Dec 14 at 6pm Dec 24 at 4 & 6pm Dec 25 at 10am Feb 8, 2015 Feb 13 Feb 18 Apr 5 at 6:40 & 8:45am Advent Socials by Board of Mission & Ministry Fellowship Club Christmas Party Decorate Church for Christmas Bake Sale by Youth Congregational Meeting Christmas Concert by NEW LHS at Redeemer Christmas Eve Services Christmas Day Worship Service Porkie/Pancake by Fellowship Club Boys Basketball Tournament Ash Wednesday Easter Services Official Acts New Members: Ronald, Donna, Samantha, & Andrew Strehlow David Fenner Transferred: Naomi Aberg to Peace Lutheran, Eau Claire John, Linda, Timothy, & Peter Ludolph to Pilgrim Lutheran, Suamico Church Office Hours: Monday –Thursday 8am to 2pm Friday 8am to 1pm Note: The Church office is located in the school building. The Church Office will be closed December 24-26. 8 | DECEMBER NEWSLETTER REDEEMER LUTHERAN CHURCH | 9 22 6:00 p. Handbell Rehearsal 7:15 p. Choir Rehearsal 29 No 6:00 p. Handbell Rehearsal No 7:15 p. Choir Rehearsal 21 Winter begins 8:45 a. Worship 9:30a. Sun. School 9:55 a. Bible Study 10:45 a. Family Worship 28 8:45 a. Worship w/Comm 9:30a. Sun. School 9:55 a. Bible Study 10:45 a. Family Worship w/Com 15 6:00 p. Handbell Rehea 7:15 p. Choir Rehearsa 14 8:45 a. Worship w/comm 9:30a. Sun. School 9:55 a. Bible Study 10:45 a. Family Worship w/comm 6:00 p. Christmas Concert at Redeemer by NEW LHS 30 No Bible Study 23 No Bible Study 16 6:00 p. Mission & Ministry No Bible Study No 6:30 p. Execu Comm 9 2 6:30 p. Execu Comm No. Bible Study No 6:30p. SchBdMtg No 6:30p. Bd Property Mtg 1 6:00 p. Handbell Rehea 6:30 p. Elder Mtg 7:15 p. Choir Rehearsa 8 No 6:00 p. Handbell Rehea No 7:15 p. Choir Rehea Tues. Mon. 7 Pearl Harbor Day 8:45 a. Worship 9:30a. Sun. School 9:55 a. Bible Study 10:45 a. Family Worship 12:00 p. Voters Mtg. officer elections 1:00-4 p. Caroling Sun. 25 Christmas Day 10:00 a. Worship w/comm 1 Jan 31 New Years Eve 4:00 p. Worship w/Com No Confirmation Class ?7:45 p. Bible Study 18 9:00 a. Bethesda Wk Day 11 4 Thurs. 24 Christmas Eve 4:00 p. Worship Ser No Confirmation Class 6:00 p. Worship Ser no 9:00 a. Bethesda Wk Day 17 3:30 p. Adv Worship 4:15 p. Adv Social by Bd M&M 4:30 p. Confirmation Class 6:30 p. Adv Worship w/com 7:45 p. Bible Study 10 9:00 a.Bethesda Wk Day 3:30 p. Adv Worship w/com 4:15 p. Adv Social by Bd M&M 4:30 p. Confirmation Class 6:30 p. Adv Worship w/com 7:45 p. Bible Study 3 9:00 a. Christian Ser Proj 3:30 p. Adv Worship 4:15 p. Adv Social by Bd M&M 4:30 p. Confirmation Class 6:30 p. Adv Worship 7:45 p. Bible Study Wed. Contact Grace Ebert at 469-8291 or [email protected] - to reserve dates, rooms, property, etc - for the most current information. - to provide your additions and corrections 2 26 19 12 5 5:30 p. Fellowship Club – gym Fri. 3 6:30 p. game night 27 20 13 6 8:00 a. Decor Church for Christmas/ advent 6:30 p. game night Youth Bake sale Sat. December, 2014 This printed calendar is current through the print date. It is subject to updates after the print date.
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