MAY 2015 NEWSLETTER Redeemer Lutheran Church 210 S. Oneida Mailing Address: 205 Hudson St. Green Bay, WI 54303 Phone: 920-499-1033 Website: E-Mail: [email protected] __________________________ Redeemer Mission Statement We share with all people the good news of Jesus Christ, teaching faith and love. __________________________ Inside This Issue Exec Committee Mtg Minutes ..2-4 Financial Report ........................... 4 Prayer List ..................................... 5 Church News ................................ 6 This ’n That .................................. 7 Bible Readings ............................. 7 Worship Volunteers ...................... 8 Birthdays, Anniversaries .............. 9 Upcoming Events ......................... 9 Official Acts ................................... 9 Calendar .....................................10 June Newsletter Deadline: All newsletter articles for May are due in the church office by Sunday, May 17, 2015. This newsletter is published monthly. Dear Friends in Christ, Glenn Bergelin sent me the following story, and since I found it so moving and meaningful, I thought that I would share it with all of you. A man's daughter had asked the local minister to come to pray with her father. When the minister arrived, he found the man lying in bed with his head propped up on two pillows. An empty chair sat beside his bed. The minister assumed that the old fellow had been informed of his visit. “I guess you were expecting me,” he said. “No, who are you?” said the father. The minister told him his name and then remarked, “I saw the empty chair and I figured you knew I was going to show up.” “Oh yeah, the chair,” said the bedridden man. “Would you mind closing the door?” Puzzled, the minister shut the door. “I have never told anyone this, not even my daughter,” said the man. “But all of my life I have never known how to pray. At church I used to hear the pastor talk about prayer, but it went right over my head. I abandoned any attempt at prayer,” the old man continued, “until one day four years ago, my best friend said to me, ‘Johnny, prayer is just a simple matter of having a conversation with Jesus. Here is what I suggest. Sit down in a chair; place an empty chair in front of you, and in faith see Jesus on the chair. It's not spooky because He promised, ‘I will be with you always.’ Then just speak to Him in the same way you're doing with me right now.'” “So, I tried it and I've liked it so much that I do it a couple of hours every day. I'm careful though. If my daughter saw me talking to an empty chair, she'd either have a nervous breakdown or send me off to the funny farm.” The minister was deeply moved by the story and encouraged the old man to continue on the journey. Then he prayed with him, anointed him with oil, and returned to the church. Two nights later the daughter called to tell the minister that her daddy had died that afternoon. “Did he die in peace?” he asked. “Yes, when I left the house about two o'clock, he called me over to his bedside, told me he loved me and kissed me on the cheek. When I got back from the store an hour later, I found him. But there was something strange about his death. Apparently, just before Daddy died, he leaned over and rested his head on the chair beside the bed. What do you make of that?” The minister wiped a tear from his eye and said, “I wish we could all go like that.” Remember the words of the first verse of “What a Friend We Have in Jesus”? “What a friend we have in Jesus, all our sins and griefs to bear. What a privilege to carry everything to God in prayer.” What a blessing to know that we can go to our Friend, and talk with Him as a friend, unburdening our minds, hearts, and souls to Him, and in the end resting in His loving and nail-scarred hands. Rest yourselves in the Lord! He is your life and salvation! In His love, Executive Committee Meeting Minutes Redeemer Lutheran Church Executive Committee Meeting Minutes Tuesday, April 14, 2015 The meeting was called to order by Chairman Dan Schreiber at 6:30 p.m. Pastor opened the meeting with a reading from a portion of the Passion Story, followed by a prayer. Minutes from the March 10, 2015 Executive Committee meeting were reviewed. A motion was made and seconded to approve the minutes as written. The motion passed unanimously. Pastor’s Report: Pastor shared the Church attendance volumes for the month of March. During the month of March there were (5) adult Bible classes, (4) Confirmation classes, (13) hospital visits, (7) shut in visits, (2) nursing home services, (1) counseling session, (2) jail visits. Six new members joined Redeemer: Brad Anthony by Adult Confirmation (3/1/15), Angie Muenster by Adult Confirmation (3/1/15), Cole Miller by Adult Confirmation (3/8/15), Brad Swenty by Adult Baptism (3/8/15), Charlotte Swenty by Holy Baptism (3/8/15), and Grady James Thyes by Holy Baptism (3/15/15). There was one funeral, Dorothy Wegener on 3/21/15. There were no wedding/anniversary services or other membership changes made. Current baptized membership is 488; current communicant membership is 397. There was an Elders meeting on 3/2/15, Board of Property meeting on 3/3/15, School Board meeting on 3/3/15, Executive Committee meeting on 3/10/15, Circuit Pastors’ meeting on 3/9/15, and Board of Mission and Ministry meeting on 3/17/15. School Board Report: Pastor reported that there is one outstanding balance for a Cougar Care bill that the School Board is pursuing. The Church Attendance records for families with students receiving tuition assistance from Redeemer was shared. The School Board has recently made some changes to the tuition policy for students who are receiving tuition assistance from Redeemer. The School Board is in the process of following up with the families who are not meeting the Church attendance requirements. Green Bay Trinity Lutheran School Update: Enrollment: Current projection is approximately 85 students for next year. Event Recap: * The Lenten meals held on March 18 and 25 were well attended with positive feedback. * Trinity Sunday on March 22nd went well. *NBC aired a story on Trinity’s participation in the Old Glory Honor Flight. *Thursday, April 9th, the Old Glory Honor Flight Welcome Home Celebration was well attended by Trinity families. Pictures of this event are posted on Trinity’s Facebook page. Upcoming Events: *Friday, April 24th there will be an Old Glory Honor Flight Fundraising Dinner in the Trinity gym starting at 5:30 pm. *Saturday, April 25th there will be an Old Glory Honor Flight Fundraising Lunch in the Trinity gym starting at 1:00 pm. *Congregational members can see the flyers and hand-outs that are in the back of Redeemer Church for more information about the Old Glory Honor Flight fundraisers. There is limited seating, register in advance. *Friday, April 24th: Knowledge Bowl *Saturday, April 25th: Piano recital at the Neville Public Museum: time TBD *Friday, May 8th: Spring Musical at 6:30 pm *May 4-10: Scholastic Book Fair *Thursday, May 30th: Graduation *Saturday, September 12th: Summer’s Last Blast *Planning meetings will be starting this month. Looking for people to serve either on the main Committee or one of the event sub-committees Miscellaneous: * Updated fundraising policy and guidelines were approved. *Accreditation planning continues. *Recruitment plans/timeline are being developed. *The projected deficit remains at $10,000 - $15,000 at the end of the Fiscal year (July 31). 2| Executive Committee Meeting Minutes Board of Elders’ Report: The Board of Elders met on Monday, April 13, 2015. Pastor has received the “Truth Project” materials and will be rolling this out in the near future. Redeemer Lutheran Church has joined Faith Lutheran Church in the calling of a Director of Christian Education (DCE) (3/4 time for Faith, ¼ time for Redeemer). This was approved at the last Congregational meeting held in February. Jeff and Paula Goin are representing Redeemer on the DCE Call Committee. Jeff gave a brief update on the progress of the search for a DCE. The needs for additional Sacristans are being addressed. Samples of a worship service invitation “business” card was presented for discussion. The “business card” will have service times, bible study times and scripture verses for various situations. The annual Elders/Pastor Retreat is being held the weekend of April 17, 2015. Preliminary discussions of the next Fiscal Year budget were held. The next Board of Elders meeting is scheduled for Monday, May 4 th at 6:30 pm. Board of Mission and Ministry Report: Pastor reported that one of the Board members visited Ruby’s Pantry and brought back a report. A representative from Ruby’s Pantry will be attending the next Board of Mission and Ministry meeting. The Vacation Bible School dates have been set. A program from CPH will be used for the younger children and Camp Counselors from Camp Luther will be utilized for the older children. Board of Property Report: Perry Wegener reported that school classroom renovations are on hold until the School Board decides whether or not to pursue daycare/pre-school programs. The Board is getting new bids on the resurfacing of the parking lot. Saturday, May 9th has been set for the outdoor/landscaping clean up on the Church and School properties. A new sink will be installed in the Usher’s room. The Board is waiting on prices for the elevator up to the balcony. The Board is working on a price guide and policies for renting out the school. It was brought to the attention of the Board of Property that there is an issue with the toilet in the bathroom of the Mother’s Room, in that it continues to run after being flushed. Elmer Nienow reported that he noticed a substantial increase in the Church’s water bill and he began to look into it. Elmer will continue to work with the City’s Water Utility regarding the bill. He will also put out “Adopt a Bill’s” to help cover the cost. Perry stated that he will have the Board of Property members check into the situation. They will also check the toilets in the basement bathrooms. Financial Updates: Elmer Nienow, Congregational Treasurer, reported the following: Mortgage LCEF balance is $361,671.70 + Cougar LCEF balance is $40,240.56 for a total of $401,912.26. Adopt-a-bill as of 4/5/2015 is $2065.13. The checkbook balance as of 3-31-15 is $2939.78. Our Loan from savings is $9,494.00. There is $34,114.57 in savings. Ross Corey, Financial Secretary, reported that the March 2015 offerings were $30,043, compared to $22,692 in February. Total March income was $43,673 including offerings, Adopt-a-Bill, debt reduction, and Thrivent Choice. Total expenses paid were $33,828. Fiscal year-to-date offerings total $216,497 compared to budgeted offerings to date of $228,650. Through March 2015 we have received $64,666 through our Partnership in Ministry (PIM) campaign which means that we have received $12,933 (20%) to use for outreach activities to spread God’s Word, $25,866 (40%) towards projects (including security cameras, classroom renovations, chair lifts and parking lot resurfacing) and $25,866 (40%) to pay down the mortgage principle. The total amount pledged for the three year campaign was $101,348 so we have received approximately 63.8% of the amount pledged at the end of the first two years. Discussion was held regarding the amount of money in our loan from savings ($9,494.00) and the need to pay that back to our savings account. Following a discussion, a motion was made to take 20% of the monthly debt reduction income and put it towards the loan from savings that we owe ourselves. The motion was seconded and unanimously approved. Old Business: Trinity School Funding Model: Brad reported that a meeting has been set for August 22, 2015 to discuss the funding model for Trinity School. He will bring information back to the Executive Committee as it becomes available. Redeemer Strategic Plan: Dan reported that he is in the process of following up with previous Congregational Leadership with regards to the identification of key elements that are to be included in a Strategic Plan for Redeemer. | 3 Executive Committee & Financial Report Benevolent Fund: It has been identified that there is a need to add a line item in the new budget for the Benevolent Fund. Pastor is receiving more requests for financial help than there is money for in the current Benevolent Fund. Pastor reported that he recently received $80 from Pat Taylor for this fund. The money is from UWGB concession volunteers. There is currently $573 in this account. New Business: Next Fiscal Year Budget: The remainder of the meeting was used to put a preliminary budget for the next Fiscal Year together. Upcoming meetings: Tuesday, May 12, 2015: Full Council Meeting Sunday, May 17, 2015: Congregational Meeting – Budget Approval Tuesday, June 9, 2015: Executive Committee Meeting The meeting was adjourned at 8:35 p.m. and closed with a prayer from Pastor. Respectfully submitted, Jennifer Nehring Congregational Secretary Financial Report March 2015 offerings were $30,043, compared to $22,692 in February. Total March income was $43,673 including offerings, “Adopt a Bill”, debt reduction, and Thrivent choice. Total expenses paid were $33,828. Fiscal year to date offerings total $216,497, compared to budgeted offerings to date of $228,650. As of the end of March our mortgage balance is down to $363,438 and the Cougar Care loan is down to $40,536. We were hoping to repay more of the money we borrowed from our savings account, but our income was lower than projected. Our income from the Thrivent programs was greater than originally projected. We are thankful to all who have contributed so that we may continue to be current on our bills and obligations. Through March 2015 we have received $64,666 through our Partnership in Ministry (PIM) campaign which means we have received $12,933 (20%) to use for outreach activities to spread God’s Word, $25,866 (40%) toward projects (including security cameras, classroom renovations, chair lifts and parking lot resurfacing) and $25,866 (40%) to pay down the mortgage principle. The total amount pledged for the three year campaign was $101,348 so we have received approximately 63.8% of the amount pledged at the end of the first two years. Respectfully, Ross Corey Financial Secretary 4| PRAYER LIST International Concerns: Persecuted Christians Earthquake victims in Nepal Hospitalized: Gladys Meath Undergoing Treatment: Nora Brown Haven Burris –friend of Jeremiah Goin Family Karen Clark –sister of Becki Larson Barbara Gapp-friend of Julie Zimmer Tom Gendill –brother-in-law of Joanne Pludeman Jim Greene Mary Groh Dale Hedtke –nephew of Cecelia Chlopek Sara Hronek –granddaughter of Cecelia Chlopek & neice of Jeff & Bonnie Domke Don Kieweg Charlie Knuth-friend of Jeremiah Goin Tianna Lange Chris Wagner-Shelia Ferron’s aunt Recovering: Glenn Bergelin Margie Bergelin Luanne Herman Marian Kiley –mother of John Kiley Ruth Kohn - mother of Joanne Pludeman Frieda Landgraf Hazel Malueg Polly Mikkola Jean Palomino Lucille Schmidt Dave Strehlow Aiden Van Lanen Perry Wegener Jim Willams- brother of Becki Larsen Mike Williams –father of Becki Larsen Sandy Wilson –sister-in-law of Kiewegs Ongoing Health Problems: Neal Anderson Paul Berntson - uncle of Christina Flores Donna Branch - mother of Mary Pett Marjory Holmes Ron Howard Helen Joslin Sue Kienitz - sister in law of Neal & Ann Anderson Tom Krahl –friend of Petts Mary Kramer– sister in law of Llew Kramer Sue Nehring Lila Schroeder - sister in law of Pat Taylor Charmaine Scott –mother of David Tucker Todd Valitchka Don Van Pay - Jim Delvoye Sr. stepfather Doug Vercauteren Larry & Bernice Vomastic School Ministry: N.E.W. Lutheran High School Trinity Lutheran School Missionary Overseas: Anne Davies Elliot & Serena Derricks Military Personnel Overseas: Tess Bogner Tyler Hischke –nephew of Steve & Linda Druckrey Blake Howard- grandson of Orvel & Vi Howard Ben Hurlbert Trent Lehrkind Marcus & Maggie Noll - friend of Tess Bogner Nick Olp - NEW Graduate in the Marines Adam Siekmann –grandson of Vernon & Joyce Siekmann Nathan Schroeder - nephew of Pat Taylor Cameron Wiese - grandson of Clyde Druckrey Updated: 4-28-15 | 5 CHURCH NEWS FELLOWSHIP CLUB This is our schedule for the year. June 5 - meeting at Bubolz's in Shawano Sept. 11 - Potluck at school meeting room Oct. 9 - Work day for Booyah Oct. 10 - Chicken Booyah Day Nov. 6 - Pizza Party at school meeting room Dec. 4 - Christmas Party in Gym We hope you can join us for any of these occasions. We do not have a membership - just come. Please watch the bulletins for more information. We are in need of help Oct. 10 for cooking the Booyah. Please consider helping. SUNDAY SCHOOL SCHEDULE May 3 May 10 May 17 September Confirmation Class will not meet Mother’s Day Class will not meet Last Day We will start up again. OUTDOOR CLEAN UP Saturday, May 9th the Board Of Property will be holding an outdoor cleanup day of the Redeemer Property, weather permitting. Anyone who is willing and able, your help is greatly appreciated! CONGREGATIONAL MEETING There will be a Congregational Meeting on Sunday, May 17th at noon to budget for the next fiscal year. Following the meeting, the Elders are sponsoring a pot luck meal and a viewing of The Truth Project. Bring your favorite dish to share. Everyone is encouraged and invited to attend! PICTURES WANTED We will soon be adding a “picture page” to the monthly newsletter. Whenever two or more are gathered in His name, please consider snapping a few pictures with your phone or camera and sharing them with the rest of your Church family. If you have pictures from any recent events at Redeemer Lutheran please email them to the Church office at [email protected]. Tickets are available online at who/golfouting.cfm or by calling the school office at 4696810. Get your foursomes together for a great day on the course! Your Congregational Rummage Sale Thank you to everyone that helped at/with the Spring Sale in any way—donated, helped out, advertized, at the sale or pack up after the sale. $921.65 was raised for the school roof replacement loan. Please save your items for the next sale! VBS NEEDS YOUR HELP! Redeemer Lutheran will be sponsoring this year’s Vacation Bible School from June 22nd-25th. We have asked Camp Luther to lead the four day event. We are looking for volunteers to assist the Camp Luther Counselor, prepare the snacks for the day and the donation of food. Please see the sheets in the back of the church. If you have question, please contact Sheila Mannisto @ 619-1033. VBS will be starting before we know it. Redeemer Lutheran will be sponsoring this year’s Vacation Bible School from June 22nd-25th. We are looking for 2 people to teach VBS for PK4 to Kindergarten between the hours of 8:30 to 12:00. If you are interested please contact Sheila Mannisto. $CRIP A $325 check was given to Brad VanLanen for the Trinity Eagle Fund. The amount came from $crip proceeds during the month of March. Thank you to everyone using $crip! If any other Redeemer-affiliated organization would like to have a month’s worth of $crip funds, please talk to Cindy Pfister or Jodie Ellingson about setting it up. SAVE THE DATE 10th annual Redeemer Campout at Jellystone Park in Fremont, WI on June 26-28, 2015. To reserve a camping site or cabin, please see Bryan Nehring. FORE! BLAZER GOLF OPEN ON JUNE 10 The annual Blazer Open will be held at Thornberry Creek in Oneida this year on Wednesday, June 10.. Entrance fee is $125 which includes: 18 holes with a cart, lunch, appetizer reception at the 19th hole and a donation to NEW Lutheran High School athletics. There will also be bucket drawings, course games and prizes and a great day of fellowship. 6| REDEEMER LUTHERAN CHURCH | 3 THIS - N -THAT CHRISTIAN WRITING GROUP Our Saviour Lutheran Church (120 S. Henry) recently started a group to support and encourage Christians who write (or want to write.) They meet on the first Monday of the month at 7:00 p.m. in the parlor of OSLC. Contact Deb Young ([email protected]) or Stephenie Hovland ([email protected]) for more information. LETTER CARRIERS’ FOOD DRIVE May 9, 2015 Put your non-perishable donation in a bag by your mailbox. They will deliver it to a local food bank. MEN'S FISHING/GOLF RETREAT AT CAMP LUTHER May 11-14 Fishing, Golf, Bible Study and Devotions-what more do you need for a manly get away? You provide the fishing/golf equipment...we provide meals and housing in one of our lakeside cottages. A guest pastor will lead a daily Bible study. For more information check out WORKBEE WEEKEND AT CAMP LUTHER May 15-17 Volunteers have always played a major role in keeping Camp Luther clean, beautiful, and in good condition. Today, Camp Luther continues to be blessed by hundreds of individuals who faithfully participate in Workbee Weekends. Individuals or entire families can help get Camp Luther ready for the summer by participating in various work projects. The weekend is FREE and camp provides all meals, as well as time for fellowship and devotions. Projects vary, but there is something for everyone. Check out our workbees under the “Get Involved” tab at Our Saviour's Monthly Fish Fry Our Saviour Lutheran Church (120 S Henry St) will host it’s last fish fry of the season on May 8 from 5-6:30 pm. The doors open at 4:45pm. Deep-fried perch, baked cod and combination dinners are available for $12-$13; chicken tender dinners are $6. Dinners include choice of French fries or baked potato, homemade rolls, homemade coleslaw, and lemonade or coffee. Salad, soda, milk and desserts are also available for purchase. Carry outs available; call in or email orders are taken until 4:00pm at 468-4065 or [email protected]. BONUS : The Green Bay Trinity students will hold their Spring concert in the Sanctuary at Our Saviour beginning at 6:30pm. The public is welcome. Read The Bible in a Year May 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 1 Samuel 18-20 1 Samuel 21-24 1 Samuel 25-27 1 Samuel 28-31 2 Samuel 1-3 2 Samuel 4-7 2 Samuel 8-12 2 Samuel 13-15 2 Samuel 16-18 2 Samuel 19-21 2 Samuel 22-24 1 King 1-2 1 King 3-5 1 King 6-7 1 King 8-9 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 1 King 10-11 1 King 12-14 1 King 15-17 1 King 18-20 1 King 21-22 2 King 1-3 2 King 4-5 2 King 6-8 2 King 9-11 2 King 12-14 2 King 15-17 2 King 18-19 2 King 20-22 2 King 23-25 1 Chronicles 1-2 1 Chronicles 3-5 REDEEMER LUTHERAN CHURCH | 7 3 4 | SEPTEMBER NEWSLETTER 8| Mae Aprill Lorin Sternberg Jeremiah Goin Usher Usher Sharon Strehlow Altar Guild SCRIP Altar Guild Cindy Pfister Rachel Strehlow Altar Guild Altar Guild Emily LeClair Acolyte Dolores Schulz Sharon Strehlow Rachel Strehlow Trenton Tucker Andrew Pludeman Marion Schmeling Sharon Strehlow Rachel Strehlow Helen Hazaert Cindy Pfister Mattie Zimmer Chris Stewart Kristin Arrelano Jay Lehner Dan Mannisto Fred John Carl Hazaert Craig Hurlbert Fidel Arellano Christopher Hazen Kathy Bongel Linda Druckrey Jodie Ellingson Cindy Pfister Mallory Walton Tim Radtke Jim Martin Jim Wirch Judy Westerfeld NONE Kathy Miller Ron Miller Jim Wirch 8:45am 17-May Gary Behnke Elmer & Polly Nienow Marion Schmeling Shirley Strehlow Polly Nienow Cindy Pfister Grace Rafferty Mark Sprague Harold Sisel Curt Moede Bev Jablonski Janet Groh Shirley Strehlow Polly Nienow Cindy Pfister Michelle Larsen Jeremiah Goin Lorin Sternberg Gerald Pludeman Tim Ahtonen Matt DeGrave Tim Radtke Jack & Carol Hoffman Joel Westerfeld Tim Ahtonen 8:45am 24-May Jeff Goin 6:30pm 20-May Llew Kramer 10:45am 24-May Mae Aprill Shirley Strehlow Polly Nienow Joanne Pludemann Helen Baldwin Jaci Mannisto Kristin Arellano Fidel Arellano Kathy Bongel Bryan Nehring Andy DeGrave Polly Nienow Elmer Nienow Bryan Nehring 6:30pm 27-May Helen Baldwin Emily LeClair Chris Stewart Dan Mannisto Fred John Carl Hazaert Fred John Jim Van Miller Bea Buchholz D&D Siebert Doug Siebert 8:45am 31-May Jodie Ellingson Shirley Strehlow Polly Nienow Joanne Pludemann Volunteers are listed for each week in the bulletin. Please call the Church Office (499-1033) if you exchange times with someone else, so the bulletin is accurate. If you would like to become a Redeemer Worship Volunteer, please contact Ruth Borchardt (336-8580). Bridgett Uhlig Bud Aprill Gerald Pludeman Usher Usher Tristen Tucker Doug Siebert Lay Reader NONE Steve Druckrey Mark Sprague NONE Sacristan Polly Nienow S&L Druckrey Dan Mannisto 6:30pm 13-May Polly Nienow Jodie Ellingson Greeter Llew Kramer 10:45am 10-May Elmer Nienow Bryan Nehring 8:45am 10-May Linda Haag Elmer Nienow Joanne Pludeman Greeter 6:30pm Lyndon Zoellner 10:45am 8:45am 6-May Doug Siebert 3-May 3-May Elder Date May REDEEMER WORSHIP VOLUNTEERS Llew Kramer 10:45am 31-May HAPPY BIRTHDAY! May 1 2 5 6 8 9 11 12 13 15 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Jamie House Melanie Lanser Alex Smith Naomi Kosbab Joshua Moede Diane Buchert Ricky Gerrits Wanda Hilke Kelly DeGrave Wendy Delvoye Mae Aprill Dolores Niermann Laura Kahl Cecelia Chlopek Kristina Hazen Tricia Kiley Douglas Laatsch Sharon Staats Kimberly Schuyler Keith Larsen Todd Nau Joyce Siekmann Patricia Ahtonen Jordan Jensen Analisa Davis Carol Kuske Danielle Sternberg Thomas Jablonski Steven Druckrey Marjory Holmes Neil Anderson Jeffrey Herman John Kiley John Kern Levi Goin Sherry House Sara Krouse Chad Radtke Sandra Desormier Sharon Eichman Polly Mikkola Laurie Thyes Michael Steltenpohl Keturah Van Lanen Gladys Meath Happy Anniversary! May 5 8 11 12 14 16 17 22 25 29 31 James & Wendy Delvoye Sr Richard & Virginia Somers Fidel & Kristin Arellano Jr. Byron & Mae Aprill Gary & Barbara Behnke Lorin & Lorri Sternberg Frederic & Phyllis John Bryan & Jennifer Nehring Mark & Andrea Inman Craig & Teresa Hurlbert Steven & Rose Wassenberg Michael & Lori DeGrave Brad & Rebecca Van Lanen Timothy & Patricia Ahtonen Phillip & Marjory Holmes David & Sharon Strehlow Upcoming Events May 3 May 10 May 17 June 22-25 June 26-28 Confirmation Mother’s Day Last Day of Sun School Vacation Bible School Redeemer Camp Out Official Acts Transferred Out John, Deb, Noah, Faith, & Micah Pieper to: Hope Lutheran, DePere, WI Bruce & Laura Schiefelbein to: Alleluia Lutheran, Green Leaf, WI Church Office Hours: Monday –Friday 1-5pm Note: The Church office is located in the school building. | 9 10| Contact the Church Office to add events to the Redeemer Lutheran Church Calendar. 920-499-1033 or [email protected] Office Hours: Monday - Friday 1-5pm May 2015
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