NOVEMBER 2014 NEWSLETTER Redeemer Lutheran Church Dear Friends in Christ, 210 S. Oneida Mailing Address: 205 Hudson St. Green Bay, WI 54303 Phone: 920-499-1033 Website: E-Mail: [email protected] The following words were spelled out in lights at the 18th Olympic Games in Tokyo, Japan in 1964: __________________________ Redeemer Mission Statement We share with all people the good news of Jesus Christ, teaching faith and love. __________________________ Inside This Issue Executive Committee....................2 Financial Update...........................3 Prayer List .....................................3 Church News .................................4 This ’n That ..................................5 Bible Readings ..............................5 GBLSA Update ..............................6 Worship Volunteers ......................7 Birthdays, Anniversaries ..............8 Upcoming Events ..........................8 Official Acts ...................................8 Calendar ........................................9 “The most important thing in the Olympic Games is not to win but to take part; just as the most important thing in life is not the triumph but the struggle. The essential thing is…to have fought well.” The writer to the Hebrews records in chapter 12, “Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, 2looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, Who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God.” And Paul writes in his second letter to Timothy, “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.” The words in that Olympic message reiterate what the writers of Scripture so emphatically stated. Winning isn’t important because the victory has already been won. Our focus now is to faithfully endure to the end, to fight the good fight, to keep the faith. Jesus said in Matthew 24, “And because lawlessness will be increased, the love of many will grow cold. 13But the one who endures to the end will be saved.” It is a great temptation to give up and walk away when it seems like evil is always winning, and no one seems to care. But Jesus won the war already. He defeated Satan and all evil by His death and resurrection. So now the most important thing for us is to continue to fight well, and endure until the end. The comforts, joys, and blessings of heaven await us if we can endure until the end. Jesus WILL come. But until He does, fight well for Him! In Christ, December Newsletter Deadline: All newsletter articles for December are due in the church office by Sunday, November 23, 2014. This newsletter is published monthly. Executive Committee Redeemer Lutheran Church Executive Board Meeting Minutes October 14, 2014 The meeting was called to order by Chairman Randy Pfister at 6:30 p.m. and Pastor opened with a devotion from Lutheran Hour Ministries. The minutes from the September meeting were approved as written. Pastor’s report: During September there were (6) adult bible classes, (2) youth confirmation classes, (1) adult confirmation class, (8) hospital visits, (8) shut-in visits, (5) home visits, (2) nursing home visits, and (2) counseling sessions. Six new members were welcomed; (4) thru adult confirmation, (1) thru transfer, and (1) thru baptism. The Joe Medinger family was released to join St. Paul Lutheran in Green Bay. Board of Elders’ report: They discussed “The 72” which is an LCMS group of trained volunteers that helps congregations boost their outreach in their local community and helps them to retain members that are inactive. After this discussion, a motion was made and passed to recommend to the Executive Committee to pursue this further. They went over a sheet from an elder training module regarding goal setting and viewed a video that discussed setting specific goals and how to be successful at achieving them. School Board report: The board is taking steps towards accreditation. Volleyball is wrapping up and went well. The ‘Summer’s Last Blast” fund raiser went well with about 375 attending. A motion was made and seconded that the 10% of the funds from the fund raiser that will be given to Redeemer be donated back to Trinity. Motion passed. Board of Mission & Ministry report: Their last meeting was in September and they discussed the results of Rally Day. They will be meeting again next week. Board of Property report: The Sunday School room is complete. The ceiling and trim in the Parent’s Room will be completed shortly. The water heater in the room by the altar will be fixed. The parking lot will be sealed either this year or in spring depending on when the down spouts can be buried. One chair lift could possibly be installed (with PIM dollars) – upstairs or downstairs? Since only the quilters would mainly use it for downstairs, it was suggested that they be given a room to use at the school and install the lift for the balcony. Financial report: Offerings for September totaled $27,436 and total income was $37,392. Total expenses paid were $38,690. Currently the mortgage balance is $384,372, and the Cougar Care loan balance is $42,280. We still owe ourselves $17,600 that was borrowed from savings, and this should be paid back in December. Based on the first two months of this fiscal year, it is projected that the year should end up about $16,000 in the black. Unfinished business: Board members are still needed for next year. Currently terms are one year, with a three term max. After discussion it was suggested to make the terms two years with a two term max. Changing this would require a change to the constitution. Each board chairman will write a brief description of the responsibilities and time commitment for their board. This will be further discussed at next month’s meeting. New business: In order to proceed with planning Redeemer’s future, input is needed from the congregation. It was decided that the elders along with a couple members of the executive board each contact three or four members who regularly attend services and ask them to take a five question survey. What are things we should stop doing? What are things we can improve on? What are things we should start/continue to do? In what way can we improve community outreach? In what way can we improve in reach within our church? This information will then be used by the executive board to come up with a strategic plan. The next meeting of the Executive Board will be on Tuesday, November 11, 2014 at 6:30 p.m. The meeting adjourned at 8:15 p.m. and closed with prayer. Respectfully submitted, Jodie Ellingson Congregation Secretary 2 | NOVEMBER NEWSLETTER FINANCIAL UPDATE Financial Report September 2014 offerings were $27,436, compared to $25,757 in August. Total September income was $37,392 including offerings, Lutheran school donations, “Adopt a Bill”, debt reduction and the Thrivent programs. Total expenses paid were $38,690. Fiscal year to date offerings total $53,194, compared to budgeted income to date of $46,350. Through September 2014, we have received $57,976 through our Partnership in Ministry (PIM) campaign which means we have received $11,595 (20%) to use for outreach activities to spread God’s Word, $23,190 (40%) toward projects (including security cameras, classroom renovations, chair lifts and parking lot resurfacing) and $23,190 (40%) to pay down the mortgage principal. Thanks to PIM and debt reduction contributions, our mortgage balance is down to $384,400. Respectfully, Susan Kupsky Financial Secretary Prayer List International Concerns: Persecuted Christians Ebola Victims Undergoing Treatment: Nora Brown Haven Burris –friend of Jeremiah Goin Family Karen Clark –sister of Becki Larson Ed Fritsch –Cindy Pfister’s dad Barbara Gapp-friend of Julie Zimmer Tom Gendill –brother-in-law of Joanne Pludeman Jim Greene Mary Groh Dale Hedtke –nephew of Cecilia Chlopek Don Kieweg Anita Koseck Charlie Knuth-friend of Jeremiah Goin Tianna Lange Dave Malueg Jean Palomino Maria Pflueger-aunt of Carol Knapowski Chris Wagner-Shelia Ferron’s aunt Recovering: Marcella Antonneau Margie Bergelin Delton Bongel PRAYER LIST Sue Druckrey Edmond Foral –father of Sheila Ferron Marian Kiley –mother of John Kiley Ruth Kohn - mother of Joanne Pludeman Brixton Martin - nephew to Darsi Nuske Polly Mikkola Judy Westerfeld Jim Willams- brother of Becki Larsen Mike Williams –father of Becki Larsen Sandy Wilson –sister-in-law of Kiewegs Dorothy Zastrow Julie Zimmer Art Zoellner– brother of Lyndon Zoellner Ongoing Health Problems: Neal Anderson Brenda Arellano –mother of Fidel Arellano Paul Berntson - uncle of Christina Flores Shirley Handschke –mother of Laura Schiefelbein Marjory Holmes Ron Howard Helen Joslin Sue Kienitz - sister in law of Neal & Ann Anderson Tom Krahl –friend of Petts Frieda Landgraf Gladys Meath Josh Moede Sue Nehring Lila Schroeder - sister in law of Pat Taylor Todd Valitchka Aiden Van Lanen Don Van Pay - Jim Delvoye Sr. stepfather Doug Vercauteren Larry & Bernice Vomastic School Ministry: N.E.W. Lutheran High School Trinity Lutheran School Missionary Overseas: Anne Davies Elliot & Serena Derricks Military Personnel Overseas: Tess Bogner Tyler Hischke –nephew of Steve & Linda Druckrey Blake Howard- grandson of Orvel & Vi Howard Ben Hurlbert Trent Lehrkind Marcus & Maggie Noll - friend of Tess Bogner Nick Olp - NEW Graduate in the Marines Adam Siekmann –grandson of Vernon & Joyce Siekmann Nathan Schroeder - nephew of Pat Taylor Cameron Wiese - grandson of Clyde Druckrey Updated 10-24-14 REDEEMER LUTHERAN CHURCH | 3 CHURCH NEWS CARDS FOR VETERANS Yes it’s that time again for remembering our retired and current VETERENS by adding CHRISTmas in their lives with a brief message of thanks. Brothers and Sisters in Christ, We are joining with another group and together we will be able to not only get cards to Milwaukee and King, but to current overseas military (via the Red Cross) plus nursing homes and hospitals locally. This will spread the message out, benefiting more veterans with Christian messages and our thanks. All we’re asking for is a few minutes of your time. We know everyone is busy--but please remember these men and women served years so that we could enjoy the freedoms available to us that we know. We still need all the cards we can get and appreciate them, we’ve had boxes of new cards from some of you, thank you for your generosity, and please add your message whenever possible, it is of so much help, even if it’s only one message. GOD BLESS and THANK YOU are powerful words. Some of the cards are flattened---these are for the Red Cross, they check the contents before packaging them and sending them to current military men and women serving our country and us overseas. Please keep them flat---they will be taken care of in Washington by the Red Cross. FELLOWSHIP CLUB NEWS Please come and join us for our pizza and ice cream party on November 7. It begins at 5:30. Our Christmas party will be on December 5 with a dinner catered by Julie's. Watch the bulletins for more information. CHRISTMAS CAROLING Sunday Dec 7 Approx 1:00 - 4:00pm Join us in singing favorite Christmas carols to our members who are homebound and in nursing homes. We will carpool from Redeemer after the conclusion of the voter's meeting. Sandwiches, cookies and drinks will be furnished in the narthex before we head out. Parents are welcome to bring their children with them to sing carols. Pastor Pett and Ruth Borchardt are coordinating the event FROM PASTOR PETT Thank you for all the emails, notes, and gifts that were sent to me over the month of October! FALL RUMMAGE SALE A big thank you to everyone that donated, helped at/with sorting, purchased items, and pack up. $1716.91 was made going toward the school roof loan principle. Please save your items for the next sale. Cards for signing are always available in the Narthex, grab a pack, take them home, sign them and bring them back. Thank you for your help--I know the Vets do appreciate getting them. Thank you for your help!!! God Bless and have a great day! Janet Groh Ideas for signature messages: May Jesus bless you as you celebrate His birth! Merry CHRISTmas! Jesus is the Reason for the Season! ALL YOUTH MEETING We are having an all youth meeting (ages 4th-12th grades) on Wednesday, November 5th at 5:30pm in the church basement Parents, please attend with your child/children to discuss the upcoming plans we have and how to get involved. Food will be provided. Hope to see you there! 4 | NOVEMBER NEWSLETTER REDEEMER LUTHERAN CHURCH | 3 THIS - N -THAT DAYLIGHT SAVINGS TIME ENDS SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 2ND Remember to set your clocks back on Saturday night! NEW LUTHERAN HIGH SCHOOL DINNER AUCTION ”Sing Unto the Lord a NEW Song” November 15th we will be holding our annual dinner Auction at the Rock Garden. Silent Auction begins at 4 pm, meal to be served at 6:30 with Live auction to follow. GET EARLY BIRD PRICING! Sept 29th—Nov. 2nd: $40 a ticket, $280 a table. Nov 3rd– 15th: $50 a ticket and $360 a table. Call N.E.W.L.H.S.(920.469.6810) for your tickets or visit website: We look forward to seeing you. VETERAN’S DAY CHAPEL NEW Lutheran High School encourages you to invite any Veterans that you know to attend the Veteran’s Day Chapel on November 14th starting at 8:50am. There will be refreshments for the Veterans prior to the Chapel. HOPE LUTHERAN CHURCH ABC FESTIVAL will be held on Saturday, November 8th from 10:30am1:00pm at Hope Lutheran Church at 7oo S. Superior St, DePere. A is for Auction, B is for Bake Sale and C is for Chili and Concerts. Please join us to bid on some great auction items, chili, entertainment, and crafts for kids. Concerts presented by Angels of Hope preschool, Trinity, and NEW Lutheran High students. The auction bidding starts at 10:30 and ends at noon so please come early and enjoy lunch. PROJECT INNOVATE is Cellcom's community voting challenge in partnership with Nsight Telservices that gives high schools in Brown County a chance to win cash prizes to be used for classroom technology. A total of $50,000 will be given away through Project Innovate this year. Voting runs from October 20 – November 20. Go to to cast your vote for NEW Lutheran! CAMP LUTHER GIFT CERTIFICATES Looking for the perfect gift for your children or grandchildren? Consider a Camp Luther gift certificate. These certificates can be purchased in any amount and may be used for Camp Luther summer camps like Pathfinder, Trailblazer, or Explorer. Thjey can also be used for items in our canteen. Call Mary Ann at 877-264 -CAMP. ORDER YOUR CAMP LUTHER 2015 CALENDAR NOW Visit and order our beautiful calendar for the new year. These feature pictures selected from our 2014 photo contest. What a GREAT way to enjoy Camp Luther year round. They also make wonderful Christmas gifts! Read The Bible in a Year November 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Matthew 1-4 Matthew 5-6 Matthew 7-8 Matthew 9-10 Matthew 11-12 Matthew 13-14 Matthew 15-17 Matthew 18-19 Matthew 20-21 Matthew 22-23 Matthew 24-25 Matthew 26 Matthew 27-28 Mark 1-3 Mark 4-5 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Mark 6-7 Mark 8-9 Mark 10-11 Mark 12-13 Mark 14 Mark 15-16 Luke 1 Luke 2-3 Luke 4-5 Luke 6-7 Luke 8-9 Luke 10-11 Luke 12-13 Luke 14-16 Luke 17-18 7 REDEEMER LUTHERAN CHURCH | 5 Green Bay Lutheran School Association Green Bay Lutheran School Association/Trinity Update Congratulations to the Green Bay Trinity Eagles volleyball teams on terrific seasons. The “B” team finished their season with a 3rd place finish at the Big 6 Conference tournament. The “A” team finished their season with a 2nd place finish at the Big 6 Conference tournament, a 2nd place finish at the 2014 Blazer Rally, and also took part in the Lutheran School Association State Tournament. Thanks to our A,B, and C team coaches – Mrs. Schmidt, Mrs. Stewart and Mrs. Hillmann for your willingness to volunteer as coaches this season. If you missed out on volleyball, the Eagles basketball season is right around the corner! Check out the schedule at Congratulations as well to Principal Brett Jones and his wife Beth on the birth of their 3rd child, Allison on October 2nd. “For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” Mark 10:45 (ESV) Our theme this school year is “Mercy Forever”. On October 2nd the entire school (and some volunteers) participated in a terrific servant event “Help My Starving Children” at Green Bay Community Church. During this time the students helped pack food, while learning about children who don’t have as much as they do. What a tremendous opportunity for the students to reach out to others in love with their gifts! “Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.” 1 Thessalonians 5:11 During this season of thanks, on behalf of the entire Board of Directors, thank you again to everyone who has contributed to the Green Bay Lutheran School Association and Green Bay Trinity Lutheran School. Together since 2003 as part of a mission to “provide a quality educational program in a Christ-centered environment for all children within our community” we’ve accomplished many things and built a strong foundation at Green Bay Trinity Lutheran School. In the weeks and months ahead, the Board of Directors will taking some necessary steps to allow us to continue a 10+ year tradition of spreading the Gospel and raising up faithful disciples.. These steps include preparing to go through the National Lutheran School Association (NLSA) accreditation process by 2017 and further implement our vison of “Nurturing Mind and Spirit”. As always please keep the Association and Green Bay Trinity in your prayers, asking that God would guide us to do His will. This month’s meeting of the Board of Directors will be held at Green Bay Trinity on Monday, October 27 at 6:30 pm. If you would like to address the Board, please contact me via email ([email protected]) or phone (393-4968) to be placed on the agenda. God’s Blessings! Brad Van Lanen GBLSA President 6 | NOVEMBER NEWSLETTER 4 | SEPTEMBER NEWSLETTER REDEEMER LUTHERAN CHURCH | 7 6:30pm Jeff Goin Elmer Nienow Polly Nienow 8:45am Jim Wirch Mike DeGrave Lori DeGrave Greeter Greeter Sacristan Mark Sprague Tim Radtke Usher SCRIP Jodie Ellingson Mae Aprill Joanne Pludeman Polly Nienow Shirley S. Altar Guild Altar Guild >>>>>> Helen Baldwin Altar Guild Janet Groh >>>>> Emilie Pludeman Acolyte 10:45am Cindy Pfister Andrew Pludeman Michelle Larsen Emily LeClair Jeremiah Goin Lorin Sternberg Gerald Pludeman Acolyte 8:45am Acolyte 6:30pm Justin Mannisto Harold Sisiel Jim Martin Usher Usher Curt Moede Jim Wirch Usher Marion Schmeling >>>>> Faith Rafferty Kristin Arellano Fidel Arellano Kathy Bongel Cheryl Behm Denzel Kiley Susan Kupsky Lay Reader Doug Siebert NONE Andy Jim DeGrave Van Miller Elmer Nienow Dan Mannisto 6:30pm 12-Nov NONE Llew Kramer 10:45am 9-Nov Polly Nienow Doug Siebert Doug & Devra Siebert 8:45am 9-Nov Joanne Pludeman Elder 5-Nov 2-Nov Date Tom Meath Polly Nienow Elmer Nienow Lyndon Zoellner 6:30pm 19-Nov John Kiley Bea Buchholz Linda Haag Jim Wirch 8:45am 23-Nov Helen Hazaert >>>>> Bridgett Uhlig Jay Lehner Chris Stewart Dan Mannisto Fred John Carl Hazaert Dolores Schulz Sharon Strehlow Rachel Strehlow Grace Rafferty Mae Aprill Bud Aprill Cindy Pfister >>>> >>>> Mallory Walton Tim Radtke Jim Martin Jim Wirch Tim Bev Linda Ahtonen Jablonski Druckrey NONE Kathy Miller Ron Miller Tim Ahtonen 8:45am 16-Nov >>>> >>>> Mackenzie Van Lanen Llew Kramer 10:45am 23-Nov Arlene Koivisto Jack Koivisto Doug Siebert 8:45am 30-Nov Kathy Bongel Kristina Hazen NONE >>>> >>>> Trenton Tucker Jeremiah Goin Marion Schmeling >>>> >>>> Nick Ahtonen Kristin Arellano Fidel Arellano Lorin Christopher Sternberg Hazen Gerald Pludeman Bryan Nehring Joel Dan Westerfeld Mannisto Bryan Nehring Jack & Carol Hoffman Elmer & Polly Nienow 6:30pm 26-Nov SEPTEMBER REDEEMER WORSHIP VOLUNTEERS >>>> >>>> Corey Laatsch Llew Kramer 10:45am 30-Nov HAPPY BIRTHDAY! November 1 2 Timothy Goltz Alyssa Siudzinski, Steven Wassenberg 3 Glen Zastrow 4 Devra Siebert 5 Jacob Koivisto 7 Andrew Goltz Tracy Rojas 9 Katherine Bongel 10 Brianna Kirchner 11 Nicholas Gerrits Benedict Kontny Nancy Murphy 13 Christopher Schmidt 14 Michelle Larsen Nathan Peters Rev. Paul Pett 16 Brenda Hanna Chelsea Kieweg 17 Grace Ebert 19 Brooke Ellingson Hiram Joslin Ryan Wozniak 20 Jessica Larsen 21 Micah Pieper 22 Wayne Peters 23 Jeannette Raddatz Stephen Schuessler Tammy Umentum 24 Alex Radtke 25 Jason Buss Philip Holmes 26 Timothy Ahtonen Ryan Pett 27 Jaden Ferron Sally Tomcheck 29 Lorri Sternberg 30 Bryron Aprill Nicole Peters, William Schuessler Jr. Happy Anniversary! November 6 10 18 14 30 Lyndon & Laurie Zoellner Alex & Aileen Moreaux Paul & Jenny Schulz Donald Y Julie Smit John & Deb Kiley Nate & Jill Kern Upcoming Events December 7 Official Acts New Members: Scott, Angela, & Sophie Truskowski Released : Steven, Susan, & Stefanie Perz to Peace Lutheran, Green Bay Received Eternal Crown: Andrea Fredrickson October 8, 2014 Church Office Hours: Monday –Thursday 8am to 2pm Friday 8am to 1pm Note: The Church office is located in the school building. 8 | NOVEMBER NEWSLETTER Congregational Meeting REDEEMER LUTHERAN CHURCH | 9 3 6:00 p. Handbell Rehea 6:30 p. Elder Mtg 7:15 p. Choir Rehearsa 10 6:00 p. Handbell Rehea 7:15 p. Choir Reh 17 6:00 p. Ladies Craft 6:00 p. Handbell Rehea 7:15 p. Choir Rehea 24 6:00 p. Women's Christian Serv Bus Mtg 6:00 p. Handbell Rehea 7:15 p. Choir Rehearsa 1 Dec 6:00 p. Handbell Rehea 6:30 p. Elder Mtg 7:15 p. Choir Rehearsa 2 Daylight Save End 8:45 a. Worship Service 9:30a. Sun. School 9:55 a. Bible Study p, NEW LHS at Pilgrim Celebrate Praise 9 8:45 a. Worship w/Comm 9:30a. Sun. School 9:55 a. Bible Study 10:45 a. Family Worship w/Com 16 8:45 a. Worship 9:30a. Sun. School 9:55 a. Bible Study 10:45 a. Family Worship 23 8:45 a. Worship w/Comm 9:30a. Sun. School 9:55 a. Bible Study 10:45 a. Family Worship w/Com 30 Advent 8:45 a. Worship w/Comm 9:30a. Sun. School 9:55 a. Bible Study 10:45 a. Family Worship w/Com Mon. Sun. 2 6:30 p. Sch Bd Mtg 6:30 p. Bd Property Mtg 25 No 9:30 a. Bible Study 3 9:00 a. Christian Ser Proj 3:30 p. Adv Worship 4:30 p. Confirmation Class 6:30 p. Adv Worship 7:45 p. Bible Study 26 9:00 a. Bethesda Wk Day No 4:30 p. Confirmation Class 6:30 p. Worship 7:45 p. Bible Study 19 4:30 p. Confirm Class 6:30 p. Worship w/Comm 7:45 p. Bible Study 12 9:00 a. Bethesda Wk Day 4:30 p. Confirmation Class 6:30 p. Worship 7:45 p. Bible Study 11 Vets Day 9:30 a. Bible Study 6:30 p. Council Mtg 18 9:30 a. Bible Study 6:00 p. Mission & Ministry 5 9:00 a. Christian Ser Proj 4:30 p. Confirmation Class 5:30 p. Youth Mtg in LH 6:30 p. Worship w/Comm 7:45 p. Bible Study Wed. 4 Election Day 9:30 a. Bible Study 6:30 p. Sch Bd Mtg 6:30 p. Bd Property Mtg Tues. 4 27 Thanksgiving No worship 20 13 6 Thurs. Contact Grace Ebert at 469-8291 or [email protected] - to reserve dates, rooms, property, etc - for the most current information. - to provide your additions and corrections 5 5:30 p. Fellowship Club – gym 28 21 14 7 5:30 p. Fellowship Club Pizza in narthex mtg rm Fri. 6 6:30 p. game night 29 22 15 8:30 a. Semi-annual church cleaning 8 1 6:30 p. game night Sat. November, 2014 This printed calendar is current through the print date. It is subject to updates after the print date.
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